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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Mar 1917, p. 2

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I. To City, Town and Village Dwellers in Ontario A Vegetable Garden for Every Home N this year of supreme effort Britain and her armies must have-ample supplies of food, and Canada is the great source upon which they rely. Everyone with a few square feet of ground can contribute to victory by growing vegetables. Four Patriotic Reasons for Growing Vegetables It saves money that you would otherwise spend for vegetables. 2. It helps to lower the '-'High cost of living." 3. It helps to enlarge the urgently needed surplus of produce for export. 4. Growing your own vegetables saves labor of others whose effort is needed for other vital war work. The Department of Agriculture will help you The Ontario Department of Agriculture appeals to Horticultural Societies to devote at least one evening meeting to the subject of vegetable growing; manufacturers, manufacturers, labor unions, lodges, school boards, etc., are invited to actively encourage home gardening. Let the slogan for 1917 be, "A vegetable garden for every home." Organizations are requested to arrange for instructive talks by practical gardeners on the subject of vegetable growing. In cases where it is impossible to secure suitable local speakers, the Department of Agriculture, will, on request, send à suitable man. The demand for speakers will be great. The number of available experts being limited, the Department-urgently requests that arrangements for meetings be made at once; if local speakers cannot be secured, send applications promptly. The Department suggests the formation of local organizations to ' stimulate the work by offering prizes for best vegetable gardens. It is prepared to assist in any possible way any organization that may be conducting a campaign for vegetable production on vacant lots. It will do so by sending speakers, or by supplying expert advice in thefield. To any one interested, the Department of Agriculture will send literature giving instructions about implements necessary and methods of preparing the ground and cultivating the crop. A plan of a vegetable garden indicating suitable crops to grow, best varieties and their arrangement in the garden, trill be sent free of charge to any address. Write for Poultry Bulletin Hens are inexpensive to keep, and you will be highly repaid in fresh eggs. Write for free bulletin which tells how to keep hens. Address letters to_ "Vegetable Campaign," Department of Agriculture, Agriculture, Parliament Buildings, Toronto. Ontario Department of Agriculture W. H. Hearst, Minister of Agriculture Parliament Buildings Toronto The Editor Talks 10 PROMPTLY SECURE! In a!! countries. Ask for our INVENTOR'S INVENTOR'S AU VIS RR,which will be sent free. MARION & MARION, 354 University St., Montré*!. Cook's Cotton Root Compound A safe, reliable regulating medicine. Sold in three decrees decrees of strength--No. 1, SI ; No. 2, S3; No. 3. S5 per box. Sold bv all druggists, or sent f repaid on receipt of price. res pamphlet. Address : THE COOK MEDICINE CO„ I010KTO. OUT. (Fsrwriy Wsiw.) WHAT ABOUT YOUR SEED? The season for purchasing seed is at •nd and the thoughtful farmer be examining his bins to see how he Bad habits -of. children should be better understood by parents and teachers that they may instruct them. Sitting in a friend's parlor a few days ago a little girl of the home, some four years of age, showed us how many times she could turn round before she became dizzy' and fell on the floor. Little girls are most addicted addicted to this bad practice, but should not be permitted to indulge in it. It is injurious to the optic nerve which is irritated by the sudden changing of objects passing before it; and also to the brain whose function of distributing distributing nerve electricity to the system is partially suspended, doctors inform us. A rapid spiral motion tends to destroy the general harmony of the animal functions. Persons having care of children should discourage all practices so obviously injurious. * * * * While visiting a relative in the country it came out in course, of conversation conversation that a little boy in that home slept regularly with an aged female. We made bold to express strong disapproval of the practice for the sake of the child's welfare. Great surprise was shown at our views. But we were right. An old physician has since assured us that the habit so common in country -homes -of allowing children to sleep with elderly, persons has ruined the nervous vivacity . and physical energy of many a promising child. He says those having dear old friends whose lives they would like to perpetuate at the sacrifice of their innocent offspring, alone should encourage encourage this evil. But every parent who loves his child and wishes to preserve preserve to him a sound nervous system with which to buffet successfully the cares, sorrows, and labors of life, must see to it that his nervous vitality is riot absorbed by some diseased 01 aged relative sleeping with him. * * * * Perhaps we may be pardoned if we pursue this subject farther as we were keenly interested in the information we obtained and think we are conferring conferring some benefit by publishing it in part. He claimed, and said in effect, that old men who marry wives much younger than themselves are tl^ gainers gainers by the .union and are not such "old fools" as many pronounce them, but that the young women who marry them are bigger "young fools" than they are ever reputed to be. The beneficial effects of such marriages are all in favor of the reputed "old fool." Persons, consciously or unconsciously, unconsciously, allowing their children to sleep with old servants should take this' warning. It is the part of true wisdom on the part of all parents to exercise vigilance and protect their offspring .from a robbery--which can never be repaired. Children having disease should never sleep with other children. * * * * This is the season of parliamentary Name Cut On a Tree. "Now, girlie, shall I cut your name and my name in the bark of his tree?" "I suppose there will be nothingAo criticize in that." said the dear girl; - • , ., .. ,,, . ... : sessions. Truly, we often pity poli- hand and the thoughtful farmer will ticians _ for no ma tter what their con- • ,i ,, , , ,, ; victions may be. the party men must stands m the matter of s e ed. Many ; , ik heep follow their lea der. Our n=rH„n e j% i, n % y - emP 5 ° r ! politicians are slaver to party, and fvl.l " . ; .?dT5 r t 1 ?n. and " t0 ; therefore at times must be untrue and . disloyal to themselves. They worship .. , , , .. -fi £ ompara " i a fetish. How very humiliating it tively large cash outlay will be neces- cils--.facetiously dubbed "Shire Parliament*," Parliament*," and the public business was transacted there without any party whip to lash the members into their respective line-ups to vote. We have taken active part also in the annual annual meetings of great fraternal and religions "organizations and there were no party affiliations, but every man, as Junius said, was given the liberty to utter and express (his convictions) convictions) according to the dictates of my own conscience above every other liberty. And the business was carried carried on most satisfactorily and with out serious discord. * * * * After attending board meetings of financial institutions, large stock concerns, concerns, and other great business enterprises, enterprises, the question has asserted it=- self : if these large assemblies of men, met to consider important business is sues,'-can transact such momentous undertakings without the members being being organized in definite party sections, sections, political or otherwise, why can not federal and provincial parliaments parliaments be conducted along similar independent independent lines ? But we have been told that the conditions are not anala- gous and representative governments must be composed of partizan organizations. organizations. So the old system goes on age after age. Men are brought out as candidates by party conventions, and when elected they believe that it is their duty to support their party in the House whether they believe the party is right or wrong. They were elected/On the party ticket and no matter what happens, when the party string is pulled they jump up. They must perforce vote at the cfack of the party whipf Thus public life is degraded--great degraded--great issues are lost sight of. What is more pitiful than this? * * * * Uppermost in the minds of all reading reading people on this continent-during the past month has been the tension existing existing between the United States and Germany. At this writing, the "overt act" to justify the formei*,in entering :;he "conflict of nations" in what has now become to be called "this world war," is being anxiously considered, )ut open hostilities have not yet been declared. What will be the significance significance of the entry of the p'nited States into world politics ? This is a timely question and has been answered by the editor of the London Daily News in a strong editorial from which we quote a leading excerpt. America, he tells English people, will say "we wanted to stand aside from your quarrels quarrels but we see your quarrels are no onger European quarrels but world quarrels. We cannot escape them if we would and since we cannot escape them we must help you to stop them. We will join you to make war on war. Preparedness in the European sense has been preparedness for war. jjc s*e "Gerihany sprang this war through fear, hate and ambition ; such a condition condition always ended iji war and always must end in war between persons or nations. What ever nations or peoples peoples return, to that gospel after this experience will most assuredly reap its fruits again. We come into the field, not to add a new brigand power sary owing to high prices. Good seed ; Qwn intell igence to the boss political | accept our co . operation is an absolute necessity for profitable 1 ] ea j er an ^ these the seed situation merits care- i ful consideration because fetish- Mow very _ _ must be when a man^ hands ov< ^.kis j ^e world, but to ask the Allies to ( „ in making production and a few cents or even i ^shOtv' "a br î gandag « illegal and in organizing j n , , , , . ±1 , nonette figure in a siae snow, a a force wl ^ mUSt * 0t f stand ln th * way of mem ber of parliament is expected to j n f uture .» obtaining a first-class article. Use hold no decided opinions of his own. Ontario grown seed where possible ! while he is the party representative and it is possible but if imported seed j _ that is a very appropriate name for is to be used test it for germination him _ in the House he must vote with his political gang without any question question or conviction of his own. At the thoroughly and see that it is absolutely absolutely free from weed seeds. Western seed is quite frequently frosted and this year much will be used for seed, a force which will make it impossible Dr. Frank Crane, in an article headed The Return to Reason, says philosophically of the present crisis in which the American Republic finds itself: itself: If a thing is right it is bound to "provided you also cut the name of my . hence the necessity for the ch aneron. PERFECT HEALTH IS EVERY WOMAN'S BIRTHRIGHT. tion test. This point firmly emphasized. come--a bad thing no matter how en- ringing- of the party bell and the call j trenched in custom, buttressed by or crack of the party "whip" every j prejudice, and rooted in men's pas- germina- : man rushes into the House and » re- j passions is bound to go. Waf is cords his vote, frequently, we believe, ; wrong, wicked, silly, irrational, in- eannot be too T-f nnoKia 4-zx a 1 not knowing exactly what the subject sane an d deserving of every other vile If unable to procure suitable seed j matter of the debate • - ■ ' is. „_ TT , ... „ n i m~wv..L x,,- -- -- Bystander an( j contemptuous epithet that can be i District Rpnrcspntnti ^ ? n • very appropriately called this action co i ne d against it. No matter how j f + V an ^ ; the "rankest slavery." What conduct preened with flags, glorified with tri- ! will put >ou in touch with growers of | could be more like real slavery? Lnphs and held up by national vanity, A Prescription That From Girlhood K°° d s ? ed - A >?° J™ are in doubt : .... I it £ all wrong. Already there are to Old Age Has Been a Blessing to Womankind. * * * * as to the germination power of your i seed have it sent to Ottawa for proper W = are a3k . ed ^ hat kmd f gove ™" testing or do it yourself. Testing | ment would have if not a party When & girl becomes a woman, when 'will be done without charge and in-I one suc ^ as we ha\e ri icu . , a woman becomes a mother, when a structions given merely for the ask- ! we frankl y confess that we have not woman passes through middle life, are ing. Therefore test your seed, the three periods of file when health and signs that the minds of the leaders of men are swinging around to perceive the utter horror and uselessnehs of war. It is distressing to see what ter- A LAND OF TRAGEDIES. Switzerland is Overflowing With the Human Wreckage of The War. "Switzerland is a land of tragedies," tragedies," writes Miss Madeline Doty, in the Nation. "They hit the eye where- ever one walks. The country is inhabited inhabited by trembling old people in strength are most needed to withstand the pain and distress often caused by severe organic disturbances. At these critical times women are best fortified by the use of Dr. Pierce'* Favorite Prescription, an old remedy of proved worth, that keeps the entire womanly system in excellent condition. Mothers,, if your daughters are weak, lack ambition, are troubled with headaches, headaches, lassitude and are pale and sickly, Pi- free's Favorite Prescription i* ; deep " mourning. Their sons are all SSS £d S m£t ■ É= ad - Th =y have come hereto forget, them strong and healthy. i These sorrowing aged ones bring tiny For all ailiâg women Dr. - Pierce's ; grandchildren. The land is swarming Favorite Prescription is just the right j with curly-haired, dancing-eyed, pink medicine. During the last fifty years it ! and white perfections in babyhood, has banished from the lives of tens of j They are the prize children the belligerent belligerent nations are trying to save. "Besides this mixture of old and young, there is the awful human wreckage of war. Soldiers who have gone crazy and walk- with shuffling feet and hanging mouth, tubercular warriors, gasping and white, and men who are only stumps riding about in wheeled chairs. "All that is best and worst in mankind mankind is here in evidence." --=r j A Sign of Rain. . If ducks or geese are expecting bad weather they dash water/over their backs. They do this to prevent the first few drops of rain penetrating to their bodies through the dry, open feathers. feathers. thousands of women pain, misery and distress. It makes weak women strong, sick women well. If you are a sufferer, if your daugh* ter, mother, sister, need help, get Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription in liquid or tablet form from any medicine dealer to-day. Then address Dr. Pierce. Invalida' Invalida' Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y., ana get confidential medical advice entirely free. Every woman should be careful that the liver is active and. the poisons are not allowed to clog the system--get rid of these poisons by taking Dr. Pierce'* Pellets, which regulate and invigorate stomach, liver and bowels. Keep the body clean inside as well as outside! How to preserve health and beauty is told in Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Medical Adviser. It is free. Send Doctor Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y., fifty-eents or stamp* to'covei wrapping and mailing only. Flattering to the Original But Imitations Only Disappoint There are many imitations of this great treatment for coughs, colds, croup, bronchitis and whooping cough. They usually have some sale on the merits of the original, but it should be reinembe red that they are like it /in name only. had experience enough in parliament- ' rific bludgeoning is necessary to bring ary business to attempt to do a job the world mind away from its mania that the greatest statesmen on earth and back to reason, but reason must have failed to accomplish. Yet, we ultimately prevail at whatever cost, have had experience in county coun- * * * * While referring to this war and the probable closer relation of the United States to it very soon--possibly soon--possibly before this article reaches the readers of this journal--we shall give a brief mention of another serious j trouble that already looms large in i the war probabilities. Some months [ ago the editor of "Nichi-Nichi," an j important Tokyo daily newspaper vzhose circulation exceeds a quarter of a million every day of the year, wrote regarding American-Japanese relations: relations: "The situation between America and Japan is like two trains running towards each other on a single track. While Japan is conciliatory almost to the point of humiliation, America comes running at full speed ahead, and must take the responsibility should a conflict come about." Few people comparatively are seized of the "real seriousness of the "international "international situation being steadily fomented fomented on both sides of the Pacific. Japan has her problem of a large population and constantly growing. She is keenly keenly disappointed over the refusal of America, Canada and Australia -- lands of unlimited opportunity--to permit Japanese immigration. She is keenly indignant over certain elements in the treatment of Japanese in the This is a facsimile facsimile of the package hearing portrait and signature of A W. Chase, M.D. United States which she regards as humiliating. Those who know the conditions in both countries consider the situation serious, and the problems demand the earnest study of the/best thinkers America and Japan can produce. So it is important in the face of the pressent pressent strained relations with Germany and Austria that our American neighbors neighbors should be thinking orrthes.e matters, matters, for one of the great problems of the decades just ahead is the one of relations with Asia--with New Jnpan and New China. It is important, too, that they think truly and soberly -- not hysterically--and that the people be led to discriminate. between the true and the false, between the frank facing of real issues and insidious efforts efforts to create suspicion and hostility, for American-Asiatic problems will not be solved on a basis of" complete national selfishness. If the United States is to secure her rights in Asia --whatever she thinks they are -- she must be ready to grant to Japan--and to China, too--their alleged rights. If Americans do not desire to come into armed conflict with Japan they must see to it very soon that at least American American policies and practices are set right, for it will be so much easier to adjust difficulties and to harmonize the policies and interests of the two nations noW--before irresponsible agitators agitators get busy--so that America and Japan shall not be like two trains rushing to a head-on collision, but rather rather "like brothers vying with each other in mutual, helpful co-operation." -»>- The indications of worms are restles'- ness, grinding of the teeth, picking of the nose, extreme peevishness, often convulsions.. convulsions.. Under these conditions the best remedy that can be got is Miller's Worm Powders. They will attack the worms as soon as administered and will grind them to atoms that pass away in the evacuation . ! The little sufferer will be immediateiv I eased and a return of the attack will , m t be likely. STANDARD BANK OF CANADA " HEAD OFFICE - TORONTO TRUST FUNDS Our Savings Department gives you a guarantee of absolute security and est'd if?7n interest at current rate. 239 BOWMANVILLE BRANCH A. N. McMIULAN, Manager. Westminster Hotel, Toronto "A. Real Hotel Without a Bar" Bright and attractive. Fireproof. Every bedroom bedroom has a bathroom. Elegant furnishings. Splendid ctiisine. t Easy access to shopping districts districts and theatres. Free taxi service from Union Station and wharf. Ask for Provincial Motor taxis. * KATES: Single room, with hath, $1.50 to $2.50. Breakfast, 25c to 50c. ..Luncheon, 35c to 50c. Dinner, 50c to 75c. Inclusive rates, American plan, $2.50 to $3.50 a day. Write for booklet to «40 JAB VIS STREET, TORONTO. EXECUTORS AND TRUSTEES RQWL e O M P fl K p F £ e P F i tFFFFFFFj Ireland's Peat Deposits. Pçat covers about one-seventh of thé area of Ireland and the deposits are estimated to contain 40,000,000,- 000 tons of fuel. Two ovens of the usual kind, and a third on the fireless cooker principle, feature a new gas range. BOARD OF DIRECTORS Sir Vincent Meredith, Bart., President. Sir H. Montagu Allan. C.V.O., .Vice-President, It. B. Anguz. A. Baumgarten. A. D.. Brallhwalte. E. J. Chamberlin. H. R. Drummond. C. B. Gordon. Eon. Sir Lomer Gouln. KC.M.Q. E. B. Greenslilelds. C. R. Hosmcr. • Sir William Macdonald. Capt. Herbert MolsonT Lord Shaughnessy, k.C.Y.O. Sir Frederick Williams-Taylor, t.t. n A. E. Hclt, Manager. Capital Fully Paid, $1,000,000. Reserve Fund, $1,000,000. INVESTMENTS , T HIS Company is prepared prepared to receive funds for investment in Securities, of the highest class. €jf Write for Booklet. The Royal Trust Company TORONTO BRANCH Cor. Queen and Yonge Streets Brace L. Smith, Manager at Toronto. 4 THE MINISTER OF FINANCE REQUESTS THE PEOPLE OF CANADA TO x BEGIN NOW TO SAVE MONEY FOR THE NEXT WAR LOAN JAN. 9. 1117 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE OTTAWA Country. Club Four Sealer $1050 f. o. b. Toronto Subject to change without notice . Style--Comfort Powèi>-- Economy This new Overland Country Club Light Four is a distinctive and smart car in the low priced car class. The rich gray body, with black fenders and trimmings, is set off to pleasing advantage by red wire wheels that give just the right flash of brilliant color. The two comfortable front seats move forward or back, independently, and a spacious aisle between gives free passage passage to a roomy seat for two passengers in the rear. ' F °r riding comfort, the Overland Country Club is a revelation. An unusual demand" for Ws model makes . it necessary to place orders at once to secure spring delivery. A. W. PICKARD; Agent 1 eniperanee St., = BowmanviUe

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