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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Feb 1917, p. 3

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/n 5 o/n ma iiii. ! Ijl •. Pit W E can live without food, but not without sleep. Many will recall Dr. Tanner's 40 days without food, but who could live a single/week without sleep and retain their reason. It is during sleep that the nervous system is restored, restored, and the nerve force, consumed by the activities activities of the day, is replaced. Sleeplessness is one of .the first' and one of the most, torturing symptoms of nervous exhaustion. With sleeplessness you find nervous headaches, tired, wornout feelings, indigestion, lack of energy and strength. You are nervous and irritable, and cannot compose yourself to rest or sleep. The nerve force in the body is at low ebb, and the feeble, wasted nerve cells must be nourished back to health and strength by such treatment fis Dr. .Chase's Nerve Food. You must not confuse this food cure with drugs taken to produce sleep, for it works in an entirely 'different way. It is not a quick relief, but a restorative, restorative, upbuilding treatment. As the nerves are revitalized' revitalized' sleep comes naturally with its soothing in- fiue5.ce and hastens recovery. Sleeplessness Mrs.^Edson Brock, Trenholmville, Que., irrites --"I want to state that I have never taken anything to do me so much good as Dr. Chase's Nerve F-ood, and I am never without it in the house. I was bo nervous 1 could not sleep, hut now I sleep soundly at nights and wake. up feeling refreshed and ready for the day's work. I used the Nerve Food for months, and found that it just suits my needs, arid has huilt up the system wonderfully. I know it is Dr. Chase's Nerve Food that has brought about the great change in my condition, and I am thankful for it." Dr. .Chase's Nerve Food, 50 cents a box, 6 for $2.50, all dealers, or Edmanson, Bates & Co., Limited, Toronto. Do not be talked into accepting a substitute, tmitations disappoint. " 627 db.a.w chases NEDVE FOOD *1 BUY FROM CANADIAN DEALERS. bloom. Some of these are guaranteed not to throw up shoots from the roots. It is because of the tendency of the ordinary lilac bush to do this, that the most magnificent of all early blooming trees has been banned from many Plan Garden Now and Order Shrubs and Seeds From Home Stocks. The Canadian nurseryman carries in stock every known kind that can be relied on to give success in the r Canadian garden or orchard. The - and bloom of exquisite tint, and pro- Canadian stock has the distinct ad- \ mises to become popular*. Trees and Vantage of being home grown--raised | shrubs, if properly placed in the lawn, in the northern climate. Stock from ; enhance the beauty of the home sur- farther south may or may not give ' roundings; they are not expensive, satisfaction. Stock that is home i and besides adding to the exterior grown will give entire satisfaction if j beauty, will supply a wealth of bloom properly planted and cared for. ; suited for interior decoration. The nurserymen are offering many ; Roses are not expensive nor difficult new kinds of lilac, in new shades of ; to succeed with, providing they are properly planted in a well-prepared bed. The nurseryman will advise you as to the best kinds to select. You need not fear that he will take advantage advantage of your ignorance and pawn off inferior varieties. The Canadian ABOUT THE HOUSEHOLD Hot Cakes For Tea. Oven Scones--Two pounds flour, two teaepoonfuls of baking powder, three ounces shortening, two ounces sugar, two ounces currant^, one egg, one pint sour milk, pinch of salt. Rub the shortening into the flour and baking baking powder, which have been sifted together; together; then add the salt, sugar, curants, curants, well-beaten egg and milk. Stir into a soft dough that will not stick to the hands and divide into four pieces. Roll each into a ball, then flatten out into a round cake about an inch thick. Cut across into four triangles, thus making sixteen scones. When risen in the oven and partly baked brush over with beaten egg, or water, dust with powdered or granulated sugar and finish the baking. These take a little little more than half an hour to cook as a rule and should be split while hot and buttered. Serve at once. They can, however, be reheated or eaten cold. Cream Scones.--Sift together two level cups of flour, three level teaspoons teaspoons of baking powder and half level teaspoon of salt. Add Vi cup of butter and work into the flour thoroughly with the finger tips, or cut in with two knives. Beat two eggs well, add Vz cup of cream, and add slowly to the flour, mixing with a knife to a dough. Lightly roll the dough out to about Vz inch in thickness, thickness, cut into diamond or triangular shapes, and bake in a hot oven twelve to fifteen minutes. Soda Scones.--One pound flour, one teaspoonful soda, one-half teaspoonful teaspoonful cream of tartar, pinch of salt, one- half pint of buttermilk or sour milk. Mix the ingredients to a soft dough, roll out to a half inch thick and cut into rounds with a cookie cutter. Heat the griddle, grease a little and cook, the scones. When one side is brown I turn the other until both are a good even color, then split open, butter, and serve at once. Buttermilk Scones. -- Take one pound of flour, one teaspoonful of salt, about half a pint of buttermilk or milk, one sniall teaspoonful of soda, one small teaspoonful of cream of tar- ' tar. Mix all the dry ingredients together together and add enough butermilk to make a light dough, which should be turned on to a floured board and quickly kneaded until. it is smooth. Press the dough into a round cake and divide crosswise into scones, which should not be much more than a quar-} ter of an inch in thickness. Bake the j scones in a quick oven, then split them open, butter and serve. The scones may be cooked on a griddle, and if this is done they should be turned once. Soda Muffins.--Two cups of flour, two teaspoonfuls of cream of tartar, one teaspoonful of soda, half pint of warm milk, one tablespoonful of oiled oiled butter, one tablespoonful of sugar, pinch of salt, one egg. Beat the egg lightly, yolk and white separately, add _ tip on Better try the low gear first. The human engine must have the right kind of fuel- food. Power to do things comes from food that i§ rich in muscle-building material, material, that is easily digested. Shredded Wheat is a high- power food, the kind that fits a man or woman for the day's work--just enough muscle-making material, just enough heat-making material material to keep the body in top- notch condition. Shredded Wheat is ready-cooked, ready-to-eat. Two Biscuits with milk make a nourishing nourishing meal at a cost of a few cents. Made in Canada. the warm milk, salt, sugar and oiled butter. - Take the flour and mix into it the cream of tartar, soda and the other ingredients; stir into a smooth, soft dough. Bake in the oven in small round tins, well greased, or in spongecake spongecake tins; cook from twenty to thirty minutes. Split,open and butter hot. Plain Tea Cakes.--When bread is baked at home it is a good plan to take â "pound or more of the dough after it has risen and rub into it two ounces of butter, lard, or even dripping, dripping, and perhaps a beaten egg; then leave it to rise again. Then bake in shallow round tins, and butter hot as soon as it, comes from - the oven, or keep for another day, toast brown and butter. Apple Cake.--One pound of flour, six ounces of lard, one teaspoonful baking powder, three ounces of brown sugar and six apples. Rub the lard into the flour and baking powder, add the sugar and the apples, peeled, cored and chopped the size of currants-f Mix into a rather dry paste with a beaten egg andm ilk, or water is f more convenient, and bake in a greased tin to the depth of one and a half-inches, till nicely browne^ on top--about half an hour. " Cut in strips and serve hot with or without butter. ti 111111 mi « Minimum imuniiiiiiniiu u Important Notice To Knitters. Having heard that some- soldiers have suffered blood-poisoning, caused by the dye from their socks, it is imperatively imperatively necessary that all wool should be thoroughly cleansed. The shrinkage of the wool, which is also necessary, can be done at the same time. The best way to do this is: Tie the skeins together so that they will not snarl, then put in basin and cover with boiling water; if no dye comes out, let the wool remain until the water is cold, then hang up and let drip until dry. Of course, if the dye comes out, keep changing the hot water until it becomes colorless. PARKEfi Known Everywhere lawns. The newest lilac is the-Japan- ■ nurseryman is here to stay; the future ese production, with fern-like foliage ! of his business depends on satisfied - - - - 1 customers, and it is as much to his in terest as to your own that the roses he sells you should give complete satisfaction. satisfaction. Don't delay the placing of your order, order, be it large or small. Every tree, shrub, bush or vine planted about the premises will add to the beauty and value of your property. Place your orders with a Canadian firm that your, money may remain in your own country. country. The thousands upon thousands of dollars that go over the border each year for seeds, plants, trees, etc., go to build up American industries, to give employment to American citizens, and to help support their families. Money paid to Canadian firms helps build up Canadian industries that employ Canadians, Canadians, that are the fathers of Canadian Canadian boys and girls. "Keep the home fires burning." SERVICE Available Everywhere "Parker" Agency ithout "Pt near 'arker Just because there is not _ _ you is no reason why you should do without Service." The excellence of our work is so well known that it need only be mentioned here. But the convenience of our service by mail to distant customers is not. Articles of any sort can be sent us ' either by parcels post or express, and returned in the same manner. We pay the carriage charges one way. Every precaution is taken 1 > ensure their safety in transit. So many things can be "rescued" by cleaning or dyeing dyeing that the value of this service will be apparent to everyone. ^ When you think of cleaning: or dyeings think of PARKER'S. Send for a PR-EE copy of our useful and interesting book on cleaning and dyeing. Be sure to addreis your parcel clearly to receiving dept. PARKER'S DYE WORKS, LIMITED ' 791 YONGE ST. - TORONTO 39 BP 1 i^Nsax (ourt The Select Family Hotel Centrally located--Just off Yonge Street r Rates : „> pe. v-v. European Plan-Single 51.25 up per day--Double 51-50 up per day. Write for descriptive booklet. American Plan--$2,50 up per day. 71 Grenville Street, Toronto, Ontario Westminster Hotel, Toronto- "A Real Hotel Without a Bar" Bright and attractive. Fireproof. Every bed* room has a bathroom. Elegant furnlshlrigf. Splendid cuisine. Easy accesktp shopplPt districts districts and theatres. Free taxi service from Union Station and wharf. Ask for Provincial Motor taxis. tATES: Slnj llnrle room, with bath, $LP0 to „ 50, Breakfast, 25c to 60c. Luncheon. 85c to 50c. Dinner, 50o U 75c. Inclusive fates, Amerlcnn plan, fcZ.BO to $8.60 a day, Write for booklet JAB VU ÏTBBBT. TORONTO. STOMACH MEDICINES ARE DANGEROUS DOCTORS NOW ADVISE MAGNESIA Just how dangerous it is to indiscriminate! indiscriminate! v dose the stomach with drugs and medicines is often not realized until too late. It seems so simple to swallow a dose of some special mixture or take tablets tablets of soda, pepsin, bismuth, etc., after meals, and the folly of this drugging is not apparent until, perhaps years afterward. afterward. when It Is found that gastric ulcers ulcers have almost eaten Jheir way through the stomach walls. Regrets are then unavailing; it is in the early stages when indigestion, dyspepsia, heartburn," flatulence, etc., indicates excessive acidity acidity of the stomach and fermentation of food contents that precaution should be taken. Drugs and medicines are unsuitable unsuitable and often dangerous--they have little little or no influence upon the harmful acid, and that is why doctors are discarding them and advising sufferers from indigestion indigestion arid stomach trouble to get rid of the dangerous acid and. keep the food contents bland and sweet by taking a little pure bisurated magnesia instead. Blsurated Magnesia is an absolutely pure anti-acid which can be readily obtained frofn any drug store. It is absolutely harriiless. is practically tasteless and a teaspoonrul taken In a little warm or cold water after meals, will usually be found quite sufficient to Instantly neutralize neutralize excessive acidity of the. stomach and prevent all possibility of the food fermenting. DISTRESSING RHEUMATISM How many people, crippled and lame from rheumatism» owe their condition to neglected or incorrect treatment! It is the exact combination of the Purest Cod Liver Oil with glycerine and hypophospliites as contained in MOTTS EMULSION that has made Scott's famous for relieving rheumatism rheumatism when other treatments have utterly failed. If you are a rheumatism sufferer, or feel its first symptoms, start on Scott's Emulsion at once. IT MAY BE EXACTLY WHAT YOU NEED. Scott & Bowse, Toronto, OnL 16-3 Turkeys derived their name from the fact that they were imported first into Europe through Turkey. RUB IT IN FOR LAME BACK.--A brisk, rubbing with Dr. Thomas' Rclectric Oil will cure lame back. The skin will immediately immediately absorb the oil and it will \pen- etratc the tissues and bring speedy relief. Try it and be convinced. As the liniment liniment sinks in the pain cornea out and there are ample grounds for saying that itn 4touch is magical, as It is. MAJKE YOUR DOLLARS FIGHT AT THE FRONT. BUY POfflimOM OF CANADA THREE-YEAR War Savings Certificates $ 25.00 FOR $21.50 50.00 li 43.00 100.00 " 86.00 INDIVIDUAL. PURCHASES LIMITED TO $1500. FOR FULL PARTICULARS APPLY AT ANY BANK OR ANY MONEY ORDER^OST OFFICE JAN. 9, 1917 Finanog Dhpartmknt Ottawa in Sowing Seeds DON'T waste your effort! and time on seeds of questionable quality. Buy Bruce's. For 66 years we have sold seeds and each year made satisfied Customers. Insure the succeee of your garden by selecting from the list below-- Bruce's Nosegay Collection Sweet Peas--6 separate colors-- 25c. postpaid. Brace's Tall or Dwarf Collection Neetnrtinm-- 6 separate colors--25o. postpaid. Brace's Empire Collection AsMtiF-^-6 separate colors--25c. postpaid. Bruce's Garden Seeds 1 lb. SOe. postpaid 1 lb. S6o. postpaid . postpaid Try them. Splendid varieties Beans--Refugee Wax % lb. 15c. Sweet Com--Peep O'Day... % lb. 10c. Peas--Early Settler % lb. 15c. 1 lb. 40c. postpi Write to-day for handsomely illustrated catalogue of Vegetables, Farm and Flower Seeds, Plants and Bulb», Poultry Supplies, etc., FBBB. JOHN A. BRUCE * CO. Limited Hamilton Canada MB y.v IV x!}': LUX .An exquisite "newness" for all woollens Somehow, with ordinary washing, one always thinks of woollen garments doming out of the wash a little worse off than when the^ went in. Far otherwise when you let LUX wash them. They come out of the wash with a soft, fleecy "new" feeling, as well as being absolutely clean--quite unshrunken, and quite unthickened. How is it done? Allow 3 tablespoonfuls of LUX^ for each gallon of water, which should be near the boiling point. Put the woollens in and stir them about with a stick. Then let them soak until the solution is cool enough for you to squeeze the woollens with the hands --when the dirt will run out. Then rinse in 2 or 3 relays of tepid water and hang to dry. * All good grocers. British made, by * Lever Brothers Limited • Toronto 3 2 10c i ■. - i n ■ ; i .rM.wi ■. Ji ik.iuiiiiEi-.rA-^l?wicL ^ ^Will NOI' 1NJÙRE TH E FILMIEST FABRICSjffiffij and fioo«f luckï" "Thank the wishes and for TtiMgtevour Lasts This grélt Bttie pick-me-up is full of vigour and vim for the jaded soldier. Quenches thirst, allays fatigue, gives new life to enervated spirits. MADE IM CAN&BA Every letter or parcel for your soldier friend should contain a few bars. Appetite, digestion digestion and spirits are the better for it Sold Everywhere Wm. Wrigley Jr. Co., Ltd., Wrigley Bldg., Toronto The Flavour LastsI ghe&j bt after evessvmeal SEGUED rS&HY--S&EPT RB&HT C55

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