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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Jun 1917, p. 5

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m $ BOWMANVILLE, JUNE 14.-1917 Local and Otherwise. X7ery lew people can boast of having perfect feet. There is always some peculiarity in shape that must be taken into consideration by the shoe seller, if he really understands his business, and aims to give you real and satisfactory service. The shoes ice sell are made by scientists in shoe construction. The sizes are taken from com- posite measurements, thus insuring a com- fortable ft to the largest percentage of each particular size. Then, too, we have shoes especially made to meet the requirements requirements of those with extra high or low insteps for instance-- or for the short, fat foot, or the long slender kind. In short, we have the proper shoes for wear and comfort. All Offered at the Lowest Possible Prices KNOX'S The Store of Quality and Service. Bowmanville. - Phone 120. Summer is Here and you will want to save your strength, time and patience. Our store has the very articles to help you do this. Home-cooked meats, ham, tongue, canned salmon, sardines, sardines, etc. Fresh Fruit Oranges, Pineapples, G-rape Fruit, BananrV Garden Stuff Lettuce, Onions, Rhubarb, Tomatoes Butter and Eggs The very best. G-ive us a trial order Our store closes at 12.30 each Wednesday afternoon during June, July and August Nv, Highest Cash Price paid for all Farm Produce. Phones Nos. 72 and 1 82. Bowmanville. Stick Fast--dry paste for paper-hanging at F. O. Mason's. Having purchased a number of tires before before the advance in price we have some good bargains to offer. A. W. Pickard. "' New and elegant voile, crepe de chene, aud Georgette Crepe Blouses just opened ant at Couch, Johnston & Cryderman, Ltd. The great cleanser--Wyandotte at F. O. Mason's. Patronize Red Cross Collector. --Persons who do not GIVE old papers, magazines, rags etc. to the Red Cross may sell them to L. Pike the collecter who will pay the highest prices He will be pleased with your patronage.- Call at 7 Argyle St, Bowmanville, or Phone 289. Miss Eva Bale, Oshawa, is visiting her cousin, Mrs. Win. Pain ton. Miss Hanna, Toronto, spent the week end with her sister, Mrs. Fred Knox. Mr. Fred J. Van Nest, Toronto, spent .Sunday with his mother, Mrs. Julia Van Nest. Mrs. John Hamblyn is in Kingston called called there by the illness and death* of her sister. Mrs. (Rev.) J. F. Chapman, Cannington, is visiting at her father's, Mr. Levi. Morris. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Roenigk and the /Misses Dora and Edna Roenigk, Lindsay, visited friends here. Rev. Dr. and Mrs. A. C. Crews, Toronto, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. Rehder over the week-end. Ladies' and Gentlemen's Suits repaired, cleaned and pressed at Couch, Johnston & Cryderman's Limited. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. McCullough and son Jack, Toronto, were recent guests of her father, Mr. N. Horne. _ Bowmanville stores, shops and offices will close at 12.30 p. m. Wednesdays dur- June, July and August. " 18-tf Mrs. J. K. Galbraith, Toronto, and Mrs. W. H. Williams have been guests of Mrs. S. O. Taylor, Charlecote. Thos. W. Whalley, former managing director of The Peterboro Review, has purchased the Pembroke Standard. Congratulations to Messrs J Ross Stutt and Fred J Van Nest on passing their Phm. B. exams at the University of Toronto. Toronto. Mrs. John Cooper, Whitby, has been visiting her brother, Mr. Wm. Hislop, and her niece, Mrs. J. E. Allin, "Allindale Farm." Bowmanville Schools disposited 4/cts per pupil in, the Penny Bank for March and April--only 7 schools in Ontario are higher. Miss Netta McDonald, and Miss Anhie Ashcroft, Toronto, have been guests of Misses Ethel and Edna Osborne, "Cedar Glén" Farm, Five columns of news in type were crowded out of last issue which explains why some articles are late appearing. See inside pages. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Slute, Toronto, attended the funeral of his aunt Mrs. Geo. Trimble, Saturday, and visited relatives here over Sunday. Mrs. G C Weisman and children returned returned Monday from a very pleasant visit with her parents in Prince Edward County, near Picton. Men's and Boys' Ready-to-Wear Suits and Rain Coats in all sizes and qualities at Couch, Johnston & Crvderman's Limited. Limited. No better value any where. Congratulations to Miss M Ruth Squair on passing her exams at the Faculty of Education for First Class Teacher's Certificate Certificate and assistant High School teacher. Mr W S Bragg, D D G M visited Durham Lodge I O O F, at Port Hope, Tuesday evening accompanied by the Degree Team of Florence Nightingale Lodge, No 66. Rev. D. N. McCamus, Past President of London Conference, has received word that his son Gunner Wm. McCamus has been seriously wounded. He was Principal Principal of I eamington Collegiate. Dr. and Mrs. F. W. Rutherford, Days- vilJe, Missouri, spent the week-end with Mrs. Clark Bennett, Wellington-st. Dr. Rutherford sang in the Church of Christ Sunday morning also in the Methodist church in the evening. Mr. and Mrs Samuel Rickard, Newcastle, Newcastle, announce the marriage of their younger daughter, Laura Effa May, to Mr. Earl Chester Fisher, son of Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Fisher of Newcastle, the marriage marriage to the last of June. Mr. Glenn Strike, younger son of Rev. and Mrs. A. J. H. Strike, of Granby, Que., and grandson of Mrs. Anna Elford, Bowmanville, Bowmanville, has enlisted with the Cobourg Heavy Battery. Mr. and Mrs. Strike's two boys--their whole family--are now in khaki. A very handsome hardanger centre piece has been made and donated to the Girls' Patriotic Club by Mrs. M. D. Williams, a former resident of this town, who is much interested in patriotic work. Tickets 25c each. It can be seen at "The Big 20". Mr. Leslie C. Cox, who recently received the degree of Doctor of Philosophy from the Johns Hopkins University, has been appointed Assistant Professor of Latin in Hamline University, St» Paul, Minn. St. Paul is a very fine city and we heartily congratulate Dr. Cox on his appointment on the Faculty of the University there. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Gunn, Bayside, celebrated their golden wedding on June 5th with all members of their family present. Many beautiful gifts and flowers flowers were presented. Mrs. Gunn was presented by the Methodist W. M. S. with a life membership certificate. Mr. Gunn is an uncle of Mr. John A. Gunn, Canadian Canadian Express Agent, Bowmanville. Another West Durham boy reaches the top. His numerous friends in Durham County will be oleased to heat that Dr. E. Day Washington, Wolseley, Sask., has been elected Grand Patriarch of the Grand Encampment of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows for Saskatchewan. Dr. .Washington recently visited his parents parents here--Rev. W. C.Washington, M. A., and Mrs. Washington, Division st. Death came quickly to Mr. Daniel Greenniss, Port Hope, Tuesday. Deceased Deceased worked all day Saturday, and w^s apparently apparently in his usual health up to Sunday at 2 p. m., when he was suddenly stricken, and gradually sank, passing away without regaining consciousness. He was a genial genial gentleman and had a host of friends who will much regret his sùdden death. He was a capable mechanic, and for several several years past had been employed in the Ford Garage.--Guide. The Churches Rev À Rintoul; B A, Perth, will preach in St Paul's Church Sunday. . Miss Reta R Cole officiated as organist in the Disciples Church Sunday. Rev. S. H. Lamb, pastor of the Baptist Church, Brighton, for the past six years, has moved to Villa Nova. Rev. Dr. Crews' subjects in Methodist Church next Sunday will be 11 a. m. "One sided development.', 7 p. m.--"The Test of Experiment." Good music under direction of Prof. C. C. Laugher. Sunday evening at the close of the service in the Methodist Church Rev. Dr. Crews read some extracts from a letter from Capt. W. G. Clarke, Chaplain of the 235th Batt. of happenings on the voyage across the sea. At the May official quarterly meeting of the Seagrave circuit, Rev. Fred J. Job lin was granted a month's leave of - absence absence to visit his father, Mr. John Jpblin, Red Deer, Alta. Dr. Headers will ac company him as far as Winnipeg. Rev. Hiram Hull, 135 St. Clair Ave. W. Toronto, Superintendent Fresh Air Camp, announces the opening of the summer summer Camp at Heydnshore Park, Whitby, June 29th. Money or gifts gratefully- accepted. accepted. Address the Superintendent. The Methodists of Brighton, gave their pastor, Rev. Wesley Elliott and wife a pleasant evening recently when after a program of music, etc., Mr. Elliott was presented with an address and a club bag and Mrs. Elliott with a handsome rocker and Miss Gertrude a gold chain and pendant. pendant. Dr F W Rutherford, Daysville, Missouri, greatly pleased and delighted the evening congregation in the Methodist Church Sunday when he assisted the choir and sang the solo "Abide With Me" most impressively. The Dr possesses a very fine voice and his singing was much en joyed. League service in the Methodist Church Mondaÿ evening was in charge of the Missionary Committee, Miss Lola Souch, presiding, Missionary Scripture quota tions were read by Miss Reta R. Cole; Vocal solos were nicely sung by Miss Allie Allie L. Bragg and Master Stewart Bassett; reading by Miss Lena .Haddy; piano solo --Miss Theo Martvn. The subject "Our relationship to Missions" was well pretented pretented by Mr. J. J. Mason. No Service next Monday all leaguers going to Maple Grove to hear Rev. J. J. Rae. Church of Christ--Rev. G. C. Weisman who was absent on Sunday June 3rd at the convention of the Deciples of Christ at St. Thomas, returned on Thursday. He reports increased activities in the province, with far greater growth and Spiritual development than one might éx- pect under present conditions. He occupied occupied his pulpit Sund ay speaking in the morning on "The Power of the Christian's Life" and in the evening the "Rich Young Ruler," Next Sunday he will give a report report of the convention at the morning ser vice. Evening subject "Obedience", Notices of Births 50 cents; Marriages 50 cents; Deaths, 50 cents, each insertion. When fnneral cards are printed at this office» insertion free. BIRTHS. Brown--In Clarke, June 4th, to Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Brown, a son. Wannan--In Orono, June 7th, to Mr. and Mrs George L. Wannan, a son. "Robin SON--In Bowmanyille Hospital, the wife of Christopher Robinson, of a son. MARRIAGES l oi? E . AI ïrS H0RTT TÎ. n picton « June 6th, Miss Nina Short.Pmton, and G. D, Head, Oshawa, by Rev. I W. J. Wood. Smith--Ross--At Oshawa, J une 6th, by Rev. Geo. Yule, Jean Margaret Ross and Arthur Oscar Smith, Toronto. ^ R éV_ A ^zr-W ILLIAMS--At the Rectory, Oshawa, June 2, by Rev. C. R. dePencier, Miss Mabel Williams, Williams, Montreal, to Mr. A. Sidaway, Oshawa. FAiRBAmN-RoLPH-On June 1, by Rev. J. A. McKeen. B. A., Roland Lome Fairbaim, and ClaraAlfrena, only daughter of Mr. Wellington F. Rolfe, all of Orono. Bel 1 ,--Short--At the residence -of Mr. John Short, South Oshawa, June 1, by Rev. Geo. Yule, Marretta Maude Short, and George James Bell, of Oshawa. 6 Quinn--Hayden--In Rileybrook, N. B., Wed- nesday, June 6th, by Rev. Archie Hatfield, Mr. John E. Quinn, and Miss Sarah DeWitt, daughter of Mr. S. II. Hayden, both of Rileybrook, N. B. Bo uns all--Bell--On June 6th, by Rev. Dr. Treleaven, at 616 Gladstone Ave, Toronto, Dor- othy, youngest daughter of Mrs. E. Bell, to Haw, old E. Bounsall, son of Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Bonn- sall, Toronto. » G 1 S . -- : B °ddy On June 2nd, at King Street Methodist Parsonage, Oshawa, by Rev. J. S. I. "jlson B..D James Garfield Riggs and Miss Edith, third daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Boddy, all of. Oshawa. Hilts--Glaspell--On June 1, at the residence of the bride's parents, "The Maples", Taunton, by Rev. J. S. I. Wilson, B.D., Mr. George Wilfrid Hilts and Miss Irene, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Glaspell. h» H A hp ,? r--MacInally-- ° n June 2nd, at King-st Methodist Parsonage, Oshawa, by Rev. J S. I. Wnson, B.D., Frank Edward Harper and Miss Myrtle Marie, third daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mclnally, all of Oshawa. Roofing Paint at F. O. Mason's. Brantford Roofing at F. O. Mason's. Deering & McCormick repairs at F. O. Mason's. Carpet Squares in all qualities and Nairn's Linoleums in all widths at Couch, Johnston & Cryderman's Limited. Keep out the fly by getting a New Screen Door--lighter, stronger and won't go out of shape--the very kind you need. See them at Mason & Dale's Hardware. DEATHS James Near Columbus, Ontario, on Wednes- clay June 13, John H. James, in his 64th year, only surviving brother of M. A. James, Bowman- n oîx 6. Funeral on Friday 15th inst. Service at 2.30 p.m., cortege to leave at 3 o'clock for Union Cemetery, between Oshawa and Whitby. Trimble--In Bowmanville, June 7th, .Sarah wu * ow the late George Trimble, in her 77th year. 1 Phi ^ips--At South Napanee, May 26th, Char- lotte Martha Birch, wife of John H. Philips, in her 74th year. K Burrows--In Hampton, June oth. Miriam Harris Burrows, widow of the late Thomas Burrows, Burrows, aged 77 years. Greenis--At Port Hope, June 5th, Daniel Star Greenis, aged 66 years. Father of Richard Greenis, Bowmanville. Waddell--At Port Hope, June loth, Margaret* ^^^ a ,? ghte ^ of the Iate William ancf Catharine Waddell, aged 81 years. n( .?°4?- GE C A ^ 16 ? ar] sdale Ave., Toronto, June Bth, Elizabeth, widow of the late John Hoidge, formerly of Tyrone, aged 78 years. Stewart--In Bowmanville, Sunday, June 10th, Mary Ann Stewart, daughter of the late John and Jane Stewart of Enniskillen. Darlington--On. June 5th, Arthur Henry, youngest child of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Darlington, aged 4 months. Interment at Orono. Emmerson--At lot 17,"concession 9, Cartwright, EM en Moyse Malcolm, beloved wife of Mr Murray Emmerson, aged 63 years. Carr--Killed in action April 9, 1917, Pte, Ed- win Fraser Carr, aged 35 years. Buried in soldiers soldiers burying ground, Vimy Ridge, France. Bain--At his late residence, 343 Sunnyside Aye., Toronto, June 7th, William Bain, beloved husband of Harriet Bain, formerly of Oshawa. Moore--In Kingston, on June llth, Margaret Dorothy Maynard, wife of William John Moore, aged fifty-nine years. Sister of Mrs. John Hamblyn. Hamblyn. Bowmanville. FINE DAY'S SPORTS Program Of Sports Given Under Auspices Of Girls' Patriotic Club A Big Success. IN MEMORIAM ]? v i n ? memory-of Allin HercheU Richards Who died June 10,1913, twin son of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Richards. It is not the tears at the moment shed That tell how beloved is the soul that fled; But the tears thru many a long night wept, And the sad remembrance so fondly kept. In loving memory of Alexander Wrenn, young- it son of Edward and Agnes Wren, Bowmanville ffed 26 years on the day he was killed, June llth, at the battle of Zillebeke. He was a good, dutiful dutiful and loving son and a brave soldier, who responded responded promptly to his Country's call. Peace, perfect peace, with loved-ones far away In Jetuis' keeping I am safe as they. The postponed sports that could not be given on Victoria Day owing to rain was given before a fairly good crowd of spectators on Saturday afternoon. afternoon. The procession was lined up at the Bowman House headed by the band under the leadership of Mr. W ,H. Grant and proceeded to the Agricultural Agricultural Park where the following sports were pulled off. Mr. Montague J. Smith was ably assisted in the direction direction of events by Mr. Alf. Shrubb and Mr. F. C. Pethick. The events and winners ara ; 200 yds race--open--1 Percival Muir- phead, 2 Wreford Souch, 3 Milton Avery. 1 Boys 100 yds--Percival Muirhead, Milton Avery, J. Carruthers. i Girls, 100 yd--Helen Lunney, Doris Kelly, Florence Hennings. Fat Men's Race-- H. G. Posey, • / E. Hanlon, F. C. McGlinchy. Married Men's Race--W Wilson, Rev. O P Muirhead. R Carruthers. [^Ladies race--Helen Lunney, Florence Florence Hennings, Ella Lee. Potato race--Chas. Osborne, Lawrence Lawrence Goddard, Ted Goddard. 600 yds--open--Percival Muirhead, J. Carruthers, E. J. Franklin. ■"'-Boys' bicycle race--Milton Avery, P McMurtry, Stuart James. Motor cycle, 2 mile--C. Dickinson, P. Williams. i mile, open--Chas. Rowe, E. J. Franklin, Wreford Souch. I Bicycle race, open--Milton Avery, J ' Carruthers, D A Merner. Motor Cycle, 5 mile race--C. Dickinson, Dickinson, P Williams. Hop-step am, Charles Rowe. Alf Shrubb ran about two miles. Baseball--Goodyear 6, High School 1 Wand Drill and Club Swinging by Public School Girls, good display, lec by Miss Helen Lunney. Judges--Rev. O, P. Muirhead and R Carruthers. ' 'Lest We Forget" E. R. BOUNSALL, Designer and Dealer in Monuments, Tablets, Markers, etc., in Granite and Marble, Bowmanville, Ontario. NOTICE During DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE'S absence with the Canadian Expeditionary Expeditionary Force his Dental Office will be conducted by J. J. CRAIG, L. D. S„ D. D. S., Honor Graduate in Dentistry of Toronto University. Bowmanville - Ontario Office Phone 40. House Phone 16 B ARN WANTED--60ft x40 tf or larger. Apply to Robt. Gray, Newcastle. ' 24-2w G ENERAL SERVANT WANTED--At once. Apply to Mrs. E. W. LoscdMBE, "The Elms", Bowmanville. 21-tf NBEBSON IDEAL AUTOMOBILE LAUN i DBY--Queen-st. Phone 180. Cars washed and cleaned. Fords 50c, larger cars 76c. 24-2w B RICK COTTAGE TO RENT--With good garden, garden, Front Road East. Apply to W. E. Jewell, R, R. 4, Bowmanville. Phone 140-r*. ' 23-tf Hop-step and jump--H Higginboth- 'OR SALE--House _ and lot north-east corner ' Church and Ontario-sts, Bowmanville. -Apply to Mrs. W. Freeman, 68 Stafford-st, Toronto. ; 23-3 w* Have you seen the New Screen Doors at Mason & Dale's Hardware ? The very latest in Screen Doors at Mason & Dale's Hardware. Call and see them. 200 ACRE FARM FOR SALE IN DARLINGTON Violin Class ! Commences Monday June 17 th Summer Course. Apply C. C. LAUGHER Bowmanville. That fine old farm lately occupied by John Balson, deceased; situated the third Concession, Township of Darlington, Lots 32 and 83, said to contain 210 acres more or less. On the farm is an ever-running stream, three fruit orchards, about 82500 worth of good mixed timber, good bank barn and solid brick house, 160 acres of the farm are under cultivation. This farm will make a magnificent dairy farm, is only about three miles from the growfi .a vu.j nwuv vu.oc UiUDO UUUi UUO fllVVT.Üg City of Oshawa where dairy products are at all times rapidly absorbed at the highest prices. This farm has got to be sold and no reasonable offer will be refused. A. N. McMillan, 22tf Standard Bank, Bowmanvill^. JQ® SALE--Driving mare, rnbber-tired buggy, ' top buggy, cutter and set of harness, all in good condition. Apply to L. A. W. TOLE, ville. Chnrch-st., Bowmanvill 24-2w. L ost---A bicycle wheel lost on Saturday June 9th, between Orono and Bowmanville on the Front Road, Finder please leave at A. W. Pickard's, Bowmanville. 24-tf H OUSE WANTED--Furnished or unfurnished. • or 8 roomed house with conveniences, want- so for a year. Prompt action necessary. A. H. D. Ross, Bowmanyille. 23-tf F OR SALE--A new Bungalow, on Elgin-st, just north of the bridge $ acre lipid. An elegant home for someone. Apply to J. H. Varcoe, or Norman Pingle, town. 20-tf ERVANT WANTED--At once, good general, wages $26 per month to competent person letter. Mrs» L. M - s Indian Boa Apply by letter. ,a Crescent, Toronto. Arkley, 61 24-lw H IGHEST PRICE PAID--For scrap and ™etal, also poultry and eggs by the Bowman- . vme Iron & Metal Co. Joe Rosenvolt, Proprietor, Proprietor, 7 Argyle-st, or phone 289. 17 O LD FALSE TEETH--Bought in any condition. $1.00 per set or seven cents per tooth. Cash by return mail. R. A. Copeman, 2679a Esplanade Esplanade Avenue, Montreal, P. Q. 16-13w* H ORSE ESTRAY--Came on my premises east of Conrtice, on June 7th, Bay mare. Owner may have same by proving property and paying paying expenses. John Brock, i34-r3. R. R. 3, Bowmanville. 24-3* C AR FOR SALE--Stodard- Dayton Roadster, only travelled a few thousand miles, cost $3,000. Will sacrifice for $760. Threè new tires on. Stodard Dayton is one of the highest class cars in America and must be sold at once. Apply C. V. Edmunds. P. O. Box 246, Oshawa, 'hone 680. - - ■ ' 24-1 wt À" • > u 4 12T GIFTS FOR THE JUNE The Wedding- month of June will soon be here, and we offer a few suggestions of what the Bride' is sure to wish for. Jewellry--Who does not treasure a ring, a pin, a necklace a watch, which has been received as a gift at a certain time --especially if it be Wedding time ? Then we have a splendid assortment of Flatware in Community Silver plate and Rogers 184 7 plate. These are the best made and the prices are right. Our line of Hollow ware, such Casseroles, Bread Trays, Baker's Pie Tray, (just to mention a few) are all the newest and most beautiful designs. Before deciding on your gift come in and see us and we will be pleased to show you our stock. ;'|m . Jy i S y :< >1 y a '"■"I '■> « ' '7 1 " « V ■ i ■ ' * >1 1 ■y ALEX ELLIOT Watchmaker Successor to C. H. Haddy Jeweler Phone 88 Engraving Free eee»#ee^ee#«'e#e#*#eee##s#8 '1 From the Cheapest that is Good to the Best that is Mined Is the kind of Coal we carry. Better order your Coal early and be sure of your winter supply. No order is too small or none too great to receive our prompt attention. Lehigh Valley Coal the kind that satisfies All orders will receive our best attention John A. Holgate & Son Office and Yards, cor. Queen and Division Streets. Telephone No. 153 office. House Phone 202. Bowmanville, Ont. The Ladies' Store We are showing this week New Wash Skirts New Silk Sweater Coats New Waists in Silk, Crepe de chene and Voile New Middies in Silk and Cotton New Collars, Ties, Gloves and Hosiery New Floor Oilcloths and Japanese Mattings 4 "4 4 4 Skirt Special Pure wool Serge Skirts in Navy Blue and Black, 23 only, regular value $5.75 ^Special Sale Price $3.75 4 4 4 4 4 A 4 i The ibalance of our stock of Ladies' Coats, Suits and Skirts we are offering offering at specially reduced prices to clear Telephone 106 % S. W. Mason v & iSon tht? |ir ) Next door to Standard Bank Bowmanville • ", '*7 __ ggg UÊÊÊÊ i ÉÈÈÊMÊÊËÊÈ ;V.>:

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