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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Feb 1917, p. 5

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New Arrivals in Women's Shoes Correct Style Absolute Comfort Perfect Fit Maximum Service 1: Satisfaction All this, and more too, are assured when you purchase a pair of shoes here. Every pair, no matter what the price, will furnish you with the maximum of value for the price you pay. We are especially featuring this week: Women's high top Havana brown calf boots, long vamp, leather cuban heel at $7.50 Women's high top nut brown calf boots, long vamp, leather military heel, at $6.50 to $8.00 In black kid boots our stock is made up of a very complete range of 8 and 9 inch tops with dull or polished tops, plain toes or imitation toe- tap, with long or medium vamps, prices $3.50 to $7.50 Knox's Shoe Store The Store of Quality And Service. BOWMAN VILLE, FEB, 15,1917; V- Growth ! Is a matter of Merit and Service. Our trade is increasing steadily and by our service and the quality of our goods we are sure that the people of this town and county think that we merit the increase. A trial order is more convincing. May we be favored with your week end order ? Watch for our Friday and Saturday bargain bill this week. It has a lot of good snaps that you^can- not afford to miss. W. Blake McMurtry Limited Phones 72 and 182 Bowmanville -*OR SALE--Five dwelling houses, corner King -< a nd Brown streets. Bowmanville, the proper- ■ tv of the late Mrs. Wm. Rowe, (known as the fest-cott property). Will be sold en bloc or sep- rate Anv reasonable terms may be made to îît purchasers. Apply to L. A. W. Tolb real state, agent, Bowmanville. oO-tt FU itER AL DIRECTORS L Morris & Son Most Complete Equipment Sunday and night calls promptly attended to. Bowmanville Phones 10-34 Branches : ORONO HAMPTON D. P. COWAN is agent for the "Little Wonder Records" at 15c each Call Mr. Cowan at Phone 270 and make an appointment for him to call at your home and demonstrate demonstrate their merit. All the latest popular songs and instrumentals. 5-3W» Attend Mrs. Tole's birthday party on Tuesday evening next. See advt. Help the Hospital Fund by going to see "Niobe" at Opera House this Friday evening. evening. Mr. Frank Scott, Oshawa, spent Sunday Sunday with his brother-in-law, Mr. Lewis Lyle. ^ , Mr. and Mrs. E. W. W. Rundle Oshawa, Oshawa, spent Sunday at her father s, Mr. J. T. Bragg's. Little Miss Jean Elliott, Toronto, spent the week-end at her grandfather s, Mr. John Lyle. Dr. Jas. L. Hughes, Toronto, was guest of Mr. W. H. Martin, "Craignairn over the week-end. Rev. and Mrs. J. J. Griffiths, Newton- ville, were guests of her uocle, Dr. J. L, Devitt, while in town. Capt'. Elmo W. Sisson of the Dental Corps, Kingston, spent Sunday with his uncle, Dr. J. C. Devitt. Miss Callan and Miss Clara Robbins, Toronto,spent the week-end at the latter s father's, Mr. W. Robbins, Cobourg holds union week-night prayer meetings and citizens pack the churches to capacity. Good people. Miss Nellie Pattinson of the Teaching staff of the Technical School, Toronto, spent the week-end at home. Misses Rhea and Evelyn Sheridan, Oshawa, spent the week-end, at their grandfather's Mr. Richard Trenouth. Capt. the Rev. S. T. Bartlett and Mrs. Bartlett, Toronto, visited her mother Mrs. John Hellyar who is very seriously ill. . All kinds of Furs at greatly reduced prices at Couch, Johnston & Cryderman s. Mrs: Garnet Duncan, Richmond Hill, was in town last week attending ' Niobe , guest of the Misses Galbraith and visiting other friends and relatives., Mr. Geo. Rickard, Newcastle, has been quite ill for over a week with la grippe and neuralgia but we hope that with good medical care, he will soon be around f you missed seeing "Niobe, All Smiles last week, go FridayNAvening this week. Its only a quarter admission and it is well worth two quarters. Dont miss it if you like a good laugh. Pte. W. M. Young, Minesing, spent the week-end with his aunt Mrs. (Dr.) R» Young. Pte. Young has just returned from France, where he was severely wounded in the arm. He is now taking a special Civil Service course in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. James Deyman announce the engagement of their daughter, Nita Gertrude, and Robert H. Armstrong, M. D. , Matheson, Ont, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Armstrong, Clarksburg, the marriage to take place early in March. Trustee Board of Bowmanville Methodist Methodist church beg to acknowledge the receipt of $5.00 from Mr. T. R. Cole, Bethesda, towards the upkeep of their horse shed. Others who use the shed might do likewise. likewise. The yearly upkeep is considerable. The Pathescope demonstration which was advertised last week was witnessed by a highly appreciative audience at St. John's Parish Hall on Monday evening, the high class quality of the views exhibited exhibited was one of the chief topics of conversation conversation at the close of the show. ^Its educational educational possibilities, together with several several other special features were demonstrated. demonstrated. Couch, Johnston & Cryderman have laid out twenty five Ladies' Coats to be sold at exactly half-price. -- Among the music lovers who went from Bowmanville to attend the Mendel ssohn Choir Concert in Massey Hall, Toronto, Toronto, on Tuesday Feb. 6th under direction direction of Dr. A. S. Vogt were: Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Senkler, Mrs. F. F. Morris, Mrs. Norman S. B. James, the Misses Belle and Flora Galbraith, Mr. H. Humby, Mr. W. J. Bragg, Miss Elsie M. Bragg, Miss Reta M. Caldwell, (Providence) Miss Reta R. Cole, Miss Greta Morris, the Misses Ethel and Marion Van Nest February issue of Rod and Gun is good. Bonnvcastle Dale, the naturalist writer, describes "Hunting with the Modern Camera". "There is not anything in the woods of North America that will attack you if unmolested," he states. "Old Frying Frying Pan," is a bear story by H. C. Haddon, "Hawks and Other Game Destroyers" by Reginald Gourlay. The regular departments departments are well maintained, making up a particularly interesting number of this premier Canadian magazine of outdoor life, W. J. Taylor, Ltd., Woodstock, Ont., is the publisher. "Oak Farm", the comedy play in three acts, put on in Orono Town Hall Saturday Saturday evening by a company of young people of the Tyrone Epwdrth League, and for amateurs they would be hard to beat. The play had several thrills and every character was well presented, especially especially "Joel Wetherby," by Clarence Woodley; "Sally Smart," by Miss Pearl Wright; and "Silas Weatherby, owner of Oak Farm", by Albert Hills. Tyrone is to be congratulated on being able to turn out such a talented company of young people. They undoubtedly would have had a packed house had the weather been more favorable.-- Nèws. The Patriotic musicale given by Mrs. H. W. Burk at her home on Centre-st., on Wednesday evening, was a program of real merit and interest ana those who contributed were deserving of the praise they so unstintingly received. Rev. G. C. Weisman, B. A., pastor of the Disciples church, presided, discharging the duties admirably keeping all present in good mmor. The program consisted of piano duets by Misses Ethelda and Aileen Hazlewood, piano solos by Miss Helen Morris and Miss Mayme Shaw, violin selections by Mr. E. Franke, vocal solos by Miss Reta R- Cole, Mr. H. J. Knight, Mr. R.M. Mitchell, Miss Ethel L. Van Nest Mrs. C. A. Cawker and Miss Sibyl Burk. Recitations by Miss Frances Worden and Mf. Fred R. Foley, both being Patriotic, the former "The way Britain does It and the latter, a scene from the Front, Mrs Burk accompanying him on the piano with several patriotic airs, and Mrs. Cawker closing the scene by the favorite old song "Annie Laurie". The recitation was given with shaded lights and was beautifully effective. The whole pro gram was especially good and the Patrio will be richer bi 25c Saturday, Feb. 17th. dot roast pork Scalloped potatoes Green Peas 3read and butter Apple pie and scalded cream xoc Cake 5c; Tea or coffee 5c Special--Boston Baked beans and brown iread and butter 10c (after 9 p. m.) BIRTHS. SUTLIFFB--At Bridgeport, Conn., on Wednes day, Feb. 7th, 1917, the wife of Harold EL Sut- liffe (nee Lncy Willoughby Galbraith) of a son. (Donald' Galbraith). 36 Poultry supplies at F. O. Mason's. Bargains in hardware at Mason & Dale's. Neat's Foot Harness oil $1.00 a gallon at F. O. Mason's. Bargains in hardware. See Mason & Dale before stock-taking. An epidemic of appendicitis seems to have struck Ebenezer section. F.O. Mason is selling a 25 lb pail of Pratts Animal Conditioner for two dollars. Animal Regulators --Largest stock in town at F. Q. Mason's. Ladies' and Men's Suita; cleaned and pressed at Couch, Jchnstou & Cryder- man's;-- Councillor T. S. Holgate who has been verv ill with quinsy is reported to be recovering. recovering. Mrs. J. W. Brooks, Rockwell Green, Solina, was guest. of the Misses Brima- combe Sunday. Mrs. W. P. Prower received a cable yesterday from her son William saying he had arrived safely in England. Miss Martha Connors of the Post Office Staff, spent the week-end very enjoyably with her sister Miss Margaret Connors in Toronto. Mrs. W. Cryderman was brought home from the Hospital on Sunday where she was a patient for some time under treat ment for pneumonia. A lady remarked to us that our citizens --a lot of them--haven't enough loyalty to stand and sing the National Anthem without putting on wraps before it is ended. W. D. Junior Farmers' Association wiL meet in Bowmanville on Friday evening, Feb. 23 at 8 o'clock, promptly. Particulars Particulars later. IRWIN BRAGG, Secretary, ARTHUR BRAGG, President. Sickness is very prevalent the hospiia accommodation being taxed to capacity and nurses kept very busy. What blessing that this town has such a splendid institution, institution, thanks to tfie generosity of Mr. J. W. Alexander. Couch, Johnston & Cryderman are giving giving great bargains in Ladies Muskrat Coats--Coats worth $60.00 for $45.00 Coats worth $75-00 for $60.00. These Coats are 50 inches in length--Full furred and well lined. Mr. W. B. Couch attended the annual meeting of Canada Landed & National Investment Investment Co , Toronto, on Wednesday and was guest, with the Directors, of the President, Dr. John Hoskin K. C., at luncheon luncheon after the meeting. Coal is very scarce in some places. The Guide said last week that the coal situation situation in Port Hope is serious, and much more serious than many citizens realize. If shipments of coal are not received very soon Port Pope will practically be without coal. Mr. and Mrs. Amos Bond, Roland, Man., have been visiting her uncle, Mr. Richard Moysc, and renewing acquaintances in town with many friends of their youth. They have just returned from visiting relatives relatives In Buffalo, New York and Torring- ton, Conn. Mr. G. H. W. Moran, the genial special salesman of Willys-Overland, Limited, Toronto, was in town Monday with Mr. A. W. Pickard, the agent here, calling on prospective automobile buyers. Read the Overland advertisement on the 3rd page of this issue. Officers of Court Bowmanville No. 964, C. O. F. for 1917 are: C. R.-- Rev. H. W. Foley; V. C. R.-- Geo. Edger; Fin. Secy-- Fred R. Folev; Rec. Sec.-- F. W. Couch; Treas.--Geo. R. Mason; Chaplain--Thos. Veale; S. W.--Geo. Bagnall; J. W^. H. H. Fletcher; S. B--Smith O'Brien; J. B.-- Norman S. B. James. y A wedding in which many soldier boys will be interested was one that took place at Belleville on Monday morning last at "Mount Pleasant" the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Donald M. Walters, when their only daughter, Miss Marjory Taylor Waters, was united in marriage to Major E. D. O'Flynn. Owing to the war and the fact that both the bride and the groom have each a brother at the front the wedding was a quiet one and only the nearest relatives relatives were present. Belleville Daily Ontario of Feb. 12 says:' Belleville men of the 235th Battalion paraded paraded to Christ Church, Sunday about 175 » strong. Rev. Dr. Balgrave- preached a very impressive sermon. Sixty-five Roman Roman Catholic members attended St. Michael's. Michael's. At Cobourg the men paraded to Christ Church 125 strong, 35 Catholics attending the R. C. church there. The 235th band returned from Picton and Prince Edward on Saturday and are on pass until Thursday, Thursday, many of them spending their holiday in Bowmanville. Countv Orange Lodge of West Durham annual election of officers held in the Orange Orange Hall, Orono: County W. M.--John Lowrey; County D. M.--Col, Wm. Farrell; Farrell; County Chap.--Rev. J. H. Kydd; County Asst. Chap--E. A. Jones; County Fin-Secy.--John Byers; County Rec-Secy. F. Graham; County Treas.--A. A. Col- will; County Lecturer--John Palmer; County D. of C.--Albert Reid; Dep. Lect. for Clarke, H. L. Bellamy; Dep. Lect. for Cartwright, C. Devitt. The celebrated check case which aroused great interest in connection with the 235th Battalion last fall has been solved. Some members of the. corps were arrested on suspicion but the right culprit was apprehended at last. The Dominion police took up the case and in Montreal arrested Pattingell, who was a sergeant under the alias of Foster in the battalion. He was tried for the offense, found guilty and was sentenced in Belleville to two years in Portsmouth penitentiary. He got away with about $500 and was captured captured through getting drunk in Brockville and offering one of the cheques. TEA ROOM MENU 1» j I MARRIAGES Towns--Dilling--At the Parsonage, Queen-st, by Rev, G. C. Weisman, B. A., Feb. 7th, Mr. Robert Robert J. Towne and Miss Hazel Billing, both of Bowmanville. Long--Peacock--At Vermilion, Alta., Jan. ll hy Rev. Mr. Lyner, Mary Ethel Peacock, of Vermilion, Vermilion, and Mr. H. Percy Long, son of G. M. Long, Orono. O'Flynn--Waters--At Mount Pleasant, Belleville, Belleville, Feb. 12th, 1917, Marjory Taylor, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Donald M. Waters, and Major Edmund D. O'Flynn, recently of the Second Batt., the Rev. A. S. Kerr officiating. , DEATHS . Simpson--In Newcastle, Feb. 7, Thomas Simpson, Simpson, aged 83 years. Bridges--At Port Hope, Feb. 7th, Richard Bridges, aged 82 years. TRICK--At Port Hope, Feb. 8th. Mary Boyd, beloved wife of John Trick, in her 69th year. Wilson--At Bewdley, Feb. 12th, Mary Ann Dixon, wife of James Wilson, aged 78 years. Kinsman--At Port Hope, February 9tb, Keziah, relict of the late William Kinsman, in her 89th year. White--In Hope, February 12th, Sarah Ann Kinsman, relict Of Thomas White, in her 85th year. Potter--At his residence, 25 West Islay St., Santa Barbara, California, Jan. 24th, E. C. Potter, Potter, aged 34 years. Evans--At Grace Hospital, Toronto, Feb. 7th, Elizabeth Mason, widow of the late William Hague Evans. Interred at Bowmanville. • --At Moosejaw, Sask., Feb. 9th, Helen Stickle, widow of the late James A. Weath- erilt, aged 78 years. Burial at Hort Hope. JEWELLERY GIFTS OF Our stock of fine jewellery affords a wide choice for beautiful remembrances such ' as good taste dictates. Rare conceptions out of the common--designs from art workers in gold and silver who have left the impress of a skill that stands for real merit. Gifts of Pearls, Diamonds, Sapphires, Rubies, Opals. Gifts to make the home beautiful. Gifts to be put to practical use. ' If you want the very best in jewellery. See us* A good time to drop in is NOW. ALEX ELLIOT Successor to C. H. Haddy Watchmaker Jeweler Engraver "Lest We Forget" E. R. B0ÜNSALL, Designer and Dealer in Monuments, Tablets, Markers, etc., in Granite and Marble. Bowmanville, Ontario. NOTICE During DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE'S absence with the Canadian Expeditionary Expeditionary Force his Dental Office will be conducted by J. J. CRAIG, L. D. S., D. D. S., Honor Graduate in Dentistry of Toronto University. Bowmanville - Ontario Office Phone 40. House Phone 16 A. C. Macnaughton, B. A., Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, 18 King-st. West - TORONTO Will be at the office formerly occupied by the late Dr. Brimacombe, on Wednesday Wednesday of each week. Farmers and Builders ! 'We have purchased the Builders' Supply business of Mr. Wm. Brock, and will be glad to supply any requirements of Hydrated Hydrated and Burnt Stone Lime, Cement, Wood Fibre, Paristone, Alabastine, Glazed Tile in all sizes and shapes, etc. x We have a car of Land Plaster coming. Can furnish Ground Limestone ranging in size from dust to size of sand. These sown on land will materially increase production production of field crops, also good for orchards and costs very -little. We sell Lehigh Valley Coal--the coal that satisfies. Give us an order. John A. Holgate & Son Office and Yards, cor. Queen and Division Streets. Telephone No. 153 office. House Phone 202. Bowmanville, Ont. urnimxmmmmmm H OUSE TO LET, 6 ROOMED--To party without without children. For particulars apply to 113 King-st, East. 7-tf rOOK AND HOUSE PARLOR MAID WANT- ed. Mrs. J. W. Alexander, "The Ever- 4 greens", Bowmanville. 6-" The Ladies', Store W ANTED--A Boy, good wages to right party --one about 16 or 17 years of age. Apply to Drawer B, Bowmanville. 47-tf. S ERVANT WANTED--Capable gen ral who ; can do plain cooking. Small familv Apply! to MRS. G. D. CONANT, Phone 221, Oshawa, | Ont. 2 ~ tf W ANTED TO GO TO TORONTO--Capable general. $25 per month. Fare paid. Address Address Mrs. CLODE, 85 McPherson Ave., Toronto, Toronto, or J. H. Cryderman, Bowmanville. 7-2w* C LERK WANTED--For Hotel Bowman, Bowmanville, Bowmanville, clerk or assistant to whom steady employment will be given, and liberal wages. Enquire at Hotel for particulars. S. D. Ross. Manager. ' 2 ' tf C OWS FOR SALE--One good young Jersey cow, Just renewed, second calf, a fine family and one good Durham cow, just renewed, big milker. Also well bred Collie dog for sale, Apply Apply to T. WESLEY cawker, Bowmanville. 7-lw StocK-taKing Sacrifice Sale of Ladies' and Misses' Coats, Suits, Skirts F ARM TO RENT--126 acres more or less, being part lots 3, 4, B.F., Darlington, in" good state of cultivation. Good brick house, good barns with stone stabling underneath. For terms apply apply to Mrs. Jas. McConnachie, on the premises, Bowmanville. F OR SALE OR RENT--Brick house, 7 rooms, with all modern conveniences. " If not sold will be rented. Possession April 1st. Apply on premises to W. G. Penny, King-st. E., Bowmanville. Bowmanville. F ARM FOR RENT OR SALE--In the Village of Hampton, about 47 acres, first-class for mixed farming, dairying, hog-raising; capable of keeping 6 or 7 first-class milk cows, and fatting 20 first-class hogs a year. Apply to L. A. W. Idle, Bowmanville, or to Capt. R. H. Bunt, Box 347, Parry Sound, Ont. 6-6w* DOMINION OF CANADA WAR LOAN 1917. The new issue will be ready about March 1st,, 1917. Orders are coming in fast. Place your order with the under- I signed AT ONCE to ensure its being in time. ■ MRS. Edith V. Scobell, Bowmanville. 7-2W. C OTTAGE FOR SALE--In Bowmanville, a very desirable place with 6 nice .rooms, good cellar, cellar, hard and soft water, small garden, a few apple trees, good stable and -chicken house, on one of the most desirable streets in town. Will be sold for $1,260.00 to person who has the spot cash. For particulars apply m writing to Drawer B, Bowmanville. TOWN PROPERTY FOR SALE An exceptional opportunity for a retired farmer farmer or anyone else to secure a comfortable home, combined with a gilt-edged investment, in the Lake Shore town of Port Hope. Two semi-detached semi-detached brick dwéllings for sale in a most desirable desirable part of the town. Both in first-class condition--modern condition--modern improvements; furnace, gas, hath, electric lights, fireplace, cistern, one stable, front lawns and good-sized gardens in rear. Revenue from the both houses $35 monthly and always rented. Will make a comfortable home for the purchaser, together with a profitable investment return from the adjoining house. Much cheaper than building yourself, Must be sold to close an estate. For photo and particulars apply at once to Post office Box 220, Port Hope, Ont. 6-tf tic Society's treasury will be richer by $14.00. Miss Mayme Shaw accompanied the soloists mosV acceptably. Mrs. Burk entertained those who contributed to dainty refreshments at the close. The evening will remain a very pleasant memory memory to all who participated. Couch, Johnston & Cryderman are still showing a Superb Stock of Ladies and Children's Plush and Cloth Coats, all made up in the very latest styles. BOWMANVILLE HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY. In order to ensure prompt sprin^de- livery of plants, will intending subscribers please hand their $1 subscription to the undersigned secretary during February. For $r a year a generous supply of plants is given in the spring and of bulbs in the autumn. _ __ _ Mrs. Edith V. Scobell, 7-2W. Secretary, Bowmanville. BURKETON FOR SALE OR TO RENT--153 acres, 90 cleared, lot 22, con. 10, Darlington, near Burketon, on which are farm buildings, buildings, good well.. For particulars apply to L. MORRIS, Bowmanville. 6-2w. GOOD POSITIONS HIGH WAGES First-class Tool Makers and Machinists Machinists wanted who have served their time at the Trade. Apply Taylor-Forbes Company, Guelph, Ont. Must-be cleared out this month. Do not delay if you would secure any of these remarkable bargains bargains Any Coat, Suit or Skirt at the following reduced prices: Regular price $25.00, sale price..... $18,75 " " $22.00 to $23.00, sale price 16.50 »' " $20.00, sale price 15.00 " 18.75, " , I 4 - 00 « " 16.75, " 12.50 " " 15.75, " .... H-75 « " 13.75, " 10.50 " 12.75, " 9.75 11.25, ' 8.50 ft " 10.75, tc 7.75 « " 9.50, " 7.00 « " 8.75, " 6.50 « " 7.50, " 5.50 « " 6.50, " 4 -75 " u 5.75, <f ». 3.95 « « 4.50, " x 3.50 Also an assorted lot of Suits and Dresses at half price. Remnants of all descriptions now on sale, Telephone 106 S. W. Mason & Son Next door to Standard Bank Bowmanville F OR SALE--Brick residence containing seven rooms, kitchen, pantry, good cellar. Electric Electric lighted. Brick stable and driving shed. All in good repair. Hard and soft water indoors, i acre land on which are apple, cherry and plum trees, also small fruits. For particulars apply ,m the premises to Mrs. A. Gully, (nee Lovedy Hoskin) corner Prospect and Odell Sts., Bowmanville. Bowmanville. H OUSE FOR SALE--That desirable brick residence residence on Centre-st, containing six rooms and two large halls, heated by furnace, hard and soft water in kitchen, fine cellar, electric lighted, good garden. Soldvery reasonably for immediate sale. Apply to Alex. Colville, corner Centre and Conceeaionsts., Bowmanyiije. 46't$

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