mm mi- Vf X ■-M "yX Z:;Z I ;-■ :'X' - SM Z: X'" 1 V:/- .VI ■: * : ■ ' Z N rsa m Make All Your Preserves with ci _ Su je c PRES ERVIN G LABELS FREE Send red ball trade»mark cut front a Lag or carton to Atlantic Sugar Refineries Limited MONTREAL *Pur* and Uncolored n Pure Cane. Fine Granulation., Granulation., Orderby mime îrom your grocer. 10,20 & 100-lb. sacks--2 & 5-lb. cartons Health -;î. DOMESTIC SCIENCE AT HO^E. 137 V Westminster Hotel, Toronto "A Real Hotel Without a Bar tt it®. in Sjü S!üî«Îï si ill igîB6 Bright and attractive. Fireproof. Every bedroom bedroom has a bathroom. Elegant furnishings. Splendid culilne. Easy access to sb °PP lng f ^®: tricts and theatres. Free ^Wor^rovindal Union Station and wharf. Ask for Provincial Motor taxis. Single room, with bathgWI.50 to ■ - juticheo Fourth Lesson-- Incombustibles The mission of food in the body is to repair, build new tissue and to furnish heat and energy to the body for the daily labor. The mysterious processes of digestion digestion separate the food, so that we find portions of it are incombustible,, that do not furnish material for retiring, building new tissues, heat or energy to the body. Upon close study we find that digestion starts in the mouth and stomach and finishes in the intestines. The stomach and intestines are so constructed that .they depend upon their contraction and expansion, as it were, 'for the ;-performance duties, which consist of absorbing the nutriment of the food, discarding a that 'has yielded its goodness/ and eliminating all: waste products' from the body. ' , . . • In order that these organs be kept m their usual working order, it is necessary necessary that foods "containing considerable considerable bulk be eaten daily. Vegetables, salads, whole grams contain valuable incombustibles m /he form of cellulose, which are necessary for active- elimination of waste and undigested foods from the body Care of Teeth is of First Importance. Parents should realize that care of the teeth cannot be' impressed on children children .too strongly. This done, there need Be no fear lest the teeth be neg- of their lected in later life. The Government pays particular atention to the tëeth of those who would enlist in the army or 35c tafiJLB -Jfi] "RATES * __ t o K/) Rrenkfast, 25c to 60c. Luïïtb60D f to 50c Dinner, 50c to 75c. Inclusif rates, American Dlan; $2.50 to $3.50 a day. Write fc>r bo"kle?m P 240' JAB VIS STREET, TORONTO. t-V » The Select Family Hotel Centrally located--Just off Yonge Street Rates : American Plan--$2.50 up per day. European Plan-Single $1.25 up per day--Double $1.50 up per day. Write for descriptive booklet. 71 Grenville Street, Toronto, Ontario TRUE SERVICE All Things Are Ours, Not to Misuse, But to Use As Stewards, in Order That, by Their Possession, We May the Better Serve the World. "All things are yours."--1. Cor. _iii., 21. All things are yours not to corner or merely to consume but to grow within, giving them out. Israel was the chosen people only as long as they obeyed and thus were fitted to serve all humanity; they were not arbitrarily chosen. Nature Says "I can remedy most ills, and help you to escape many ailments, ailments, if you give me timely aid/' Naturally, Nature prefers Canada will lose the favor of God, which has brought great prosperity, when she ceases to serve the world. God has no favorites. Either imitate Christ and serve the weaker or be cast aside like a worn out shoe. But seek to help humanity and everything is "yours" to further equip you to do it. That is the promise. On this basis Preserving Currants The red, white and black currants are used for making jams and jellies. For currant jelly wash the currants by placing them in a colander or in' a sieve. Dip the colander in plenty of cold water and shake around. IDrain and remove the cdFrants from the stems, and measure them before placing placing them in the preserving kettle. Three quarts of prepared" currants, three cupfuls of water. Place currants currants and water in a preserving kettle and--bring to a boil. Use a wooden potato^ masher to mash fruit while cooking. .Boil for ten minutes and then place in à jelly bag or in a piece of cheesecloth. Then lay it in a colander colander to drain. Do not squeeze; this would cause the pulp to work through and make the jelly cloudy. Then measure the jelly and allow one cupful of sugar for each cupful of the currant juice. Return the juice to the kettle and bring to a boil. Boil for eight ^minutes, then add sugar. Stir with wooden spoon until sugar is dissolved and the mixture comes to a boil. Cook for ten minutes. Pour into sterilized glasses, cover and store in usual manner for jellies. Spiced Currants.--Three pounds of sugar, one pint of water. Place in a preserving kettle. Bring to boil and cook for ten minutes, watching carefully. carefully. ' Do not stir the sugar after boiling has begun, then add spice bag, four quarts of prepared currants. Cook slowly for three-quarters of an h.our, stirring constantly with wooden spoon to prevent scorching. Fill into sterilized sterilized pint jars, seal at once. For the Fill this juice into sterilized bottles. Then place the bottas in a hot-water bath and process twenty minutes after boiling begins, for quart size. Cork and then cool, dip the tops of the bottles bottles in hot sealing wax. ■ Spiced Currant Jam.--Rub the pulp of the currants used in making currant currant juice through a fine sieve. Measure Measure and add three-quarters of a cupful cupful of sugar to each cup of this pulp. Place in a kettle and stir to dissolve the sugar. Then add the spice bag. Bring to a boil ^and cook slowly until thick like jam. Pour into sterilized glasses or other containers that may be sealed by covering with hot para- wax. • For the spice bag take two tablespoonfuls of cinnamon, one tea- spoonful, of nutmeg, one teaspoonful of cloves, one teaspoonful of alspice. Tie securely in a piece of cheesecloth. This spice bag must be removed before before thé jam is stored. This jam is delicious on cold meat. navy, Neglect of the teeth is sure to result result in toothache. This means not only actual; physical suffering, but impairment impairment of the general' health.. The X-ray to-day often^reveals difficulty a^- the root of teçth, which is/ not yet localized, through plain or outward appearance, appearance, but to which may be traced rheumatism and other jlls. Food masticated by poor teeth and disea sec^-gums becomes infected with bacteria ; these taken into the stomach seriously ^interfere with nutrition because because they, disturb the digestion. The result cannot be anything but ilK health. . ' The human mouth presents most favorable conditions for growth of dangerous germs if the residue from different foods is permitted to remain in the mouth, for jts moisture and natural, natural, warmth are^especially well suited suited to germ, .development. Then, too the teeth being largely lime, any acid ini ÎÏAT, fis so- beautiful as the softi roey, delicate skin of the baby. And yet baby's skin is so. tender and so easily chafed and irritated that it must have care and consideration. consideration. It is a fine habit for mothers to have Dr. Chase's Ointment at hand for use after the bath. By its soothing, hëaling influence influence it soon allays the inflammation^ brings relief and comfort, and prevents the development of eczema, for eczema is the natural result of neglected skin irritation. Mrs. W. L. Barnes, Timmigas, Ont., writes : "I want to tell you about the case of my little boy who. had baby eczema when he was three months old. It started on the top of his head, On his forehead and around his ears. The doctors failed to do him any good, so I tried Dr. Chase's Ointment on the recommendation of a friend, and in a month's time the child was entirely free of this disagreeable skin disease. -He is now four years old, and has never had any further trouble from ailments of this kind." *' Canada entered the war. - ,, , . This is not a day for pessimists^ 'spice bag take four blades of mace, • i i • l . _! ma VwaVoti in hli Q BEECHAM'S PILLS Laxeeit Sale of Any Medicine in the World. Sold everywhere. In boxe*, 25c. In all countries. Ask for our TNTEN- jOR'S ADVISER,'Which, will be sent free, MARION & MARION. 364 University St., Montréal. 30 cents per lb. for beef is not high ; when compared to 50 cents per lb. i live weight paid for the Champion of the Toronto Fat Stock Show. Start feeding that steer now and get lome of the big money at the Eighth Annual TORONTO FAT STOCK SHOW Union Stock Yards TORONTO The late- Bishop Warrqn once said:-- "Of two evils the pessimist chooses-- both." He sees nothing but trouble. Southey tells of a Spaniard who always always put on eye-glasses while eating grapes because it made them look larger. Izaak Walton used to say, "I am thankful for the miseries I have missed." Faith in the Father rarefies the atmosphere so that crowns shine but fin the other side of our Calvaries. Calvaries. War is terrible, but even that may bring us some profit. If we claim our heritage as sons of God no loss or cross can rob us. A Steward of Wealth. The believer is deprived of using no good thing, but is only warned against its abuse. Christ was charged with being a "wine bibber and a publican" and was mistaken for a carpenter because because He lived so completely amgng men. He prayed "not that thou shouldest take them out of the world, but that thou shouldest keep them from the sml." The sturdy oak uses the storm t^make music. Jhe turnip turnip is spoiled by frost, but the parsnip is sweetened. Small souls are soured soured by sorrow, but those with eternal life in them exhibit unexpected endurance endurance and mature. It is foolish to conclude that the good man gives up; insteacThe gathers up only that which adds to his greatness. The "spirit one stick of cinnamon, broken in bits, two pieces of ginger, one-half teaspoonful teaspoonful of whole cloves. Tiè in a piece of cheesecloth. This bag must be removed before Scoring the currants. currants. Prepare the currant;.- as directed directed T:or jelly. To Store Currant Juice.--The juice of "the currants may be prepared, bottled bottled and stored up for future use, when it may be made into jelly, used" for sauces or with carbonated water as a thirst quencher. Currant Juice.--Six quarts of prepared prepared currants, two quarts of water. Place in a preserving kettle, bring to a boil and boil for twenty minutes. j Simple Remedies. « I have found several drugs indispensable indispensable in the home, which, under trade names, cost several times as much. It is very often possible to buy antiseptics and water softeners at a great saving in this way. / For instance, boric, or boracic, acid as a drug is inexpensive, yet I have •had to pay- several times as much for it when purchasing under a trade name. This acid is one of the most widely used eye remedies, and is the principal ingredient in most of them. ' The same is true of most foot powders. For an eye wash I use a saturated solution.' This same solution is also a splendid antiseptic, and I keep a small remaining for any length of time in contact with them erodes the surfaces finally softening or destroying the structure. It is well in brushing the teeth, to use a rotary motion; only by so doing can the bristles reach all the crevices between^the teeth. It is a.wise plan to follow the brushing with the use of dental floss, and also with the use of some good mouth wash. Visits to the dentist should be made regularly, even though there is apparently apparently no trouble with the teeth. If there is no trouble, the visit will help to prevent the development of trouble trouble in the form of cavities. If one waits until there is a pain as a warning, the loss of a tooth may result. The first, or ^temporary teeth,. of which there are ten on either jaw, generally appear before the child is two years old. This is the usual order of their coming: 4 central incisors .. 6th to 7th month 4 lateral incisors . .7th to 9th month 4 first molars 14th to 16th month 4 cuspids 16th to 18th month 4 second molars . .20th to 24th month The permanent teeth usually begin to appear about the sixth or seventh year and in the following order: 4 first molars ........ 6th to 7th year i 2 central incisors, lower 6th to Ten year Dr. Chase's Ointment 60c abox, all dealers, or Edmaneon, Bates & Co., Ltd., Toronto. Do not be talked into accepting a substitute. Imitations only disappoint. "Frozen" Troops. All soldiers are noW instructed what to do when a hostile scouting aeroplane aeroplane is sighted by troops on the march. On the jwarning "Aeroplane!" every jnan drops on his right knee, with his hgad bent well over the muzzle muzzle of his rifle--to look up is fatal, for it creates a "sea" of white faces-- which is held in a sloping position in front of the body. All ranks then, remain remain as motionless as they possibly can until the aeroplane has passed over them. In fact, they may be s^id to "freeze,' as wild animals froze when seeking to evade observation.- Don't Be Penny Wise. No housewife should let the increased increased price of sugar keep hdr from preserving preserving all the fruit and berries that she can get. A little figuring will show her that the increased price of sugar is only 1 Yz cents to the quart ja x* quantity made-up for this purpose. It may be used on open wounds without : 2 central incisors, upper 7th to 8th year pain. This is very effective, ancLds also non-poisonous. As a foot powder the acid is used m the powdered form. .One or two spoonfuls spoonfuls to a shoe relieves tired, aching, and sweaty feet, and also removes all odors. . I keep a bottle containing a saturated saturated solution of borax for use. in my sink. A few spoonfuls of this, softens the water and brightens aluminum aluminum ware. A mixture of half borax half sugar is an excellent ant 2 lateral incisors .. ;. 7th to 9th year 4 first bicuspids ... .10th to 11th year 4 second bicuspids --10 to 12th year 4 cuspids (eye teeth) 11th to 13th year 4 secondjnolars .-... 12 to 14th year 4 third molar, wisdom 18th to 25th year SPEED UP- FREIGHT x . MOVEMENT and poison. bubbling goodfel- happy exuberance, lowship. "The world is full of roses And the roses full of dew, And the dew is full of heavenly love That drips for me and you." --Rev. Christian F. Reisner, D. D. a- TO SWEEP GARDEN WITH Hard Princess Mary Wanted Nice Broom For Young Prince Princesl Mary likes an open-air life, HOW TO PREVENT ACID STOMACHS AND FOOD FERMENTATION morning r^les, both in London and at auuo in mo -t---~ i Windsor. She. made her debut in the of truth" shows him the true worth of and has been often seen riding with ^ ^ the King during his Majesty's earlyIwiM^which* distends" 1 t'he"st°mach ab DEG. 7th & 8th, 1917 secretary quest. will mail prize list on re ts a disinfectant that "dries white, not dark or colorless like other disinfectants, so that with it, one disinfects and paints at the same time, with the same labor and/at no greater cost than is required for whitewashing and disinfecting disinfecting only. Carbola is made of a finely powdered mineral pigment, same as used by many paint makers, combined with a" germicide germicide 20 times stronger than carbolic acid but non-poisonous and non-caustic non-caustic Comes in convenient size F: packages, does not spoil by_ stand- ng, so can be kept on hand ready to use when convenient or on a- rainv day. Applied with either a brush or a spraying machine. Will not clog the sprayer or blister, flake or peel oft, no' matter how manv coats are put on. It is easily, prepared for use. just put the powder In a pail and Etir in either cold or hot water. Used and endorsed by thousands of poultrv and breeding farms and by experiment Stations and agricultural agricultural colleges. Sold by Dealers Everywhere EOWXUfO RONS fc OO., I«td. Toronto - - Canada i."all things," so that he wastes neither ! time nor-effort on the worthless. No- ! thing is prohibited that adds_to man's pleasure or profit. Z We are to be-poor in spirit, not in specie. It is the "love of," not gold | in itself, which is the root of all evil. ! It is "hard" but not impossible for the Trich to enter heavens. The Red Cross 1 outpour showed "how" the rich can ! own their wealth instead of being own- ! ed by it. Many are as consecrated in using it--though not always wise, because because human--as others who would have them give it away. Jesus told I the rich young man to "begin" giving --not all at once--instead of hoarding. ! No man owns property either because ! he accumulated or inherited it--he is only a steward. He uses it to fashion character as the sculptor statuary or the artist paintings. He mil lose skill -vZv hunting fieitl when she v was only eleven, attending a meet of the West Norfolk Foxhounds On her chestnut cob. As the only daughter in a family with five boys, the Princess has shared , het brothers' games and recreations. recreations. She enjoys shopping, and takes great trouble to obtain the particular particular presents which she sets her heart on. For instance, she once asked in a London shop for a smaU hard broom. They had not one. "I want a nice little hard broom for my brother to sgreep garden paths with," said the-^TOncess. (. Since the war Prlncqss ^Mary has made a quantity of- things for sale and distribution on behalf of war funds. T ❖ By a Stomach Specialist. As a specialist who has spent many years in the study and treatment of stomach troubles, I have been forced to the conclusion that most people who complain of stomach trouble possess stomachs that are absolutely healthy and normal. The real trouble that which causes all the pain and difficulty, is acid in the stomach, usually due to, or aggravated by, food fermentation. Acid irritates the delicate lining of the stomach and food fermentation causes if he loses the spirit of the^Mastefl: The Golden Harvest. j "Death" is -another possession enum- ! erated. Tha£ defeats plans, darkens j palaces and destroys power. Is there I any light ? Yes, the to-morrow be- | yond the grave is as fair -fis the shin- j ing ' spring" morning after the mid- ; night storm. And it reveals pain j wounds. formed into pearls and words I and deeds thought wasted bearing a I golden harvest. Life is endless'. I As Victor Hugo sang:4- normally, causing that full bloated feeling feeling Thus both acid and fermentation interfere with and retard the process of digestion. The stomach is usually healthy and normal, but irritated almost- almost- past endurance by these foreign elements--acid and wind. In all such cases--and they comprise over 90 per cent of all stomach difficulties--the first and only'step necessary is to neutralize the-acid and stop the fermentation by taking in a little warm or cold water immediately after eating, from one to two teaspoonfuls of blsurated magnesia, which is doubtless the best and»-only really effective antacid and foo< corrective corrective known. The acid will be neutralized and the fermentation stopped almost instantly, instantly, and your stomach will at once uroceed to digest the food in a healthy, -normal manner. Be sure to ask your druggist for the blsurated magnesia, as I have found other formsjitterly lacking in Its peculiarly valuaWTe properties.-- f. j: g. - ,» t In order to facilitate train move- .ments and release passenger train crews for other work, the railways^of the United States are making drastic reductions compared to which those in- Canada early this year appear mild. Thus, for instance, the Pennsylvania Railroad merely on its lines east of Pittsburg has eliminated no less than 102 trains, or more than double the number taken off the whole of the Canadian railways. This will cut down the passenger movement by an amount equivalent to 2,268,000 train miles per annum or over 6,500 train miles every week day. A number of parlor cars, restaurant cars and ob-' servation cars are being discontinued. The Boston and Maine has taken off no less than 255 trains, or more than five times the number taken off in Canada, saving approximately 41,000 train miles per week. Strenuous : efforts efforts are also being made to increase the carload and to impress on merchants merchants the importance of rapid unloading unloading so that the freight equipment shall be kept busy to its utmost capacity/ capacity/ and terminals should be kept clear. The American railroads realize that speed in freight movement is one of the greatest aids they can give to help win the war and according to all reports are achieving remarkable results. results. It is up to Canadians to see that Canada is not left behind in this patriotic race. " ■ help win the war ic-îlx *-»a« . It is the duty of every subject of the Allies to help win the WAR, and they can best do it by preventing WASTE and storing up for the COMING WINTER all food products, especially those perishable foods such as fruits and vegetables. . This can be accomplished easily by using one of the NATIONAL CANNING OUTFITS. With the aid of one of these. all kinds of fruits, com, peas, tomatoes and beans can be cooked, 'which will keep indefinitely when properly prepared.- -- Our No. 1 JUNIOR NATIONAL for family use has a capacity of from 200 to 400 cans daily or glass jars of proportionate amount. These outfits can be put right on a cook stove. Price $25.00, f.o.b. Hamilton. We have larger sizesYor hotel use, and still larger sizes for commercial use. We have also Evaporators of- various sizes for evaporating every kind of fruit, apples, peaches, pears, berries, potatoes, etc. Write for full particulars, giving size required, to The Brown, Boggs Co., Limited, Hamilton, Ont. Vi: keep your, shoes neAt .1 The only camp fire in -the woods that "out" is one that is "dead 'out." j / "Let us be like the bird New lighted on the twig that swings, He feels its sway but sings on unaffrighted, unaffrighted, " ; Knowing he has his .wings.", "Life" also is "ours":--its gayety, Keep roses and other shrubs free from suckers, shoots that start at the base of the plants. y ' Ever y 10 c Same Family Name. An Irishman was seated in a railway railway carriage next to a very pompous- looking man, with whom he commenced commenced a conversation in a rather free-and- easy manner. At length the pompous one said: "My good man, reserve your conversation for- one of your own equals. I would have you know that I am a K. C." The Irishman jumped up and held out his hand. "Begorry, shake!" he exclaimed, "Oi'm a Casey meself." Packet of lX WILSON'S FLY PADS 1 , v;iii Kiii pc ïüçÿjiu&K'j *♦* . . 1 i rte et#" >1 kl 1/ 58""WDIHH Ul , /'KYy \S f i(K y i V CAfCjlCjg m mftti h$2#rWi4' py all Drug, gtets, Oroc^i i^dTOtoeral Stores. Sorbs Heàl quickly.--Have you- a persistent aore that refuses to heal? Then, try Dr. Thomas? Eclectric Oil in the dressing. dressing. It will stop sloughing, carry away the proud flesh, draw out the pus and prepare prepare a clean way for the akin. It is the recognized healer among ollsjind myriads of people can certify that it healed where Other oils failed utterly. A Poser. "gay, mamma, do big fishes eat little little fishes like these sardines?" "Certainly, my child!" "Bui^how do they open the tins ?" -q , * ZS 1 ■ -:-:y ""xi 2 àtid 5 lb. Cartons-- go, 20, 50 and 100 IbrBags. No one ever doubts REDPATH quality, because ini its Sixty Years of use no one has ever bought a barrel, bag of carton of poor Redpath sugar. It is made#in one grade only--the highésf. "Let Redpath Sweeten it."- it Canada-Sugar Refining Go., Limited, Montreal* ■"râ . Z " - .\ . * ' . . •' - - ; . . . ' --- -, J .Zx-X'-v ***»"' •• • -- • s-- -- •*. • ■> ' * '■ - i «