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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Aug 1917, p. 2

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Th* CJlKadhx Stat**ha* xwIThs/Boi mil 5iwb pebliebed • v w t7_ti*T*ds.; Fridiy *onan* L r««p«cÜTel7. lATé* STAOiiLUl Offies, lama* Bloc*, S8 *ü 17 Kin*-*t. West. BomnsjrrlUe. Ontario. Canada. M. A. Jsmss A Sou, Publishers and Proprietors, at |LS0 per SJDBuœ, payable ln adyaa©e; 91.00 alter first three Months. B. J. HAZLEWOOD, H-D-, CLM- on. G old medalistpf tbjnffy trm- ▼ersity, Toronto. Four yea>jf Attending Physician and. Surgeon at ML Carmel Hospital. IPlttsburg. Km. Office and Residence. Wslllnarton St Telephone No. 10L J.T. ALLEN, TAILOR At Rear of St Aim ard Bank Bowmanville J. T. Allen announces thathe now makes tnits to order at lowest prices. Ladies' suits cleaned and 'pressed. Gentlemen's suits altered, repaired, cleaned and pressed. pressed. All work guaranteed and prices right. Give the old reliable tailor a trial RAILWAY TIME TABLES FOR BOWMANVILLE; Grand Trunk Railway Going East Express Express Passenger Local Pa'senger Mail 8 52 a.m. 10 31 a.m. 3.29 pjn 6.49 p.m 7.18 p.m 9.58 p.m Going West Express 4.22 aun Local 6.57 a-m Local 9.45 a.m Passenger 1.36 p.m Passenger 7.01 p.m Canadian Pacific Railway Going West Going East 6.02 a.m 10.46 a.m 4 47 p.m 1.08 a.m. C. B. Kent, Town Agent Canadian Northern Railway Going East Going West Express II.42-a.m Express9.36 a.m •Express 6.40 p.m Express 7.31 p.m tExpress 3.08 pjn. 'Daily except Saturday. tSaturday only. LWAY ITEM GRAND TRUNK sy'st Homeseekers' Excursions. Round trip tickets to points in Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and Alberta via North Bay, Cochrane and Transcontinental Transcontinental Route, or via Chicago, St. Pauls' or Duluth, on sale each Tuesday until Oct. 30, inclusive, at low fares. Through Tourist Sleeping Cars to WINNIPEG on above dates, leaving Toronto 10.15 p. m. no change of cars, via Transcontinental Route. Return Limit, Two Months. Exclusive Exclusive of date of sale. Berth reservations and full particulars at all Grand Trunk ticket offices or write C. E. HORNING, District J & -enger Agent, Toronto, Ont. J. H. H. Jury, Local Agent GRAND TRUNKsystem ATTRACTIVE TRIPS to MUSK0KA LAKES ALGONQUIN PARK MAGANETAWAN RIVER x LAKE Of BAYS KAWARTHA LAKES GEORGIAN BAY Round trip tourist tickets now on sale from stations in Ontario at very low fares, with liberal stop overs. Gret your tickets in advance Berth reservations and full infoma- tion at all Grank Trunk Ticket Offices, Offices, or write C. E. HORNING, District District Passenger Agent, G. T. R'y System, System, Toronto, Ont. BT CHAS. M. BIGE, ATTORNEY -AT-LAW, DENVER, COLORADO. / WHEN THE BOYS RETURN. When thé Bôys who have, so valiantly valiantly gone to the great struggle for freedom .and democracy return td théîr hbfhelànd after the war Is;over, what spirit, think you, and what ideals are they going to bring with them 7 National institutions are sure to be affected by the influence of the returned returned soldiers; socially and politically politically the allied countries will not be in the years to come what they were in the years before August, 1914. We are stirred to indignation when pacifists tell us that war is going, to brutalize our men, and do not believe and arro- of Prussia's armed forces gant military leaders. What happens dn the policies of Berlin is no concern of ours as long as the armies of the kaiser remain obedient and "measurably effective. "There can be no lasting peace until until the, responsibility to the people is clearly established from one-end of-Europe of-Europe to the other," declared Lloyd George in a recent telegram to Prince Lvoff of Russia. The kaiser may agree to minor changes in the election laws, or to the dismissal of unpopular ministers; but he will never agree to responsible parliamentary government, such as obtains in Great Britain, until he is low their -example and never falter. They'will bring a message from the -firing line, for they have been there, Canada is now entering on a broader broader field then ever before. The present present conflict is world wide and more X: word of it. The men who fought, the defeated commander of a van- for France and for England, and for dear old Canada, and who have come back, surely do not show such bad influence influence or any signs of demoralization. demoralization. ~~ m » * * They are meiXwho carry in voice, HOMESEEKERS 1 EXCURSIONS MAY 8th TO OCTOBER 30th Every TUESDAY "ALL RAIL" - also by THURSDAY'S STEAMER " Great Lakes Routes", (Salmon NtvtgeOon) Your Future Is In the West The fertile prairies have put Western Gened*, on the map. There are still ' thousand* of acre» wafting for the mao who wants a home and prosperity. -Take advantage of Lew Hates and travel via (. Canadian Pacific Information from Ticket Offices: 141-145SL Jams* SL, Phone M 8125, Windsor Hotel, Windsor and Plaça Vigor Stations. " C. B. KENT, Agent, - Bowmanville. Cook's JL ^^rtliabU re t quished army The surrender of his throne to one of his sons would be merely a personal personal abdication. Consent to parliamentary government government would* be the abdication of the house of Hohenzollern, the surrender in bearing and in their eyes the quiet | of Prussia to the German tribes.. We suggestion of having faced eternity, can never reasonably expect this as of having seen life stripped, and i long as the kaiser has the faintest death unveiled, and of having won hope-of victory, gentleness of strength in this great * * * * and unusual experience. To these men No silly sentimentalism should life in its conventions will no doubt soften the blow or lighten, the preshave preshave a neV appearance ; things will ! sure on Germany because of her in- revealed according to new stand-- j ternal difficulties, or so-called re- ards; they will be impatient with ; forms. It is now that the drive much that we have counted important. important. But we may rest assured that they will come back convinced that the should be the hardest and most effectual, effectual, now when there are strong signs of weakness, and the defeat-of democracy they have fought and suf- her armies will do more than any ' of and have eattied the right to speak. It ' gigantic than «g^war which has oc- is'needless to say they wilLreceiye a 1 curred in history. There are 19,- whdle-souled welcome from 'pàtriotie^ÔOOyood' men! in arms -'in Europe^ and America. -- more ttiéh lOjQOO^iDOO have. been kill? * * * * ed apd ciipabl|d. It seems io me that; Irrespective of the cat^e which t Gàhade/can 'néver'-raisejheripropprtioÿ these veterans defended, they will be of soldiers"for this great conflict under any system of volunteering that can be devised: - _ In every great war, each nation sooner or later has been compelled to resort to conscription, and - if the volunteer system has preceded, when conscription comes, the drafted man will lack that inspiration of courage arid dévotion which a soldier ought to possess. But if men understand that they owe the duty of bearing the burdens when they have' shared the benefits of good government, 'they-will realize when drafted, that they are simply performing " a service which they should not avoid. * * * * honored, for the unflinching gallantry they ' hâve ' evitrcêd 'rinder 1 the' most trying conditions of. modern warfare, warfare, for if America worships anything,'it" anything,'it" is the"Courage" of brave men and .the sacrifiées they have made on behalf of the world's freedom. All gloiy, to the invincible Forty- eighth, and may their example stimulate stimulate to like déeds every patriot who loves liberty better / ihan life. Germany preaches and practices the gospel of brute force. If the Huns prevail, the hands of time will be turned back again to despotism; and when they gave us notice that they proposed to go on sinking our ships and murdering our people, there was no choice left but to declare war. Germany Germany drew her dead line and challenged challenged us to cross it. We accept the challenge, and we fight under a flag consecrated to liberty, for we never fight for anything else, $ and the Hun will soon know we are in the game. THE STANDARD BANK QF CAfÉAlSÀ head orride* - Toronto TRUST FUNtiS Our Savings Department gives you a guarantee of absolute security and in ferest a t cu rrettt rate. 239 . BOWMANVILLE BRANCH - A. IN. McMILLAN, Manager. EST'D 1873 LOOKING TOWARDS ZION. and There is perhaps nothing that so saps the stealing qualities of manhood manhood as a sense of want of courage. But though the volunteer system preceded preceded the draft, and has sown these seeds of demoralization to -some extent, extent, yet it is largely a matter of fancy and pride. There is no real foundation to it, for ample reason may, and in most cases do exist to account account for failure to volunteer. Washington, Jefferson and Lincoln each advised the draft system, hence it cannot be said to be unrAmerican, as it surely is not un-British Nearly For Them I Did It. In France last year I went along the French front, said Premier Llody George in a recent speech, and I met one of the finest generals'" in the French Army--General Gouraud --and he said: "One of my soldiers a few days'ago did one of the most gallant arid daring things any soldier ever did. He was reckless, but he managed to come back alive, and someone said to him, "Why did you do that? You 1 have got for children, and you might* have left it to one of the young fellows fellows in the Army. Whât would have happened to your children?" And his answer was: "It was for them I did it." The first self-moving gun carriage was invented in France in 1769. fered for must be made vastly better and a more efficient thing than it was when it called them out in its defence. argument to overcome her forces political reaction. We must make a thorough job of wound until the malignant root has been removed. The world's investment investment in this undertaking is too great and too precious to be sacrificed for a compromise. Whât we do^ now, if done thoroughly, will stand for centuries centuries to come--perhaps forever. Let us then get the full value of the price we are paying, and forever end Prussian Prussian influences, which, if not wiped out now, are liable to be a thorn in the political side of all nations as long as they endure. BATTLE SCARRED VETERANS. They have not fought and suffered it and not be lured away to heal the to preserve it as St was, but to save the possibility of making it something bigger and finer. They* will be ready to scrap a lot of the bungling, cumbersome cumbersome machinery on which we hâve prided ourselves. They will demand action. At the front they have known discipline, order, order, regulations--but only as part of a resulting system. Here at home we have discipline, regulations, routine as part of a result-delaying or resultavoiding resultavoiding system. Naturally they will have no use for that. They will come back with the great ideas of duty, service, sacrifice and comradeship. __ It was a happy thought, and very These are the ideas that are going j opportune, when Canada resolved to to work with something like révolu- f nd to th « country a detachment tionary force. The social and indus- | ^om one of her most famous regi- trial slackers; the profiteers; the me n ; ments, men . who had unflinchingly who stayed home to reckon with the stood by their colors amid the ram men who gave up all to serve. Thereof shot and shell, and the onsweep of is bound to be an accounting. These the_deadly gas men have not been saving the democracies democracies of the world for the sake of the exploiting classes. They are going going to demand that the service and. sacrifice which governed them at the front shall find a more general recognition recognition at home. Comradeship at the front is based on common service, common loyalty. For the men who fight side by side there is no sacrifice too great, there is no treasure too precious to be shared. shared. We shall have more of that spirit in our citizen life<when our citizen soldiers soldiers return to it. There is no danger that they will- come back to establish militarism, or plutocracy, if they come back, victorious as they undoubtedly will. But they will come home determined determined to end the necessity for these disturbing ambitions. .They will return return to find a saner way for nations to live and work together. Members of the Jewish race faith "who believe "that there is a glorious future for Israel in the reoccupation reoccupation of Palestine, have - been holding meetings in Baltimore to ad-j-if not quite all the military experts of I vance the cause of re-occupying this | Europe and America have declared for i sacred land, . as prophesied in the it. 3?he system is called the selec- j scriptures. tive draft, but it would be better nam- Zionism, as the movement is called, ed if called the selective-service sys- has derived a new impulse and found a new hope since the war began. The redemption of the ancient country of the Jew from the rule of the Turk is a possibility no longer remote remote or indefinite. * * * * It is true the land passes from one Gentile power to another if the Turk surrenders it. It is not yet Jewish. But there is excellent reason to believe believe that the change from Mohammè- dan to nominally Christian ownership would greatly improve the chance of Israel to regain its lost inheritance. There could be no better disposition disposition of this little strip of country that forms the natural meeting place of three great continents. Moreover, on the principles set forth by President Wilson it may be argued convincingly that the U. S. is pledged tq see Palestine restored to the Jewish people, as no other people have so strong a claim to it. The war has already brought to the cause of Zionism, and indeed to the cause of the Jewish race generally, a great blessing in the overthrow of the The Forty-eighth Highlanders were among the first Canadian troops to reach the front, and with the Princess Pats they share the glory of having helped to hold the British line when it was confessedly weak and tragically tragically lacking in guns and munitions. The veterans were also in the sec- ! tion has not yet been realized, but tern. It is equitable, and founded on the theory that equal benefits of government government should compel the carrying of | equal burdens of the Government: that the rich, as well as the poor, should be upori àn exact equality, and j that it is unjust for willing hands to ! do all the work and the unwilling to do none. It is expedient, for it is not best for the future civilization of the nation ! that only the brave, strong, full-blooded full-blooded patriotic citizens, the flower of the | youth of the land who would volunteer, should be sacrificed in the battles I fought for all, and that the future | generations should be built up from the weak, irresolute, and shirkers of duty. * * * * It is an economic necessity as well, for the most effective participation in war is supplying those agencies most needed. When the Bitish Premier says the paramount necessity of G. B. is ships, ships, ships; when the French j Commissioners say France needs most not soldiers but foodstuffs, coal, steel Russian autocracy, which seemed to products, and military supplies, it is take extreme delight in persecuting that race as among lier own citizens. an economic waste to permit farmers, miners, munition makers, shipbuilders, shipbuilders, and factory hands for army sup- The" full import of this émancipa- plies to abandon their work so neces- it : sary for the success of our cause to We who stay at home will have to keep our souls and minds alert in order order that we may be ready for the new spirit that will be infused when our ond battle of Ypres, where the Huns j must profoundly affect the whole ; volunteer into a service less needed, for the first time used large quanti- ; question of Jewish destiny. It is de- j The citizen must surrender his inties inties of poisonous gas in an effort to stined to release forces of energy and j dividual right to choose his occupation open the way to victory. j intelligence that have been long held j which he possesses in time of peace, They also formed part of that in-; in ignoble subjection. It will put into land yield to the paramount neces- vincibfe force composed of the Second i the Jewish movement a new spirit sities of the nation in time of war. and Third Canadian -Infantry Bri- \ and vigor. gades upon which fell the task of j Among Zionists there are men and closing the gap caused by the retreat, women who dream great dreams, of the French forces, and were in the j They see a Jewish state exemplify- front line trenches, where they sub- ! ing a lofty idealism ; they see Zion mitted to every conceivable form of emblazoned as an iriternatiorial me-j bombardment and assault, holding tropolis, the world court; they see it ; their positions with unfaltering cour- under the grandest conditions the ; centre of enlightenment; they see it! the site of a great world temple "a ! THE SLACKER ACRE. age. H. W. Davis. I am the idle acre. You will find me on'every farm. No one has paid attention to me. I am tired of being overlooked. I hear that I am needed--Badly Folks across the sea and in cities will go hungry unless each acre does its bit. And here I am, loafing. _ , , . , . i .. The busy acres sneer at me. These veterans received an, have sojourned m all lands, spoken all -, j hear t ^ em w hi S per, "Slacker." But their hardest task came in the house of prayer for all peoples.' early morning of the following day, j And this is scarcely a narrow racial j when the enemy discharged fresh dream; not a dream of exclusive ar- i clouds of gas directed at the Canadian rogance; it is a dream of a people who j trendies. !irhcs6 vet boys come back. We m'ay find the re- j unusual heavy dose. For a moment/languages served all governments and | T ^ do mv s h are adjustment rather jarring if we drift they wavered and fell back a little, as ' yet preserved their religious and ra- j T , ri M j ^ f urn i s h along in the tranquil idea that the - t gee med no human being could stand racial identity that they may some Ls'. . bushels of wheat or worlds armies of democracy are fight- suc h deadly fumes, but they soon re-'day serve the world by becoming the Lt,=l 0 i= Af pL mg to preserve the kind of democracy f covered their breath, and returned ] mediating race for its diverse multi- they left behind thenw We are look- | tQ their abandoned pogitions which ; tudes. . ! / ing for something better than that. I they immediately re-occupied. From Thursday afternoon until the following. Sunday night, they and their At the close of America's great civil war over a million soldiers laid down their arms and returned to the quiet pursuits of civil life. They disappointed disappointed :the pessimist predictions of disorder, and demoralization, and demonstrated demonstrated their eternal fitness to live as dutiful citizens should, free from the supposed contaminations of soldier life. Among the Zionists are: many able and distinguished riien, men 'of vast heroic Canadian comrades of other ! learning rind ^ability! fit, eminently, to regiments kept the line intact until carry forward the banner of Zion, relieved. and_ to sustain it, amid the most ad- * * * * verse circumstances and conditions. The celebrated Forty-eighth has Give the Jew a^chance to redeem him- seen other great battles and victories. ; self, if he can better, his hitherto hard They were the first at Festubert, at' lot, he surely has the right to make Courcelette and at Vimy Ridge. As [ the laudable effort, and no one should might be expected from what they j begrudge him the privilege. have passed through they are mostly; < ; wounded men, but they are a bit of ANENT SELECTIVE CONSCRIP- THERE MUST BE NO COMPROMISE. COMPROMISE. Seventy-five bushels of corn, or Sixty, tons of tomatoejs/ or Lots of other good things. I'm not the slacker . It's the man who neglects me-- HE IS THE SLACKER. The passing of ministers, chancellors, chancellors, or even kaisers, is of small consequence consequence as long as the Prussian spirit retains the power and the instruments instruments suited to its expression and enforcement. We are sorry to confess confess that the Prussian spirit is not yet subdued or its heart converted. the living wall that for nearly three years has withstood the fierce Hun onslaughts, onslaughts, and stood between us and the foe. TION. Canadians, I notice, are considerably considerably "worked up," over the conscrip- Thank Heaven! they are coming j tion bill pending before the Dominion west, having fought and suffered, to j Parliament. ; tell us that they did it willingly and) Now, the reason that conscription gladly, to save for all the. wprld j is odious to many is because of the the unspeakable blessing of liberty. ! fact that a volunteer system has pre- If there are indications of repent- They will remind us that if we would: ceded it) All eligible persons who ance they are undoubtedly simulated • preserve the institutions we have re- . medicine. Bold in - tarée v de- . crew o< etreegth--rNo. 1. $1 ; No. 2, $3; No. 8, $5 per box. Bold br all druggiata, or aent prepaid on receipt cT price. Free, pamphlet. *,'Address i TUCCOOK MEDwCIWE CO„ mom. HT. (taw* Uttar.) lfc only one chance in 17,000,- or a mistake in finger prints, There 000,000 f according to a French scientist. and are insincere. The parable of the sick deyil who aspired to be a monk fits the. situation completely. Let up on the Prussian now, give him : a chance to save himself, to regain his feet, and he will be the same Prussian who browbeat and looted every little German . state, stole Alsace-Lorraine, suppressed'the, democratic uprising-in Saxony, invaded, peaceful Belgium; sank the Lusitania and conspired against the peace and. territory of thé United States. * s * * The only thirig that will save thd world and the / German peçple from the brutal domineering spirit of Prussia is the defeat and humiliation^ ceivèd from our fathers we must foi- A WORD It is.a grave mistake for mothers to hey? iect their aches and pains and suffer in rilence--this only leads: to chronic sickness sickness and often -shortens life. If yom; work is tiring; if your nerves are excitable: if you feel languid, weary or. depressed, you should know that Scott's. Bmulsion overcomes just such conditions;. It possesses in concentrated form the rery elements to invigorate the blood, ïtrengthen the tissues^ nourish the nerves ind build strength. ■" Scott's is strengthening thousands el ■nothers--and will help you. J^ry it, Scott & Bowue. Toronto, OnL failed to volunteer were regarded as "slackers," or shirkers and" cowards, even thbugh valid excuses existed. That is why hatred attaches to the draft. The odium is ' bound to be renewed if you have ^he two systems by which men are enlisted in the service service of their eourit^y. It is , unfortünàté . that . Canada had the yolunteér .system. first in order, but that cannot bp helped now, the time has surely arrived* wheri Cana^k, like the U. S., must have but the one system, that of thé- selective draft 4 * * T" No odium attaches to the French, Russian, German,,»and Austrian :sql- diersf and - they are all conscripted, not having known of a voluntary system. The Dairy Farmer's Ten Commandments. Commandments. Mr. Charles' 1 Christadoro has issued what he halls "Ten Commandmënts for the Dairy Farmer" as follows: Keep healthy cows. r Select good producers.,. Use only pure bred bulls. Feed liberally an approved ration. Produce the feed. Keep barn clean and aired. Keep the cows comfortable Be considerate to the cows. Provide shade and wind protection. Feed and milk regularly. -- Keep Young. hurry ■ and getting à Westminster Hotel, Toronto "A Real Hotel Without a Bar f* Bright and attractive. Fireproof. Every bed- room has a bathroom. Elegant furnishings. Splendid cnisine. Easy access to shopping districts districts and theatres. Free taxi service from Union Station and wharf. Ask for Provincial Motor taxis. BATES: Single room, with bath, $1.50 to $2.50. Breakfast, 25c to 50c.- Luncheon, 35c to 50c. Dinner, 50c to 75c. Inclusive rates, American plan, $2.50 to $3.50 a iday. Write for booklet to 840 JAB VIS STREET, TORONTO. Many women with disfigured complexions never seetii to think that they need an occasional cleansing inside as well as outside. Yet neglect of this internal bathing shows itself in spotty, and sallow complexions--as well as in dreadfubheadaches and biliousness. It's because the liver becomes sluggish, and waste matter accumulates ^^^^^^red^^^renMV^^^mtaseu|^^^ The best CHAM S TA remedy is Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets, which stimulate the liver to healthy activity, remove f erinéntation, S ently cleanse the stomach and bowels and tone the whole igestive system. Sure, safe and reliable. Take one àt night and you feel bright and sunny in the morning. Get Chamberlain's today--druggists 26c., or by mail from Chamberlain Medicine Company, Toronto 15 Coal 8* Wood Best grades of Coal only kept, all kinds. ^ also Wood of If you have not ordered your Winter supply yet, you had better do so as it is liable to advance any day. E- W. LOSCOMBE Standard Danh Building, Temperance St. Phone 177 4451W Avoid worry, flustered. Learn self-control, ^ Anger is rapid wrinklé-bringér^ Be temperate. Moderation does not only refer to the stomach. Overdoing Overdoing in any way makes premature age. Love the open air. French air is hot à fad, it is a necessity if one would keep young, • Get plenty of sleep. Nothing lines the face like nights of wakefulness. Keep mentally alert. Xn intellectual intellectual back number adds years to her seeining age. Nothing makes for youth like a young mind save, perhaps, perhaps, a young heart. Don't let yourself get sluggish and indifferent. Here is where the benefit benefit of massage, physical culture and j a vitalyinterest iti life comei in. Clean floors, doors, woodwork with GOLD DUST Gold Dost is such a marvelous cleanser that a little of the product sprinkled in your scrubbing water will save you most of the back work--and clean much more quickly arid thoroughly than any other way.. . f For anything and everything \ about the house Gold DuSt . ..... 1 . ... is the best known The GCttDDUSTTWINS cleanser. Try it Nevef DreakADate once and you'll use it always. Sold in 10c and large packages. Buy the large package for econ- Al « 18Ât<>l , ft< . 7tàDay a. * ^ IvA "Let the GOL& nUST TWINS dQjomrwor*" ' THE N. K. FMRBANK COMPANY LIMITED, Montreal, Canada /

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