\ % * S2>- I III. !! ill l! ih 111! ! ! ! I ! ! other Machines t Autos Engines, etc WKyiu)i our own Body Machine? We study and admire the machinery invented by man, and too often overlook and neglect that most marvellous machine--the human body. To understand and take care of the heart, lungs and liver ; the arteries and veins, the skin, the teeth, the eyeg, and all the intricate machinery of the body, is no small task. But, unlike "any other machine, the body replaces its own wear and waste, and, consequently, the most attention required is that which has to do with the orgafcs of digestion and excretion. So long as proper food is supplied for nourishment and the liver, kidneys and bowels are regular in their work of eliminating poisonous waste matter from the system, the great majority of human ills are avoided. . ' In this connection Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills are appreciated on account of their promptness and efficiency efficiency in arousing the action of these filtering an excretory organs, and thereby removing such dis- orders as liver complaint, biliousness, constipation, indigestion, kidney disease and backache. With these organs in healthful action there is no such thing as Bright's disease, hardening of the arteries and rheumatism. rheumatism. OK Dr Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills, one pill a dose, zb cents a box, all dealers, or Edmanson, Bates & Co., Limited, Toronto. Do not be talked into'accepting a substitute. Imitations disappoint. 626 its Health Headache in Children. i The healthy child has no headaches, and ought not to know the meaning o the word until it is well into its teens. Nevertheless, headache is not very uncommon uncommon in children, and it does not always always receive the attention from parents parents or physicians that it deserves. In children under three years of age it is difficult to recognize headache, for they cannot describe their symptoms, and can only cry violently or else lie very still and resent any attempt to move them. Habitual or frequent headache in a child is generally an indication of some Nature's Way Is Best Nature's laxative is bile. If your liver is sending the bile on its way as it should, you'll never be constipated. Keep the liver tuned right up to its work. Take one pill regularly (more only if necessary) until your bowels act regularly» regularly» freely, naturally. CARTE® • ITT LI |»jjp nutne bears Signature Colorless face* often show the absence of Iron in the blood. Carter's Iron Pills will help this condition. I constitutional fault; he may have a ! gouty or nervous inheritance, or he : may be run down or anæmic. The latter condition often affects older ' children as they approach the period of adolescence. ! Another common cause of habitual headache in children of school age is i eyestrain; that comes on toward even- I ing, and is absent during vacations 1 and' on Saturdays and Sundays. Chronic nasal catarrh is also a cause of headache. That form differs from the eye headache in being constant constant or else in coming on irregularly --in the morning as often as in the evening. , Another cause of headache, less frequent frequent in children than in adults, is autointoxication, due to intestinal torpor, torpor, an inactive liver, or worms. In searching for the possible cause of obscure obscure headaches, the teeth also, which sometimes begin to decay very early, must not be forgotten. The onset of acute disease, such as one of the contagious fevers of childhood, childhood, is almost always announced by severe headache, in the forehead. The place of the headache is sometimes, sometimes, although not as a rulç^ an indication indication of its cause. In genera}, pain in the forehead or over the eyes is due either to anæmia, autointoxication, affections affections of the nose or eyestrain; pain in the temples or the "sides of the head is caused by ear troubles or decayed j teeth ; eyestrain and ear inflammation ! some times cause pain in the back of the head; and the pain of anæmia and autointoxication is likely to be in the top of the head os well as in the fore- j head.--Youth's Companion. SUBMARINES AND NEUTRALS By Chas. M. Bice, Denver, C9I0. The recent announcement by the Kaiser of his insane intention to blockade the ports of the allies, and to starve Great Britain b? destroying indiscriminately the commerce of the world, is only what might have been expected/from a man dead to all sense of human feeling and responsibility. It is in keeping with German methods, though hitherto disguised under false colors. The mask of pretence and fraud has been removed at last, and the world now sees the real cussedness cussedness and innate depravity that all along have marked every move ^of the Hohenzollerns since the war be- S The duplicity and deceit inherent in the real German character is not different different now in this last drastic move than formerly, only the disgifise has been removed, and all attempts to cover, up have been abandoned. But it is only, the flickering of the expiring flash of national extinction hat is sure to come, indeed is already almost here. Germany dreads the ■ ? ate that awaits her soldiery when ingland's two millions of braves cross over and are gathered upon French soil for the -grand final assault. assault. It was expected that she would do something drastic, for necessity knows no law, especially with Germany. Germany. She began by an outrageous act of perfidy when she invaded the neutral soil of Belgium, which she had sworn to protect; and she has kept up the pace ever since with increasing increasing acceleration until the fina climax of submarine warfare upon the commerce of the whole world. She has now transferred the issue _ of the great world war from the land i to the seas, and purposes an indiscriminate indiscriminate assault upon all commerce, not excepting even hospital ships or neutral vessels. International law has always provided provided for and permitted the blockade of an enemy's ports, search and seizure, seizure, for the safety of passengers and noncombatants, but this was before the submarine was thought of. Manifestly this cannot be done by submarine boats as they have no means to take a captured vessel into the nearest port or to save the passengers. passengers. They can only destroy a vessel and repeat the murderous operation, regardless of human- life, though non- combatant. . The submarine has to be a fugitive on the ocean and cannot give succor to friend or foe, so that internationally internationally it is an outlaw and on the same footing as the Vikings of Norse days. For a long time, under protest from a powerful party in the empire, Germany Germany held in leash the submarine for fear of offending the U.S. To-day she has thrown off the mask, and comes out in her true colors, defiant not only of her enemies but of the civil ized world. . The desperateness and extremity of her situation can be imagined from this, the latest move to defy every - . ; human sentiment, feeling and dictate ing and will take up virulent poisons, 1 of mora i law, characteristic of civil- A ized man. which should have been ejected, and return them to circulate their deadly influence throughout the system, dulling dulling the power of thought and action. --- •> Lightning Hits Chestnuts. Lightning shows a marked preference preference for chestnut trees, according to the U S. Department of Forestry by its foresters. Of a total of about 2 000 trees struck by lightning on the State Forests in the past four years, 655 were chestnut. Pitch pine comes next with 327 trees struck, and then follow in order rock oak, white pine, hemlock, red oak, white oak, black oak, locust, and sugar maple. Black birch-is at the foot of the list with only one tree struck in four years. Poplar and walnut come next, only two of each being struck. ! 4 WHY WOMEN CANNOT SLEEP." Warning to the Constipated. City dwellers are told that canned j The highly organized, ^ly strung j and denaturized foods are largely re-1 nervous system of women subjects , aponsfifie for the appaling lethargy of . ^ terrors of ^ j the digestive tract so universally pre ; ^ ^ ^ the men tal poist j tive "found* on'the 'farmer's* medicine ! and calmness under difficulties, which' shelf ? , It must be from neglect of natuies. ^ in a . peri eu nj- .-- . call, for, surely, with an abundance of there be any derangement m this reaper succulent vegetables, apples, raw and. n o remedy m the world so completely^ KoVpri with other fruits in season, and, i stores womanly health as the w ^ove'^rbran-that "broom of the j -Fwronte Prescnptron' mvented by Dr intestines," to be had for daily use in R- V. Pierce. TO INVESTORS THOSE WHO, FROM TIME TO TIME, HAVE FUNDS REQUIRING INVESTMENT MAY PURCHASE AT PAR DOMINION OF CANADA DEBENTURE STOCK IN SUMS OF $500, OR ANY MULTIPLE THEREOF Principal repayable 1st October, 1919. - Interest payable half-yearly, 1st April and 1st October by cheque (free of exchange at any chartered Bank m Canada) at the rate of five per cent per annum from the date of purchase. Holders of this stock will have the privilege of surrendering ' at par and accrued interest, as the equivalent of cash, in payment payment of any allotment made under any future war loan issue m Canada other than an issue of Treasury Bills or other like short date security. Proceeds of this stock are for war purposes only. r A commission of one-quarter of one per cent wifi be allowed to recognized bond and stock brokers on allotments made in respectif applications for this stock which bear their stamp. For application forms apply to the Deputy Minister of Finance, Ottawa. DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE, OTTAWA / OCTOBER 7th, 1916. Sun. Life? of Canada r Sets New R ESULTS secured during the year _1916 re_af ,Tssurance Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada as the leading .... ' organization in the Dominion. Once more It leads the field among Canadian Companies in each of the following respects . largest New Business. largest Easiness in Force. largest Asse . largest Surplus Earnings. Largest Net Surplus. largest Incom . largest Distribution ot lite Assurance Beneius. THE YEAR'S RESULTS The following Urge and uniform incre.»es regi.tereddmi« 1916 dearU^emon.tra^^ _ strength of the Company^, position and the confidence and preeuge 1 r INCREASE Asset* a» at December 31st . • • • Cash Income . • • *. • • • Surplus paid or allotted to Policytolder*e Net Surplus a* at December 31st. • • Total Payments to Policyholders. • • Assurances Issued and Paid for in Cash « Assurances in Force $8,622,573 2;526,459 125,413 964,274 448,537 7,893,445 24,030,540 1916 1915 INCREASE $82,948,996 $74,326,423 18,499,131 £>>9,2,6/2 1,110,900 935,487 8,509,865 7,545,591 7,578,016 7 * 12 2>ti? 42,772,296 34,8/3,Sol 281,434,700 257,404,160 AltUiaw.» tu l mon ■ » *ff tin t Coincident with the above increase^ the Company »^ ce f C<1 wMtlTavourahlylftecU substantial and important reduction m the ratio of expense, a tcature wm earnings on p olicyholders' account. x THE COMPANY'S GROWTH YEAR INCOME ASSETS LIFE ASSURANCES IN FORCE 1872 1886 1896 1906 . 1916 • R 48,210.73 373,500.31 1,886,258.00 6,212,615.02 18,499,131.62 96,461.95 1,573,027.10 6,388,144.66 24,292,692.65 82,948,996.06 1,064,350.00 9,413,358.07 / 38,196,890.92 102,566,398.10 281,434,699.94 calmness under dimcuities, wxiiue are necessary for happy womanhood, art only possible when the sensitive organism, is m a perfectly healthy condition. H l It is an exceedingly grave step for even Germany to take, and it is only natural to assume that she takes it in the last despairing extremity. Her recent proposals for peace weie no Do you ever have the "blues"? That discouraged feeling often comes from a disordered stomach, stomach, or an inactive liver. Get your digestion in shape and the bile acting properly--then the "blues" will disappear. You will soon be cheerful, if you take BEKHAN'S PIUS the people's remedy for life's common ailments. * They act thoroughly on the^stomach, liver and bowels, and soon regulate regulate and strengthen these important important organs. Purely vegetable--contain vegetable--contain no harmful drugs. Whenever you feel despondent a few doses will Make Things look Brighter L*«est Sale of Any Medicine *n the World. Sold every where. In boxes, 25c. SUN LIFE [MOT 1871 HEAD OFFICE MONTREAL T. B. MACAULAY, President. 1917 W. H. HILL, Manager Central Ontario Division, PETERBOROUGH, ONT. MRS. E. V. SCOBELL, General Agent, BOWMAN VILLE. doubt purposely couched in impossible terms, to give her the semblance ot an excuse for submarine depredations in case of refusal. In her recent move she has violated every pledge given to this country after the sinking of the Lusitania, but that is a small matter with a nation "Notorious for violating her treaties. The rights of neutrals must give way when the war lord sees, or thinks he sees, the hand ot a relentless necessity. I think we can be safely assured that the final struggle has come at last; for the situation of a nation must be grave, indeed, when she is willing to resort to such measures m defiance of the whole world, and thus publish herself as a debased outlaw among mankind. But this declaration of Germany has brought our own national executive, Pres. Wilson, from his empyrean soarings to earth once more, and rather Suddenly with a distinct distinct jolt. American rights upon the sea aie ! contracted and restricted by this ! latest move of Germany to such an ex- ! tent that no - self-respecting nation ! will submit to it. j The people here show a determina- i tion to uphold the hands of the presi- dent though war should result, and the same fueling seem$_ to permeate' all neutral -countries. Verily this bids fair to be a world war in stern reality. A Foe to Asthma. Give asthma half a chance and it gains ground rapidly. But give it repeated treatments of j Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Asthma Remedy and it will fall back even faster. There is no half way measure about this remedy. It goes right to work and drives asthma out. It reaches the inmost breathing passages and leaves no _ place for the trouble to lurk. Have it by vou tor ready use. One thing wê'Lm't understand is j The finest harbor in the; where tfrls get the notion that paint ! said to be that of Rio de improves the appearance of a cheek. ! Brazil. Our Puzzling Language. "Nov/," said a teacher to his class during a lesson in English, "can anyone anyone give me a word, ending with 'ous, meaning full of, as "dangerous,' full of danger, and 'hazardous', full of hazard?" hazard?" There was silence in the class for a moment. Then a boy sitting in the front row put up his hand. " "Well," said the teacher, "what is your word?" "Please, sir," came the reply, "pious,' full of pie!" " With so thorough a preparation at hand as Miller's Worm Powders the mother who allows her children to suffer from the ravages of worms is unwise and culpably culpably careless. A child subjécted to the attacks of worms is always unhealthy and will be stunted in its growth. It is a merciful act to rid it of these destructive parasites, especially when It can be dona without difficulty. world is Janeiro*-: muffins and breakfast foods -a remedy remedy for constipation is at hand in every farmer's family. By taking an intelligent intelligent interest in these foods it is easy to energize the family, and energy brings a big reward. The first requisite for the clear vision vision which wins success in any undertaking, undertaking, is bodily fitness,---It is true that gteat deeds have been done by the handicapped, but we believe investigation investigation would show that no great creative creative work was ever done by a person with a habitually clogged alimentary canal. There should be a sharp realization realization that if the waste of the body Chatham, Ont-.-- "A few years ago 1 j Buffered a general break-down and got j very weak and thin. I was m an awful. state. I was very much discouraged and at times thought I would lose my-mmd I knew of Dr. Pierce's medicines so I go his 'Favorite Prescription. It gave mj immediate relief, and completely cured me in a very short time, My sister used it with good results also. She was m e very ' delicate > condition. I got her tc take it and two bottles cured her com- pletely. "I take great pleasure in rccommendmi Dr. Pierce's medicines; they are altthal is recommended of them. Mrs. caret Bryant, 87 Pa k Ave., Chatham, Ont.