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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Feb 1917, p. 6

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Every Leaf is of Virgin Quality Sealed Packets Only. Never in Bulk. Black, Mixed or Green* E 217 Vegetable Sponge. The wet flat lands of Ecuader produce produce a vine yielding a fruit which when dried, forms a sponge said to be superior to animal sponges. Minerals in Mexico. The mineral resources of Mexico include gold, silver, copper, coal, platinum, graphite, petroleum, asphalt, asphalt, sodium and marble. TWO LOKG YEARS M mm «OOD DiaifTION I UoiW for 40YE/ÜT8 TiitTilMM REMEDY FOR STOMACH |ANO LIVER 1HWBLE 2IL kub u iT&r**j* tmmsbtmfmtiee, Ke.ma4SlM. TW h*tm WqU watika Aw dssesi the Mlw, AN. Werrm A Co. Limited, CnU ftrest West Meetrssl. CANADIANS WANTED FOR THE ROYAL NAVY Canadian, wanted for the Royal Naval Canadian Volunteer Reserve tor immediate oversea* service, Only men mi good character and good physique accepted. Psy $1.10 Minimum per day -- Free Kit. $20^00 per Month Separation Allowance. , - Expcruscsd ms free 38 te 45, and beys free 15 to 18 accepted 1er servies is tie CANADIAN NAVAL PATROLS for defsece of tie Coasts. Apply te Commodore Æmilius Jarvis Naval RocnéUng Officer, Ontario Aron 103 È*y Street, TORONTO,*» De#*, ef tks Naval Service OTTAWA Dangers That Lurk in Pins. The pin is born with millions of brothers and sisters, who leave home to travel all parts of the world. On their journey they come in contact with us human beings and it might be interesting to take up what sometimes happens when they do so. Suppose a pin found its way into the laundry of a shirt manufacturer. We would be likely to hear of it, first in the mouth of one of those folding the shirt and preparing it for shipment. TWs pin, as well as others, might perhaps perhaps be making its first intimate acquaintance with the germ that produces produces sore throat. The shirt gets to the consumer, who starts to make it ready for use. For the second time the poor pin finds the human mouth again its abiding place. Possibly this time it gets into an ulcerated mouth, thence itg ets into the pin cushion or some other receptacle. The persons who handle these can X K* Poctor Tell » How To Strengthen Eyesight SO per cent In One Week's Time In Many Instances A Free Prescription You Can Have Filled and Use at Home. London.--Do yon wear rlxsaesT Are you & victim of eye rtrsin or other eye weaknesses? If so, you will be jdad to know that according to Dr. Lewis there is real hope for you. Many whose eye* were failing sty they hsve had their eyes restored through the principle of this wonderful wonderful free prescription. One man says, after trying it: "I was almost blind; could not see to read at all. Now I can road everything without any glasses and ray eyes do not water any more. At night they would paia dreadfully; now they feel âne all the time. It was like a miracle to me." A lady who used it says: "The atmosphere seemed hary with or without giiseet, but after using this prescription for fifteea days everything seems clear. I can even read fine print without glasses." It is behoved that thousands who wear glasses an now discard them in a reasonable time and ialtitudes more will be able to strengthen their so as to be spared the trouble and expense of ever getting glasses. Eye troubles of many descriptions may be wonderfully benefited by following the simple rules. Hero is the prescrip- Q 0 * 0 active drug store and get a bottle of Bon-Opto tablets. Drop one Bon-Opt© tablet in a fourth of a glass of water and allow to dissolve. _ With this liquid bathe the eyes two to four times daily. You should notice your eyes clear up perceptibly right from the start and will quick! '*~ y disappear. If y 0U r ou, even a little, take steps ore it is too late. Many inflammation •yes are bothering fo save them now .v »= iw mvc.- many hopelessly blind might have been saved if thev had cared for their eyes in time. y Note: Another prominent Physician to whom the above article was submitted, said: "Bon-Opto to a very remarkable remedy. Its constituent ingredients are well known to eminent eye specialists and widely prescribed by them. The manufacturers guarantee ft to strengthen eyesight 50 per cent In one week's time , B ^any tortancee or refund the money. It can be obtained from say good druggist and 1» one of the very lew preparations I feel should be kept on hand for regular use In almost every family." The Vsimsr Drug Co.. Store 4, Toronto, will ûÛ your orders li your dntggst cannot. 9 Thorough mixing is what makes cake delicate and tender \ Lande Sugar makes the best cake because because it creams quickly and thoroughly with the butter which is the hardest part of the mixing. mixing. Its purity and extra "fine" granulation granulation make it dissolve at once. 2 and 5-lb. Cartons 10 and 20-lb. Bags 4 The All-Purpose Sugar " rr X DEPORTATION OF BELGIAN MEN LEAVES WOMEN AND CHILDREN MOPE HELPLESS THANEVEB . . . . Neutral protests do not prevent the Germans from continuing the deportation and enslavement enslavement of the able-bodied men who were left in unhappy Belgium--and we are powerless to stop it until we have won the war. Meanwhile the Neutral Commission for .Belief in Belgium, administered without pay by great-hearted Americans, is saving the women and children from starvation. Here we CAN help promptly and effectively, by giving generously generously to the Belgian Relief Fund. More contributions than ever are needed, because the higher prices of foodstuffs, particularly particularly wheat, have seriously increased the cost of feeding these millions of dependent Belgian's. How much can you spare the 1 victims of one of the blackest, most cold-blooded crimes ? Send whatever you can give weekly, monthly or in one lump sum to Local or Provincial Committees, or SEND CHEQUES PAYABLE TO TREASURER Belgian Relief fund 59 St. Peter Street, Montreal. The Greatest Relief Work in History. Notice to Creditors In the estate of WILLIAM JAMES COLLAEXJTT. late of the Township of i Darlington in the County of Durham, Farmer, deceased. NOTICE is hereby given that all persons having having claims upon tne estate of the said William James Collacutt, who died on or about the 9th day of January 1917, are required to fyle with the undersigned, the eolcitor for the Executors of the said estate, tiy the 8th day of March 1917, a full statement duly verified, of their claims and of any securities held by them, and that after that date the Executors will distribute the assets assets of the deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notice has been so fyled or brought to theirattentlon. Dated 7th of February 1917. • E. S. SRNKLRR, Bowmanville, Ont. Solicitor for the Executors herein. 6-1 tv "Frult-a-tives" Made Him Feel As If Walking On Air Orillia, Ont., Nov. 28th." 1914. "For over two years, I was troubled with Constipation, Drowsiness, Lack oj Appetite an'd-Headaches, One day I saw your sign which read " Fmit-a-tives make you feel like walking on air. " This appealed to me, so I decided to try a box. In a very short time, I began to feel better, and now I feelfine. I have a good appetite, relish everything I eat, and the Headaches are gone entirely. JE recommend this pleasant fruit medicine to all my friends DAN MoLEAN. 50c. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial sixe, 25c.- At all dealers or sent postpaid by Fruit- a-tives Limited, Ottawa. not recognize disease germs by the naked eye, and therefore the pin, with its cargo of germs, is ready for a new service, this time, perhaps, by a dressmaker. dressmaker. If she has the bad habit al- ' ready alluded to she fills her mouth with these pins while she cuts with her patterns and fits various pieces together. together. This time for variation the pin may have found lodgment in a healthy mouth. Nevertheless, it is not a pleasant fault, when you know the pin's history thus far, to think of any one making such use of it. Many a mother who uses pins in fastening a child's dress together does the same thing. By this time, in the pin's life history, it is quite well armed with spores of germs and really is accountable for much harm along its path of travel. And now as it is getting old and about ready to close its life a little child may be stricken with tonsilitis or diphtheria or even scarlet fever, because some of these diseases are easily communicable communicable from throats so recently affected by the disease that the danger is not recognized. The presence of the germs that have been referred to on the pin is a real danger, as the physician physician or laboratory, worker know r s he can ^ plant these pins taken from everyday use and plant them in foodstuffs foodstuffs that will make them grow and multiply in great numbers, colonies can 'tie seen by the naked eye and they can be injected into other living beings beings and produce disease. The habit of putting pins into the mouth w'ould not continue for a moment moment if every one knew this. The moral of this little story is, never hold pins in the mouth, as they spread dissease, even fatal diseases. ❖-- Miller's Worm Powders destroy worms without any inconvenience to the chi d, and so effectually that they pass from the body unperct ived. They are not ejected in their entirety, but are ground up and pass away through the bowels with the excreta. They thoroughly cleanse the stomach and bowels and leave them in a condition not favorable to worms, and there will be no revival of the pests. Loyalty. The first great -work (a task performed performed by few) Is that yourself may to yourself be true. As a vermifuge there is nothing so potent potent as Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator, Exterminator, and it can be given to the most delicate child without fear of injury to the constitution. Notide to Creditors IN THE MATTER OF Frederick A. Haddy of the town of Boiomanville, in the County of Durham, general merchant, insolvent. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the above name insolvent has made an assignment under R. S, O. (1914) cap. 134, of all his estate, credits and effects to Norman L. Martin of the City of Toronto, for the general benefit of bis creditors. A meeting of his creditois will be held at the o file es of N. L. Martin & Co., at 64 Wellington S treet West, in the City of Toronto, on Wednesday Wednesday the seventh day of February, 1917, at the h our of eleven o'clock in the forenoon to receive a statement of affairs, to appoint inspectors and fi x their remuneration, ana for the ordering of the affairs of the estate generally. Creditors are requested to file their claims with the assignee with the proofs and particulars particulars thereof required by the said Act on or before the day of such meeting. And notice is further given that after the seventh day of March, 1917, the assignee will proceed proceed to dhtriunte the assets of the said insolvent amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard regard only to the claims of which notice snail then have been given, and that he will not be liable for the assets or any part thereof so distributed distributed to any person or persons of whose claim he shall not then have hsd notice. N.L. MARTIN, Assignee, 64 Wellington St. W., Toronto. D. B. SIMPSON. K. C., Solicitor for the Assignee, Bowmanville, Ontario, Dated at Bowmanville, this 1st day of February, 1917. 5-4w Canary islands now have a telephone system. The average resident of the United Kingdom consumes about a pint and a half of tea each day. _ ON Upward TRIAL Jhne/dccutL FULLY GUARAMTUO CREAM SEPARATOR A SOLID PROPOSITION tp send n*v>, well made, easy running; perfect skimming.separator for Only $16.95, Closely skims warm or cold milk. Makes heavy or light cream. Bowl a sanitary marvel, easily cleaned. Different from picture, which illustrates larger capacity machines. Sco our easy Monthly Payment Plan Shipments made promptly f: Winnipeg, Man..Toronto, C S od St. John, N. 9. Wild airy la large or small, write handsome 1 rcu catalog and e Shipments made promptly from Winnipeg, Man..Toronto, Ont, "Yliclher for Ualog and easy payment plan. .AMERICAN SEPARATOR CO. a. lex -208 BainbriJje, N. Y. HR This Good Oldi Remedy isn't just a purgative. Quite the contrary. It makes purgatives unnecessary unnecessary by keeping the liver lively. Take small doses regularly--a regularly--a larger dose only if you're sure you need it. That's been the rule of hearty, sprightly, happy folks for 50 years. CARTER'S WlTTLE HIVER bears -'Signature Colorless faces often show the absence of Iron in the blood. CARTER'S IRON PILLS will help this 7 "condition. • *rr 7* THE MINISTER OF FINANCE RF r '"ESTS THE PEOPLE OF CANADA TO BEGIN NOW TO SAVE MONEY FOR THE Next war loan JA.N. 9. 1917 )• ' • DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE OTTAWA ----- ----d always kesp bottle of Châmbérlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets on the shelf. The little folk so often need a mild and ' safe cathartic and they do appreciate Chamberlain's instead of nauseous oils and mixtures. For stomach troubles and constipation, give one just before goin* to bed. All druggists. 26c, or send to CHAMBERLAIN MEDICINE CO., TORONTO lo CHAMBERLAIN'S - TABLETS . The population of the British Empire Empire exceeds one-quàrter of the population population of the world. No one need endure the agony of corns with Holloway's Cofh Cure at hand to remove remove them. / Wood's Phospho&ine, The Great English Remedy. Tones and Invigorates the whole j nervous system, makes new Blood in old Veins, Cures Nervous Debility,Mental and Brain Worry, Despondency, Despondency, Loss of Energy, Palpitation of the Heart, Failing Memory. Price SI per box, six for $5. One will please, six will cure. Bold by all op receipt of free. THE WOOD (Fsrairlf WMssr.) Cook's Cotton Root Compound* A tafe % reliable re aula tip medicine. Sold In three greea of. strength--No. 1. ft No. 2, S&; No. 3, S5 per bo5 Sold by all druggists, or prepaid on receipt of brief Free pamphlet. #» Addrs'el THE COOK MEDkCINE CD.; TOIONTO. ONT. (Feresrii Wls<w.) ROMPTLY 8EI ^^aU™countrIes. Ask for our INVEN-ji TOR'S ADVISER,which will be sent frq* MARION A MARION. 884 University 8t,, Montréal. r -A, >K*rc .~/l 4A LdliiPXï fcvX viz; ? * ' Low Fares and through Tickets TO ALL POINTS IN Western Canada and the Pacific Coast . Electric Lighted and comfortably equipped Trains. To obtain the lowest fare and the most convenient routing apply to M. A James, Town Agent or W. G Gifflen Station Agejnt, or write, to R. L. Fair bairn, General Passenger Agent, 66 King St. East., Toronto. via CANADIAN NORTHERN J 4 A j Sun Life of Canada New Records ESULTS secured during the year 1916 re-affirm the position of the R e -- « Sun Life-Assurance Çompany of Canada as the leading life as * ~ ds the Held assurance among organization in the Dominion, Once morer It leads Canadian Companies in each of the following respects i Largest New Business. Largest Bnsloess to Force. Largest Assets. Largest Surplus timings. Largest Net Serptes. Largest Iseome. Largest Bîstritotion el life Asserasee Benefits. THE YEAR'S RESULTS The f ®Mowing large and uniform increases registered during the year 1916 clearly demonstrate the strength of the Company * position and; the confidence and prestige it enjoys in the public mind : A«*ets as at December 31st .... Cash Income . ". . . * . . . Surplus paid or allotted to Policyholders. Î Net Surplus a« at December 31st. . . otal Payments to Policyholder». . . ssurances Issued and Paid for in Cash . Assurances in Force . . . . . . 1916: $82,943,095 1M»0,!31 1,110,600 8,509,865 7,578,01$ 42,772,296 281,434,700 1918 $14,828,423 iM72,6T 985,41 7,W8,$L 7,186,478 34,878,851 257,404,160 INCREASE $3,628,673 (11.6#) 3,62^480 x -- - 1 126,413 064,274 443.637 .7,398,445 24,030,540 Coincident with the above increases, the Compsu, tuccmacn substantial and important reduction in thé ratio or expense, a earnings en policyholders* account. ■ (15.8% (12.7% < (12.8^ ( |22.6 % succeeded during the year in effecting a feature which favourably affects YEAR INCOME ASSETS 1872 «,««««« 1086 iloS • 4. <7VO « • * • t • * 1918 3 • 48,210.73 873,600.81 1,886,258.00 6,212,615.02 18,499,131.62 96,401.95 1,578,027.10 6,388,144.66 24,292,692.65 82,948,996.06 1,064,350.00 9,413,368.07 3.8,166,890,99 102,566,89S>10 281,434,699.94 1871 HEAD OFFICE MONTREAL T. B. MACAULAY, President. • L 1917 *4*

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