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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 May 1917, p. 7

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Thi Caxadu* Statesman and-THK Bowmah- •tiLLX News ans published ere 17 Thursday and- Friday morning, rerpeetiTely^at The States*.ax -- James Biotic, Office, James Block, 2fl -âncT 27 Klng-it. West. Bowmanrille. Ontario, Canada. M. A. James <k Sons, Publishers and Proprietors, at #1.80 per »rmnm, payable in ad-rance; 92.00 after first three months.^ SEVRES ALSO MOBILIZED. Whole Wheat and Milk the twomost perfect I Renowned Forets Beautiful China, foods given tcunan. Dietetic ; Long famous for j ts ceramics, experts may quarrel N aboUt Sevres is now performing yeoman ... « . , . « war-time service. It makes the everything else, but they are R J. HAZLEWOOD, M.D„ CAL. BowxAJrnziXiZ, - on. ( 1 OLD MEDALIST OF TRINITY UNI* "* rerslty v Toronto. Four y«*-ra Attending Physician sni Surgeon at ML Carmel Hospital. Pittsburg. Ka Office md Residence, Wellington St. Telephone No. 101. GOODMAN & GALBRAITH '••rasters and Solicitors, Notaries Public. A. r. CGDÜttAM, D. C. CALB**ITH 608 Lumsden Bldg., Yonge & Adelaide Streets, Toronto, Ontario. J. T. ALLEN, TAILOR At Rear of Standard Bank BOWMANVILLK J. T. Allen announces that he now makes suits to drder at lowest prices. Ladies* suits cleaned and pressed. Gentlemen's suits altered, repaired, cleaned and pressed. pressed. All work guaranteed and prices right. Give the old reliable tailor ? trial. RAILWAY TIME TABLES FOR BOWMANVILLE. Express 4.22 a.m Local 6.57 a.m Local 9 45 a.m Passenger 1.36 p.m Passenger 7.01 p.m Grand Trunk Railway Going East Going -West Express 8 52 a.m. Express 10 31 a.m. Passenger 3.29 p.m Local 6 49 ixm Passenger 7.18 p.m Mail 9.58 p.m Canadian/Pacific Railway Going West Going East 6.07 a.m / 10.46 a.m 4.27 pun ,/ * 12 57 a.m. C. B. Kent, Town Agent Canadian Northern Railway Going East Going West Express II.42 a.m Express 9.36 a.m Express 6 40 p.m Express 7.31 p.m PAILWAY SYSTEM GRAND TRUNK Homeseekers' Excursions. Round trip tickets to points in Manitoba. Saskatchewan, and Alberta via North Bay, Cochrane and Transcontinental Transcontinental Route, or via Chicago, St. Pauls' or Duluth, on sale each Tuesday until Ocfc. 30, inclusive, at low fares. v _ Through Tourist Sleeping Cars to WINNIPEG on above dates, leaving Toronto 10.45 p. m. no change of cars, via Transcontinental Route. Return Limit, Two Months. Exclusive Exclusive of date of sale. Berth reservations and full particulars at all Grand Trunk ticket offices or write C. E. HORNING, District Passenger Agent, Toronto, Ont. J. H. H. Jury, Local Agent agreed on this. The proper combination is Shredded Wheat Biscuit with milk --the greatest amount of protein (the element that crucibles, the condensers, the retorts, and other paraphernalia -used, in the distillation of the various powerful acids that are used in making modem high explosives . Before the war, says the Argonaut, the Central Powers had a corner "on this market. Much of the pottery In builds muscular tissue) for and glassware used in laboratories «viArtcnr ; and chemical factories came from the least money. Two or j Bohemia. As soon as the war began three of these Biscuits with j the Allies had to find ways of supply- milk make "a -nourishing ! mg their own needp. The French & government immediately turned to the Sevres plant. It was long arid slow work for the Why Mr. and Mrs. West Recommend Recommend Dodd's Kidney Pills. The/ Cured Mr. West's Lumbago and Wade Mrs. West Feel Like a New Person. They Are the Best Tonic. breakfast on which to start the day's work and they rvnlxr a -fWr rents A French ceramiA specialists, for they COSt Only a lew cents. A , , rmvpr «riven attention to that had never given attention. to that branch of the art. Before they found boon to the housewife because because they are ready-cooked !*an alloy Jffiat would hold the powerful - - --. -. . ! acids, they tried innumerable mixtures and ready-to-eat. Delicious of various kinds- with berries or other fruits. Made in Canada. Summer Models Finally they discovered a mixture that, if not the counterpart of the Bohemian, is at least as* good. Now the Sevres plant is shipping goods to England and to Russia, so that those countries are no longer forced to obtain obtain their supplies by devious means at extortionate prices from Holland and the Scandinavian countries. The huge condensers used in the distillation distillation of picric acid were the hardest hardest for the Sevres savants'to produce. They are so large that tiny cracks are likely to form in them while they are being "roasted" in the huge electric furnaces that'formerly served for the manufacture of .dishes. PERFECT HEALTH DUE TO THE BLOOD No Girl or Woman Need Be Constantly Constantly Ailing and Unhappy. r^ Nature intended every girl and eve: woman to be happy, attractive, active and healthy. Yet too many of them find their fives saddened by suffering-- nearly always because their blood is to blame. All those unhappy girls and women with colorless cheeks, dull skins and sunken, lusterless eyes, are in this condition because they have not enough blood, red blood in their veins to keep them well and in the charm of health. They suffer from depressing weariness and periodical headaches. Dark lines form under their eyes, their heart palpitates violently after the St. James, Man., May 28th (Special)^ --That Dodd's Kidney Pills are living up to their great reputation in the West Is twice proved by Mr. and Mrs. G. West, well known and highly respected respected residents of this place. Let Mrs. West tell the story of what the great Canadian kidney remedy has done for her husband and herself. "My husband suffered from attacks of lumbago," she states, "and the doctor doctor did him no gOQd, but I can truthfully truthfully say that since using Dodd's Kidney Kidney PiMa he Is entirely free from lumbago. lumbago. y "I myself took six boxes of Dodd's Kidney Pills and am just like a new person. I have gained 10 lbs. since using using them and my friends compliment me on how well I look. "I have recommended Dodd's Kidney Kidney Pills to Àome of my lady friends, who were complaining of not feeling well, and they, like myself, speak highly highly of them." Dodd's Kidney Pills cure the kidneys. kidneys. Cured kidneys make pure bipod. That is why Dodd's Kidney Pills are the best tonic. 4 TOMB OF OUR MOTHER EVE Mohammedans Claim Eve Is Burled Near Yeddah, Fort "Of Mecca. What is probably the most remarkable remarkable and strangest, of all alleged Bible tombs Is that which marks the supposed supposed resting place of Eve, the mother of the human race. It lies about a mile to -the north of Jeddah, the port of Mecca. x The tradition that Eve was buried here is older than Mohammed. Adam is believed- by some to rest at his own 'peak in Ceylon, but this Is debated by Oriental scholars. There had been a difference, so the Mohammedans say, betwe.en our first parents, and Eve spent the last years of her life at-Jeddah, at-Jeddah, where she was buried, not far from the great temple In Mecca which Moslem tradition ascribes to the hands of Adam himself. A common legend attributes to Eve the height of 118 feet, but this does not correspond with the dimensions of her tomb, which is nearly 400 feet ENCOURAGE CULTIVATION Campaign by Canadian Pacific Ry. to "Meet Food Shortage. x In order encourage the settlement settlement and cultivation-of vacant lands in the - Western Provinces, the Canadian Canadian Pacific Railway Company, through its Colonization and Development Development Department, of which Mr. J. S. Dennis is the'head, has • undertaken an activé campaign to try and induce absentee owners to cultivate their holdings. A circular has been issued to some 8,000 absentee owners, pointing out the profits which can be made by cultivating their lands, and showing how many farmers sold their last years'crop for more than the original cost of their farms. The Company offers the advice and assistance of its Colonization and Development Departmerit free of charge, in supplying reliable information information as to how to go about getting the land under cultivation and will send, on request, the fullest details as to routes of travel, customs regulations, regulations, passenger and freight rates and similar data. In undertaking this camaign the Company is following its usual broad policy of Dominion-wide development, realizing that every new settler means greater production to meet the food shortage which at present threatens the world, and which Canada, with its extensive .and fertile unplowed areas, can provide. 4 Matter of Judgment. Two men were boldly discussing the merits of a book. Finally one of them, himself an-author, said to the other: "No, John, you can't appreciate it. You never wrote a book yourself." "No," retorted John, "and I never laid an e&g, but I'm a better judge of ; an egg than any hen." | CHAIN MAIL VEIL. New Device Attached to British Helmets Helmets to Save thç-Eyes. More and more the men in the trenches are coming to resemble- their armor-clad forebears. The-latest innovation innovation is a chain mail veil draped from the -steel helhiets. The invention is that of a London eye specialist and it has proved its value. The steel veil hangs from a rod across the helmet front and protects the eyes and face, while not interfering enough with the sight to impair the soldier's efficiency. efficiency. HEAL T H YjG H IL D REN It is natural for little ones to be well, and with care every baby can be kept well. , * The main thing towards keeping little ones well is to keep their little stomach sweet and their bowels regular. Baby's Own Tablets will do this. Thousands of mothers keep the Tablets in the house, as they find them an efficient guard against illness. Concerning^ Concerning^ them Mrs. -Hilaire Desmarals, St. Joseph de SorebJÛue., writes: "I believe Baby's Own Tablets are the best- medicine in the world for children. children. My baby was terribly constipated but the Tablets promptly cured him and now he is a big healthy child." The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' - ^ Medicine Co., Brock- ville, Ont. GILLETTS LYE Loss of appetite is a serious symptom symptom in small children; but:be sure it Is loss of appetite, not "piecing" between meals, before you send for a doctor. BALE maWBFAFBEB TOM F rofit-making news and job Offices for sale In good Ontario town*. The most useful and interesting Full Information on of all businesses. application to Wilson Publishing Company, Company, 7* Adelaide Street. Toronto. MXSCSLLASnBOUS NEW AND SECOND Hand. #12.00 up. Send for special Varsity Cycle Works. 41# g ICI CLES, prie Spadlna Ave.. Toronto Carpets look much better if beaten ofi. an old bed spring than on a clothesline clothesline . Keep Minard'e liniment in the house. slightest exertion, and they are often I i on g » she must have been of a some- attacked with fainting spells. These ! what strange shape, as her grave is are only a few of the miseries, r of bloodlessness. bloodlessness. Nothing cani secure girls and women from the inevitable decline ing containing a curious- witness to only 10 feet or 11 feet wide! In the middle of the grave is a small briild- Flowered voile trimmed with plain organdy is a charming combination for a summer frock, especially if made that follows anaemia except a generous generous supply of new, rich, red blood, and nothing has ever proved so successful in creating red, good blood as Dr. Wil- HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS MAY 8th TO OCTOBER 30th Everv TUESDAY "ALL RAIL" - also by „ THURSDAY'S STEAMER "Great Lakes Routes n , (Season Navigation) Your Future Is In the West The fertile prairies have put Western Canada on the map. There are still tncusar.ds of acres waiting for the man who wants a home and prosperity. Taka advantage of Low Rates and travel via Canadian Pacific Information from Ticket Offices: 141 -145St. James SL, Phene M 8125, Windsor Hotel, Windsor and Place Viger Stations. in a manner similar to the accompany-) liams pink "Pills for Pale People, ing illustration. The pleated skirt ThousaDds and thousands of girls and finished with a frill around the waist, j women owe their good health and and big, fluffy pockets, is unusual in | cha rming complexion to the use of this its style and daintiness. McCall Pat-! medlcine> Here Is one example of its the devotion of the Moslems. On the whitewashed walls of. this little temple When buying your Piano insist on" having an "OTTO HIGEL" PIANO ACTION anger, TUMORS, LUMPS. ETC., internal and external, cured without without pain by our home treatment Write us before too late. Dr. Bellman Medical Co., Limited. Colllngwood, Ont. AUTOMOBILES FOB SALS I OTA CADILLAC IN GOOD JL«7 LU ning condition. Has tire. Price $260. RUN- spare Minard'e Liniment Co.," Ltd. Gents,--I have used your Mlnard's Liniment In my family and also In my stables for years and consider it thé"' best medicine obtainable. Yours truly, ALFRED ROCHAV, Proprietor Roxton Pond Hotel and Livery Stables. If the baby is lonesome or fussy, tie a mirror where she can see herself, and she will be interested in seeing her companion. Fasten her toys to her carriage or crib with a long string. If they fall, or if she throws them away, they can't go far and she will soon be playing with them again. BOOK ON DOG DISEASES And How to Feed Mailed free to any addreee by the Author H. CLAY GLOVER CO., Inc. 118 West 31st Sheet, New York H udson, i9i6 model, g cylin- der, 7 Passenger Touring Car. Electric Electric lights and starter. Recently overhauled overhauled and newly painted. Tires in good shape. Price $1,300. H udson, 1916 model, g cylin- der, 7 Passenger Touring Car, with electric lights'and starter. Thoroughly overhauled In our shop and newly painted. painted. Seat covers on all seats and doors. Oversize tires. Price $1,200. H udson, model, 37, 5 passenger, 4 cylinder Touring Car. Electric lights and starter, In good running order and newly painted. Looks like a new car. Price $650. P AIGE SEDAN. A VERY FINE. looking closed car seating five. Electric lights and starter, also inside dome light. Nearly all the windows open, which gives ample ventilation for summer driving. Price $700. H udson, model 83. passen- ger, '4 cylinder Touring Car, in good running order, at a special price, $360. UDSON 19lTMODEL "64." A HIGH H ^gSORBINE STOPS \LAMENESS -from a Bone Spavin, Ring Bone, Splint, Curb, Side Bone, or similar trouble and gets horse going sound. It acts mildly but quickly and good re- r. D< suits are lastin "4; )oea not blister Touring Car. In good running order and lookq^like new. Price $760. S TUDEBACKER, SEVEN PASSEN- ger, 4 cylinder Touring Car, in good running order. Tires In good shape. This car was painted this year and looks very nice. Price $350. J ACKSON, 6 PASSENGER, 4 CTLIN- der Touring Car. Has electric lights and starter, good tires, and is a bargain at the price, $300. Aak for Mlnard's and take no other. The diamond is the hardest known Wi f. YOUNG, P. D. F., 516 Lymans Bldg., Montreal, Gaa.. are hundreds of thousands of pencilled substance--to get. ^ I fesorblne tad Absorbing Jr., are made to Cmdfc names, as far as the hand can reach. or remove tne hair and horse can i "DUSSELL, 3 PASSENGER CABRIO- ■ ' i JLV let. A very handsome closed car, | suitable for a doctor. Price $1,000. I We only sell used cars after the pur- ■ chaser has had a demonstration and : satisfied himself of the running qualities qualities of the car he is buying. Call at our ; showroom next time you are in' Toronto : and let our salesmen show you any of - our used cars and give you a demonstration. demonstration. THE DOMINION AUTOMOBILE CO., I _ Limited I ' 146-150 Bay Street. Toronto. Ont. be worked. Page 17 in pamphlet with each bottle tells how. <62.00 a bottle delivered. Horse Book 9 M free. _ ABSORBINE, JR., the antiseptic liniment for mankind, reduces Painful Swellings, Enlarged Enlarged Glands, Wens, Bruises,Varicose Veins; heals Sores. Allays Pain. Will tell you more if you write. $1 and $2 a bottle at dealers or delivered. Liberal trial bottle for 10c sumps. tern No. 7785, Ladies' Waist, in 6 ! sizes, 34 to 44 bust; and No. 7795, Ladies' Two-Piece Skirt, in 39 or.37- inch length, in 5 sizes, 22 to 30 waist. Price, 20 cents each. C. B. KENT, Agent, Bowmanville. Wood's Fhospbo&ine, The Great English. Remedy. Tones and invigorates the whole nervou# system, makes new Blood In old Veina, Cures Nervous Debility. Mental and Brain Worry. Despondency, Despondency, Loss of Energy, Palpitation of the S eart, Failino Memory. Price $1 per box, six r $5. One will please, six will cure. Sold by all druggists or mailed in plain pkg. on receipt of " 'ns pamphlet mailed free. THE WOOD NECO.,TO«Orro 1 #inr. (fsrwrfyWU4**rJ © Mo Call trice. New MEDIC! F? nr-rnrrüiVffHHiïïiTn In all countries. Ask for our INVENTOR'S INVENTOR'S ADVlSER,whlch will be sent free. MARION & MARION. 8#4 University Ft., Montréal. Bloomer frocks are all the rage for little tots. The cunning model illustrated illustrated is made with dress and bloomers attached, making one garment garment to handle and to make, but giving giving the effect" of two when the little dress is on. McCall Pattern No. 7738, Child's Bloomer Dress; in 3 sizes, 2 to 6 years. Price, 15 cents. These patterns may 'be obtained from your local McCall dealer, or from the McCall Co., 70 Bond St., Toronto, Dept. W. "" power to cure. Miss Dorina Bastien, St. Jerome, Que., says: "For over a year my health was gradually failing, my blood had seemed almost to have turned to water, my cheeks were pale, my lips bloodless, and the slightest exertion left me breathless. I suffered frequently from severe headaches, my appetite failed, and my friends feared I was going into consumption. I had been doctoring but did not derive any benefit, and finally I had to give up my work and return home. It was at this stage that a friend brought me a_ box of Dr. Williams' Pink PillSs^and urged me to try them. By the, time the box "was used I thought they were helping me, and decided to continue using the pills. I took a half dozen boxes more, when my strength had completely returned, my appetite was restored, my color returned, headaches had disappeared and I was feeling better better than I had been for years. I would urge every weak and ailing girl to give Dr. Williams' Pink Pills a fair trial." These pills are sold by all medicine dealers or may be had by mail at 50 cènts a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock- ville, Ont. Minard'e Liniment used by Physicians. An Englishman has invented a vest with lapels which can be turned up and used as throat and chest protectors protectors in inclement weather. MONEY ORDERS Send a Dominion Express Money Order. They are payable everywhere. Don't throw away burnt milk; pour it into a clean jug and stand in cold water. By the time the milk is quite cold the scorched taste, will have disappeared disappeared . y When Your Eyes Need Care - Cise Murine Eye Medicine. No Smarting--Feels Fine--Acts Quickly. Try It for Red, Weak, Sore Eyes and Granulated Eyelids, Murine is compounded by our Oculists--not a. "Patent Medicine"--bnt used in successful Physicians' Dr. Beck, The Well Known Eye Specialist and Doctor Judkins, The Medical Author, Publish Astonishing Report on Wonderful uRemedy To Strengthen Eyesight Say it Strengthens Eyesight 50% in One Wèek's Time in Many Instances Practice for many years. Now dedicated to the Public and - sold by Druggists at 60c per Bottle. Murine Eye Salve in Aseptic Tubes, 16c and 60c. Write for Book of the Eye Free. Murine Eye Remedy Company, Chicago. Adi; Vegetable gardens under trees will not do well. They shade the plants and take the moisture from the soil. A STATE'S BUTCHER SHOPS; Two Swedish pulp mills are now manufacturing industrial alcohol from their waste. . A Better Name. There is a cleryman in an Ohio city who is very proud of his record as a j marrying parson. '| "Why, sir," said he to a Cincinnati man whao was visiting him, "I^marry #bout fifty couples-a week, right here in this parsonage!" "Parsonage?", returned the Cincinnati Cincinnati man, "I should call it the union depot." Hard Picking. Success is easily plucked only from the trees that grow into the /Sky. \ QUEEN'S UNIVERSITY KINGSTON ONTÀRJO V -ARTS MEDICINE EDUCATION APPLIED SCIENCE Mining, Chemical, Civil. Mechanical and ' Electrical' Engineering. HOME STUDY Art* Course by correspondence. Degree with one year's attendance. Summer School Navigation School July and August December to April 15 GEO. Y. CHOWN, Registrar New Zealand Opens Two in Auckland As An Experiment. The New Zealand government has recently opened two butcher shops in Auckland in order to keep the retail retail price of meat down to the lowest .possible minimum, and also to make the experiment as to whether under a stricter system of management the increases in the price -ef meat announced announced by the butchers are justified. The butchers are given the option of drawing^ on the Imperial Government's Government's supplies. The two freezing companies in the Auckland district will supply meat to them during alternate alternate months at bare cost, pricey without trying to make any profit on the transaction. The Governmeni^re- tail shops are already transacting^» very large business, and the public are able to purchase meat at • -substantially -substantially reduced prices. - The Isle of Man is under British sovereignity, but has its own constitution constitution and government, and is exempt from la^s made by thè British Parliament Parliament unless specifically .named. The ! chief executive officer, the Lieutenant Governor, is appointed by the British Crown. \ - Mlnard's Liniment Lumberman's Friend. To invigorate yourself when bathing, bathing, put somë coarse salt in a jar and pour on just enough water to make a slush--not enough to dissolve the salt. Take it up by handfuls and rutr yourself with it, then rinse off with clear water and rub well. DR. BECK fou Can Have Home. YES I LIFT A CORN OFF WITHOUT, PAIN Cincinnati man tells how to dry up-a corn or callue so It lifts off with-fingers. > ! You corn-peetered men' and women need suffer no longer^- Wea.r the shoes that nearly killed you*before, says this Cincinnati authority, because a few drops of treezone applied^directly on a tender, aching com or callus, stops soreness at once arid soon the corn or hardened callus loosens ^so it can be lifted off, root a-nd all, without pain. A small bottle of freezone costs very little at any drug store, but will positively positively take off every hard ,dr eoft corn or callus. This should be tried, as it is inexpensive and is said not to irritate irritate the surrounding skin. If yopr druggist hasn't any freezone tell him to get a"small bottle, for you from his wholfesale drug house. It is fine stuff and acts like a charm every time'. A Free Prescript Filled an New York.--Dr. beck, a New York state eye specialist, and) Dr. Judkins, a Massachusetts Massachusetts physician) were asked to .make a thorough test-of the popular eye remedy, Bon Opto. TheirVreports were most interesting. interesting. Here they are: Dr. Beck reports, "When my attention was first called to the wonderful eye remedy, remedy, Bon Opto, I was inclined" to be skeptical. skeptical. I make It a rule to test every new treatment which - I8~brought to my attention. Having specialized In eye work for the past twenty years, I believe I am qualified to express an intelligent opinion on remediee applicable to the eyes. Since Bon Opto has created such a sensation throughout the United States and Canada, I welcotned the opportunity to test it. I began to use It In my practice a little over a year ago and I am frank to say that the results, obtained are such that I hesitate to tell of my experience experience for fear it will sound Incredible. SoimT'of the results I have accomplished, with Bon Opto not only astonished myself but also other physicians with whom I have talked about it. I have had many Individuals Individuals who bad worn glasses for years for far-sightedness, near-sightedness, astigmatism astigmatism and other eye weaknesses, tell me they have dispensed with them through the adoption adoption of the Bon Opto principal. Many eye troubles can be traced directly to muscular contraction and relaxation and since Bon Opto method tells how to exercise and develop develop tire eye muscles, it reaches conditions not possible through-other .means. I advise every thoughtful physician to study Bon Opto principal, give it the same careful trial I have r.nd there is no doubt in my mind ' they will comè to the conclusion I Willi Willi ave, namely; that__the Bon Opto method oyons the door for"the cure of many eye troubles which have heretofore been Impossible Impossible to cope with. The, treatment is so simple in its application that It can be used -t home by anyone of average intelligence. |n my own practice I have aeeifit strengthen ISSUE No. 22--'17.- the eyesight more than 60 per cent in one week's time. I haye also used it-with surprising surprising effect In cases of work strained eyes, pink eye, in.xammed lids, catarrhal con- junetivites, smarting, painful, aching, itching itching eyes, eyes weakened from colds, smoke, sun, dust and wind, watery eyes, blurred vision, and in fact many other conditions too numerous to this report. A new and startling case has just come under my observation, which yielded to Bon Opto, Is that of a young girl, 12 years old. Two prominent eye specialists, after a thorough examination of the young girl, decided In order to save the sight of her right eye, the left eye must be removed. Before permitting permitting her to be operated on, the young girl's father decidecT^to use Bon Opto. In less than three days a marked improvement was noticed. At the end of a week the inflammation inflammation had almost disappeared, and at the ènd of six weeks the eye was saved. Just think what the saving of that eye means to this little girl. Another case is that of lady ninety-three years old. She came to me with dull vision and extreme inflamma; tlon of the.lids and the conjunctiva was almost almost raw. After two weeks' use of Bon Opto the lids were absolutely normal and her eyes are as bright as many a girl of sixteen." . Dr. Judkins, Massachusetts physician, formerly Chief of Clinics in the Union General General Hospital, Boston, Mass., and formerly House Surgeon at the New England Eye and Ear Infirmary of Portland, Maine, and medical author for many lyears, reports : - "I have found oculists too prone to operate operate and opticians too willing to prescribe glasses while neglecting the simple formulas formulas which form the basis of that wonderful home treatment for eye troubles, Bon Opto. This, In my opinion, is a remarkable remedy remedy for the cure and prevention of many eye disorders. Its success in developing and strengthening the eyesight will soon make eye glasses old fashioned and 1;he form of eye baths which the Bon Opto method provides, provides, will make its use as common as that of the tooth brush. I am thoroughly convinced convinced from my experience with Bon Opto that it will strengthen the eyesight at least 60 per cent in- one week's time in many instance®. instance®. Dr. W. H. Devine, director of medical inspection in the Boston schools, in his report published February 20, 1917, states that only 14,016 out of 89,175 examined, examined, need to wear glasses now, a marked decrease over the previous report. Bon Opto is hastening the eyeglassless age in bespectacled Boston." Victims of eye strain and other eye weaknesses weaknesses and those who wear glasses, will be glad to know that according to Dr. Beck and Dr. Judkins, there is real hope and help for them. Many whoseeyes were failing failing say they have had their eyes restored by this remarkable prescription and many who once wore glasses say they have thrown them away." One man says, after using-dt: "I was almost blind. Could not see to read at all- Now-I can read everything everything without my ..glasses and my eyes ao not hurt any more. At night they would pain-dreadfully. Now they feel fine all the time. It wns like a miracle to me." A lady who used ithiays : "The atmosphere seemed hazy with or without glasses but aftçr using this prescription for 15 days everything seems clear. I can read even figij print Without glasses." Another who list'd It says: "I was bothered with eye stralu 1 DR. JUDKINS caused by overworked, tired eyes which Induced Induced fierce headaches. I have worn glasses for several years, both for distance and close work and without them I could not read my own name on an envelope or the typewriting on the machine before me. I can do both now and have discarded my long distance glasses altogether. I can count the fluttering leaves on the trees across the street now, which for several years have looked like a dim green blur to me. I cannot express my joy at what it has done for me." "It is believed that thousands who wear glasses can now discard them in a reasonable reasonable time and multitudes more will be able to strengthen their eyes so as to be spared the trouble and expense of ever getting glasses. 'Eye troubles of many descriptions may be wonderfully benefited by the use of this prescription at home. Herp is the prescription: prescription: Go to any active drug store and get a bottle of Bon Opto tablets. Drop one Bon Opto tablet in a fourth of a glass of water and let it dissolve. With this liquid bathe the eyes two to four times daily. You should notice your eyes clear up perceptibly right from the start and inflammation and redness will quickly disappear. If your eyes bother you even a little, it is your duty to take steps to save them now before it is too late. Many hopelessly blind might have saved their sight if they had cared for their eyes in time. NOTE--Another prominent physician to whom the above article was submitted, said: "Yes, the Bon Opto prescription is truly a wondertul eye remedy. Its constituent ingredients are well known to eminent eye speflEallsts and widely prescribed prescribed by. them. I have used it very successfully successfully in my own practice on patienta whose eyes were strained through overwork or misfit glasses. It is one of the very few preparations I feel should be kept on hand for regular use In almost every family." Bon Opto referred to above, is not a patent medicine or a secret remedy. It is an ethical preparation, the formula formula being printed on the package. The manu- factyrers/guarantee it to strengthen eyesight 50 i>rr cent In one" week's. time in many instances instances or refund the money. It Is dispensed by all good druggists.; including general stores; also by G. Tamtilyn and T. Eatoa & Co.. Toronto.

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