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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Jan 1917, p. 8

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BOWMAN VILLE, JAN. 25, 1917 Rich. Snowden The El ite Grocery fcaj-" RD. SNOWDEN, Phone 243 Bowmanville Coal & Wood Best grades of Coal only kept,, also Wood of all kinds. If you have not ordered your Winter supply yet, you had better do so as it is liable to advance any day. E. W. LOSCOMBE iV Standard Bank Building, Temperance St. Phone 177 Yours for Big Business "Quality Groceries" They are "Good today, they are "Good" tomorrow, they are "Always Good"--at The Corner Grocery. Good fresh groceries always on hand. We will do our best to satisfy our customers. , We have the choicest of Winter Fruits--Oranges, Lemons, Grape Fruit, Bananas, etc. Pickle6 ' . . Olives Prepared Mustard and Canned Goods Leave your order with HARRY ALLIN Phone 186 - - Bowmanville * Something That You Want in Your Home 8 e * m Is one or two of our folding tables. Come / m in and see them. They are neat in design, and new, and are just the table for sewing or games of any kind. We have them in different sizes and designs. designs. Square with green felt top at $2.95. Alan M. Williams, Phone 58 or 159 Undertaking receives prompt attention day or alight. Bowmanville $ DARLINGTON Make our store your headquarters for fish--- Trout, 12£c lb, cheaper than meat; Haddie 15c; Fillett's 17c; Herrings 35c per dozen; and last but not least, Oysters, all solid meat, at 70c qt. Then we have a barrell of Pork Rolls in a sweet pickle which is very tasty, at 22c lb, no bone; try one with your next order. Newlaid eggs always on hand, and the best Dairy Butter made in the country. Our bulk tea is a winner--the package tea is not in it for flavor; try a cup. Our "Coffee has just the flavor to suit you Fruit of all kinds in their season--tomatoes, season--tomatoes, lettuce, oranges, grape fruit and bananas . Mr. Wallace Downey was in Toronto last week attending the funeral of the late Mr. Jno. Morrison, 557 Crawford-st., who I died of pneumonia alter two days' illness. The funeral under the auspices of the Masonic Order a motor funeral....Mrs, C. Frank, town is visiting at Mr. Jas. Rundle's.... Mr. Levi Bartlett, Nestleton, [ has been visiting his sister, Mrs.- W. H. Wood... .Mr. Mark Blackburn recently visiied his father Mr W. C. Blackburn. Newcastle Mrs. James Rundle and daughter Acy have been ill with la grippe. HAMPTON *•**#****«••8 The January meeting of the* W. M. S. was held at the home of Mrs. F. G. Kers- lake Tuesday afternoon 16th. About 30 members were present. Several extracts from "The Story of the Years" were given by members. A solo by Miss Erma Salter and piano duets by Mrs. C. J. Kers- lake and Miss NonieHorn. Mrs.Kerslake and daughter served refreshments Mr. Percy Clark is working in -Trenton Mrs. Chas. Johns with her father Mr. W. Frayne are visiting relatives in Western Ontario.,,, Mr. Carlos Cryderman leaves ! this week for his home in Vernon, B. C. ...Remember the Sunday School Institute Institute heldhere this Thursday afternoon, An interesting program is prepared, a- I mong the speakers being Rev. F. Lang- ford, Toronto. The ladies will provide tea in the basement of the church A large sleigh load of young people enjoyed the skating at Bowmanville rink Saturday I evening Mr. and Mrs. Donald Mc- I Donald, and son Archie, Bowmanville, have been visiting her brother, Mr. E . Haggith Mr. and Mrs. B. Dickinson and children of Hope Township spent the week-end with Mrs. W. I. Clarke and other friends.. ..Mrs. W. Jeffrey has been under the Dr's. care... .Rev. F. Woodger occupied the pulpit very acceptably Sunday Sunday evening Rev. Geo. Brown is con ducting special servFces at Zion appointment. appointment. .. .Glad to report that our sick are all improving Everyone should goto Tyrone to hear Rev. Byron Stauffer on I Monday Feb. 5th. Poultry supplies at F. O. Mason's. Don't fail to see "Niobe"--the wonder I of electricity. Feb. 8 and 9. All Ladies' Coats at reduced prices at I Couch, Johnston & Cryderman's. TEA ROOM MEN(J 20c Saturday, Jan. 2jl Cream pt Tomato Soup, 10c Cold sliced .tongue' Cabbage salad Jelly Bread and butter Fruit salad, 10c Apple Pie and Ice Cream, 10c Lemon pie, 5c Cake, 5c Tea or coffee, 5c TYRONE Dont fail to hear Rev. Byron Stauffer in the Methodist church, Tyrone, Feb. 5th at 8 pr. m. Such a treat is not to be enjoyed enjoyed every day in a country village. Admission Admission 25c. Rev. Wm. Higgs, a former pastor will preach on Sunday Feb. 4th. WOOD SALE Friday, Jan. 26th--A choice lot of about six acres of hardwood will be sold by auction on the premises of Jas. Leask, lot 34, con, 6, Darlington. Six months' credit; wood to be cleared by April 1st, 1918. Sale at I p. m. sharp. Jas. Bishop, auctioneer. 5-2w w Who is "Dusky Dis"? See "Niobe", she will tell you. Feb. 8 and 9. OBITUARY AUCTION SALE Friday, Feb. 23rd--Mr. W. Chas. Werry, lot 25, Con. 5, Darlington, (Solina) will sell all his farm stock implements, etc. Sale at 1 o'clock. See bills. Geo. Jackson, auctioneer. Now is your chance to buy an auto seat top buggy at a bargain at Mason & Dale's. HAYDON Mr. and Mrs. Rd. Slemon visited at Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Trewin's, Bowmanville over Sunday.... Miss Myrtle Dawson, South Monaghan, is visiting at Mr. Thos. Mount joy's.... Mr. Hugh Moore, Bethesda, was home Sunday... .Miss Alice Werry, Bethesda, spent the week-end at Mr. S. Rundle's.. . .Mr. Oliver Pollard has returned returned to his home in London... .Miss Margery Moore, Toronto, visited at Mr. A.. Moore's.... Mr. Thos. Goodman is quite ill.... Mr. W. H. Crepper and Mr. R. J.. Ashton are under the Dr's. care.... Mr. John Wright visited at Pontypool last week. Samuel D. Webster Mr. Samuel D. Webster passed away at the residence of his daughter, Mrs. Robert Robert J. McLaughin, Toronto, Jan 14. Mr. Webster was a highly esteemed resident of Mariposa, and spent some time in Oak- wood' with his sister, Miss Margaret Webster, Webster, until his health became impaired, when he made his home with his son Wesley Wesley at Glandme. Mr. and Mrs. Webster went to Toronto to spend the winter with their daughter, and passed away within one week of each other, Mrs. Webster dying on Monday of last week. The remains remains were brought to the home of his son, Mr.W. W. Wèbster, Monday morning, morning, and the funeral took place from the family residence Tuesday afternoon to the Christian Cemetery, Little Britain. Mrs. McLaughin and Miss Webster have the sincere sympathy of their many fri nds in their double bereavement--Lindsay Post. Mrs. Webster was a sister of Mr. W. W. Down, Bowmanville. Why Shiver because jour house is not warm enough ? We are Heating Experts Let us know if you are in trouble and we will help you out of your difficulty a - "'X - ; y x, Workmanship and material guaranteed guaranteed to give satisfaction k, RICE & CO., Sole Agents Phone 66 SOLINA EBENEZER League Social Thursday evening was a good success with 50 present. Program included Devotional exercises, readings by Misses Marion M. Van Nest, Alta Pickell, C. Courtice, Olive Found and Master John Delve; piano duet by Misses Gardiner, and Solos by Misses A. Courtice and V. Werry. Literary game "Aunt Betsy's Dinner Party" was enjoyed and refreshments served.... Miss Annis, Pickering, is visiting her grandmother, Mrs Levi Annis.... Mrs. and Miss Brown, Peterboro, visited Miss Mabel Walters • .Remains of Mrs. Wm. Squires, Brook- lin, were laid to rest in this cemetery here on Tuesday beside her first husband the late Christopher Courtice. Her maiden name was Mai^r Moore Sunday School Institute meets in this church on Friday at 2 and 7.30 p.m, open to all. Don't miss this... .Miss E. Brent, Tyrone, visited visited at Mrs. Geo. F. Annis... .Milton Gay is cementing his stables Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Araott, Taunton, Sundayed at her home The "Live Wire" and "Sunshine" A. B. C. were royally entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Parsons on Rriday night when the young folk had a most enjoyable time in conversation, music and games. Refreshments were served and a hearty vote of thanks tendered tendered the host and hostess... .Sacrament will be dispensed in this church Sunday morning Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Courtice spent Sunday in Bowmanville. I . Mrs. Simon Penfound is visiting her sister, Mrs. Jas. McKenzie, Columbus.... Miss Lizzie Williams returned to Shelburne Shelburne with her brother for a visit. Mr. Bruce Trull was taken on Sunday w th acute appendicitis and rushed to Bowmanville Hospital where he was operated operated on by Dr. Clark. We hear it was a serious case but all hope for a speedy recovery. See advt. for Mason & Dale's Auto seat top buggy. Mr. J. E. Hollingshead, New York City, has returned home after spending the holidays with his cousins, Mrs. Blake G. Stevens and Mrs. R. C. Scott. Young men's class at Eldad presented Pte. Thos. Atkinson now of Toronto with a pair of military brushes on Saturday night. ...Mss Irene Bragg, Providence, is visiting her sister Mrs. John Baker Mr. W. C. Werry is selling all his farm stock and implements on Feb. 23rd--giving 23rd--giving up farming Mrs. A. L. Pascoe is confined to bed....Miss Lucy Brown improves improves slowly... .Rev. A. P. Brace, B. A., B. D., Toronto, will give a lecture in the Sons' Hall on Feb. 9th Farmers Club will have their annual Seed Fair on Tuesday Tuesday afternoon Feb. 6th--Everybody come .... Miss Gussie Luke, Kedron, is visiting grandma Werry Mrs. W. N. Pascoe and Cecil visited her mother at Enfield who has been quite ill Mr. and Mrs. John Baker celebrated the fifth anniversary anniversary of their wedding on Jan. 10th. GIRLS' PATRIOTIC CLUB Report ôf Finances Sept, ist to Dec. 3 ist, 1916. RECEIPTS Cash on hand $ 531 80 Tea Room Receipts .. 586 18 Bazaar. 160 81 Collections, 41 0 6 John T. Nunn, Colborne. A wfll known citizen passed away on Sunday Jan. 14th, in the person of J. T. Nunn, aged 66 years. He was in employ of Grand Trunk Railway, Colborne, for over 35 years. The public, found him a courteous and obliging official and always willing to do a kindness. He was superannuated superannuated last May. Funeral service was conducted at the family residence Tuesday Tuesday afternoon by his Pastor, Rev. R. Bamforth, B. A. Deceased was an en- thusistic Mason and was officer of Colborne Colborne Lodge and also of Excelsior Chap? ^u 1 "' A' M., members of which attended the funeral in a body and the impressive service of the Order was conducted at the grave. He is survived by his widow, one daughter Miss Florence at home and two sons, John T. Nunn, G. T. R. Conductor of Belleville and Charles Nunn, at present in England with the Signalling Corps of the Canadian Engineers. Among those from a distance who attended the funeral were Mr. A. W. Granger, Scarboro, Mr. Wm. R. Keys, St. Ann's, Man., Mr. Fred Oliver, Bewdley and Mrs. Rowe, St. Thomas. Deceased was a brother of Mrs. W. L. Keys, Bowmanville, and Mrs. Nunn was a Miss Oliver of Hampton. WEST DURHAM AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY Annual Meeting Largely Attended --Surplus on Year's Operations Total $1319 85 EXPENDITURES Tea Room rent, purchases, wool, $ 213 26 ENNISKILLEN Field Comforts Commissioner British Red Cross Prisoners of War Fund Cot in Hospital, England, Belgian Relief Fund Nursing Sister Bruce, for Soldiers Xmas boxes for Soldiers, General Expenses 100 00 50 00 20 00 50 00 25 00 200 00 170 28 15 18 Another old resident, Mr. Thos. Evans, who was born and had lived for about seventy years on the Evans homestead, now owned by Mr. John Barton, passed away at the home of Mr. Arthur Summer- hay es, near Enfield, Thursday evening Mr. Evans has been afflicted with blindness blindness for a number of years, and so rendered rendered very helpless in his old age. His sister, sister, Mrs. Davis, who lived with him for many years, was ill in the hospital at the time of liis death. Mr. Evans formerly belonged to the English Church, but when it closed here he attended the Presbyterian Church as long as health permitted. The funeral Saturday was unique, the service being held in the Presbyterian Church by the Methodist pa-tor, and the remains laid to rest in the English Church cemetery east of this village. Mrs. Davis has our sympathy in her affliction. Mr. Thomas West, Woodstock, and Mr. James Phillips, Phillips, Toronto, nephews, were present at the funeral ..Visitors: Dr. Wm. Ben tham, Toronto, has been holidaying at home; Mr. Aylmer Herring spent the week-end in Bowmanville; Mrs. George Reid at Caesarea; Mr. Wm. Grant, Toronto, Toronto, with Mr. W. H. Martin; Mr. and Mrs. Milton Werry and daughter, Tyrone, at Mr. H. J. Werry's; Mrs. Wesley Oke in Toronto; Miss Editha Virtue at Mr. David Hall's, Burketon; Mrs. Ben Palmer, Mrs. Stanbury Aunger and children at Mr. Wm. Mont joy's, Forbes' Lake; Mr. H. J. Werry's, Mr. Norman Redpath's and Miss Elsie Rundle at Mr. Silas Hoar's, Bethesda. Bethesda. .. . Mrs. John Slemon and Mrs. H. J. Total, $843 72 Cash on hand $476 1;; 290 boxes packed for soldiers Overseas, weigh ng 2,187 lbs., containing sox, candles, candles, Xmas Cake, gum, chocolate, towels, candies, and magazines. Box for Major H. W. Cooper 21st Batt containing 72 pairs sox. C. E. Emery, Treasurer. N. B.--Will everyone please save news papers, magazines, scrap paper, in bags, rags and rubbers for the next collection-- -- Girls' Patriotic Club. FARMERS' MEETINGS. The institute meetings held last week under auspices of the West Durham Board of Agriculture were not as well attended by farmers themselves as they should have been. The Provincial Board sent two practical men and good speakers who deserved large audiences to hear their messages to farmers, stockmen and orchardists. These experienced men help to put m ny dollars into the pockets of the>r fellows. Why are farmers so indifferent indifferent ? X At Newtonville meeting on Jan. 18 only 15 were present and at Newcastle the same evening only 21 heard the speakers --Mr. W. C. Shearer, Bright, and Mr. H. L. McConnell, Port Burwell, Ont., ant Dr. Susan L. Fotheringham of Toronto-- a fluent attractive speaker with many timely messages for women. To the shame of Newcastle be it said--only one woman went to hear this talented lady- lecturer. The addresses were all instruct ive. Orono attendance was 50--it should have been 500. Students attending the Short Course in Agriculture were present and the director Mr. R. S. Duncan, B. S. A., officiated as chairman. Mr. H. K Revell, B. S. A., Goderich, talked to the class on Poultry, Mr. Shearer told how to The annual meeting of West Durham Agricultural Society was held in the Council Room on Saturday afternoon. President W. J. Bragg presided and made report of the operations for 1916. The finances showing a small surplus. Reports of the Secretary-Treasurer and Auditors were presented and adopted. Tuesday and Wednesday, Sept. 18 and 19 were fixëd for Fair dates for 1917. The Society will enter the Standing Field Crop Competition in White Oats. Department Judges for Ladies' Work and Poultry will be asked for. Executive was authorized to grand stand attractions for Fair. 1 he Society will affiliate wi h Ontario Association of Fairs and Exhibitions and President and Secretary are delegates to annual meeting in Toronto on Feb. 6 and 7- Judges were appointed for next Fal Fair as follow: secure MAKE YOUR DOLLARS FIGHT AT THE FRONT. BUY DOMINION OF CANADA THREE-YEAR War Savings Certificates $ 25.00 for $21.SO SO.OO " 43.00 100.00 " 86.00 INDIVIDUAL PURCHASES LIFTED TO $1300. X FOR FULL PARTICULARS APPLY AT ANY BANK OR ANY MONEY ORDER POST OFFICE JAN. 9, 1917 Finanoe Department Ottawa Z as ... -- j- raise hogs for profit and Mr. McConnell iTmT . lsposed Th . e Orangemen i discussed small fruit growing and potato held their oyster supper Friday night.... Mission Study Class next Monday night ... .Many are planning to go to Tyrone . to hear Rev. Byron Stauffer preach and give his famous lecture. Niobe all smiles--"Yes'm"--only that, 1 'Yes'm". Feb. 8 and 9. If you need a new Cutter, see Pickard Good brooms, 35 cents at F. O. Mason's. Sewing Machines--See F. O. Mason I and save money. See Mason & Dale if you want an auto seat top buggy cheap. And I will love Petramos, now Amphion I is dead I Feb. 8 and 9. culture. Addresses were all excellent Bowmanville attendance was only equal to Orono--about 50. Some farmers farmers attended two and three meetings and considered the time profitably spent Mr. John Baker, President, was chairman. Subjects considered by Messrs. Shearer and McConnell were the same as at Orono. It was a good m eting and great interest was manifested. Mr. W. E. Pollard, Pollard, Secretary, obtained several new members. YOU ARE INVITED to see War Pictures in St John's Parish Hall next Monday evening--they are specially fine. Heavy horses, Frank Batty, Brooklin L'ght horses, T. A. Crow, Toronto. Beef cattle, John Miller jr, Ashburn. Dairy cattle, R. M. Holtby, Manchester. Sheep, John Miller, sen, Claremont. Alternate, W. A. Dryden, Brooklin. Swine, Harry Earl, Ida. Dairy Products, J. Lyle, J. P., town. Grain, seeds, John McMurtry,F. C. Van- stone, town. Fruit W. J. Oke, Port Hope. Vegetables, W. B. Pinch, town. Flowers, Chief R. Jarvis, town. Domestic Science, Miss Nellie Pattinson, Instructor, Toronto Technical College. Fine Arts, to be appointed later. Committee to revise Prize List was appointed appointed as follow: Horses--A. E. Clemens, W. E. Jewell, L. A. W. Tôle, H. Greenlees, M. J. Elliott Cattle-- T. Baker, A. H. Allin, Alf.Ayre, Jas. F. Osborne. Sheep and Swine--Norman Allin, Levi Skinner, Alf. Ayre. Poultry--Jas. Nokes, Frank Bottrell, Russell Sully, Chas. F. Rice. Dairy and Grain--Messrs. Lyle, Tole, Moorcraft. Ladies' Work-- Mesdames Tole, J. A. McClellan, R. T. Stephens, Meath, Percy, Deyman, A. E. Clemens, and Miss Belle Allen. Fruit-- W. J. Bragg, J. F. Osborne. Fine Arts--Miss Galbraith, Mrs.Senkler. Officers For 1917 President-- W. J. Bragg, for 3rd year. Vice-do--Frank Allin. 2nd do--John Baker. Secy-Treas.--J. S. Moorcraft. Manager-- W. E. Jewell. Directors--Bowmanville: J. Lyle, M. A. James, L. A. W. Tole, J. Nokes, M. J. Elliott- Elliott- Darlington: T. TBaker, Geo. A. Stephens, A. Ayre, A. H- Allin, A. E. Clemens, H. Greenlees, Geo. J. Northcott. Clarke--N. Allin, J. F. Osborne, D. J.Gib- m J Stock-taking Sale Don't fail to drop in and get a few of the many stock-taking bargains this month. There are some ex, cellent values and it will pay you to come in. Highest Price for Butter and Egg« Phone 65 A.lTClll6 T3,lt y Bowmanville The Reliable Grocery House J im Stand by Local Bakers son. Buy Bread made in Bowmanville; < . From Bakers who employ Bowmanville labor; Who have money invested in Bowmanville; Who spéhd their money in Bowmanville. Auditors--J. Lyle, J. H. McMurfry. A grant of $30 was made to W, E. Jewell Jewell as Manager for 1916. W. J. Bragg, W. E. Jewell, and L. Tole were appointed to ask Bowmanville Council Council for a grant. Messrs. Bragg, Jewell, Clemens and Greenlees to solicit subscriptions to prize list. At a meeting of Directors Messrs. Bragg, Stephens, Tole, Lyle and Moorcraft were appointed the Executive Committee for 1917, and W. E. Jewell and Secretary Moorcraft to secure grand stand attractions attractions for the Fair. Eat Tod's Bread : 3F' which has been a household name for over quarter of a century. Thomas Tod Hail to thee, Peter I--"Niobe" at the Town Hall. February 8 and 9 Baker ând Confectioner Phone 3, Bowmanville

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