Cleaning ^ Dyeing BLANKETS CARPETS LACE CURTAINS FEATHERS FURS DRAPERIES GOWNS TABLE CODERS QUILTS GENTS' CLOTHING Quick Service Excellent Work Send for our Catalogue on Cleaning 1 and Dyeing Moderate Charge* We Pay Carriage Charge* One Way. PARKER'S DYE WORKS, Cleaner* and Dyer* 791 Yonge Street - - Toronto FELT LIKE A A Question of Speed. "Pile this lot of planks fast, Tom! Mr. Gardham will be round pretty quick; and I'm afraid lie has the Idea that you're slow." Tom Harcourt, who was rolling up his sleeves, flushed at the yarSmas- ter's remark^ A questioning look on up tile "steps' of the stack like a cat, and reached the captive'Tioy, Holding on to the stack with one hand, Tom worked fast with the other. The planks seemed to grip.the little foot like a vise. Beads of perspiration perspiration came out on Tom's facë as the shadow of the oncoming, screeching Just Once! "I §hould like the English to meet the Bavarians just once," said the Kaiser in a memorable Army Order. Prince Rupprecht, their commander, is, and has been, one of our most cruel and boastful enemies. The kaiser has had his wish--at Vimy Ridge---with the result that a very large proportion^of the nine thousand prisoners are Bavarians now in British cages. iiiek "Women his face led the yardmaster to tell him *™ ber car seemed ab ° ut fal1 1,1,011 a little more. Mr. Gardham, the owner of the lumberyard where Tom worked, had. asked why he was half an hour late the (Jay before in delivering a load of lumber at Thompson's new house. "I was blocked by a long freight at the crossing," Tom explained. "The locomotive stalled for fifteen minutes and--" The busy yardmaster moved off without waiting for the explanation. Tom drew a deep breath. It wqs discouraging discouraging to have the head of the^firm question his efficiency. * "X. There was much activity in the busy him. Once, twice, three times- he tugged at the boy's shoe, although he was in momentary" terror lest he pull the child down on the track in front of the train. The car was within twenty feet of them npw; the engineer had at last seen the danger, but Tom knew that the train could not stop in time.* At last he freed Benny's foot. There was not time to go down, and the top of the pile was only a yard or so farther farther up. With a lightning snatch Tom grasped the back of the child's blouse and lifted the little fellow. For an instance the child's feet trod on empty space. With a sudden burst \ For Forty Years Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Has Been Woman's Most Reliable Medicine ■--Here is More Proof. To women who are suffering from some form of woman's special ills, and have a constant fear of breaking down, the three following letters ought to bring hope: -- North Crandon, Wis. -- "When I was 16 years old I got married and at 18 years I gave birth to twins and it left me with very poor health. I could not walk across the floor without having to sit down to rest and it was hard for me to keep about and do my work. I went to a doctor and ne told me I had a displacement and ulcers, and would have to have an operation. This frightened me so much that I did not know what to do. Having heard of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound I thought I would give it a trial and it made me as well as ever. I cannot say enough in favor of the Pink ham remedies."--Mrs. Mayme Asbach, North Crandon, Wis. Testimony from Oklahoma. - Lawt-on, Okla. -- "When I began to take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound I seemed to be good for nothing. I tired easily and had headaches much of the time and was irregular. I took it again before my little child was born and it did me a wonderful amount of good at that time. I never fail to recommend Lÿdia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound to ailing women because it has done so much for me."--Mrs. A. L. McCasland, 509 Have St., Lawton, Okla. From a Grateful Massachusetts Woman. Roxbiuy, Mass.--" I was suffering from inflammation inflammation and was examined by a physician who found that my trouble was caused by a displacement. My symptoms were bearing down pains, backache, and sluggish liver. I tried several kinds of medicine medicine ; then I was asked to try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. It has cured me and I am pleased to be in my usual good health by using it and highly recommend it." -- Mrs. B. M. Osgood, 1 Haynes Park, Roxbury, Mass. If you want special advice write to, Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co. (confidential) Lynn, Mass. Your letter will be openëd, read and answered .by à woman and field in strict confidence. lumberyard. Gaston, a yard worker, ; of strength, Tom lifted the boy and " ! threw him up to the top of the stack. The car was almost upon him. Tom instinctively instinctively shot out a hand to ward it off. That hand actually touched the car; at same time his other hand let go its hold, and he went tumbling backward. As he landed in the sand pit a dozen feet below, the onrushing mass tore a plank out of the side of •joined Tom on the pile. A few minutes minutes later Mr. Gardham came down the yard with the superintendent. The senior member was accompanied by his small son, Benny. While Mr. Gardham and the .superintendent .superintendent were discussing the lumber piles, the youngster stoppée to watch Tom and his mate pile the planks. Later the boy walked over to the sand ! P^ e ^ n d hurled it vengefully after pit next to the lumber pile, and started to play in it. "See that!" Mr. Gardham cried suddenly, suddenly, with a frown. him. It struck him a heavy, glancing glancing blow on the knee, which caused a sharp pain. A moment later, when he slowly picked himself up and emerged limp- The yard engine at the moment j ing from his sand bath, he had the sat- passed out along the siding, and the ! isfaction of seeing the frightened car that it was hauling was almost ; Benny safe on top of the quivering scratched by the'projecting timbers of pile. a pile placed too close to -the railway siding. The superintendent promised to give the matter his attention. Mr. Gardham remarked that -it was time for him to take his son downtown downtown to meet Mrs, Gardham. At the mention of Benny, Tom glanced toward toward the sand pit and discovered that Gaston carried the child down. At the foot of the stack Mr. Gardham gathered his son into his trembling arms. The senior member then wrung Tom's hand and told him to come into the office to patch up his wounded knee. "By the way," Mr. Gardham said on forgives you; so do I." That seemed to make Tom's knee less painful. Mr. Gardham probably did mot realize that, for he took an emergency roll of bandage linen from ZACCHAEUS "Every Man Shall Give An Account of Himself Unto Whether it be Good or Whether it be Evil." the boy had left the :Çbrt he had been ' the way to the office, "Thompson-- building in the sand and was gingerly: you know, the owner of the house-- climbing up the face of the lumber pile | saw and told me what it was that de- that his father and the superintendent layed you with his load yesterday. He had been discussing a moment before. ' The incoming car of lumber had by that time cleared the switch and was already heading down the side track toward the group. Tom caught his breath sharply. "Look!" he cried, as he suddenly leaped away in the direction of young Benny. The car was stacked high with new lumber, and its heavy cargo had made the retaining posts bulge out. Tom had seen at a glance_that Benny G_rd- ham would be crushed against the lumber pile. Oblivious of the fact that the car was bearing swiftly down on him, the boy continued his interesting slimb. The shrieking of wheels as they crunched over the switch points drowned Tom's warning shout. And there was no one near to pull him down. "Come down, Benny, quick!" Tom shouted as he drew near the pile. "Come!" The boy turned a questioning face toward Tom and then started to obey. But to Tom's dismay, he saw that the youngster's foot had wedged tightly between two planks! > Setting his teeth and clenching his fists, Tom increased his speed. He had left Benny's father and the superintendent superintendent far in the rear. Breathless, After Taking Only One Box Of "Fruit-a-tfees" ~ East Ship Harbour, N. SL. **It is with great pleasure that I write to tell you of the wonderful benefits 1 have ^received from taking "Fruit-a- tives". For years, I was a dreadful sufferer from Constipatiàn and Headaches, Headaches, and 1 was miserable in every way. Nothing in the way of medicines seemed to help me. Then I - finally tried " Frult-a-tives " and the effect was splendid. After taking one box, I feel like a new person, to have relief from those sickening Headaches". Mbs. MARTHA DÈ WOLFE. 50c. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, 25c. At all dealers or sent postpaid by Fruit- a-tives Limited, Ottawa. the drawer of a desk near his own and set to work deftly to wrap Tom's black-and-blue knee. Meanwhile he talked with apparent irrelevance about the semi-confidential clerk who had last presided at that desk. "He was a rapid worker," Mr. Gard- ham admitted; "but he was sometimes rapid when he ought to have been slow and careful. The man before him never made a mistake; but he could not rise to speed even in an emergency --like that you faced a few minutes ago, for example." Tom blushed a little, and Mr. Gardham, Gardham, tearing the end of the bandage into two strings, tied them neatly. Then he smiled at Tom. "I've heard that you've had experience experience as a clerk," he said. "Perhaps you ^ould like to give up your wagon and help out at this desk with iny personal personal work? If you would, I feel you will combine the desired degrees of caefulness and speed."Youth's Companion. Companion. ■ Pure Water for Soldiers. Formerly much sickness in armies was caused by drinking impure water--not water--not only typhoid, but other maladies, maladies, such as dysentery. Soldiers, if thirsty, would drink from a swamp or a puddle. But nowadays this matter is looked after with utmost care, precaution precaution being taken to examine every source of water supply for troops •'chemically, and bacteriologically. In Europe, a special caution has to be exercised against the possible poisoning poisoning of wells--this being reported from France as the latest thing in "fright' fulness." God, "Zacchaeus, make haste and come down, for to-day I must abide at thy house."--Luke xix., 5. There areMrwo classes of sinners especially especially prominent in the world to-day --those who are too high up and those who gre too low down, but of the two the former is in by far the most perilous perilous position. That man's case is never hopeless who has sunk so low in his shame and humiliation that he feels himself to be unworthy of the favor and mercy of God, but when a man rises so high in his pride and self-righteousness as to look down on God then, indeed, his position is most perilous. Zacchaeus was little in body and in City Eye Specialists Tell How To Strengthen Eyesight 50% In a l Week's Time In Many Instances A Free Prescription Yon Can Have Filled and Use at Home. Boston, Mass.--Victims of eye strain *.nd other eye ^eaknessea, and those Who wear glasses, will be giad to know that Doctors and Eye Specialists now agree there is real hope and help for them. Many whose eyes were falling Say they have had their eyes restored and many who once wore glasses say they have thrown them away. One man says, after using it: "I was al- toost blind. Could not see to read at *11. Now I can read everything without without my glasses, and my eyes do not fiurt any more. At night they would pain dreadfully. Now they feel fine all the time. It was like a miracle to me." A lady who used it says: "The atmosphere atmosphere seemed hazy with or without glasses, but after using this prescription prescription for fifteen days everything seems clear. I can read even fine print without without glasses." Another who used It pays: "I was bothered with eye strain caused by overworked, tired eyes which g duced fierce headaches. I have worn asses for several years, both for dis- nce and work, and without them I Could not read my own name on an Unvelope or the typewriting on, the teachlne before me. I can do both now, id hare discarded my long distance rlasaes altogether. I cap count the guttering leaves on the trees aoroas the treet now, which for several years |Ve looked like a dim green blur to is. I cannot express my joy at what It has done for me." It is believed that thousands who Wear glasses can now discard them in. * reasonable time, and multitudes more Jffill be able to strengthen their eyes »o a* to be spared the trouble and expense expense of ever getting glasses. Dr. Beck, an eye specialist of nearly twenty years practice, says: "A patient Cgme to me who was suffering from .Blepharitis Marginalia with all the Concomitant symptoms, as morning agglutinative çf Uu lid#, chronic con- jphiphora. Her eyes ted n junctivitls and e„ when not congested had the dull, suffused suffused expression common to *such cases. Having run. out of her medicine a friend suggested Bon-Opto. She used- this treatment and not only overcame her distressing condition, but strange and amazing as it may seem, so strengthened her eyesight that she was able to dispense with her distance glasses and her headache and neuralgia left her. In this Instance I should sa eyesight was improved In a few days, under Any ; ' nnatic y her eyesight was improved 100%. I have since verified the efficacy of this treatment in a number of cases and have seen the eyesight improve from 25 to 75 per cent in a remarkably short time. I can say it works more quickly than any other remedy I have scribed for the eyes." Dr. Smith, an oculist of wide experience, experience, says: "I have treated in private practice a number of serioue ojpthalmic diseases with Bon-Opto and am able to report ultimate recovery, in both acute and chronic cases. Mr. B. came to my ofilce suffering with an infected eye. The condition was. so serious that* an operation for enucleation seemed Imperative. Imperative. Before resorting to the operative treatment. I prescribed Bon- Opto and in 24 hours the secretion had lessened, inflammatory symptoms began began to'subside, and in seven days the eye was cured and retained its normal normal vision. Another case of extreme convergent strabismus (cross '•eyes) escaped the surgeon's knife by the timely use of your collyrium. The tightened external muscles yielded to the soothing and anodyne effects' of Bon-Opto. I always instil Bon-Opto after hemoval of foreign bodies and apply it locally to all burns, ulcer* and spots on the eyeball or the lids tor its. therapeutic effect. By cleansing cleansing the lids of secretions and acting as a tonic for the. eyeball itself the vision is rendered mpre acute, hence the number of - cases" of discarded glasses." Dr. Conner says: "My eyes were in j>ad condition owing/ to the severe its results. observation, the eyes of an astig: case were so improved that glasses have been discarded by the patient." Eye troubles of many descriptions /may be wonderfully benefited by the use of Bon-Opto and if you want to ; ter's command and received Him iov- strengthen your eyes, go to any. drug ; t ' ominitna «na receiveu nun joy store and get a bottle of Bon-Opto j fully, tablets. Drop, one Bon-Opto tablet, in soul that day as the Master found but with undiminished speed, he went him, but when those divine eyes bored down through all the brag and bluster of this little man ùp the sycamore tree his soul got larger than his stunted body and rose to supremest heights, dragging the man üpward with-it. It's all right for us to climb" into the heights to get a better view of Christ afar off, but when He comes near we must "come down" in order that we may receive Him. Christ will never , , , , , . . , . : do anything for a man, nor even talk strain arising from protracted micro- 4 6 , _ * ' scopical research work. Bon-Opto used With him, as long a£ he places himself according to directions rendered a sur- above Him. If we would ever receive prising service. I found my eyes re- . . , ; , „ markably strengthened, so much so I Christ We must come down from our comfort. t l!ve 9 raT o/my c^llïaguefhiv; ? rida and °™L self Righteous position also used it and we are agreed as to m order that He mqy talk with us and work^fer us. Zacchaeus found that however high he had set himself he was still a sinner an* needed to "come down," so down he;came at the Mas- a fourth of a glass of water and let it dissolve. With this liquid bathe the eyes two to four, times daily. -You should notice your eyes clear up perceptibly perceptibly right from the start, and inflammation inflammation and redness will quickly disappear. If your eyes bother " you even a little it is your duty to take "Made Haste and Came Down" Now, you men.wlho have set your selves so far above God don't think for a moment that because of your elevation you-can hide the fact from steps to save them* now before itTs God or yourselves 'that you are sin- too late. Many hopelessly blind might ners. No matter how the world may have saved their sight if they had cared ««a A,, for their eyes in time. • P^t you on the back and say, Y ou re Note: a city physician to whom the atiïtve ! all right," you know in your heart of article was submitted, said: "Yes. Bon-Opto ia ,-uruX > n : a remarkable eye remedy. Its constituent in- heart* that you re all wrong. Examine gredlents are well known to eminent eye spe- j yourself, apply thé tests of Christ to clalists and widely prescribed by them. . I have ! vmir nwn lifo ah tinTYiptimaq wp ara used it very successfully in my own practice on • y0Ur < ^, T } 1116 f BS BOpaetimes W6 are patients'whose eyes were strained through over- compelled to do, in those-moments of ïT°in gl \ S v ee " I can hishir recommend trial, sorrow or extremity, and you'll It ln^ case of weak, watery, aching, smarting*, - J J Itching, burning eyes, red lids, blurred vision oc for eyes inflamed.from exposure, to smoka, sub, dust or wind. It Is,one of the very few préparations préparations I feel should be kept on hand for. regular use in almost every family." Bon-Opto Is not-*, patent medicine or secret remedy. It is an. ethical preparation, the formula being printed on the package. The manufacturers guarantee It to strengthen eyesight 80 per cent in one week's time in many instances,.or refund the money. It is dispensed dispensed bv all "good druggists, including general stores: also by G. Tamblyn and T. Eaton & Co., Toronto. realize, far more than the world can ever know, "your oivn sinfulness and helplessness. Then if you will only come down from your high position of arrogance and self-rigKteousness to the common level of sinful humanity Christ will raise yoti with Him to the highest heights, of blessedness and joy. Any man that pièces' himself above his Lord and Master is in. such a peril ous position that he should lose no time in exchanging it for a place of safety. .There are some men so puffed puffed tip with their pride and arrogance that, notwithstanding all that God and man tell them of the peril of their position, position, they are ready to stop and argue about it while d^ath and destruction destruction dig a grave about their very feet. Such arrogance and self-confidence self-confidence applied to physical things would lead a man to argue with a German German submarine commander after he had been told to get off the boat! Zacchaeus might have argued'with the Master that day and said:--"No, Lord, I would rather not come down. I don't like the crowd you're with. They're a very bad lot. Some of them won't pay .their debts, and they lie about their taxes when I go around to collect them. I think I'll stay right where I am!" He didn't say that, however. He did just what the Lord told him. He realized that he was in a dangerous, position, so he "made haste and came down" right- into the j midst of the crowd, black sheep and white sheep, saints and sinners, knowing knowing that "every man shall give an account account of himself unto God, whether it be good or whether it be evil," without without reference to the other fellow. To-Day is Vantage Ground The force of this command of Christ's is again intensified by the use of- that little intensive word "to-day" at the beginning of the next clause. "For to-day I must abide at thy house!" To-day stands as the vantage vantage grtiund of all of life's possibilities and opportunities. -It is the.neutral strip between the yesterdays and the to-morrow. Yesterdày, with all of its possibilities, is past; "to-morrow" will never come. It is always "to-morrow" "to-morrow" with; thô-4ve»k T 4he4i©sitating\and vacillating. For the valiant, the brave, the strong, the true, life is one everlasting "Now!" We all need the Master, and He says He needs us. Think of it! He, the Lord of everlasting glory, needs you and me! He wants to abide at our house! He is in a hurry, too! He thinks so much of us He wants to come right away. "To-day I must abide at thy house!" Don't you think your house would be all tjie better, all the brighter, for the Master's presence? Don't you think you need Him to help smooth out things here? Zacchaeus made haste and came down and received received Him joyfully when he heard the Master express that desire. Will you? --Rev. William Carter, D. D, <- \ . - Catalogue mailed free Buy "3" Bock bottom Prices W'POTTS IPO TOTAL BANK BUM. TORONTO Save Prom 20% . to 33 1-3 USB Self Sealers - for the Home Canning of Fruit*, Vegetables and Meats J. J*. BOSS CAB CO. 560 King 1 ' St. W. - Toronto T7r=TTT/^-7r,*T7 *y /r*T 'ty > V WHAT A MEOMEID) nr PAINT GOOD --for interior or exterior painting on wooden surfaces Ramsay's is unsurpassed. The quality of the ingredients and the well-balanced por- portions give Ramsay's Paints unusual spreading and covering capacity as well as durability and protective properties. Local Ramsay Dealer will serve you with any information you may desire--or write to us direct. W- RAMSAY & SON COMPANY Makers of Fine Paints and Varnishes 5 ESTABLISHED 1342 MONTREAL : TORONTO s VANCOUVER "X 9mm You NEED for Preserves St. Lawrence Red Diamond Extra Granulated which owing to absolute freedom from organic impurities never causes l -those distressing failures which sometimes worry the best of cooks. Warranted pure cane sugar, the St. Lawrence Red Diamond Sugar does its full share to prevent fermentation. * Your dealer can supply Red Diamond Sugar in coarse grain, or medium, or fine as you may select. Order the big bag--100 lbs. full weight of the best sugar made and avoid frequent trips to the store. Sold also In many other sizes and styles of packages, St Lawrence Sugar Refineries Limited, Montreal 5-4-17 J X and Save Money & With leather prices still high, you may have rayerai pairs of attractive 1 - Fleet Toot Summer ohoes for what one good pair of leather boots cost. Fleet Foot line is so complete, that there are many styles for work and play--for sport* and outings--for men, women and children. As> your dealer to show you the full line of Fleet foot Shoes--and save money this summer. 205 oU r> 1 /3ft s ¥ x.