Dreadful Pains All The Tîipe TLJntil Hé aaassffiaiSjsgaEaa&sgî ^61 vm ': W&W) 'S?> \ ^-; ^ Pt T COOLEST THING OF THE WAR I 'Yes--They're Cleaner, Fresher-- 1 ' when washed with Sunlight Soap. I find it cleans the clothes more thoroughly and with lpps work than ordinary soaps.^ It doesn't hurt the clothes and I must say my hands never feel the worse for it either. I really do not find it hard to look after the wash myself, because Sunlight Soap does so much of the work for me," Madam--there's nothing hut truth in this lady s remarks. Sunlight Soap is made so well and so honestly that our guarantee of $5,000 that it contains no impurity has never been challenged. All grocers sell Sunlight Soap. LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED, TORONTO. First Aid to Heat Victims. In order to give proper aid to persons persons overcome by the heat^it is first essential to distinguish between sunstroke sunstroke and heat exhaustion, whiôh are ;he two forms of symptom groups presented by excessive heat and high imflidity. In the case of sunstroke the patient flrst complains "of x a tired feeling, ac e companied by a sense of oppression m the head. Dizziness followed by unconsciousness unconsciousness may soon follow. The face is deeply flushed, the breathing labored and the skin, is dry and hot The pulse is irregular.and weak. The symptoms of heat exhaustion resemble yery much those 'of. sunstroke sunstroke at the onset. The skin in this case is cold arid clammy and the body temperature is below normal.. The patient maÿ, succumb quickly if proper proper treatment is not administered. The first-aid treatment rendered to a heat victim should be to remove him to a cool, shady place and to loosen his clothing. One should next ascertain ascertain whether the surface of the skin is hot or cold. If the former,, the patient should be sponged immediately immediately with ice water. When removed to a more favorable place indoors, a plunge in a tub of cold water should be given. Ice cold cloths or an ice cap can be applied^ to the head. As soon as consciousness is regained, cold drinks may be given freely. The patient should be kept in a quiet and cool room. Heat exhaustion, on the other hand, IF THE TONGUES OF YOURSHOES COULD SPEAK, THEY WOULD SAY USE À>- Yqü Calm Nerve-of the Sergeant-Major of a Scottish Battalion. MR. LAMPSON Verona, Ont., Noy. 11th., 1915. I suffered fqr a number'of years frith Rheumatism and severe Pains in Side and Back^Jeom strains and heavy lifting. When I had given up hope of ever being well again, a friend recommended " FrUit-a-tives " to me and after using She first box I felt so much better that [ continued to take them, ^nd now I im enjoying the best of heath, thanks to your remedy W. M. LAMPSON. " If you--who are reading this -- have £ny Kidney or Bladder Trouble, or iuffer with Rheumatism or Pain In The Back or Stomach Trouble--give "F/uit- a-tives" a fair trial. This wonderful fruit medicine will do you a world of good, as it cures when everything else fails. 60c. a box; 6 for $2.50,-trial' size, 25c. At dealers or sent postpaid on receipt of price by ; Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. Need is a healthy, active, industrious industrious liver. Small doses, taken regularly, regularly, insure that. Maybe You Need r It gives the same nourishment to the leather that the skin gets when on the animal's back. Black, Tan, Toney Red and Dark Brown. 10c. per tin. "TAKE CARE OF YOUR SHOES." a purgative sometimes. Then take one larger dose. Keep that in mind; it will pay you rich dividends dividends in Health and. Happiness. €tnutnc bears Signature calls for rapid stimulation. By touching touching the skin of the patient and finding it cold and moist, we can readily come to the conclusion as to treatment. The patient should be covered immediately with blankets and hot watér bottles applied to the fq*t. Hot drinks, such as tea, coffee or lemonade, should be administered if the patient is conscious. conscious. Aromatic spirits of ammonia placed on a bit of cotton may be held near the nostrils of the patient. Every effort should be made to have the patient sent to a hospital at posthaste posthaste speed, where the facilities for treatment are the best. Outdoor laborers laborers should wear proper headgear to protect the head from the sun's rays. A small luncheon "is preferred on the hot days. Alcoholic béverages increase increase the likelihood of sunstroke. Persons who experience a sense of severe exhaustion during the hot spells should moderate their work, wash their hands and face with, cold water at frequent intervals and lie down in a cool room from time to time during the afternoon when the temperature is at its highest level. It is hardly necessary to emphasize the use of "light, loose clothing. Dark clothes are actually warmer than light-colored garments. This war story, exeriiplifying stolidity stolidity and nérye, takes a lot df beating. "The coolest thing' I've seen out theré," said an Argyll arid Sutherland Highlander, "was aftér the advance had broken into open fighting. Sometimes Sometimes it happens in open fighting that ypu hold not a trench, but just a line of shell holes. This time our shell holes were next to a battalion of Gordons Gordons that mostly came from Morayshire, Morayshire, my county, and as things- were quiet, except for a bit of shelling, I just dropped into a shell hole where the Gordons were. "There was a sergeant-major in this hole shaving as calmly-ae if there were no such things as shells flying around. I said to him, 'Man; sergeant- major, ye arena feart.' Says he, _ 'I left my fear by the side of the Lossie.' That's the river that Elgin stands on, and we had a bit of a crack then. He told me that he had been a bit of an athlete in his day, and when he gave me his name I knew him for a man famous on the cycle track. We were talking away" about Elgin and Plus- carden and Mosstowie, and about people people thereabout' when suddenly a Boctiè turned up at the crater lip. How he got there Heaven only knows, but we were a,bit mixed up with the Germans round'us near and far. This Boche had an rigly look as if he mèant mischief, mischief, but it didn't disturb the sergeant-major sergeant-major much. He just laid down his razor, and picked up his rifle and bayonet and sauntered out with soap down one side of his face. "The Boche had a boirib in his hand but he dropped, it without drawing the safety pin and he up with his hands. The sergeant-major rounded him up into the shell hole, dropping him in by the scruff of the. neck. He made the German hold up the mirror while he finished his shaving. "I had to laugh at .that. The sergeant-major sergeant-major looked as if it were the most ordinary occurrence in the day's work. I had to get back to my lot E CZEMA is not a disease of the blood, and therefore cannot cannot be cured by internal treatment. The curative agent must be applied directly to the inflamed, itching skin. To know _this is to save much time and suffering, for it is on this account that Dr. Chase's Ointment has been able to establish such an enviable record as a cure for eczema and kindred diseases of the skin. *. Chafing and irritation of the ekin is the usual cause of eczema.' The irritation may be caused by the clothing or as the result of an injury of some kind. Ifi> some cases where the skin is extremely sensitive the frequent application of cold water or the use of impure soap is sufficient to sot up an irritation of the skin which results in eczema. But whatever dhay be the cause, of one thing you caii be' certain, that Dr, Chase's Ointment will effect a cure if used persistently. persistently. You are not experimenting experimenting when you use it, for it is known the world over . as the most effective treatment for eczema. Dr. Chase's 60c a box, all dealers, or Edm.anson, Bates & Co., Ltd., Toronto. Be suspicious of the druggist who tries to talk you into accepting a substitute. . . n. - - then, and I don't know what happened to the sergeant-major and his prison- I hojje he came, through all right. er. The Gordons went over the top soon after and I fear they made an awful ; mess of the Germans. If they are all of the breed as the sergeant-major, I don't wonder in the least." That discouraged feeling often comes from a disordered stomach, stomach, or an inactive liver. Get your digestion in shape and the bile acting properly--then the "blues" will disappear. You will soon be cheerful, if you take Elephants' Curious Teeth. Whoever has looked inside an elephant's elephant's mouth has seen a strange sight. Elephants have no front teeth, and they never eat flesh or any food that requires tearing apart. Eight teeth are all they have, two above and two below on each side, huge yellow molars as wide as a man's hand. Over these hay and fodder are shifted by the queerest, ugliest tongue in the whole animal kingdom--a tongue that is literally hung at both ends, having no power of movement except in the middle, where it shifts back and forth from the side, arching up against the roof of the big mouth like a wrinkled pink serpent. Elephants, like human beings, have two sets of teeth. The milk teeth, which are smaller, than the permanent molars, fall out when the animals are about fourteen years old. These baby teeth--which are, nevertheless, nevertheless, enormous--are occasionally picked up by circus men among the fodder and preserved as curiosities. "No more headache for you--take these' Don't just "smother" the headache without removing the cause. Take Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They not only cure the headache but give you a buoyant, healthful feeling because they tone the liver, sweeten the stomach and cleanse the bowels. Try them. All Druggist*, 25c.,; or by mail CHAMBERLAIN MEDICINE CO. Toronto, Ont. 13 5 -fis&r-jS 6 A new vacuum cleaner is specially ; Establish a home canning firm, ------ dust from books on | "Father, Mother & Co. Don t forget designed to remove library shelves Colorless faces often show the absence of Iron, in the blood. CARTER'S IRON PILLS will help this condition. the little "co.'s." 2 and 5 lb. Cartons-- 10, 20, 50 and 100 lb. Bags. was a favorite name among the long-forgotten food products of half a century ago, just as it is among the live ones of to-day. Only exceptional quality can explain such permanent popularity. "Let Redpath Sweeten it.** 2 Made in one grade only--the highest ! Ï / § mm Thousand Farm for H a rvestiitg in "Going Trip West"--413.00 to WINNEPSG "Retum Trip East"--$13.00 froin WtWNIPBG GOING DATES The Foe of Indigestion,--Indigestion Indigestion,--Indigestion is a common ailment and few are free from it. It is a most distressing complaint complaint and often the suffering is most severe. The very best remedy is Pârine- lee's Vegetable Pills taken according to directions. They rectify the irregular action of the sromach and restore healthy action. For many years they have been a standard remedy for dyspepsia and indigestion indigestion and are highly esteemed for their qualities. Millet should be cut for hay about the time most of the heads have appeared appeared and when it -is in full blossom, blossom, but before the seeds begin to ripen and get hard. Sleep is the great nourisher of infants, and without peaceful sleep the child will not thrive. This cannot be got if the infant infant be troubled with worms. Miller's Worm's Powders will destroy worms and drive them from the system, and afterwords afterwords the chid's rest will be undisturbed. The powders'canriot injure the most delicate delicate baby, and there is nothing so effective for restoring the health of a worn infant. Great Britain has enrolled between 5,000,000 and: 5,500,000 men as soldiers, soldiers, or one; in eight of the population. population. Canada has enrolled one in twenty. ' Good bye to Asthma. -- Persons suffering from .that extremely trying trouble trouble known as asthma know what it is to long with all their hearts for escape as from à tyrant. Never do they know when an attack may come and they know that to struggle unaided is vain. With Dr. J. D. Kellyog's Asthma Remedy at hand, however, they can say good-bye to their the people's remedy for life's common ailments. They act thoroughly on the stomach, liver and bowels, and soon regulate regulate and strengthen these important important organs. Purely vegetable--contain vegetable--contain no harmful drugs. Whenever you feel despondent a few doses will Make Things look Largest Sale of Any Medicine in the World. Sold everywhere. In boxes, 25c. A f and enjoy life again. It helps at enemy "once. y Many a man situated at a long distance distance from the source of supply has been glad to receive a consignment of driechappies ; ftiq method of their preparation preparation is simple arid is understood by. most farm people. Why not try them this Winter ? -For Frost Bites-and Chilblains,-- Chilblains come from undue j exposure to slush and cold ahd frost bite, from the icy winds of winter. In the treatment of eit- l RÉ you really > . saving money by neglecting to re-shin^le that Earn roof? You know that each additional patch lessens the value of your building. You know each widening leak means rotting, Iooeening shingles end early decay, i cu know 1 that only by Podlarizing your roof can yon get ^ enduring freedom It her there is no. better preparation thair •. Thomas' , Électrlc Oil, as it i counter- Dr ..om repair end rot. Pedlar'» "George" Shinglç» bring you the durability aba wearing qualities of steel at a price, when laid, about that of a good wooden éhmgle roof. A Podlarizea ro6t will |Mt: .for. generations, protecting'yeti' protecting'yeti' ay all times from the danger- of C lightning and -me- The * 'Righ t Roof" '^Booklet '^Booklet W. W „ tettimg you all about èteeVehinglëS' ana bow to ley them* isrfrée. Write today. acts the inflammation and relieves pain. Tjb'ê âc^jori of 'ttië qil-is infetantane- and it's application is extremely sim- ,OUS ble. Lime is not an important direct food lief-fi for. plants, but: its chief functions in the soil are to neutralize acidity and to promote bacterial- activities, y A's'a' vermifiethéte is nothinjgso potent as Mother GraVps* Wo tip Exttrminator, ïndTt can be -given to the most delicate THE FEDÈUt PEOPLE limited CBetAUtixe» 1861) Executive Offices and Factories* OSHAWA. ONT? ■** ■ '• • . _ Branchée i Montreal Ottawa Toronto London Winnipeg child without fear of Injury to thccorisitit- utlon. He'll Be Happy Wh en He This Whether "Jim" is on a man-of-war or in a trench, he's going tp have^ long-lasting en» joyment and a |ot of benefit from The Famous Chewing Gum "After* msaP* It's one of the outstanding outstanding features of the wr--with tyà tonic effect on stomach stomach and nerves--its welcome refreshment refreshment in time of need y t 4 i < i i 4 4 4 4 4 4 i i 4 4 > ,4 r 4 .~a y