Câ*A»LâW STitimus aed Tee Beeeu* I Hswe are peulfebed every Tiered iy eed FrUey ■ «retee- rviMoirth. et Tes 9tat*s*à* JHmUock, *6 mmk 47 Klac-it. W«Kt. Oeâerio, Csa*#B. M. A. Janir* <* wra tU Proprietors, et Si 60 t>«r , pare lie in adraace; $3 00 after first three B. J. HAZLEWOOD, HJ). C.M- 0*1. The Editor Talks Ministers need moral teaching sometimes as well as the poor sinners they preach to and at. The best little story with a gold-pointed moral that we have read for some time is found OLD medalist op trinitt uni- fripons weekly--The Sunday 2Z. v «r*ity. Toronto. Four years ^ School Times of Philadelphia, Pa., en- Atteedtojr Physician and Surgeon at ML ; titled «Mending Trousers." One of the readers, of The Times sent this Oirme] Hospital. Pittsburg, Ks. Office and Residence. Wellington 8L telephone No. 108.. GOODMAN * GALBRAITH Barristers and Solicitors, *otarl es Public. *.r. ccodbam, e, c. CAL8mrr» 608 Lumeden Bldg., Yonge & Adelaide Streets, Toronto, Ontario. w. H. ALEXANDER, V. S. - rradnate of Ontario Veterin ary College. Diseases of all domestic animals treated by latest known methods methods Office at his residence. King-st East, Bowmanville. Phone 193. tunate, and it is Life itself that will answer you every time. You will be the richer in happiness, in satisfaction, satisfaction, in a joyous realizing sense of duty done, of blessings conferred. If it is more blessed to give than to receive receive you are sure to bring blessings on your own head. Halt, then, and ho,ld a parley with. yourself and before before 1917 is older decide on a course of action for entering upon at once. * * * * You may not have thought before very seriously of your own. personal responsibilities, but when you set yourself the beneficent task you will ffind right away that it is not hard to discover where your particular individual individual gifts would be given cordial OF A HEALTHY BODY Has Not Had An Hour 1 » Sickness Since Taking "FRUIT-A-TIVES". HIGH SCHOOL NOTES Standing of Bowmanville High School students for last term": ' y Form I Student Subjects Marks Av'ge % RAILWAY TIME TABLES FOR BOWMANVILLE. Grand Trunk Raidway_ Going East Going West Express 8 52 a.m. :Express 4.22 a-tn Express 10.29 am. Local 7 00 a m Passenger 3.29 p.m. Local 9 45 a.m Local b.49 p.m. Passenger 1 36 p.m Passenger 7 18 p.m. .-Passenger 7 02 p.m Mail 9 58 p.m. : Daily Canadian Pacific Railway Going West Gulng East 6.07 aum. daily 10 46 a.m. daily x8^6 a.m. cailyt 3 21 p.m. dailyt 4-27 P-m. daily 7 48 n.m. dailyt 12.57 zum. daily x North Toronto Station t Except Sunday C. B. Kent, Agent story for use in the "Illustration Bound Table"--a department of that popular Sunday School paper conducted conducted by its own readers--and among the bright things was . this splendid piece of humor: "Two pas- 1 tors' wives were visiting together. One said: T don't know what we will do--my husband is so discouraged. Somehow his people do not'care to hear him preach, and our salary is far and eager welcome once you have behind. My husband feels so blue that opened your eyes to seek to find out ^ he does not like to visit the people something of the world's needs. Be- 20-tyr i an< ^ P ra Y with them, and so he . sits on an y poor person who touches around at home nearly all the time.' your life--there are such pe^-sons in The other sister said: 'We are getting every community--and find out why along fine. My husband spends much they are as they are and how you can of his time visiting, and the people help to improve their conditions. If like to have him kneel and pray with you are*possessed of more means than them in their homes. Our congrega- y 0ur own future requires you may find tions are always good, and our salary a hoy who is not getting the chance is paid up promptly.' While the two he deserves, perhaps he is not getting sisters were talking they were mend- the education he should because of mg trousers. One was mending her f am n y conditions or other husband's trousers at the seat, the other was mending her husband's trousers at the knees." * * * * Jessie Worden L. Cryderman Morley Hastings Enid Soiich Elva Veale Ruth Martyn Ted Pethick Lome Plummer Helen Yellowlees Beatrice Devitt Mildred Lawrie Dorothy Clarke Milton Avery i Philp Tilley • Lome Hastings 14. 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 Margaret McMurtrv 14 tt ■ a right reasons. There is the making of a useful, perhaps, perhaps, a great man in that lad. What can you do to assist him to rise above the ordinary servant. In these times Canadian Northern Railway Going East Going West ^Express 11.59 a.m. Y Express 906 a m. iExpress 633 p.m. Y Express 7 40 p.m Y Daily except .-'unday. J.T. ALLEN, TAILOR At Rear of Standard Bank Bowmanville J. T. Allen announces that he now makes suits to order at lowest prices. Ladies' suits cleaned and pressed. Gentlemen's suits altered, repaired, cleaned and pressed. pressed. All work guaranteed and prices right. Give the old reliable tailor a triaL GRAND TRUNK 1y5 L t^m v W IN 1 ER TOURS S PECIAL Fares now in effect effect to resorts in Florida Georgia. North and South Carolina, Louisiana and other Southern States and to Bermuda and the West Indies Return Limit May 31st, 1917 Liberal Stop-Overs Allowed For full information write to C. E. HORNING, D. P. A., Union Station, Toronto, Ont. Or J. H. H. Jury, Town Agent, Bovr- manville. Do ordinary people have sense of their responsibility ? Gain- vironment differs widely from any mg a true sense of our own responsi- we know, you could . find a hundred z 7 52 p.m. dailvf bility in the world is to learn the art ways that are now waiting to initiate of real living, right living, true liv- :you into the zest of full living. Is it mg. Life for the busiest of us can necessary for us to explain any more be full of color, of zest, of things fully what we mean? Do you not worth while happening, of interesting comprehend at what we are driving? situations, of exciting crises if only Believe us, life is not necessarily to xve develop and get into proper har- those who live in cities and towns or ness, of right sense of personal re- . in fine homes, but to every man and sponsibility. If we can only see it-- woman in this great wide world., , and we can see if we have the desire Every person who is better off than | Ottawa, and try hard enough--the whole others, no matter how their conditions 1 world lies just outside our door wait- may be, can do something for those ! ing for,us to grow up to it---and, what lower down or less fortunate, is more, needing and wanting us, ! * * * * beckcntag us. Talking to a Sunday what a number o( publications are School worker recently, she sa, d the - conducting purc food dcpartment3 school in which she worked needed now and the food bore ts badly a leader-a superintendent and everywhere. Whethe, in house of a although it is the recruiting field for friend or hoteI flnd a nnttist MR. MARRIOTT 73 Lees Ave., Ottawa, Ont,, X " August 9th, 1915. I think it my duty to tell you what Fruit-a-tivcs " has done for me. Three years ago, I began to feel rundown rundown and tired, and suffered very much from Liver and Kidney Trouble. Haying read of " Fruit-a-tives ", I thought I would try them. The result was surprising. During the 3} years past, I have taken them regularly and of stress and strain, unless your en- would not change for anything. I have ttoi had an hour's sickness since I commenced commenced using "Fruit-a-tives", and I know now what I haven't known for a good many years-- that is, the blessing of a healthy body and clear thinking brain". WALTER J. MARRIOTT. 50c. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, 25c. At dealers or sent postpaid on receipt of price by Fr'trH-a-tives Limited, i youth many startling truths of the kind of lives our ancestors lived. * * * * This predatory instinct, as a uni- i versally recognized law of life, has been outgrown, except among natives a ; where stealing Seems to be permis- a sible. Personally, we do not go out Gordon Morris Sam Mason Edvihe Clemens Wininfred Allen Marjorie Collacott Gertie Oke Dora Mount joy Lloyd Crago Ma jorie Plummer Edith Pinch Rena Cooper Oscar Ward Alma Stevens Lewis Roenigk Goldwin Aocerson Gordon Wight McNall Irwin George Downey William Dunn Ray Billing Lome Stevens Grace Boddam Harold Hoar Eunice Weatherilt "Stanley Hardy Form II Mary McClellan F. Clatworthy Helen Worden Aileen Hazlewood Mildred White Gordon Moorcraft Ethelda Hazlewood 15 Marion Moorcraft 15 Vilda Symons Mildred Bentham Laila Wilkins Lyda Taylor Ina Pethick Ray Snowden Howard Price 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 13 13 13 12 15 15 15 IS 15 15 15 15 15 14 14 14 U church felt the personal responsibility ofvirtuousTentimentalSt Mak stial ° Ur nei S hb <"-s' l=" d . l>"t we strong enough to offer his services, ing a fetish of hjs s £, m ach is th"re- Un ' te 85 cor P oratlons and *0 out and fice went , n L " e t im P° rta f . ligion of a vast multitude. Food fad- ?" went a-beggmg for a man to fill dist3 are certainly increaaing . p os . .t The same person said teat it was sibly the hi h cost of Uv ing may ac „ LdJ?. to S T Ce ofanx,ety * the count for the revival of fo!d discus- ,nm, th^,e B .^nTS P 6 ;* 0 " 8 , 40 Vision. The dominant note of'these tha^SuiKia^Sdhool! ^The^ssmie^condi-1 thev TfftT ÏX* -- tion is often found in towns where * h -Z.JY e thinking about their ^ steal hig servan t men are not willing to assume the responsibility responsibility of certain- offices to which no salary is attached, but in which weight, appetite, girth, sleep and 1 other uninteresting details of steal his business or his property or the public's money:" We do not steal our neighbor's cattle, but in too many instances his wife, if we like her, as the many divorce cases show. We do not break into a neighbor's house and steal his goods, but too often we or workmen and M 1 ^ e resor t to all kinds of underhand . their : nie thods to supplant them in business existence. They become in a large ; and to ge t their customers. the occupant is expected to work for ! sense » dead to the claims of their fel- j CGm p e titi 0 n is stealing. The instinct the general good of the community or . they can think of little is still strong m'nfen to take anything S£ \ ve eternal details concerning them- in sight if they pas3 i onately des i re it. sexes. Gastromania is a form of W'hat is the difference between a na- ego-mania and scientists, or one of {ion stealing and an individual ? them, says egotism is a„.mild form of degeneracy. Some people are known to boast that they do not recall the Marjorie Westaway 14 Edna Fletcher EsteIJa Slemon Elmer Reddon Wibiam Metcalfe Rav Grant Cecil Bellman Lloyd Ward Gertrude Goodman Ronald Snowden Wreford Souch Mary Souch Margaret Galbraith Nora Clarke Kate McGregor Kate Foster "Gladys Power "Lome Creeper "Leslie Rice 14 14 U 14 14 14 14 14 13 13 13 13 12 12 8 1028 9 989 987 935 9/6 972 967 965 95l 944* 937 934 926 <25 905 879 876 861 852 847 834 833 814 796 777 776 769 739 727 718 707 672 650 642 590 858 746 529" 531 H5i 1132 II2I 1104 1093 1083 1058 1041 982 938 918 1043 1021 980 957 939 * 89 0 880 875 866 852 841 840 805 843 829 798 775 884 655 560 736 706 70.6 7°-5 70.3 699 695 690 685 68.6 674 669 667 661 661 641 627 625 61.5 608 605 59 5 559 581 568 55 5 554 549 52 8 519 51.2 50 5 480 446 458 42.I 66.0 57 3 406 442 767 75 5 74-7 73-6 728 72.2 70 5 694 65 5 62 5 61.2 74 5 72 9 70 0 683 671 63 5 628 6' 5 61.9 608 600 60.0 575 646 638 61 4 59-6 73-7 554 700 A Safe, Sure and Quick Rôute to a good business position is via the , U-IOTT Yonge and Cbasles-sr, Toronto Shorthand, Typewriting, Bookkeep- ing, Banking, High Accounting, Correspondence, Correspondence, Penmanship, Spelling, Office routine, Business Forms, Commercial Commercial Arithmetic, Business Law, Civil Service, etc., taught quickly and correctly. correctly. Experienced teachers, careful attention, moderate rates, best results. Demand for our graduates is far in excess excess of our supply. Enter now. Catalogue Catalogue free. W. J. Elliott, Principal. Wood's P2iosphctM,ne, Tht Grtat Enolisk Ecnitdy. Tones *nd invigorates the whole stem, makes new Blood for some, it may be, unfortunate class of humanity. * * * * We have heard men say that they owe it to their family, their home, and their own business to give their time, thought and energy to them. They see no obligation to society outside of these. What a very narroxv world for a man to fence himself into! We take the ground that according to man's ability comes his responsibility Our conditions and fitness to do things differ, of course, but there are duties and responsibilities for every one of us outside of our homes. Life is brimming o\ r er with things to be j performed and they are right arounc I the corner, as it were, waiting for ■ you to mount your sense of respon- ; sibility and ride around there after j them. Every man has around him j community, a vnllage, town, country, j province or a nation, according to his j ability to do, and most of us in his j own sphere of life a goodly number, 1 be the same more .or less, of individu- j al humans hungry for all the graces of life and such helpful services as come within our power to render, so that it is only a question of realizing our responsibility for helping to vitalize vitalize them by giving your last atom of wisdom or sanity, or time, or laughter when life will be in one's arms and the vistas, all the rich vis Prof. John Grier Hibben, President taste of a ham sandwich as though of Frincetown University, raises an alarm in the United States by a recent recent address in which he says "the absolution from ham were a conspicuous conspicuous xdrtue. nervou# sv, 53«<T», it'JSl w that are familiar to the kings '.of Loss of Know/, Palpitation of the the earth xvill be opened up to you. Heart, Failing Memory. Price $1 per box, six Therefore rin nil thn o-oo/l i-nn for (A One will plewe, six will cure. Sold by all J - " el ^ Iore ) ao 311 tne good > OU can, in druggists or mailed in plain pkg. on receipt of all the ways you can in every place you can, and so make life one glad song of gladness for those around us. * * * * Opportunity brings responsibility, but it may be in a thousand small ways rather than in some great undertaking. undertaking. The working man has not the ability to perform such actions or give such financial help as his millionaire millionaire employer, but he can do little acts of charity. Reader, if you have never felt your personal obligation in a series of small acts of kindness, try it, for you cannot imaginé what a richness of experience and stimulation such actions will bring to you. As we ha\-e said you can find numberless opportunities opportunities if you seek them for such good offices as you can easily perform --they may be x^ery little ways, but start on the mission thus early in 1917 and see xvhat you can do for your place of residence and the 101 societies societies and charitable institutions located located therein. Y'ou will find no doubt as others have done, that the queer part of such personal benevolence, philanthropy, kindness, is that every good act you do will bring you new friends, new viewpoints, fresh ideas and golden opportunities. You reach out to help the needy, the sick, the disconsolate, the miserable, the unfor- / price. ÀVic pamphlet mailed free. THE WOOD MEDICINE CO.,TOiOKTO, OUT. (hrwriy WlWterO PROMPTLY SECUHI En all countries. Ask for our INVENTOR'S INVENTOR'S ADV73ER,whlch will be sent tree. MARION & MARION. 8*4 University St, Montréal. HAYDON Received too late for last week. Mr. and Mrs. F. Crossman, Taunfon, and Mr. and Mrs. W. Samells and Mrs. Lambkin, Nestleton, visited at Mr. Thos. Mountjoy's Miss Ethel Ashton with friends in Newcastle Mr. and Mrs. Merwin Mountjoy and Mr. Ray McGill, Cadmus, spent Sunday at Mr. Theron Mountjoy's Mr. Chas. Cooper was reelected reelected school trustee Mr. R. J. Ashton was home Mr. Wesley Thompson is erecting a fine new stable. Ceok's Cotton Root Compound. A safe, reliable rtQtUating medicine. Sold In three degree* degree* of strength--No. I, $1 ; No. 2, S3; No. 3, S5 per box. Sold by ill druggists, or sent prepaid on receipt of price. Free pamphlet, #, Address : THE COOK MEDkClME CO. T010*T0. OUT. (Fweerir VMw.) We are told, and we hax - e no cause for refuting it that vegetarians are Harold Jeffrey Marian Worden Louise Morris Evelyn Jon ess j Jane Grigg Ewart Pollard Everett Hardy Wilmott Wright William Veale Everett Kerslake Evelyn White Annie Cox Ross Grant Mileta Hoar Dorothy Johnston Morley Burgess Mabel Wight Percy Gilbank i Charles Rowe Form III 12 12 12 II II II American nation, I believe, is- facing the most momentous year in its his- ' tory." Continuing, he adds, "There increasing. Well, just noxv vegetables | are 2 rave Questions of foreign policy j R„by Bragg are the cheapest food available and j equally^grave quesuions of domes- j Evelyn Dickinson as most vegetables contain much iron " ' "" ~ and our blood is improved by absorbing absorbing iron, the abstention from meats, ~ ~ riHW vp«r i ri tuk-p cthpit nr mm cnit -tr\ - * Kena Jewell pastries, and highly seasoned •„-Holes and tea may work a revolution in I tic pblicy that must be met and an- j Bessie Eastwood swered. I beliex*e that it behooves I Gertie Hamley each of us at the beginning of this ! 1 rien Henderson new year to take stock of himself, to ! ^^ert Cote make a strict appraisal of his motives, II II II ii io io 10 9 9 9 7 7 7 7 7 7 5 6 5 856 8.0 661 840 802 705 674 642 597 587 600 569 526 781 598 495 552 498 422 420 388 374 521 450 269 71-3 67 5 55 I 76 3 72.9 64 I 61 3 584 54 3 53 3 600 56 9 526 867 664 55-0 788 683 633 600 55 4 53 4 86 8 75-0 53 8 health. A vegetarian boasted recently i to scrutinize closely his opinions -- in of having buried all his flesh-eating j s ^ ort ' to make an impartial examina- brothers and sisters, while he is hale ! tion . , of Y hat he _ is „£ ettin ff fr om the and hearty, active and clear brained "Herbert Van Nest Form IV' Part I 8 at eighty. Did this thought ever strike the reader--Have you ever knoxxm a vegetarian, a real veteran, who had ever achieved greatness by his works? They have not, so (far as we have known them, been men xvho do things worth xvhile. Why live to ninety unless you can make your life tell or count for something worth while? The "-doers" in the world in past ages have been meat eaters. We should like to see a list compiled of vegetarians who have accomplished anything really big and epoch-making xvorld, of xvhat he demands from the ! Burke world and of what he is giving and is j Rober^Parker 16 xxdlling to give the xvorld in return, j Wesley Langmaid (This is grand advice to every man of j Milton Staples us in Canada, too--Editor.) Says Catherine Warnica Pçesident Hibben: Our peril is the ! e Buby Jewell peril of prosperity. The man xvith- ! out a country is not the exile, the outcast, outcast, the traitor, -but the one xvho lives in smug respectability and contentment contentment -- self-content, xvith no thought of his country's needs and no concern for the realization of her manifest obligations. It is not the foe xx'ithout but the enervating influences 8 7 7 7 3 650 642 572 488 442 226 81.2 80.2 81.7 697 63 I 75-3 Part II AllinAnnis x 5 392 Mary Knox 4 288 Kathleen Staples 4 282 Helen Johnston 4 251 , "Standing not granted because of ab- ; sence from examinations^ »>- 784 72 o 70 5 627 „ c -- a , , Warts are unsightly blemishes, and in the world. We do not regard meat- Wlthm . that ca y se a nation to sicken j corns are painful growths. Holloway's and die--all history teaches us this ^ " eating necessary just the same, and if one is to believe the advertisements in the papers there are a 100 substitutes substitutes for flesh in the grocery stores. * * * * Dr. Frederick Lynch in an Article entitled "The Predatory Instinct" in Christian Work, tells us that; our distant distant ancestors lived largely by stealing; stealing; that stealing was the accepted and universal law oï human relationships relationships and, indeed, one of the cardinal virtues! The man who could steal the most was the great man, the hero who generally became the chief of the tribe or head of the nation. In those days nations stole all they could lay hands upon. Students of ancient his- to>y very well know that the history of Greece and Rome is mostly the history history of the stealing by a strong empire empire of all the other nations in the world. They stole everything within the nations, too--works of art, carried off all the beautiful women for wives and the strong men for slaves. They ived largely, too, by stealing from each other. Each baron went out berimes"to berimes"to steal all" he could from his neighbors. They stole each other's cattle, wives and land. Many , of the great estates of England, we are told, were originally built up by theft. Ex r en highway robbery was engaged in by gentlemen when they got hard up. History reveals to 20th century lesson. Too many of us have on all sides comforts and pleasures xvhich make us consider ourselves alone. Too many of us are completely self- centred, thinking only of the things that will please and profit us as individuals. individuals. One-fifth of the earth's surface belongs belongs to the British Empire. Corn Cure will remove them. HAMPTON ( Crowded out last week) Epworth League meeting was presided over by Mr. T. Salter. Scripture Lesson was read by Miss Mary Souch; the topic, "The New Year" taken by Mrs. F. T. Allin. Allin. Mrs. C. W. Souch and Miss Minnie Horn favored with a duet. YOU DREAD WINTER? If every man, woman and child in this vicinity would only take one spoonful of after meals for one month, it would put vigor in their blood to withstand the rigors of winter weather and help prevent colds, grippe and winter sickness. SCOTT'S is a fortifying medicinal-food of particular particular benefit in changing seasons, and every drop yields direct returns in richer blood, stronger lungs, and greater resistive power. Insist on SCOTT'S. Scott * Bowse. Toronto, Ont. istl THE 1ST 'D 1073 BOWMA A. N. McMillan, OF CANADA HEAD OFFICE - TORONTO This Bank offers every facility in the conduct of apeounts, of manufacturers, manufacturers, farmers and merchants. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT et every Branch. 235 ILLE BRANCH Manefor. IIBlIIIIip ... . _. . 1 ii# The Bath Delightful You would enjoy your bath twice as much if you could get water as soft as summer rain--the kind they used to have in the old-feshioned cistemor rain-barrel. There is a better way now, to get the same result, with any water, and that is to use You sprinkle in a few spoonsful of these dainty, transparent little flakes of the purest soap, and stir them about. Instantly they dissolve, imparting their sa-, tiny softness to the water. Be sure to have a LUX shampoo, too--it makes the hair silken and healthful. LUX--it won't shrink woollens either. British made, by 34 LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED TORONTO Sold by Good Grocer», 10c« Qoamy, Soft wort refreshing to A* Skin j X Patriotic Records That should be in the possession of every loyal son and daughter of the Empire. Ten-inch, double-sided Victor Records--90 cents for the two selection* : O. Canada Harold Jarvis 1 Standard o* the Brace o* Mar Harold Jarvis J I Love You Canada - Herbert Stuart ) Somewhere in France, Dear Mother Lewis J. Howell J ^579v My Own Canadian Home Victor Military Band 1 Laddie in Khaki Lewis J. Howell } Z 183 The Flag That Never Come* Down Edward Hamilton I . 7AQA British Troops Passing Through Boulogne Descriptive ) '696 Take Me Back to Canada They Sang "God Save the King" The Drummer Boy Keep the Home Fires Burning The Veteran's Song Yeomen of England Edward Hamilton! Murray Johnson J *"42 Frederick Wheeler 1 Frederick Wheeler j ^ ■ Peter Dawson 1 Peter Dawson J 120062 When Your Boy Comps Back to You Band of First Reg. Grenadier Guards of Canada Here's to Tommy , 7 216007 Band of First Reg. Grenadier Guards of Canada , Two Splendid Red Seals It s a Long, Long Way to Tipperary John McCormack with Chorus 64476 Land of Hope and Glory ' Mad. Clara BulVand H.M. Coldstream Guards Band 183011 Hear them at any "His Master's Voice" dealers' Write for free topy of our 450 page Musical Encyclopedia Encyclopedia listing over 6000 Vidtor Records. • BERLINER GRAM-O-PHONE CO 153 282 MONTREAL Lenoir Street DEALERS IN EVERY TOWN AND CITY ONE PRICE FROM COAST TO COAST VICTOR RECORDS--MADE IN CANADA LOOK FOR -HIS MASTER'S VOICE- TRADE MARK LIMITED "His Master's Voice" Bowmanville Dealers Levi Morris & Son R. M. Mitchell & Co. Jury & Lovell