r gHp r : ■ - '^ ,a -^'V ' " v^iwy^ «u w. w 1 " •"'^'~:- ~ y^ *>*,: -«^Mawwcsse*^ SS /- f Hot Weather Grocery Specials Always Fresh and Best Quality at The flodel Grocery Be sure and see our Friday and Saturday Bargain List. W. Blake McMurtry Ltd Highest Cash Price paid for all Farm Produce. Phones Nos. 72 and 1 82. Bowmanville. * Home? A Place To Live In. If your are building a new HOME, or remodelling remodelling your old one Remember That We have all the materials required in the shape of Dressed and Undressed Lumber in Pine, Hemlock, Spruce and British Columbia Fir Flooring, Siding, Ceiling and Wainscot. Birch, Maple and Oak Flooring, tongued and grooved, and end matched. Doors, Sash, Mouldings, outside and inside trim. Also Lath, Shingles, Galvanized Ridge Cap and Valley, Beaver Board. Specialties Asbestosl ate. Shingles and Siding, and Linabestos Wallboard, a sanitary and absolutely fireproof substitute for Lath and Plaster. We are also Headquarters for Portland Cement* Salt in barrel and hag, Baled Hay and Straw,_ Oats and other Grains. ^ Scrapton Coal. Cannel and Steam Cqal, Charcoal, Hard and Soft Wood alwayejn stock. Prices Reasonable and Good Service Guaranteed. McCLELIÎAN & <s King Streét East Phone 15. House Limited Bowmanville 228 or 274 25-13W BOWMANVILLE, AtJG. 16, 1917 Local and Otherwise Be sure and see us before buying your new tires--we can save you money. A. W Pickard,{The Garage, Bowmanville. Having purchased a number of tires before before the advance in price .we have some good bargains to offer. A. W. Pickard. Local and Otherwise By-law agairfet spitting on pavement is still in force. Mrs. S. G. Bennett is visiting relatives in Peterboro. Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Foley recently visit ed at Grimsby, Weed inspector, do you see any weeds that should be cut ? Good morning. . Remember the hospital hospital when preserving. . Mr. Cameron Martin, Paris, visited old friends here Monday* . "Read the Call fop help for (. HanvBBt. on page 6. Wm. Mount joy west of Enfield, hac four cowsJcilled by lightning. Miss Young is visiting Mrs. (Rev.) J. W. Bonner, Prince'Albert, Ont. Watering King-st from the hydrants is latest enterprise to win the war. Mr. W. J. Trenouth has resigned the principalship of Norwood public schools. Miss Kate Percy, Dietitian at Wellesley Hospital, Toronto, is holidaying at home. Miss Jean Dumas is spending her vacation vacation with friends in Toronto and Clifford Mr. Norman J. Bottrell is on his vacation vacation visiting Akron, Buffalo and Rochester. Mr. and Mrs. Walter D. Rogers, Toronto, Toronto, recently visited Miss Mary Cryder- man. District papers are publishing week-old letters as despatches that first appeared in this journal. Miss Myrtle Henderson, Cobourg, motored motored to Bowmanville and visited at Mrs. F. A. Haddy's. Mr. and Mrs. W.J. Col will and son Ross, Toronto, visited his mother, Mrs. John T. Colwill, King-st. Miss Elva B. Bragg and Miss Mabel Barrie are holidaying with Mrs. E. W Rundle, Toronto. Miss Mildred Lawrie, is visiting her cousin, Mrs. N. L. Garland, and other relatives relatives in Toronto. We congratulate the High School staff on the success of the students at the mid-summer exams. Please note the new name over Couch, Johnston & Cryderman's store. It certainly certainly looks attractive. Mr. Sidney Nichols, Ebenezer, Sunday- ed with his aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Halfacre, Tyrone. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cox attended the funeral on Sunday of their cousin Miss Louise Maples, in Port Hope. Messrs. R. Dumas and H. Westaway are visiting relatives at Grand Rapids, Mich., and other American cities. Mrs. A. C. Rice and daughter, Miss Rice of Wheeling, West Virginia, U. S. A., visited Miss S. E. Williams, Ghurch-st. Mrs. Bertha Bailey and Miss Lillie. Hath way left Tuesday to visit their sister Mrs. J. Walter Cooper, Wellwood, -Man. Bowmanville Bowling Club has two rinks at Dominion Tourney, Toronto, Major W. C. King and James Deyman, skips. Mrs. Wm. Coombe and Miss Ruby Thornton are spending a few weeks with friends at Kingsville and other western points. Dr. Clara C. Benson, Ph. D., daughter of late Judge Benson, Port Hope, is doing research work at Biological Station, St. Andrew's, N. B. Mr. and Mrs. D. Hawke and Miss Mary Hawke, Butte, Montana, are visiting their aunt Mrs. J. M. Brimacombe, "Greencourt" and other relatives in this vicinity. Whitby Chronicle gives credit to Ebenezer W. M. S. for fruit, flowers, veg- e tapies, butter, eggs and $1.35 cash sent Fresh Air Home at Heydnshore Park. Mayor R. A. Mulholland and Mrs. Mul holland, Port Hope, have returned from a very enjoyable visit in Winnipeg, Kelowna, Kelowna, ,B. C., and other Western points. Mr. R. W. Allin, M.A., and son Frank, Toronto, Mr. John Allin, Miss Adah Allin and Miss Lizzie Allin, of Newcastle, visited visited Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Allin, Division-st. Monday. Mrs. Elmer Cartwright and daughter Frances of Oklahoma, U.S., and Mr. Thos. Allin and Miss Elizabeth Allin of Oshawa were this week guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Allin, Division-st. Mrs. Alice Marks and daughters Hele and Carrie, Toronto, have taken "Sand hurst Cottage", Bowmanville-on-the-Lak Mr. and Mrs. H. Marks and son of Tor-t onto, and Mrs. R. Finlayson and daugh-\ ter of Montreal are guests. Mr. J. Mc- Astocker and Mr. J. Spicer spent the week-end there. The farm residence of Mr. Jared Kim ball at Port Granby was struck by lightning lightning recently and badly wrecked. The chimney was shattered, a hole ripped in the roof, the parlor carpet cut up and rolled rolled to one side of the room, clapboards were cut and splintered on the side of the house and numerous other freak acts performed. performed. Mr. and Mrs. Kimball were in the house at the time but escaped injury. The Cour tice-Everson. annual picnic îeld at Oshawa-on-the-Lake, August 7th was attended by about 50 persons. After dinner a pleasant afternoon was spent in speech making, photography, and social chat. Among those present were Rev. T. Brown and Mrs. Brown, of Lindsay; Mrs. Jas. Courtice and Mrs. T. G. Mason, Bowmanville; Bowmanville; Miss Gladys Jackson, Newcastle; Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wight, Providence, and Mr. J. Grills, New Liskard. Lance-Corporal A. T. (Bert) Honey of 354 Pacific Avenue, West Toronto, has been visiting at the home of his aunt, Mrs. W. B. Pinch. He went overseas in Tune, 1916, going to France in July. After three months of active service in command command of a machine gun he was wounded in the left arm and shoulder in the battle of the Somme. He was invalided to England England and has spent the intervening time in various hospitals and convalescent homes there. At present he is booked for three months at Whitby Military Hospital.- Hospital. - . - -The'remains of the late Mrs, Margaret Gibbard who died at the residance-oKher son Mr. Geo. E. Gibbard. Toronto, last week weré brought here Friday and interred interred in Bowmanville cemetery. Mrs. Gibbard was one of the early residents of the village of Tyrone, Darlington, coming from Ireland when three years of age. Few people havë been privileged to reach almost the Century mark as Mrs. Gibbard was in her 99th year. As we gave a full account of the early history of this esteemed esteemed lady in this journal in April last, we will not repeat. I Enforce noxious weeds Act. Miss Heal is visiting friends in London. Read Luther Werry's poem on an inner page. Mrs. Fleming recently visited Mrs. (Dr.) Moore, Brooklin.. Miss Agnes Russell, Cobourg, is visiting at Mr. Robt. Copeland's. Miss Oke, Whitby, is visiting Mrs. John Allin, "Allindale Farm". Mr. John S. Holgate has returned fronr a trip to Western Canada. Read the Call for help for Harvest on page i Minister of Militia reports 13,000 desertions desertions in the Canadian Army. Ask Mason & Dale about their electric fans and stoves Prices right. Miss Celia Lowe has returned from visiting friends near Brighton. Miss Aileen Campbell, Toronto, is visit ing Mrs. Foley at "Greencourt' Mrs. Fred Lyle and Mrs. Wm. McRey- nolds recently visited Toronto friends -Misses Dorothy Johnston and Nellie Burk visited at John J. Gilfillan's, Orono. Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Vanstone and son Jabez are holidaying at Algonquin Park.. Mr. and Mrs. James Walsh, Orono, were guests of Mr. F. A. Haddy Monday. Cobourg's excursion to Rochester Aug ust 1st had 300 over the Ferry's capacity. Mr. Wm. Foley recently visited his son, Rev. H. W. Foley, B. A., B. D;, Brooklin Ptes. C. Ri Currie and C. Clark, Port Hope, met death at Vimy Ridge together. Electric fans at $7.50, electric stoves at $2.75 at Mason & Dale's Hardware,Phone 145. Mrs. H. Ridge is visiting friends in Toronto, Clinton, Goderich and Tottenham. Tottenham. Mr. Otto Mayer and daughter Florence, Hamilton, are holidaying at Mr. W. Gian field's. Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Jennings, Hespe- ler, are visiting at her father's, Mr. S. J Jackman. Ladies, don't miss the canning demonstration. demonstration. You cannot fail to get some useful hints. Mrs. H. Peregrin has returned from visiting friends at Foxboro and other Eastern points. Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Tamblyn, Bow manville, spent Sunday with Mr. W. J. Stainton, Enniskillen. Rochester excursion from Cobourg on August 1st was patronized by 880 persons --the boat's capacity. Read Pope Benedict's peace proposals in daily papers to-day; then read The Editor Talks on page 2. Mrs. J. R. Young, Winnipeg, Man., daughter Marion and son-are visiting her uncle Mr. Wilson Neads. Allies' Street Fair was a huge success --about $900 being realizes--but the report report has to wait for next issue. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Pinch and Miss dith Allin attended the funeral in Oshawa Oshawa Monday ôf the late James Connolly. Keep your house cool with an electric an and yourself cool by using an electric stove. . See Mason & Dale Hardware, for prices. -- x , Mrs. W. Bryant and her daughter Mrs. (Dr.) J. Carscallen, Winnipeg, Man., were recent guests of the former's son> Mrs. W. F. Dale. Death occurred at Bowmanville hospital of Richard Ingram. Funeral took place from his sister's, Mrs. Clarke, Hampton, to Bowmanville Cemetery. Mr. A. W. Blue, Staff Reporter of Toronto Toronto World, Mr. A. L. McLease, Reformer, Reformer, and Mr. C. Davidson, Vindicator, were at the inquest Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Sid Hughson, Toronto, visited his parents at Orono. Sid was with the Highlanders' band on their recruiting recruiting trip to New York and Chicago. Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co's fortnightly fortnightly pay on Friday was $33,000--largest $33,000--largest ever. One man received $89.00 including including bonus. Works are running day and night. Mr-Wm. Robinson, Mr. Ed. Robinson, Mr. A. Torrance, Mr. T. Tod and Mr. Adam Scott, Markham, motored to Bowmanville Bowmanville and spent a few hours with Hon. Senator Beith at Waverley Farm. /-Glad to see so many old girls and hoys born in the "Homeland of Durham" in town on Civic Holiday. The tie that binds them to the homeland is strengthened strengthened by their occasional visits to friends here. Come often. A lover of Justice writes: "A good, conscientious teacher is of greater value in a community than sordid gold. Would you offer your spiritual adviser $600 ? Your teacher is of equal importance, laving laving the foundation and moulding the character of our future generation. Cost of living in England may be guessed guessed from these prices taken from a. letter just received from Miss M. E.Oke, North- am, N. Devon: We are paying these prices now--meat is 6d (36c) per lb., butter butter is iod. (44c), eggs 5c each, bread lid or 22c for 4 lb loaf, sugar 12 to 150 per lb., and difficult to get. Mr. C. H. Hepinstall of the big jewelry firm of Messrs. C. H. Hepinstall & Sons, St. Thomas, and Dr. L. B. Williams were recent guests of Mr. Chas. Williams. The Hepinstalls were among the earlier settlers in North Darlington and later moved to Brooklin where Mr. C. H. Hepinstall Hepinstall was born. He likes to visit the old home on the 9th concession and vicinity vicinity about every two years. The editor slept on the old homestead over 60 years ago, his bedfellow being George Willard, brother of Mr. Wm. Willard, Port Perry. An electric fan is a great blessing in the sick room N or elsewhere on a hot day. Mason & Dale Hardware can supply A fine of $200 and costs was imposed on two Oshawa men for offering Jiquor to I Whitby Military Hospital. Mr. John A. Cox attended the funeral I of his brother, Mr. Gordon Cox, Long- ueuiL Que., who was killed while riding his motorcycle to work on August 4. He was a carpenter, 30 years of age and formerly worked here. l/ HIGH SCHOOL NOTES t The results of the Honour Matricula tion Examination are to hand and show that Allin F. Annis won First Class Honours in Chemistry. Second Class Honours Honours in Latin and Second Class Honours in French. Annis has„ taken a brilliant course all through and we predict for him great success at the University _ In the Juniot^Matriculation examinations examinations Evelyn Joriess made an average of over 60 per.cent on all twelve subjëcts and has therefore won Complete Matriculation. Jane Grigg made the required 60 per cent in ten subjects, Charles Rowe in nine; and Marian Worden in eight; and therefore have the privlege of writing on the subjects subjects they failed in this Fall or next June. Notices of Births 80 cents; Marriages 80 cents; Deaths, 80 cents, each insertion. When funeral cards are printed at this office, insertion free.' BIRTHS. Willard--In Port Perry, August 5th, to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Willard, a son. Stainton--At Zion, August 10th, to Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Stainton, a son (Arthur John.) Rickard--At "The Grange", Newcastle, Ang. 7th, to Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Rickard, a daughter. MARRIAGES' Sanders--Bickell--In Bowmanville, August 8th, by Rev. H. B. Kenny, Cobourg, Sergt. Lome W. Sanders and Miss Irene, youngest daughter of Mr. Geo. H. Bickell. Levett--Morris--At St. John's Chnrch, Toronto, Toronto, August 4, bv Rev. W. Clark, Miss Florence Selena Morris and Mr. Wm. G. Levett, Toronto, both formerly of Bowmanville. Job--Fenwick--On Saturday, August 4th, in Winnipeg, by Rev. Dr. Patterson, St. Stephens' Church, Walter Fenton Job, younger son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Job, Toronto, to Gardo Gertrude, Gertrude, only daughter of Mrs. Margaret and the late Murray M. Fenwick. B.A., Toronto, and Bowmanville. DEATHS Byam--In Oshawa, August 7th, Wm. A. By am, m his 76th year. Maples--At Port Hope, August 9th, Sarah Louise, daughter of Richard and Ann Maples. Smith--In Bowmanville, August 12th, Jane, beloved wife of Ogden Smith, in her 81st year. DeLong--At Brooklin, August 6th, Jessie Colby, Colby, beloved wife of John DeLong, aged 50 years Johnston--Accidentally killed in Bowmanville August 11th, William Johnston, Oshawa, aged 25 years. Connolly--Accidentally killed in Bowmanville, Angust 11th, James Connolly, Oshawa, aged 30 Normoyle--Accidentally killed in Bowman- ville, August 11th, James Nermoyle, Oshawa, aged 38 years. Thompson--At 712 Manning Ave, Toronto, Ang. 1st, Janet Corbett, widow of the late Wm. Thomp- son, aged 81 years. Sowerby--On July 25th, at Pasadena, Cal.. Elizabeth Shaw, wife of James Sowerby, aged 81 years, formerly of Oshawa. Vanderburgh--At Kendal. Angust 6th, Rolph Armand Vanderburgh, dearly beloved husband of, Edna Heath Bell, in his 35th year. Gibbard--At 1371 King-st West, Toronto, Ang. 8th, Margaret Paton, widow of the late A. H. Gibbard, Tyrone, aged 99 years, 9 mos, Fletcher--Accidentally killed in Bowmanville on Angust 11, Herman Fletcher, Oshawa, son of the late Joseph Fletcher, Bowmanville, aged 27 years. Walker--As the result of an accident at Bowmanville, Bowmanville, August 11, Florence, dearly beloved wife of Frank Walter, 26 Dnchess-st, Toronto, aged 33 years. IN MEMORIAM In memory of Frederick Thomas Lindsay, August 18th, 1916. The parting was sad, the blow severe, To part with one we loved so dear; It was God's will, it must be so; At His command we all must go. He is gone, but not forgotten, Thus dawns another year; / In our lonely hours of thinking Thots of him are always near. Them also who sleep in Jesus with him. died will God bring Parents and Family "Lest We Forget" E. R. BÔÛNSALL, . Designer and-Dealer in Monuments, Tablets, Markers, etc,, In Granite. and Marble. Bowmanville, Ontario. NOTICE During DR.G. C. BONNYCASTLE'S absence with the Canadian Expeditionary Expeditionary Force his Dental Office will be conducted by J. J. CRAIG» L. D, S., De D« S., Honor Graduate in Dentistry of Toronto University. Bowmanville - Ontario Office Phone 40. House Phone 16 IGHEST PRICE PAID--For scrap and metal, also poultry and eggs by the Bowmanville Bowmanville Iron & Metal Co. Joe Bosenvolt, Proprietor, Proprietor, 7 Argyle-st, or phone 289. 17 H iARM WANTED--A small farm"or few acres of ■* land suitable for gardening .with improvements. improvements. T. H. Clayton, 79 First Ave., Toronto. Toronto. 30-8w D WELLING FOR SALE--6 roomed cottage on Centre-st., Bowmanville, with small garden, some fruit trees, good stable and chicken house. Will sell at a bargain for cash. Apply to Norman S. B. James for particulars. 31-tf YOU. THE WESTERN FAIR Sept. 7th to 16th. Management of Western Fair, London, are making every possible effort to eclipse all their previous Exhibitions,giving special special attention to Live Stock and. Agriculture. Agriculture. Two Thousand Dollars was added to the Prize List, making this year's list the best ever. Special classes in the Horse Department have been provided for farmers farmers and sons. Also plenty of classes for professionals with liberal prices. Prize Lists, Ejntry forms and all information promptly given on application to the Secretary Secretary A. M. Hunt, London, Ontario. F ARMS OF ALL SIZES WANTED by the Ianson Farm Selling Co., Oshawa. We make a specialty of land selling. List yonr place with ns for good results. Office, 8 Bond-st W„ Oshawa; Phone 559. Sl-tf F ARMS TO RENT--Three farms of 100,150 and 200 acres, respectively, terrent. All south of and close to Oshawa. First-class soil and buildings, in good state of cultivation. Possession Possession to plow after present crop. Full possession April 1,1918. Apply to G. D. Conant, Oshawa, Ont. August 8th, 1917. 32-tf D esirable residence for sale--An ideal home on Hillside Avenue, Oshawa; magnificent view, three acres, stable, matured orchard, brick veneer house with stone foundation and roomy, excellently heated, bathroom bathroom (successful septic system). Inspection solicited. solicited. Price reasonable. Address, Miss Jessie Panton, South Oshawa, Ont. - 33w-3w* F ARM FOR SALE--100 acres, known as "Spruce "Grove" being lot. 1, con 1, Darlington, on Kingston Road, lj miles east of Bowmanville, on which are a comfortable frame residence and good farm buildings with ample stabling for stock. Soil excellent clay loam, well under- drained and in good state of cultivation. Young orchard 12 acres coming into bearing, winter fruit, plenty of small fruit, two never-failing wells. If not sold, will be rented. Terms which are very reasonable may be had on the premises premises or by letter addressed to W. J. CLEMENCE, R. R. 4, Bowmanville. 30-5w* Tenders Wanted Sealed tenders will be received by the- undersigned undersigned up to Saturday, August 26th, for the purchase purchase of the old electric light brick building. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Tenders must be addressed to JOHN LYLE, 38-2w Town Clerk,. Bowmanville Wrist Watches - for Ladies and Gents # We are showing a very complete line of ladies' and gents' { Wrist Watches in Nickel, Silver, Gold-filled and Solid Gold, in Waltham, Elgin and High Grade Swiss Movements. 8 Any watch we sell we 'guarantee entire satisfaction. - ijp Prices in Gents' Watches: T Radium Hands and Dial, Gold Filled Case $14.00 9 Radium Hands and Dial, Silver Case.. $12.00 9 Nickel Case " $10.00 W { Prices in Ladies' Watches, Gold Filled: - 7 Jewelled Movement from... $10.00 up 8 }J. " " " $12.00 up " " $20.00 up ^ 1/0 kt Gold, 17 Jewelled Movement $30.00 ! ALEX ELLIOT Watchmaker Successor to C. H. Haddy Jeweler Phone 88 Engraving Free John A. Holgate & Son sells Lehigh Valley Anthracite the Coal that satisfies When you pay good money for coal you expect to get good coal. That is what yoiç want to get. That is what you should get. That is exactly what you do get always--when you deal with us. If the coal we sell you isn't right we don't want your money --that's the way we sell Coal. We have lots of good steam coal for threshing purposes. Canada Cement, Sewer Pipe, Lime, -Hair, etc. John A. Holgate & Son Office and Yards, cor. Queen and Division Streets. Telephone No. 153 office. House Phone 202. Bowmanville, Ont. The Ladies' Store We are showing this week New Wash Skirts New Silk Sweater Coats New Waists in Silk, Crepe de chêne and Voile New Middies in Silk and Cotton New Collars, Ties, Gloves and Hosiery New Floor Oilcloths and Japanese Mattings Skirt Special Pure wool Serge Skirts in Navy Blue and Black, 23 only, regular value $5.75 Special Sale Price $3.75 The balance of our stock of Ladies' Coats, Suits and Skirts we are offering offering at specially reduced prices to clear Telephon<106 S. W. Mason & Son Ë Next door to Standard Bank Bowmanville
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