PETREBORO send in their budget of evidence to prove the have proven Dr. Chase's NerVe Food During the last few weeks thousands oi le^ ^ headaches, actL, and the many ills consequent on thin, watery, blood and exhausted nerves. Sleepless And Restless Mrs. Chas.E. Wiley, 136 London St., Peterboro, Ont, writes: "About three years ago I was suffering from nervous debility, sleeplessness and loss 01 appetite. My nerves were so bad tha. I could not go to church or any place where there was a crowd or. excitement. excitement. During the night I would lie awake two or three hours. I lud tried several remedies and taken treatments from doctors. The doctor finally said he could not do any more for me, and it was then I Started taking Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. I had read in the newspapers of how highly it was recommended, so I secured some and commenced using it. After the third box I noticed an improvement, so i kept on taking them until I had used eight or nine boxes. The results were such that I could sleep and eat well and could go to places where there was a crowd or excitement, without any difficulty. My health was generally benefited greatly. Since then, from time to time, when I am not feeling up to the mark, I take a few of the Nerve Food pills, as I usually keep some in the house. I would recommend this treatment to anyone suffering from nervous trouble of any kind. Children Benefited Mrs James Bogne 220: Dublin street, Peterboro' Ont., writes "Three years ago I noticed that our children seemed to be suffering from bad nerves and poor appetite, and were inclined to be anaemic. .Knowing the good of Dr. Chase's Neive Food, I started to give them a treatment of this medicine. T found it built them right up, made them bright and cheery and restored their usual good health. I have also used the Nerve Food myself, myself, and found it very beneficial for nerves and heart. In fact I have found Dr. Chase's Nerve Food to be such a valuable medicine for general family use that I have recommended it to many of our friends and acquaintances." acquaintances." Palpitation Of The Heart Mrs. J. D. Craig, 45 Macdonnell St. Peterboro', Ont., writes: Several years ago when my f-milv was small I became run down and weak, and was bothered with palpitation of the heart. t commenced using Dr. Chase s Nerve Food, and found such good results that I continued the treatment until I had taken about four or five boxes. It helped me and made me feel better afterward. Since then, when I J eel that I need a tonic, I take two or three boxes of Dr. Chase'sNerve Food, finding the same good results each I can also speak highly of your Kidney- Liver Pills. I have great confidence in the use of Dr. Chase's medicines as family remedies, and we always keep some of them in the house. Neuralgia Cured Mrs. W. T. Abbot. 36 Patterson St. Peterboro', Ont., writes: "My system was in a rundown condition, and 1 was troubles with nervousness and sleeplessness. sleeplessness. For some time also I had been bothered with neuralgia,and although! tried many remedies, it was without success. Upon the advice of a friend I commenced using Dr. Chase s Nerve Food, and found in five or six days that my Neuralgia was cured, and I have not been troubled in this way since. I also find that now I can eat and sleep well, I give full credit of this great benefit 10 Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. I might also mention that I had lost weight, but after using the Nerve Food but after usrng the Nerve Food I gamed gamed back the flesh I lost. My husband has also found Dr. Chase's Nerve Food of great benefit to him, and uses it when he feels run down from overwork. overwork. I have recommended the. use of this great medicine to many of my friends and acquaintances. aged to try it. I began using them, and had good results from the beginning so I continued using the treatment until until I obtained great benefit. Now I do not have the nervous headaches so, frequently or so severe. My appetite is m£h better, and in fact I am better in many respects. I would not wish to be without Dr Chase's Nerve Food in the h use now. I hive recommended recommended this treatment to many of my inends who also find good results from their use." Severe Headaches Mrs J. Riedman, 164 Adeline St., Peterboro, Ont., writes: "I was troubled with nervous headaches, which at times were so severe that I could not do my work. I also suffered from indigestion and pains in the back. From reading in the newspapers of the benefits other people were deriving from the use of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food I was encour- Run-down Systems Mr. George Lee, 767 Water St. Peterboro, writes: "I used Dr. Chase s Nerve Food some time ago when 1 was in a rundown condition, and found them to be just what I required to build up my system. Dr. Chases Nerve Food also worked wonders for my wife. She had been suffering from nervousness, and could not get a good night's rest. She would wake up at different times during the night, sometimes sometimes jumping right out of bed. She tried doctors' medicines without success, success, and finally commenced taking Dr Chase's Nerve Food. The first box helped a little, the second benefited her more, so she kept on taking them until she grew strong and healthy. She has recommended this treatment to many of her neighbors. Dr. Chase's Nerve Food " -SK £c." sscr SŒ.ÏÏ - ute. Imitations only disappoint. WHY NOT RAISE TURKEYS ? Durham county young farmer has * FOUND THEM TO BE PROFITABLE. By IJoyd Snowden It is time now to prepare for a good profit next fall from a flock of turkeys. Begin at once. Increase your flock for the breeding pen by selecting from 3 to 7 large vigorous females, also a good vigorous vigorous male of whatever breed you fancy. Th"Bronze is the favourite among many, but the White Holland or Slate varieties are good, although not so large when matured or as hardy as the Bronze. For marketing purposes a good cross of these breeds has given good results. - Turkeys require a good pen by themselves, themselves, though they ueed frequent exercise. exercise. Have no signs of dampness in their pen: provide lots of litter, and make plenty plenty of nests about 2 feet above the floor- old barrels answer the purpose well. With this management they will start to lav early and the eggs will be fertile, though the turkey likes to hide her nest as far away from home as possible. The poultry when first hatched require considerable attention for about two or three weeks. After that they may be let loose with the mother turkey. Better results results are often obtained when no bother is taken after they once get strong enough to run out, taking care they do not get wet on rainy days. _ Boiled eggs and liver chopped up with onion tops make a good nourishing teed for the young ones at the start. Alter this period (of about two weeks) they pick their own living on the farm till tall when about eight weeks' feeding then makes them ready for market. When the time comes to fatten them, pick out the old ones or your breeding hens and any young females _ desired. Put the others in a pen with a fairly h*rge yard attached, as it would be to much of a change to confine them closely after having their liberty. Now, as regards feeding: Plenty of corn with a good chop feed once a day will soon put on the flish. Just sow an acre of cob corn beside beside your fçdder corn, and after husking it the silo will hold the stalks. To show what profits were made in a small way on our farm, I might give, our experience in the fall of 19 f 5* My sister invested $13 in 4 young hen turkeys and a male. After selling her turkeys this fall she had a net profit of $63, with still her 5 yearlings for the year. It , a ba< * year for turkeys last season. Owing to the wet weather many were lost. Even though she had a good hatch, consideri g the season with consequent losses it wa a good investment. The demand for dresed turkeys in our cities is greater by far than the Canadian supply insuring good prices and larg opportunities. Each farmer could profitably profitably raise a flock of twenty or more with very little extra work.--In Young Farmer's Page of Canadian Countryman Countryman IN THE EDITOR'S MAIL. A Simple and Cheap Medicine.--A simple, cheap and effective medicine is something to be desired. There is no medicine so effective a regulator of the digestive system as Parmelce s Vegetable Pills. They are simple, they are cheap, they can be got any wherè^and their beneficial beneficial action will prove their recommendation. recommendation. They are the medicine of the poor man and those who wish to escape doctors' bills will do well m giving them a trial. Whenever you can look at yourself and be satisfied, you should begin to suspect yourself of moral blindness. Old friends and acquaintances here of Mrs. Louisa C. Rayner 1504 Fernwood Road, Victoria, B. C., will be glad to hear that she is well and that her love for "dear old Bowmanville and its people has not abated. Her maiden name was Louisa Maynard lest anyone may not know her as Mrs. Rayner. Her husband died some 3% years since. She sentis lov- ing regards to old friends and adds: i can not keep the tears from flowing when I think of my old home town and the many dear, kind friends I had therë. How I wish I could go back home to see them and the dear old Bowmanville once more. From The Neios Rev. George R. Clare, v sited his mother at the old home at Tweed.... .Dr. W. G. McCulloch and Mr. H. J. Souch have new cars....Mrs. R. H. All* n, "Pleasant View," is visiting her. sister,, Miss M. E. Harper, Cobourg... .Harold Awde and Cecil Carscaddcn were delegates to the Boys' Conference at Oshawa... .Sorry to learn that Mr. David Patterson, an old Clarke boy, is in a critical state of health at his home in Cobourg....J. Harley Billings, lecturer in charge of the Machine Design department, Toronto Universitv, is in Ottawa for the summer as a representative representative of the department of guages and standards of the Imperial Munitions Board Dr. and Mrs Fred W. Ruther ford, of Maysville, Mo., are visiting his father, Dr. Jas. Rutherford, who is recovering recovering from his. recent painful illness ....Mrs. S. Wood and little daughter Helen, Lindsay, were recent visitors at Mr. J. R. Fowler's... .Friends here of Capt. W. G. Butson, who was formerly of the High School Teaching staffi Bowmanville, Bowmanville, will learn with regret that he has paid the last great sacrifice. Capt. Butson was in Orono witflfc Major Anderson Anderson at the time of the trek of the 136th through the county, and while here was guest of Mr. S. Cuttell.... Pte. Harold Kickaby, who was in the hospital in France suffering with an attack of bronchitis was transferred to the Canadian Hospital at Orpington, England, for treatment for trench fever, was discharged on March 2lst last and was given a ten days furlough, furlough, which he spent in visiting his uncle, Dr. James Fièlding, Norwich, and also Lieut. Ern. • Rowe, who is in a Canadian Hospital, with typhoid fever ,.. . A meeting of Orono citizens was held in the interest of greater production. The proposition to close all places of business one day a week and the stores every evening at 6 o clock, except Saturdays, was not favorably favorably received; but a labor bureau was formed, and a public meeting to outline and show the great need of everyone doing doing his utmost in the way of production will probably be held Sunday evening next, when a speaker from the head Association is expected to be present. -- ❖ Gerard on German Culture. Since Ambassador Gerard has returned returned to the United States and has begun to tell what he has seen, we can understand very easily why the Germans were so reluctant to part with him. Recently, at a meeting of the Canadian Club in New York, Mr. Gerard told some 1,500 people what he knew of German maltreatment of Canadian and British, prisoners. He declared that some Germans were actually actually sent to jail for giving food and water to a trainload of famished Canadian prisoners, and he declared that he himself had seen small boys march about the. prison camps armed with bows and arrows, and shoot arrows arrows tipped with nails at the helpless prisoners. The ex-ambassador also stated that German sheep hounds were trained to bite the British, and were then sent through prison camps. Surely Surely Germany has fallen low indeed! No wonder the world declares war on her ! Make Excellent Cake Just use an additional quantity of Royal Baking Ppwder, aboiit a teaspoon, in place of each egg omitted. ~ This applies equally well to nearly all baked foods. Try the following recipe according to the new way: CREAM LAYER CAKE Old Way New Way e? 1 cup sugar cup milk 2 cups flour 2 teaspoons Royal Baking Powder 3 eggs J2 cup shortening 1 teaspoon flavoring 1 cup sugar 1 cup milk 2 cups flour . 4 teaspoons Royal Baking Powder 1 egg 2 tableëpoons shortening X teaspoon flavoring Makes 1 Large 2-Layer Cake DIRECTIONS--Cream the sugar and shorteningtogether.then mix In the egg. After sifting the flour and Royal Baking Powder together, two or three times add It all to the mixture. Gradually add the milk and beat with spoon until you have a smooth pour batter. Add the flavoring. Pour into greased layer cake tins and bake in a moderately hot oven for twenty minutes. This cake is best baked in two layers. Put together with cream filling and spread with white icing. ' Booklet of recipes which economize in" eggs and other expensive expensive ingredients mailed free. Address Royal Baking Powder Co., 6 St. Lawrence Boulevard, Montreal. ROYAL BAKING POWDER Made from Cream of Tartar, derived from Grapes Made in Canada Absolutely Pure No Alum We are generally willing to bury the hatchet, but most of us like to dig it up occasionally to see if it is still there. There are plenty of people always ready to do the farmer's thinking for him. Do not let them. Do your own thinking. It will pay. EXECUTORS AND TRUSTEES Moior Light $ Four Roadster - - $950 Country Club $1110 f. o. b. Toronto Subject to change without notice • Built to Rigid Standards Every Overland Light Four is built to a rigid standard of per- formance, comfort and appearance. It has good style--built low with harmonious and sweeping lines. It is a beautiful car in every sense of the word. The motor is powerful, quiet and of sturdy construction.. /The turning mdiuHs shorL The car has quiçk acceleration, ,s to tour safely and comfortably. With all these good qualities it rides beautifully. The soft cushions the long resilient cantilever rear springs, the large tires (31x4) and the proper balance m construction, absorb a types of jolts--over all kinds of roads. Call and inspect this splendid value. A. W. PICKARD, Agent Temperance St., Bowmanville. " Dr. Edwin J. Fraser, brother of Mrs. Emily J. Carr, this town, writing to his sister from Seattle on April 4> w "° has been confined to his room for several months, says he feels that he is "a remnan t of the Fraser family--a connecting link between absent friends on earth and those who are in the spirit land". He is keenly interested in his nephew r Pte. Edwin r • Carr, now overseas, and says 'he could not be engaged in a more laudable undertaking undertaking while men are needed in this war. This paragraph of Dr. Fraser s letter is our excuse for quoting him---we like the spirit of it: "We people of the United States are just now entering upon one ot the most active wars that has ever engaged engaged our attention. "Whom the Gods would destroy, they first make mad . It is surely madness for the Germans to break friendship with the United States, but it will finally result in the entire overthrow overthrow of the autocratic spirit of Germany. You may be sure that the United States will utilize the entire resources of men, money and ingenuity to press the war to a finish that will wipe out all possibility of anv further intrusians of the German government government upon the rights and liberties of industrious and peace loving people. God grant it." * SALEM Report of Easter examinations for S. S o, Darlington--names in order of merit I Jr IV--Walter Branch, Irwin Hughes, Elfie McDonald (absent). Sr III--Willie I Cator, Ethel Smith, Vera Hughes, Mary Woolner (absent). Jr III--Ella Collacott. Sr II--Annie McDonald/ DickDavis. j r II--Percy Cann, Ervil Little; Willie 1 Woolner (absent). Sr ^Gladys Cann, | Edith Cator, Elvira Davis, Aob Collacott, Gladys Little, Reford Cornish, Lawrence Little, Albert Cator. Jr I--May Cameron, Nelson Wilkins, Pearl Davis, Laura JWilkins and Eva Little (equal). Sr Pr-- I Johnnie Cator. , . 1 Ruth Bennett, Teacher. The use of Miller's Worm Powders insures insures healthy chidren so far as the ailments ailments attributable to worms are concerned. concerned. A high mortality among children is traceable to worms. These sap the strength of infants so that they are unable to maintain the battle fer life and succumb succumb to weakness. This preparation gives promise of health and keeps it. WML O M board of directors sir Vincent Meredith, Bart.. President. Sir H.'Montagu Allan. C.V.O., .Vice-President. R. B. Angus. A. Baumgarten. A. D. Braithwaite. E. J. Chamberlin. H. B. Drummond. C. B. Gordon. Hon. Six Lomer Gouin, K.C.M.G. E. B. Greenshlelds. C. R. Hosmer. j Sir William Macdonald. Capt. Herbert Molson. Lord Shaughnessy. K.C.Y.O. Sir Frederick Williams-Taylor, LL.D. A. E. Holt, Manager. m Seek. htrEEET Capital Fully Paid, $1,000,000. Reserve Fund, $1,000,000. ADMINISTRATION HIS Company will He pleased to quote its fees, if apprised of the nature of the Assets and the extent of work involved in the administration of an Estate or Trust. (| Write for Booklet. The Royal Trust Company TORONTO branch Cor. Queen and Yonge Streets Bruce L. Smith, Manager at Toronto. VU cw- An Oil Of Merit-- Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil is not a jumble of medicinal substances thrown together and pushed by advertising, but the result cf the careful careful investigation of the curative qualities of certain oils as applied to the human b^dy It is a rare combination and it won * and kept public favour from the first. A trial of it will carry conviction to any who doubt its power to repair and heal. TO OPERATION Wife Cured by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Des Moines, Iowa.--" Four years age I was very sick and my life was nearly spent. The doctors Btated that I would never get well withou withou t an operation and that without it I would not live one year. My husband o b j e c t.e d to any operation and got me some of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Vegetable Compound. I took it and commenced to get better and am now well, am stout and able to do my own housework. I can recommend the Vegetable Compound Compound to any woman who is sick and tun .down as a wonderful strength and health restorer. . My husband says I would have been in my grave ere this if it had not been for your Vegetable Compound."--Mrs. Blanche Jefferson; Jefferson; 703 Lyon St, Des Moines, Iowa. Before submitting to a surgical operation operation it is try to build-up the female system and cure its derangements derangements with Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Vegetable Compound ; it has saved many women from surgical opérations. Write to the Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass., for advice--it will be confidential. Japan's Railways._^ Out of the 5,678 miles of railroad in Japan, all but 265 miles are owned by the Government. The Japanese Government plans to construct 200 miles of new railroad each year. RAILWAY SYSTEM Corns ate caused by the pressure of tight boots, but no one need be troubled with them long when so simple a cure as Holloway's Corne Cure is available. À conscience without Gdd is a tribunal tribunal without a judge.--Lamartine. GRAND TRUNK Plan Your Summer Vacation NOW ,• Arrange to visit soiye of the follow - ing points--all beauty spots close to nature. Muskokâ Lakes Algonquin park Georgmp Bày Làké Of Bays temâgami Kawartha Lakes '•Full information and descriptive literature may be secured on application application to C. E. Horning-, L>. P- A. Toronto, Toronto, Out., or J. H. H. Jury, Phone 78, Bowmanville. Now THREE Flavours Get a package of the new "Juicy Fruit -- See what a joyous, lasting flavour has been crowded in to give you a great, BIG 5 cent package of refreshment! made in Canada Sealed Tight-- Kept Right Î THE FLAVOUR LASTS -- V-.Y --s Chew it alter every meal I