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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Jan 1917, p. 3

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IF YOU DO NOT UKE EBB 6 ® BETTER THAN THE* - POWDER YOU HAVE BEEN USING RETURN IT AND rET YOUR MONEY I BEST BY TEST BOWMAN VILLE HOSPITAL Women s Hospital Auxiliary Report On LHR1STMAS COLLECTIONS The Worn, n's Hospital auxiliary take this opportunity of thanking all our generous generous friends who so n_>bly rallied to our assistance assistance in raising the necessary iunds for needs of nur Hospital. As our Board has agreed to be responsible for all the furnishings furnishings required for the successful carrying carrying on of tne work, we feel grateful to the people for their timely donations. "Christmas Collection" for 1916 as per returns up-io-date, given by streets in order order as collected is as lolloirs: Miss Fairbairn, King West,$14.00. Miss Allen, Beech Avc, Lowe, Horsey, Temperance Temperance to Wellington, $21.75. Mesdames Trebilcock and daddy, Liberty Place, Carlisle Ave, $6.25. Mrs. C. Rehder, Church and sts South, $51.06. Mrs. Tole, King, Centre and sts, South, $60 85. Mrs. Bounsall, Argyle, Duke, taunt, $15 75 Miss Stevens, ocugog, 56 75. Mrs.'T. 1 od, Centre, Division, to Wellington and Wellington Wellington Ea t, $34 25. Mrs. A. L. Nicholls, Elgin, High ana a cheque, $34.50. Mrs. McCready, Wellington and sts, South, $47.10. Mrs Warnica, Liberty and Division Division to Wellington, $34.30. Mrs. Percy, Concession. $15.00. Mrs. Copeland, King East, 20 25. Mrs. Pearn, Queen, $10.00. Mrs. Jewell, Ontario, $7-75• Mrs. F. A. Foster, ManversRoad, $2165. Women's Institutes, Societies and Sabbath Sabbath Schools: Nestleton W. I $ 2 75 Hampton W. I ; 5 00 Solina W. 1 5 00 Canadian Order Foresters 5 00 Christian Endeavor Disciples church 5 00 Junior Mission Soc. of St. Paul's.... 5 00 Bpworth League, Methodist church 5 00 Beehive Rebekah Lodge, I. O. O. F. 2 00 Jerusalem Lodge, No. 31, AF&AM 5 00 Methodist S. S. and- Y. L. B. C 13 75 St Paul's Presbyterian S. S 5 00 Maple Grove S. S..Ï 6 35 Presbyterian S. S., Kendal I 00 Eldad M. S. S 4 50 Enniskillen M. S. S 2 25 St. George S. S., Newcastle 2 00 St. Saviour's Anglican S. S., Orono I 25 . Total $477 06 Reggie: "I say, father, you know all about 'rithmetic, don't you?" Father, (uneasily) ; "What is it" you want to know?" Reggie: "Well, how many times what makes eleven ? " II you want health you can have it, by heeding Nature's laws. Keep the stomach strong, the liver active, the blood pure, and the bowels regular, and you will seldom be ill. _ Take good care of these organs, and at the first sign of anything wrong--promptly take Beecham's Pills. you certainly need the help and relief of this world-famed remedy, to keep the body in health. They quickly establish normal normal conditions, so the organs perform their functions as Nature intended. No other remedy will so surely strengthen the system, stimulate the liver, regulate the bowels and quickly improve the general health as tHAtè Pills <a&> N Wdfc-tibi a Guinea a Box Prepared only by Thomas Beecham, St. Heletis, Lancashire, England. Sold everywhere in Canada and U. S. America. In boxes, 25 cents. H*l V vV % m eps There isn't a member of the family need suffer from indigestion, sick headaches, biliousness, fermented stomach, etc., if he or she will take Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They cleanse the stoma'ch and bowels and stimulate the liver to healthy activity and tone up the whole system. Take one at night and you're RIGHT in the morning. AU irszebis, 25c, or by mid free Chamberlain Medicine Company, Toronto. 16 Westminster Hotel, Toronto "A Real Hotel Without a Bar Bright and attractive. Fireproof. Every bedroom bedroom has a bathroom. Elegant ,furnishings. Splendid cuisine. Easy access to shopping districts districts and theatres. Free taxi service from Union Station and wharf. Ask for Provincial Motor taxi». RATES: Single room, with bath, $1.50 to $2.50. Breakfast, 25c to 50c. Luncheon, 35c to 50c. Dinner, 50c to 75c. Inclusive rates, American plan, $2.50 to $3.50 a day. Write for booklet to *40 JARVIS STBKET, TORONTO. Escape the Frost 1 In Victoria or Vancouver, B.C. Canada's Own Winter Resorts and spend your money at home Average sunshine 5-1 hours daily Splendid roads for motoring, golf the year around Fishing, hunting and shooting Three Superb Trains Leave Toronto Each Week Get full particulars, thru Tickets and Reservations from W. G. Giffler. Station Agent, M. A. James, Tow.. Agent or write R. L. Fairbairn, Gen. Pass. Agt, 68 King st. E. Toronto, Ont.. IN THE EDITOR'S MAIL Cindnatti, Ohio, January 3, IW- Dear Mr. James--We have got tira far on our journey homeward. I am going going to V olumbus, Ohio, for a day or two, then to New Orleans wbere we take the Steamer for Panama which is billed to leave lor Chilean ports on Jan.131b. It is i very warm here today--like a summer day. A little farther north we saw some snow and ice on the r vers. As I came along I took notice that the country alqng the railway line is not as good as in Ontario. Ontario. Farm and village houses are chiefly chiefly frame and look considerably out of repair, repair, and I was surprised at the amount of rubbish of all kinds dumped along near the railroad tracks--worse even than in Chili. Felipe T. Smith. Dear Mr. James:--We appreciate the copies of the STATESMAN you have sent us it is like a mirror in the distance giving a true reflection of all the varying changes, in and around the old home. _ I have a photo group hanging in the dining room, the names are W. Lockhart, F. A. Haddy, T. C. Jewell, Fred Cryderman and myself taken at Harry C. Tait's studio. It is a good piece of work for ttie faces are as natural and fresh in appearance as if recently recently taken. One cannot help being affected by»the report from week to week in your paper of the death of people one has long known such as Rev. William JoIIiffe whose influence for good reaches far and wide. We can imagine such a man in glory watching the home-coming of redeemed ones. Then there is ihe revered name of Dr. Alexander Beith--a man that will be long remembered for his gentleness and professional abilities--and the more recent deaths of Mr. Daniel Pollard and Mr. May of Oshawa. Wishing Wishing for you all the best of success for 1917 with kind remberance to Bowmanville friends of the past--Frank Tailing and family, Vancouver, B. C. 9 Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator will drive worms from thd system without injury to the child, because its action, while fully effective, is mild. a ENNISKILLEN (Crowded out last week) Mr. J. A. Werry and "brother, City Editor Editor R. L. Werry of Quebec Daily Telegraph, Telegraph, visited Solina friends.. .Mr. and Mrs. Herb Scott, Bethesda, visited at Mr. F. W. Lee's Miss Tina Sharpe is in the Bell Telephone office, Bowman ville "Buds of Promise" gave Mr Jas. Nes- bit a New Year surprise--they're promising promising and helpfull buds, too Mr. Aimer Herring is ill and Mr. Howard Pye has an abcess on his face... .Anniversary services services at the Presbyterian church were very successful. Rev. J. W. Rae, Newcastle, gave brilliant discource and the Methodist Methodist choir rendered excellent services. .The Tea was followed by a good concert^including concert^including addresses by Rev. J. W. Rae, Newcastle, Newcastle, and Mr. T. A. Brown, Ottawa; four solos by Miss Gertrude Stevens, Pet- erboro, who always captivates her audience audience and Mr. LeRoy Kenny, humorist, Toronto. Proôeeds$l35.00. .. .Sergt-Maj- or Roy Werry, Montreal, visited at J. A. Werry's and J. J. Virtue's... .Misses Esther Esther Stevens and Ethel Gilbert have returned returned to their schools at Midland and Sarnia MfS Will Preston. Ettinger, Sask., Mr. and Mrs. Warren Preston, Oshawa, Oshawa, at Mr. Geo. Preston's Mr. J. E. Virtue has returned to Toronto. . .Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Ruse, Hampton, Misses Marjorie Annis, Mt. Vernon, and Vera Slemon, Haydon, visited at Mr. John Sle- mon's... .Miss Gertrude Stevens, Peter- boro, and Mr. T. A. Brown, Ottawa Normal Normal School, at Mr. Enoch Stevens Mr. Milton, Misses Gertie and Eva Sanderson, Toronto, visited Mr. Wilfred Sanderson ... .Mr. Milton and Miss Lena Slemon, Haydon, and Miss Grace Slemon, were guests at Mrs. Wm. Gilbert's Mr. W. W. Noble, Toronto, visited Mr. Joe. Martin's. Martin's. .. .Sergt. Palmer has returned to Ottawa Ottawa and Miss Reta Robbins to Irondu- quoit, N. Y... .Mr. and Mrs, F. L. Smith and Mr, Trewin visited at Mr. B. J. McLaughlin's McLaughlin's Mr. and Mrs. Jabez Moore visited at Messrs. Wm. Oke's and Norman Woodley's Mrs. Harry Rogers is home from Brighton? Mrsv Rogers recently received received word of the death of her sister in California.... Mr. Norman Redpath bought some cattle down around Cobourg .... Mrs. Howard Stevens and Mr. F. W. Lee have been ill .... Mr. and Mrs. John and Miss Grace Slemon entertained the choir Saturday evening and Mr. and Mrs. Thos. McGill on Tuesday evening . ...W. M. S. monthly meeting met at Mr. Jno, Slemen's... .Pastor Wilkinson is holding evangelical meetings... .Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Parr are with their son, Mr. Jas. Parr, Jr., Bradley's School, who has been ill. Asthma No Longer Dreaded. The dread of renewed attacks from asthma has no hold upon those who have learned to rely upon Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Asthma Remedy. So safe do they feel that com- ' plete reliance is placed on this true specific specific with the certainty that it will always do all that its makers claim. If you have not vet learned how safe you are with this preparation at hand get it to-day and know for yourself. * DARLINGTON {Crowded out last iceek) Miss Ne lie Guy. spent New Years at Mr. George McLaughlin's, Os: awa Proceeds of Base Line Sunday school entertains entertains efit was $4*. It was a great success. success. Children and young people did remarkably remarkably well in drills and dialogue, showing showing careful and patient training. Mr. Dean Pickell and family furnished excellent excellent music on violin, piano, and voice. Misses M. Penfound and L. Osborne gave several instrumental duets and Mr. Frank Walters two solos, accompanied on piano by Miss Penfound. Mr. T- S. Holgite sang several songs accompanied by ;virs. H. W. Burk, town. Miss Margaret Aber- nethy played two piano solos and Miss H. Crago gave two recitations. Rev. R. A. Delve occupied the chair and performed his duties in a very pleasant and efficient manner... .Mr. and Mrs. J. Abernethy visited their son, Pte Jas. Abernethy who is very slowly recovering in Port Hope hospital... .Mrs. J. Cooper, Whitby, was a recent visitor with her niece, Mrs. John E. Allin....Mrs. Ervine Foster and children children visited her parents Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Reynolds, Both well.... Miss Helen T. Goode, Brantford, spent holidays at home .... Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Nicholson, Nestleton, Nestleton, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cory, Oshawa, Miss Mary Hume and Mrs. Frank Burns and family and Mrs. E. Jones, town, visited visited at Mr. W. H. Wood's Pte Frank Downey, Hamilton, visited his brother Mr. Wallace Downey and other relatives .Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Wood who recently celebrated the 25th anniversary of their wedding. May they enjoy many more years of happy married life. Hope for the Chronic Dyspeptic Through lack of consideration of the body's needs many persons allow disorders of the digestive apparatus-to endure until they become chronic, filling days and nights with suffering. To these a course of Parmelee's Vegetable Pills is recom mended as sure and speedy way to regain health. These pills are specially- compounded compounded to combat dyspepsia and the tnahy ills that follow in its train,and they aire successful always. DRUMMER SCOTTIE WRITES Gives Slackers and Baby 1 'Dolls No Quarter Dec. 19th, 1916. Dear Editor--Just a line from the good old boys c f 136th Batt., to let the people of Bowmanville know that we are "Somewhere in France" and that we are all in the very best ol health and that there is a warm spot down deep into our hearts for them. We have been over here now two weeks but we expect to leave any moment for the trenches. The first one I met over here was Major Dick Jones. There shouldn't be a shirker or a "baby doll" left in Bowmanville for the boys are all needed in active service. They'll get a roast when the" boys come marching home". We all keep on smiling for we are all glad to think that we are "doing our bit" and fighting for the dear old Maple Leaf and our loved ones at home. Tell those who shirk now that when we come back we wont look at them for they are not worthy of the protection they are receiving from their country. SCOTTIE. Pte Frank Taylor, 605:56, 87th Batt., B. E. F., Canadians, France. MAPLE GROVE {Croicdcd out last week) Mrs. Thos. Trimble, Smilev, Sask., and Miss Margaret Kerr, town, visited at Mn Richard Trimble's, Saturday Mr. and Mrs. John Snowden attended the funeral of her cousin, Mrs. Thos. Sheridan, Oshawa, Oshawa, Saturday Miss Lillie Trenouth, Hampton, has been visiting her sister Mrs. John Snowden Mr. R. H. Armstrong, who has been sick, is improving. «. If worry kept people thin no woman would ever be stout. CURE Sick Headache and relieve all the troubles Incident Incident "to a bilious etate of tho system, such a« 'Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsiness. Distress after eating. Pain in the Bide, to. While their most remarkable success has been shown In curing SICK yet Carter's Little Liver Pill* are equally valuable in Constipation, curing and preventing preventing this annoying complaint, while they aUe correct all disorders of the stomach .stimulate the liver and regulate tips bowels, Bven it they only cured HEAD Travel Canadian Northern all the way CARTWRIGHT COUNCIL Inaugural meeting January 8th after routine,,Women's Institute requested the use of Town Hall on January 19th-- granted. D. English was appointed Assessor at $65.00, S. Jeffrey was appointed appointed Board of Health and Dr. F. T. Howe, Sanitary Inspector, and F. Taylor and R. Edgerton, Auditors, at. $6.00 each. Orders were passed as follows: W. H. VanCamp, account B of H. .$ 8 00 S. Jeffrey " " .... 800 Wm Seacock, Sec'y " 9 20 D. Heaslip, work 3 00 W. C. Marlow, wood, for ball 7.00 Municipal World 6j. copies, 7.00 Dr., A. S. Tilley, operation C- Hardy 25.00 Receipts: Manvers Boundary account $1.25 E Whitby 2 50 Darlington " 7.00 Counil ajourned to meet Feb. 5 th, 1917. ; 0 -- Internal parasites in shape of worms in the stomach and bowels of children sap their vitality and retard physical development. development. They keep the child in a constant state of unrest ind, if not attended to, endanger- endanger- life. The child can be spared muàh suffering and the mother much anxi- etyoy the best worm remedy thaV can be got, Miller's Worm Powders, which are sure death to worms in any shape. A man may be on the right track and yet have no steam in his boilers. JLohethey would be slmostprtoeless to those suffer from this distressing complaint; but form- •bis in so many ways that they will u°t J»e vrUj Hue to do without them. But after all eteknea» ACHE laths bane of so many lives that here I* where we make our great boast. Our pills cure it while ethers do not. _ „ „ - Carter's Little Liver Pills are very small and very easy to take. One or two pill* make a dees. They are strictly vegetable ana do not gripe or purges but by their gentle action pl^se all who use them. OAHU MSI8I1* 60.. #1W TOIL Ml MM-Wftm Nerve Force is so much like Electricity, Electricity, and the latter is so much fetter fetter understood, that we have used this vivid telephone picture to illustrate illustrate what takes place in the human system when the connecting nerve fibres are deranged or something goes .wrong at Central. In the nervous system the 'brain is the Central where the Nerve Force is created, and whence are issued the orders which control the whole human body. Here is consumed one-fifth of the blood in the human body, and when the blood supply i» deficient in quality or quantity, the brain and the nervous system are first to feel the effects. Neuralgic pains and headaches, inability to rest or sleep or concentrate concentrate the mind, dizziness and noises in the ears, are some of the symptoms of a starved nervous system. Just as machinery lags when the current of electricity fails,' so the bodily organs weaken when the supply supply of nerve force runs low. Digestion Digestion is impaired and you lose appetite, appetite, the liver, kidneys and bowels are slow in performing their functions, the heart's action weakens, circulation circulation is slow, hands and feet are cold, you are easily tired, lose ambition and grow downhearted and discouraged. This describes the condition under which Dr. Chase's Nérve Food can prove of greatest assistance to you. Forming new, rich blood it feeds the starved, exhausted nerve and brain cells back to health and vigor. The new vital, nerve force flows out through the intricate system of nerve fibres to every member and every organ of the body, carrying new vigor, energy and strength and driving out pain, weakness and disease. 60 cents a box, 6 tor $2.50, all dealers, or Edmanson, Rate» & Co., Limited, Toronto. Do not be talked into accepting a substitute. Imitations disappoint, Dr. Chase's Recipe Book, 1,000 selected recipes, sent free if you mention this paper. An Expert Opinion. A man who kept a road house in Rhode Island, was called upon to testify in a suit as to the number of cubic yards that were handled in some filling work near-his place. He showed very little knowledge of the matter, and his idea of a cubic yard was so indefinite that it seemed doubtful whether he knew what the j term meant.. In order to make its meaning clear, the judge said: "Listen, witness: Assume this inkstand to be three feet across the top this way and three feet that way and three feet in height, what should you call it?" "Well, Your Honor," said the wit ness, without hesitation, "I should say it was some inkstand." > *' A Good Reason. "Were yo& in any great action during during the war?" "Yes. That's the reason there j^so , little action in me now," said the old 1 soldier who had a wooden leg. TO INVESTORS THOSE WHO, FROM TIME TO TIME, HAVE FUNDS REQUIRING INVESTMENT MAY PURCHASE AT PAR DOMINION OF CANADA DEBENTURE STOCK IN SUMS OF $500, OR ANY MULTIPLE THEREOF & 17=? Principal repayable 1st October, 1919. Interest payable half-yearly, 1st April and 1st October by cheque "(free of exchange at any chartered Bank in Canada) at the rate of five per cent per annum from the date of purchase. Holders of this stock will have the privilege of surrendering at par and accrued interest, as the equivalent, of cash, in payment payment of any allotment made under any future war loan issue in Canada other than an issue of Treasury Bills or other like short, date sccûrity. Proceeds of this stock are for war'purposes only. A commission of one-quarter of one: per cent will be allowed to recognized bond and stock brokers on allotments made in respect of applications for this stock which bear their stamp. For application forms apply to the Deputy Minister of Finance, Ottawa. DEPARTMENT 09 FINANCE, OTTAWA

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