/ Rich. Snowden The is offering this week: 125 pails Honey 60c per pail 200 lbs Salmon Trout 12^c lb 1 bbl Maple Syrup 25c per qt bottle 200 cans Petit Pois Peas 11c per can 200 cans Pork and Beans lie per can 4 cases Purity Oats 23c per pkg 200 cans Salmon, tall 15c per can 800 lbs tea, reg 40c 3 lbs §1.10 1000 bars Nabob Soap .6 for 25c Ammonia, reg 10c .3 for 25c 10 cases Seedless Raisins, reg i5c ...2 for 26c 10 cases Not-a-Seed Raisins, reg 18c 2 for 31c Oranges, Bananas* Grape Fruit and Lemons at a price which will surprise you k k h--- ■ RD. SNOWDEN. Phone 243 Bowman ville D F h 7 Coal Wood Best grades of Coal only kept, also Wood of all kinds. If you have not ordered your Winter supply yet, you had better do so as it is liable to advance any day. E. W. LOSCOMBE Standard Bank Bxiilding, Temperance St, Phone 177 Z- /- Yours for Big Business "Quality Groceries 11 They are "Good" today, they are "Good" tomorrow, they are "Always Good"--at The Corner Grocery. Good fresh groceries always on hand. We* will do our best to satisfy our customers. We have the choicest of Winter Fruits--Oranges, Lemons, Grape Fruit, Bananas, etc. Pickle*, Prepared Mustard Olive* and Canned Goods Leave your order with HARRY ALLIN Phone 186 Bowman ville t (. 2- t ** > ' h t $ : ♦ a e a a a Postponed concert will be held on Fri- : day Jan. I2th when a first-class program will be given consisting of music and readings readings by local talent; also a play entitled "The Deacon's Tribulation", in four acts, by Bethesda Dramatic Club. Admission 25c and 15c. Be there with your friends. I-2W. McLaughin and Gray Cutters at F. Q Mason's. SOLINA Mrs. M. A. James, Bowmanville, has been visiting her sister Mrs. W. Werry .... Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Luke, Kedron, vis-, ited at Mr. A. L. Pascoe's... .Miss Hilda Langmaid has been visiting at Blackstock .... Farmers' Club meets Tuesday afternoon afternoon Jan. 16th, for election of officers, etc Mrs. John Baker and family have been holidaying at her father's, Mr. W. J. Bragg, Providence Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Pascoe, Enfield, visited at Mr. A. J. Reynolds Reynolds Women's Institute and Farmers' Club will hold a joint meeting in Son's Ball, Thursday afternoon'at 2 30, when the Institute will furnish program. Everybody Everybody come. Mason & Dale are offering something special in Auto Strop Razors. " West Durham Agricultural Society annual meeting wjlljie held in the Council Council Room, Bowmanville, Saturday, Jan. 20. at I p.m. to receive reports of Directors for the election of officers and general business. W. T. Bragg, J. S. Moorcraft Bowmanville Secretary. 2-2 W. WOMEN'S INSTITUTE, Bowmanville Women's Institute will hold their next meeting at the home of Mrs. A, L. Nicholls, Concession-st, on Saturday, January .20th, at 3 p.m; when Dr. busan L. Fotherineham, Toronto, will give an address on "Nature'Study and Life Truths". Good musical and literary program; refreshments and a social hour at the close. All ladiès invited 2-2w _ 5YAOP Of Akwe Cod Liver Oil &Tar Is a scientific remedy in which the powerful curative properties of tar, prepared in the form of an extract, are effectively combined with the purest cod liver oil. The result is a remedy of wonderful efficiency in the treatment of Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis Bronchitis and other affections of the respiratory respiratory organs. Try it--for it does sipp coughs KNIT! KNIT!! KNIT!!! Have a Chair This week we will clear out some chairs at following low prices: m 6 set Plain Oak .Finished, 6 chairs §3.50 4 set Cheap Diners, oak finish, 6 chairs §4 75 4 set Diners, Slat Back, 6 chairs for §5.90 4 set Diners, Bent Wood, 6 chairs for $6.95 8 Arm Chairs, the kind father likes, $2.15 liz~ Alan M. Williams, Phone 58 or 159 Bowmanville Undertaking # 0 receives prompt attention day or night. j TYRONE spent the Mr. and Visitors: Wesley Langmaid week-end with Mr. Allin Annis. Mrs. Cameron Trull, Oshawa, visited at Mr. A. E. Clemens... .Mrs. Talbert Fin- | lav, Unionville, at Mr. Ed. Virtue's Miss Maud Hodgson, and Miss Phena Collacott visited Mrs. J. H. Mutton, Bowmanville. Bowmanville. .. .Mr. and Mrs..A. W. Clemens j attended the funeral of Mr. Bert Daw- I son, Campbellford... . The community are glad to hear that Mr. Thos. Woodley, Toronto Hospital, and Mrs. Albert Hawkey, Hawkey, Bowmanville Hospital, are improving .Young men will have charge of the | service next Sunday evening. . .Mr. John Rundle is improving nicely from bronchitis. bronchitis. .. .Mrs. W H. Moore has returned from visiting at the home of the late Mrs. Ethel Cou.tice, Bowmanville... .The January January meeting of the Woman's Institute will be held Wednesdây afternoon Jan. 17 at the home of Mrs. W. G. Rundle, Bethesda. A good time expected. Everybody Everybody welcome. Auto Strop Razor--something special at Mason & Dale's. ORONO Mr. John Çaswell has sold his farm stock, and -interest in the Sam Jones farm, at Newtonville, and is going to- handle a team for the C. P. R... .Miss Florence A*. Hunter, over-seas Red Cross nurse, daughter ot Mr. James Hunter of this town, has been awarded the Royal Red Cross of second class, as nursing. Sister. Miss Hunter is at Salonika.... Mrs. Robert Robert Fowler underwent an operation at St. Michael's Hospital, Toronto... .Miss Lena Renwick of New York is 'home spending a short time with her mother, Mrs. H. W. Renwick, who continues in poor health... .Clarke Township Agricultural Agricultural Society annual meeting will be held in the Council Chamber, Orono, on Saturday, January 18th, at I p.m... .Sunday, .Sunday, January 14th, 1917, will be observed in the Methodist Church, Orono, when Rev. J. S. I. Wilson, B. A., B. D.of Oshawa, Oshawa, will preach special sermons, in aid of the trust funds of the church.... Mr. Hugh Simpson, a one-time principal of Orono public school, visited friends here recently. recently. He took up land at Windthorpe, Sask., 16 years ago and is now a prosperous prosperous farmer Robert Ferguson, Los Angeles, Cal:,died from a paralytic stroke and was buried in Forest Lawn Cemetery in that city. The Women's Patriotic League are appealing for knitters. Knitting is falling falling off sadly while the need for socks is very urgent. More Knitters are called for. Apply to Miss Clara Allen, Beech Ave., Convener of Wool Committee. Will the good ladies and girls please commence at once and work diligently as the boys are in great need of socks. Sergt. Dan Douglass says that clean, ary socks is the soldiers' greatest need. LATEST WAR PICTURES. Eighty of those wonderful pictures of "How a British Soldier Fights" are to be shown in ST. John's Parish Hall on Monday even ng next to begin at 8 o'clock in excellent Lime Light views. Sergt. D. M. Douglass will give the address. A series of 80 views on War thèmes will be given each following Monday ! evening for 3 weeks--every one of them of verv great interest to all Canadians. Watch for further announcement. You should not miss these excellent War Pictures. Admission 15c. BOARD OF AGRICULTURE. Meets in Bowmanville, Saturday, January 20. Under the direction of the Provi icial Board of Agriculture the West Durham Board of Agriculture will hold a meeting in the Council Room Bowmanville, cn Saturday January, 20th at 2 p. m. to be addressed by Messrs Shearer and McConnell. McConnell. Mr. Shearer has a number of subjects on general farming and tile draining. Mr. McConnell is a fruit and potato man. Come and learn how to grow^ potatoes in a bad season. Dr. Fo- theringham will address the members of the Women's Institute at 3 p.m. the same afternoon at Mrs. A. L. Nicholls', Concession-st. Concession-st. John Baker, W. E. Pollard President Secretary. 2-2 w. a CHARLEY'S AUNT" COMING SURPRISE PARTY. About forty guests met at the home of Mrs. John Spry, Hampton, Tuesday Dec. 26th when a miscellaneous shower was given for her daughter Mrs. Alfred Dewell and a presentation to Pte. Louis R. Spry. Mr. Everett Kerslake read the following address and Mr. Hilt n Peters presented Pte. Spry with a soldiers' writing writing Case: To Letois Boy Spry: -* Dear Friend and Associate:--There being occasions in the lives of each and everyone when a decision must be made on a question or questions of vital interest and when we are compelled to answer "Yes" or "No" according to the dictates of our own personal consciences, and now that you have donned the "Khaki" we most fully realize the fact that you have answered "Yes" to the call of duty to your King and Country in order to assist in upholding upholding the honor and* traditions of old England in helping to protect the smaller nations and to see that international a- greements among nations are not to be treated as merely "scraps of paper," we désire to congratulate you on your answering answering to the call, knowing full well that you will display your bravery wherever duty may call you as you have so well displayed displayed on the field of sport in p st, and to show the appreciation of your many friends in n slight way we would ask you to accept this soldierii' writing case as a token of our kind regards and deep respect respect for you, and sincerely trust that ere you will be called upon to cross the English English Channel the huns and their associates will have fully become impressed with the tact of the hopelessness of their unj 1st ambition and will be ready to cry for peace and be willing to make as far as possible full amends for their wanton destruction destruction of lives and property, and wishing wishing you God Speed and an early retnrn to your own family fireside and your associates associates and enjoying health and strength to the fullest degree, we would now bid you a fond "Adieu," but not good-bye. Signed Pres. E.G. Kerslake, Vice Pres. J. A. Cole, Treas. F. Cryderman, Hilton Peters, Lloyd Ward, Lorenzo Trull, W. G. White, Frank Johns, Vernon Welsh, Harold Clarke, Charlie Johns, Harry Welsh, Clarence Clarence Martin, Arthur Clarke. Edwin Ward Teacher. The evening was spent in music an* games and about 12 o'clock lunch was served. SALE OF 25 COWS Wednesday Jan. 17, In Oshawa An important auction sale of 25 Holstein Holstein cows and heifers, by F. J. Clemens, at the Central Hotel yards, Oshawa, on Wednesday Jan. 17 at I p. m. This is an exceptionally fine bunch of cattle. See bills. Jambs Bishop, auctioneer. There is one play that can be truly said to contain all the essentials to amuse and entertain a modern audience--that play is "Charley's Aunt"; For years this famous farce has caused -unbounded delight to old and young. Its revival by a responsible firm of theatrical managers is announced and it will be presented at the OPERA H ouse, Bowmanville, on Saturday, Jan. 13th. The Company, which is English English and American, portrays the characters with rare skill and the scenic investiture is both lavish and correct. The cast of twelve contains the names of some famous farceurs who have won their spurs on both sides of the Atlantic. Seats on sale at Mitchell's Drug Store. The phenomenal success which has attended the introduction of Robert's Syrup has stamped it as a most wonderful wonderful preparation. Never have the I proprietors had a more marked suc- ' cess which is all the more gratifying for the reason that the preparation has practically created its own de mand due entirely to -its efficacy in giving relief to sufferers from coughs, colds and bronchitis. This preparation preparation is prepared by a blending of the active principles extracted from pure cod livers, combined with an extract of tar of great efficiency in allaying the inflammation in the bronchial tubes,, in ~ stopping the secretion of matter and removing the irritation that causes the cough. A cold is often considered a slight thing and treated with indifference, but when it is considered that it may lead to a derangement of the bronchial bronchial organs and cause inflammation of the tubes, and a consequent discharge discharge of poisonous matter, it will be seen that it is much more serious than it first uppeàrs, therefore it should be treated with the same promptness that other diseases are met with, and you can do it in no better way than .with Robert's Syrup of Cod Liver Oil and Tar. It can be confidently recommended to all who are subject to ailments of i the respiratory organs as containing the elements that make for speedy relief relief and cure of these harassing and dangerous visitations. The utmost care is taken in its preparation and it is presented in so acceptable a form that it finds favor wherever it has been introduced. Mr. Robt. F. Fawcett, Kimberley, Ont., writes: "I can positively say that from the after efiects of pneumonia pneumonia Robert's Syrup of Cod Liver Oil and Tar built me up when I was run down and very weak." ! Mr. J. Roadway, general merchant, Stouffville, Ont., says "that a customer, customer, Mr Vanduran Forsyth, of Stouffville, Stouffville, was completely cured" of a cough of two years' standing, which seemed incurable, by the use' of two bottles of Robert's Syrup." Call at Kerslake's Drug Store, Bowmanville, Bowmanville, take a bottle home with you and Stop ihai cough! SHORT COURSE SPEAKERS don't let it master you, for a continuous continuous cough is dangerous. Attack it with a remedy that will quickly stop irritation of the respiratory organs and at the same time build up the body for permanent resistance. Ask your druggist or storekeeper for-- Farmers' Short Course in Agriculture to be held in Orono from Jan. 9 to Feb. 9 is off at a good start The public will have a share in the meetings as all special lectures to be given on Agricultural subjects subjects to the students are in the afternoon and are open to everyb dy. The dates, subjects and speakers are: Jan. loth--Beef Cattle and Sheep--John Gardhouse, Weston. Jan. nth--Seeds-- H. Sirett, B. S. A., Brighton. / Jan. 15--Vegetables--Geo. Rush, Humber Humber Bay. Jàn. 17--Plant Diseases--W. A. Mc- Cubbin, B. S. A., St. Catharines. Jan. 18--Markets-- W. H. Webster, Lansdowne. Jan. 19--Poultry-- H. K. Rcvell, B. S. A. , Goderich. Jan. 22--Fruit-- W. F. Kÿdd, Toronto. Jan. 23--CemenfConstruction--Representative 23--CemenfConstruction--Representative Portland Cement Association, Chicago, 111. Jan. 24--Community Leadership--A. McLaren, B.S. A., O. A. C., Guelph. Jan. 29--Farm Management--A. Leitch, B. S. A., O. A. C., Guelph. Feb. 5th--Horses and Veterinary Science -- Dr. H. G. Reed, Georgetown. _ syrup or Awl Cod Liver Oil &Tar A Safe, Sure and Qûick Route to a good business position is via the ~Lj.lOTT Yonge and Chasles-st, Toronto Shorthand, Typewriting, Bookkeep^ ing, Banking, High Accounting, Correspondence, Correspondence, Penmanship, Spelling, Office routine, Business Forms, Commercial Commercial Arithmetic, Business Law,Civil Service, etc., taught quickly and correctly. correctly. Experienced teachers, careful attention, moderate rates, best results. Demand for our graduates is far in excess excess of our supply. Enter now. Catalogue Catalogue free. W. J. Elliott, Principal. Feb. 6th--Dairy Cattle- son, Ancaster. -R. S. Stevèn- All kinds of Furs at greatly reduced prices at Couch, Johnston & Cryderman's. A. W. Pickard has a fine display of cutters. He offers something really fine. Escape the Frost In Victoria or Vancouver, B.C. Canada's Own Winter Resorts and spend your money at home Average sunshine 5 à hours daily Splendid roads for motoring, golf the year around Fishing, hunting and shooting Three Superb Trains Leave Toronto Each Week Get full particulars, thru Tickets and Reservations from W. G. Giffler. Station Agent, M. A. James, Town Agent, or write R. L. Fairbairn, Gen. Pass. Agt, 68 King st. E.* Toronto, Ont. , l Travel Canadian Northern all the way The best makes in all the sizes for ladies- and. gentlem.bE and young people. Hockey, Rink and Fancy Skating Also Winter Sporting Goods: Snow Shoes Toboggans Hockey Sticks Sleighs, etc Pucks, Ankle Supports RICE & CO., Sole Agents Phone 66 I as Stock-taking Sale Don't fail to drop in and get a few of the many stock-taking bargains this month. There are some excellent excellent values and it will pay you to come in. Highest Price for Butter and Eggs Phone 65 AlTClllC T3,lt* Bowmanville The Reliable Grocery House m Satisfied Customers cess. The public's confidence has been the keynote of our suc- We are adding new customers daily. There must be a reason. Try our bread, cakes ^or pastry, and you will be convinced that we sell nothing but the best that can be had. Have yon tried our homemade homemade candy? It is delicious. delicious. Thomas Tod Baker ând Confectioner Phone 3 Bowmanville 38 BELLEVILLE, ONTARIO Re-opens after Christmas Vacation--Jan. 3rd Full Courses in College. Music. Pianoforte, Organ, Voice Culture and Violin, Expression, Art and Commercial under competent teachers. Write NOW for calendar and full particulars. E. N BAKER, M.A., D.D., Principal. Sw Hampton Hills The mill has been thoroughly renovated and is now ready for all kinds of work. Thanking all our customers for past patronage and soliciting a continuance of same or any new ones. Chas. Horn, Hampton Phone429 r 6 i j :rn æ , .> : S3