The Canadian Statesman and The Bowman- tiLLE News are published every Thnrsd&y and Friday morning, respectively, at The STATE6MAM Office, James Block,"» and 27 KIng-et. West. Bowmanville, Ontario, Canada. M. A. James <fc Sons, Publishers and Proprietors, at $1.50 per mntiBij p&TAble in a^dTsince; $2.00 &.fter first three months. B. J. HAZLEWOOD, M.D m C.M- G BOWMANVILLB, - ont. OLD MEDALIST OF TRINITY TJNI- verslty, Toronto.. Four year* Attending Physician and Surgeon at Ml Carmel Hospital. Pittsburg. Ka Office and Residence, Wellington 8L Telephone No. 108. GOODMAN & GALBRAITH Barristers and Solicitors, Votaries Public. /. K. GOODMAN, D. C. GALBRAITH £08 Lumsden Bldg., Tonge & Adelaide Streets, Toronto, Ontario. Jv-T. ALLEN, TAILOR At Rear of Standard Bank Bowmanville J. T. Allen announces that he now makes suits to order at lowest prices. Ladies' suits cleaned and pressed. Gentlemen's suits altered, repaired, cleaned' and pressed. pressed. ' All work guaranteed and prices right. Give the old reliable tailor a trial. RAILWAY TIME TABLES FOR BOWMANVILLE. Gf.and Trunk Railway Going East Going West Express 8 52 a.m. Express 4.22 a.m Express 10 31 ami. . Local 7.41 a.m Passenger 3.29 p.m Local 1041 a.m Local 6 49 p.m Passenger 7.01.p.m Mail 9.58 p.m Canadian Pacific Railway Going West Going East- 6.07 a.m 10.46 a.m> 4 27 p.m 12 57 a.m. / C. B. Kent, Town Agent Believe in Preparedness Preparedness ? Are you ready for Mr. Gérai? Catching cold is a crime. Fortify yourself yourself against cold germs and other germs by eating Shredded Wheat Biscuit, the food that supplies the necessary warmth and strength to resist disease. A better balanced ration than meat or eggs at a much lower cost. For breakfast with milk or cream. BROTHERS IN THE TRENCHES. War Has Broken Down The Class Distinctions of Peaceful Days. To illustrate the fact that soldiers of very different social* classes, after For Wideawakes to Memorize. Say, boys, did you ever stop to think That we are the coming men? That we've only a few short years, to prepare. Ourselves for the work, and then fighting side by side, often become af- The fate of the world will rest in the ! fectionate friends, the author of Notes ^ hands j on the War, a Frenchwoman, tells the j Qf those who are boys to-day ? following story: ___ * I tell you it makes a fellow feel that A very jovial young soldier used to He wants to be armed for the fray! entertain his companions most delight- We can not afford to hamper ourselves fully by his irrespressible gayety. j With habits that work us harm ; One day his spirits failed. When We need to be true of head and heart, one of his comrades asked the reason, ! With a steady, strong right arm; he said: j We need to be men--real, honest men, "In time of peace I am a clown in a | With a ^ve of life and its joys, music hall. It's my business to en- B u t ever ready to stand for the right; tertain people ; but to-day I got -a let- j And in order to do that, boys, ter from my wife telling of the illness We've got to begin right now, or else-- of our two children. She can't go Ho, I am not "Preacher Ben," And don't let's forget in our work or our play "That we are the coming men ! * Made in Canada. THE WOMAN'S HOE. out to work, and things look black. That's why I can't joke to-day." Some days later the same comrade said, "You are merry to-day. What's happened?" . "Why, a letter from my wife says a man called and handed her three hundred-franc hundred-franc notes from his client, M. Jean Breton; so things are bright again for us. But who can M. Breton Breton be?" The other soldier was silent for a SATISFIED MOTHERS ANY CHEST MAY BRtMQ The irritating, tickling cough affects the lung tissue and wears down nature's power to resist disease germs. scorn EMULSION What He Was" Going;.To "Do. Princess Patricia of . Connaught has -an 'autograph album and in her childhood childhood days, she used to rule this book' out into neat little divisions, one for each signature. When she asked the Kaiser to write his name, he scrawled it right across the page, and surrounded surrounded it with three bold circles--quite irrespective irrespective of the neatly-drawn little departments. At the time Princess Patricia was much grieved, but from subsequent events she considérés this page of her album a symbol of what the "All Highest" was going to do to Europe. .> A Great Sight. The old gentleman beamed upon the little boy who stood on the crest of the hill one night at twilight, a happy, con- suppresses the cold, allays the in- I tended smile on his lips, flammation, steadily removes the I "I am very pleased to see you watch- 1 ing the beautiful red glow of the setting setting sun, my little man," he said, pat- Canadian Northern Railway Going East Going West"' Express 11.42 a.m Express 9 36 a.m Express 6 40 p.m Express 7.31 p.m CANADIAN NORTHERN Western Canada needs Thousands of men forSpring Seeding Steady employment--good wages Low Fares In effect For tickets and information apply apply to W. G. Giffler, Station Agent, M. A. James, Town Age*t, or write R. L. Fairbairx, Gen. Passenger Agent. 68 King-st, E., Toronto. NORTHERN GRAND TRUNK system Plan Your Summer Vacation NOW Arrange to visit some' of the follow- points--all beauty spots-- close to nature. mg Muskokâ Lakes Algonquin park Georgian Bay Làké ôf Bays Temâgami Kawartha Lakes Full information and descriptive literature may be secured on application application to C. E. Horning, D. P. A. Toronto, Toronto, Ont., or J. H. H. Jury. Phone 70, Bowmanville. (A Soliloquy.) They say one needs the best of seeds, To make one's lot a paying plot; A list I'll write and when up town, I'll buy the best to be sent down; A plan I'll make, lest through mistake Not all my stuff have room enough*; For men shall see and men shall, know There's a woman's plans behind her hoe. When Spring is here and skies are clear, And '""■'s shine warm on my little farm, With buade and rake and stake and line, Each seed I'll place, each row define, Here short and small, there large and i tall, My plants to aid by sun or shade, That every inch may go to show A woman's brain's behind her hoe. No other medicine gives as great satisfaction to mothers as does Baby's _ Own Tablets. These Tablets are equal- momentT bur i finalir°said7^"Don't JY good for the newborn babe or the worry, mate. I am Jean Breton. I. growing child. They are absolutely | am rich enough to afford it. Now free from injurious drugs and cannot iy irritation and rebuilds the resistive power to prevent lung trouble. SCOTT'S has done more for bronchial troubles them any other one medicine. It contains no harmful drugs. Scqti. & Bowne. Toronto. Ont. 16-10 seed and sturdy and hardened When Summer's heat, from 'neath one's feet, Calls struggling weed, My sun-tanned arm hand, Shall stir the soil and clean the land; If droughts abound I'll mulch the grounds, And water bring for everything, That he who runs may read and know A woman's brawn's behind her hoe. When leaves turn brown and flutter down, And every field brings forth its yield, From field and farm we've enough and more And much to send to Britain's shore; We'll add our might to theirs who fight That wars may cease for endless peace,. ' And King may see and Nation know There are loyal hearts behind the hoe. E. T. S., Ottawa, March 29, 1917. Easter Term Opens April 10th ;lliott Yonge and Charles-st, Toronto Is well known throughout Canada for high grade work. There is an enormous enormous demand for our graduates. Prepare Prepare now and be ready for choice positions in the Fall. Our large catalogue catalogue will interest you. Write for one to-day. This school is time-tried and truly-tested. W. J. Elliott, Principal. I The Future of Serbia. Not the least of the problems that Serbia must face is the threatened lack of professional men when the enemy enemy is driven out of her country and the task of peace can command attention attention once more. 'Obviously, with all her men at war and so many of them eliminated forever from taking part 1 in the reconstruction, Serbia's hopes centre in the rising generation, and it is with this in mind that Britain has undertaken the education of over 300 youths. Despite the fact that the Serbian Relief Fund is relieved of part of the expense, the clothing and feeding feeding and incidental expenses are costing costing a large sum of money, which in itself is but a fragment of the drain on the funds of the relief work being carried out in Corsica and Corfu. The Canadian Serbian Committee has every assurance that the funds are being administered with the utmost economy and efficiency by the British Committee. cheer us with one of your comic songs, please." springImpurîties IN THE BLOOD Al Tonic Medicine is a Necessity at This Season. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People are an all year round tonic, blood-builder and nerve-restorer. But they are especially valuable in the spring when the system is loaded with impurities as a result of the indoor life of the winter months. There is no other season when the blood is so much in need of purifying and enriching, enriching, and every dose of these pills helps to make new, rich, red blood. In the spring one feels weak and tired --Dr. Williams' Pink Pills give strength. In the spring the appetite is often poor--Dr. Williams' Pink Pills develop the appetite, tone the stomach and aid weak digestion. It is in the spring that poisons in the blood find an outlet in disfiguring pimples, eruptions and boils--Dr. Williams' Pink Pills speedily clear the skin because they go to the root of the trouble in the blood. In the spring anaemia, rheumatism, indigestion, indigestion, neuralgia, erysipelas and many other troubles are most persistent because because of poor, weak blood, and v it is at this time when all nature takes on new life that the blood most seriously needs attention. Some people dose themselves with purgatives at this season, but these only further weaken themselves. A* purgative merely gallops through the system, emptying emptying the bowels, but it does not cure anything. On the other hand Dr. Williams' Pink Pills actually make new blood which reaches every nerve and organ in the body, bringing new strength, new health and vigor to weak, easily tired men, women and children. Try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills this spring--they will not disappoint disappoint you. Sold by all medicine dealers or sent by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 by The Dr. Williams' Medicine Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Spite is anger which is afraid to show itself, It is an impotent fury conscious of its impotence. possibly do harm--always good. Con-j cernlng them Mrs. Jos. Morneau, St. I Pamphile, Que., writes : "I have used Baby's Own Tablets and am well satisfied satisfied with them and would use no other medicine for my little ones." The Tablets Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont SAWYERS, BOX MAKERS & LABORERS WANTED FIRSTBROOK BROS., Limited 283 King Street East, Toronto ting the youngster's back, watch it every night ?" The little lad chuckled. * 'Do you Wood's Phosphodine, The Great English Remedy. Tones and invigorates the whole I nervous system, makes new Blood in old Veins, Cures Nervous Debility. Ifcntal and Brain Worry, - esvor.- dency. Loss of Energy, Palpitation of the Heart, Failing Memory. Price $1 per box, six for Ï5. One will please, six will cure. Sold by all druggists or mailed in plain pkg. on receipt of S rice. Xeio pamphlet mailed free. THE WOOD IEDICINE CO.,TOBO#TO, 0MT. (Fnetriy Wisiser.) Save Money On Furniture by our easy payment plan. Free, new illustrated catalogue catalogue sent on request gives full information. B URROUGHE 345-347 Queen St. W. Toronto, Ont. S Spare the children from suffi ring from worms by using Miller's Worm Powders, the most effective vermifuge that can be got with which to combat these insidious foes of the young and helpless. There is nothing that excells this preparation as a worm dest oyer, and when its qualities become known in a household no other will be used. The medicine acts by itself, requiring no purgative to assist it, and so thoroughly that nothing more is desired. * THE CONTINENT OF LONDON. S fjt I fel A Frenchman has obtained a patent patent for a process of bleaching and drying seaweeds for packing purposes. ciM; I! . ijiMj m Mil ; ' W! Grape-Nuts contains the rich supplies of phosphate of potash grown in wheat and barley. Its mission is therefore clear and plain--it supplies what ordinary food lacks.- And it does its work in a sturdy, straightforward, dependable way, as tens of thousands of its users can testify. 'There's a Reason" DIVIDING THE SPOIL. Accident Which Foretells Similar Horrors in Shell-Swept Europe. Greediness wiped out half the population population of à small village in China, according according to Capt. Fritz Uttmark There were only thirty people in the village, a retired spot on the Hwang River, and of the thirty, fifteen were instantly instantly killed. The Chinese government had been making experiments with some new shells. A mile from the village a company of soldiers had been doing target practice with the shells, and had then been sent to garrison a fort some distance away. During the target practice the soldiers would not let the villagers get bearer than half a mile to the guns, and the people, all ignorant ignorant collies, had no idea what the shooting shooting meant. Some months after the target practice practice had ceased and the villagers bad forgotten about it, two coolies, digging digging in a field, came upon a bright, round object. It was very heavy, and pointed at One end. Neither knew what the object was , As a matter of fact it was an eight-inch shell that had not exploded. "It is mine," said the man who had dug the shell up. "No, it is mine! I saw it first!" cried the second coolie. "You would not have known it was there if I had not seen it." ^ "And. you would not have seen it if I had not dug it up." For half an hour the two argued, each advancing his claim in high-pitched, high-pitched, squealing tones. At last they agreed to let an aged Chinaman, who was said to be very wise, settle the question for them. "You must divide it equally," was the verdict of the old man. Then came the question as to how they should divide it. They tried to break it with a rock, but the shell could not be crushed that way. "Let the blacksmith divide it," suggested suggested the old man. To the blacksmith they went. "I do not work for nothing," declared declared the smith" "I will divide it into three parts : one for the man who found it, one for the man who saw it first and one for me." That arrangement had almost been decided upon when the old man who had given the decision in the case objected. objected. If the blacksmith was to have a third, then he himself ought to have a piece for settling the dis*- pute . "Divide it into four parts," urged tre man. "One for the finder, one Montreal Man Tells Wonderful Story Bad Case of Bright's Disease Cured by Dodd's Kidney Pills. George Sullivan, Who Suffered From The Dread Disease for Two Years Gives Credit for His Recovery to Dodd's Kidney Pills. Montreal, Que., Apr. 9th, (Special.) the WHiTgT.jJggim Has been Canada's favorite yeast for more than forty years. Enough for 5c. to produce 50 large loavet of fine, wholesome nourishing nourishing home made bread. Do not experiment, there is nothing just as good. EW.GILLETT CO. LTD! TORONTO, ONT. WINNIPEG MONTREAL HEmcoB ^hwToronto , MADE IN CANADA Must Coin a Word. Being no longer "subjects," for the time being at least, the Russians are embarrassed to find that their language language contains no such word as "citizen," "citizen," or its equivalent. Kin&rd'a Uniment Corea Bums. Bto. NEWSPAPERS FOB SAIS P ROFIT-MAKING NEWS AND 'JOB Offices for sale in good Ontario towns. The most useful and interesting of all businesses. Full information on application to Wilson Publishing Company, Company, 73 Adelaide Street, Toronto. shell on his anvil, and round him gathered gathered all the people of the village. He swung his heavy hammer in the air and brought it down on the shell. Bang! ? ? The explosion killed all but two of. --Completely cured of that most the collies who were in the blacksmith dreaded of all diseases, Bright's Dis- shop and injured half a dozen others ease 0 f the kidneys, Mr. George Sul- who were standing at the door and livail) 2 84 de St. Valiera- St., this city, the txvo windows. is spreading the good news that he For a long time the Chinese gov- f oun d his cure in Dodd's Kidney Pills, ernment could not find out the cause suffered from Bright's Disease of the accident. The natives were for two years," Mr. Sullivan states in i nrice'^iist convinced that a miniature sun had an interview. "I was unable to work I Spadlna. A fallen from the clouds and, offended j or wee h s a t a time. I spent hun- j v 1 anger, tumors, lumps, etc., by the rough handlmg it had received, dreds rf dollars on doctors without re- V internal ^-ternah^cured with- I - - - ■ -- ~ Medical AGENTS WANTED S AFE -- QUICK -- CLEAN. THAT'S why my Ideal Lamp Filler sells everywhere lamps are used. Fills all flat-wicked lamps without removing chimney or burner. Send to-day and try one. 25c. postpaid. Refunded if unsatisfactory. unsatisfactory. , Men and women can profitably profitably handle our goods. Write for information. information. Freer Factories. 300 Main St., Foster. Que. MISCELLANEOUS NEW AND SECOND Send for special Varsity Cycle Works, 413 Ave-, Toronto. B icycles Hand. $12.00 up. had become angry, and annihilated the. m^y, ana annum*tea une. ceivi any real benefit and received ! us before too late Dr, Bellman * with their relatives and ontf1onr the Montreal ! Co- Limited. ColUngwood, Ont. guilty ones wun tneir remuves^ anu outdoor treatment at the Montreal '....P. 6 ™?f, t t I L Wa » a General Hospital. plained until a small part of the shell casting was found. HELP WANTED Post Orderly (to last-joined recruit, whose letters, addressed "Mr. Jones," having caused the former much trouble trouble in discovering the right owner)-- My lad, every man has a rank. You must tell your friends to put 'Private' on your letters. "Very good, Sergeant." The next letters arrive: "Strictly Private--Mr. Jones." ~ "I was feeling very badly discour aged when a friend advised me to try j W man. Good wages and steady YES ! LIFT OFF A CORN WITHOUT PAIN Cincinnati man tells how to dry up a corn or callus so it lifts off with fingers. -o--o- Dodd's Kidney Pills. After using three boxes I was much better. I kept on till I had used nine boxes, vhen I was completely cured. "Naturally I consider Dodd's, Kidney Kidney Pills a wonderful remedy." Dodd's Kidney Pills are no cure-all. They cure kidney diseases of all kinds j from backache to Bright's Disease. The proof of this is their growing popularity in Canada for over a quarter quarter of a century. If you haven't used them ask your neighbor about them. •^y^ANTED work to a good man Co., Limited, Hamilton. BLACKSMITH FLOOR- ges and steady Apply Hendrie & Good roads make better markets, better schools, better churches, better neighbors and better living. BOYS WANTED To sell JACK CANUCK --the greatest weekly paper in Canada. Make big money in spare time. Write at. once. imperial news 00., iita., 87 Queen St. Bast, Toronto. :r\ vi: You corn-pestered men and women need suffer no longer. Wear th§ shoes that nearly killed you before, says this Cincinnati authority, because a few drops of freezone applied directly on a tender, aching corn or callus, stops by MINARD'S LINIMENT. The Soul of a Piano is the Action. Insist on the " OTTO HIGEL5' PIANO ACTION I was cured of Acute Bronchitis by MINARD'S LINIMENT. Bay of Islands. J. M. CAMPBELL I was cured of Facial Neuralgia At the Hub of the Empire Are Found All Sorts and Conditions of Men. It is curious how ignorant the born j f or the man who saw it first, one for Londoner is of his own city. All the wonders of the world are gathered in London, yet the Cockney takes long journeys in order to see them /J se where. the blacksmith and one part for me." To that they all agreed. By this time the entire village had become greatly excited, the relatives of all four men crowding into the lit- In peace times he would go to j tie blacksmith shop to see that justice France, to Belgium, to Norway, to was done. The blacksmith laid the Switzerland, while all the time he j could take a 'bus and visit these coun- j tries in London, though certainly min- j us their natural scenery. But the essential atmosphere was to be found within a short radius of Piccadilly Piccadilly Circus. How many Londoners could say off-hand where to find the Swiss Quarter, the Scandinavian Quarter, the Chinese Quarter, the Russian Quarter, the' Dutch Quarter, the Armenian Quarter, or what now remains of the German Quarter ? Wherever the Continental peoples wander they take their own country with them and reconstitute it, while the Briton invariably fits himself into native backgrounds. Thus you will find the true Paris in Soho; the real Russia in Stepney and Bethnal Green; the glamor of Italy in Clerkenwell; the spirit of Holland in Spitalfields; the mysterious Orient in Limehouse; Norway, Sweden, and Denmark in Shad well; Switzerland off Tottenham Court Road; the repellent atmosphere of Germany in Great Charlotte Street; and the Armenian Settlement is--well, I wonder how many Londoners can locate that interesting colony? Springhill, N. S. WM. DANIELS. I was cured of Chronic Rheumatism by MINARD'S LINIMENT. Albert Co., N. B. GEO. TINGLEY soreness at once and soon the corn or hardened callus loosens so it can be lifted off, root and all, without pain. A small bottle of freezone costs very little at any drug store, but will positively positively take off every hard or soft corn or callus. This should be tried, it is inexpensive and is said not to irritate irritate the surrounding skin. If your druggist hasn't any freezone j kee^r. "I want some young berries, tell him to get a small bottle for you _grom his wholesale drug house. It is fine stuff and acts like a charm every time. "Clean All 1 99 BOILER QOmPOUNP For All Boiler Feed Waters Cyclone Shaking' and Dumping 1 Grate Bars for all requirements Canedlan Steam Boiler Equipment Co., Limited Tel. Gerrard 3660 20 McGee St. - Toronto "What are" these?" "Elderberries, mum . "Oh," said the young house- Minard's Uniment Cures Dandruff. BOOK ON DOG DISEASES And How to F eed Mailed free to any address by America's the Author Pioneer H. CLAY GLOVER CO., Inc. 1 Dog Remedies 118 West 31st Street, New York | River Beds. In Siberia some of the rivers are said to flow over ice many years old and almost as solid as rock. A tributary tributary of the Lena is reported to have and perforated squares a bed of pure ice over nine feet thick. Nowadays. "So it's the fifth grade for you now, Louis? Will you be in fractions or decimals?" "Neither, sir. It'll be in beadwork V After the Movies Two Eyes for a Lifetime Marine Is for Tired Byes. Bed Byes -- Sore Byes -- Granulated Byelids. Rests --Refreshes -- Restores. Marine Is a Favorite Treatment Treatment for eyes that feel dry and smart. Give your Byes as much of your loving care as your Teeth and with the same regularity. Care for Them. You Cannot Buy New Eyes! Bold at Drug and Optical Stores or by MaiL Ask Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago, for Free Boot HAVE YOU? eczema: Would you like to end that terrible terrible Itching,- that burning pain; to heal those horrid sores? You. have tried all sorts of fatty ointments, lotions and powders. Put them aside now and give Nature a chance as represented by Zam-Buk. Zam-Buk is made from herbal essences; essences; Is a natural healer. Is not something you have to send to the end of the world, for, and pay a heavy price! Every druggist will sell you Zam-Buk and for 50c. only, .just give it a fair trial and inci- dently " give yourself ease by the quickest route. See name on box:-- ISSUE No. 15--'17. Adversity sometimes gives a man courage; prosperity too often takes it out of him. 1 Minard's Liniment Believes Neuralgia, Preserving Eggs. j Chinese ship fresh eggs long distances distances in good condition by coating them with a paste made of sea salt, vegetable ashes and water. MONEY ORDERS. SEND a Dominion Express Money Order. Five dollars' costs 'three cents. Read all the Books on every Shelf-- But c.o your Thinking for yourself. Russia's Railway Plans. The Russian Council of Ministers has approved a plan for constructing 20,779 miles of new railway during the next five years at a cost of $300,- 000,000, says the New York World. A revolutionary Government which is concerning itself with these projects of peace is apparently on a substantial substantial foundation. w.j MICA HELPS THE HAUL Dry hubs strain 1. The horses 2. Tlie harness 3. The wagon MICA AXLE GREASE helps all three factors in the haul. It smooths the axle surface. MICA is the important part of axle grease. THE IMPERIAL OIL COMPANY Limited BRANCHES THROUGHOUT CANADA Minara's Liniment for sale everywhere. S ore shoulders, lame back, stiff neck, all pains and aches yield to Sloan's Liniment. Do not rub H. Simply apply to the sore spot, it quickly penetrates and relieves. Cleaner than mussy plasters or ointments, it does not stain the skin. Keep a bottle handy for rheumatism, sprains, bruises, toothache, neuralgia, gout, lumbago and sore stiff muscles. At all druggists, 25c. 50c. and $1.00. /t/4.Zas f>ai//y INFLUENZA CATARRHAL FEVER, FINK EYE. SHIPPING FEVER, BFISOOTIO And all diseases of the horse affecting his throat speedily cured; colts and horses in same stable kept from having them by using SPOHN'B DISTEMPER COMPOUND | 3 to 6 doses often cure. Safe for brood mares, baby colts, stallions, stallions, all ages and conditions. Most skillful scientific compound. compound. • Any druggist will supply you. SJ?C-- IT MEDICAL CO„ Goshen. tod.. U. S. A.