BOWMAN VILLE, MAY 17, 1917 The Universal Cry is How can we Save Money? The answer is "Beal at Our Store." We have a choice lot of Groceries, the best the market produces and we sre selling at prices, in many cases not touched by war conditions. Here are a few of the many good things we have that makes it worth your while to favour us with your custom : 100 lbs Granulated Sugar $9.00 20 lb Granulated Sugar- $1.80 2 lb Prunes 25c 3 Packages of Jellies 25c 2 cans Peas 25c 1 gallon Maple Syrup, $1.75 4 lb Good Rice, 25c 1 lb Red Rose Tea ......40c 1 lb Lipton Tea, 40c 2 packages Maccaroni 25c L bottle Olives ...10c Extracts, 3 bottles 25c 3 packages Handy Ammonia 25c Brooms 50c Don't forget we have fresh Fish every week. Highest Cash Prices paid for new laid Eggs, Butter and all Farm Produce, HARRY ALLIN Phone 186 Bowman ville Bread Goes Up. 10c per Single Loaf Owing to the advance in the price of flour we are compelled to raise the price of our bread to 10c per Single Loaf. Hot from the Oven with all its fragrant freshness is the way early callers get our bread. If you cannot come to us we will come to you. . Order us to leave a loaf or more at your house daily. We will be there in plenty of time for dinner which our delicious bread is bound to make more enjoyablè than ever. Thomas Tod Baker ând Confectioner Phone 3, Bowmanvïlle Wall Papers Although the price of papers has greatly increased, increased, we still have dainty and up-to-date designs for 8c per roll and upwards. Suitable for any room. W. T. ALLEN Big 20 Bookstore ■ - - Bo^wmerCbitle EM FIELD Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Powell, Oshawa, Sundayed .at Mr. Benj. Powell's... .Mr. Levi Niddery, Hampton, Miss Lena Niddery and Mrs. Montgomery, Toronto, visited relatives here recently Seed ling is about all completed in this vicinity ... Anniversary services will be held here on Sund. y only--in the near future. A Memorial Service will be held at Enfield Methodist Church on Sundav.May 27th at 2.30 p.m. for Pte. Chas. Wesley Wotten who laid down his life at Vimy Ridge _ on April gth. Orangemen of Enniskillen Lodge will be present body. Orangemen are invited to them in honoring their fallen hero. Dixon's Grease--See"F. O. Mason. Improve your rugs by applying Chi- I Namel around the border. Only at W. H. Dustan's - in a join ORONO John Tamblyn lost a couple of register ed Holsteins... .Methodist S. S. Anniver- Irene Bray, Enfield, at Mr. J sary May 20. Rev. Geo. Brown, Hamp ton, will conduct the services... .Mrs.Jno I Chapman, aged 86 years, suffered a stroke Field crop entries in oats and corn must be made at once with A. Henry.. I G. H. Moody has imported a western rooster valued at $23 Chas. Philips, Consecon, who is with the Canning Fact ory, and family occupy the C. J. Thornton Thornton house.... W. Beamish died at Port Hope. He was a brother of Mesdames Wm. and A. J. Staples Mrs. Morrow, sr., has gone to Bowmanville to reside with her daughter, Mrs. Jas, Gillis, for the summer.... Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Doncaster, Bowmanville, recemly visited here... .Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Cobbledick and Mrs. D.F. Walsh attended the funeral of their nep j hew, Merrill Jewell, Toronto The little daughter of, Mr. and Mrs. Cleve Clemence, Kirby, who underwent an operation in Wellesley hospital, Toronto, for mastoid is recovering Major-General John Hughes has gone to Ottawa and Halifax, en route to France, where he goes on a 3 months' trip of inspection for the Militia Department... .Leland Hooper, son of Harry Hooper, died of wounds April 29. Fletcher Cann is reported missing. Athol Gray is wounded. Capt. P. E. Doncaster was in the Vimy Ridge fight but escaped I unhurt. Buggies--McLaughlin and Gray's at F. O. Mason's. The easiest, cheapest, and most satisfactory satisfactory wall finish--Muresco. At W. H. Dustan's. Farmers, if you want a new Buggy see Mason & Dale Hardware before purchasing. purchasing. It will pay you. HAYDON (Crowded out last week) Visitors: Mr. Geo. Butts and Mr A. Grant, Toront 0, at Mr. W. H. Creeper's; 1 Mr. Thos. Slemon and Mr. Thos. Mount- joy visited at Mr. Wesley Mountjoy's, Blackstock, recently; Mr. ancPMrs. J. E. Elliott and Mr. and Mrs. McGill, Cadmus, at Mr. Rd. Slemon's; Welcome to Mr Raynor who has purchased the mill property property here Temperance program in charge of Mrs. C. Cooper was given at close of Sunday School and was very interesting interesting Mrs. F. A. Parrett and son Frank, Glendive, Montana, are visiting friends here Newly elected Sunday School officers are: Superintendent--Mr. Cecil Slemon; Asst, do--Mr. Milton Slemon; Slemon; Treas.--Mr. Theo Slemon; Sec'y.--Mr. Milton Slemon; Asst.--Miss Kate Moore; Organist--Miss Ethel Ashton; Asst.--Miss Vera Mountjoy; Inter. Boys--Miss Vera Slemon; Inter. --Girls--Mrs. TheoSlemon; Juniors--Miss Vera Mountjoy; Primary-- Miss Lena Slemon; Missionary Convener --Miss Elsie Gilders; Temperance--Mrs. Chas. Cooper. Adult Bible Class--Pres. Mr. Theron Mounfjay; 1st Ethel Ashton; Teacher--Mrs. Henry Ashton; Ashton; Sec'y--Miss Stella Slèmon; Treas.-- Mr. Russell Crossman Election of Ep- worth League officers resulted a's follows: President--Miss Lena Slemon; 1st Vice Mrs. Theron Mountjoy; 2nd Vice--Miss Vera Slemon; 3rd Vice--Miss Hilda Graham; Graham; 4th Vice--Mr. Russell Crossman; 5th Vice--Mr. Elgin Mountjoy; Treas.--Miss Kate Moore; Sec'y.--Miss Mary Ashton; Corr-Sec'y--Miss Vera Mountjoy; Organist--Mrs. Organist--Mrs. Théo Slemon; Asst.--Miss Clara Pollard. ENNISKILLEN Anniversary services of Enniskillen Methodist Sunday School will be held as follows:--On Sunday May 20th Rev. A. H. Foster, Whitby, will preach at 10 30 a.m. and 7 p.m. Special music. Collections Collections in aid of school funds. All services in large tent. On Thursday May 24th'at 3 p.m. à baseball game will be played between the married and single men. At 4.30 p.m. a football game is expected between Ennis- kil en and Tyrone. Supper served at 5 P-m. At 8 p.m. a high-cLss concert will be rendered by the following:--Miss Clarice Spencer, entertainer, Toronto; Miss Gertrude Stevens, contralto, Peter- boro, Mr. E. Franke, violinist, Bowmanville, Bowmanville, Miss Shaw, Bowmanville, and Miss Young, Peterboro, accompanists. Admission: Admission: adults tea and concert 50c; tea or concert 35c, children: tea and concert 35c, tea or concert 20c. -, Public cordially invited. invited. ( Crowded out last week) Visitors: Miss Skuce, Toronto, at the Parsonage; Mr. and Mrs. Norman Red- path, at Camborne; Mr. Frank and Miss _ A. Werry's; Mr. Walter Ran ton, Hampton, at Mr. Rd. Bentham's, Union; Mr. and Mrs. Jabez Moore, at Mr. Wm. Oke's; Mr. J. E. Virtue has returned to the city to work Word has been received that Pte. Charles Wotten was killed on April 9th at Vimy Ridge. The relatives have the sincere sympathy of the community An official letter to Mrs. Wm. Gilbert stated that her son, Pte. George Gilbert was badly wounded in the ankle, and lav in a shell hole for s x hours before being rescued Mr. Rd. Bentham received word that their son Dr. Wm. Bentham had reached England in safety Messrs. Jas. and Wm. McLaughlin have a new car... .Quarterly meeting was wellattend- Sunday morning by the home members, and a good service. Practice for the anniversary was held Sunday evening,... Mesdames John and C. W. Slemon, B. Palmer and W. J. Stainton attended the W. M. S. District Convention at Newcastle Newcastle Tuesday Mrs. Chas. Stewart is delegate to Branch meeting at Bowmanville Bowmanville in June and Mrs. J. A. Werry alternate alternate W. M. S. sent a letter of condol ence to Rev. and Mrs. J. A. Jewell, Toronto, Toronto, on the death of their younger son, Merrill who died of SALEM Sunday School Anniversary services will be held Sunday ând Monday May 27th and 28th. Rev. Wm. Higgs, ' Mill- brook, will preach Sunday at 2.30 and 7 p.m. Subscriptions and collections in aid of Sunday SchooL funds. 20-2w. DARLINGTON Base Line Anniversary will be held on Sunday May 20. Rey. J. S. I. Wilson, Oshawa, Rev. R. A. Delve, Courtice, ând others will speak. The school will be assisted assisted in the musical program by Miss Lorraine Tod, Oshawa, Miss Reta M. Caldwell, Providence, and Mr. Frank Walters, Courtice. Services at 2.30 and 7.30 p.m. The finest stock of Curtain Scrims and Bungalow Net ever shown in town at Couch, Johnston & Cryderman's Limited.' TYRONE S.undayr-School Anniversary will be held Sunday, May 20, when sermons will be preached at 10.30 a.m. and 7 p.m. by Lieut. J. H. Garden, Toronto. Music by school. Collections in aid of school fund Public invited. Rey. J. E. Beckel delivered a very impressive impressive and helpful sermon Sunday morning on Prayer, why unanswered. In the evening Rev. Mr. Parsons paid a very high tribute to our mothers which was much appreciated Mr. A. Hills with his^ splendid staff of officers is making things hum at the League, the past two evenings being most helpful with a large addition to the membership Our Sun day School is increasing in interest and helpfulness with five organized classes, three new ones this year. A live missionary missionary committee has increased the givings in two years from $17 to $49 besides purchasing a number of missionary missionary and C. S. E. T. books. Bicycles,--Brantford, Columbia, Hyslop at F. O. Mason's. Bicycles at last year's prices at F. O. Mason's. . Auto Owners--Use Dixon's world renowned renowned grease at F. O. Mason's. Linoleums in all the best qualities and patterns at Mason 8i- Dale's Hardware. Martin-Senours paint is guaranteed against all circumstances. Sold by W.H. Dustan. and HORSE ROUTES May 4th W. M. S. officers for 1917-18: President--Mrs. John Slemon; 1st Vice-- Mrs. W. J. Stainton; 2nd Vice--Mrs. Chas. Stewart; Recording Sec'y--Mrs. Norman Redpath; Cor. Sec'y--Mrs. F. W. Lee; Treasurer--Miss Elsie E. Rundle; Organist--Mrs. Organist--Mrs. Geo. Reid; Supt. of systematic giving--Mrs. J. A. Werry; W. C. T. U. representative--Miss Grace Slemon; Sick Committee-- Mesdames H. J. Werry, C. Stewart, Jno. Cowling, B. Palmer, and H. Rogers. Watch Tower-- Mesdames H. J. Werry, C. W. Slemon, Sidney Trewin and George Reid. Six new members joined at the May meeting, and Mrs. Cowling presented with a life-member's certificate. ROYAL RIBBON--The property of o __ 7 the Clydesdale Horse Breeders' Associât pleuro--pneumonia j i?n W H1 this season of 1917 take the same R oute as last year, leaving his own stable at Enfield on Monday noon May 21st. Terms $15.00. W. J. Ormiston, 20-2 wks Manager. EBENEZER marks with Sold by W. Buggies--Ten different styles at F. O. Mason's. No ending or beginning Muresco. Easily applied. H. Dustan. New and elegant voile, crepe de chene, and Georgette Crepe Blouses just opened out at Couch, Johnston &Cryderman,Ltd. HAMPTON Seed Time Coining! Where will you buy your Seeds? We have a limited supply of the following: WHEAT--Arnecfca (Goose) and Brince Imperial BARLEY--0. A. C. No'. 21, and 2-Rowed OATS--White Wave, Waverley, and 0. A. C. No. -72 GRASS SEED--Red Clover, Alsike, Timothy, Sweet Clover and Alfalfa. •The Grass Seeds are all Government Tested, and the grain is of good quality and free from noxious weeds. Our prices are reasonable and we shall appreciate your trade. Phone 15 McClellan & Co., Ltd. King'Streét East - - Bowmanville The League meeting Friday evening in charge of Rev. Geo. Brown was opened by singing and prayer by the pastor. A chorus entitled "Follow us along" was then given. A piano -duet was rendered by Miss Lazelle Brown and Norah Horn. Mi'S Hawken gave an interesting talk on "The Methodist National Training School of Toronto" followed by a solo by Mr. Frank Walters: Rev. R. A. Delve gave an excellent address on "Canada and her Resources." Mrs. C. J. Kerslake and Mrs. C. W. Souch favoured with a piano duet. Mr. Walters again sang a solo. Mr. F. J. Groat, the former president, made a few remarks and moved that a hearty vote of thanks be extended to---Miss Hawken, Rev. Mr. Delve and Mr. Walters who so kindly assisted us on our program.) Mr. Frank Cryderman, the present president, president, seconded the motion and the hearty vote of thanks was extended to thenD The meeting closed with the ztfâtîonâl anthem and prayer by MrrSDelve. Visitors: Miss E. II. Brbwti visiting friends in Millbrook;'Mr. and Mrs. H. Foley,-Maple Grove K at Mr. A. Trenouth's; Mr. T. Salter, Mimico, at Mr. Theodore Salter's; Mrs. H. J. Hoidge, Lindsay, at Mr. M. B. Cryderman's; Mr. J. Challis, Miss Mabel and Miss C. Challis at Mr. J. Wakely's; Miss Hawkins, Methodist Trailing School, Toronto^ visiting her friendMiss L Brown; Miss L Niddery and Mrs Montgomery, Toronto, Mr and Mrs E Pascoe, Enfield, at Mr LNiddery's; The auto fever has struck the village three new ones being now in dur midst... .Congratulations .Congratulations to Mr Hilton Peters who took theC O T Course at the O A C and secured a certificate as Lieutenant. Does vour kitchen need a new Linoleum? Linoleum? MaSbn & Dale, Hardware," can suit you. It your Linoleum is beginning- to wear Chi-Namel will add several years of wear. At W. H. Dustan's. Miss Gladys Allin of Maple Grove Sun- daved at Hedley Oke's Mrs. Drake of Toronto is visiting her uncle Mr. John Worden Sucker fishing is still being cept up by our farmers--and good catches catches reported Mr. and Mrs. Patte of Oshawa spent Sabbath with her mother, Mrs. Ira Trull... .Pastor Delve and Mr. Walter visited Hampton League on Friday night, the former speaking, and latter latter singing Mr. and Mrs. C. Oke, Osh awa Sundayed. here.... Miss Vera Werry spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs. Russel C. Bragg, at Shaws Gardening was hustled last week and all are anxious to increase production Mr. and Mrs. W. Baker of Solina were guests of S. Pen- found's on Sunday... .Mr. Norman Found oa r lça ot Toronto was home forSabbath.... Mr. Yl ce m'; ss 1 anc * Mrs. Soules of Oshawa spent Sunday at her home....Some Ebenezerites attended attended the funeral of the late Mr. L. J. Rogers at Oshawa Sunday afternoon.... Miss Viola Bickle of Oshawa was home for Sunday ...Mr.- Wilfred Rundle of Toronto recently visited his parents.... Mrs. James Rundle spent the week-end in Toronto... .Seeding is now finished and some mangolds are sown. All we farmers need is warm weather now Mrs. Burns of Oshawa is staying with Mrs. J. Beer ....Mr. G. A. Williams B. S. A., Port Hope, has been here in relation to the "hired man" problem. Apply to him if you need a man or boy Miss Mary Prouse spent last week with Bowmanville relatives Housecleaning is being pretty well completed; and now our ladies may take time to consider how to cas.t their initial ballot... .There will be no evening service at our church next Sunday evening. evening. .. . Miss Ethel Brooks entertained the "Gleaners" class on Saturday afternoon. May flowering and games were enjoyed, and a fine lunch served Miss Annie Holt is back at her old place behind the counter at A. F. Rundle's store after a lengthened visited with Pickering relatives.... relatives.... Base Line S. S. Anniversary services next Sunday afternoon and evening evening Rev. J. S. I. Wilson of Oshawa preaches in the afternoon; and Rev.R. A. Delve, Pastor, at night Ebenezer S. S. Anniversary on June 10th and nth.'. Rev. Prof. McLaughlin, Toronto preaches ©«-Sunday. Monday afternoon Miss Mar- ipn-Van Nest presents, "Sowing Seeds in Danny." At night, Newcastle talent play "Valley Farm" Our W. M. S. met on Thursday at church, and had a good session. session. Mr. Delve presided. Miss Carrie Courtice gave a most interesting review of study book which all enjoyed. Solos were contributed by Mrs. G. F. Annis, Mrs. W. R. Courtice, Mrs. A. E. Rundle and Miss Alma Courtice. Readings by Mrs. B. Courtice and Mrs. H. Osborne.... Epworth League gathering Thursday night was fine. Miss Gerda Pickell presided: presided: K. ,E. Courtice read the lesson. Topic given by Mrs. Harry Balson. Readings by Miss D, Brooks and Miss Alta Pickell. Solos by Miss V. Werry and Miss E. : VanDyke, Chorus by "Sunshine" "Sunshine" class. It was an enjoyable program program Sunday was a notable day here. Weather fine, and very large congregations. congregations. Pastor preached on "Manna" in morning. "Mother's Day" was commen- orated at night, an impressive sermon on "Mother" being given. The music and flowers were an especial feature. The anthem "Alleluia"; duet by Miss A. Court- ice and Mr. F. Walter; solo by Mrs. W. R. Courtice pleased all. At Sunday School session 125 attended". Our Pastor was with us for Decision Day observance, He addressed the school, and received 30 young people on trial. John J. Mason BOWMANVILLE Insurance and Real Estate Agency Personal, careful and competent attention given to all business entrusted to us. Fire, Life, Accident, Sidkness, Automobile, Hail, Wind, Livestock, Livestock, or any other form of Insurance. List your property with us for sale or to rent. We have a waiting list of prospective purchasers and tenants. Rents collected and properly looked looked after for non-resident owners. John J. Mason Insurance and Real Estate Successor to the late Harry Cann. GRAND TRUNK syst w em y Homeseekers' Excursions. A Perfect Shoe Perfectly Made Let us show you the original with its perfect fit and lasting beauty, in black, mohogany, royal purple or patent. Let us show you the New Models Knox's Shoe Store The Store of Quality and Service. Round trip tickets to points in Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and Alberta via North Bay, Cochrane and Transcontinental Transcontinental Route, or via Chicago, St. Pauls' or Duluth, on sale each Tuesday until Oct. 30, inclusive, at low fares. - Through Tourist Sleeping Cars to WINNIPEG on above dates,J^aving Toronto 10:45 p. m. no eiÇange of cars, via Transcontinental Route. Return Limit, Two Mouthy Exclusive Exclusive of date of sale. Bert" reservations and full particulars "at all Grand Trunk ticket offices 01- write C. E. HORNING, District Passenger Agent, Toronto, Ont. J. H, H. Jury, Local Agent K SEEKE S* EXCURSIONS TU îÿ&iLe!. 30 MAY 8th TO OCTOBER 30th Every ESDAY "ALL RAIL" - also by THURSDAY'S STEAMER " Great Lakes Routes " (Season Navigation) Your Future is in thesJVest The fertile prairies have put Western Canada on the map. There are still thousands of acres waiting for the man who wants a home and prosperity. Take _ advantage of Low Rates and travel via Canadian Pacific Information from Ticket Offices: 141-145St James St., Phone M 8125, Windsor Hotel, Windsor and Place Vigor Stations. C. B. KENT, Town Ticket Agent. ■ Coal Wood Best grades of Coal only kept^ also Wood of all kinds. If you have not ordered your Winter supply yet, you had better do so as it is liable to advance^ any day. E. W. LOSCOMBE Standard Banh Building, Temperance St# Phone 177 t, Beaver Board and Roofing--just the thing for your spring repairing. For sale at Mason Dale's Hardware. Moior Cars Roadster - - $950 Country Club $1110 b. Toronto Subject to change without notice A Car of Pleasing Design The design of the new WiHys-Overland Light Four is notably pleasing and satisfying in lines and proportions. Crowned fenders, sweeping in their curves, and unobstructed running boards, emphasize the long, low appearance. This car is a beautiful example of the modem tendency toward straight, flowing lines. The attractive finish--in keeping with the other distinctive qualities of this WiHys-Overland car--completes its thoroughly 'stylish appearance. And the tremendous volume of the WiHys-Overland factories. - makes it possible to offer this efficient,, styhsh and comfortable car at a reasonable price. A.W.PICKARD, Agent P