II. 5° a year in advance; $1.50 to United States. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO, CANADA, THURSDAY, JANUARY 11, 1917 Volume. LXIII No 2 Couch, Johnston & Crydçrman Have laid out Twenty-five Ladies' Coats to be sold at Half Price _S and all other Coats in stock to be"sold at rëduced prices Mayor Mitchell s Annual Address The inaugural session of the Town C uucil was held on Mond iy fordhoon. and A substantial reduction will be made in the price of all kinds of Furs Couch, Johnston & y Cryderman Rehder, Enough floney is spent for spectacles and eyeglasses every year to supply strictly high grade properly fitted glasses W ANTED--100 men between 20 and 30 whose hair is getting thin, to test the merits of Rex- all Hair Grower. If Rexall Hair Grower fails to stop hair from falling out it does not cost you one cent. There is nothing finer on the market. 2 sizes, 50c and $1.00. Jury <k Lovell. Mayor-- J. B. Mitchell;Reeve-- F. H. Mason; and Councillors--L. Cornish, Thos S. Holgtite, T H. Knight, Christian Christian Rehder, Robb. C:peland r Willard ! Stevens, all took the oath of office before before the Clerk, Mr. John,Lyle, J. P. Thr Clerk read the election report showing that all members of Council were elected by acclamation. After adoption of minutes of last regular meeting, it was moved by Mr. Cornish seconded by Mr. Holgate that the following be the Standing Committees Committees for 1917, the first name being chairman: Standing Committees Finance and Printing--Mason, Cornish, Holgaie, Mayor. Roads and Streets --Knight, Mason, Mason, Copeland. Property--Rehder, Holgate, Cornish. Cornish. Fire and Water--Holgate, Knight, Copeland. Cemetery--Copeland, Knight, Stevens. Poor Relief--Stevens, Cornish, Mason. Police--Cornish, Rehder, Mason. Court of Revision--Cornish, Stevens, Stevens, Knight, R hder, Mayor. Manufacturers--Mayor, Mason, Knight, Holgate. Waterworks and Sewage--Rehder, Sewage--Rehder, Mayor, Mason. By-Laws were put through to authorize authorize a loan up to $.i5,00J tô meet current current expenditure, if necessary; to levy dog-tax : $2 for first dog and $3 for each additional; $5 for a bitch and $6 for each add'i; to appoint David Keith and Howard Jullow auditors of town accounts at $25 a year each ; to appoint Dr. Hazlewobd, M H. O., R. Jarvis, Sanitary Inspector and J. Pattinson member Board of Health; to appoint A. L. Nichols High School Trustee. On motion of Copeland--Knight Mayor Mitchell's expenses to Ottawa --$20, was ordered to be paid. Moved by Mason--Cornish that an inscription plate bearing name of donor and date be placed on the public drinking drinking fountain given te the town by Mr. L. A. W. Tole in 1914. It being 12 o'clock Council adjourned to 8 p. m. when Mayor Mitchell read his 0th annual address as follows: January 8th, 1917. To the Reeve and Councillors of the town of Bowman ville -- Gentlemen:--It is proper that I should be allowed to thank the electors electors for their marked ex pres-ion of confidence confidence in permitting.me to be elected by acclamation to the office of the chief executive officer of the town. I congratulate the citizens on their selection selection of Reeve and Councillors MAYOR J. B. MITCHELL for every one in West Durham gi< The trouble is that a lot of the money is wasted by purchasing tea that do not fit. Nearly half the business we do is for people who have paid nearly twice our price and then find they have to come to us to get them properly fitted. F armers, attention i-- if you have any young pigs, select the worst one of the lot and feed it on our stock food, tn six weeks if it is not the best one of the lot your money will be gladly returned. We sold one customer a pail on these terms a short time ago--ssince then he has ordered over 8 pails. It pays to test this offer. Jury <fc Lovell. The enormous quantities we buy for our various stores enables m to sell strictly first quality for less money than many charge for 2nd and 2 rd quality. Jury & Lovell When We Test Eyes It is Done Properly F OR LADIES ONLY--If the lines of age are beginning to show, use our Cold Cream at night and Vanishing Vanishing Cream in the daytime. You will soon notice a marked improvement improvement in your appearance. Jury & Lovell. Eggs were never so High in Price t ? If your hens are not laying you are foolish not to take advantage advantage of our special offer to return you the fall price if you try our poultry food and are not satisfied with results. The price of eggs and poultry of -all kinds is soaring beyond all former records. but our price remains the same (AM to»?' mos t reliable Poultry Tock Foods, Calf Meal, if you buy any of them from*us and are not satisfied that you have saved money by deeding it, all you nave to do is bring back the empty package anr? get your money. Phone 78 and we will send it to any address on Rural Route. Jury & Lovell The Reliable Druggists Save Money Raising Calves Without Milk We sell the best Calf Meal on the market. Sell your milk at big prices, and buy our Calf Meal and you will get far better results for your investment. Phone 78 and we will send it to any R. R. address. Jury & Lovell, Headquarters for Stock and Poultry Foods of all kinds A horse for sale will bring far more money when it is in good condition. Our Stock Food will make Horses, Cattle, Hogs, etc., healthy and thrifty. No Food on the market is sold with such a wide open, liberal guarantee. Just think of it. All you have to . do is bring back the empty package and get your money if you are not satisfied with re=ults. Jury & Lovell. my opinion there has not been centred around this Board for many years, a Council which, taken as a u hole, more truly represents the business interests of the town. I trust you will show the same interest in the municipality's affairs as you do in your own priva e business I expect much of you and am confident that no citizen will be disappointed in the. work of this Board for the year 1917. As stated in my Address last year, every member of the Council must be free and must J have every opportunity to give expression expression to his opinions on every subject which conies before you for consideration.. consideration.. There should be no factious divisions, no shutting out of individual individual responsibilities. Every act should be the result of careful consideration by each and'every one of us. There must be no secret sessions of a majority majority meeting together to decide issues and then push their views through this Council Board. Such a course would bring us into contempt and would not be in the interests of the obligations we are charged with carrying out. I must congratulate last year's Council for using their utmost endeavors to keep down expenditure in the various committees. I again appeal to you to use the same good judgment to curtail expenditure in every department of the Council consistent with the best interests of the town. As I stated in my- previous address, this dreadful war in which we, as loyal Canadians, are taking a most active part, has placed upon the Government and upon usas individuals, ,fche absolute absolute necessity of conserving all our means so that we may be better prepared prepared to meet the great monetary demands demands which our duty is placing upon us. The people of this country are beginning beginning to realize this idea unqualifiedly unqualifiedly and the spirit of the times is compelling compelling us to cut out all luxuries and all things which are not classed as absolute absolute necessities. At the same time, in our private offairs as well as .our municipal responsibilities while practising practising economy, we must do this in a manner consistent with the best interests interests of the town. I asked . your hearty co-operation last year in adopting a proper and reasonable line by which antagonism to our industries and public utilities, such as railroads, might be eliminated so that we could earn their esteem, , confidence and consideration, for much more can be attained in this way than by bluster and petty annoyances. My first public duty upon assuming office last year was to ask the manu facturera and business men of the town to go with me to Toronto to wait on Mr. C H. Carli-le, Général Manager Manager of the Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co., and to assure him of our best wishes for the company and that the future of the town depended to a large extent on their success here. We were received received by Mr. Carlisle and Mr. Koken very courteously and matters pertaining pertaining to the interests of the town were fully and frankly discussed. I am sure every member of the large Relegation Relegation which went to Toronto was very much impressed by the kindly manner in which we were received "in the mag- nificent offices of the Goodyear Co. A better feeling now exists between the town and the Goodye r Co., and l am pleased to inform the citizens of Bowmanville Bowmanville i hat I called on Mr. Carlisle It is ! a short time ago, after his return from TO OUR SUBSCRIBERS We thank the many subscribers who have promptly paid us for this journal for 1917. We are spending more money and energy than ever before to make tùe paper worth all we ask for ifc and, therefore, are glad to receive so many prompt renewals accompanied in very many cases by kind words and good wishes. War conditions have compelled an advance in price but only a very few persons complain about that. We are delighted over, the magnanimous spirit shown by our subscribers in this regard. Publisher» •like many other manufacturers, have to pay an advance of from 50 to 300 per cent for stock and other things, so that this spirit of "Live and let live" shown by our patrons is exceedingly gratifying to us, and our aim shall continue to be "to give full value for the money paid to us. MR. MASON RETURNS TTF.RR LT-COL. J. A. SHAW, D. S. 0. Succeeds the Late Mr. Cann nc Hit Insurance Office PLUM PUDDING IN FRANCE E NCYCLOPÆDIA FOR SALE-- Cost $150.00, sale price $35.00. It has never been opened'--16 volumes. This is not the price of the binding alone. A snap--call and see it before it is too late. Jury & Lovell. M arine glass for sale-- Magnifies 45 times. A very fine instrument. We have never had as big a bargain before and do not expect one again. Price $10.00. Jury & Lovell. X MAS STATIONERY AT HALF PRICE--Every one knows how the price of paper is advancing, so this opportunity should appeal to you. We have some Xmas boxes of very fine quality left over, also some cheaper, lines. We will clear the lot at prices that are fully half what the same goods are worth if we bought them now. Jury <fc Lovell. Grateful For Useful Presents Somewhere'in France, Dec. 17, 1916 Mrs. Lou Williamson, Poutypool, Dear Aunt--I received your most welcome parcel yesterday and certainly certainly is very handy heater. I got ifc as I was leading on the machine gun. I am away from the boys at present but will join them in a feyy days time. I wont receive any mail then, but J. Nelson is keeping it for me. ,We have a good bunch of officers and Sergeants over here. They even beat the bunch we had in Camp. They have all been in the trenches, so they know what ifc is like and cannot do too much for us fellows in the way of comfort. Well, I have used the heater as one of the boys had received a plum pudding so we warmed it up and had ifc for supper. supper. Ifc vyas a dandy, too. I do not know how to thank you enough for it. I must soon go to bed--it is nearly 9 o'c ock and ifc is Sunday. You know I always went to bed early when at home--at least mother used to say so. I must close now, will try to write more next time. Thank you again so much for heater, socks and tobacco. Everett. England, and discussed matters with him in the interests of the town. Mr. Carlisle assured me then thaj;, notwithstanding notwithstanding that they are building a large factory in New Toronto, the factory at Bowmanville wou'd be maintained 1 here and run to its full capacity. The state of the finances of the town when we were installed last year was one complete tangle but by the exercise of common sense, I am pleased to say that, although we had to face a deficit of several thousands of dollars and a ■County rate several thousand dollars higher than usual and grants were made for Patriot ic purposes amounting amounting to about $2000, we kept the rate of taxation about normal; and had ifc not been for the enormous increase in the County rate, over which we have no control, we would have been able to reduce the rate to 22 mills. We were enabled to keep the rate down by rigid economy in all departments of Council and the splendid surplus in the Water Works Department of $2,800.00 over and above expenditure. In conclusion, I will say that I have not attempted to outline any plans which involve expenditure expenditure of money during the present year. This is no time for launching out on a spending campaign. Conservation Conservation of our resources must be our constant watchword and while the storm clouds are prominent, we have every reason to be thankful. Britain and her Dominions are fighting together together for the liberty of the world and the advancement and elevation of humanity. humanity. Do not despair, there is a good time coming for our dear Canada and our splendid town of Bowmanville. Amongst the Canadians in France who received the Distinguished Service Order i at New Year, is (an old and well-known ' bowmanville boy,) Lieut. Col. John A. Shaw of Toronto, and son of the late George S. Shaw, a West Durham farmer, well known to many of the olderresidents of south east Darlington and Bowmanville. He was a pupil of the Public and High School in this town, and moved to Toronto Toronto with the family in 1890, and shortly after after locating there, joined "B" Company of the Queen's Own Rifies, of which Sir. Henry Pellatt was then Major. After putting in seven years with this Battalion, he obtained his discharge, but two or three years later, his fondness for military work led him to again enlist, aud this time he joined the Army Service. Corps then being organized by Col. J. G. Langton, and with this branch of the service service he has remained, rising by successive steps to his present rank, which was given him shortly before leaving in the Spring of 1915 for Overseas duty. He went to England as Senior Supply Officer of the Divisional Train with the 2nd Canadian Division, and reached France on September, 10th, 1915. Shortly Shortly after his Division went to the Somme front in August last, Lieut Col. Shaw was promoted to a Command of his own, and is at present with the Imperial Forces as Officer Commanding the Army Service Corps of the Indian Cavalry Brigade, now known as the Fourth Cavalry Division < f the British Expeditionary Force. His former school mates and other friends of the Homeland of Durham will be glad to hear of his good service in the cause of the Allies at the Front. We are pleased to announce the return to Bowmanville of a former well knowa resident, Mr. John J. Mason, Ex-Mayor of the town, and who for many years carried carried on business here, has purchased the business of the late Mr. Harry Cann and is now in charge of the office. Mr. Mason having had a long business training and during the time he has resided resided in Toronto has had much experience in Real Estate, Fire and Life Insurance, should, it seems to us, be the right Man is the right place. We welcome him back to the town and feel assured that he will receive the liberal liberal patronage of the public, the citizens of Bowmanville and vicinity. His announcement announcement appears in another part of this issue. GIVEN ANOTHER PURSE. TEA ROOM MENU 25c For Saturday, Jan. 13th, 1917. Hot Roast Beef Mashed Potatoes Cabbage Salad Bread and butter Raspberry Tarts, 5c Lemon Pie, 5c Cake 5c; Tea er Coffee 5c. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Keys were given another surprise on Thursday evening by a number of their older acquaintances is town who called to pay their respects. Major Mitchell read this brief address: Mr. and Mrs- Keys Dear Friends--We, a few of your older friends, have called on you this evening; feeling that we could not let this, vour 501 h anhiversary^of vour wedding day, go by without some expression of our appreciation of you. We can easily realize- realize - when we look at you, the bride and groom of 50 years ago, that Father Time has dealt kindly by vou. As neighbor and friend we have always found you kind- hearted* and generous to a fault. You have endeared yourselves to many of us, in that your home and hearts have always been ready to welcome us. We ask you to accept this purse not as a gauge of our feelings, but as,a small token and expression expression of our esteem. Short, congratulatory addresses were made by Major Mitchell, Mr. David Morrison, Thomas Tod, E. P. Dancaster and Editor James. Mrs. John McIntyre at tlft: proper time presented Mrs. Keys with a well-filled purse. To say that Mr. Keys made a happy acknowledgment is a mild way of expressing it--he made a capital response. Those who could remain spent a social evening. OPERA HOUSE Saturday Evening, JANUARY 13 The United Producing 1 Co*, present A Star Revival of the funniest show in the whole wide world THE PENNY BANKS Dear Mr. Tames--What is the reason that Bowmanville Public Schools take so' little interest in the Penny Bank ? The report for the year ending June 30, 1916, shows that the amount to the credit of Bowmanville Schools was only $329 39. Oshawa had $3.388.12, Port Hope $1746 46, Lindsay $1051.28, Barrie $2533.64. Brampton Brampton $1122 56, Campbellford $1387 17, Col- lingwood $223493, Goderich $1120.04, Midland $1726 32, Paris $164607, Swansea $1385 55- These are towns about the size, of Bowmanville. Of course, the cities have much larger amounts. Toronto had in June $175,719 58. The total amount on deposit in the Penny Bank at the end of November was $324,824 55. The average for each child attending school for all cities and. towns in Canada for September was 30 cents--for Bowmanville 4 cents. ~ James L. Hughes. Possibly the Principal and his staff of teachers can answer Dr. Hughes. We are surprised to hear how little interest is shown by the children in this aggressive and prosperous town--never in better financial financial condition than now--EDITOR. Take wife and cuildren or your best girl to see the famous War Pictures in St. John's Parish Hail next Monday evening --15c.admission only. | From Brazil--where the nuts come from ! Exactly Same Superb Company and Scenic Production that played the Grand Opera House, Toronto, to capacity houses. Brimming; over with laug*hs • and; Good Clean Comedy Brings back the days of your childhood, and makes you feel young again Popular Prices--$1.00, 75c, 50c, 35c Seats on Sale at Mitchell's Drug* Store "v Is; m m i m Ü tiï, <ë i i Mm \ 1. •> Si