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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Jan 1917, p. 6

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Let Him Help Himself To mmjmm oornSsyrdp r wCj do nacre then hi* craving for "someth In* swee t" '--l twin supply theiood element* needed to betid op his little body and help him to gain In health and strength. "Grown Brand" la a wholesome, nourishing nourishing food--a* well a* the meet delicious of table syrup*. The redoes In our new book. 1 Dessert* and Candle*", will tell you just how to use It, In many nor*l way*. Write for a copy to cur Montreal Office. Dealers everywhere have "Crown Brand" In 2, 5, 10 and 20 pound tins--and 3 pound glass Jars. THE CANADA STARCH CO. LIMITED MONTH CAL. CARDINAL, BRANTFORD, FORT WILLIAM. Maker* of" Lily White" Com Syrup, Benson's Com Starch and "Silver Gloss" Laundry Slarch, Useful Recipes Officers Quarters in Dugout Mirrors, Easy Chairs and Pictures. The German front in the West, the London Times tells ns* is like a nuge village that- is strung out along - a road three hundred miles fong. Of course the houses jure all underground. Still they are houses of one or two * sugar, stir and cook in the hot mix- 5°? r , s ' built according to certain ot- THE PRACTISE OFECONOMY EXPERIMENTS TO REGULATE PERSONAL OUTLAY. under the stress caused by the great war now raging, some countries have already resorted to them again, and others are beginning to advocate them. But although in. our times, under normal conditions, the bounds beyond which expenditure becomes extravagant extravagant are no longer fixed by law, it does not follow that there are none. They are now established by the common judgment of mankind founded founded on long experience. They are not! one Ç U P> butter, two tablespoon- A delicious pudding is made with ture, : until the spoon, is coated , with deaigs. , The main entrance cooked and stoned prunes spread over custard. Add the gelatin, softened t * through x1 a the bottom of a baking disband cover- in cold water, a grating of orange apparently ed with a rich biscuit dough. Serve rind, and stir over ice water, until the , so that hundreds come hot with cream and sugar or hard mixture begins to stiffen. • • . ^ c ^ 0T ^ r ° n one order, and, sauce. i Orange Snow Take six fine parts easily replaced. Ginger Snans--One cun lard one* oran « es * whites of four eggs, one ™ haavdy timbered doorway is cup sugar one cun svtud half cud pint whipped cream, half cup powder ™. ade t^ their measure. Inside, a boiling water, one Ls^Jrfuhlfkin^ ed *»***■ Slice the oranges after l°ea d f dow^etln^Jv nLw soda dissolved in the water, one table- peeIm S' Tem °f seeds, sprinkle sugar ^ " "** "*3*. spoonful ginger, one tàblespoonsful ° ver them before adding the snow SC e*dta!r r£,f H of 'th. cinnamon, one teaspoonful vanilla, half r ^ m - w î u ?î*. ls made thus: Beat the formed of minim, frame, ef cfe„f teaspoonful salt, a little grated nut- th =. jntü^ foammg, meg and flour for a pretty stiff dough. Cut with cookie cutter and bake quickly. Codfish Balls.--1 pound codfish, 1 Evtery Leal is of Virgin Quality Sealed Packets Only. Never in Bulk. Black, Mixed or Green* B217 Spending More Than You Can Afford on What is Not Necessary Is Extravagance. Extravagance is one of the words that remain loyal to their derivation. It means wandering beyond bounds, and is most often used with reference certain penalties imposed by the na- to the expenditure of money. ! tural low of cause and effect. W hat are the bounds, and who sets * The directions that extravagance , , takes are still the same as those it ! p axes. then add by degrees the sifted sugar. ^mber, with double top sills; the walls Whip the cream, which must be very are °f thick planks notched at the/top cold from standing on ice. When a " d bottom to fit the x frames, and very stiff beat in the orange slices find strengthen with iron tie-rods that run , ,, . , , . juice, adding as much as the cream and f**c>m, top/to bottom of _the stairs and vI!owL? U 9 te I™ .meringue will hold without be- with thick wooden struts at right coming soft. Place in glasses and an ^ es *° ^ie tie-rods, serve very cold. j At the foot of the stairs a tunneled Cider Apple Butter.--Use sweet cor ridor runs straight forward for cider of good quantity and apples P er haps fifty yards, and from it rooms that cook easily. Boil the cider down aad minor passages open on either one-half. Wash; peel, quarter and s *de. dn some of the dugouts a core the apples, carefully cutting out secon d staircase *léads to a lower all decayed spots. Boil together floor, which may be as much as thirty equal quantities of apples and boiled-. or f° r ty feet below the trench level, down cider. Boil the apples rapidly These staircases, passages and until they become so tender as to be rooms are usually completely lined TRUE JOY IN WORK To Give Ourselves, Our Very Best, To Throw Our Virtue Into Our Work, is to Win Happiness. (pared), 3 eggs, few grains cayenne. Soak fish severaUiours. Cook in fresh water until it flakes easily. Drain and put through food chopper. Add to potatoes which have been cooked and mashed. Add butterine, seasoning and eggs slightly beaten. Cool and shape into balls and fry in j deep fat. Ginger Fudge.--Sugar, two cups; "Throw Yourself Into Your Task." Romans, xii, 11. Olive Shreiner tells a story of 'an artist who painted a picture which excelled all other pictures in brilliancy, and its richness of • color endured, while the, pictures of other artists faded. They could not find out .the secret of his success until after his death, whenj they found a wound upon his breast; and so it appeared that he painted the picture with the blood of his heart, and that was why it was so beautiful and so lasting. Of which is quite commonly heard today, today, about hard work. All work ought to be hard; that is, demanding of the utmost of energy, if it is worm anything. Easy things amount to little. Hard work never hurts a man if he obeys the laws' of health for his body and keeps his heart happy and his mind free from worry. Indeed, it is this last--worry--that wears people out, not work., No man ever died from over-work. It was his anxiety, his doubt, his gloom that killed him. Work is a friend. Fervent in Spirit. The spirit must be fervent. them, within which individual citizens may spend monev ? In reference to has taken, because, in its essentials arbitrary like those prescribed by au- fu |f» vaallla - one-half teaspoonful; mushy, otherwise they will sink to the Wlt , h P lank s. In one typical dugout ! course it is. a parable" buTlike* manv thority, but vary from time to time salt > a pinch; ginger (crystallized),. bottom' and scorch. Continue the , eack section of a platoon had its al- parables, it carries a great lesson We according to circumstances and gen- ! ° n ®" half ca P> chopped fine. Put sugar, ; cooking more slowly. If the quantity !° tted P lace f or messing and sleeping, mus t give ourselves our verv best eral conditions. And disregard of] u !v er ' mdk and salt in saucepan to- i s small, run the aples through the lts own place for parade in a pas- to our task if we expect that task to them, although not punished as a pub-j ^ ^ a " dall ° w to boil 10 minutes, colander, place the pulp in a stone ,f age ' and its own emergency exit to be worthy and to en'dure. - We are lie offense, is followed by the more') ^- mtd ^ hai-dens when dropped into crock and cook it in a slow oven, stir- * he trench. In another, used as a told that when our Lord" healed the nriri fr °n the St ° Ve ring it at intervals of fifteen minutes; dressing station, there were beds for ] s i c k woman virtue went out of Him such th ing as "necessity" in a true anilla; beat until creamy, add otherwise stir it constantly from time thirty-two patients and a fhir-sized, (St. Luke viii 46). We cannot man ' s career; - "opportunity" must £ 01 ? r . butter ed pans to prevent it scorching and to make operating room.. A third, near ] fathom all'the meaning of those won- drive necessity away, for we are free, Cut into squares with a it smooth. If the butter is not ^ am etz, was designed to house three derful words but they surelv show not ruled by any taskmaster. "I love • ~' l - l hmidrpd mon nrifv. I.;»- .i . '• ■ - -- to," is the cry of God's child. Ah, That be worthy and to en'dure. - We are meaas that wem ust love our tasks, ; not hate them. There should be no u ered knife. smooth when it has the right consis- hundred men, with the needful kit- that our Christ gave^of'^His that Question it is interesting to no- both of strength and weakness, hu-j Apple Pudding.--One tency, add a little cider and continue cb ens, provision. and munition store- 1 strength that the sick woman might how that & ives the elastic step and ■ tice that in many countries the ex- man nature does not change. The -P °5„„^ epared Wheat pan " the boiling and stirring. Add sugar rooms, a well, a forge, an engine room be made .strong. In a measure we the singin S heart! The burning f and limiting by law the objects ànd spending more than you can afford for f ™ llk ' a j 1 ^ 16 nut " e f' ough to suit the ta ste. amounts of personal outlay. The mo- ! what are not really necessaries. That V* f* a . nd " 1, " i lives were sometimes military; the ; is 6 very elastic term. It is said that I puddln Æ dl , sh ;. la y m.tire ap- own périment has been tried of regulating commonest form of extravagance is j S rff, r ' ° n6 + 6gg ' at any time if butter is not sweet en- , and a motor room. Many of the cap- ; should do the same so far "as "we can spirit loags to have its share in the '■ ^ one-half ,un milk. « iiff.ip -- - - tured. dugouts were thus lighted by | -throw our virtue into our work and work God is doin ^ : « counts the days electricity. | so make that work effective ^ creative; it gives its fire to light In the officers' quarters there have] ! the lam P of progress and of its rulers believed that overindulgence in ! what w^ere luxuries in one age of the luxuries weakened the bodily strength : world becomes necessaries in another; and sapped the courage of the people, but it is easy to deceive yourself on That was the case with the Greeks, 1 that subject, "iou should remember especially the Lacedaemonians, and that you do not really need a thing also at different times with the Ro- : th e lack of which causes you no worse mans, the English and the French Sumptuary Laws. It was the opinion that citizens j would be less able to respond to the, Useful Hints. pies and pour the batter over them. This takes only about as long as the ordinary apple pie, and yet it is not : bp«vv Tf before taking a bath. Away With Laziness j warmth to drive away gloom and fear. Enthusiasm, zeal, courage, love and Singing, laughter, worship and praise z-i nTi + ï -i I vi r\ r* /in m n --u. n ---- _ J. _ ï. 1 ; 1 * « -- _ ■X suffering than that of ungratified de sire or unsatisfied pride.--Youth's Companion. demands of the state for revenue if j QUEEN THINKS OF POOR. ^aLrin 6 t0 W t S fi te . ', h 7 ? Ub ' I Her Majesty's Interest in Question of stance m gratifying artificial desires. , Sometimes again the motives were] Food Supply. I - moral. Indulgence in excesses was j Queen Mary, in view of her interest : nels, each separate from the other and sprip *" e t " em with a thick coating of been found full-length mirrors, com- An hour should elapse after a meal f ? rt . able bedsteads, cushioned arm- - - , , , = ^ fore taking a bath. chairs and some pictures. One room cheerfulness can do more to bless and have much to do with healthful toil. A linen case to hold a pair of rub- IS lined S lazed "sanitary" wall help ^f 11 . e Xf. n . h ^J nan kn °wledge. I, We have no right to make machines bers is an excellent gift paper, and the present English oc- cai ? not „ but thmk that men err in ex- ] of ourselVes when we may be splendid -, . . , . - - There is no use telling a bov to cupant is convinced by circumstantial altmg knowledge and dendmg feeling. ; living forces, throbbing vitality into ? on m just enough cold water to st doiir somethin - he ® ^t not to evidence that hi s predecessor lived Emotionalism may go to an extreme the task of hand or head. The very preven , t lt 1 burning at the bottom of do P un]ps f vnn shnw g h L h^ a° there with his wife and child. Clear-: and not accomplish a great deal in the, difficulties of our toil should lead us ly there was no expectation of an huma.n struggle, and yet it has a pow- j to draw new life from the spirit, and heavy or indigestible. It may be eateri with cream or a hard sauce. in v To Cook Rice.--After washing rice, I the pot, which should have a close fit- do \ unless you show h «n better to do ting cover, and with a moderate fire m . . ,, , „ the rice is steamed rather than boiled , ™ y r00 ^ should be wel1 scrub - until nearly done; then the cover is re- j be £ before pe f liag " . , . moved, the surplus steam and mois- ! S 1 " 6 ? 11 . ve Setables should always be ture, allowed to escape and the rice ! copked salted water, turns out a mass of snow-white ker- ! ... an P la ster-of-pans figures, early move. THE LATEST BATCH OF V.C.'s Make er which the greatest intellect can. that life will tell us that nothing is never have to soothe and comfort. impossible and that some time surely The heart and the head should not be ; the effort we make will have a crown- enemies, but friends, yet the heart] ing. Should be^ in many caaes the deciding ; Perhaps the third direction of St. thought not only to be a vice itself ' in the question of food supply, recent- j as much superior to the usual soggy •^ a ^ 6r 't, ^ en 13 dl Y _but to lead to other vices; and there- ly summoned Walter Runciman, pre-1 mass as a fine, meal potato is sup- Wl11 brusil off with the dry fore the government was empowered sident of the Board of Trade, to an ! ei "ior to the water-soaked article, to regulate and control the habits of audience at Buckingham Palace. It is ! White Cake Like China Dishes.-- the people. That was the Puritanic ( very unusual for the Queen to send j Take the yolks of two eggs and a idea. 1 Those laws were called and the mind. spoonful of salt and as much rosewater, rosewater, some carraway seeds and as much j for a Cabinet Minister. "sumptu- j The conference was a long one, the ary." They aimed at various specific Queen being particularly interested in! Hour as will make it a paste stiff en things, all of which, however, were of definite details as to how the proposed i ou £b t° roll* out very thin; if you the same general kind. They covered new food regulations would affect the J would have them like dishes you must excessive expenditures for buildings, poor, especially the working women i bake them on dishes buttered. Cut for funeral solemnities and for sepul- and women belonging to the so-called Hiem out into what work you please chral monuments; they limited the professional classes. From the very to cand y them. Take a pound of per- number of guests at banquets and beginning of the war, the Queen has j fumed su ^ ar and th e white of an egg marriage feasts, and also the charac- shown particular interest in the posi- ! and three or four spoonfuls of rose- Heroes Whose Brave Deeds Their Country Proud. The latest batch of Victoria Crosses powder. ~ i have been awarded to three officers j well from which flow enthusiasm, Clean your sewing machine fre J and two privates ' in English regi-j zeal > courage and cheer, quently if vou would havp irnod = pr _ men ts and a sergeant of an Irish regi- ! . ?t. Paul gives us three character- vice. Kerosene oil and absorbent cot- ment " AI1 distinguished themselves j ls t* cs of work : Not slothful, fervent ton are admirable for the purpose; £ ot ° nly for ^difference to danger, i and consecrated to the Lord. We follow with a good lubricator. i but for fi ulck thinking. In every case I n ^t he lazy. Slothfulness is one "I haven't enough suit hangers te ' tbe , mnner had rallied and led troops ! of the deadly sms--that is, it kills all hang my clothes.'* Roll up a thick under fire » had snatched victory from £°. od in as " we let it control us, and w X14U section of the newspaper, and tie a dafeat " For instance, Private Robert brings a host of other^sms m its train.) we could do nothing.--Rev. Floyd W. string around the middle with a loop. ; Eider, of the Middlesex, assumed com- j 1 have "ttle patience . with the cry, 1 Tomkins. That will do just as well. * j m »nd of his regiment when all the j -- To soften brown sugar that has be- ' °®cers had been killed or wounded, ' power. We are to ldve God with all] Paul is the finest and most inspiring our heart first; then come the soul j of all. We are serving the Lord as And the heart is the' 1 we workT 'He has given us our task. Man may seem to be the taskmaster, but, behind him stands the Lord of the Universe, our dear Friend. Work gains its everlasting significance significance from Him Whose we are and Whom we serve, for He has placed us here. He has allotted our tasks, and He works with us, and without Uim come lumpy pi™ it ta* a cloth^sack ' Ie ? f , a .^ emnant , of men forward, aad NEWS FROM ENGLAND and hold the sack over the steam W1 * b the aid of a Lewis gun cleared j f " Ll I llvlfl LiiiVjLifxlii/ ter and extent of the courses to be tion of middle-class women, women of ! W f ter ' f1 f t l r Un ^ . it: looks white; and from boiling^tea ketHe ^hi^is the trench in front of him and carried served; and they forbade the use of education and breeding, who have ! »". te «. cold ^°, "f easier than rolling tt on" the bread!-t 116 enem y' 3 In commenting ! board, and takes less time. j upon the latest awards and reviewing To do away with the smell of fresh some earl ier ones, the New York Sun paint, put a pail of water into which Serves that among the winners was gold dishes at private entertainments, moved for years in one groove, and feather on one side * This candied, The sumptuary laws also applied to who were no longer young enough to ' let it; dry / and do the other side and the apparel and adornment of women; be able to benefit by new openings ! a ^ so dry ^ t nû x 1- ramilof a/1 4-Vi a i i r- «-T J 3 1. il * j i . . . 1 they regulated the use of gold and sil ver embroidery, jewelry, dresses of more than a single color, silks and fine linens, and even costly hairpins and children's dolls. Sometimes they forbade "fantastic and deforming ------- Almond Cakes --Tak^ n nmmri nf put a pail ot water into which xne winners was when their old occupations or incomes j j d almonds " blanch them heat • an onion has been cut up in the newly an elderl y man who left a wife and gradually became insufficient. , Jordan almonds, blanch them, beat, . , , _ . ■,. p y nine children at hnmo in gradually became insufficient. The subject of food econqzfiy, also, is one that has engaged the heartiest attention of the Queen. "The Queen is herself a remarkably good house- j painted room over night. If windows nble children at home in order to HoTerTfterTo keep them from* oib ! a " d doo f s . are dosed" the odorwiîf be ? erv . e bis . country, and "that glorious ing; then take a pound and a quarter I a bsorbed by morning, of fine sugar, boil to a high candy, ! / -" e ^s made of colored calf leather H . th»n f Q Vo become shiny m places. To remedy NEWS BY MAIL ABOUT JOHN BULL AND HIS PEOPLE. fashions," such as the wearing of j keeper," writes one of the newspapers i f tben your a ^°nds; then take rfTne glass-nantr : he "explained" long, pointed shoes. Brides were not j in commenting on the audience with ; * W ° ^f. sb lemons, grate -off the rind fViQ A P p . ' ; "he thoue-ht. hr> mio-Vif Vo «oo/io^ » wo permitted to have excessive dowries. Mr. Runciman, "and if she belonged to 1 very thin and put m as much juice as Occurrences In the Land That Reigns Supreme in the Commercial Commercial World. There are now audience with j "thTn'and püt'in aTmuch Juice'as hold bell taut/andli/htiy JuhTn i " he thou 8 ht he be needed." We ' Ployed as clerks on the railways Unpleasant, But Necessary. j the middle classes she would 6 b" extol! ! ^ 'tt^youî ; ^e/th^bloo^will be restored. The men have not always escaped. N « wonder among her peers. ! Buy from the stationer's a paciage Some of the laws above mentioned ap- I Year f, a ^°> before war with Germany candv . so wl f pn of strong manila envelopes, size about plied to them, although, as we read!n jwas thought of, she used to b°e'^uot! | iUnto'little^kju^n sheets orelw ' ^T^bes, and start a collection of Livy, it was the women only who broke into revolt on account of such restrictions. Laws of that kind have now been generally abandoned, partly because the idea of individual liberty has ed as as example of thrifty manage- j x. d ment and sound common sense. In ! p o y " those days* thrifty management and j j t d clippings. ! Fondant.--To one pound of granu- • su bJ e p^ s f and y° u will soon have a boy," John Travers Cornwall, who, mortally wounded, remained at his post in the Jutland battle because, as 14,000 women em- °f may be sure that when the roll of the United Kingdom, as against 1,100 heroism for the war is completed no J. 50 employed before the war. ^ name will shine more radiantly than envelopes, size about ! tba * ° f t bi . s lad ' start a collection of i. No F sha fi the first to win the cross Use one envelope for each j m this war ever be forgotten. This was the famous Captain Francis O. The suggestion is made that the Lord Kitchener National Memorial Fund should acquire the Crystal Palace Palace and grounds as a permanent memorial to the late War Secretary. The Duke of Devonshire as the Governor-General of Canada, being unable to fill the post of first Mayor ■of Brixton, his son, the Marquis of Hartington, has consented to accept that position. »> SPREADING CULTURE. one direction with the glass-paper, English Pronunciation Responsible For Changed N^mes. A memorial tablet is to be placed in the Bridge Elementary school, Harrow, Harrow, commemorating the . Old Boys ... who have been killed in action. j to . wn * n bis Adventures of a Dispatch During the past year the N.S.P.C.C. ! F ! der * When first the corps came to Hinges deserves a word, says Capt. < W. H. L. Watson of , that Belgian sugar add a gill and a half of popular nor fashionable and it was I boilln S water and sti r in a saucepan iann ? ct m . ore convenient than pasting popular nor fashionable and it was | over the fire only until the sugar is clippings in a book tmng to be ; dissolved; then allow the mixture to considered the smart L 1 » 0 ~ for âbrnt sî! view of the proper functions of government government has become prevalent. Yet, V -- -- j ji Li v*. triu OV7UH lid V C y, j • i. -- -- v • i o jc %j a « • . --, _ , _ *■ valuable depository of information it ! Grenfell, who was wounded in both | inspector at Hoxton has been called ^ nges ' the "habitants were exalted. legs and a hand at Andregnies, Bel- to 346 cases of neglect and starva- j The sma11 boys came out in puttees tion, affecting 855 boys and 827 girls • and * b e women put ribbons in their ' ~ - * : hair. ; kitchen and the store gium, on August 24th, 1914, while saving the guns of thev!19th Battery. He was invalided home, but returned to the front and was killed in action. x Instead of Worrying about the high cost of lining, just buy a package package of Grape-Nuts --still hold at the, same fair price. Enjoy a morning dish of this delicious food, and smile over the fact that you've had a good breakfast and Saved Money Isn't that a fair start for any day? jr« tne i minutes, or until the syrup spins Jl ' A small child who was the youngest room. Even thread when held on a fork Wh#m memb C r of a very hard-up family was In hls will Captain Grenfell left his ! yet, not everybody has come around it can be made into V erv\nft told one day by her father that she decorations to the Ninth Lancers, "to altb ? Ugb between the fingers turn on to a large bad a Ff w baby sister * "^n't that whom," he wrote, "the honor of my buttered platter. Do not scrape off " Ice ^ asked. But hard lessons of gaming the V.C. was entirely due, , -- . the sugar which adheres to the side do ^ estlc economy had already taken thanks to the splendid discipline and One he received while fighting for the ! call .® d . 4 lt plaml y and bluntly Hinges, they will in time, even if they have to be forced into it. A vast deal of unnecessary spending still goes on, especially among the so-called smart set, which is still lunching an<J dining and going to the theatres and buying j t should be kneaded in the hands like me tbere ' s a lot of things we need Contemptibles," as they are proud to On the occasion of the second an nual statute hirings at Maltoh, Yorks, Now, if you pronounce - Hinges in tliere were practically no farm labor- tbe ■ Fren F h faski o n » you give forth an ers, a most unusual state of affairs. j ex riamation of distressful pain. The Amongst the patients in hospital 1 name cann °t be shouted from *a motor at Richmotid is Nicholas Vick, a Boer cycde- ^t has its difficulties even for farmer, with two bullets in his lungs. ; tbe - s „ tudent French. So we all warm the pan When it is only blood bcdd ^ be youn S lady, and she an- traditions which exist in -this magni- j Boers at Colenso, and the other in the as ^ ^ were connected with a door •m stir it with a wooden middle or swered severely: "We'll daddy, I ficent regiment. This was one of the | Somme fighting, where he won the Yhe - "habitants noticed this. Think- ... j*i ... 1 • . . . . s'nnse it's nil rio-Tit knf if "First Hundred Thnncnrul " «fl.» nvi n Q M ' liner that thev and t.beir spoon until it begins to crumble ; then s pos ® ** s right, but it seems to First Hundred Thousand," "the Old . . - - „ _ * ■ . mû f n oro'o n 1 il. * I Anromnfihloo " nn 3 j. - dough. Pack it into a bowl, cover with a thin cloth slightly moistened and set it away until needed. expensive furs, and going in for extremes extremes in evening dress. Only an act of parliament will stop them." ❖ -- Her Composition. Quite recently a teacher who was giving the children written exercises wrote out this "wanted" advertisement: advertisement: "Wanted--A milliner. Apply by letter to Miss Smith, No. 10 Blank ! fairly, ripe bananas, sprinkle the fruit ! street." The children had to make | with sugar. Prepare a nice short ; application for the position in writing, i paste, roll it out thinly and cut into ' One juvenile wrote: strips rather longer and more than ! "Dear Miss Smith,--I saw you want double the width of a banana. Inclose j a milliner. I hate to trim hats. Can't the banana neatly, and, after mbisten- you get somebody else? Please let ; "g and fastening the edges of the! more, Fruit Deserts. Whenever you peel oranges save, the peel and parboil it, then preserve 1 in a rich syrup and it is ready for a! dozen uses in cookery. j Banana Puffs.--After peeling some me know at once. Edith Brown." As to Greek. First Professor--Do you think the study of Greek a necessity ? paste, bake the puffs lightly, and after they are a faint brown color they will be ready for serving when cold. * Orange Cream.--One-half dipful orange juice; (one-half cupful sugar; a small amount of gelatin; one-fourth be called. Some of the regiments that formed this first immortal expeditionary expeditionary force to France, the Coldstream Guards, for instance, lost almost every officer. This force had been trained to fight to the last ounce of human endurance, and there was little of it left when the Battle of the Marne was decided. D.C.M. ' j in 8: that they and their forefathers Princess Marie Louise recently i n - j bad be ? n wrong--for surely these fine spected the Australian Force Club, ' men ^th red hats knew better than Horseferry Road, where over 1,6001 * bey * be English pronunciation Australian soldiers are provided with 1 spr , ead * Tbe village became Tnges, Disabled. Soldiers Will Receive This Decoration. young men who have not f u j s cream; orange rind. Heat This is the new decoration for dis abled soldiers fighting for Great ally awake and resume learned it who have grown un and ™ X ' 1U "* the Britam * Any soldier wounded will occupation, raised families, but I can't say P I an ~° range J ulce and one-half cupful of receive this reward. There ,= prove of them. 7 P • sugar > over the hot water - Soldier's Long Sleep. Professor Verger has described to the Medical and Surgical Society the strange case of' a soldier who was at the battle of the Marne, disappeared, and was found afterward in Brittany. The soldier has been asleep for 27 months, eyelids closed, respiration regular, but pulse rapid. It is possible possible to administer liquid food and Professor Verger says that the case is one of hysterical lethargy, and that it is likely the man will eventu- his normal There is noth . wrci uk xiv 1, Wat er. Beat the ing in its monetary value, but it I yolks of eggs, add the rest of the cherished by the men. is Every woman knows it's easier to coax a man than drive a nail. meals daily. A further war bonus, involving an additional expenditure of about $5,000 a year, is being given to all outdoor employes of the Hendon District Council. • • : A packet of letters written by Lord Kitchener from the Soudan has been presented by Field Marshal Sir Evelyn Evelyn Wood tq be sold for the benefit of the Red Cross. When a member of the staff or a former pupil of a public elementary school in London obtains the ' V.C., or other military decoration, the children children are given a Tialf-holiday. and now only some unfashionable dotards dotards in Bethune preserve the tradition tradition of the old pronunciation. It is not only Hinges that has been thus decently attired in British garb. Le Gateau is Lee Catoo. Boescheppe is Bo-peep. Ouderdon is Eiderdown. The Athletic Girl. "So she's gone in for athletics." "I should say so. I found that out When I tried to kiss her." "But she hollered for help, didn't she?" "No, that was me you heard hollering hollering for help." Hon* High -- Ball Strong In the conrtroction we 0,4 °P*" Hearth steel wITo/Bj u" topurlttaf romov&d from the-metal, thus ' 1 th« chief eamei for the rapid rut tine „t ' 1rtr î* Fiaaiase is tuxraateed to gtrs reu aatWhetloiu Send for I 7 • Ter r** m - Asiate wao!3ui?pîï lurlto£. I l TUB BABUELI/HOXIE WIRE FENCE COMPANY, ltd.. WmIMiIU», Haalltoa, Oat. 1 ■r

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