CARS WASHED. A. W. Pickard has his new-wash room ready for use at the Overland Garage ust south of the Post Office. Can*washed at reasonable prices. White Rose Gasoline Gasoline sold at lowest price. Give him a call for repairs day or night. TIRE REPAIRING Ideal Tire Repair Company, Corner King and Silver Streets, Bowmanville, is now open for business. business. Steam vulcanizing services and guaranteed work at minimum prices. Auto Tire and Tube repairing repairing a specialty. Free Air Service. Service. Dealers in all popular Canadian Canadian made Tires. AUCTION SALE BOWMAN VILLE, JULY 12,1917 Saturday, July 14th, 1917, at 2 p.m. sheriff will sell by auction on N. E. %» I lot 16, con. 2, Darlington,'property of Thomas Quinn, about 2 acres roots, [ about y 2 acre corn, about 21 acres grain and some potatoes, all growing. Terms cash. 27-2 w' The receipts of the anniversary were $484.90 instead of $460 as reported last week. Deering & McCormick repairs at F. O. Mason's. CHEAPER GASOLINE SOLINA Let us burn out your engine with " our | new Carbon bufners, which will give your engine more power, hence^ more milage on your gas. A. W. PICKARD, The Garage\ Bowmanville. NEW CANADIAN NORTHERN ROCKIES. Solina Women's Institute will meet at Mrs. Edwin Reynolds' on Thursday, July 12 at 2 p.m. Good program; All ladies invited* Washing Machines 5 styles at F. O. Mason's. MAPLE GROVE R. M. Jamieson, Mgr. If you do not know about the wonderful Mountain scenery including Jasper and Mount Robson - Parks, traversed by the transcontinental line of the Canadian, Northern Railway between Edmonton and Vancouver get a copy of our handsome descriptive booklet, to be had for the asking asking from W. G. Giffler, Station Agent, or R. M. Mitchell, Town Agent. 28-3W Mrs. D. H. Coates, Brantford, is-visiting her brother, T. J. Cole....Mrs. Albert Wilkins and daughter Helen, and Miss Stella Jeffery spent the week-end with friends in Toronto Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Wood, Howard andFred, Simcoe, motored motored ont and spent the week-end with her father, Mr. Jacob Stévens. Mrs. Wood and Fred have remained for a little while. Recent Visitors: Mr. Wilfrid Werry, Camp Borden, Miss Grace Bray, Toronto, at Mrs. W. Worry's; Mr. John Penfound, Oshawa, at Mr. T. Baker's; Mr. Clarence Werry, Kedron, and Miss Johnston, Maxwells^ Maxwells^ at Mr. A. L. Pascoe's; Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Mackey and Mr. Levi Mackey, Kinsale, at Mr. R. Pascoe's; Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Werry and George at Mr. W. J. Clemence's, Shaws; Mrs. John H. Trull has been quité id.--..Mr. and Mrs. Silas Williams-and Mr. Paul Williams attended their uncle's funeral at Port Hope --.. Heavy rains have seriously stopped haying haying for s'ome days--crop ' is fairly good ... .Mr. H. E. Tink sold a Shorthorn Bull to Mr."Arthur Howden, Columbus.,. .Mr. and Mrs. Norman E. Wright and Miss Florence L. Van Nest visited Bowmanville friends this week. Miss Helen Goode, Brantford* is home for vacation; Miss Etta Amsbury, with her sister Mrs. Pringle, Cobourg; Mr. and and Mrs. J. Langstone and Miss Ella Cowan, Toronto, at Mr. W. .H. Wood's; Mr. R. E. Heyball and son Albert, Tof= onto, at Mr. Albert Goode's; Miss Van- Camp at Mr. Wm. Stewart's, Cavan; Miss Acy Rundle, Oshawa, at home; Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Wood have been visiting her sister Mrs. S. Nicholson, Nestleton, who has had_a_ stroke of paralysis The annual picnic of the Base Line and Maple Grove Sunday Schools will be held on Burk's Beach on Wednesday afternoon July 18th. Brantford Roofing at F. O. Mason's. ENNISKILLEN The Confederation 1867-1917 'OU will surely want to know much about the beginnings and history of Confederation at this time of national celebration. As a good Canadian, as a citizen, as one desiring to be well-informed about matters of deep concern and interest, you have your desire and need for knowledge supplied in MACLEAN'S MAGAZINE for JULY This magazine gives you the finest and most interesting survey of Confederation you will find in any periodical. You will find there Portraits of the Fathers of Confederation--the Confederation--the statesmen who launched Canada on her career of brilliant destiny. The Story of Confederation--why it was necessary, and how it came about. The Taking Over of the North- West Territories from the Hudson's Hudson's Bay Company--a stirring story told by Agnes C. Laut. The Story of the C. P. R.--told by C. N. Mackintosh, a man who knew intimately the men who initiated, initiated, built and developed the Canadian Pacific Railway--a cord oi Confederation. The Industrial and Business Development Development of the Past 50 years--by W. A. Craick. A wonderful story of progress. Conditions Before Confederation Contrasted With Those of Today--by Today--by Frank Yeigh. An enjoyable enjoyable study of contrasts Statements from the Premiers of Canada's Provinces interpreting the meaning of Confederation and defining the outlook in regard regard to their respective provinces. A Story--"The Draft," by A. C. Allenson, dealing with the part certain courageous and adventuresome adventuresome Canadians took in the American Civil War, just before Confederation. A Frontispiece--A Dramatic Moment--by Moment--by C. W. Jefferys, brilliant Canadian artist. The scene is depicted when Sir John A. Macdonald Macdonald and the Hon. George Brown stood in the House--one on one side, the other on the other side, of a centre line, so tense was the feeling between the two men and the parties they represented. represented. A Fine Cover Design--symbolic of Confederation, in the three colors, colors, specially .drawn for July MACLEAN'S by J. E. H. Macdonald. Macdonald. Beyond these special Confederation features of the July MACLEAN'S will be the customery provision of fine, short stories, and the departments departments which make MACLEAN'S MAGAZINE so enjoyable and valuable to good Canadians everywhere. Get the July MACLEAN'S, double size, AT YOUR BOOKSELLERS- -15 Cents Si \H Join the Throng of the Thrifty People Who Buy at the Corner Grocery Helow are only a few of the many specials we are offering for this week: 100 J bs. Granulated Sugar $8.75 Molasses* lean 10c lh« <{ ii $1.75 Dutch Cleanser, 1 can 10c 2 lbs Prunes.: 25c Lipton's Tea, old price...40c lb 3 lbs Rice 25c | lb tin Fry's Cocoa 25c 3 Jelly Powders 25c Worcestershire Sauce 10c Simcoe Pork and Beans 20c Canned Peas, 2 tins 25c Matches 5c Toilet Soap, special, 3 for...25c Don't forget we have fresh Fish every week. Highest Gash Prices paid for new laid Eggs, Butter and all Farm Produce. HARRY ALLIN Phone 186 - * Bowmanville Hampton We have a full line of Bread and 1 Pastry Flours, Cereals and Mill-Feed at very reasonable prices. Chas. Horn, Hampton Phone 189 r 6 Spic-&-Span 3 for 25c at F. O Mason's Beats anything for scouring. Carpet Squares in all qualities and I Nairn's Linoleums in all widths at Couch 1 Johnston & Cryderman's Limited. ENFIELD Mr. and Mrs. Latimer and family, Tor I onto, Sundayed at Mr. B. Powell's Mr Levi and Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Mackey anc I children, Kinsale, visited relatives here ....MissJean Grey, Toronto, visited a; Mr. A..Ormiston's. :. .Mr. and Mrs. John Hepburn and Mrs. E. J. Alexander have been visiting at Layton Mr. Benj Powell has been under medical care.. Mrs. B. Powell has spent a week with relatives in Toronto Mr. James Scott i has purchased a new auto... .Several, from here attended-the picnic Saturday at Cæserea .... Miss Irene H. Bray visited her [ aunt Mrs. M. A. James, Bowmanville... j Mrs. Arthur Ormiston is visiting in Tor onto... .Mr. and Mrs. Clare Niddery anc family are visiting in Brock. Sling Ropes at F. O. Mason's. Phone 145 for sections and guards for your reaper and mower. Mason & Dale Hardware have them. New and elegant voile, crepe de chene, I and Georgette Crepe Blouses just opened out at Couch, Johnston &Cryderman,Ltd. TYRONE Recent Visitors: Miss Hanna and Mrs. Hanna, Toronto, with the latter's sister, Mrs. Wm. Hamley; Miss Lila Stainton, Oshawa, with her cousin, Miss Maud Virtue; Mrs. Harris, Courtice, at her son's, Mr. Thos. Harris; Mr.Chas.Phillips, Essex, at Mr. Norman Coliacott's; Mrs. Albert White and children and Mr. Barker, Oak- wood, Sundayed at' Mr. Jas. Hodgson's; Mr. and Mrs. John Avery and babe, Toronto, at Mr. Jas. Oke's and Samuel Woodley's Mrs. Robt. McCulloch has quinsey Women's Institute will meet at the home of Mrs. Wm. Farrell on Wednesday July 18. Everybody welcome .Dr. and Mrs. H. C. Rundle, Brighton, " id " ' " recently visited his father, Mr. John Rundle Friday July 13 at 6 p.m. a strawberry social will be held under auspices of W. M. S. on the church lawn after which a good program will be rendered rendered consisting of dialogues, recitations, drills, etc. Admission 25c, children isc. Haycarrier supplies at F. O. Mason's. The great cleanser--Wyandotte at F. O. Mason's. Now is the time to look over your mower and reaper. _If you need new sections or guards ask Mason & Dale and they will supply you. EBENEZER Misses Carrie Courtice, Irene Worden and Aura Rundle, returned Monday from Summer School, at Albert College, Belleville... .Mr. and Mrs. Sanderson, Toronto, motored down and spent the week-end with her daughter, Mrs. W. R. Courtice.... Mrs. W. Bickle and children, Oshawa, are spending the week at Mr. J. L. . Parsons'.... Mr. R. E. Osborne; president, attended the South Durham S. S. convention at Port Hope Miss Marion Worden, Bowmanville, is holidaying holidaying at her grandparents' Mr. and Mrs.Jno. Worden... .Mrs. A. F. Rundle returned on Sunday from a lengthened visit with her sister in Cleveland, U. S.,,, Miss L. Gifflin, Port Hope, is holidaying with Miss A. Parsons Mr. J. Littlejohns, and Mrs. Smith, Oshawa, Sundayed at W. R. Courtice's... .Mr. and Mrs^ W." H. Nichols spent Sabbath with Tyrone relatives... relatives... .Football team was victorious at Hampton on July 2nd, winning the cash prize, and a share of gate receipts.... .Rev. W. C. Parsons preached on the Tyrone circuit on Sunday.... Mr. F. A. Crago spent the week-end with friends in St. Mary's... .Mrs. E. F. Willoughby, Winnipeg, Winnipeg, is on a visit to her parents, Geo. and Mrs. VanDyke... .Mrs. John Walter, sr. returned Friday from visiting Keene and Peterboro relatives. Her nephew, Mr. Brown, accompanies her... .Pastor Delve was with us Sunday after two weeks away on anniversary work. Evening Evening service was well attended. Helpful sermons on "Preciousness," and "The Cowardly Soldiers," and our choir rendered rendered choice selections.. . .Proud are we to record that our Teaching Trainidg Class --Mrs. F. W. Rundle, Mrs. A. J. Oke, Misses Irene Worden, Muriel Penfound, May Gardiner, Alice Oke, Estella Pen- found, Bessie Crago and Aura Rundle were all successful in their recent examination examination on "The Old Testament". The class averaged 75%, which is highly creditable to all, and to their teacher, Mr. R. E. Osborne. Congratulàtions all.... Mr. A. F. Rundle spent Saturday in Toronto.... Toronto.... Mr. Roy Penfound, Oshawa, Sundayed at home Miss Ruth . Percy, Toronto, is holidaying at Mr. S. S. Brooks'.... It is reported that Miss Marion Van Nest has written the Trustees of S. S. 4 from Philadelphia accepting their offer as teacher for another year... .Mr. Frank Walter has a new car for mail and delivery work... .Annual picnic of "Sunshines" "Sunshines" and "Live Wires" was held Tuesday Tuesday at Oshawa harbor--over fifty present and very enjoyable time. Ladies' and Gentlemen's Suits repaired, cleaned and pressed at Couch, Johnston & Cryderman's Limited. Don't wait until you are needing to use your mower or reaper. Look after the repairs now. Mason & Dale Hardware will furnish the needed new parts. Phone 145. Visitors, Miss Hazel Carscadden, B: A of Blackstock, was a recent guest of Miss Rena Bentham, .. .Mrs. Hare and son, St Catherines, at Messrs.J. J. Virtue's and C. W. Slemon's...^Mr. H. Rogers home from Whale, near Ottawa; Mr. and Mrs Chas. Tamblyn, Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs. Milton, and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tam blyn, Orono, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Werry, Courtice, at Mr.- H. J. Werry's Mr. and Mrs. Norman Redpath at Cam' borné; Mr. and'Mrs. Wilbur Woodley anc family, Langham, Sask„ "Mr. and Mrs. Theo Slemon and John, Hàvdon, at Mr. John Slemon's; Miss Hazel Babcock, Nestleton, and Miss Mary Katerson, Hampton, at F. W. Lee's; Mr. J. H. Werry has been recuperating in Orono; Miss Lander, Oshawa, at Mr. Jas. Mount- joy's; Miss Mildred Souch, Hampton, at Mr. John Pye's; Mr. Luke Potter went to Toronto last week to see a Specialist, and is going to a Hospital this week.. He has our wishes tor a speedy recovery... .A letter from Miss' Rena Bentham, O. A. C Guelph, states that Miss Rose, a former teacher here, is taking the summer course there, also. The E. L. will hold. their 'Strawberry Festival on Tuesday, July 17. A basketball basketball game between Blackstock and Enniskillen Enniskillen girls will be played on school grounds at 6.30, after which tea will be served on the church lawn. When all aré served an excellent concert will be given by the following talent,--Rev. George Brown, Hampton, a short address; Misses Irene Bray, Enfield, and Norman Redpath, Enniskillen,soloists; Miss Eva Mitchell, Orono, elocutionist, and Messrs. Arthur Tindall and Walter Bowser Hampton, duets. Admission 25c and 15c, . An able Patriotic sermon was preached by pastor Wilkinson on Sunday Sunday evening from the thought that if victory was gained in the war there must )e holiness in the camps and in our Empire. Empire. Appropriate music and a solo by ittle Miss Elaine Palmer We are sorry to lose from our midst Mrs. Ben ! Palmer, Elaine and Hoskin, who are moving moving to Ottawa this week The E. L. îeld their annual picnic at Lake Scugog on Saturday, and a number of the Presbyterians Presbyterians and Methodists went on Tuesday. Tuesday. HAMPTON ÇAL.EM Our people extended a cheery welcome to Mrs. Geo. Honey recently in the form of a "kitchen shower" of granite and other wares, when a large number assembled assembled and spent a social evening. The young bride made a very kindly acknow- lengment of the good wishes and" gifts. Refreshments were served^and a happy hour spent in music, games, etc. Mr. and Mrs. Honey occupy the home formerly occupied by Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Honey, the latter having purchased Mrs. T. C. Langmaid's residence in Bowmanville and removed thereto. They will be greatly missed by the people of Salem as they were always active in every good work during the many years they resided here. Stick Fast--dry paste for paper-hanging at F. O. Mason's. HORSE STOLEN Found on Lake view Ave, Toronto Early Wednesday morning the Toronto Toronto police were notified that a sorrel horse with, a top buggy had been standing on Lakeview Ave for sometime. Investigation Investigation revealed a note on the seat stating, •This buggy belongs to Bowmanville, Ont." The horse was removed to the City Pound and cared for, and Chief Rich. Jarvis,_ Bowmanville communicated with. Later in the morning, Acting Inspector of Detectives Mackie was notified that the îorse and buggy had been stolen from the station at Bowmanville on Tuesday night and that two youths had been noticed noticed hanging around the station acting strangely. The distance between Toronto and . Bowmanville is 45 miles, and the animal when found gave every appearance of laving beén driven the distance ""without ood or water.--Toronto Telegram. The outfit belongs to Mrs. Fred W. Alin, Alin, north of town. Mrs, Allin- had driven 1er cousin to the G. T. R.' Station and tied the 20 year-old family driver to a lost near the hotel. Returning after seeing seeing her friend on the train found horse and buggy gone, only tie line remaining. Roofing Paint at F. O. Mason's. Recent Visitors: Mir. J. Baulch, Miss Baulch, Mrs. Baulch, Sr., Mrs. Hamley, ort Hope, Mr. Baulch, Oshawa, Mrs. Gordon, Osaca, at Mr. R. Katerson's; Mrs. -ewis Crvderman and son, Vernon, B. C., with relatives and friends; Mr. and Mrs. J. loidge, Mr. and Mrs. F. Hoidge, Mr. J. Clark, Toronto, Mr. A. Clark, Midland, at Mrs. H. Elliott's; Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Ruse, Miss L. Ruse, Toronto, at Mr. C. N. Ruse's; Mr. and Mrs. W. Ruse, Toronto, at Mr. T. J. Clark's; Mrs. W. N. Brown, Miss E. Johns, Toronto, Miss N. Johns, Cendal, home for the holidays; Mr. and Mrs. F. Mason and daughter, Friendship Y., Dr. L. Hastings, Dallas, Texas, Mr. and MrsTF. H. Mason, Bowmanville, at Mrs. E. Hastings'; Mr. and Mrs. Sparling, Sparling, Toronto, at Mr. Thos. Elliott's; Misses Granville, Ottawa, visiting their uncle, Rev. Geo. Brown; Dr. J. H. Elliott, Toronto, Toronto, at Mrs. H. Elliott's; Miss M.Perkins, Port Perry, Mrs. E. Ward, Mr. Lloyd and Oscar Ward, Columbus, at Mr. T. Salter's Mrs. N. Ward and daughter at Mrs. H r Elliott's; Mr. N. Moyse, wife and family, Mrs. A. Roach, Toronto, with friendsf Mr. Sorsoliel, Toronto, at Mr. C. Horn's; Miss Irene Bray and brother Frank spent the week-end with their cousins Mildred and Albert Cole.... Mr. F, J. Groat who has been working in McLaughlin's, Oshawa, Oshawa, hart his foot badly and is home for a few days... .Anniversary services in connection with the Sunday School were the most successful in th€ history of the School, ' Despite the inclement weather and the changing of the morning service to afternoon, a goodly crowd: assembled and were delighted with thé service. Mr. A.M.Sorsoliel addressed children and delighted delighted them with his story of "The little boy from Never Never". He- then spoke a few apt words to the parents. In the evening the large meeting place was filled with an expectant audience and-everyone was delighted. The address by Mr. Sorsoliel "Two Boys" was a> master-piece and greatly impressed his hearers. The singing by the school was at delight to all, showing the-result of united effort on the part of trainer and scholars. Monday July 2 was an ideal day and aever have we seen so many of the "old boys and girls?*' return home for the anniversary occasion In the afternoon a football game was- played between Maple Grove and Hampton Juniors" resulting in a tie. After which Ebenezer played Maple Grove result 1--O' in favor of Ebenezer. An excellent tea was served on the church lawn. The concert in the evening was an unqualified success, the building being crowded to the doors, many not gaining admittance. The numbers were all well given, Miss Hurd singing in a sweet soprano voice and splendidly accompanying Mr. Fiddes on the piano. Mr. J. E. Fiddes sustained his reputation as a Scottish tenor of note, delighting the audience with every number. ; Mr. Beebe, The Boy Elocutionist, Elocutionist, pleased everyone and his variety of costumes, suitable to his different selections selections gave a plèasing variety of the program. program. The duets sung by Mrs. Hurd and Mr. Fiddes were much appreciated and were accompanied by Miss N. Horn in a manner pleasing to the singers and to the audience. Many pleasing remarks were heard as to the quality of the playing and singing during all the services. Proceeds over $570. . The returned Soldiers from the Military Hospital at Whitby will give a concert in Hampton Friday evening July 20. Plan to attend and thus bring cheer to the boys who have done their bit at the Front. OUTING Vacation ? us Are you ready for yours ? Let fit you up with sport shoes. Our Life Buoy brand is the very best for Comfort and Service, TRAVELING GOODS Perhaps you- will need a Suitcase, Club Bag or Trunk for a trip 1 . We carry a full line of Traveling Goods. The things yott need When you seed them Fred R. Fèley On tiré Sunsÿsidè Phone 12 Bowmanville INSURANCE ! ! MRS. EDITH V. SCOBELL* assisted by Miss Nina E. Neads Agency for very best lines in British and Canadian Insurance Companies z FIBB AUTOMOBILE CASUALTY SICK BENEFIT Also tor the old and reliable Sun Life Ass. Co. of Canada, the strongest and best Canadian Life Insurance Company. Mrs. EDITH V. SC0BELL, Bowmanville Box 308 Phone 189 9-3W Demonstration at Bowmanville , July 12th It being the annivêfSary of the opening of the < Elite Grocery Store. Rich. Snowden hereby wishes to thank his many customers in town and country for their liberal patronage during the last 4 years ^_hnd asks a continuance of the same. He owes his success to keeping good goods at reasonable prices. For our anniversary on Thursday, Friday and Saturday of this week we will give a few snaps for cash which will be well worth your while. Just look at the following list and see for yourself if they are not gen- -- nine bargains: 20 lbs Sugar for. ,...$1.69 200 cans French Peas, 2 for 25c 2 cans Pork and Beans 29c 2 cans Pork and Beans, large... 34c 2 cans Raspberry 29c 2 cans Peaêrs 29c 2 cans Cherries... 27c 2 cans Plums 24c 2 cans Peaches 39c 2 cans Black Berries... 23c 1000 lbs Tea, green, black or mixed at... 39c Best Coffee in town at 43c Large Bar Soap 2^ lbs, reg 15c, 2 for 23c 23c Purity Rolled Oats in package 23c Best Japan Rice 25 c Rich. Snowden, Phone 243. The Elite Grocery. Bowmanville j MEAT IN WAR TIME No meal is entirely complete without without meat. If you want the choicest the market produces in Beef, Pork, Lamb, or Veal, leave your order at our store and it will be promptly attended to. If you cannot come to the store have our waggon call and make your own selection. Phone 225 J. H. MUTTON King Street :A Seeing the Opportunity and Seizing it are Two Very Different Matters Why do we daim our groceries are the best ? Because of Freshness and Quality, Sure to Satisfy, Satisfy, the Best the Market Produces, the Kind that Tempts the Appetite these days. FRUIT OF ALL KINDS New Layer Raisins New Shelled Almonds New Valencia Raisins New Shelled- Walnuts New Smyrna Figs New Cleaned Currants New Hallowi Dates New Candied Peels Extra quality of Tea at a price you will be pleased with. Coffee, the very best. Everything "in the Grocery line good and fresh. Phone 65 Special attention to phone orders Archie, Bowmanville The Reliable Grocery House TWINE NOTICE TO FARMERS PAINT. Twine and Rope, as everyone should know, has advanced to a high record. The crop in Ontario from present indications indications is going to be heavy and down. Twine is scarce, in fact the dealers have been refusing orders tor some time past. The price advanced four cents a lb. last week and rope advanced fifty per cent. I have been offered a price of two cents a pound advance before ever touching my twine and from now to July 15th will sell new twine at the first scheduled price and from then on will charge a price according to the scheduled market price. Buy now and save money. F. O. Mason. Hay Fork Gar, Totton and track, new, at F. O. Mason's, Paint also advanced last week again and as long as my stock of Maple Leaf goods last wifi sell at the old prices. Maple Leaf paint, by the unsolicited custom custom I have had from customers and painters and from the report they give me is without doubt the best bodied and easiest easiest flowing paint sold to-day, Guaranteed Guaranteed pure and money refunded if not entirely entirely satisfactory. Many customers have found that they did not require near as much Maple Leaf paint as they had formerly formerly used of other paints. The body is there." Phone 131 F. O. Mason, Bowmanville. Harvest mitts at old prices at F, 0« Mason's. z • - yjàü IsiMZS.-iS