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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 May 1917, p. 4

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BO WM AN VILLE, MAY 1917 DISTRICT CONVENTION The twenty-fourth annual convention convention of the "Woman's Missionary Society Society of Bowmanville District was held in the Methodist church, Newcastle, Newcastle, on Tuesday, May 8th, 1917. Mis. L. A. W. Tole, District Organizer, presided. The morning session opened opened with devotional exercises conducted by the President, followed by the Roll Call of auxiliaries, circles and bands. Miss Mason, Newcastle, gave a very witty and bright address of welcome to which Mrs. Winterbom of Oshawa replied in her usual splendid manner. Excellent reports were given by the delegates from each auxiliary, circle and band, showing a very deep interest interest in the work both spiritually and financially. Total number of annual members 520 are increased by 8; life members 77, increase 7. The amount raised by the District for Missions during during the year was $1551.03, Increase of $283.36. A paper on "What has the paper t it year taught me"? was given by rs. John Colwill, Hampton, and was full of excellent ideas and bright thoughts. Mrs. (Dr.) Slemon, Enniskillen, Enniskillen, gave" a beautiful paper on "Prayer". She said prayer had one inlet--the Holy Spirit, and five outlets --on our lips, lives, service, money and power. Both sessions were brightened brightened with musical selections by Hampton, Hampton, Courtice and Oshawa auxiliaries. An exceedingly in teres tin the day was the splendid address given by Miss Brackbilf, who was dressed in a beautiful Chinese costume. Miss Brackbill has spent 24 years in China, having gone there ,in 1883, her chief work was Evangelistic and Educational Educational and the exangelistic work cannot be carried on in any better way than by the educational work which they are giving in the -Boys' and Girls' schools. The'W. M. S. occupies seven stations and need recruits, they want twenty or more women to go to China They require nurses, doctors, and also more teachers. Can we have men and women, spiritually fit, medically fit, for this work? Let us do in comparison comparison as much for King Jesus as we do for King George, was the earnest ap- Ê eal given by Miss Brackbill. A very elpful Workers' Conference was con ducted by Mrs. T. H. Everson, Oshawa. Oshawa. A large number of questions on the work were asked and freely discussed, discussed, which proved a great benefit to the workers. The collections amounted amounted to $18.70. Mrs. L. A. W. Tole, Bowmanville, was nomitiated District Organizer. An invitation from King street auxiliary, Oshawa, was accepted for next year. FARMERS NOTICE. Having rented my storehouse I will sell the balance of eight McLaughlin and Grav buggies at cost also 20 Ton of Fertilizer if sold within the next week to avoid moving same. F. O. Mason. Works Like Gas Detroit Vapor Stoves have no wicks, no perforated metal rings or anything that looks like wick. Easy to use and easy to keep, clean--burns less Oil. We invite you to call on us and we will be pleased to show you this stove. Sold only by THEY. M. C. A.FUND. DISTRICT MEETING Rev. G._ R. Clare, Orono, Elected Chairman of Bowmanville District On the third page of this issue will be found a list of subscribers in. Bowmanville Bowmanville and vicinity to the - military; work of the YoungjMen-s Olmistian I Thç annual district met in the Method '^• s ü££ ia '£ 101 îr^ Canada .to ist League parlor on Tuesday May 22 $2,262.08. This consrdermg t^ y with good attendance ofministers and lay- other calis for patriotic, phfianthropic ! men- Rev- G. R. Clare, Orono, was elected elected other purposes is a spj^didcon- ed chairman, vice Capt. the Rev. W. G. tnbution, as there is no branch of the ciarke 'gone overseas. The ministerial organization here. I session opened at io a. m. Rev. J. E. We are fortunate, in Bowmanville Beckel was elected Secretary, in having men and wopnen-who, when Present: Revs. W. C. Washington, they take hold of any enterprise of M- A _ Frederick Woodgér. J. S. I Wilson this kind, have all the B. A., B. D„ W. H. Truscott, H. M. Man- ensure itasuccess, as has been proven ning> j. A- Connell,, G.R. Clare, R. A. over and over again. Th^jmiers, D elve, J. E. Beckel, Geb^Brown, H. Wil- tpo, are fortunate m haying a^pub- fcinson.Dr.G. c . Workman , M ; A H . B. lie always ready to contribute to any Neal> R H< Ricka ^ d B A j B Griffith, good cause. The Y. M. C. A. does a jj. Ai ' great and useful work for our soldiers p rn u,A.„ • , , in the field, and it is-gratifying fco ^obationers were recommended as know that the funds now called for ^ows -W. H. Truscott, haTing spent 4 are on hand to continue and better the I y ears °n circuit is allowed to take his col service this grand institution is rendering rendering to the Canadians at the Front and in the several training camp, HAD TWO GOOD HOUSES. RICE 0pp. Post Office & CO., Phone 66 * Beauty » Glasses Ladies strain their eyes, waste nerve energy and produce premature premature wrinkles because they think glasses detract from*their personal charms. -- * This idea is wrong. Properly fitted glasses positively improve - the looks of those with defective eyes. We make a specialty of correct fitting and put beauty in the glasses to conform |with the beauty behind. "Our Optician Looks into the Eyes." With the Electric Retinôscope The Bowmanville Dramatic Society have good reason - to congratulate them- selyes on the splendid reception given the presentation of their first play, "Mrs. Temple's Telegram". Good audiences greeted the players on Thursday and Friday evenings and the actors every one showed splendid ability in the various parts--to get out of difficult positions. The play given in three acts was mirth- provoking and kept the audience laughing during the whole performance. The cast of characters was as follows: Jack Temple, a liar in the making,--Mr H T Humby; Frank Fuller, an accomplished accomplished liar,--Mr W H Glanfield; Captain Sharpe, in love with Dorothy--Mr H M Nanson; Wigson, an immaculate, omnipresent omnipresent butler--Mr W W Boddam; John Brown, a self-made man--Mr F E Richardson; Richardson; Mrs Jack Temple, very jealous of her husband--Miss Anna Edsall; Dorothy, Jack Temple's Ward--Miss Lillian Boun- sall; Mrs Frank Fuller, a loving, trustful, wife--Miss Gladys Munday; Mrs Brown, an opinionated individual--Miss Florence Edsall. Miss Reta R Cole and Miss Jennie Merchant Merchant favoured the audience with well rendered solos between the acts and Miss Cole rendered several musical numbers during the evening that were thoroughly enjoyed. Special praise is also due Mr W H Glanfield who conducted" the rehearsals. rehearsals. Citizens will await the announcement announcement of their next ^entertainment with a keen interest. increase 187 S506 " : 35 " 726 1,526 FARM SERVICE MEDALS. Presented To 2s Boys on Monday in Methodist School Room. A very novel and interesting event was enjoyed by a goodly audience of young people in the Methodist Schoolropm Monday Monday evening, being the presentàtion of Government Medals to 25 boys who have taken situations with farmers and other to help in the campaign for increased pro- | duction. The meeting opened by singing The Maple Leaf followed by prayer by Rev. H. B. Neal. The program consisted of appropriate addresses by Mr. W. J. Bragg, Rev. C. P. Muirhead, Mr. D. R. Poole, Boys' Secretary of National Cpun- cil of Y. M. C. A., Toronto, who is spending spending his entire time this summer with the boys on the farms, Principal A. H. D. -Ross and Mr. R. N. McConachie, of the High School, and Rev. H. B. Neal. Mr. Joe Edgerton sang a solo with Miss Edith Pinch at the piano; Misses Marion Worden Worden and Ina Pethick played a piano duet. Thé boys were called up in three classes the medals given them in trust, being placed on their coats by Messrs. Ross, McConachie and Bragg. The audience applauded the boys enthusiastically as they came to the front and when they retired. retired. Mr. DR Poole addressed theboysafter- wards for half an hour receiving the keenest keenest attention of everyone present. Editor Editor M A James presided. The National Anthem with Miss Ina Pethick at the piano closed the program Great credit is due Rev C P Muirhead, rector of St John, and Rev H B Neal for organizing and carrying thru so successfully this interesting interesting function. Sole Agents for Neilson's Chocolates. Agents for Nyal Goods.. Agents for Victrola and Victor Records. Cigars. Rubber Goods. Stationery. R. M. MITCHELL & Co., Druggists and Opticians Nights and SundayslPhone 280 Phone 92 s/./, y...,;..,: . 1 I SEED CORN. Our stock of Seed Com is now complete and of excellent quality. Farmers will do well to get their supply* early as good seed is very scarce. Also feed Corru Best grades of Bread and Pastry Flour, Cereals and Mill Feed. Chas. Horn, Hampton HIGH SCHOOL NOTES Lieutenant-Colonel Gillespie, O. and I. C. C., Military District No. 3, has notified the B. H. S. Cadet Corps that Military Headquarters has granted the issue of a sufficient number of 303 rifles to meet all demands of Cadet Corps in Military District District No. 3; so it is expected that they will be here in good time for the beginning of the school year in September. What we would like to have now is proper uniforms for the corps, and it is sincerely hoped that we may be able to secure them in the near future. In uniform uniform a boy takes a far greater interest in military formations and tactics, and every teacher who has had experience with boys in schools where there is a Cadet Corps and whereJthere is not knows that the Cadet Corps has a most beneficial effect in a great number of ways. Obedience, Obedience, promptitude, greater alertness of mind and body, attention to minute details and ihe cultivation of an esperit de corps are a few of the many benefits to be derived derived from instruction in such as organization. organization. The annual contest for the Tamblyn and Galbraith prizes for Public Speaking* takes place Friday evening, June 1st at eight o'clock and all interested persons are cordially invited to be present. This is the last meeting of the Literary Society for this term, and a number of citizens have kindly consented to assist in the musical part of the program. The subjects subjects chosen by the competitors are "Submarines" "Submarines" by Robert Parker; "Canadian Standard Efficiency Tests" by Charles Rowe; and "The Need for Greater Food Production" by Rena Jewell. lege work extramurally; W. S. -Parsons to go to-college; H. B. Neal, to go to college; college; R. H. Rickard, enlisted for overseas. Rev. Wm. Jolliffe died during the year. Rev. E. A. Tonkin was asked to prepare an obituary. General session met at 1.30 p.m., with Rev. G. R. Clare presiding, Rev. J. E. Griffith was chosen Journal Secretary and Rev. H. Wilkinson, Statistical Secretary. Secretary. Nearly all the ministers and laymen laymen were present. Enniskillen circuit has a deficit of $200--recommended to favorable-consideration favorable-consideration of the Sustentation committee. Statistical secretary reported; Methodists enlisted 438 Membership 4,621, Missionary givings $7,323, •Educational " 493 Sunday School " 3,760 Trustee Boards " 20,797 $100 was put into Orono Parsonage. South Oshawa Mission was reported by Rev. W. H. Truscott as progressing very satisfactorily. Rev. J. A. Connell, Newcastle, Newcastle, was elected to Stationing Committee Committee and Rev. R. A. Delve as reserve. The following laymen were elected members members of the Annual Conference: Bowmanville--J. A Holgate, M. A. James, L. Morris, J. H. Hellyar. Oshawa, Simcoe-st--J. W. Borsberry, T. H. Everson. Oshawa, King-st--Albert R. Goyne. South Oshawa--Henry Lynch. Hampton-- A. L. Pascoe, R R I Newcastle--A. A. Colwill Newtonville--Abraham Jackson, Kendal Orono--Thos. Smith Tyrone--A. E. Clemens Enniskillen--Jas. A. Werry Cartwright J. M. Emerson, Blackstock South Darlington--J. D. Stevens, R R 3, Bowmanville. Alternates-- G. M. Long, Orono, John Bale, Oshawa, W. C. Ferguson Blackstock. ThefoIIowingministersandlaymen were elected to committees Committee Minister Laymen Class Readers H. M. Manning L. Morris E. League R. A. Delve A. L. Pascoe Contg't fund G. R. Clare A. A. Colwill Sus'fntat'n J. A. Connell A. E. Clemens Memorials H. Wilkinson H. Lynch Sab'th Obserice G. Brown A. R. Goyne Church Prop'ty J. E. Griffith J. Borsberry State of Work H. Manning J. D. Stevens Nominating G. R. Clare J. M. Emerson Educational Dr. Workman M. A James Sys. Benef'ce J, E. Beckel Thos. Smith Social Service and Evangelism, Rev. J. S. I. Wilson, John A. Holgate. J. A. Werry, Enniskillen, was elected lay representative to Sunday School committee. committee. " Elected to the Missionary committee:-- Rev. J. S. I. Wilson, Secretary, Rev. R. A. Delve, Mr. T. H. Everson, Conference Representative, Mr. J.-W. Borsberry. Resolutions were adopted as follows : H. M. Manning--J. A. Connell-- That we enter our solemn protest against the countenance given by our Government and by men in high places to race track gambling and to the secularizing of the Lord's Day. Rev. R. A Delve--G. R.Clare--That we tender our appreciation - of the work of retiring Chairman Rev. W.G. Clarke, B.A., and that we place on record our high esteem esteem of hind as a minister and leader in the work of God and the church. That we earnestly pray the Divine blessing upoi his person and work in the discharge of his military duty, assuring him of our warm esteem, remembrance and love. J. E. Beckel--Geo. Brown--That this District meeting pledge itself to endeavor to j year the sum allotted by the District for the South Oshawa Mission. J. E. Griffith--J. S. I. Wilson--That a. vote of thanks be given to the Trustee l Board and Ladies of Bowmanville Meth- j odist chùrçh fqr their hospitality to us at this district meeting. District meeting of 1918 "is to be held in the Osfiawa King-st church. Phone 129 p 6 PAY UP OR PAY INTEREST All persons having accounts with me unpaid by June 1,1917, will be charged interest. " Quantity of good hard coal for sale at my coal sheds, C. N. R. Station, Bowmanville. Terms--strictly cash. R. H. Collacott, Phone 146-r3. THE HONOR ROLL Lieut. E. R. Hughes, who left Peter- boro last May as a subaltern in the 93rd Battalion, is officially reported wounded in the recent fighting, his name appearing in to-day's list. Lieut. Hughes, who was an officer in the 3rd Prince of Wales Dragoons before the war, was in charge of the Apsley platoon of the 93rd and w<tnt overseas with Lt.-CoI. Johnston's unit, afterwards being transferred to another. another. Although his home is in Bowmanville, Bowmanville, Lieut. Hhghes had a host of friends here who wifi wish him a. speedy recovery.--Peterboro recovery.--Peterboro Examiner.. Pte. Charles Henry Campbell, a former member of the 93rd Battalion, has been wounded in thefhee according to a message message received by his parents at SOl'Sher- brooke-st. Pte. Campbell is one of "two brothers who enlisted in the 93rd Battalion. Battalion. The other brother is Pte. Forbet Campbell, now a member of the 2nd Battalion Battalion in France.--Peterboro Examiner v Town of Bowmanville Court of Revision-and Appeal NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the first sittings of the Court of Revision for the Town of Bowmanville will be held in the Council Room, Town Hall Building, oh Tuesday, June 6th, 1017, at the hour of 7.80 p; m., to hear and determine the several complaints and omissions in the Assessment Roll for the said Municipality for the year.1917. All persons having business at the Court are requested to attend as aforesaid. JOHN LYLE, Clerk of the Town of Bowmanyille. Dated at Bowmanville, the 26th day May, 1917. 5tt*2w /' Seed Corn ! Corn ! Corn ! V % We have the best varieties of Seed Corn on hand to day that we have ever had. We would advise early buying as it is going to be hard to get repeat orders. Field Corn; Silo King Longfellow North Dakota Imp. Learning Pride of Nishua White Cap Dent Wisconsin No. 7 Comptons Early Giant White Ensilage White Cap Yellow Dent Mammoth Southern Sweet Table Corn: Golden Bantam Early Minnesota Stowells Evergreen Early Sweet or Sugar McMurtry Si Co. Ltd. Phone 83 Thé Big Departmental Store Bowmanville Last Season's Shoes For Last Season's Feet At Last Season's Prices The papers and show windows are all displaying shoes with high tops, high héels and high prices, but we have a splendid variety to select from at the following prices: Patents, lace or ^button, $4.00, $4.50, $5.00. .Kid with patent tip, $2.7 5, $3.00, $3.50. We have a number of good lines at the old prices. We also have the latest fads, colors, and combinations $6to $12. Step in and look them over. Fred R. Fdley On thê Sunnysidè Phone 12 Bowmanville INSURANCE ! ! MRS. EDITH V. SC0BELL, assisted by Miss Nina E. Neads > Agency for very best lines m British and Canadian Insurance Companies FIRE - AUTOMOBILE CASUALTY SICK BENEFIT Also.tor the old and reliable Sun Life Ass. Co. of Canada, the strongest and best Canadian Life Insurance Company. DR. J. C. DEVITT, DENTIST, Grad a»te of Royxl Dental CoDeg*, Toronto. OFFICE : King St. K&st, BomnsxTvQa, OFFICE HOURS; 6 p, m. daily except Sunday. Phone 90a House Phone sob Mrs. EDITH V. SCOBELL, Bowmanvillë Box 308 Phone 189 9-3w FUNERAL DIRECTORS L. Morris & Son Mont Complete Equipment Sunday and nignt calls promptly attended to. Bowmanville Phones 10-34 Branches : ORONO HAMPTON We Guarantee Meat of Quality. When purchasing meat from ns you are always sure of the best quality and full weight. This is the secret of our success. If -you are not a regular customer of ours become one today and send in a trial order. c. M.CAWKER &Son Phone 64 Bowmanville

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