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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Aug 1917, p. 4

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The Up-to-Date Millinery Store Big Reduction in ALL Hats All goods must be sold to make room for next season's stock. A fine assortment to choose from. Ladies' Hats, reg. price $7.00 to $10.00, this week only $3 .0 Ladies' Hats, reg. price $4.00 to $6.00, this week only $2.00 Children's Hats, reg. price $3.00 to $4.00, this week only $1.50 Dingman &, Edmondstone Kingr-st. Bowmanville Nearing Completion Having decorated our new Optical Room in a Sanitary White, we are each dayrihstalling new and modern instruments of scientific nature. One of the most wonderful Optical Instruments in use to-day is the Ski-Optometer Not only does it enable the optometrist to accurately determine determine refractive errors but it also makes possible an exact test for muscular imbalance. This instrument we have purchased at great expense and are now using in our daily practice! Call and see our busy Optometrist. R. M. MITCHELL & Co., Druggists and Optometrists Phone 92 Bowmanville, Ontario. Nights and Sundays Phone 280 Western Fair London, Canada September 7 to 15, 1917 1867--"A Half Century of Success ,, --1917 The Great Agricultural Exhibition of Western Ontario $32,000.00 in Prizes and Attractions A very interesting Program, including Military and other features--Twice Daily. FIREWORKS EACH NIGHT TWO SPEED EVENTS DAILY REDUCED RAILWAY RATES Prize Lists, Entry Forms, and all information from the Secretary. Lieut.-Col. W. M. Gartshore, A. M. Hunt, Secretary. 27 31 33 36 President. Our Diamond Jubilee Sixty years as successful educators, with many of her sons and daughters occupying prominent positions in pulpit and in various activities of our national life, is the brilliant record of ALBERT COLLEGE Belleville, Ontario The difierent classes which embrace Collegiate work,][including Fourth Form and Faculty, Literature, Music--Piano, Vocal, Organ Organ and Violin, Expression, Art, Theology, and Physical Culture, are under the supervision of.thoroly competent instructors. Recognizing Recognizing the demand for book-keepers aqd stenographers,; a trained trained accountant has been secured for our Commercial Department 'SE3 BOWMANVILLE, AUG. 16. 1917 THE HONOR ROLL Died--Sergt. P. H. Nixon, Port Hope Killed--F. McMann, Bowmanville; Pte. G. A.' Vanetone, Whitby. Wounded--L. A. Garrard, Hay don; A. J. Moore, Hay don; Lance-Corp. G. F. Hircock, Oobourg; W. Houston and J. McDonald, Whitby; Sergt. E. Ivert, Pickering. The Churches V Si BN FIELD Visitors:--Miss Oke, Whitby, at Edwin Ormiston's; Mr. C«__Powell and children, Oshawa, are holidaying at Mr.B. Powell's; Mr. and Mrs. Laver and children, Toronto, Toronto, at Mr. Arthur Ormiston's; Mr. and Mrs. H. James, Columbus, at Mr. J. Hepburn's Hepburn's A new floor is being put in our school... .Enniskillen Epworth League conducted services here Sunday... .Mr. Everson will occupy the pulpit here next Sunday. HAMPTON Visitors:. Mrs. E. J. Creeper and sons, Owen Sound, at her father's, Mr. J. Elliott's; Elliott's; Mrs. W. Burnett, Markham, at Mr. M. B. Cryderman's; Mr. and Mrs. R. Kàt- erson, Miss Mary Katerson and Mrs. G. Ta> lor motored to Toronto and spent a few days with friends; Mr. and Mrs. D. Rogers, Wheatley, at her father's, Mr. T. Wilcox; Miss R. Cole, Bowmanville, at C. W. Souch's; Mr. M. Bailey, Kitchener, with his sister, Mrs. C. Horn; Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Cole and son, Toronto, at H. Cole's.... W.Milne,Toronto,at W.Jeffrey's; Mrs. Cephas Johns with relatives at Newcastle; Newcastle; Miss E. Ruse, Toronto, at Mrs. H. Elliott's; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tamblyn, Orono, at A. B. Cryderman's; Mr. J. S. Bond and son Ernest, Toronto, with his sister, Mrs. A, C. Trull... .-Capt. O. Hez- zlewood, Toronto, will have chargé of the service Sunday evening L. Allin is progressing favorably in Bowmanville Hospital where he underwent an operation for appendicitis.... League took charge of the Sunday evening service in absence of the pastor. Lesson was read by Mary Souch, choir favored with music, Mr. Salter gave the topic entitled "The Master's Master's Voice is Calling", followed with music from the quartette. A reading, "The Unbeliever" was given by Everett Kerslake. Meeting closed with National Anthem and League benediction. See C. W. Souch for lightning rods. Carpet Squares in all qualities and Nairn's Linoleums in all widths at Couch, Johnston & Cryderman's Limited. SOLINA Capt. Oliver Hezzlewood, will speak in the interests of the Dominion Alliance at Eldad on Sunday Misses Georgie and Hilda Langmaid are at Peterboro.... Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Snowden, Maple Grove, and Messrs. John and Earl and Misses Grace and Edith Duthie, Toronto, at Mr. L. T. Pascoe's... .Everybody was out on Friday morning to see the aeroplanes which hover around here Mr. Will Baker is exhibiting sheep at the Eastern fairs.... Mr. Cecil Bush lacerated his hand on the binder knives Some ot the farm ers here secured prizes in the field crop competition Young Ladies' Bible Class picnicked at Moorey's pond... .Mr. W. G. Doidge has been threshing alsike, the yield is very good. Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Peter Wright, Nestleton, is with his brother Norman and other friends; Mr. and Mrs. H. F/-| and Miss Wilma arid Bernice, Kedron, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Werry and Miss~| Audrey, Oshawa, Miss May Werry, Enniskillen, Enniskillen, and Mrs. N. Hoag, Oshawa, at Mrs. W. Werry's; Mrs. Ferguson, Enfield, with her daughter Mrs. W. N. Pascoe; Miss Ethel Bragg at Mr. J. Baker's; Miss D. Oke, Ebenezer, at Mr. W. Van Nest's. Rev. James McMullen, Cannifton, is spending his vacation at his old home in Bethany. .7 Enniskillen Circuit is holding a Garden Party on Friday, Aug. 24th. Particulars next week. Rev. H. Bolingbroke, B.D., South Mountain, Mountain, preached most acceptably in St. Paul's Presbyterian Church Sunday. Rev. Dr. E. N. Baker, principal of Albert Albert College, and Mrs. Baker are spending their holidays very pleasantly at Port Keewaydin, Ont. Rev. W. C. Washington, M.A., was at Roseneath Sunday supplying for his son, Rev. C. C. Washington, B.A., who is holidaying holidaying at Muskoka. Rév. J. W. Lowry, Franktown, who was preaching in Bowmanville, came^ out Monday and was guest of Mrs. J. D. Armstrong, Armstrong, 4th line, Cavan.--Millbrook Reporter. Reporter. Rev. Geo. R. Glare, Orono, is at Baptiste Baptiste Lake, north of Bancroft, camping and fishing. During his three weeks' absence absence Rev. H. B. Neal will supply his- pulpit pulpit work. Rev. E. C. Currie,^pastor of John-st. Presbyterian Church, Belleville, has received received a call to become pastor of the Hawkesbury congregation in the Presbytery Presbytery of Ottawa. The Quarterly Board of Camborne Circuit, Circuit, Cobourg District, by a unanimous vote raised the salary to $1000 and $100 horsekeep, wishing their pastor, Rev. Wm. H. Spargo, a pleasant and prosperous year. Rev, Alfred D. C. Mcllroy, M.À., B.D., has received a unanimous call to the pastorate pastorate of St. Paul's Presbyterian Church in this town. Presbytery will meet here August 27th at II a.m. to consider the call. Master Edwin Luttrell, Toronto, will sing iu the Methodist church Sunday evening evening the solo "He wipes the tear from every eye". Master Luttrell is a Gold Medalist and everyone will be pleased to hear this young singer. Rev. Samuel Sellery, M.A., B.D., will speak in the Methodist Church on Sunday morning on "The. Victorious Life", and in the evening on "The Reign of God". In what sense does God reign and what is the bearing of this reign on human destiny ? If God reigns, why this awful war ? Why so many calamities and disasters by sea and land ? Does God care ? Sunday evening July 29, the third anniversary of the entry of Great Britain into the war, was fittingly observed at Methodist Church by a service over which Rev. H. B. Kenny, the popular pastor, ably presided. The speakers were two of the young men of the church, Lieut. Cecil Peterson and Lieut. Paul Skidmore, both of whom have served their country well on the western front and with the other brave Cobourg boys helped to bring honor to the name of Canada.--Cobourg World. The Lord's Supper was observed in the Methodist church morning and evening on Sunday when a large number of members members participated, Rev. Samuel Sellery officiating. The day being warm services were shortened. Both sermons were excellent excellent -apd appropriate for sacramental services. In the morning Miss Elizabeth Painton sang "There is a Land mine eye hath seen" winning much praise in her first attempt at singing a full solo at the church service. May she be often heard in the service of song. In the evening Miss Reta R. Cole sang "God who madest earth and heaven" in splendid voice. Several strangers were in the audience, Pastor Sellery will make all services short while hot weather lasts. TYRONE Feed Feed ! \ X We have a supply of good Western Oats; also mixed grain f for chop, hen feed, etc., just to hand at very reasonable prices. When requiring flour for Bread, Pastry or Cereals, don't fail to give us a call as we carry only* the best on the market. " Chas. Horn, Hampton Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Bert Stainton and Mr. and Mrs. Michæl, Oshawa, Sun- dayed at Mr. R. Hodgson's; Mr. Wesley Langmaid, Zion, with Mr. Allin Annis; Mr. Bruce Honeywell and Mr. Valentine, Toronto, at Mr. W. R. Clemens'; Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Oke and Miss Marjorie Oke at Mr. Albert Oke's, Enniskillen; Mr. and Mrs. Blake Pollard and Miss Greta and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Pollard; Bowmanville, at Mr. Wm. Brent's; Mr. Byran and Rev. and Mrs. Higgs, Millbrook, visited at Mr. F. G. Byam The Raspberry Social on Mr. Wm. Farrell's lawn was a splendid splendid sucecss altho the rain prevented many from coming. An excellent program program was given by Providence quartet, Miss Ada Stamp, Misses Velma Staples and Mabel Couch, Tyrone Orchestra, Miss Vera Slemon, Mr. Fred R. Foley and Sergt. D. M. Douglass. Proceeds $61. A very pleasant evening was spent on Friday last at the home of Mr. Alex. Staples when about 35 members of the Bible Class met with Miss F. Virtue who has been a faithful and devoted teacher to her class. Tea was served. on the lawn and the evening was spent in social games and music which was enjoyed by all Members of the "Win One" class will render "The Challenge of the Cross" at the church service Sunday evening Miss Mabel Wight told in a very interesting interesting way the story of a Chinese teacher and held before the school a minature presentation of the same. Splendid solos were given b> Misses Vera Colwill and Evelynne Brent A large and appre ciative audience attended service at the Sault Church Sunday evening. The devotional devotional part was very ably conducted by Mr. Smith. • Mr. A. F. Annis gavb a stirring address on the beauty of a life of service. What about cream used in ice-cream these days of high price of butter ? Room for a saving there. CARDS OF THANKS The Girls' Patriotic Club desire to thank all and everyone for their help. It certainly made the Allies' Street Fair a I success. Proceeds about $900. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Varcoe and family desire to thank their many friends and neighbors for the kind expressions of sympathy sympathy and for the beautiful floral offerings received during their recent bereavement Mrs. Annie Varcoe, 52 St. Clair Gardens, Gardens, Toronto, desires to thank all friends for their many kindnesses and sympathy and for the beautifol floral offerings on | the occasion of the death of her husband, the late Howard Varcoe. flore AT t The West End House Oil Friday morning there goes on Sale a Big Assortment of Manufacturers Manufacturers Samples of Ladies' and Misses Wash Skirts, white or colored, Middies and Blouses. These are exceptionally]| well made and good quality goods. You can buy them at e about half price and less. Our Grocery Department is showing a choice lot of all the finest Fruits and Vegetables fresh from the growers at low prices. Give us a trial. McMurtry & Co. Ltd. The Big Departmental Store Phone 83 Bowmanville EXCURSION TO ROCHESTER Steamer Ontario No 1 or 2 WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 22nd Adults, $1.55; Children, 75c. Leaves Cobourg at 8 a. m. Returning Returning leaves Rochester at 6.15 p.m., the dock at 7 p.m.- Tickets valid up to 2 p.m. Passport furnished. No U. S. Head Tax. Only 800 tickets can be issued--to make sure of getting a ticket send F. W. Baker, Town Agent, Cobourg, the price of fare about the 20th, and, tickets will be reserved. reserved. First come, first served. This will likely be the last excursion this year. ORCHESTRA FOR DANCING. HARVESTERS! FIRST COME. FIRST SERVED mitts at old prices at F. O. Mason's. Men's and Boys' Ready-to-Wear Suits j and Rain Coats in all sizes and qualities I at Couch, Johnston & Cryderman's Limited. Limited. No better value anywhere. 5000 Women Wanted In Saskatchewan. \X Five thousand competent domestic servants are required for the farms of Saskatchewan. Married couples -with not more than one child also great- ogre Wai Phone 129 p Q ly in demand. Wages for female help $30.00per month with boardr* No outside work. Come on harvest excursion trains and report to Saskatchewan Saskatchewan Government Ag't, Railway station, Winnipeg, Winnipeg, or to Secretary, Bureau of Labour, Regina. Regina. 33-2w The earliest arrivals in Winnipeg will have the first and best choice of employment employment in the Harvest Fields beyond. Thé Canadian Northern Railway will run the first Excursion Trains to the West in this connection, leaves Ottawa 9.30 a.m. Aug. 16th; and 10.30 p.m, Aug. 16th and 28th; also leaving Toronto 9.00 a.m. Aug. 21st; 10.00 p.m. Aug. 21st, 23rd, and 30th. Through cars will be operated from Montreal and Joliette, affording direct connection at Ottawa from principal Quebec Quebec points. I The equipment will consist of electric I lighted colonist cars and lunch cars with ! special accommodation for women. While the best chances are along the lines of the C. N. R. in Manitoba, Saskatchewan Saskatchewan and Alberta, where the demand for labor is heavy and the wages high, no matter what final destination you may select, select, the C. N. R. offers the best route to Winnipeg. For leaflet showing special train ser- sicé, excursion dates and the number of labourers required at various, points, together together with all other particulars, apply to nearest C. N. R. Agent or General Passenger Passenger Department, Montreal, Quer) and Toronto, Ont. 33tf j QUALITY is never questioned This will appeal to all exacting customers, those who demand the best, for it embodies every quality of fine shoe-making. Fred Knox, Phone 120 - King-st DR. J. C. DEVITT, DENTIST, Graduate of BoyalDental College, Toronto. OFFICE : King St. East, Bowmanville, OFFICE HOUrtS: 9 a.m. to 6 p. m. daily except Sunday. Phone 90a House Phone 90b X If We Prepare the Roast ready to put jn the oven you may he sure meat / you are in for the finest treat yon ever had. meat will be The tender, juicy and so finely flavored that you sorry you didn't buy a larger piece. And the fact that it cost you no more than you have been paying for ordinary meat will add to your enjoyment. C. M.CAWKER &Son Phone 64 Bowmanville FUNERAL DIRECTORS L. Morris & Son x Most Complete Equipment Sunday and night calls promptly attended to. Bowmanville Phones Branches : OBONO 10-34 HAMPTON Stationery "Grecian", a newly boxed Stationery, Stationery, light weight paper and envelopes. envelopes. Grecian is a writing paper of superior quality, 24 sheets and 24 envelopes boxed complete, 35c. Light, breezy and women stories for men 35c by the following well-known authors--Box authors--Box Beach, Edward Stuart White, Gene Stratton Porter, Kate Douglas Wiggin, . W. T. ALLEN, "BIG 20V w BOWMANVILLE ^

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