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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Mar 1917, p. 7

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' ' df'Uv. "/< THB CiXitDUX STXTESHiy Mid TH» BOWMUC- tiLLE News tre published eryry Thursday and i iLLb -Vû =, w -ectlfely. at Tb* Statssha* S'A" T ÇWÏïï » W.*, Bovrasnrillti, Ontario, Canada. M. A. James <k : Sons Publishers and Proprletora,_at SLK) per annum, pavable in adyancs; %2.00 alter first three months. C.M- B. J. HAZLEWOOD, M.D BOWICJLirVrLIJI, - o*y. G OLD MEDALIST OF TRINITY university. university. Toronto. Four Attending Physician and Surgeon at ML Carmel Hospital. Pittsburg. Ks. Office and Residence, Wellington St. Telephone No. 108. SAWYERS, BOX MAKERS & LABORERS WANTED FIRSTBROOK BROS., Limited 283 King Street Best, Toronto GOODMAN & GALBRAITH Barristers and Solicitors, ST otarie* Public. - A. K. GOODMAN, 0. C. GALBRAITH 608 Lumsden Bldg., Tonge & Adelaide Streets, Toronto, Ontario. Advance Spring Fashions fried without fear of loss. Might we not learn a lesson from the Orient m this? Another argument in favor or squaro coins is urged by artists, who declare that it is almost impossible to get a really artistic design "m the round" when so little space is allowed. A rectangular coin would give the designer designer a real chance of distinguishing himself. * Vi: 5 W. H. ALEXANDER, V. S. Honorary graduate of Ontario Veterinary Veterinary College. Diseases of all domesno animals treated by latest known methods methods Office at his residence. Klng-sL East. Bowmanvllle. Phone 193. 20-lyr J.T. ALLEN, TAILOR At Rear of Standard Bank BOWMANVLLLE J. T. Allen announces that he now makes suits to order at lowest prices. Ladies' suits cleaned and pressed. Gentlemens suits altered, repaired, cleaned and pressed. pressed. All work guaranteed and prices right. Give the old reliable tailor a trial. A great deal of voile and muslins will be used this spring. The counters of the stores are -already overflowing with voiles of all descriptions; plain, sprigged, figured, striped and checked. Bordered materials, too, will have a place among the fashionable fabrics, whether printed or embroidered and whether of cotton or silk. Plain voixt, combined with linen in a matching color has been used in the fashioning of some of the advance spring dresses, and, though unusual, the combination is entirely pleasing. MARCH WEATHER RHEUMATIC WEATHER X Victims Can Cure Themselves With Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. RAILWAY TIME TABLES FOR BOWMANVILLE. Grand Trunk Railway Going East Going West Express 8 52 a.m. Express io 31 a.m. Passenger 3-29 P- m Local 6 49 P-m Mail 9 58 p.m Express 4.22 a.m Local 7-41 a*™ Local 10.41 a.m Passenger 7.01 p.m Canadian Pacific Railway Going West Going East 6.07 a.m 1046 a.m 4 27 p.m 12 57 a.m. C. B. Kent, Town Agent Canadian Northern Railway Going East Going West Express 11.42 a.m Express 9 36 a.m Express 6 40 p.m Express 7.31 p.m © McCall 7640 Voile and Linen Dress Indian embroideries on sports coats of heavy cream-colored silk make very attractive trimmings, and they are With the coming of March people who are afflicted yrith rheumatism begin to have unpleasant reminders of their trouble. The weather is changeable--balfny and springlike one day, raw cold and piercing the next. It is such sudden changes of weather that sets the pangs and tortures tortures of rheumatism, lumbago and sciatica going. But it must be borne in mind that although weather condition condition start the pains, the trouble is deeply rooted in the blood, a^nd can only be cured through the blood. All the lotions and liniments in the world can't cure rheumatism. Rubbing Rubbing may seem to ease the pain while you are rubbing, but there its value ends. Only through- the blood can you cure rheumatism. That's why Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have so many thousands of cures of this trouble to their credit. The new, rich blood which they actually make drives out the poisonous acid and rheumatism is vanquished. Among many sufferers from rheumatism who have been cured by this medicine is Mr. C. H. McGee, freight shed fore man for the G. T. R. at Peterboro, who says:--"In the course of my work I am naturally exposed to all kinds of weather, with the result that about two years ago I contracted rheumat ism which settled in my legs. z At times I could scarcely walk, and often had to quit my day's work owing to the stiffness and the pain. I triec different remedies without getting any help until I began the use of Dr. Williams' Williams' Pink Pills. I used six boxes of these and can say that I am about as well as ever I was. I still take the pills occasionally, and I hope that my experience may be of benefit to some other rheumatic sufferer." If you suffer front rheumatism, or ar.y other disease of the blood, begin to cure yourself to-day with Dr. Wil simple peasants is livelihood--their own and their families'. - Which is why some do not study. They are suspicious^ Mutilated, they are entitled to a Government pension, and they are afraid .that when they have learne'd a new trade by which they can live the Givernment will say: "You no longer need help;--make your own living." So tiiey sit all day in the sunlit royal garden, with its faience flower pots marked with fleur de lys, and watch the changing lights on the Bay of Naples and think of what life used to hold for them before the war came to change it utterly. The sea once came to the very wall of the garden where they sit. Below the balustrade was a sea pool where the courtiers of Carlo III. fished from the terrace.- Later, when the people of Naples voted the Bourbons out and the house of Savoy in as rulers of United Italy, Garabaldi gave the palace palace to Alexandre Dumas, and the Government of Italy had no end of trouble to get it back from the famous famous author. But the sçldiers who wander wander through the spacious rooms of the palace to-day know none of these things. They know only what they have given to their-country. They merely wait the issue i$f war. o-- -- SICKLY BABIES Sickly babies--little ones who are troubled with their stomach and bow- elg; whose teething is painful; diges tion bad and who cannot sleep well-- can be made healthy and happy with Baby's Own Tablets. Concerning the Tablets Mrs. Wilfrid Damons, Val Brilliant, Que., writes :--"Please send me a box of Baby's Own Tablets as would not care to be without them. I have used them for constipation anc vomiting and am well pleased with the result." The Tablets are; sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. A Nature'# Best Food L a x a t i v e is the bran which makes up the outer coating of the whole wheat grain. But why eàt coarse bran cakes when you can accomplish the same purpose purpose by eating, Shredded Wheat Biscuit and at the same time get all the rich,, body-building material in the whole wheat grain prepared in a digestible form. A perfect perfect food--just enough pro- teid to build healthy muscle, just enough e carbohydrates to supply heat and energy, just enough bran to keep the bowels healthy ançl active. For breakfast with milk or cream, or for any meal with fruits. Made in Canada. * THE PEACE COMET. Gasoline for Wounds. The ambulance surgeons and many of the field; hospitals" of Europe use gasoline for. thé first cléansing of wounds of soldiers brought in from the battlefields. According to a writer in the British Medical Journal, the skin and then the surface of the wound ape cleansed by vigorous rubbing rubbing with a swab of absorbent cotton soaked in gasoline. Swabs of cotton are wound round a pair of artery forceps forceps or a probe soaked in gasoline, and the wound is cleansed from the surface inward- as far as the instrument instrument can be pushed. The process is continued until the swabs come out perfectly clean. The gasoline does not cause any special smarting, and patients do not complain of its use;-j but if the gasoline is left on the skin : and strips of adhesive plaster are applied applied close together over the dressing, so that they prevent evaporation, the Jskin will blister. Gasoline properly used seems to clean up not only the surface but the depths of wounds better better than anything else that has been tried. It has been used in Canadian hospitals and in many American iron and steel foundries, for many years to clean contused or lacerated wounds that contain deeply embedded dirt. -- C* Unique Collection. XVhen the Prince of Wales came home on short leave a few weeks ago he brought with him another interesting interesting lot of battlefield relics to add to his already unique collection. His Royal Highness has put aside a special special cabinet for the reception of his trophies, in which he "takes a great pride. His latest collection is a varied assortment of things curious and wonderful, from the great Somme offensives, offensives, and these he has now ticketed ticketed and put in their places. At the present rate of progress the collection bids fair to become historic. ■ A also effective on coats of dark blue \ ] iams » pj nk pni s . Sold by all medi- Health Triumphs over disease every time you use Lifebuoy Soap. For it* mild healing and cleansing oils charted with cleansing an properties that make it simply invaluable. serge. These embroideries are worked worked in silks or heavy mercerized cottons in very bright colorings with a number number of colors mixed together. As this is to be a spring and summer of high colors, these embroideries will, in all probability, take very well. Parsols and bags to match the costumes showing showing such embroideries are also to be had to complete the finishing touches. These patterns may be obtained from your local McCall dealer or from The McCall Co. 70 Bond St. Toronto. Dfpt. W. cine dealers or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Brockville, Ont. PALACE A HOME FOR CRIPPLES Startling Phenomenon Due to Arrive Next Summer. Peace is coming; and with peace comes a comet--one of the largest on record--which is due to make its'bow to this sphere during the early summer. summer. "The peace comet," as it is appropriately appropriately termed, is. travelling at the rate of 131 miles a second, or over 1,134,000 miles per day, and this is its first appearance for 60,000 years. A vivid imagination would be needed to conjure up the happenings of our world when another 60,000 years have passed, and when the 1917 comet makes its reappearance. A German, by name Professor Wolf, of Heidelberg, is responsible for the 1917* comet, and he first discovered it on April 27th, 1916. Now the American American observatories have sighted the spectacle, and have cabled the news to Greenwich Observatory, says London Answers. We are told that the coming comet will be one of the most astonishing and wonderful of all phenomena. It is exceptionally large, and the nearest nearest point reached by it to the earth will be 104,000,000 miles. Yet in July of this year it will be visible to the naFpd eye, though astronomers Says She Suffered For Many Years Then Dodd's Kidney Pills Cured Her Kidney Troubles Mrs. Felix Ascah Found No Relief in Doctors or Hospital Treatment, but Dodd's Kidney Pills Brought a Speedy Cure. Biblical Authority. When Sir Walter Scott was a boy his teacher asked him to give the part of speech of the word "with." "It's a noun," said young Scott. "You are very stupid," said the teacher. "How came you to say such a thing?" "I got it from the Bible,, sir," declared the future novelist, stoutly. - "There's a verse that says 'they bound Samson with withs.' " Minard's Liniment Cures Bums, Bto. STOMACH MEDICINES ARE DANGEROUS are dubious whether it will outshine in brilliancy the great comet of 1882, which latter actually. brushed the sun's corona in passing round àun, and travelled at the rate of miles a second. the 300 Haldimand, Gaspe Co., Que., Mar. 26th (Special).--Mrs. Felix Ascah is telling her numerous friends here that her complete recovery from kidney disease from which she suffered for years is due to the splendid work of Dodd's Kidney Pills. "My trouble started from a strain," Mrs. Ascah says. "I suffered for years. I was attended by a doctor and was also treated at a hospital. I suffered from stiffness in the joints, I ! had a bitter taste, especially in the morning, and at times was. subject to j severe headaches. I had a pressure j and often a sharp pain at the top of | my head and my skin itched and burn- : ed at night. j "Neither from the doctor nor at the : hospital did I get any permanent relief. relief. Then I started to use Dodd's 1 Kidney Pills and two boxes did me so much good I feel like recommending Modern Thrift. "Are you saving, up .anything for * rainy day?" asked the thrifty citizen. "Yes," replied Mr. Chuggins. "In a little while I expect to have enough to buy a brand new top for my automobile. automobile. " Minard's Liniment for sale everywhere. FOB SAIiB, |^OR SALE CHEAP--GOOD BOARD- injr House in Owen Sound. Ip good repair, good -location. Near Depot and Factories. Apply R. McGrath, Executor, Transcona. Man. . jBwmmj roa same ( hROFIT-MAKING NEWS AND JOB _ _ (Intarlrt \ "offices for sale in good Ontario town*. The most useful and interesting of all businesses. Fall Information on application to Wilson Publishing pany. 73 West Adelaide Street, Cora- Torontou MISCBIiXiABBOXJS Mutilated Italian Solâiers Housed Former Dwelling of Kings. in LIFE! HEALTH WHY NOT SQUARE MONEY? /£ Mild and pure enough for Baby's skin--therefore eminently eminently suitable for yours. The mild, antiseptic odor vanishes quickly after use. Lever Brothers Some of the Advantages of Over Round Coints. Square A movement is on foot for the introduction introduction of square money into England. England. Whether it will come to anything anything remains to be seen; but the idea certainly has its advantages. What would these advantages be? Well, for one thing, the Mint authorities authorities would save an appreciable amount of packing, from the well- known fact that square money will fit into a square box with less waste of space than will round. This also of I a ! an The war has turned the palace the Bourbon Kings of Naples into home for mutilated soldiers, says Italian writer. Around the exquisite marble table where the guests of the "Roi Seleil" of Naples dined in j,he garden on hot summer nights--the ladies in powdered headdress and pannier pannier skirts, the men with lace at their SOCTOBS NOW ADVISE MAGNESIA Just how dangerous it Is to indiscriminately indiscriminately dose the stomach with drugs and medicines is often not realized until too late. It seems so simple to swallow a dose of some special mixture or take tablets tablets of soda, pepsin, bismuth, etc., after meals, and the folly of this drugging Is not apparent until, perhaps years afterward, afterward, when it is fou.ud-that gastric ulcers ulcers have . almost eatgn their - way The Lady. Spoke Last. . My five-year-old boy and my three- year-old girl were talking. Glen said, "I'm older than you," and was feeling elated over the fact. lia who always always had a ready reply, said, "Well, I'm newer than you." NEW 1_> ICYCLES. Jj Hand. $12.00 up. price list Varsity Spadina Aye- Toronto. AND SECOND Send for special Cycle Works, 413 C "1 ANGER TUMORS. LUMPS. Internal and external, cured wlth- ETC* wlth- Writs through the stomach walls. Regrets are then unavailing: it is In the early stages when indigestion. dyspepsia, heartburn, flatulence, etc.. indicates ex- When Your Eyes Need Care Use Murine Eye Medicine. No Smarting--Feels Fine--Acts Quickly. Try it for Red, Weak, Bore Eyes and Granulated Eyelids, Murine la cured àre so enthusiastic in regard to Dodd's Kidney Pills. them to everyone who has kidney | o^ t b efore t, too°Yata Dr. Bellman Medical trouble." - j Co.. Limited. CoUlngwood, Ont. Dodd's Kidney Pills cure sick kid- ! neys. Cured kidneys strain all the impurities, all the seeds of disease, out of the blood. That makes good health 1 all over the body. That's why those "Olean All 1 compounded by our Oculists--not e. "Patent -- -- . JQ* *• V- , -- -- -- 1 -- --^ .-m AA/i «0^11 I IJ n TT01/11 O tl O* Medicine"--but used in successful Physicians* cesslve acidity of the stomach and fer- j p rao tlce for many years. -Now dedicated to The land holding the Eddy stone _ lighthouse is the smallest bit of all- j ^ the-year-round inhabited 1o nd in the 1 rr world. » BOILER GOmPOUNP Por All Boiler Peed Waters Cyclone Shaking - and Dumping- Grate Bars for all requirements Canadian Steam Boiler Equipment Co., Limited Tel. Garrard 3660 20 McGee St. - Toronto rv mentation of food contents that precaution precaution should be taken. Drugs and medi- j clnes are unsuitable and often danger- ] ous--they have little or no influence up- 1 on the harmful acid, and that is whyj doctors are discarding them and advising advising sufferers from indigestion and stomach stomach trouble to get rid of the dangerous ttfe Public and sold by Druggists at 50c per Bottle. Murine Eye Salve in Aseptie Tubes, Kc and 60c. Write for Book of the Eye Free. Murine Eye Remedy Company, Chicago. Ads, sleeves and embroidered coats--to-day | acid and1 keep. the food .'contents bland . » , and sweet by taking a little pure bisura- are gathered the pitiable fragments 01 j ted magnesia instead. Bisurated Mag-. " in its I liesia is an absolutely pure anti-acid j which can be readily obtained from any I drug store. It is absolutely harmless, is practicallv tasteless and a teaspoonful taken In a little warm dr cold water af- humanity that war has left wake. There are neither candles nor massive silver, neither sweetmeats nor rare wines. The Italian Government allows 70 cents a day for their lodging lodging and maintenance, and food is high in Naples. Once sumptuous chambers of the royal palace have been turned into schoolrooms in the month that the ter meals, will usually be found quite sufficient to instantly neutralize excessive excessive acidity of the stomach and prevent all possibility of the food fermenting. Waterproof lap robes for automobile drivers which remain in place should a wearer have to leave a car and walk about have been invented in England. Dust on Ocean's Floor. It is' believed that to an enormous MONEY ORDERS DOMINION Express Orders are on Sale in five thousand offices throughout throughout Canada. Mlnard's Liniment Believe* Neuralgia. The Grand banks of Newfoundland extent the bed of the ocean is covered | sup piy more fish than any other sec- applies to the case of all large traders I hospital has been running. * * - 1 1 1 1-- I nrri A TIM C n QTO 1.911 O* HT. and bankers, who have to despatch GRAND TRUNK system of bullion every WINTER TOURS large quantities month. The private individual Will probably be more interested in the matter when he hears that the gross total of money m In one I with lava and pumice stone. Still me wuu wiDii m^ t more remarkable is it to find the floor another "shoemaking--the ïegîëss | of the océan covered in many parts must have two 1 with the dust of meteorites. These those who wish are taught tailoring, naturally, for one tion of the sea".* Marion Bridge, C. B., May 30, '02. I have handled MINARD'S LINIMENT LINIMENT during the past year. It is always the first Liniment asked for here, and unquestionably the best seller of all the different kinds of Liniment I handle. NEIL FERGUSON. The Soul of a Piano is the Action. Insist on the * 1 "OTTO HIGEU PIANO ACTION V America's Piaster Dog Remedies BOOK ON DOG DISEASES And How to Feed Mailed free to any address by the Author H. CLAY GLOVER CO., Inc. 118 West 31st Street, New York hands to make shoes or clothes. Those who have lost an arm are taught telegraphy telegraphy or typewriting. But many of tost every year in England through 3» latter must begin further ba<* S PECIAL Fares now in effect effect to resorts in Florida Georgia, North and South Carolina, Louisiana and other Southern States, and to Bermuda and the West Indies Return Limit May 31st, 1917 Liberal Stop-Overs Allowed For full information write to G. E. HORNING, D. P. A., Union Station, Toronto, Ont. Or J. H. H. Jury, Town Agent, Bow- manville. coins dropped amounts to many thousands thousands of pounds. This is largely due to the fact that round coins, when they fall to the ground, are apt to roll into unlikely places, from which they are never recovered. A square coin would ie dead where it pitched. In China coins are pierced with a square hole in the centre. In this way they can be strung together and car- than that and learn to read and write first. For reading and writing in southern Italy are not common accomplishments, accomplishments, so there is a schoolroom-- a primary schoolroom--where the alphabet alphabet and multiplication table figure on the blackboard in front of these grown children who have known only to give an arm or a leg to their country. country. And an arm or a leg to these bodies whirl about in the heavens like miniature comets, and are for the most part broken into innumerable fragments. ■» The Oil for the Farmer.-- A bottlç of Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil in the farm house will save many a journey for the doctor. It is not only good for the children children when taken with colds and croup, and for the mature who suffer from pains and aches, but there are directions for its use on sick cattle. There should always be a bo t'e of it in the house. ANY CORN LIFTS OUT, DOESN'T HURT A BIT! Cheers. The wireless telegraph is fine, Let all the poets harp it; But wouldn't it l?e just divine To have a beatless carpet? No foolishness! Lift your corns and calltises off with fingers --It's like magic! -Or ARTIFICIAL FEET PROMPTLY SECURE! In a'.l countries. Ask for our .INVENTOR'S .INVENTOR'S AD VISER, which will be sent free. MARION & MARION. 364 University St., Montréal. Woed/s PhosphodiafiL The Great English Remedy. Tones and Invigorates the whole i nervou* system, makes new Blood in old Yf " eins. Cures Nervous lability. Mental and Brain Worry, Despondency. Despondency. Loss of Energy, Palpitation of the Heart, Failing Memory. Price $1 per box, six * -- " ie will please, six will for $5- One will please, six will cure. Bold by nil riled in plain pkg. on_ receipt^of iricéfAVi ^pamphlet maüedYrêe. THE WOOD (MEDICINE CO.,T0a0*T0. OKT. (Ftmtdy WliiwJ There's a good way to keep growing boys and girls healthy and happy and that is : to give them for breakfast. This wonderfully nourishing food haa a sweet,hutty flavor that makes it populari with children. One of the few sweet foods that does not harm digestion, but builds them strong and bright. Jit grocers everywhere. The Latest Kind Are Made of Paper Pulp. Ip spite of the fact thàt there is-lit-. tie fiction in the stories of the soaring price of paper, the uses to which this 1 it! product is being .put are constantly increasing increasing in number. We have paper furniture, paper cloth, paper silks and clothes, and even paper legs. , Now Dr. Svindt, of Denmark, who is responsible for the artificial leg of paper mache, has brought forward a id Sore corns, hard corns, soft corns or any kind of a corn, can harmlessly be lifted right out with the fingers if you apply upon the corn a few drops of freezone, says a;' Cincinnati authority. For little cost one can get a small bottle of freezone at any drug store, which will positively rid one's feet of every com or callus without pain. This simple drug dries the moment it is applied and does not even irri- .tate the surrounding skin while applying applying it or afterwards. This announcement will interest many of our readers, if your druggist druggist hasn't any freezone tell him to surely get a small bottle for you from his wholesale drug house. lA pàper foot, intended to meet fhe needs of the crippled soldiers* These fe^t are said to be strong enough, to withstand withstand ordinary usage, and they have the added advantage of being çheap. A model of the loot is made of wire gauze, and upon this is noffred a specially specially prepared pulp which entirely fills the interstices of the wire gauze.-- Popular Science Monthly.. 4 New Zealand is said to have mineral mineral waters of fair- greater :therapeutic strength than any of the famolis wafers wafers of Europe. Miller's Worm Powders not only make the infantile system untenable for worms, but bv their action on the stomach, liver b. ' " ' ' ' and bowels they correct such troubles as lack of appetite, biliousness and other in- U disorders that the MICA AXLE GREASE makes miles shorter, pulling easier, friction less. It's the Mica. Mica puts the e-a-s-e in THE IMPERIAL OIL COMPANY No Need To Rub ! tOR stiff sore muscles apply F ( Sloan's Liniment to the pain or ache, it quickly penetrates and soothes without rubbing. Rheumatism, gout, lumbago, neuralgia, 6prains and bruises are quickly relieved by its use. Cleaner and more promptly effective effective than mussy plasters or ointments, it does not stain the skin or clog the pores. The family medicine chest in thousands of homes has a place for Sloan's Liniment. At all druggists, 25c. 50c. and $1.00. ternai worms create. Children thrive upon them and no matter what condition their wormfinfested stomachs stomachs may be in, they will show improvement improvement as soon as the treatment begins. Two sets of revolving rings instead of one feature a new double egg beater beater of twice the ordinary capacity. mr<yin.rd'B Xiiniment Core* Dandruff. ISSUE No. You can prevent this loathsome disease from -running .through your stable and cure all the colta suffering ^ tn when you begin ' the treatment. No matter how jou g. SFOHN'S is safe to use on any colt. It"is wonderful how . prevents all distempers no matter how colts or hoises^ any age are "exposed." All good druggists and txirt K j _ i _ houscs sell CT03TH-S. CVOHN ICSDICAE OO and Bactériologie ,s,, Inch, XT. 3. A. Chemists

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