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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Jan 1917, p. 6

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ft SâUDA" TeajsDelicious and Pure Sealed Packets Only - Never in Bulk BLACK, MIXED or NATURAL GREEN E218 five minutes, or until a light brown in color. AN IMPORTANT LETTER FROM NIAGARA FALLS. Ni Potato SpeciaL--Mash several cold boiled potatoes, add butter, one egg, /Niagara Falls, Ont.-- -"I was miserable, pepper and salt. Mix, shape into bredSut and dragging around. Mvleza balls, roll in flour and fry in butter. 1 ' * J ^ Arran 2 on platter with slices of cold roast chicken. Garnish with lettuce leaves. Cabbage with Eggs.--Drain a well- boiled cabbage and chop it up very fine. Put into a frying pan two tablespoonfuls of butter and one of flour for every quart of chopped cab-j bage. When hot, add the cabbage season with salt, pepper and one or two tablespoonfuls of vinegar. Stir ! ri, ; could scarcely sup- mi- port me. My hua- at band had read ' about 'Favorite Prescription' and he got me to use it. I used four bottles and the results were surprising. I got stronger, was less nervous, my appetite appetite improved and I DREAMS. Bright dreams -of the past leave relics of joy . That tinte in its flight can neved de- stroy; . , Like a vial Attar of Roses contains, Though shattered to fragments, the perfume remains. Kingdoms may flourish in brightest array And vanish again e'er the light of the day, No rule can be made, no bound can be set-- About the House Selected Recipes. Johnny Cake.--One cup of corn- oieàl, one-half cup of flour, one tea- Useful Hints and General Information Information for the Busy Housewife felt like ,» new per- constantly for six or eight minutes, ! medicine for women I have ever heard of/' ' 16ams baVe no in any respect then put it in a dish, smooth the out- ~~Mrs. A. C. Brown, 39 Clifton. Ave.» side and garnish with quarters of, b'^ a 8 ara Falls, 'Ont. ha S' b ? iIed eggs \ L nothing that will bring com- Missionary Cake--One cup brown '°rt and renew hope to the invalid so Burely as good news. When the vital forces are at a low ebb and everything seems useless, a ray of joy and assurance assurance will stimulate tne weary body to JBuort^and energy. A letter from a in many a sugar, one cup cold water, two cups raisins, one-third cup lard, one-quarter one-quarter nutmeg, one-quarter teaspoon cloves, one teaspoonful cinnamon, pinch of salt. Boil all together about loved one has turnedtke^tide Then let our dreams, in the stillness of night. Fly swift to the realms of endless delight; delight; Let the pain and the care each day brings to view, Be cancelled in sleep, when come true. five minutes; let cool; then add one siege of sickness, teaspoonful baking soda dissolved in- Doctor Pierce, of the Invalids'; Hotel water, one-half teaspoonful baking Buffalo, N. y., has good new.: for every powder. Sift with two cups of flour woman. Write him to-day and and bake in medium het oven about „ b him your troubles, _ and he will send thirty minutes. j |?V nu -dvice to restore you to health and brrng back visions the roses to •pooniul soda, salt, two tablespoonfuls f ,°Vi- ,eQ ""S ^ 1 ,^ > " t - Dro P Çakes.-Mix two pounds ! your cheeks, anc Without charte' Hi, molasses, one tablespoon on , 1T . two teaspoonfuls baking powder. Put of flour, one ditto nf hn+t-r». i rl Jr .- um molasses, milk to mix. sugar, sour j Oatmeal Cookies.--Mix one tea- I spoonful butter with one cup granu- j lated sugar, add two eggs, two and i one-half cups of rolled oats (raw), j one ditto of butter, one ditto ! "Favorite Prescription" has been the , * of , sugar » one di tto of currants,^clean rescue of thousands of suffering women greased and heated pan. Bake about and dry; then wet into a stiff paste ; Many } grateful patiente have taken Dr. ■ ■ . „jl._ . i w ith two eggs, a large spoon of orange j " lerce 8 ft dvice. flower, x ditto rose-water, ditto sweet 11 Mothers, if your daughters are weak, wine, ditto brandy; drop them in a ' i" a ™bition, are troubled with head- tin plate floured, a very shor^ time "££^7* a teaspoonful of the mixture on Can you guess it ? There are housewives whose o**ke is. always praised--whose pastry is famous for its melting tiakiness--whose firm, light bread wins daily compliments-- whose pudding's are noted for savoury lightness--whose cookies cookies are so lastingly crisp. Tney have one rule that applies to all their baking. Can you guess it ? bakes them. White Taffy--Four cups of granulated granulated sugar, one cup of vinegar, one quarter cup of water. Boil and do not stir or move until it is done. W hen it hardens in water pour onto buttered plates, then flavor with van- but don't P stir. * Then, 1 ' when Enough ' Sf h 5T_ add , the milk to il > then Doctor Pierce's Favorite* Prescription "is lust what they need to surely bring the bloom of health to their cheeks and make them strong and healthy. It is not a secret remedy because ita uigredients are printed oh wrapper, bold m either tablet or liquid form. Sweet dreams of the past--^some never fulfilled; Yet sweet as the breath of roses distilled, distilled, With faith, hope and trust, then look to the light And dream golden dreams in the dark- ness of night. F. TABLING, Vancouver, B.C. * * EBENEZER (Crowded out last week) Miss Louise Osborne is attending Albert College Pte Bert Griffith, Toronto, Bantams Batt., visited Mr. Thos. Gimblett ... .Ked Cross workers met last Thursday Thursday when this interesting program was presented Quartet by Mesdames Court- kS 1 *' ^ 7 nn tir and Miss A. Courtier?; solo by Miss V v Werry and a reading by Miss H.Crago....Miss Emma Lane returned returned to Toronto Messrs. Price CANADIANS WANTED FOR THE « ROYAL NAVY Canadians wanted for the Royal Naval Canadian Volunteer Keserve for immediate overseas service. Only men of good character and good physique accepted. Pay $1.10 Minimum per day--Free Kit. $20.00 per Month Separation Allowance. Experienced men from 38 to 43, end beys from 15 to 18 accepted for ««twice in the CANADIAN NAVAL PATROLS fer defence of, the Coasts. Apply to Commodore Æmilius Jarvis Navel Recruiting Officer, Oaten* Area 103 Bay Street, TORONTO, or Dept, of the,Naval Service OTTAWA and a a recitation. Oke has j: turned to Toronto, win Worden still improves.. ' .Mr and Miss Lorn a i Mr. Ed- I Give Now to tÉ loosen from plates, take up and pull 5 dd * hlS ™. iIk - and -egg mixture to the ! X. a r n Dyke ' Gl T - R - sectionmen, had into taffy. Then cut it-off and nlart* : dr y in ^ edients and beat all well to- | e?ca P® one evening when the on smaller plates to cool plaCe j S»ther. Pour into a shallow well- ! J 1 *'5 h ca " e unexpectedly They jump- Corn Bread--Cbie^n^onerhalf cups oven S fo r C a^out^h^"V" a .corn meal, quarter cup flofiîÇ one I p- Iirp r bo ^* * hlrty nimutes. | and good services. Allan Penfofr.d ore" tablespoon sugar, % teaspoonful salt 2 < two ° K ° f , sugar ' : 'ided Miss Hattie Osborne gave P the ! tablespoons baking powder, one table- I îw* h d CUP ° f butter ' yolka of t( J p ' c A P oI 'os"; Miss V. Werry contrit spoon butter, one and one-quarter cups i ^ j ggS , ° ne cup of cooked and | Vjf d °'w lss A,, ie Worden a reading, milk, one egg. Mix-and sift the flour, ! of° PP ! dprUne !' °ne-half teaspoonful ; ^ a Van Dvke a corn, meal, baking powder salt and • l ™ eg and an equal amount of: Alta Nickel! i su £^ together twice, then 'into these ! onThSftf '^4°^ ° ne and I wia Worden idry ingredients cut the butter with a ! riîidtftat l t " 1 f ° U J' tbe grated j Mrs. W. Lymer, Maple Grove,' visited* 1 at fork until in fine bits. Beat the egg S n > fï ^ * teaspoon -1 Nicholls'. ... Mrs. Crocker, Toron- ! fui of the juice, three tablespoonfuls ! to, is visiting old friends Miss É Pen- of sour cream or, milk, one level tea- ! found is new President of "Sunshine" j spoonful of baking soda dissolved in ! * •- Mrs. M. Gay is home from New I a tablespoonful of hot water and added 1 L J £keard - • •- M r. Norman Found is back ! to the cream. Mix in order given and fn T oron T f T ° Medical College Miss Pick- | bake in moderate oven. When nearly 1 r Y ls . Ul P g cousins here coo, cover with- icing made cup of confectioners sugar mixed to a | from Columbus Mrs. Levi Ann is is soft paste with lemon j'uice or orange ! visiting her old home... Miss Lvra Tre- and lemon mixed. The cake should be ' nouth ' Hampton, visited Misses Crago.. It Pays to Use Good Fertilizers Cheap fertilizers are always more expensive in the long run. If they are not well mixed, for instance, they may produce uneven plant growth, because the fertilizer is weak m some places and strong in others. Make sure of first- class results by using arab «5 %s|lL W Æ.^36 fERTILIZERS They are very finely thorough method known, for your soil. It will increase ground and perfectly mixed bv the most One of these fertilizers is the right one the*nupMtv -cd „„iV" your crops, hasten maturity, improve tne quality end make more money for you. Harab-Davie^ fertilizers are true plant foods good for both crop'am, so!. Write to da.v for fertilizer booklet. We send them free of charge. bulletins and our Ontario Fertilizers, Limited, West Toronto. OBITUARY " Bear Ye One Another's Burdens " -but worthy of all acceptation. baked in a shallow cake tin about ten ! R - s horrceIebrated her 8ist birthday inches square. w>th a few friends. She is quite hale and Boiled Noodles.--One egg, one-half ' Spsnt New Y ears teaspoon salt, grating of nutmeg, dash ! are home'from E^ter ParSODS and slsters of cayenne and flour. Beat egg, add I seasonings and enough flour to make I T . stiff dough. Work on floured board i Cnnn ERt Th LLY AND , External ly it is smln r!° th an h 6l n StiC \ Cut °ff' ! Thomi a 7 Skc!ric W Oin s ^"7 c!'„ "e small portions and roll each as thin aj| used internally for many complaints as a wafer. Slash into strips with sharp 1 well as externally. For sore throat knife and cook in boiling water or j croup, whooping cough, pains in the chest' soup stock twenty minutes. May ! crdic and many kindred ailments it has be dried before cooking and stored un- ! c , u I a!i X e qualities that are unsurpassed is no 'Tis an old saying--sometimes a hard on Take a present-day illustration. A bottle of it costs little and there loss in always having it at hand. Ontario's burdens. than has Ontario. . . . .. British Columbia--out there under the-setting sun--is helping to bear S c has sent to the front--that shell-torn front in France--a larger proportion of her manhood CLUBBING LIST .$i would spend no money. It would ncithe? Ffeht nofpey.""" CSI " g °" ,y f ° r its ° w °' thc p tovIncV sVndin e "no m« Fund îS'ÆÏS Tho Canadian Patriotic CoSmwL ,thC Fund hOP ' S °""*> d ° =«» better wili How stands the Western Provinee? It will require, in 1917,two million doilars for the families of its boys at the til wanted. Serve sprinkled with breadcrumbs which have been browned browned in hot butter to golden color. Cuk% With Custard.--Moisten with, lemon /nice enough stale cake to cov-j er bottom of glass dish holding one Statesman . quart. Make soft custard by scald- i Bowmanville News . . . . . . . . ing two-cups milk and pquring slow- ! The Statesman or The News will Iy over two beaten egg yolks, mixed b® furnished for 1917 in connection with with three tablespoons sugar, one tea- ; ander named publications at prices spoon butter, and a little salt. Cook in double boiler until it thickens. Strain, and when partly cool add one- teaspoon vanilla and pour 50 50 half B^tih T ^ ^ po " )uUtion - .nd good red blood--it it undortaldog to rjac ^ " PlUCk Ontario, if it reuse six million, will be giving about $2.38 per head. $2.86 per head. That equals Canada 5Ut AnH rv?'" 1 Province will still be short One Million Dollars. Lanada. And Ontario, if it wishes to help, can do Million Dollars. A lot of money, isn't it? Where is this sum to come from? Eastern so only to the extent to which its gifts to the Fund exceed Six Three Courses lo«if mouured by ability to pay.^l'", sSS^sTf t^o foUowc" 1. If all County Councils make reasonably large grants to the national Fund. f ÆSSS SS"*' d fr ° m thrir « -t. -■> undottaico campaign, for 3. If all citizens, in town or country, contribute fairly according to their means. 1917 it will be the generaus^um^lpiSO^OO^T^Wct^ria annTh# = decided ^° . Iar Kcly increase its grant. For trant, jumping h from SU, 500 a month inl916 to S5 0017° U ^ pat U°^ c to , tbe core . has doubled its " Clde at Hie January sessions how large their grants will be Public o^JAîo °£ County CouncUs will Every county ratepayer, symoatheti^towardT £ Æ ^ S influence on thé Councils, endorsing a liberal grant. The inudl tax of three mills on the • p k to representative on the Council* tribu tion. ce nuu * 011 thc doIIar raises a sum that constitutes a handsome con-* a county tSc N °Y*et fust SSShS?'* P^Hcularly to towns which pay means. PracticaUv it i, afairo r just contribution to the Fund from men of moderate or large be reached only through a popular camptdKT't? th* ,h ? uld ^ ve much more, and they can February. Will not patriotifiSn and w?£min eveS t^n^ïï^n^ ehouId ^ held in January or organization and methods by writing to the Cansdi^Pitriotic Fi3 ? *11 information as to with a campaign of advertising. T*" - r * cnotic Fund, Ottawa. And the Fund will assist them also stated :-- Daily Globe". Si cn Daily Mall & Empire ! ! ! ! ! !. j Toronto World ] / i ..ri , « - over j Toronto Daily News A nn cake. When ready Ho serve, beat Toronto Daily Star * ' " 4 00 3 00 25 00 , . . - -, Daily Star . whites into stiff froth, add one table- Weekly Witness spoon sugar and a little lemon juice when beating. Drop lightly, by spoonfuls, spoonfuls, on top of custard and put bits of jelly on meringue. Spice Cake.--Boil four cupfuls sugar, one--third cupful lard; cupfuls raisins, four cupfuls water, one nutmeg, one and one-half tea- cpoonfuls ground cloves, four teaspoonfuls teaspoonfuls cinnamon and level tea- spoonful salt, three minutes, then cool and add eight cupfuls flour, two teaspoonfuls teaspoonfuls baking powder, four teaspoonfuls teaspoonfuls soda dissolved in warm water, one and one-half cupfuls nut meats and a small piece of citron. Weekly Sun " 2 Farmers' Advocate *!!!!.'.".! 3 Farm and Dairy % 2K Family Herald Sc Weekly Star ! ! ! 2 50 T^:"-^na dian Hom e Journal.... 2 50 Herald a cn Samuel Tremeer, VTaxiposa. . Tuesday, Dec. 19, 19 6, Sa icm community community was shocked to hear of(he death of Samuel Tremeer, one of its best known and most highly respected residents. He attended church at Salem twice on Sun day, out Monday evening was seized with acute indigestion, and passed peacefully to rest Tuesday morning. The funeral Friday Friday Dec. 22nd was very largely attended. The remains were taken to Salem, where a large congregation gathered in the Methodisu Church. After, an impressive .service by Rev. E. Harstone, interment took place in the cemetery near by. He had been a memberof Salem Church from boyhood, and had always been an active and willing worker in church and Sabbath School work. He will be greatly missed. He was born in Devon. England coining to Canada at an early age and settling in Darlington 52 years ago, the family removed removed to Mariposa, where he has since resided. He -was 62 years of age, was predeceased by his wife nearly 30 years. He is survived by two sons Lewis and William, and two daughters Misses Evel- ena and Lillie at home, and two brother: Thomas and Arthur, and a sister--Mrs. Wesley Thorne--all of Mariposa. -- ■> TRIBUTE TO BRAVE WOMAN. oe « The Çommander-in-Chief feels sure that th'e Army will appreciate and inspired by this splendid example the loyalty and determination with which their comrades in the munition factories are helping towards victory. B e 1 Ü estion and ions ness Indigestion, biliousness, headaches, headaches,, .pains after eating, constipation, are all common common symptoms of stomach and liver tioubles. And the more you neglect them, the more you suffer. Take Mother "Seigel's Syrup if your stomach, liver, or Dowels are slightly deranged or MOTHER of Ladies Canadian Home . Christian Herald eight Christian Guardian j a ■-■ L -- Canadian Farm " ' ' 2 Canad <n Countryman " .* j, _ 2 3 50 00 2 25 50 Saturday Globe 2 cn T orontn XI7" .1 * J Toronto Sunday World.. 3 75 Avoiding Confusion. "Can you make anything out of the news from Europe?" * "Easiest thing in the world. I only read the newspaper every other p .1 . _ -- -- ». w... j -- -*' w -w„ every other dâv. ry a , deep r «>und baking pan and j In this way I get a connected storv of Dake 111 Slow oven. '"Frost with muni* ■ n-na cido nr tho n+Vmr ««J * t campaign «tewrth't. The, o= the the Privilege of every Canadian stay-at-home to ask hSdf: For how reaçect and in gratitude, take care of one of theae families? Everything is built on it. If he will not : the men at the front, the Fund suffers, and they from it. It is the duty--it should be considered many weeks, at $4 a week, must I, in self. t^ems of onlyonefandiy for" whcn'Î^M do"""" *** 1 em tool t0tiC,C qOMtkm * *" •» foUnd " h " h « •"= -»» mail, hi, extra s ift to the Tr™ of hi. THE CANADIAN PATRIOTIC FUND, OTTAWA. oven. /Frost with maple frosting and mark eyes, nose and hiouth with raisins or nut meats. one side denials." or the other and avoid the Ontario is being to assure the Canadian Patriotic Trend, that it can depend on having six million dollars tn 1917 for the families of Ontario's Ontario's aoldimu Four million of these dal. lnrs must be secured from Individual subscriptions. If thers^ls no Branch of the Fund Inyour town or county send your subscription di- rect to the Head Office; Canadian Patriotic Fund; Vi ttoria street, Ottawa. 11 Things To Remember. Salt or soda and- a damp cloth will remove stain from dishes. A tough chicken can be" made tender by steaming it for three hours before roasting. Fruit is. a more economical dessert than puddings, when eggs are so high. If you use sour cream for butter making, it should be soured quickly. Fresh air and plenty of rest and water, will go a great way towards curing a cold. Garments that arè~ soaked in hot soapy water for a time before they are washed will be snowy white. A little cold boiled potato added to the filling for fowl will prevent it from being too dry. Discarded rubber garments may be cut up into mittens to be used when blacking the stove, etc. It is wise to once in a while take out the rollers of the carpet sweeper and wash them thoroughly. They will sweep rn^ich cleaner. To freshen stale" loaves of bread, moisten slightly with cold water, just merely running the wet hand over stir- face, then place in hot oven a short • time. / The neighbor, being a man and one of the father's former pals, did not expand with appreciation. Sir Douglas Haig Tells the Army Their Splendid Courage. The following special Order of the Day was recently issued by General Sir Douglas Haig:-- The Commander-m-Chief desires to bring to the notice of the troops the following incident, which is illustrative illustrative of the spirit animating British women, who are working with us for the common cause. One night recently recently a shell burst in a shop at a filling factory, in which thè great majority of the workers are women. In spite of the explosion the work was carried carried on without interruption, though several women were killed and others seriously wounded. The remainder displayed perfect coolness and discipline discipline in dealing with the emergency. As the result of their gallant and patriotic patriotic conduct the output of munitions was not'seriously affected. SYRUP have lost tone. Mother Seigel's Syrup is made from the curative extracts of certain roots, barks, and leaves, which have a remarkable remarkable tonic and strengthening strengthening effect on all the organs of digestion. The distressing svmp- toms of indigestion or 'liver troubles soon disappear under its beneficial action. Buy a bottle to-day, but be sure you E et the genuine Mother Seigel's yrup. There are many imitations, imitations, but not one that cives the same health benefits. 1015 is the Best Remedy Etui 1N TWO «ZÉS ONLY. FULL SIZE, Price 1.00 TRIAL SIZE, Price BOe I n;.--t is made in one grade only-the highest. So there no danger of getting "seconds" when you is buy 2 and 5 lb. Cartons-- 10,20,50 and 100 lb. Bags. Redpath in the original Cartons or Bags. * Redpath Sweeten it." ^ Canada Sugar Refining Co, Limited, Montreal

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