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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Jan 1917, p. 8

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Rich. Snowden is offering this weeks Mincemeat, regular 20c for... 17c Royal Excelsior Dates .2 lbs for 25c Biscuits, regular 18c .....2 lbs for 29c Valencia Raisins, reg 18c for j ..15c Seedless Raisins, regular 17c......2 lbs for 29c G-ong Soup, all flavors 6 for 25c Roman Meal, Nuggett's, reg 10c 2 lbs 17c u u • t res* 25c 2 for 43c Kellogg's Bran, reg 15c pkg, for 12c Krinkle Corn Flakes, reg iOc 3 for 24c Homemade Marmalade, reg 20c 15c Ammonia, reg 10c . 3 for 23c RD. SNOWDEN. Phone 243 Bowiiianvil le BO WMAN VILLE, JAN. 18, 1917 Coal &, Wood Best grades of Coal only kept, also Wood of all kinds. If you have not ordered your Winter supply yet, you had better do so as it is liable to advance any day. E. W. LOSCOMBE Standard BanK Building, Temperance St. Phone 177 Yours for Big Business "Quality Groceries They are "Good" today, they are "Good" tomorrow, they are "Always Good"--at The Corner Grocery. Good fresh groceries always on hand. We will do our best to satisfy our customers. We have the choicest of Winter Fruits--Oranges, Lemons, Grape Fruit, Bananas, etc. Pickles, 01ive * ' Prepared Mustard and Canned Goods Leave your order with HARRY ALLIN Phone 186 Bowmânville Have a Chair * -- g # This week we will clear out some $ 2 chairs at following low prices: * 5 # £ 6 set Plain Oak Finished, 6 chairs $3.50 gg 4 set Cheap Diners, oak finish, 6 chairs $4 75 ^ • 4 set Diners, Slat Back, 6 chairs for *5.90 * 2 4 set Diners, Bent Wood, 6 chairs for $6.95 g * 8 Arm Chairs, the kind father likes, $2.15 * $ Alan M. Williams, $ Phone 58 or 159 Bowmanville § Undertaking receives prompt attention day or night. BN FIELD Mrs. W. Hepburn, Kedrdn, has been visiting at Mr. A. Ormiston's_. t.. Miss Mabel Powell is visiting at • Hamilton.... Messrs F. T. Ashton andL.C. Pascoe have had new pianos placed in their homes..... Mr. J. Sheckelton.has pneumonia.... Mrs. J. Ferguson is sick Mrs. J. Scott re quired medical attendance... .Mr. Oliver McCulloch has been suffering from blood poisoning... .Messrs A. Ormiston. and John Ormiston sold and delivered horses at Oshawa Saturday....Mr. Jas. Adams has re-rented the . farm of Mr. Jos. Knapp .... La Grippe is visiting this neighborhood. neighborhood. Poultry supplies at F. O. Mason's. Auto Strop Razor--something special at Mason & Dale's. MAPLE GROVE Miss Aura Ruudle has returned from visiting her aunt, Mrs. James McKenzie, Columbus.... Much sympathy is extended to Mrs. W. J. Snowden in the loss of her mother Mrs. Everson who passed away at her daughter's Mrs. B. J. Gay, Oshawa .... Rev. H. B. Neal, Bowmanville, preached a good sermon here Sunday afternoon to a large audience... .Rev. R. A. Delve will preach a series of character sermons through the winter months.... Mrs. Wm. Weriry and daughter Nora, Solina, Mrs. M. A. James, M-s. Julia Van Nest, Town, recently visited their cousin Mrs. Thos. Snowden.... Messrs Raymond Snowden and Morley Burgess delegates to Boys' Conference, Lindsay, gave a splendid report at Sunday School .. Messrs. Eber and Lloyd Snowden are attending the short course at Guelph. Animal Regulators --Largest stock in town at F. O. Mason's. A. W. Pickard has a fine display of cutters. He offers something really fine. HAMPTON Epworth League meeting was held as usual with Miss Lottie Horn as cha rman The Scripture Lesson led by Lloyd Ward, was read responsively. Mrs. W. W. Horn and Miss Minnie Horn gave a duet. The topic "Missionary Educational Work" was taken by Miss Mildred Cole and Mrs. E. Ward gave a short sketch of "Billy" Sunday and his work. Visitors:--Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Hoidge, Lindsay, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tamblyn, Orono, at Mr. M. B. Cryderman's; Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm, Nesdelon, at Mr. Thomas Elliott's; Mrs. J. Ranton and Miss Pearl home from Toronto Report of Box s' Con erence at Lindsay was given by Lloyd Ward and Frank Cryderman at the Sunday School session and was much appreciated by the large number present Echo Conference at Enniskillen February February 7.... Mrs. M. B. Cryderman, Mrs. Hayes, Mrs. J. L. Johns, Mrs. H. Elliott, Mr. Thos. Pascoe and Mr. C. Horn are under the Doctor's care Miss Maud Reynolds is visiting her brother, Mr. H. J. Reynolds, Malvern, Pa.... A very pleasant pleasant evening was spent recently when a number of the voung peop e visited the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Johns and yave to Mrs. Johns a miscellaneous shower and to Mr. Johns a Family Bible. AH returned to their homes wishing Mr. and Mrs. Johns very many years of wedded happiness... .The many friends of Mr. Clatwo thy will be pleased to learn that he is so far recovered from his accident as to be able to sit out in a chair for a short time... .Pleased to see Rev. G» Brown able to take his work on Sunday after being indisposed during the week. EBENEZER HAYDON Mr. Douglas Mtiore recently visited with friends in Oshawa.... Mr. Oliver Pollard, London, is spending a tew days with his sister Miss Clara Pollard at Mr. Sherwood Rundle's.... Mrs. John Wright is hdme from visiting relatives it Ponty- pool.... Miss Wright and friend, Toronto, were guests of her father .Mr. W. A. Wright..; .Miss Rilda Slemon, Bowmanville, Bowmanville, recently visited at home. W. M. S. held their monthly .mee'ing Thursday afternoon at the church. Miss C. Courtice, President, was in ihe chair. Chapters of Study Book were taken by Mrs. R. R. Gay and Mrs. (Rev ) Delve. Solos were given by Mrs. A. E. Rundle and Mrs. G. F. Annis and a duet by Misses Pearl and Annie Parsons Fred Courtice lost a horse last week.... Elton Werry was elected President of the "Live Wires" A. B. Cl last week Ep- worth League was interesting. Miss V. Werry had charge of the service, Miss Hazel Crago gave a fine paper on "The Epworth League and Missions", lesson was read by K. E. Courtice, and a solo by Miss A. Oke Mr. G. Williams of Shel burne is visiting his sister at G. F. Annis' ... .The funeral of Mrs. Wm. Everson was held on Friday. Service at the home of her daughter, Mrs. B. J. Gay, Oshawa, conducted by Revs. Delve, Manning and Wilson, and the body laid to rest in this cemetery.... Mrs. Delve is spending the week with her sister at Janetville... .Sunday .Sunday services were splendid. Rev. H. B. Neal, Bowmanville, gave us strong Educational Educational sermons and subscriptions were liberal. Pastor - Delve was at Bowmanville Bowmanville in the morning but assisted at the evening meeting. Our choir gave choice selections.... ,S. S. Brooks and family spent Sunday at Oshawa... .Quite a snowstorm Saturday but the wind prevented prevented good sleighing At the meeting of Ebenezer Trustee Board last week Mr. Wm. E. Courtice resigned from the position position of Secretary-Treasurer afrer 20 years' service. A una -imous motion of regret and appreciation was tendered,Geo. R. Annis was elected his successor...Our Epworth League Ladies are. entertaining the members on hursday evening and will furnish program and refreshment... ; Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Clemens, Tyrone, spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Gay....Mrs R. Nichols passed away Monday morning at her daughter's Mrs. Michael Burns', Bowmanville, after a lingering lingering illness. Funeral .wa-. held here Wednesday Pte. Bert Griffith spent Sunday at T. Giuiblett's. Mrs. Jas. Hancock has had a phone installed--134-16 installed--134-16 The play given Tuesday Tuesday evening by the Tyrone League "The Oak Farm" was a spl ndid success, delighting delighting everyone. Proceeds $46. Sewing Machines--See F. O. Mason and save money. Mason & Dale are offering something special in Auto Strop Razors. All kinds of Furs at greatly reduced prices at Couch, Johnston & Cryderman's. ENNISKILLEN Messrs. Frank Dorland and Walter Smith attended the Boys' Conference at Lind "ay....An "Echo" Boys' Conference will be held at the Methodist Church, Enniskillen, on Feb. 7th. 120" boys expected expected ... .Our Pastor drove thro' some very bad roads on Sunday to reach his two outside appointments and was greeted greeted by four people at one appointment.... The Methodists drew home fifteen loads of wood from Enfield last week and on Monday held a bee of over 3° men, and with the aid of Mr. N. D. . Redpath's gasoline gasoline engine and saw got it cut and piled. Nothing like unity of purpose.... Mrs. Harry Wilkinson has returned from Wil- berforce. . .Mr. W. J. Stainton has a new piano... .Mr. H. J. Werry is appointed assessor for 1917... .Mr. Thos. Hoidge is at Wm. Oke's.., .Messrs Wilfrid Sanderson Sanderson and Adam Sh-rpe have gone- to_ the city to fill positions... .Special meetings are continued th s week, ihe Pastor speaking on the "Beatitudes".. . .Missionary .Missionary program on Sunday morning.... Mr. Walter Oke has tonsilitus and Mr. F. W. Lee lumbayo, Mr. Ellis Hall is also LI.... Mr. F. H. Orchard, Miami, Man, with his. uncles, Messrs. Jno. and Frank Orchard .... Mr. Will Preston has gone to Detroit... Detroit... .Enniskillen school has received the Banner for the championship at the Athletic meet at the rural school fair, in Hampton. PATRIOTIC FUND Darlington Receipts and Expenditures Expenditures Total Subscribed . $10,982 60. Receipts Total paid in to date $10,341 50 Interest on deposits 12965 Total $10,471.15 Expenditures 1915 Patriotic Fund $2500 00 Canadian Red Cross Fund... 2, 75 00 Speakers' Patriotic League 11.50 1916 Patriotic Fund $ 5°0 00 Canadian Red Cross Fund 500.00 Patriotic Fund 3,62500 Canadian Red Cross Fund.. 400 OO Envelopes and postage 2.15 1917 Bal. as per Bank Book 357 5° Total $10,471.15 In checking over the books we find a balance unpaid by subscribers a sum of 264110. As an urgunt appeal has been issued for more Red Cross Funds, and the need is great, we suggest that those who have not paid up do so before we issued the list of subscribers two weeks hence, j Balance now on hand and future pay- , ments will be used for Red Cross purposes purposes only and acknowledgment of same will be made through the Press from time to time. R. J. McKessock, F. J. Groat, auditors. Dated at Hampton, Jan. 13th, 1917. LATEST WAR PICTURES. Eighty-of those wonderful pictures of "The Figbf for the Straights of Dover" will be shown in ST. JOHN'S PARISH HALL on Monday even'ng next to begin at 8 o'clock in excellent Lime Light views. A series of 80 views on *War themes will be given each following Monday evening for 2 weeks--every one of them of verv great interest to all Canadians. Watch for further announcement. You should not miss these excellent War Pictures. Admission 15c. ORONO SHORT COURSE. Sixth" Annual Course in Agriculture began at Or. >no last week with this class: Ralph Stutt, Orono Gordon Powér, Orono, R. R. 2 Wilfred Trowiss, Orono, R. R. 2 R. V. Stuart, O ono, R. R. 2 Laurie B. Cole, Bowmanville, R. R. 4 Cecil L. Powers, O r ono, R. R. I Stanley Chapman, Orono, R. R. I Harvey Moffat, Orono J. H. Jose, Newcastle, R. R. 3 E. W. Pearce, Newcastle Ervan Rainey, Orono Norman Rickard, Newcastle. It is to be ' hoped many more will enter this week. WOOD SALE CARD OF THANKS * The executors of the estate of the late Mr. John Weslev Brooks wish fco thank the I. O. F., No. 3855, Hampton, for promptness promptness in payment of in-urance policy held by deceased. (Signed) S. S. Brooks, J. G. Langmaid. 3-iw Friday, Jan. 26th--A choice lot of about six acres of hardwood will be sold by auction on the premises of Jas. Leask, lot 34, con, 6, Darlington. Six months' crenit; wood to be cleared by April 1st, 1918. Sale at 1 p. m. sharp. Jas. Bishop, auctioneer. 5-2w* Friday, January 19--Mr. Thos. Smith, Lot 34, con 9, Clarke, will sell 15 acres of standing timber in~J4 and acre lots, consisting of hemlock and pine, also beech, birch and maple. Much of it suitable for lumber--a choice lot of timber. Sale at I o'clock. L. A. W. TOLE, aucf- ORANGE DISTRICT LODGE. District of Cartwright L. O. Lodge held its regular meeting in Blackstock on -Jan. 9th, when the following officers were elected and installed for 1917: District Master--John Byers, Nest- leton Station. Deputy Master--Richard Edgerton, Burketon. Chaplain--Rev. J. H. Kidd, Burketon. Recording Sec'y--J. E. Elliott, Burketon Fianancial Sec'y--Jas. McLaughin, Enniskillen. Enniskillen. •" -- Treasurer--S. A. Devitt, Blackstock. Lecturer--Jas. Nokes, Bowmanville. D of C Geo. H. Preston, Enniskillen Past District Master--Fred A. H> land, Nestleton. TYRONE Reserve Feb. 4 and 5 for our church anniversary. Rev. Wm. Higgs. Millbrook will preach at 10.30 a. m. and 7 p. m. On Monday Rev. Byron H. Stauffer, the clever.pastor of Bond-st Congregational church,. .Toronto, will deliver one of his popular lectures By request the Ty- 1 rone League is repeating the play "The Oak Farm" in/ the Sons' Hall, Tuesday Jan. 23. Prdceeds for Forward Move- j ment" for Missions All our S, S. work- I ers are planning to go to Hampton on 1 hursday, Ian. 25th to hear Rev. Frank Langford, Field Secretary of Methodist' Sunday Schools... .Mission Study held its fi st meeting after the New Year Monday evening Jan. 8 with good attendance and splendid interest .Mr. and Mrs. Levi ( Skinner attended the funeral of her broth- 1 er, Mr. W. J. Col lac >tt, Toronto... .Mrs. A. W. Clemens is with her mother, Mrs. Dawson, Campbel ford, who is ill.... Mr. Thos. Curtis is under the Dr's, care with pleurisy Missionary program Sunday related a missionary's experience in Sunday Sunday School work in United States and was dealt with by Missss Evelyn Brent, Marjory Marjory Peel and Irene Werry. Song "Little Sunbeams" by three little girls, was weH rendered. "Christ in Flanders" was given by Wilmot Wriaht. Missionary box was ably supported by a number of our older members. Collections $240....Sunday evening service was in charge of five young men. Devotional exercises were taken by Mr. M. J. Werry. Standard Efficiency Efficiency Test, dealing with the four-sided developement of the teen age boy--intellectual, boy--intellectual, physical, spiritual and social, was ably dealt with by Messrs. Clarence Woodley, John and Albert Hills and Allin Allin Annis. Harness oils, etc, at old prices at F. O» Mason's. BOARD OF AGRICULTURE. Meets in Bowmanville, Saturday, January 20. Under the direction of the Provi icial Board of Agriculture the West Durham Board of Agriculture will hold a meeting in the Council Room Bowmanville, on Saturday January, 20th at 2 p. m. to be addressed by Messrs Shearer and McConnell. McConnell. Mr. Shearer has a number of subjects on general farming and tile draining. Mr. McConnell is a fruit and potato man. Come and learn how to grow potatoes in a bad season. Dr. Fo- theringham will address the members of the Women's Institute at 3 p.m. the same afternoon at Mrs. A. L. Nicholls', Con- John Baker, W. E. Pollard President Secretary. 2-2 w. SHORT COURSE SPEAKERS Farmers' Short Course in Agriculture to be held in Orono from Jan. 9 to Feb. 9 is off at a good start The public will have a share in the meetings as all special lectures to be given on Agricultural subjects subjects to the students are in the ^afternoon and are open to everyb dy. The dates, subjects and speakers are: ! Jan. 10th--Beef Cattle and Sheep--John Gardhouse, Weston. Jan. nth--Seeds-- H. Sirett, B. S. A., Brighton. Jan. 15--Vegetables--Geo. Rush, Humber Humber Bay. Jan. 17--Plant Diseases--W. A. Mc- Cubbin, B. S. A., SL,Catharines. Jan. 18--Markets-- W. H. Webster, Lansdowne. Jan. 19--Poultry-- H. K. Revel 1, B. S. A., Goderich. Jan. 22--Fruit-- W. F. Kydd, Toronto. Jan. 23--Cement Construction-- Représentative Représentative Portland Cement Association, Chicago, 111. Jan. 24--Community Leadership--A. McLaren, B.S. A., O. A. C., Guelph. Jan. 29--Farm Management--A.Leitch, 1^. S. A., O. A. C., Guelph. Feb. 5th--Horses and Veterinary Science -- Dr. H. G. Reed, Georgetown. Feb. 6th--Dairy Cattle-- R. S. Stevenson, Stevenson, Ancaster. an no <t 'Y^/ r HY didn T t I have this bathroom put in long ago. It is so clean and beautiful beautiful that I feel provoked thinking of all that time that I worried along with the old bathroom/* Don't wait until you can say that when a Standard ^anftatig" bathroom put in by us will mean so much to you now. 'Standard" LavcUi L.v*tory RICE & CO., 0pp. Post Office Phone 66 Why Shiver because your house is not warm ,. Ç.CUNO-V V.j?. V 3*5 * j _ is: -, ' r, .. f UVl?-*-- enough ? We are Heating Experts Let us know if you are in trouble and we will help you out of your difficulty Workmanship and material guaranteed guaranteed to give satisfaction rice & co., Sole Agents Phone 66 8£ Stock-taking Sale •m Don't fail to drop in and get a few of the many stock-taking bargains this month. There are some excellent excellent values and it will pay you . \ to come in. Highest Price for Butter and Eggs Phone 65 AfClliC Tâît, Bowmanville The Reliable Grocery House ' Y Satisfied Customers The public's confidence has been the keynote of our success. success. We are adding new customers daily. There must be a reason. Try our bread, cakes or pastry, and you will be convinced that' we ..sell nothing but the best that can be had. Have you tried our homemade homemade candy ? It is delicious. delicious. |v. Thomas Tod Baker And Confectioner Phone 3, Bowmanville EXECUTORS AND TRUSTEES RQMAL C O M P Tf fff FF F FFF FFF F F F F eeeeeee •Ffptppr r rrrj-rx mr BOARD OF DIRECTORS Sir Vincent Meredith, Bart.. President. Sir H. Montagu Allan. C.V.O.. Viee-Prealdent, B, B. Angus. A. Bamngarten. A. D. Braithwaite. E. J. Chamberlin. H. B. Drummond. C. B. Gordon. Hon. Sir Lomer Gouin, K.C.M.Q. T. B. Greenslilelds. C. B. Hosmer. Sir William Macdonald. CapL Herbert Molaon. Lord Shaughnessr. K.C.T.O. Sir Frederick WilUami-Tajloc. T1T1 A. X. Holt, Manager. Capital Fully Paid, $1,000,000. Reserve Fund, $1,000,000. REMUNERATION M ANY persons erroneously suppose that the services of the Trust Company are expensive. expensive. On the contrary, the charges are usually less than those allowed to individual Executors or Trustees. <JWrite for Booklet. The Royal Trust Company TORONTO BRANCH Cer. Queen and Yease Streets Bnete L. Smith. Maaaeer at Terentew I WOMEN'S INSTITUTE. Bowmanville Women's Institute will hold their next meeting at the home of Mrs. A, L. Nicholls, Concession-st, on Saturday. January 20th, at 3 p.m. when Dr. - Susan L. Fotherineham, Toronto, will give an address on "Nature Study and Life Truths". Good musical and literary program; refreshments and a social hour at the close. All ladies invited 2-2 w AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. West Durham Agricultural Society annual meeting will be held, in the Council Council Room, Bowmanville, Saturday, Jan. 20 at I p.m. to receive reports of Directors for the election of officers and general business. Will the members please be oa time. W. T. Bragg, J.S.Moorcraft "Bowmanville Secretary. 2-2W.

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