m y h * . ni> M AMIRS VO!Cl. éA Vfc Vfc >A> vfc vt> y& $A y£i yfe yfe yfe vt> »/fc> yfe yfc yfe y% yti y^ yfe yfc yfe ytb y^ -A yfe y^> yti yfc yfc y^ yfe yfe yfe y& y<& yfc yt> yfc y^b yfc vfc> yfc yfc yfc y^ ytb yfe ytb yfe vfc yfe yfe yfc A ytb yfe yfe yfc t)h Johnny, Oh Johnny Oh! and Irish Because You're Vidtor Record Ï8279 Sung by The American Quartet is only one of the many popular ten-inch, double-sided Victor --Records for June NOW ON SALE at 90c for the two selections A few of the other good ones j 18282 I Can Hear the Ukuleles Calling Me Orpheus Quartet Mister Butterfly Charles Harrison Winner Medley--Fox Trot Dandy Medley--Fox Trot g£} 16260 Two Irish Songs by George MacFarlane $ 1.25 for the two selections What an Irishman Means by "Machree" » George MacFarlane l 45] J2 Won't Yez Kape Me Company George MacFarlane _ Two Delightful Red Seal Records s. Quartet in D Minor Elman String Quartet 64661 Solvejg's Song Amelita Galli-Curci 74522 Hear them at any "His Master's Voice" Dealers' Write for free copy of our 550-page Musical Encyclopedia Encyclopedia lifting over 8000 Victor Records. ^ Berliner Gram-o-phone Go. LIMITED %4 298 1 73 Lenoir Street, Montreal Made in Canada One Price from Coast to Coist Played Everywhere Dealers in Every Town and City "His Master's Voice" Bowmanville Dealers Levi Morris & Son Jury <& Lovell R. M. Mitchell & Co. J y* y& yfe yfe yt> Vfc> yfe yt). yfe ytb yfe »A) A> A yfe A A yfc ytb yfc dt •A A A A A A A A A A A A <y$b A Â A A A A A A A A A A A A A yffc A A BY CHAS. M. BICE, DENVER, COLO. DRAFT FOR CANADA. Sermons in Trees. A good colored man oijce said in a class meeting--"Bredren, when I was a boy" I took a hatchet and went into de woods. When I found a tree dat was straight, big, and solid, I didn't. touch -dat tree; £ut when I found one leaning a little, and hollow inside, I soon had him down. So when dem debils gets after Christians he don't touch dem dat's straight and true, but dem dat lean a little and are hollow inside." 4451 W omy s Clean floors, doors, woodwork with GOLD DUST Gold Dust is such a marvelous cleanser that a little of the product sprinkled in your scrubbing water will save you most of the back work--and clean much more quickly and thoroughly than any other way. 'For anything and everything about the house Gold Dust " f is the best known The GOLD DUST TWINS cleanser. Try it Nçyer "Break A Date" once and you'll use it always. Sold in 10c and large packages. Buy the large PaC ■ lu eb0 °" A™litaV».the7ihD«y "Let thm GOLD DUST TWINS. do your work" THE N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY LIMITED. Montreal, Canada Canada has already merited and^ob- tained theproud distinction of furnishing furnishing 400,OOt) soldiers under the'volun- teer system.' That is surely a récbrd to be proud of when it is considered that not a foot of her territory lias ever been polluted by the tread of a hostile Hun. It is purely a patriotic sacrifice in which an intense love for the Mother Country alone prompted the gift. _ But those volunteers have erected a monument of fame that any country may well be proud of ; and their heroic deeds will constitute for all time the brightest and sublimest page of history. history. Her casualties have probably reached about 100,000 of her brave sons, which indicate that the boys were in the thickest of the fight, and where dangers were the greatest 'in this, the most decimating, horrible, and cruel of all wars. * * * * But Canada is to adopt the selective draft system for the future, as I notice Premier Borden has intimated is the government's intention of doing by proper measure of the Dominion Parliament. Parliament. Premier Borden has just returned returned from a visit to the trenches, where he met the Canadians west the new, Austrian monarch took his place on the throne. But peace, when it comes, is not likely to be accomplished solely or primarily primarily through a decisive battle on land or sea. It : is" much", more likely to be brought about by influénces n?t usually counted on by'those who make war. Self-preservation, fear of universal universal revolt among thé pebplë against monarchies, is one. .World-wide failure failure of crops, and what that means to the people at war and those on the fringes of war, is another potent influence influence that, may upset, the calculations calculations of the" militarists. . THE SOCIALIST PLAYS HIS PART. That despised and 'hated race of agitators, known as Socialists, have come to the front since Russia has selected selected six of them in her newly constituted constituted ministry. Conservatism and Socialism strike liands in a cause that submerges all differences of opinion. Men have come to realize at last that only one thing matters--the deliverance deliverance of the world from the threat of armed autocracy. Russia was foremost in giving the -Socialist this prominence, the wisdom of which may well be doubted. Th^ of : Russian ministry now consists of 12 Vimy Ridge just before the famous j members, and" to give one half to the charge that swept away this german Socialists stronghold. Here he learned the critical need for more troops, for he says- the boys pleaded with him to maintain the stream of reinforcements, so we may consider the proposed draft as his answer answer to their plea. * • * * * Canada now has five divisions on the firing line, and enough reserves in England to fill the gaps likely to oc-, cur for some time to come. We, on this side of the line, are glad to know that our plucky little Northern, neighbor, who led the way to the firing ! line from the Western-hemisphere, has not wearied, much less relaxed, her noble efforts to hold aloft the grand old banner of democracy which is bound to win as sure as the sun is to rise on the eventful morn. The con- \ sciousness of ' Canada's determination to thus dauntlessly maintain ' the struggle at any sacrifice, will " great-, ly stimulate the spirit of America. North and south of the great lakes we are all comrades now, and Canada can rest assured that there will be no shirking until the big job is done, and Kaiser "Wilhelm" and all that his militarism implies will be buried in is a hazardous experiment. They took advantage of. the general chaos incident to the revolution, and while averring dislike to accepting responsible responsible office, nevertheless practical- ly"forced their way into office. * * * * This thing might have happened in times of peace, without affecting the world or causing more than a passing comment; but coming at this time when the great issues of democracy may hang upon the action of Russia, it at once and profoundly affects the whole of mankind. Its evident effect is seen in Ger many's reaction towards her own Socialists. Socialists. The Socialists, upon whom the Kaiser poured his fierce invectives in the past, and who were so despised by Bismarck, and the autocracy of Germany generally, have suddenly won favor of the upper class by their philosophy pledged to their overthrow. overthrow. I German autocracy would fain woo 1 revolutionary Russia, and it knows fuir well that its harsh voice would not reach the heart of its professed new affection. Hence autocracy frees the voice of - the Socialists in the Reichstag, while it keeps close curb oblivion, never-again to know a resur- 1 u P on hs acts. Scheidemann and Lede- rèction. EVERY MAN FOR HIMSELF. But the Allies are evidently on bour speak of a republic in the Reichstag, Reichstag, and the imperial- lightnings do not strike them. Why? Because it suits Germany's dark designs that Rus- There is now much talk about peace s ^ a should hearfsuch words spoken in in all the chancellories of Europe, par- Berlin. Ledebour and his colleagues ticularly on the continent, which seems seeb passports that they may attend nearly ripe for revolution. A hungry the Stockholm peace conference. stomach has always been a terrible in- j * * * * centive to revolt, and more than the ! The police, following tradition, deny nations involved in the .struggle are them, butythe high officials overrule threatened in the coming months. 1 the policy and ordered them granted. At this distance we hear hut little While the voice is the voice of So- of these whispered conversations, un- ! ci absm the hands are those of Hollweg til after, if at all ; as all news is strict- and the kaiser. ly censored. This is where autocracy, 1 And so the German socialists, per- supplemented by the ignorance 0 f haps unwittingly, but none the less the people, has the advantage, and it ' certainly, are playing into the hands is one of the reasons-why a democracy I of the v ® ry autocracy they have so in war times mtfst, in that respect, be- ! professed to hate and abhor, come an autocracy if it is to succeed ! Xt . ls Possible they will outgrow and in defeating the common enemy. 1 dominate their parts drive out the When the Russian people overthrew. sta ? e . manage . r aa< * shape the drama the monarchy and the new regime, out 1 f heiT ow J? \ deals > bu * 1 confess to of its unrestrained zeal, took to the! ha 7 e very little hope of seeing any- housetops, and trumpeted to the world , thm S but deceptions, deceit and mtri- the glad tidings, and with these dis- con } e fr .°™ a Hun * closed many state secrets telling everybody just what they are going to do so the millenium may be looked fo£ at once. , * * * * It is now well known that the central central powers are far from being a unit regarding the continuance of the war. The Russian sword of revolution revolution is two-edged, and has been cutting j and slashing both ways, so that all the crowned heads of unlimited governments governments are uneasy as to the present and future, and none more so than Au stro-Hungar y , which^with Spain, is the last of the dynasties that listened to the Vatican. The Spanish people are rebellious now, and if this war continues, there is no telling what will happen by fall. Constituted authority, . familiarly known as the "Divine right" prerogative, prerogative, is at a very low ebb in all the countries at war, or mixed in the war, and the people are liable to rise up any time and act for themselves. But the position of Austri^is more than desperate, no matter which way the war ends. If Germany wins, or compels a draw, Austria will disappear and become become tributary to ^Berlin. If not bolstered bolstered by Germany the dual monarchy will disintegrate, for there is nothiiig left to hold it together, the people have no common aim politically, though they may have religiously. And'if Germany completely dominates Austria-Hungary, the authority of the Vatican will be lessened greatly, if not entirely ended. If Austria can make peace now, as she is trying to do, so as to save herself, herself, or avoid becoming the tail to the German kite, her emperor and the head *of the -Catholic Church will take that course. There was great danger to Germany from the moment when Nature's First Law is order-r-regularity. Obey it in your own body. Keep your liver active and your bowels regular regular and natural Good- health is possible in no ' other way. One pill a day is the regular rule. Two-- perhaps three -- now and then, if necessary! TEfifS FlTTLE IVER bear si. Signature Colorless faces often show the absence of Iron in the" blood. Carter's Iron Pills will help this condition. I Not Woman. she with traitorous kiss her Saviour stung, Not she denied him with unholy tongue; tongue; She, while apostles -shrank could dangers dangers brave, Last at the cross and earliest at the grave. --Eaton. Stannard Barrett. Warts will render the prettiest hand unsightly. unsightly. Clear the excrescences away by rising Holloway's Corn Cure, which acts thoroughly and painlessly. / L-| the little game, for the' U. S. 1 has chosen a Socialist -atfnon$f the commission commission that visits Petrograd and it'will be remembered that Great Britain gave-Prince Kropotkin passports, with her blessing, when he retained to his native land after long exile. It is now proposed to send a delegation of leading leading Socialists of England to Russia. This, of course, does not mean that the world is about to adopt Socialistic nonsense, but it does mean that the liberalizing effect of the Russian revolution revolution is extending far beyond the frontiers of the Muskovite, and that democracy is pre-eminent as any issue, issue, This may open the way, after the war closes, for an inrush of new ideas and a new idealism that will affect tremendously the future of civilization. civilization. * HOW TO LEARN TO SWIM. - > Now that the bathing season is near every boy and girl in the city has an ambition to learn to swim. The following hints from an acquatic expert may be found useful. Two summers ago, Vera Stedman, the well-known actress, couldn't swim a stroke, now she is one of the most wonderful girl divers and swim-, mers in the United States. She has'/ attracted attention from athletes all over the country. Miss Stedman has an easy explanation explanation for her extraordinary rapid progress. "Most girls--and men, too--make the big" mistake of learning to swim with the breast stroke. I can't imagine imagine why such .a stroke is ever taught for any reason. It crooks back your neck like a horse with a tight check-rein; you can't make any progress; when you bring up your l^gs to kick, you lose- all the impetus you gained. There is only one real stroke worth while in swimming--that is the American American crawl. Years ago this used to be regarded only as a stroke for finished swimmers .and even then only to be used for short distance swimming; but -athletes have now learned that it is a good long distance and any purpose stroke. It is the first stroke I- learned. "The way I began was down at the beacjî^ I used to see the boys swimming swimming around and they were all swimming swimming the crawl stroke. I didn't know any other way, so I learned from -watching them. The first stroke I ever took in the water was with the crawl and I was a good swimmer before I ever learned any other way. <H course, I can swim dozens of strokes now, but I learned them all after the stroke that is popularly supposed to be the post-graduate course in swimming. swimming. "The funny part is that the crawl is the most natural and the simplest method. "You must naturally .reach out and claw the water in toward you the way animals .swim. The only thing that is a little puzzling at first is the management^ management^ of your feet. You don't kick as With other strokes. You just keep your legs straight out and wobble wobble your feet up and^ down a little-- straight up and down in the water. Your feet probably help you a little in making progress, but the main purpose purpose in the foot motion is to keep your feet and legs near on the surface of the water. The motion is accomplished accomplished with your hands. "One of the best ways to learn to swim is to hold on to a boat or a piece of a wharf with your hands while you learn to paddle with your feet. One good method is to get à surf board and hold yourself up with that while you learn to use your feet. * Miller's Worm Powders are a pleasant medicine for worm infested children, and they will -take it without objection. When dirccuons are followed it will not injure the most delicate child, as there is noth hg of an injuri uî nature in its composition. composition. They will speedily rid a child of worms and restore the health of the little sufferers whose vitality has become impaired by the attacks of these internal pe*ts. THE m mi OF CANADA HEAD OFFICE - TORONTO . A EST 'o Money Orders and Drafts are issued by this Bank payable in of the world. BOWMANVILLE BRANCH 234 A. N. McMILLAN, Manager. Danger to Public Health. The fact that human beings contract contract tuberculosis by the use of milk and dairy products from tubercular cows is now almost undisputed by scientists and physicians who have investigated investigated this question. The danger is especially acute in young children, who drink a larger proportion of raw milk than adults. USEFtfL IN Camp.--Explorers, surveyors, surveyors, prospectors and hunters will find Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil very useful in camp. When the feet and legs are wet and "cold it is well to rub them freely with the Oil and the result will be the prevention prevention of pains in the muscles, and should a ut, or contusion, or sprain be sustained, othing could be better as a dressing or lotion-.- EXECUTORS AND TRUSTEES p m h mm JfTFE FIBFBI BOARD OF DIRECTORS Sir Vincent Meredith, Bart., President. Sir H. Montagu Allah, Ç.V .O., Vice-President. -R-. B. Angus. A. Baumgarten. _ E. W. Beatty, K.C* A. D. Braithwaite. E. J. Chamberlin. H. R. Drummond. C. B. Gordon. Hon; Sir Lomer Gouin, K.C.M.G. C. R. Hbsmer., . Sir William Macdonald. Major Herbert Molson.M.C. Lord Shaùghrieuy, K.C.V.O. Sir Frederick Williams-Tay lor JLL.D. A E. Holt, Manager.. Capital Fully Paid, $1,000,000. jaeserve Fund, $i,ooo,ooo. SAFE-CUSTODY T HIS Company is prepared prepared to receive securities such as Bonds and Stock Certificates to be held for Safe-custody and collection collection of Coupons or Dividends. Write for Booklet. The Royal Trust Company TORONTO BRANCH Cor. Oumq and Yeaie Streets Bmca l~. Swfth. Mahawr at Tor-ant». 9 GUARANTEED TO CONTAIN NO IMPURITIES A little of Sunlight goes a long w*y; every particle is pure; there is nothing to harm the clothes or impede the rapid progress of the wash. Every cake of Sunlight Sunlight Soap carries a $5,000 guarantee of purity. m Fours Simplified Driving r T'HIS MODEL is a great family car because it is so easy to handle. .All electric controls are on the steering column--within natural reach. The wheel is large and easy to steer with. The shifting lever and emergency brake can be reached without changing your driving position. So it is just as easy for your wife or daughter to drive this Overland Eighty- Five Four as it is for you. And as you know, that cannot be said of all cars. Step in today for a demonstration» $1250 Overland Model Eighty-Five Four 35 horsepower 112-incn- wheelbase Cantilever rear springs Vacuum Caroline system 4-inch tires Brewster green body Auto-Lite starting and lighting system Other Overland Fours Model 85-Four Roadster, $1230 Country Club Sport Model, $1110" Light Four Touring, $975 Light Four Roadster, $950 All prices f. o. b. point of shipment Subject to change without notice W. A. PICKARD, Agent, Temperance St., Bowmanville Phone 248. Spinach For Paper, j A French horticulturist, Mons. R. de Noyer, has discovered that spinach stems contain 46 per cent, of cellulose and make a paper equal to the Japanese Japanese product. t / (C .. . _ . __ ... . .. .