I; The volume of applications for new insurance during 1916 was by far the Greatest in the History of the Company. That is the best evidence of public esteem. Let us send you some fresh Insurance facts CROWN LIFE INSURANCE CO., TORONTO Agents wanted In unrepresented districts 35 RHEUMATISM WAS MOST SEVERE Dreadful Pains All The Time Until He Took "FRUIT-A-TIVES The Guide to True Economy 'This year, instead of buying new clothing and household effects, let Parker restore those you have already. You will gain in every way. We are specialists in DYEING and CLEANING Gloves, Gowns, Feathers, Lace Curtains, Blankets, Carpets, Carpets, Gent's Clothing. We are known throughout the Dominion for our thorough work. Send for our Catalogue on Cleaning and Dyeing. •> PARKER'S DYE WORKS, LIMITED 791 Yonge Street ... Toronto \ ESTABLISHED 284-2 pm~ MR. LAMPSON Verona, Ont., Nov. 11th., 1915. "I suffered for a number of years With Rheumatism and severe Pains in Side and Back, from strains and heavy lifting. When I had given up hope of ever being well again, a friend recommended " Fruit-a-tives " to me and after using 'hefirst box I jelt so much better that [ continued to take them, and now I tm enjoying the best of heath, thanks to your remedy ". W. M". LAMPSON. If you--who are reading this -- have any Kidney or Bladder Trouble, or suffer with Rheumatism or Pain In The Back or Stomach Trouble--give "Fruit- a-tives" a fair trial. This wonderful fruit medicine will do you a world of good, as it cures when everything else fails. 50c. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, 25c. At dealers or sent postpaid on receipt of price by Fruit-a-tives Limited, nn.iwa. AMS AYS THE RIGHT PAlMT TO PAINT RIGHT A. RAMSAY & SON CO. fl For wear and beauty of color they are unsurpassed. unsurpassed. Ask your JN Ramsay Dealer tu -di/.TV Aâ&~° T write us. Makers o Paints a l Varnishes MONTREAL TORONTO VANCOUVER IN PEERLESS POULTRY _. . A flit/ Fmncm--Mot Netting Strongly m*de xnd closely spaced--making It a complet» barrier against Lure animals as well as small poultry. Top and bottom wires No. 9--intermediates No. 12 wire--made ' r by the Open Hearth process which time and other tests hare FcroTwa to b« th« b«rL 8*od for eetslof. Ask shout oar fsrn sn<l ornsmsdul Armcie« oseriy rreej where. Agents wwiUd In asnsslgeed territory Tlw Esnwell e Hexle Who Fence Company. LUI#. Wlnalper, ***-, HaaUtee, Oat. A Clean, Rosy, HEALTHY Skin is the birthright of every child. Contact with countless countless unclean, germ-laden things every day, however, brings the constant quota of danger and the happy' artless ways of children make them especially liable to infection. Even so there is one sure safeguard you can use-- HEALTH Lis a wonderful disinfectant, and a bland, pure, tree lathering soap for all toilet purposes. The most tender skin welcomes its daily use. The mild, disinfectant odor you notice vanishes quickly after use. At All Grocers-- .Jit. Lever Brothers Limited 158 TORONTO The price of Lifebuoy Soap is not altered. It still retails at 5c. per cake. ABOUT THE HOUSEHOLD Too Much Dessert. In the average family the dessert problem takes up more time than the more substantial courses. Traveling through a farm district recently, the writer found that the particular branch of cooking in which women were most interested was the making of cakes and desserts. At a demonstration lecture at a western university before 600 women the whole time was devoted to serving afternoon tea and showing how the cakes and ices and other desserts should be made. Now I do not wish to disparage the j ar ts of confectionery and the making j of delicious sweets, but I do think j that perhaps our women over-empha-. | size the need and time for making | desserts. Many girls proudly boast that they can make cake and fudge and concoct - delicious, if overly lich, salads, but can these girls make equally equally good bread, prepare meats so that they^are luscious and tempting and stew the plainer fruits so that they are wholesome and attractive ? I have said often that meats and vegetables are more poorly cooked in this than in any other country, and this statement is based on extensive travels abroad. On the other hand, we seem to emphasize the need of puddings, puddings, pie, cake and wrongfully stimulate stimulate too great an appetite for them in ou.- families. If wê want *-) classify the family according to taste, we might well begin begin with father, who feels the meal is incomplete unless he has a hearty triangle of pie at the end. Now, there is ^ nothing about a good pie to be criticized, but it is the one dessert which must be well made in order to be wholesome, and, second, it does take a considerable amount of time. Just why it should be a staple dessert dessert in many a home cannot be fathomed, fathomed, since all dietitians agree that the crust is not wholesoihe if eaten frequently or on top of an already generous meal. Then there is the child who will not eat the rest of his meal because he is so anxious for dessert, dessert, and whose taste has been educated educated beyond simple desserts like fTce pudding, cornstarch or fruit and who desires more elaborate puddings with sauces and, worst of all, whipped -eream. Whipped cream in itself is unobjectionable, unobjectionable, but when added to another another food which is sweet a ,d fat the combination often proves disastrous to one's liver! The cream itself is practically all fat, so that it should never be used with desserts which contain contain a large amount of fat or sugar in some other forpi. It is the exceptional dinner among middle class families across the Atlantic Atlantic which has anything for dessert except fresh fruit, cheese and crackers. Or stewed fruits which are called "compotes" may be served with a small offering of tiny cakes. There is much in favor of this simple tvpe of dessert which would mean so much less work for the homemaker and'few- er overburdened digestions^. Fruit, either fresh or canned, without much sugar, is the dessert which could be served every day and which would bo by far the most wholesome for children children and old people, who particularly need the salts and mineral values that food offers. Another more wholesome plan is to make a combination salad dessert at the end of a. hearty meal. So many delightful salads can be made even in winter or between seasons, that one often wonders why another course is passed after the salad. A sweet dressing may be used, especially with fruits,, and if accompanied by crackers or wafers and the cup of coffee or tea the stomach really should not crave or need anything else. Menus For The School Children's Dinner. 1. Eggs, boiled, coddled, poached or scrambled; bread and butter; spinach or other greens; cake. 2. Beef stew with vegetables; milk; crisp, thin tea biscuits; honey. 3. Dried bean or pea puree; toast; baked apple; cookies. 4. Vegetable-milk soup; rice with maple sugar and butter or with milk or cream. 5. Potato chowder; crackers; jelly sandwiches. 6. Gold meat; creamed potatoes; peas, bread and butter; frozen custard or^plain ice cream and plain cake. 7. Lamb chops; baked potatoes; bread and butter; sliced mixed fruits; cookies. 8. Baked omelet with spinach, kale or other greens; bread and butter; apple sauce; cake. 9. Milk toast; string beans; stewed fruit; cake. 10. Boiled potatoes; codfish gravy; bread and butter; lettuce; custard. on Eczema It will take just a few moments to step in and ask us what our experience has been in the way of grateful customers with the soothing wash of oils,- D. X D. D. Your money back unless the first bottle relieves you. Jury & Lovell, Bowmanville. D. D. D. Thex Liquid Wash table a great source of help in the conservation conservation of energy and valuable as a time saver. X 7;i L'W- .o make your farmmon? profitable There i« money to be made by using Concrete. Many hundreds of f.rmers have Casters for the Kitchen Table. The most convenient thing in my well-equipped kitchen, says a good housekeeper, is the table, which is movable. We bought four ordinary casters, which we fitted in the legs of the table, so it can easily be rolled to the sink to receive the dried dishes, then to the pantry, where they can all be "placed" with a single effort (thus saving much walking back and forth), or . to the stove when canning fruit, etc. You will find such a movable Germany's method of warfare will not be forgotten and will not be forgiven forgiven . to feel Fresh and Fit --you must keep your stomach stomach wéll, your liver active, the bowels regular, and your blood pure. Your physical condition depends on thé health of these organs. When anything goes wrong just take a few doses of Beecham's Pills and avoid any serious illness. They are a fine- corrective and tonic for the system, and a great help in maintaining good health. A single box will prove the remedial value of BEEEHAM'S PILLS Largest Sale of Any Medicine in the World* Sold everywhere. In boxes, 25c* Spring Personals A Prominent \Ontario Woman Speaks. Welland, Ont. --"I am glad I he^td ! about Dr. Pierce's remedies. When 1 was ^ired-out and worn-out I used 'Golden M edical Discovery' and 'Favorite Prescription.' Prescription.' . It is true that they are grand remedies, and 1 found' that they built me up and made me feel like a new person. J : believe I used seven bottles in all. , I^have recommended Dr. Pierce's remedies remedies to several of my acquaintances. "I have one of the Common Sense Medical Advisers and think very highly of it."--Mrs. May Clark, 117 State St» Welland, Ont. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery Discovery is a tonic and builder that brings , new activity to the liver, stomach and j bowels in a short time, thus causing i sallowness, indigestion and constipation to disappear. Good blood means good health; good health means strong men and women, full of vigor and ambition, with minds alert and muscles ever willing. Any medicine dealer will supply you with Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery in either liquid or tablet form. Send to Dr. Pierce, Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y., for free medical advice. Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser--a great doctor book--of 1008 pages, cloth bound--answers many important important questions. Copy will be sent, customs prepaid, for 50 cents (or stamps) to pay wrapping and mailing charges. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets regulate and invigorate stomach, liver and bdwels. Sugar-coated and easy to take as candy. v ? Cook's Cotton Root Compound. A safe, reliable regulating medicine^JSoXd in three degrees" degrees" ofyStrength--No. 1, $1; No. 2,,$3; No. 3, $5 per box. Sold by all druggists, or sent prepaid on receipt of price. Free pamphlet. Address : THE COOK MEDICINE CO., T0K0NT0. 0HT. (Fereirljf Wicker.) 71 Grenville St., Toronto, Ont. Toronto's Select Family Hotel. Centrally located just oft" Yonge Street. Convenient to Shopping and Theatre district. Rates: American Plan--$2.E0 up per day. European Plan j Single. $1.25 up per day. | Double, $1.50 up per day. Write, for Descriptive Booklet. THE LIFTUP (Patented) BIAS FILLED CORSETS Positively the most effective corset forladics who require abdominal support. All the latest styles of corsets to suit any figure. CORSETS MADE TO ORDER V rite us for catalogues ami measurement form REPRESENTATIVES WANTED A\r;te to-d..y fur puroxul..vs to Dcp.i'rliucut A BIAS CORSETS LIMITED 39 BRITAIN ST. TORONTO 2 and 51b. Cartons-- 10,20y 50 and 10Q lb. Bags. If better sugar is ever produced than the present REDPATH Extra Granulated, you may be sure it will be made in the same Refinery that has led for over half a century--and sold under the same name---REDPATH. "Let Redpath Sweeten it, Canada Sugar Refining Co., Limited, Montreal. it . k.-ICHAKTS &UB8ERJ& Jibuti Cirdtt Thrift is served, and health preserved, by wearing rubber footwear around the f^rm in rainy*, sloppy weather. Quality and long wear, whether in rubber farm boots, high rubber boots or rubbers, are assured if you choose a pair bearing on the sole any one of these Trade Marks; "MERCHANTS' "GMNBY" 'JACQUES CÂSTIE8" "MAPLE LEAF" "DOMINION" "DAISY* V Canadian' Consolidated Rubber Co., Limited Largest Manufacturers of Rubber Goods in the British Empire EXECUTIVE OFFICES - MONTREAL, P.Q, SEVEN LARGE, UP-TO-DATE MANUFACTURING PLANTS IN CANADA *3 "SERVICE" BRANCHES AND WAREHOUSES THROUGHOUT CANADA 44 jgSaJ lW '111 im i' ff- f'-'r-fj- . y."'--*- S089. -iV