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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Mar 1917, p. 8

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i;: ; ;.-"'V:"'^; ;;:-V"/;;: : --/■.- :; ■■■-:.". •:'■■- ■-■ - / ;v_. : "■ ; '• v . ' _ Lytle Limited DÂRL1NGTON Mr. F. T. Guy has just received two | certificates for his two cows which suc- ceestully passed the Government record of Performance Test... .Mrs. F. T. Guy and Nellie recently visited Mrs. J. B. McCullough, McCullough, Rosedale, Toronto. Neat's Foot Harness oil $1.00 a gallon I at F. O. Mason's. Seeds and Seed Grain The best of everything for the GARDEN and FARM, Vegetable Seeds in all varieties. New crop, best quality and fair prices, by the packet, ounce or bushel. Leave your order with us, we can give you better value and service than any Catalogue House in Canada. Reduce the high cost of living by growing your own Vegetables. Seed Potatoes We have some fine Irish Cobblers and Delewares. The supply is limited--first come first served while they last. Seed Grain Oats, Barley, Spletz, Wheat, Spring Rye, Corn, etc.--all carefully selected and re-cleaned for seed purposes. Fancy Peas Just a few left to place on contract. Clover and Grass Seeds Red Clover, Alsike Clover, Alfalfa Clover, Seed Clover and Timothy g ee d all Government inspected. Prices as low as the lowest and perchance a little, lower. Flour Full stock of all the high grade Flours, as well as Graham, Buckwheat, Buckwheat, Wholewheat and Pancake Flour awaiting you. Present indications are for higher prices in early Spring. Feed Feed of all kinds is very scarce and prices high, but we are doing our best to keep supplies on hand, such as Corn, Cotton Seed, Oil Cake,.Bran, Shorts, Middlings, Dairy Meal, Etc. The fire is still burning, come in, warm up, be friendly and let us serve you. HAMPTON A reception was given Pte. Clarence | Gav (invalided home) last Friday evening by the citizens of Hampton and surround- | ing community. Rev. Geo. Brown occupied occupied the chair when a very enjoyable I program was rendered by the following: two choruses by the members of the League; reading by Miss Lyra Trenouth; solo Miss Mildred Souch; piano duet by Misses Brown and Horn; piano trio Misses Brown, Horn and Trenouth; short addresses addresses were also given by Deputy-Reeve Geo. | A. Stephens, Councillor W. R. Courtice and Messrs. W. R. Allin, F. Stonhouse, C. Horn, S. J. Williams and F. J. Groat. Pte. Gay was then invited on the platform and for about an hour interested the audience audience with his experiences in the trenches and as a sniper and by answering numerous numerous questions that were asked him by the audience. God save the King was sung after which light refreshments were served. His parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Gay, should should feel justly proud of their son who has certainly done his bit for the defence of his King and Country. A good suggestion advanced by Mr. W. R. Allin was the advisability at an early | date of taking into consideration the erection of a suitable memorial in the | central part of the Township to the memory memory of those of our Darlington boys who go to the front and who have made or may make the supreme sacrifice in behalf I of King andCountry, as four brave fellows ! have already done. Hampton S. O. E. St. Patrick Concert will be held in their hall, Friday March l6. Bethesda Dramatic Club will give the program. Good time expected.... Miss Myrtle Trull spent the week-end with friends in Oshawa. The married people will give an unique entertainment in the church Friday March 9 under auspices of the Epworth League consisting of recitations, dialog- | ues, etc. Hampton Symphony Orchestra will attend and enliven the program. I Come early--no reserved seats. Refresh- I ments served by the married men. Admission Admission 15c and ioc. Refreshments 5c extra. Cutters--One left--will sell at a bargain at F. O. Mason's. l#e the special offer for the aufo-strop dw at Mason & Dale's hardware. 2ÇC Saturday, March ioth Cooked Ham Creamed potatoes Pickles Bread and butter Fresh Rhubarb pie and cream ioc Ice Cream and hot chocolate ioc. Cake, 5c Tea or coffee 5c Oyster soup after 8 o'clock, 10c. THE PATRIOTIC FUND On behalf of Darlington Patriotic Fund the undersigned begs to acknowledge receipt receipt of these subscriptions in February: John Wight, Division No I • .$25 0° Albert Goode Fred C. Honey L. J. Courtice Mrs. T. Scott Fred Hockin W. 3 25 00 1 10 00 6 20 00 2 unsolicited 25 00 3 .. * 2 00 R. ALLIN, Hampton, Treasurer. HAYDON Visitors: Mrs. Ernest Aunger and her mother of Lacombe, Alta., at Mr. Wm. A unger's; Mr. Hugh and Douglas Moore at home; Pte. G. Wright is visiting with his parents here; Miss Rose Mount joy recently recently visited at Mr. Jas. Crossman's; Mr. A. W. Wright has purchased the Alex. Gibson's property.... Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Aunger entertained a number of friends Friday evening... .Mr. Theron Mount joy is attending Dominion Alliance Convention Convention in Toronto.... Mr. Rd. Slemon is slowly improving Miss Clara Pol lard has'been visiting her aunt Mrs. John Rundle, Tyrone. AUCTION SALE Monday, March 12th--Mr. Geo. P. Reynolds Reynolds has received instructions to sell the farm stock, implements, etc., of the late Geo. Reynolds, lot 31, con. 3, Darlington. Darlington. Sale at I o'clock sharp. See bills. JAS. BISHOP, auctioneer. THURSDAY, March 15th--Farm stock and implements. The undersigned has received received instructions from S. G. Carnell, who is giving up farming, to sell on the premises at Solina Station, C. N. R., his farm stock and implements, also De Laval Silo. Sale at 1,30. See bills. Jas. Bishop, auctioneer. Saturday, March 17--Mr. Ernest Lowe, immediately off Scugog-st, Bowman- ville, will sell by auction his house and % acre land on which is a good orchard. Terms i0°/ o on day of sale and balance in 30 days when deed will be given. See bills. Stale at 2 p. m. L. A. W. TOLE, auctioneer. / » Hampton S. O. E. invite you St. Patrick concert March 16th. Miss E. M. Werry entertained a number number of relatives on Saturday evening it being the occasion of her father's birthday. birthday. He is now 79 years young. DARLINGTON COUNCIL. Town Hall, Hampton, Feb. 24,1917. Regular meeting held this day, members members all present, Reeve Stanley presiding. Minutes of last meeting read and approved. approved. Com. from M. P. Fennell, Jr., Hon. Sec. British Sailors' Relief Fund, Montreal, asking for a grant to the Fund--$25.00. granted. Fred Hudson, John Morrow, and W. J. Roy asked permission to build wire fence for bonus--granted. R E. Osborne and 5 other ratepayers i f the township addressed the Council in relation to the proposed removal of the G. T. R. Darlington station from its present present site at lot r 24 to lot 31, B. F. Command asking Council to file their consent to said change with Board of Railway Commissioners Commissioners at Ottawa. It was moved by Coun. Brent, seconded by Dep. Reeve Stephens. "That whereas a deputation of Ratepayers of the Township of Darlington have this day waited on the Council asking their consent to the removal of the G. T. R. station at Darlington, from, its present location location to a site further west, „we as a Board do not desire to take any action whatever either for or against the proposed proposed change of location, and that Clerk forward forward a copy of this resolution to the Board of Railway Commissioners." Motion Motion carried. The road allowance at lots 8 and 9, Con. 5, was rented to R. H. Collacott for 1917 at a rental of $4 00 and two days' work in underbrushing on road allowance. By-law No. 752 was read three times and signed for the appointments of Path- master, Fenceviewers ançfPound keepers for current year. I. Treasurer acknowledged receipt of $4.00 from Jas. Dart for wood at) lot 23, con. 10, $10.00 from A. Sharpe, rent road allowance allowance at lots 20 and 21, con. 8, and $2.00 from H. Burgess for old bridge lumber Orders were drawn on Treasurer--- Municipal World, Blank forms $ 40 M. A. James & Sons, printing, 31 70 John Sonley, gravel 4 80 R. H. Collacott, gravel 7 87 J. H. Munday, W. F. Bonus 10 50 British Sailors' Relief Fund 25 00 King Edward Sanatorium for Consumptives Consumptives for care of Wm. Francis 28 00 Council adjourned to Saturday, March 31st at 10 a.m. W. R. ALLIN, T.P. clerk. ONTARIO FARMERS ! Existing war conditions demand that you give the question of seed special attention this year. Seed of desirable varieties and high germination power will be factors influencing yields. If you have not secured your seed Let the Ontario Department of Agriculture help you Farmers having seed grain or potatoes for sale may forward forward samples to this office stating varieties, price, quantity. Farmers wishing to purchase seed are also invited to com- v _ municate with this office stating variety and quantity, and an effort will be made to put them in touch with farmers having seed for sale. W. H. HEARST, Minister of Agriculture. 9-4w Write to R. S. DUNCAN, District Representative, Port Hope, Ont. V? l Seed Time Coming! Where will you buy your Seeds?. We have a limited supply of the following: WHEAT--Arnecta (Goose) and Brinee Imperial / BARLEY--o. A. C. No. 21, and 2-Rowed OATS--White,Wave, Waverley, and 0. A. C. No. 72 GRASS SEED--Red . Clover, Alsike, Timothy, Sw.eet Clover and Alfalfa. / The Grass Seeds are all Government Tested, and the grain is of good quality and free from noxious weeds. Our prices are reasonable and we shall appreciate your trade. Phone 15 McClellan & Co., Ltd., King Streét East - - Bowfianville g \ SOLINA PHONE 203. OSHAWA. 9 Limitêd. was Yours for Big Business 11 They are "Quality Groceries "Good' : today, they are "Good" tomorrow, they "Always Good"--at The Corner Grocery. are We will do We have the Good fresh groceries always on hand, our best to satisfy our customers, choicest of Winter Fruits--Oranges, Lemons, Grape Fruit, Bananas, etc. Olives and Canned Goods Pickles, Prepared Mustard Phone 186 Leave your order with HARRY ALLIN „ - Bowman ville Something That You j Want in Your Home I Is one or two of oür folding tables. Come in and see them. They are neat in design, and new, and are just the table for sewing or games of any kind, -- _ We have them in different sizes and designs, designs, Square with green felt top at $2.95. Alan M. Williams, e e * s * Phone 58 or 159 Bowmanville Undertaking receives prompt attention day or night. Dont miss the St. Patrick concert at Hampton March l6th. Solina Farmers' Club and Women's Institute will hold a joint meeting in Sons' Hall, on Thursday evening March 15. Debate by members of Farmers' Club. Everyone welcome. Stock sale at Mr. Geo. J. Northcatt's financially a great success--prices ruling high. Over forty head were sold cow sold for $265, Mr. W. J. Bragg being the buyer. Proceeds nearly $5,000. Mr. L..A. Tole was auctioneer....Messrs. A. J. Reynolds and H. G. Pascoe attended the Farmers Co-operative annual meeting at Toronto Mr. Will Baker's babe has been seriously ill.... Mr. Thos. Atkinson's many friends here are pleased to hear of his improvement at the Bowmanville Hospital Mrs. W: N. Pascoe has been attending her mother at Enfield,... Mr D. Leask is visiting at Leaskdale Division debate has been postponed to March 20th. Recent visitors: Mr. Herb Reynolds, Quebec, at his father's; Mr. and Mrs, Mahaffey, Elizabethville, at Mr. Silas Williams; Miss Gussie Luke, Kedron, at A. L. Pascoe's; Mrs. Johnston, Detroit, at Mr. Absolam Abraham's; Mr. Cecil Vice, Pontypool, and Mrs. Geo. Vice, Oshawa, with friends; Mr. and Mrs. J. Baker at Providence; Mr. A. J. Reynolds at Toronto; Toronto; Mr. Cleve Clemence and daughter, Kirby, and Mr. Howard Cole, Hampton, with friends; Mr. Nelson Reynolds, Toronto, Toronto, at ■ home.... Mr. Thos. Atkinson is still confined in the Hospital at Bowman ville. ( Crowded out last week) The home of Mr. and Mrs. W.C. Werry was the scene of a pleasant surprise party Monday evening when about 80 friends and neighbors came to saj goodbye and express their regrets at the removal of this couple from this locality to Oshawa. The chairman, Councillor Thos. Baker, called the company to order and Mr. B. G, Stevens read a nicely worded address. Mr. Werry made a suitable reply which was followed by speeches from Rev. Geo. Brown, R. J. McKessock, F. Orchard, A J. Reynolds, B. G. Stever.s, A. L. Pascoe, W. T. Taylor and others. Letters of regret regret vfere read from Mrs. T. Baker and Mr. Jas. Jebson. The articles presented were a writing desk to Mr. Werry and a dozen each of silver tea and dessert spoons and a table spoon to Mrs. Werry and a piano bench to Miss Audrey. Refreshments Refreshments were served and a pleasant evening spent in games, music, etc. The gathering gathering broke up about midnight, all wishing Mr. and Mrs. Werry every success in their new home in Oshawa. F. O. Mason is selling a 25 lb pail of Pratt's Animal Conditioner for two dollars. Mr. W. C. Werry's sale Friday was well atteneed and stock and implements sold highj cows bringing up to $120.... Debate at Solina Division Tuesday night, "Resolved that the natural resources of Canada are greater than that of the United States." Affirmative--Elmer Gibson, CapL A.L. Pascoe, A. J. Reynolds and Miss Nora Werry. Negative--Harold Pascoe Capt.-- R. J. McKessock, B. G. Stevens, Miss Vera Baker and Jno. Baker ... .Farmers here are drawing. turnips to Bowmanville, to Holgate & Son at 45c per bushel Mr. Norman Reynolds is home from Toronto... .In Field Crop Competition, 1916, the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 6th prizes came into this section for Oats, besides securing good prizes at Ottawa and Toronto... .Geo. Keith, seedsman, Toronto, sent a man here and purchased a carload of oats which were loaded at the station Saturday ât $1.00 per bushel. Harness oils, etc, at old prices at F. O. Mason's. Have you seen the auto-strop razor at Mason & Dale's. They are making a special offer. Statement Receipts and Disbursements of Corporation of Town of Bowmanville, year ending December 30th, 1916. RECEIPTS Public Property $ 5 10 69 Cemetery 877 42 Fines. 3*8 80 Licenses £75 00 Water Rates 2885 90 Loans.; ,. ... 94812 45 Debentures and Premium 13544 98 Refund Local Improvement account 1980 56 Legislative Grant, School 249 00 Debentures, etc (Sinking Fund) 2163 47 Taxes 1915 I 37° 65 Arrears of taxes 5!4 7 1 Taxes 1916 • •• 48353 !9 Dog Tax 245 00 Statute Labor... 4°5 00 Counties' Share of Bridge.. -- 365 3 2 Sewer Tax Commuted, C. P. R 662 45 DISBURSEMENTS Roads and Streets .....$ 3^2 76 Public Property 3165 66 Poor Relief. • • 7H 18 Police 1869 70 Printing 259 42 Fire. 4436 07 Cemetery 882 98 Salaries I 579 00 Sundries 4 001 *5 Loans 100950 00 Interest £°77 0$ Debentures and Coupons ? 18796 81 Local Imp. " 4283 96 Public School 7959 25 High School 365000 County Rate 6670 12 Charged to Lands 72 25 Street Watering . 300 00 Debenture Special 544 1 98 !» $169, 434-59 Fish for Lent ! We are headquarters for fish the year round and have a perfect system system for handling the same. We carry a full line of all fish, and if you compare the difference between meat and fish cost YOU WILL EAT FISH F Phone 65 AXClllC T311, Bowmanville The Reliable Grocery House $ Balance $169,300 04 134 55 $169,434 59 We hereby certify that this is a correct statement of theJteceipts and Disbursements, Disbursements, and the Assets and Liabilities of the Municipality of Bowmanville, as shown by the Treasurer's Books, for the year ending Dec. 30th, 1916. D. KEITH H. R. JOLLOW } Auditors Spring, Wall Papers In announcing the readiness of our new samples for 1917, it is with certain pride that we refer to it as the best we have ever shown. Each year finds us better prepared to serve our customers, and it is with knowledge of our preparedness that we ask your inspection of our line this season. Although the price of paper has greatly increased, we placed our order with the manufacturers early and to advantage of the reduced offering and are thereby in a position to sell cheaper cheaper than most dealers. Call and let us show you what we have. All papers carried in stock. w. Btg 20 Bookstore T. ALLEN - - Bowmanville I Coal Wood Best grades of Coal only kept, also Wood of all kinds. . If you have not ordered your Winter supply yet, you had better do so as it is liable to advance any day. E- W. LOSCOMBE Standard BanK Building, Temperance St, Phone 177 m Hampton Hills The mill has been thoroughly renovated and is now ready for all kinds of work. Thanking all our customers for past patronage and soliciting a continuance of same or any new ones. Chas. Horn, Hampton Phone 129 r 6 JP

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