Rich. Snowden The Elite Grocery Watch this space for Stock-taking Bargains next week RD. SNOWDEN, ■i.- T/- .• -y-'y. V L '-'. v f--X >_ / : . --V X" BOWMANVILLE, JAN. 4, 1917 BETHESDA Postponed concert will be held on Friday Friday Jan. I2th when a first-class program will be given consisting of music and readings readings by local talent; also a play entitled "The Deacon's Tribulation", in four acts, by Bethesda Dramatic Club. Admission 25c and 15c. Be there with your friends. I-2W. Edger sells elegant cutters ENFIELD DARLINGTON COUNCIL. Mr. James Hepburn, Dakota, and Mrs. J. Gray, Toronto, recently yisited at Mr A. OrmistQp's.... Mr. L-. Griffin, Enniskillen, Enniskillen, at Mr. Thos. Wottén's. .Mr. and Mrs. B. Powell with Oshawa friends.... Mr. and Mrs. H. Stinson and' family, Pontypool, at Mr. J. Stinson's Mr. and Mrs. Sam. Bray with Mr. and Mrs. Geou J. Bray, Toronto Mr. L. C. Pascoe was re-elected school trustee at the annual meeting... .Mrs. Arthur Ormiston is improving improving nicely.. . .Mr. Roy Scott was home from Kingston.... Mr. and Mrs. John McCullough visited at Oroiio Miss Leona Alexander and Miss Olive Trull, Oshawa, with relatives here People here are hauling coal from Bow- manville harbor. HAMPTON Phone 243 Bowman ville Annual Stocktaking Sale at F- A. HADDY 8c SON'S Previous to our annual stock-taking we will clear out the following odd lines at cost or less. This is your opportunity to save a few dimes-- every dime counts these days. Matches--Silent Parlor Matches 13c, reg 15c; 8c, reg 10c Pancake Flour--Buckwheat Flour, self-raising 2 for 25c Laundry Soap--Large Bars 2 for 25c Jelly Powders--All flavors 8c Snider's Tomato Catsup--Regular 25c 19c Teas--Grand value in bulk teas, green, black, or mixed, 40c lb 3 lbs for $1.00. Nothing to be'at them at the price Toilet Soap--Regular 3 for 25c special 19c Coffee (extra Special)--English Breakfast Coffee...25c per lb Uur special blend 34c, 3 lbs for $1.00. Best value in town Baking Powders--3 lines to clear, regular 20c and 25c values, 2 for 25c. A snap and guaranteed satisfactory. Tooth Picks--Good quality 3 for 10c Olives--A large stock and extra value 10c line for 8c, 15c line 2 for 25c., Yoc lines for 19c, 35c lines for 28c Canned Beets--Special purchase, small pickling btxc^..-..; 3 tins for 25c Dutch Cleanser 8c Biscuits--Jelly Biscuits 15c lb Canned Peaches--A real bargain 15c tin Rolled Oats--The best quality..... 5| lbs for 25c This is not the complete list. Call and see for yourself: We will be plesed to take your order and send your goods Mr. T. A. Brown, Musical Director, Ottawa Normal School, visited his brother Mr. I. L. Brown Mr. T. B. Hoidgje at Mr. A. B. Crvderman's. Mrs. W. Bur nett, Markham, is visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Cryderman and other relatives relatives here Mr. Lloyd Ward and Frank Cryderman were delegates to the I Boys' Conference held at Lindsay last week Pte: L. Spry "Beavers" Toron to, spent New Years with his parents Mr. and Mrs. J. Spry Miss L. White, Port Hope, at Mr. Thos. Elliott's Miss L. Ruse, Miss E. Clark, Clarence Martyn, I Orville Clark, Toronto, and Russel Rowe, I Oshawa, at their homes Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Lang and family, Blackstock, spent New Years at Jacks' Bros Mr. and Mrs J. H. Wilcox spent New Years with I friends in Bowmanville Mr. and Mrs. H. Wilcox, Sr., with their daughter Mrs. I A. Wilcox, Toronto Mr. Robert Hooey, Harold and Marion, Cameron, vis- ited Mr. Jos. Clatworthy, who was well enough to sit up at short intervals Mr. Hilton Peters who has been enjoying the holidays at home has returned to the O. A. G, Guelph. Town Hall Hampton, Dec. 28th, 1916. Final meeting of Council for 1916 was held this day, members all present; Reeve Stanley presiding. Minutes of last meeting read and approved. approved. Com. From G. T.R. with copy of letter to D. R. Commission re change of location location of Darlington Railway station; filed. Com, frorn C. P. R. re complaint of J D. Hoar, vras filed for further reference. Com. from C. P.-R., re complaint of W. R. Pickell, on motion of Coun, Courtice, seconded by Dep. Reevé Stephens, the Clerk was instructed to reply stating that the culvert put across public highway immediately immediately north of C. P. R. between lots 30 and 31 is still unsatis'actory and that Mr. Pickell refuses to take the extra water. The Collector of Taxes was allowed an extension of time for collection of Taxes to January 8.h, 1917. Treas. acknowledged receipt of $1.00 from Levi Morris for rent of road allow ance. These orders were drawn on Treasurer: J. S. Moorcraft, Grant Agrl Soc $ 50 00 35 50. 00 00 70 00 10 50 80 4 12 9 37 17 20 25 00 W. H. Dustan, nails H. Wilcox, Cowling's bridge, Treas. Tp. Cartwright, work, J. C. Montgomery, work in pit H. Elliott, supplies, J. Montgomèry, gravel S. J. Honey, " W.R. Clemens, W. F. bonus Percy Langmaid, " W. H. Wood, « W. R. Allin, stationery, etc M. A. James, ptg and advt. Mrs. F. Cator, cari J. Wight Dr. Beith, Abigal Johnston, services, J. G. Burns, salary, A. H. Brent, Council services Thos. Baker u G. A. Stephens, " " Tas. Stanley, " " W. R. Courtice " " A. E; Jennings, salary, W. R. Allin, balance of salary Statutory meeting for 1917 will be held on Monday, January 8th,at II a. m. W. R Allin, Tp. Clerk. 00 30 35 30 49 2 40 2 50 60 2 40 00 IOO 00 The Churches "Rev. W. S. Blyth, Oakville, preached in St. "John's church onSunday. Capt. the Rev. H. B. Kenny occupied his own pulpit iri Cobourg Methodist church Christmas Sunday. . Rev. G. A. McLean, pastor of the Whitby Whitby and Brooklin Baptist churches for the past six years, has resigned and acceptée a call to Orillia. Rev. P. W. Currie, minister of Black- stock and Enniskillen Presbyterian churches, churches, has resigned and accepted a call to Foxboro Presbyterian church. Sunday Jan. 7th Rev. G. C. Weisman will speak in the morning on "Prayer" andin the'evening on "The First Com' mandment". Come, you are welcome. Capt. the Rev. H. B. Kenny was given a cordial.and hearty welcome on Sunday when he visited thistown and preached to his. former congregation in the Methodist church in the evening, speaking from the words in I Sam. 16, "17 18. His address was to young men and was very greatly enjoyed by the very large congregation. The choir was u ider direction of Prof. Laugher and sang several splendid thems. Miss Florence L. Van Nest sang very sympathetically the solo "Jesus Lover of My Soul" at the morning service and in the evening Mrs. T. E Knowlton of Toronto not only sang the solo in one of the anthems, but rendered another fine solo--"Beyond the "Dawn"--that gave great pleasure to all as her singing always does NOTICE TO PATRONS See Edger's new cutters. MAPLE GROVE F. A. Haddy & Son Phone 62 Bowmanville I !:omKSSS*.. . g#e#eeeeee##ee##e#e##*eeeg House Furnishings ! Now the New Year is here you will want something new in furniture. Our goods are new, and while everything is advancing, advancing, our expense of carrying on business has gone away down more than enough to counterbalance counterbalance the extra raise in prices that every-merchant is crying. All Ï want you you to do is to call and see what we have and get our prices % * e m * e This week see our $3.90 Iron and Brass Bed Alan M. Williams, Phone 58 or 159 Bowmanville : $ m * : $ 8 * Miss Edna Snowden spent the week-end at Mr. W. H. Densem's.... Miss Lyra Trenouth, Hampton, spent Christmas with Miss Edna Snowden... .Mrs. W. J. Snowden was called to Oshawa Monday evening owing to the illness of her mother Mrs. Grace Everson Pte. Leonard Pearson, 235th Battalion, Campbellford, spent the week-end with his brother Mr. Arthur Pearson Miss Vera Power is spending the holidays with friends in town Messrs Morley Burgess and Raymond Snowden delegates to the boys conference Lindsay, will give their report next Sunday Sunday ... .Rev. H. B. Neal of Bowmanville, is expected to occupy the pulpit next Sun- day.... Mr. George Phipps, St. Williams, Mrs. Phipps, Whitby, Miss Phipps, Toronto, Toronto, Mr. James Burnet, Newmarket,. spent Xmas at Mr. F. Swallow's Miss Vera Baker, Solina, spent a few days with her sister Mrs. L. C.Snowden ... Snowden reunion was held at Mr. Thos. Snowden's on New Years Day when all had a good t'me... .The Wilkins--Munday, re union was held at Mr. J. H. Munday's on New Years Day, all having a jolly good time. Pte. Russell and Armond Dephew, Toronto, Toronto, visited Mrs, Wm. Jeffrey and other friends.... A basket social under ausp'ces. of S. O. T. will be held in Sons' Hall, Tuesday January 9. All ladies invited to bring baskets. Good program. Proceeds to repair hall. Edger, Bowmanville, for cutters. A meeting of the patrons of Hampton Batter and Cheese Factory will be held in the Town Hall, Hampton, on Saturday, Jan. 20th, 1017, at 2 p.m. for receiving annual report of last season's business. An earnest request is extended to every patron to be present. l-3w W. B. Allin, Secretary. For Sale a Snap Reason for selling going West. A pair of Solid "Brick Houses, 7 rooms, newly decorated, sanitary plumbing, electric light and furnace, best locality in Bowmanville, Bowmanville, next lot to J. Lyle, Queen-st. Price $4,300, part cash. Aiso % acre lot with frame structure on corner of Queen and Durham-sts, a suitable place for carpenter carpenter or painter. A dandy lot for a farmer farmer to build a new home in town. 5 minutes minutes walk to High School, day school or Post Office. Apply Mrs. P. W. Robinson, Robinson, Queen-st., Bowmanville, box 402. We Guarantee Meat of Quality. When purchasing meat from us you are always sure of the best Quality and full weight. This is the secret of our success. If you are not a regular customer of ours become one today and" send in a trial order. C. M. CAWKER &Son Phone 64. Bowmanville SFi Hampton mils & 1 g The mill has been thoroughly renovated and is now ready for all kinds of work.. Thanking all our customers for past patronage and soliciting a continuance of same or any new ones. Chas. Horn, Hampton Phone 129 r 6 EBENEZER e################# Mr. Edwin Worden is continuing to improve. improve. ... Mrs. J. Brent still continues very poorly... .Several from here attended Maxwell's school concert, Mr. Jesse Ar- not, teacher. It was a fine success.... Mr. S. J. Courtice, B. A., Oshawa, and wife, recently visited his brother Councillor Courtice Epworth League was well attended. Mr. H. F. Osborne gave a strong address on "Intemperance" which was worthy of the cause. The program included: piano solos Misses M. Penfound and Margaret Abernethy; reading, Miss I. Worden; solo, Miss A. Courtice. Lesson was read by Miss V. Bickle Mr. Chas. Worden, Roleau, Sask., is here for his annual annual visit to his parents and familv.... Miss Annie Holt was home for holidays .... Remains of Mrs. A.. J. Courtice were laid to rest here on Thursday afternoon. A large and sympathetic crowd attended Miss Elsie E. Rundle, Bethesda, visited visited her sister Mrs. Esli Oke Mr. and Mrs. Hare, sr., Markham, spent New Years at Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Rundle's ... Wm. Terry's little daughter Gladys had the misfortune on Sunday to fall on a 'ead pencil which entered the eye, puncturing it. Medical aid was summoned and it is hoped the sight will be saved é ... Howard Courtice returned to Ottawa on Monday . .Miss Ruth Percy, Toronto, spent holidays holidays at S. S. Brooks' The O. M. L. sur veying party were working along Kingston Kingston road recently. Hope it means a cement cement highway Mrs. Braund, Oshawa, spent the week-end with Mrs. Geo. Van Dyke Glad to see Elmer Rundle down for the New Year holiday Sunday audiences were large and our choir rendered rendered a portion of their Xmas music which was much appreciated Mr. and Mrs. S. Pickell visited relatives in U. S. during holidays Mr. Otis Worden, Winnipeg, spent Sunday with his parents. He is returning returning to Toronto teaching staff.... Rabbit Rabbit hunting and Skating are enjoyed by many.... Mrs. Ann Brooks spent Monday at Zion.... Misses Lyla Osborne? and Lu- ella McCalpin returned to Toronto on Tuesday to resume teaching National Service cards are being signed up in our community....Frank Everson visited his mother at Oshawa on Sunday W. R. Courtice attended council session at Hampton on Thursday....H. Balson conducted conducted Review at Base Line S. S. on Sunday. Sunday. ...Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Worden, Ottawa, at his home....Mrs. Simon Pen- found returned Friday from visiting her sisteratColumbus... .Schools began Wednesday Wednesday w th Misses Van Nest, Allin and Lear in charge. W. Edger. sells Broçkville cutters. < m • m ! iMjif I ; 1 ! il" 11 mi iv j » 8 in We extend \ best wishes for a Bright, Happy and Prosperous New Year to one and all SKATES The best makes in all the sizes for ladies and gentlemen and young people. Hockey, Rink and Fancy Skating Also Winter Sporting Goods: Snow Shoes Toboggans Hockey Sticks Sleighs, etc Pucks, Ankle Supports Sole Agents RICE & CO., Phone 66 V X. j « Stock-taking Sale Don't fail to drop in and get a few of the many stock-taking bargains this month. There are some excellent excellent values and it will pay you to come in. Highest Price for Butter and Eggs Phone 65 AlTClll© T3,lt y Bowmanville The Reliable Grocery House Satisfied Customers The public's confidence has been the keynote of our success. success. We are adding new customers daily. There must be a reason. Try our bread, cakes or pastry, and you will be convinced that we sell nothing but the best^ that can be had. Have you tried our homemade homemade candy ?*' It is delicious. delicious. Thomas Tod Baker ând Confectioner Phone 3 Bowmanville Coal &t Wood Best grades of Coal only kept, also Wood of all kinds. If you have not ordered your Winter supply yet, you had better do so as it is liable to advance any day. E. W. LOSCOMBE Standard Banh Building, Temperance St. Phone 177 The Store of Quality ând Service. Washing machines at F. O. Mason's. Floor Oil--all kinds--only Seventy Five Gents a gallon at F. O. Mason's. Farmers save 25% by buying blankets at F. O. Mason's as they were ordered a year ago last August. Couch, Johnston & Cryderman are still shoeing a Superb Stock of Ladies' and Children's Plush and Cloth Coats, all made, up in the very latest styles. Automobile Skates at F. O. Mason's _The famous 5/T horse blankets at F O. Mason's. See the variety of washing machines at F. O. Mason's. Do you need a new cutter? See A. W. Pickard before buying. i/Old weather is coming, ice will soon be good. Get your skates ready. Mason & Dale have just the kind you need. /