Lighten the Labor of Housecleanimg and Save Time. X to V Housecleaning is a trying task, * but many of your duties can be lightened by buying the following at the flodel Grocery Old Dutch Cleanser, a pkg 10c Star Ammonia, 3 pkgs for 25c Gilletfc's Lye, 2 tins for 25c Pearline, 10c Lux, & pkg, 10c Bon Ami, a cake 13c Brooms 40c, to 60c Snap, e.a tin 15c Soap, Cosmo, 5 for 25o Liquid I Veneer, a bottle 25c... 50c And those hurried meals during the strenous season can be prepared in a very few minutes The following will suggest the way : Pork and Beans, Canned Soups, Corn, Peas, Beans and Tomatoes, Canned Fruits, ^Meats and Fish, Self Bising Pancake Flour and others. Then there are Shredded Wheat Biscuits, Grape Nuts. Corn Flakes, Bice Flakes, Puffed Wheat and Krumbles, ready to serve in a minute. W. Blake McMurtry Ltd Highest Cash Price paid for all Farm Produce. Phones Nos. 72 and 1 82. Bowmanville. FARMERS' ATTENTION Martin-Senour lOOpercent Paint Protect vour buildings, fences, and sheds and especially your farm implements, by applying a good coat of paint. This insures them against weather wear--the wear that junks more farm machinery, machinery, takes down more fences and makes more repairing, also on buildings, than anything else. One coat of paint prevents your implements from rusting. It not only sticks to metal but gives a very tough film that is impervious to moisture and keeps out rust. Buildings that are principally wood will last for a long time without without painting but they will last for centuries if they are kept well painted. An unpainted or poorly-painted building shrinks in value faster than by rotting shingles or blackened warping clapboards. clapboards. Look over your house and implements and figure for your^lf the improvement and economy there will be for you by giving them a good coat of Martin Senour 100% Pure Paint. w. H. DUST AN, SOLE AGENTS. Phone 74. Over 70 colors Bowmanville. Maple Sugar £ We have just received our first shipment of this year's Maple Syrup and Maple Sugar. It is of the highest quality. We have it in gallon tins smaller quantities. Don't fail to try it as we never had better. Special attention to phone orders Phone 65 AfChlC T âît, Bowmanville The Reliable Grocery House BOWMANVILLE, MAY 17. 1917 ■* ÏK The 235th Battalion has arrived safely in England. Orillia's population is 8,854. Prudent people will plant potatoes. Miss Ruth Squair is home from Toronto University. ^ Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Green spent Sunday with friends in Port Hope. Mrs. G. M. Sellars, Chicago,.Ill-, is visiting visiting her mother, Mrs. E. J. Carr. Haddy & Co announce their Midsummer Midsummer opening Tuesday, May 22nd. Mrs. Geo. M. Carruthers is visiting hér sister, Mrs. Thos. Buttars, Cobourg. Miss Chrissie Freeman and" mother recently recently visited with friends in Toronto. Mrs. T. E. Prout and Miss IrmaBàbcock visited with friends in Oshawa recently. A proud Winnipeg mother has three sons in the navy and three in the army. Mrs. Jim Ridge and Mrs. Fred Lyle recently visited with friends in Toronto. Mr. A. Yeo, Oshawa, and Mr. George Yeo, Orono, spent Sunday at Mr. W. H. Yeo's. Mr. Harold Balkwill recently visited his aunt, Mrs. W. Coombe, on his way to Winnipeg, Man. Mr. and Mrs. John Fisher, Toronto, are visiting their daughter, Mrs. (Dr) R. W. Clark, Centre-st. Miss A'Edra McReynolds is visiting her sister Mrs. W. W. Willis and other friends in Toronto. Miss Marjorie C. King has passed her General Course in household science at Toronto University. Dr. Garnet M. Trewin, dentist, Oshawa, has moved to his new office over Deten- beck's, King-st East. Rev. T. W. Wood, pastor of First Methodist Church, Picton, has accepted an invitation to Newmarket. The annual meeting of the Farmers' and the Women's Institutes will be held at Newtonville on Friday June 22nd. Be sure and see us before buying your new tires--we can save you money. A. W Pickard, The Garage, Bowmanville. Lieut. D. G. M. Galbraith of 109th Batt., Toronto, spent Sunday with his aunts and uncles at "Meadowbank Farm". Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Duncan, Richmond Hill, recently visited her uncles, Messrs. James and Robert Beith at Waverley Farm. Mr. N. W. Reynolds, Solina, on active service, has been granted his exams at Toronto University in Mathematics and Physics. Mr. T. H. Everson, Oshawa, has sold his block of four stores on Simcoe-st North to Frank and Orazio Gerace for $15,000. Sergt. F. J. Trick who enlisted in Calgary, Calgary, and was killed in France April 9 was a grandson of Mr. Fenton N. Stevens, Ontario-St. Mr. R. J. Lowens left on Tuesday for New Liskeard, New Ontario. He has been appointed as Fire Ranger in Northern Northern Ontario. Mrs. Philip Tyler, Toronto, recently visited her husband who is ill in Bowmanville Bowmanville Hospital. They have rented Mrs. I. Hobbs' cottage. Messrs. J. E. and D. Adams motored out from Lindsay on Wednesday and visited their brother Mr. Wm. Adams, High-st., north. Seven per cent of men enlisting in-Canada, in-Canada, accepted and trained, were afterwards afterwards discharged before going^overseas, as medically unfit. No farmers' excursions are to run to Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph, during June, largely because railways are too busy to spare the trains. Mr. J. L. Hughes compliments the Christian Guardian on not being bossy. The only boss J. L. will tolerate he sees every morning in his mirror.-- Onllid Packet. Mrs. D. B. Simpson. Mrs. H. W. Burk, Mrs. E. V. Scobell, Mrs. C. Cox, Miss Allen, Allen, Miss Elsie M. Bragg and Miss Mabel C. Cox attended the Ontario Women's Liberal Association meeting in Toronto last Friday. The Y. M. C. A. subscriptions are now mostly paid in and will be acknowledged in The James Papers next week. Any money not yet paid should be handed to the Treasurer Mr. W. J. Jones before next Tuesday., x Review: Peterboro will have an emergency emergency supply of 3000 tons of coal on hand at the beginning of next winter to be able to supply citizens who have not storage storage facilities and are unable to get delivery delivery from local dealers. Miss Géorgie I. Langmaid has been engaged engaged to recite at Valentia Sunday School Anniversary on May 28th--her second engagment. She has also been engaged by the Ladies' Aid of Lakefield for next Thanksgiving Day concert. The Girls' Patriotic Club purpose holding holding a demonstration of sports on Victoria Day, May 24, at the Agricultural Grounds, Bowmanville, for the purpose of raising funds for providing comforts for the soldiers in France. Keep _ this day open for this worthy cause. Miss Aileen Hazlewood and Miss Mary McClellan have received Honorable Mention Mention in Art in May number of The School, Toronto. Miss McClellan's was selected among the first ten to be used for illustration illustration in the number. Miss Isabel K. Smith, B. A., is their teacher in Art at the High School. Patronize Red Cross Collector --Persons who do not GIVE old papers, magazines, rags etc. to the Red Cross may sell them to L. Pike the collecter who will pay the highest prices He will be pleased with your patronage. Call at 7 Argyle St, Bowmanville, or Phone 289. East Whitby farmers whose cattle have died of anthrax allege that the Robson Leather Co., which manufactures from 1,000 to 1,200 sides of leather a day, is responsible. They have entered action and will move for an injunction restraining restraining the company from depositing waste, from its tannery into the Oshawa creek which flows through East Whitby. Mr. W. Claude Ives who has been with Mr. Fred R. Foley for the past three years in the Parlor Boot Shop _ori the Sunnyside, has accepted a position in Trenton and left for there Monday. Claude carries with him the good wishes of all our citizens who wish him success in his new position. He has been a faithful faithful worker' in the Methodist League and Sunday School and will be greatly missed by our young people. Ladies' and Gentlemen's Suits repaired» cleaned and pressed at Couch, Johnston & Cry derman's Limited. Help to lower prices By raising something. something. ."Every ounce of food wasted helps the German cause." If you enjoy a good entertainment go to the Parish Hall Friday evening. Mrs. W. H. Williams is visiting her brother, Mr. Alex. Paterson, Richmond Hill. Solly Solwitcb the produce man is starting a market day^See his add for particulars. "" Miss Young of Haddy &.Co, was in Toronto Monday attending the midsummer midsummer opening. Bowmanville stores, shops and offices will close at 12.30 p. m. Wednesdays dur- June, July and August. 18-tf Dr Edwin Washington and two children of Osage, Sask, are visiting his parents^ Rev and Mrs W C Washington. Having purchased a number, of tires before before the advance in price we have some good bargains to offer. A. W. Pickard. We handle the . famous Bayne buggies and they are good ones. See us before buying. A. W. Pickard, The Garage Bowmanville. Bowmanville. Mr Geo Jamieson has been appointed postmaster at Newcastle to fill the vacancy vacancy caused by the resignation of Mr Wellington Foster. Men's and Boys' Ready-to-Wear Suits and Rain Coats in all sizes and qualities at Couch, Johnston & Crvderman's Limited. Limited. No better value anywhere. Mr. and Mrs. ohn Short, College Hill, Oshawa, announce the marriage of their daughter Maude to Mr. Geo. James Bell, of Oshawa, the marriage to take place on June 1st. Any Senior Team desiring a good game in their home town on 24th of May, communicate communicate with Mr. Wm. Almas, The Athletic Base Ball Club, 28 Brookmount Road, Toronto. Editor Jas Gale, who was on the Advocate Advocate staff for seven years previous to last May, when he left, has returned to Erin again and resumed his old position --Erin Advocate. Capt the Rev H I Horsey, Ottawa, was one of the speakers at the annual meeting of the ColoniXl Missionary Society in City Temple, London, England. He is a nephew of our Police Magistrate. Miss Ada Silver, Toronto, has been visiting her-sister, Miss Alice Silver who underwent an operation for appendicitis in Bowmanville Hospital on Wednesday of last week. She is progressing nicely. SL John's Sunday School will repreat the play "The Making of the Canadian Flag" in the Parish Hall on Friday evening evening May 18th at 8 p.m. A pantomine in moving pictures will also be presented. Admission 15 c. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Vanstone, Whitby, received a cable saying their son, Sapper H. Neil Vanstone, is seriously ill in Northumberland Northumberland Hospital, Newcastle, England. England. Neil is suffering from lung trouble and it is presumed that he has been a victim victim of Hun gas.- Gazette. ; Mr. Fred J. Van Nest's host of friends in this town and district will be glad to learn that he has been appointed manager of Mr. Ernest A. Legge's drug store at 831 College-st„ Toronto, one of the finest drug stores in the city. Fred is an excellent excellent salesman and a very popular young man. He will be greatly missed in musical musical circles here and especially from the Methodist Church where his fine baritone voice has so often been heard with genuine satisfaction. Mrs. (Rev.) W. C. Washington received word Saturday of the accidental death of her sister-in-law, Mrs. Sidney W. Day of Kingston who met her death by burning and suffocation. Deceased had gone down cellar and lighted a match to locate a bad odor when her woollen wrapper caught fire and she was instantly enveloped enveloped in flames. Deceased was 64 years of age and besides her husband leaves two sons, A. E. Day, barrister and Dr. H. E. Day, and one daughter, Miss Mabel Day at home. Another son, Lieut. Calvin W. Day met his death at the battle of Langemarck two years ago. He was the first Kingston officer to fall at the Western Western front. Mr. Linnaeus J Rogers P D D G M I O O F, one of the most prominent Oddfellows Oddfellows in Ontario having filled some of the highest offices in the Order, died in Oshawa on Friday. The funeral took place from the family residence under the direction of the Oddfellows of Oshawa, 300 in line. He was a member also of the town council, and of King-st Methodist Methodist church. Being such an active member member of the IO OF his services will be greatly missed. P D D G M W Hallett of Whitby represented Whitby District and P D D G M, F C Pethick represented Florence Nightingale Lodge. " CHEAPER GASOLINE . Let us burn out your engine with our new carbon burners, which will give your engine more power, hence more milage on your gas. A. W. Pickard, The Garage Bowmanville. r '$ Letters which have reached this office this week indicate that in New York City and in the northwest provinces weather conditions are much like we have been having it--a cold backward season. Notices of Births BO cents? Marriages BO cents? Deaths, SO cents, each insertion. When fnneral card» are printed at this office. Insertion free. BIRTHS. Patton--In-Clarke, May 6th. to Mr. and Mrs. Percy Patton, twin boys. Cochrane--In Darlington, May 14, to Mr. and Mrs. Fred. Cochrane, a son. Stainton--In Oshawa Hospital, May 12, to Mr. and Mrs. LutherJ. Stainton, Brdbklin, a daughter (Mary Elinore.) Campbell--At Victoria Memorial Hospital, 66 Isabella-st., Toronto, on May 3rd, to Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Campbell, 24 Cedarvale Ave., a daughter. MARRIAGES Linton--Holtby--At Prince Albert Parsonage by Rev. J. W. Bnnner, April 26th, Mr. Norman Linton/ Pickering, and Miss Eva Elizabeth Holtby of Reach. Richards--Birch--At St. Michael's Toxteth, Parish of Walton-on-the-Hill, county of Lancaster, Lancaster, Cornwall, England, May 6,1867, by Rev. Dy- son Nycroft, Robert Richards, and.Elizabeth Birch, daughter of John Birch, both of Lancaster, Lancaster, Lancashire, England. Leland--Wickett--On May 10th, in New York U. S. A., Mrs. Motley S. Wickett, formerly Bar oness Hidessa von Dann, only daughter of the late Col. Baron Dann von Daun, ana Honorable Frank Bruce Leland, president of United Bank of Detroit, and Regent of the University of Michigan. Michigan. DEATHS Chapman--At Nesfcleton, May 6th, William Chapman. Rogers--In Oshawa, May 11th, Linneans J. Rogers, in his 60LÜ year. Hancock--In Newcastle, May 5, Mrs. John Hancock, aged 76 years. Beamish--At Port Hope, May 9th, William E. Beamish, aged 64 years. Rutherford--In Orono, May 14th, James Rutherford, M. D., in his 73rd year. CROSSEN--At Toronto, May 10th, Elizabeth Hewsori, widow of the late Thomas Crossen. Morcombe--In Whituy, May 9th, William Mor- combe, in his 92nd year, former resident of Darlington. Darlington. Mitchell--At Port Hope, May 10th. Margaret Sadler, relict of the late John Mitchell, in her 86th year. Milne--At Ambleside, Scugog Island, May 8, at the home of his sister Mrs. John Adams, Robert Robert Howard Milne, in his 61st year. Little--In Darlington, May 16th. Mary Lang- staff, widow of the late Walter Little, aged 86 years. The funeral from the residence of her son, ML Wm. Little, lot 6, con. 4, at 2 p. m. for Orono Cemetery. "Lest We Forget" E. R. BÔUNSALL, Designer and Dealer in Monuments, Tablets, Markers, etc., in Granite and Marble. Bowmanville, Ontario. NOTICE During DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE'S absence with the Canadian Expeditionary Expeditionary Force his Dental Office will be conducted by J, J. CRAIG, L. De S., De De Se, Honor Graduate in Dentistry of Toronto University. Bowmanville - Ontario Office Phone 40. House Phone 16 rIRL WANTED for light housework. Good I wages, Apply to Drawer B, Bowmanville. 1 10-t w ANTED--A democrat about a half ton capacity; capacity; cheap for cash. L. J. Goodman, Tyrone. Tyrone. Phone 181-r 2 2. W ANTED--A good all-round general who nm derstands plain cooking. Highest wages and a comfortable home. Apply Box V, Bowmanville. 18-tf H ORSE FOR SALE--Horse, Buggy, Cutter and Harness. $100 for outfit or will sell separately. separately. Apply to A. W. Pickard, The Gar ille. age, Bowmanvill 17-tf P EARL BROOCH LOST--In town on Sunday last, a pearl brooch. Supposed to be on Silver or King-st. Finder return to Mitchell's Mitchell's Drug Sïore. 20-tf F OR SALE--A new Bungalow, on Elgin-st, just north of the bridge £ acre land. An elegant home for someone. Apply to J. H. Varcoe, or Norman Pingle, town. 20-tf H IGHEST PRICE PAID--For scrap and metal, also poultry and eggs by the Bowmanville Bowmanville Iron & Metal Co. Joe Rosenvolt, Proprietor, Proprietor, 7 Argyle-st, or phorie 289. 17 M ECHANICS WANTED--Body builders, cabinet cabinet makers, carpenters, and handy men for various departments. Chevrolet Motor Cot, of Canada, Ltd., Oshawa, Out. THE HONOR ROLL Wounded--Lieut. E. R. Hughes, Bowmanville, Bowmanville, Gunner R A Keachie, Toronto, son of J D Keachie, 66 Asquith; L C Dunstan, Millbrook; K McKenzie, Port Hope; C Davis, Bethany; C G Venning, Rlaplfçtnrlf It is reported,- that Lieut. A W Pratt, Oshawa, formerly Manager of the Bell Telephone here, is reported killed in action action in France. O LD FALSE TEETH--Bought in any condition. $1.00 per set or seven cents per tooth. Cash by return mail. R. A. CopemaN, 2579a Esplanade Esplanade Avenue, Montreal, P. Q. 16-13w* C LIPPERS AND SHEARS SHARPENED--I am prepared to sharpen all kinds of Clippers and shears; satisfaction given and work guaranteed. guaranteed. Orders may be left at Bailes' Hardware Store or at North West corner of Prince and Elgin Sts., Thomas Buckley, Oshawa. 18-Sw F OR SALE--Five dwelling houses, comer King and Brown streets. Bowmanville, the property property of the late Mrs. Wm. Rowe, (known as the Westcott property). Will be sold en bloc or separate. separate. Any reasonable terms may be made to suit purchasers. Apply to L. A. W, TOLE, real estate, agent, Bowmanville. 60-tf H OUSE FOR SALE--That desirable brick residence residence on Centre-st, containing six rooms and two large halls, heated by furnace, harel and soft water in kitchen, fine cellar, electric lighted, good garden. Soldvery reasonably for immediate sale. Apply to Alex. Colville, corner Centre and Concessionsts., Bowmanville. 46-tf S UITCASE LOST--On Saturday, between Toronto Toronto and Blackstock, one tan suit case containing containing various things, clothing, parse, wrist- watch,\money, etc. Special sentiment attached g##########»########»####; ! 1XTa frlim ! e * e s : At Prices That Are c Right We have in stock a very complete line of Gent's Watches v made by the best makers. Waltham, Elgin, South Bend, and high grade Swiss watches such as the Omega and Lougine watches. watches. A reliable timepiece is a necessity to every man and we have it right here, and at the right price. Special Prices On Omega Watches For instance our 7 Jewelled Omega Watch in nickel or gold filled case at $7.00 and $9.00. ^ Our 17 Jewelled movement in gold filled cases at $15.50. * jjfe But come in and see our stock and we will be pleased to IP tell you all about any of these watches. ALEX ELLIOT § Successor to C. H. Haddy ÿ Watchmaker Jeweler Phone 88 Engraving Free & jjtt É/k É/k Éir tfit tfWr rift m ifi a* at ait aft an- at- tit ifi an aw- m ^ NOTICE TO MEMBERS OF BOWMANVILLE HORTICULTURAL HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY. Subscribers may call during May at S. J. Jackman & Sons'greenhouses to make selections of plants coming to them as members.' Plants are now ready. Subscriptions--$1.00 Subscriptions--$1.00 per year--should be sent in at once to the Secretai^y, Mrs. Edith V. Scobell, Bowmanville. Port Darlington Harbor Co-, Annu al M e e t in g . NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the annual GENERAL MEETING of the Stockholders of the Port Darlington Harbor Company will be held at the office of the Company, Port Darlington, Darlington, Town of Bowmanville, on Monday, the Fourth day of June^l917, at the hour of FOUR O'CLOCK in the afternoon for the election of Directors for the said Company for ensuing year and for transaction of such business as may come before the meeting. J. A. McClellan, Secretary. Dated at Bowmanville, May 16th, 1817. 20-2w to purse and watch. Substantial reward to the finder. Kindly notify or return to R. A. PINK, Blackstock, or T. Toronto, Ont, C. Stewart, 1368 King-st., W., 20-tf.' Township of Darlington Court of Revision and Appeal. Notice is hereby given that the first sittings of the Court of Revision for the Township of Darlington Darlington will be held at the Town Hall, in the village village of Hampton on Saturday, May 26th, at the hour of 2 O'CLOCK p. m., to hear and determine the several complaints and omissions in the As sessment Roll for the said Municipality for the year 1917. All persons having business at the Court are requested to attend as aforesaid. W. R. ALLIN, Clerk of the Township of Darlington. Dated at Hampton the 14th day of May, 1917. 20-2w Solly Solowitch 10 Brown Sfc. Phone 285. Bowmanville Is opening a market in Bowmanville Bowmanville on Tuesday and Wednesday of each week when he will buy all kinds of Poultry. Eggs and Sweet Butter paying lc per dozen more on eggs and 2c per lb more on poultry than omether days. Also buys all kinds of junk, paying the highest prices in Eastern Ontario. 20tf From the Cheapest that is Good to the Best that is Mined Is the kind of Coal we carry. Better order your Coal early and be sure of your winter supply. No order is too small or none too great to receive our prompt attention. Lehigh Valley Coal the kind that satisfies All orders will receive our best attention John A. Holgate & Son Office and Yards, cor. Queen and Division Streets. Telephone No. 153 office. House Phone 202. Bowmanville, Ont. ! The Ladies' Store Have you seen ourl'entrancing'display of high class novelties in Ladies Spring Suits, Coats,"Skirts and Waists. , We believe without exception Ewe are showing this Spring the most attractive assortment of these garments it has ever been your privilege to see In Bowmanville. Ôur Dress Goods department also abounds with the latest and most desirable weaves of every description. description. We kindly invite your inspection Telephone 106 5. W. Mason & Son Next door to Standard Bank Bowmanville