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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Mar 1917, p. 5

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82 !* Holding Customers is the motto of The Model Grocery Once we make your acquaintance we are almost sure to hold your trade, because we are giving giving the biggest values for your money. A glance at the following list of money-saving specials will convince you that we are. 10 bbls. Granulated Sugar 20 lbs for $1.69 10 cases Robin Hood Rolled Oats 24c pkg 10 boxes Cosmo Soap, special value 7 bars for 28c 5 cases Choice Sock Eye Salmon, Gold Medal, 25c tin 10 boxes Fresh Mixed Biscuits, "Perrin's" 2 lbs for 28c 100 lba Fresh Roasted Coffee, ground or in the bean, reg 45c 39c lb 5 cases Pink Salmon, "Scottish Lion"-.. >2/tins for 35c only 4 cans of 10 Cases Canned Vegetables each to a customer Tomatoes, 2 for 36c Corn, 2 cans for 26c Peas, 2 cans for 26c Beans,2 cans for 26c i 10 cases choice California Sunkist navel oranges, good size, 29c doz 3 cases Grape Fruit, extra fancy 4 for 25c 2 chests Tea, "Our Own Blend" green, black mixed, reg 45c 39c lb 200 lbs fresh Pork Sausage 2 lbs for 35c 10 cases Prunes, extra value 2 lbs for 25c 1 cases Rose Baking Powder ..- 17c tin We are giving special attention to our Fish department department during the Lenten season. Salmon and Halibut steaks a specialty W. Blake McMurtry Limited Phones 72 and 182 Royal Souvenir Steel Ranges If you want a range that will bake right and save you time, labor and fuel, you should buy a Royal Souvenir Steel Range It is superior in every way--handsome in appearance, appearance, easy to operate, and easy to keep .clean. The best Water Heater for your Bathroom RICE & CO., Sole Agents Phone 66 OUR BREAD deserves immediate attention if you are looking for something just a little different and better quality than the bread you nutiuv v 11 nu rm h inutnitminiit/ité are using. It is delicious and it will give complete satisfaction. satisfaction. We say this because we know it to be true. If your grdCer doesn't keep it, order it from this bakery. Thomas Tod Baker ând Confectioner Phone 3, Bowmanvflle Bowmanville BOWMANVILLE, MAR. 1, 1917. Sergt-Major D. M. Douglass, Peterboro, spent Sunday here. Don't forget the date of "The Rivals". March 9th and 10th. Miss Sweet of Cobalt has been engaged as head milliner with Miss Harden. Orono W. C. T. U. will hold a Gold Medal Contest Thursday April 5th. Mr. A.H. Fletcher is in Akron, Ohio, on business for the Goodyear Co of this town. Ladies' and Men's Suits cleaned and pressed at Couch, Jchnston & Cryder- man's. Spring Millinery display at Miss Hamden's Hamden's on Thursday March IS. All Ladies invited. If its a ring of any kind you are wanting, wanting, call and see Alex Elliot's fine display. See advt. There is a most entertaining duel in "The Rivals"--come and see it. March 9th and loth. Mrs. A. V. Reid and children, Clarke, have been visiting her parents, Mr, and Mrs. J. C. Elliott. Little Miss Olive Weisman, infan 4 daughter of Rev. and Mrs. G. C. Weis" man, has pneumonia. Mr. and Mrs. C. U. Peeling and two children, Oshawa, spent the week-end with Mrs. J. Van Nest. Mr. F. F. Morris and Mr. Frank Peate (Orono) attended" the Undertakers' Convention Convention in Toronto recently. Rev. and Mrs. C. C. Washington and Mrs. C. O. Johnston, Roseneath, are visiting visiting at Rev. W. C. Washington's. Mrs. John Ferguson, St. Catharines, has been visiting her mother, Mrs. M._ A. Washington, who continues very ill. Miss Dingman and Mrs. Edmopdstone announce their Millinery Openings on Friday and Saturday March 16 and 17. Mrs. (Dr.) W. C. Washington was called to Cherry Valley last week owing to the serious illness of her sister Mrs. Clarke. Mr. and Mrs. Amos Bond have rt turned turned to their home at Roland, Man., after spending a pleasant visit with friends here. Dont fail to get in on some of those specials W. Blake McMurtry is offering this week. Miss Eva Hcllyar is visiting her sister, Mrs. (Rev.) S. T. Bartlett, Toronto. Mr. John Hellyar spent the week-end in the city also. MrsJBdmondstone will remain with Miss Dingman for this season and will be pleased pleased to meet all the old friends and patrons of this millinery establishment. Messrs. Oscar Scott and James D. Maguire, Maguire, Orono, purchased the A. J. Staples fine new residence on Mill-st., and fourteen fourteen acres of land.--Orono News. Darlington admirers of Rev. Dr. Workman Workman will be glad to hear that he will preach at both services in Bowmanville Methodist Church next Sunday. For real fun and for such wit as we should like to talk we know nothing better better than a couple of hours with "The Rivals". Rivals". Miss Harnden invites all the ladies of Bowmanville and vicinity to come and inspect inspect her new stock of Spring Millinery on Thursday March 15 and following days. -- Dr. Roy Arthur Tucker, Fort Wayne, Ind., son of the late A. A. Tucker, Orono, will be married on March 17th, to Misa. Mildred Cutting, daughter of Mr. Fred H. Cutting of that city. Mr. E. G. Mitchell, Pinton, representing The Mail and Empire, gave us a call Tuesday. Tuesday. He reports having taken 400 orders for that daily paper in and around Trent-" on. W. T. Allen, Big 20, is agent in Bowmanville. Bowmanville. The new firm of Cawker & Hooper has made a good start and are offering some extra specials this week. See their advt. Niobe Dramatic Co went to Orono on Fr ay night and was greeted with a capacity house and very appreciative audience. Orono people gave them a good social time at the close. Citizens report report this performance "the best yet." Five nurses from the Base Hospital, Toronto, in charge of Miss Carrie L. Cherry, daughter of Mrs. S. Cherry of this town, are shortly to go overseas to do duty for King and Country. It is possible that alltnurses available will be needed for duty in anticipation of the "by drive" soon to take place "Somewhere in France." At an early hour Thursday morning, March 1st fire broke out in the factory of W. J. Trick & Co., manufacturers of interior interior fittings, Oshawa, completely destroying destroying the factory and its contents and damaging damaging some of the adjacent dwellings. The loss to the firm will be heavy, as the insurance covering it, it is reported, is comparatively light. The High School Play is in aid of the Canadian Red Cross. A number of those who presented the play "Niobe" in the Opera House so successfully successfully on the three evenings, went to Toronto Wednesday night to hear the Canadian Dramatic Club present "Niobe" in the Foresters' Hall. The program presented presented between acts was very enjoyable, tho the local members are not so sure that the Toronto actors put on this farce comedy much better than they did themselves. themselves. The trip to Toronto was thoroly enjoyed by all. A School of Massage has been opened by the Dominion Government at Whitby with four instructors. 28 Toronto girls came to that town to take the course which opened Tuesday. The course will last 3 months and the applicants must be over 22 years. At the end of the course they may be sent anywhere in Canada to a military hospital. After a year's service service the student will receive a Government Government certificate that she is a fully .qualified .qualified Masseuse. The public will welcome the new issue for 1917 of "5,000 Facts about Canada," the popular and valuable cyclopedia of Canadian dates, compiled by Frank Yeigh of Toronto, the well-known writer and lecturer on the Dominion. No up-to-date and intelligent Canadian can afford to be without this "hardy annual." Fifty other chapters are devoted alphabetically to every phase of our national life, from Agriculture to the Yukon, while several sketch maps are of high value. Copies may be had from newsdealers or by sending sending 25c to the Canad an Facts Pub. Co., 588 Huron Street, Toronto. . Cawker & Hooper are well pleased with the splendid trade they have done since opening. They invite a trial order. See their new advt. Ladies, you cannot afford to miss the Openings at the Dingman Millinery Parlors Parlors on Friday and Saturday, March 16th and 17th. The Churches "Rev. H. B. Neal will preach educational sermons in Newcastle Methodist Church next Sunday. Rev. C. E. Cragg, B. A., Napanee, has been invited to Wesley Methodist Church, Lethbridge Alta. Rev. E. C. Currie, St. John's Church, Belleville, will preach in St. Paul's Presbyterian Presbyterian Church, Sunday. St.Patrick's Concert in Methodist church Monday evening, March 19th. Good literary literary and musical numbers. Church of Christ--Regular services next Sunday. A cordial invitation is extended extended to the people of Bowmanville to worship there. The new St. James Church, Peterboro, will be opened April 29 when Rev.- Dr. Chown will preach, assisted by Rev. M. E. Sexsmith, president of this Conference. See the contents of the "Returned Missionary Missionary Barrel" under the auspices of the Mission Bapd, in the Methodist Sunday School room at 8 p. m. on Wednesday, March 14. Admission IOc. Reserve Monday evening March 19th for St. Patrick's Concert in Methodist church under auspices of Epworth League. Proceeds for boxes for members "On Active Active Service". Particulars next week. Rev. Dr. Geo. C. Workman, M.A., Toronto, Toronto, who is always heard with very great acceptance by Methodists and others of this town, will preach next Sunday at both services in the Methodist Church. Good music. Everyone welcome. The Mock Trial Company and a few friends of the Methodist League drove out to Zion Tuesday evening where the Judge and Jury were honored by a full house, and the trial was well put on again. This Company goes to Oshawa next Monday Monday evening. Primary Departments of the Methodist Sunday Schools enjoyed their annual sleighride Tuesday afternoon and were afterwards served a good supper in the school-room by their teachers and mothers. Messrs. W. C. Ashton, Frank M. Cryder- man and H. A. Farrow generously provided the sleighs. The Women's Missionary Society of the Colborne Methodist Church celebrated celebrated its silver anniversary, March 1, with representativés of societies of Brighton, Wicklow, Lakeport, Castleton, Sharon and Eden churches participating. About 200 women sat down to a banquet at» tables decorated with silver and flowers. Mr. R. A. Mulholland, Chairman of the Board of Managers, St. Paul's Church, Port Hope, was pleasantly surprised by the congregation Wednesday evening, Feb. 28th, when he was presented with an illuminated address read by Mr. R. Gray, and a handsome gold-headed cane presented presented by Mr. W. Williamson, the one the oldest members of the Board of Managers and the other the oldest member of the Session. Election of officers at the Epworth League in the Methodist church Monday evening resulted as follows: Hon. Pres.--Capt.Rev. W.G. Clarke, B.A. President--Miss Mabel C. Cox. 1st Vice--Miss Allie L. Bragg. 2nd Vice--Miss Marion Morris. Assistant--Miss Lola Souch. 3rd Vice--Miss Carrie I. Painton. 4th Vice--Mr. Kenneth Cox. Rec-Sec.--Miss El va B. Bragg. Cor-Sec.--Miss Lena Haddy. Treasurer--Mr. J. Russell Heard. Pianist--Miss Reta R. Cole. . Assistant--Miss Florence Rickard. Flower Convenor--Miss Marion Worden. New Officers take their respective places on May 1st. "The Rivals (by Richard B. Sheridan) 99 will be presented by students of The High School ON Friday and Saturday MARCH 9 and 10 IN Opera House BOWMANVILLE Proceeds in aid.of Canadian Red Cross. All seats reserved at 35c each. Plan open at Mitchell's Drug Store Tuesday March 6th at 12 noon. 9-2w John J. Mason BOWMANVILLE Insurance and Real Estate Agency Personal, careful and competent attention given to all business èntrusted to us. Fire, Life, Accident, Sickness, Automobile, Hail, Wind, Livestock, Livestock, or any other form of Insurance. REAL ESTATE List your property with us for sale or to rent. We have a waiting list of prospective purchasers and tenants. Rents collected and properly looked looked after for non-resident owners. John J. Mason Successor to the late Harry Gann. BIRTHS. Dinner--In Bowmanville,-March 4, to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Dinner, a son. Elliot--In Bowmanville Hospital, March 7th, to Mr. and Mrs. Alex Elliot, a son. McFarland--In Bowmanville. March 2, to Mr. and Mrs. Garnet McFarland, a son. Edgbrton--In Bowmanville, March 2, to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Edgerton, a daughter. Venner --In Bowmanville Hospital, March 1st, to Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Venner, twin girls. Mason--In Kitchener Hospital, March 4th, to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. -H. Mason, Preston, a daughter. daughter. (Florence Helen). MARRIAGES Boddy--Bice--In Oshawa, Feb 1 . 26th, by Rev. C. B. de Pencier, Miss Mabel Louise Rfce of Oshawa Oshawa and Mr. James Boddy, Toronto. Lavender--Crandell--In Cedardale, Feb. 28, by Bev. C. B. de Pencier, Lillian Crandell and Ernest Henry Lavender, both of Cedardale. Law--Soady--On March 1st, at the home of her brother, Dr. J. Hostley Soady, Toronto, by Bev. E. E. Scott, Frank Law, Newtonville, and Lena E. Soady of Toronto. Go been--Perrin--At the Parsonage, 42 Bread- albane-street, Toronto, Wednesday, Feb. 28Hi, by Bev. W. ». Wilson, Miss Clemina Elizabeth- Perrin, daughter of Mrs. Annie Perrin, Port Hope, and Mr. William J. Goheen, son of the late James Goheen, Pontypool. DEATHS Jamieson--At Port Hope, Feb. 26th, Jane Lang, widow .of the late William Jamieson, in her 84ch year. Soulérin --At Port Hope, Feb. 27th, Margaret McNamara, relict of the late Narcisse Soulerin, aged 88 years. Croskbm--In Oshawa, Feb. 26th, Mary Ann Stephenson, beloved wife of Mr. James Croskem, in her 79th year. Sharpe--In Toronto. Feb. 23rd, Emily Chapin, widow of the late W. Sharpe, aged 61 years. Interred Interred at Colborne. Gamble--In Oshawa, Feb. 26th, Violet S., infant infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. Llewellyn Gamble, aged 3 weeks. Bonar--At Cobonrg, on Saturday March 3rd, Captain John Bonar, in his 83rd year. Interred at Belleville. Uncle of Mrs. Lewis Jollow, Bowmanville. Bowmanville. Hutchinson--At 734 Indian Road, Toronto, Feb. 27, Sarah Mahoney, beloved wife of Chas. Hutchinson, aged 68 years. Mother of Mrs. Thos. Percy, Bowmanville. Trewin--On Wednesday, Feb. 28, at the residence residence of his daughter, Mrs. T. R. Tennant, 21 Rosemonnt Avenve, Toronto, John T. Trewin. Interment at Bowmanville, Tilley--In Exeter, at the residence of hi.* niece, Mrs. (Dr.) Amos, John J. Tilley, formerly Inspector of County Model Schools, Ontario, aged 77 years: Interred in Toronto. IN MEMORIAM In ever loving memory of our dear mother, Mary»A. Hoskin, who entered into rest March 3rd,1913. Mother, the years seem long, and sad the weary way, For those who know thy tender care and love from day to day; Our home has never been the same since thy voice has Silent been, Nor is the world the same to us since death has come between. Family. "Lest We Forget" , E. R. BÔUNSALL, Designer and Dealer in Monuments, Tablets, Markers, etc,, In Granite and Marble, Bowmanville, Ontario. FUNERAL DIRECTORS L Morris &, Son Most Complete Equipment Sunday and night calls promptly attended to. Bowmanville Phones 10-34 Branches : OBONO HAMPTON NOTICE During DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE'S "absence with the Canadian Expeditionary Expeditionary Force his Dental Office will be conducted by J« Je CRAIG* Le De Se, De De Se* Honor Graduate in Dentistry of Toronto University. Bowmanville - - Ontario Office Phone 40. House Phone 16 A.^C. Macnaughton, B. A., Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, 18 King-st. West - TORONTO Will be at the office formerly occupied by the late Dr. Brimacombe, on Wednesday Wednesday of each week. zvIRL WANTED for light housework. Good 1 f wages, Apply to Drawer B, Bowmanville. ' ' 1'0-tf a PPRENTICE WANTED--At once, to learn millinery. Haddy & Co., Bowmanville. 9 tf r AN TED--A Boy, good wages to right party yy --one about 16 or 17 years of age. Apply to * * Drawer B, Bowmanville. 47-tf. iiT ANTED--A suitable woman with some know- yy ledge of nursing, to assist in care of an old 11 lady. Apply to Mrs. Duncan Beith, Church street, Bowmanville. 10-tf psOR SALE--7-roomed frame house, hard and r* soft water, I£ acres of Ian 1, several fruit *■ trees. A bargain if sold at once. Apply to Mrs. Edith V. Scobell, Bowmanville. l0-2w pOB SALE--81000 cash and the balance of $2700 r< on mortgage will buy a new 7 roomed house * with all modern improvements, in Bowmanville. Bowmanville. Apply to Box 246. Bowmanville, Ont. 9-tf ^MALL FRUIT FARM FOB SALE--Brick ^ house, good stable, 2$ acres of fruit, choice v location on Kingston Road--just outside of East Bowmanville. S ee this before buying. Address: Address: A. W. Pinch, B B 4, Bowmanville. 9-tf C* MALL FARM TO BENT--Nine acres of land ^ with brick house, barn, sheds and chicken house, situated on Lot 13, con 3, Darlington, near C. N. R., station. For particulars apply to David Grigg, Box 87, Bowmanville. 9-tf g-iARM TO BENT--126 acres more ortfess, being r* part lots 3, 4, B.F., Darlington, in good state *■ of cultivation. Good brick house, good barns with stone stabling underneath. For terms apply apply to Mrs. Jas. McConnachie, on the premises, Bowmanville. l-tf Il OBSE FOR SALE--7 yrs old. chestnut color, H weight lioo lbs, about 16 hands high, good single or doable, good reader, lady can drive, not the least afraid of autos, good all-round family family horse. W. T. Symons, Bowmanville, B B 6. Lot 13, con 4. Phone 160 r 8. 8-tf ptÂRM FOR BENT OB SALE--In the village of r< Hampton, about 47 acres, first-class for mixed * farming, dairying, hog-ràising; capable of keeping 6 or 7 first-class milk cows, and fatting 20 first-class hogs a* year. Apply to L. A. W. Tole, Bowmanville, dr to Capt. B. H. Bunt, Box 847, Parry Sound, Ont. 6-6w* |-<OB SALE--Five dwelling houses, comer King H and Brown streets. Bowmanville, the proper- 1 ty of the late Mrs. Wm. Rowe, (known as the Westcott property). Will be sold en bloc or separate. separate. Any reasonable terms may be made to suit purchasers. Apply to L. A. W. Tole, real estate, agent, Bowmanville. 60-tf H OUSE FOB SALE--That desirable brick residence residence on Centre-st, containing six rooms and- two large halls, heated by furnace, hard and soft water in kitchen, tine cellar, electric lighted, good garden. Soldvery reasonably for immediate sale. Apply to Alex. Colville, corner Centre and Concessionsts., Bowmanville. 46-tf Pearl Rings Signet Rings Rings With All Kinds of Stones We would advise you to come in and see our stock of Rings before buying, and let us convince you that right here is where you get value for your money. „ Tbone 88 Diamond Rings from $8.00 up Pearl Rings from $2.00 up Signet Rings from 75c up „ Birthday Rings from $1.50 up 5 Emblem Rings, any Society, $5.00 up But come in and see for yourself, what good values we offer. SEE OUR WINDOWS ALEX ELLIOT Successor to C. H. Haddy Watchmaker Jeweler Engraver A Farmers and Builders ! We have purchased the Builders' Supply business of Mr. Wm. Brock, and will be glad to supply any requirements of Hydrated Hydrated and Burnt Stone Lime, Cement, Wood Fibre, Paristone, Alabastine, Glazed Tile in all sizes and shapes, etc. We have a car of Land Plaster ■ coming. Can furnish Ground Limestone ranging in size from dust to size of sand. These sown on land will materially increase production production of field crops, also good for orchards and costs very little. W e sell Lehigh Valley Coal--the coal that satisfies. Give us an order. John A. Holgate & Son Office and Yards, cor. Queen and Division Streets. Telephone No. 153 office. House Phone 202. Bowmanville, Ont. The Ladies' Store We are showing this week New Spring Suits, Coats, Skirts and Dresses. Also new Silks and Dress Goods, Whitewear, Laces, Embroideries. Skirt Special: 36 only Ladies' fine tailor-made Dress Skirts in navy and black serge, excellent excellent quality, regular value $5.75, sale price $3.75. Move quickly if you want one of these skirts. Grand Spring Opening on Friday evening March 16. Watch for particulars. Telephone 106 S. W. Mason & Son Next door to Standard Bank Bowmanville FARM FOR SALE Fifty Acres Lot 19, con. 6, Darlington, on which are good barn with sheds, stables under, also large poultry house; seven-roomed frame dwelling--all dwelling--all in good repair; small orchard and about three acres mixed standing timber. Plenty of water. Plowing done. Price and terms reasonable. reasonable. Apply to F. T. Stonhoubb, Hampton, Ont. 8*3w reaî <lence contait rooms, kitchen, pantry, good cel in , 4ric Iqshted. Bnck stable and dri All in goof repair. Hard and soft wat I acre land on which are apple cherrv trees, also small fruits, lor Œ on the premises to Mrs. A-Gully* ? remIaea tf > Mrs'. A. Gully <, manville COrner Prospect and Odel/ * --

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