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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Aug 1917, p. 3

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Z 1 V \ When using WILSONS FLY PA DS £ n »)| ion C* E JL < £ ID KOLlUW FHlM / sÿ) exactly/ Far more effective than Sticky Fly . Catchers. Clean to handle. Sold by Druggists and Grocers everywhere. * Serious Matter. Doctor--I'm afraid you are going to be ill. I shall have to examine your heart. Betty (who is in love)--but--but, doctor, you 4re discreet, aren't you? Love is the aroma of life's boiled dinner. Of all overworked women probably th< housewife is the hardest worked. Sh< has so much to attend to, with very little help. Her work can be lightened'if she knows the value of system and she should try and_ take a short rest in the daytime. A physician who became famous almost around the world, Doctor Pierce, of Buffalo, N. Y., the specialist in woman'! diseases^ for many years practiced medi* cine in a farming distinct. He there observed observed the lack of system in the planning of the work. If it is a^ headache, a- backache, '^sensation '^sensation "of irritability or twitching and uncontrollable nervousness, something must be wrong with the head or hack, a woman naturally says, but all the time the real trouble very often centers in the -organs. In nine cases out of ten the seat of the difficulty is here, and a woman should take rational treatment for its cure. The disorder should be treated steadily and systematically with Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. For diseases from which women suff et */ Favorite Prescription" is a powerful restorative. restorative. During the last fifty years it has banished from the Eves of tens of thousands thousands of women the pain, worry, misery and distress caused by these diseases. If you are a sufferer, get Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription in liquid or tablet form to-day. Then address Dr. Pierce, Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo,_ N. Y., and get confidential medical advice entirely free. DOMESTIC SCIENCE AT HOME. Fifth Lesson.-- Proteins are necessary for building and repairing of tissues. Carbohydrates, Carbohydrates, which consist of starches and sugar,'are needed for heat and 1 energy. Fats are needed for energy, and lubrication. lubrication. Mineral salts are necessary for regulating the body processes. Water , is necessary for"the blood stream and the elimination of the waste. The necessity for each of these food elements in our daily diet will rpadily be seen when it is understood that if a person eats a large amount of the food containing an overabundance of protein the excess will not be retained in the body, but only the ampunt that is needed and actually necessary for the body. The excess is eliminated, and frequently overtaxes the liver and kidneys, whereas if too little protein is provided the body will lose Weight and the person will become anemic. Carbohydrates, which are starches and sugars, come chiefly from vegetables, vegetables, and if they are supplied to the body in larger amount than the body requires for its daily use they are -stored in the form of fat. _ Fats, while they furnish heat, energy energy and lubrication, should be eaten very sparingly during the hot weather. Mineral salts are necessary for the teeth and bone structure. For this reason reason they are provided Tor in the proper proper amounts in a well-balanced diet. The necessary for water can-best be understood by the statement that it comprises nearly three-fifths of the weight of the body, it is an active Combustibles, participant in the blood stream and also regulates the temperature of the body. ■ /* Age, condition and occupation play a very important part in the amount of food that must be supplied for combustion combustion . The young and growing child will need the largest amount of food. Persons at heavy outdoor occupations occupations will need a greater amount of food than those people whose dutiqs entail , less physical exertion. The middle-aged and elderly person requires requires less food than the people of the above-mentioned type. ' ' v The average ,adult will require daily from 2600 to 8000 calories or heat units of food. A calorie is a term used in food chemistry to designate the amount of heat necessary to raise one pound of water four degrees Fahrenheit. One-tenth of the total amount of food required by the human body for daily -consumption .should be protein. FoSTl required by the body is burned; burned; i. e., united with oxygen. That this may be accomplished, the food, by the process, of digestion, is render ed entirely soluble. It is then, in this soluble form, absorbed by the intestines. intestines. The blood also carries oxygen, which we breathe from the air; this is car ried tiy the blood to all parts of the body. That the processes of the body may be satisfactorily accomplished, it is necessary that the adult drixfi^ three pints or six glasses of water each day. It is by this combustion and assimilation assimilation of food in the body that we "live. QUEEN'S UNIVERSITY KINGSTON ONTARIO H ARTS MEDICINE EDUCATION APPLIED SCIENCE Mining, Chemical, Civil, Mechanical and Electrical Engineering. HOME STUDY Arts Course by correspondence. Degree with one year's attendance. Summer School Navigation School July and Aurust December to April 15 GEO. Y. CHOWN, Registrar How To Can Corn. Select young, tender ears of corn, husk and remove the silk from the ear by brushing with a wisp broom. Plunge into boiling water and cook for six minutes. Now dip into cold water at once. With a sharp knife cut the corn from the cob. Using the back of the knife, press the milk from the cob. Pack at once into sterilized jars, have a fork to assist with the filling. Fill only to the neck of the jar with the corn. Care must be used so that the corn is not packed tightly in the jar. Now fill it to overflowing with boil- 1 ing salt water . Place the rubber and lid in position and partly tighten; process in hot-water bath for three and a half hours after the boiling starts. Remember that peas, beans, corn and asparagus are vegetables that ; must be worked up very carefully, owing owing to the fact that' the proteins of these foods will turn sour and start fermenting under certain conditions. This causes the flat, sour taste that occurs frequently and is called lactic acid ferment. So, to have success with canning corn, the work must be done in a quick and thorough way. The kitchen should be kept as cool as possible. The corn should be stored in a place where it will not become heated while waitijtg ■far the canning process. When starting to blanch, place The corn in a piece of clean muslin or cheesecloth and plunge into boiling water. Cook for six minutes after, the boiling starts and then remove and plunge into cold water. Cut the corn from the *cob at once. Pack into jars as soon as a sufficient amount of com is cut. Finish each jar separately, separately, placing it at once into the prepared water bath. Pint jars are best for corn, peas and beans. Usually tour ears will fill a pint jar if they are a good size, so that when blanching if this amount of corn - is placed in the cloth at one time, there need be no delay in filling the jars. After processing, remove them at once from the bath and fasten the lid securely. Invert to test for leaks. Remove the jars to a cool room, free from draughts, to let them cool. Label and date them, then store them in a cool, dry place. When canning vegetables, success depends on speed and thoroughness. ÏÇeep the temperature of the room in which the preparing of the vegetables is done below; 85 degrees Fahrenheit, and then promptly remove the jars from the water bath when the time limit expires. Do not use any preservatives preservatives as they are dangerous. Foods containing Them cannot be sold. Do not stretch the jar rubbers. This will ruin them. When ready to use the rubbers, pour , over them plenty of boiling water to sterilize them. This also permits the rubber to slip over the jar without stretching. LEARN TO SWIM Â L léNSitx) fouit V 71 Grenville St., Toronto, Ont., Toronto's Select Family Hotel. Centrally located just off Yonge Street. Convenient to Shopping and Theatre district. i Katei : American Plan--$2.50 up per day. European Plan J Single, $1.25up per day. ^Double, SI. 50 up per day. Write for Descriptive Booklet. Wood's Ffcosphodiae, .'®J1 The Great Fnglisk Remedy. ÿ Tones and Invigorates the whole " "| nervouf system, makes new Blood -- - in old Veins, Cures Nervous Debility, Mental and Brain Worry, Despondency, Despondency, Loss of Energy, Palpitation of the Heart, Falling Memory. Price SI per box, six for |5. One will please, six will cure. Bold by all drugrists or mailed in plain pkg. on receipt of price. New pamphlet mailed free. THE WOOD NEDIC1NE CO.,T0*0KT0, ONT. (Fsmsriy Wlsissr.) An Accomplishment Which May ' Enable Enable You to Save Human Life. any other sport, it has also a utility side above that of exercise--the ability to swim easily % and well may some time be the sole means f saving your life and the lives of others. Besides that, there is a seme of comfort about venturing upon the water that cannot be felt by the person who does not know how to swim. There is no risk and very little bravery bravery required in learning how to swim, if you go at it in the right waj, Select a spot where the water for several yards in every way is not deeper than your breast. Then rely upon the certain certain knowledge that you cannot drown, that you cannot sink if your lungs are partly inflated, that when almost entirely entirely submerged you weigh only a pound or two and only a minimum effort in paddling with the broad of learning to swim, as in everything else; the doggy stroke will be used at the start, after which you can learn to float on your back with inflated lungs. Practice of strokes of various The.. Dangerous Coalition Which Prepuces Many Well Known Diseases. I1VM FRUIT-A-TIVES " The Wonderful Fruit Medicine -- will Protect You Autointoxication means self-poisoning, self-poisoning, caused by continuous or partial constipation, or. Insufficient action of the "bowels. Instead of the refuse matter passing daily, from the body, it is absorbed by the blood. As a result, the KidHeys and Skin are overworked, in their efforts to rid the blood of this, poisoning. Poisoning ofthe blood in this way often causes Indigestion, Loss of Appetite and.Disturbed Stomach. It may pro-, dupe Headaches and Sleeplessness. It may irritate the Kidneys and firing on Pain in the Back, Rheumatism, Grout, and Rheumatic Pains. It is the chief cause of Eczema--and keeps the whole systemunheallhyby the constant absorption absorption into the blood of this refuse matter. "Fruit-a-tives** will always cure Autointoxication Autointoxication or self-poisoning -- as " Fruit-a-tives " acts gently on bowels, kidneys and skin, strengthens the boVels and tones up the nervous system. 50c. a box 1 ,p for $2.50, trial,size, 25c. At all dealers or. sent postpaid on receipt of price by Fruit-a-tlves Limited, Ottawa. / ... THE CZAR IN PRISON Health Czar and Czarina Cannot Meet Though Held In Same Building. A vivid picture of the life of the former Czar is given by the Moscow Russkoye Slovo. The Czar and his family are at the Alexander Palace at Ts&rskoe Selo, near Petrograd. The former Czar and his wife never meet, the Slovo tells us: They occupy the upper floor of the palace, but different apartments, the Minister of Justice having ordered that the Czar and Czarina should not meet each other. It was on this condition condition that the Czarina had been allowed allowed to stay with her children, who were 11L Daily life in the palace begins begins rather late. The prisoners arise between 9 and 10 o'clock. They are given tea, and the former. Czar sends out a soldier ztb yet some papers, usually the Ryetch and the Birzheviya Vedemosti. The Russkoye àlovo he gets daily from Moscow, the wrapper being addressed to Nikolai Alexandro- vitch Romanof. At 1 o'clockTuncheon is served, usually consisting ofyreen vegetables, potatoes and sweets. After After luncheon the former Emperor, escorted escorted by an orderly officer, takes a walk in the garden. Sometlmefe he has two.walks a day, and usually goes about In military uniform. At 8 o'clock there is dinneï'; consisting of four courses, Including fish. Usually half a bottle of red wine is placed on the table, but nobody touches It, and the bottle travels back to the cellar unopened. . The dinner Is charged at 4 rubles, 60 kopecks ($2.25) per person." person." By all means learn to swim. More .... important and more fun than almost' kmds, both graceful and effective, will do the rest. You do not need water wings, corks or floats; just throw yourself on your <ace in the water, strike out, and you will forever be glad of it. a THE FLAG THAT ALWAYS WAVES Clever Electrical Device To Impart a Waving Motion to Flag. One of the most talked of features at the recent electric railway convention convention at Atlantic City, N. J., was a waving flag which fluttered from a twenty-seven-foot flagstaff In front of the General Electric Company's booth inside the spacious convention hall. Not a breath of air was stirring, yet the flag stood out on the pole as if a thirty-mile gale was blowing a , , . , . , , The flag pole was of ordinary dimen- your hand is require* to keep you up-r* lon ^ there wag nothing viaible to and to send you along added to which betray the 80 urce of 'the breeze. The the toot movement will complete the art.- At first you will be clumsy about >P Improve Your Complexion Get your blood pure, keep the liyer active and the bowels regular, and disfiguring pimples and unsightly blotches will disappear from the face. For improving* the complexion and putting the blood in good order are safer, better and .surer than cosmetics. They eliminate poisonousmatters from the system, strengthen strengthen the organs and purify tfiie^blood--bring theihealth- glow to the cheeks, brighten thè eyes, improve and Beautify the Skin Prepared only by Jbemae Baecbam, St. Helens, Lancashire, England. Sold everywhere » Csneqs ana U. S. America. In boxes, 25 neats. base of the "pole was surrounded with banked palms. The whole device is really quite simple in construction and easily explained, explained, for the flagpole Is a metal tube and an electric blower at the base shoots a strong current of air through the flagstaff, -The air escapes through perforations in the top of the flagpole and imparts a waving motion to the flag. $ --* ■ The Climbing Corn. Don't wantrthat corn - For to grow so high -- That its silky tassels Will sweep the sky; -That Ififs^end by time Huntin' ladders to climb 'Fore the dinner bell is ringin'. But T want that corn ~ For to show its .head * Somewhat higher : '"- "Than the'table'g'spread, -Till the harvest skyT . _ • Sees the barns piled high When the dinner bell is ringin'. Get your binder twine in now. Most dealers have their supply fn and they may not be able to buy more. Get yours now and then you will have it. y « The Foundation of Good ; Health. Good health is a quadruped. It has four. .legs-7-diet,. water, exercise and fresh air. x The diet should be variéd, wéll-cooked, well-masticated and well- ..balanced--hut not.oyerattractive. Most persons eat too, much. If they cut their food down one-half they would be much better off. It is not the amoünt we eat,- but what we do with what we ■ eat that is of consequence. Variety should be attained by changes from one meal to another, rather than by a multitude of dishes at each meal. A wilderness of attractions is likely to lead the average mortal to a line of action action that is ruinous. , Spices and other stimulating accessories accessories also tend to lure one into the same deadly, snare. v An .appetite that has to_ be incited to actioh-- by stimulants stimulants or an array of fine dishes needs a vacation, needs rest; needs a course of treatment, in which starvation is the.chief factor. . It is a foolish notion many persons have that they ought to eat at. conventional conventional intervals whether they desite desite to or not. Food is poison,to, a system that loathes it o;r is indifferent to it. An appetite, is not natural unless unless plain whole-meal bread and butter or plain bread without butter tastes delicious. Starvation is one. of the very best remedies for a large class of human ailments. It enables the eliminative organs to catch up, rest the overworked stomach and'refreshes the whole system. 'Absolute starvation starvation is not necessary. A diet consisting consisting of fruits,"bran, lettuce, celery and similar coarse things, avoiding fats and protein, - taking chiefly uncooked fruits, will change the intestinal flora and -eliminate the mischievous germ's. Two meal^ a day are better than three for those "not engaged in hard labor. Water is the great solvent and puriL fier of the body. A cold bath followed by a vigorous rub is the best of tonics, and a hot bath is the most marvelous of all poultices for the relief of internal internal congestion. Such exercise as walking, running, rowing', wheeling, chopping, playing, mountain-climbing, skating, gardening, gardening, punching the bag--anything that stimulates the lungs and heart to vigorous vigorous action--is of benefit. Exercise should be earnest and whole-souled--something that will set the machinery spinning and leave the" body vigorous and dynamic. Outdoor exercises are by far the best. But. indood exercises are immensely superior superior to none at all. It is not necessary necessary to have a lot of apparatus.-- It is not necessary to have a real pigskin pigskin in order to punch the bag nor a race-course in order to run. If you are really in earnest about it, you can punch metaphorically) & spot on the wall--punch at it--and run while remaining remaining in the same place. No person can be permanently well without fresh air. Even the poor birds and monkeys die of consumption after a little while when they are shut Up in the devitalized atmosphere of our homes and menageries. A plentiful plentiful supply of ftesh air is a normal ^necessity of every animal. Open the windows end let it in, day and night. Stop a minuta between exercise numbers numbers and walk around a little, drinking in great deep lungfuls of luscious oxygen. oxygen. Hoi" luxurious, simply to breathe, when the air is fresh and pure and cool and goes far into the uttermost uttermost cells of the lungs! Ô "LH" r pHB Ketchesons are well known 1 as pioneer settlers of Hastings Hastings Countyand none of them probably has a wider acquaintance acquaintance than Mr. W. D. Ketche- son, who was' formerly Division Court Bailiff of the Trenton Court, and is now living ' at 278 Front street, Belleville, Ont. Over fifteen years ago Wt. Ketcheson was cured of an extremely extremely severe case of eczema and piles by Dr. Chase's Ointment, and he writes now to say that the cure proved a permanent one. ï n 189T M ' r " Krtcheson wrote as follows :--"I was / \ troubled for thirty years with Itching piles and eczema» I could not sleep at night, and when I got warrft the itching was terrible. Eczema covered my legs down to the knees, perfectly raw. I have tried every preparation preparation I could hear of. Seeing Dr. Chase's Ointment advertised, I procured a'tox, and this Ointment effected a complete cure." On Sept. 28th, 1912, 1 Mr - Ketcheson wrote as fol- r r 1 lows :-- I had suffered for many years from eczema and-piles, and/had tried doctors and everything I could hear of in vain. Reading about Dr. Chase's Ointment, I. purchased it at once, and was soon completely cured. That, was fifteen years ago, bo there can -be no : doubt of the curé' being a permanent " one. * I have „ met a great many people who have been cured by Dr. Chase's Ointment." In this year of 1917 Mr. Ketcheson again confirms his cure, and expresses his wishes that others may benefit by his experience. Refuse to accept substitutes. / ,v ONE INFLUENCE OF WARFARE. WAR. From-hill to hill he harried me; He stalked me day and night, He neither knew nor hated me ; Nor his nor mine the fight. He killed the man who stood by me, For such they made his law; Then foot by foot I fought to him, Who neither knew nor saw. STOP HEADACHES BEFOREHAND You never had a headache headache when you were well. To/keep well is to keep clean, inside. To relieve headache, and, to prevent it, keep the liver active and industrious and the bowels as regular as a clock. i wo generations orneasmy, vigorous people have done this by taking one pUI at bedtime, regularly--a larger larger dose when nature gives the warning. BfS Gtnutne be*r4 Slgn^tur* -ça* Colorless faces pften show the absence of Iron in the blood, i CARTER'SIRON PILLS will, help this condition. I trained ray rifle on his heart, He leaped up in the air, The screaming ball tore through heart And lay embedded there. his Lay hot embedded there, and yet, Hissed home o'er hill and sea Straight to the aching heart of me Who'd wronged not mine or me. --Arthur Stringer. p ■ fclost of Bread In the Ù. S. Bread prices in the United States have advanced approximately 27 per cent, since January 1st, according to statistics compiled from official sources, The result was arrived at by taking the average retail prices for each month in 45 cities of the United States for the period from January I to July 1 this year. The standard upit was j.6 ounces of unbaked dough, which is a fairer test than baked bread. The weights of baked loaves have varied so greatly and the sizes so often changed that it is 'alnjogt impossifile to find a Reliable standard other than ip dough form,: The average average price for the United States for 19 ounces of unbaked dough on . January 1st was 6.98 cents, as against 8.8B cents on July 1st. Effect of War's Dangers Upon the Soldier's Spirited Nature. That men in the presence of death should be more impressionable, more susceptible to emotional influence, is natural. -There has been not a little said in»English religious journals of the great "spiritual revival" which is reported to have occurred in the army. Those who are in the best position position to judge would like to discourage discourage all such talk. Gut at the front men undoubtedly see life in a truer perspective and with a larger vision. Small things have a tendency to assume their proper unimportance unimportance and great and fundamental fundamental things come by their own. Inevitably, Inevitably, the men of the new armies are in the mass more serious-minded and more disposed to religious awe than they were when they -were at home -amid the trivial familiar things. But few army chaplains would care to represent represent that as evidence of a great spiritual revival. It would be as irr^ accurate to go to'the other extreme and call it merely cowardice which prompts the devil to be a saint when hr; is sick arid fears to die. It ia merely that in the presence of such conditions as prevail on the battlefields battlefields the depths of a man's nature are stirred, and he inevitably becomes spiritually and emotionally more responsive. responsive. Even so, it is all to the good. The men,"however far any individual individual may be from an abrupt "conversion," "conversion," will all be the better for it. And when the men come home better than they came out, the army chaplain must be given much of the credit. An alarmed clock which awakens deaf sleepers by jarring their beds has been invented in Germany. An automobile which can be used as a fire engine, a street sweeper or sprinkler, or as a six-ton freight truck is in use in a European city. In all countries. Ask for o.ur INVENTOR'S INVENTOR'S ADVISER,whloh will be sfent free* MARION & MARION, 864 University St., Montréal. z Close to ,It. Little Girl--Did you ever dream of being in heaven ? Little Boy--No, not exactly, but X dreamed once that I was right in the middle of a big apple dumpling. Millions of Packages of this famous War-time Sweetmeat are sent to the soldiers, sailors and aviators at the front. If you have a friend there, seo that every parcel or letter contains a few bare or a packageof WHIG LEY'S, the great chewing chewing confection that is used around the world. Kçep it always on It helps teeth, appetite; digestion. goa/erf Kept right

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