5$ -Ï--S --ü thb Canadian Statesman wd Thb Bowmàn- v 1T .tM XEWT&T-e pwbtiehed -eTerr'ThaTedey nwl "F ri cult rcorcing, respectively, at TH K 8txTK9*Aî% OfBce, James Blocs, 66 and 27 Klng-st. West. BowmanTillti, Ontario, Canada. M. A. James <fc gons Publishers and Proprietors, at «1.60 per annum, payable in advance; $2.00 after first three montbs- R J. HAZLEWOOD, M.D., C.M- BOWMAHTHiLE, - OHT. C -| OLD MEDALIST OF TRINITY UNI* y versity. Toronto. Four years Attending Physician and Surgeon at ML Carmel Hospital, Pittsburg. Ks. Office and Residence, Wellington SL Telephone No. 108. ' J.T. ALLEN, TAILOR At Rear of Standard Bank BOWMANVILLE J..T. Allen announces that he now makes 'rtiits to order at lowest prices. Ladies' suits cleaned and pressed. Gentlemen's r altered, repaired, cleaned and press- AI1 work guaranteed and prices right, tiive the old reliable tailor a trial. RAILWAY TIME TABLES FOR BOWMANVILLE. Gf.and,. Trunk Railway Going Eàst Express 8 52 a.m. Express Passenger Local Pa c senger Mail 10 31 a.m. 3-29 P.m 6.49 p.m 7.18 p.m 9.58 p.m Çolng West Express 4 2Z a.m Local 6.57 a.m Local 9.45 a. m Passenger 1.36 p.m Passenger 7.01 p.m Canadian Pacific Railway Going West Going East 6.02 a.m 10.46 a.m 4.47 p.m 1.08 a.m. C. B. Kent, Town Agent Canadian Northern Railway > Going East Going West Express 1142 a.m Express 9.36 a.m •Express 6I40 p.m Express 7.31 p.m tExpress 3.08 p.m. •Daily except Saturday. tSaturday only. GRANQ TRUNK systemT ^Homeseekers' Excursions. \ In These, War Times you Want real ~$ood that contains .thé greatest amount of body - building material at lowest cost. The Whole wheat grain is all food. Sjiredded Wheat Biscuit is the whole wheat in* a digestible form. Two or three of these little loaves of baked whole wheat with milk and a litt le fruit make a nourishing, nourishing, strengthening meal. DOMESTIC SCIENCE AT BOMB X Round trip tickets to points in Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and Alberta via North Bay, Cochrane and Transcontinental Transcontinental Route, or via Chicago, St. Pauls' or Duluth, on sale each Tuesday until Oct. 30, inclusive, at low fares. Through Tourist Sleeping Cars to WINNIPEG on above dates, leaving Toronto 10.45 p. m. no change of cars, via Transcontinental Route. Return Limit, Two Months. Exclusive Exclusive of date of sale. Berth reservations and full particulars at all Grand Trunk ticket offices or write C. E. HORNING, District Passenger Agent, Toronto, Ont. J H. H. Jury, Local Agent GRAND TRUNK* 4 ATTRACTIVE TRIPS to MUSK0KA LAKES ALGONQUIN PARK MAGANETAWAN RIVER LAKE OF BAYS KAWARTHA LAKES GEORGIAN BAY Round trip tourist tickets now on sale from stations in Ontario at very low fares, with liberal stop overs. Get your tickets in advance Berth reservations and full infoma- tion at all Grank Trunk Ticket Of-, fices, or write C. E. HORNING, District District Passenger Agent, G. T. R'y System, System, Toronto, Ont. HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS BE ignj ijg ,-y^ MAY 8th TO OCTOBER 30th Every TUESDAY " ALL RAIL" - also by THURSDAY'S STEAMER " Great Lakes Routes", (Season Navigation) Your Future Is in the West The fertile prairies have put Western Canada on the map. There are still thousands of acres waiting for the man - who wants a home *d prosperity. Take advantage of Lew Ratss and travel via < Canadian Pacific Information from Ticket Offices: 141-145St. James SL, Phone M 8125, Windsor Hotel, Windsor and Place Vigor Stations. Made in Canada. j. Seventh "Lesson- Fats and oils form the second class of heat and energy giving foods. One of their functions is to Rubricate the intestinal tract. They produce twice as much energy as carbohydrates, and for this reason he people in cold climates consume from two and ope-half to three times the amount of fat that persons in warm climates would consume. Fats are classified or separated into two distinct classes--fixed and volatile oils. All fats used in the preparation preparation and cooking of food are called fixed fixed oils. By this term is meant that little or no evaporation takes place during the process of heating and cooking with the fat. Fixed oils, while they do not evaporatè when heated to a' high temperature, become dissociated or decomposed; that is, their chemical construction breaks down or separates after the boiling point is reached. Volatile Oils. Volatile oils, upon reaching_the boiling boiling point, are transformed into a gas -Fats' and Oils! - * ) of the cows from which the milk *s obtained. , Milk taken directly from the cow and permitted to stand for a period of time has fat globules on the top. These globules, which are lighter than water, rise-^o the top and form what is called cream. Cream is wholesome and palatable for the fat it contains. Butter is made from cream-by the process of beating dr churning. This action causes the little fat globules to break and then to coagulate into a solid mass. Animal Fats. Animal fats heated to the boiling point burn or carbonize, thereby showing showing numerous particles (black) in the fat. 'This is unfit to use as a cooking auent for food. Ol^ye Oil. Olive oil is the Cmost palatable and easiest of all the oils to digest. The genuine olive oil is almost without flavor. The oil"is made in four grades. The first pressing from the olives is called virgin oiL The second grade " Sticks UKJB a bull-DOG V u icon imom Quickly Without {# ont Repair your Tires, Tubes, Punctures, Hot Water Bottles. 200,000 users already already Know it. Postage paid all. over Canada- Order a 60-cent tin to-day. Guaranteed to satisfy. Refuse all substitutes. substitutes. 15. Schofield. 4? Victoria St., Toronto. - p-- THE NEED OF THE HOUR. The world is sad No path is smooth €6081 Y5ÎH®! Skim milk .cd.ntains $dl the food elements of whole milk except the fat. : It contains a little more protein protein than whole milk, but because of the deficiency in fat does not supply so much energy. It is a valuable food, which has been very - much neglected neglected . WIN THE WAR. Dedicated to the Wih the War Campaign. Campaign. By R. L. Werry, Montreal, When Canada heard the call tefwar She was busy in mart and mill, But she gathered her sons from near and far Her,place in the rank's to fill; She offered her best for the task in hand And the heroes' part they played; On the road to Calais they made stand And the Kaiser's plans delayed. Chorus: Then, up, ÿe men-of the maple leaf, If true to your sires ye are; Carve high-your name in the halls of - fame, . Come in and win the war. There was just one thought in the nation's nation's mind One pulse in the nation's heart-- One great ambition its manhood stirred stirred In the war to do its part. O, Canada's sons were Britons then-- And Britons to-day they are-- Bull-terrier grit won't let them quit 'Till the day they win the war. Cho. Yes, Canada's sons are proud of their name And reason they have to be; No act of cowardice brings them shame In fighting on land or sea; Her spirit's the same in peace or strife And nought shall her record mar; She is giving the best of her love and life-- And service---to WIN THE WAR. Cho. O, never in vain shall our Mother pleatk For help in the time of stress ; Nor the heart of a sister nation bleed With no one to bring redress ; The "slacker" may hide in a safe retreat retreat Or stick to his pleasure car; In khaki the true Canuck you'll meet Determined to WIN THE WAR. Clio. or vapor. For instance, if the es- j is good and the third fair; the fourth sential oil of turpentine is heated in a .is sometimes known as refuse oil. Noproper Noproper vessel by chemists to 30^ de- thing can equal olive oil as a cooking grees Fahr., it ceases to be a liquid medium. and becomes a gas, which, upon cooling, cooling, returns to the liquid form without loss of volume or weight. This experiment is dangerous and should be performed only by labora- Cottonseed Oil. Cottonseed oil to-day is a great improvement improvement upon the oil of a few years ago. The processes are now perfected perfected whereby the oil is produced ab- tory experts and chemists ; It is ' solutely colorless and tasteless. It is given here only as an example for iPj an ideal medium for frying or short- proper explanation. Oil of cloves, cinnamon, bitter almonds, lemon, patchouli and bergamot bergamot are a few of the best known of the volatile oils. ' Composition of Fat. Fats are called hydrocarbons, composed composed of carbon united with oxygen and hydrogen. They contain in their composition various fatty acids and glycerine. From decomposed fats the commercial glycerine is obtained. • Milk Fats. The minute globules of fat that are suspended in milk give it its z clean while color. The proportion of fat in milk varies from two and eight-tenths to eight per cent. This variation is due to the age, condition and feeding "Talk Happiness, enough Without your woes wholly rough ; Look for the places that are and clear, 1 And speak of those to rest the weary ear. Of earth, so hurt by one continuous strain Of human discontent and grief and pain. Talk Faith. The world is better off without Your utter doubt. If you have faith in God, or man self, ^ Say so; if not, push back upon the shelf Of silence your thoughts till faith 'shall come." SUMMER COMPLAINTS KILL LITTLE ONES ignorance and morbid or ARE DANGEROUS At the first sign of illness during the hot weather give the little ones Baby's (5wn Tablets, or in a few hours he mgy be beyond cure. These Tables will prevent summer complaints if given occasionally to the well child and will promptly cure these troubles if they come on suddenly. Baby's Own Tablets Tablets should always be kept in every home where there are young children. There is no other medicine as good and the mother has the guarantee of a government analyst that they are absolutely safe. The Tablets are sold by medicine^ dealers or .by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Màkls PERFECT bhead Not what we get, but what we give, Is the right measure of hqw we liye. Not what we say, but what we do, Is the test that tells if life's coin rings true. MONEY ORDERS Buy your out-of-town supplies with Dominion Express Money Orders. Five dollars do^ts three cents. ening, and it is much preferred to the various kinds of animal fat. Classification of Animal Fats. Beef fat is known as suet. Sheep fat is called tallow. Pig or hog fat is commonly known a.- lard. Uncooked fats are called suets. Fat that comes from the cooking of meat, Such as roasting or boiling, is called drippings. Vegetable Fats. These embody oils produced from vegetables, such as corn oil or peanut oik Corn or peanut oils are particularly particularly desirable for cooking purposes because they give a delightful flavor and texture to the cooked food. Other vegetable oils are bayberry, tallow from the bayberry, also penny tallow and oil from different grains. Yes, Johnny Canuck is a warrior bold, A natural "son-of-a-gun"; He was never afraid of the foes of old Nor yet of the heartless Hun; The reddest of blood flows through his veins, He is true as the northmost star; He won't cry quits 'till he conquers Fritz, HE IS IN to WIN THE WAR. Cho. August 4th, 1917. Jack Canuck--Do you peaple realize that the food you throw away each year is estimated at $56,000,000 ? FIGHTING FOR HAPPINESS When you get into a frame of mind that makes life seem one tiresome duty after another, with no pleasure in it; when ill-health seems to take all the joy out of life and you worry over things ' that are really not worth worrying about, then your nervous system system is becoming exhausted, and you are on the way to a general breakdown breakdown in health. In this condition your health and happiness is worth fighting for and good, rich, red blood is what your system needs. It is a hopeless task to try to restore your health while your blood is deficient either in quantity or quality. And remember, that no medicine can be of any use to you that does not build up your weak, watery blood. To build up the blood and strengthen strengthen the nerves there is one remedy that has been a household word for more than a generation---Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People. It is the actual mission"'of these pills to make' new, rich, red blood, which strengthens the nerves and tones the entire system. They give you a new appetite, make sleep refreshing, put color in the lips and cheeks, and drive away that unnatural unnatural tired feeling that oppresses so many people. If you want to experience experience new health and happiness give Dr. Williams' Pink Pills a fair trial. You can get these pills jthrough -any DOCTORS ROW ADVISE MAGNESIA Just how dangerous it is to indiscriminately indiscriminately dose the stomach with drugs and medicines is often not realized until too late.' It seems so simple to swallow a dose of some special mixture or take tablets of soda, pepsin, bismuth, etc., after after meals, and the folly of this drug- _ ging is not apparent until, perhaps years , ?» cho noVod afterward, when it Is found that gastric i have finished . she asKeu. eaten their A Puzzling Question. Little Gertrude had been especially inquisitive all evèning. Her father had answered her questions patiently, but he was becoming exasperated. Finally she said: "What do you. do at the office all day, daddy?" \ Daddy's patience gave way. "Oh, nothing," he said. Gertrude pondered over this answer for a moment. Then she returned' valiantly to the charge. j "But how do you know when you £\ANCER, On the western front, in spite of the most desperate efforts to regain the offensive and shake the allied V which closes slowly, but surely, in on two sides, no appreciable success has been gained, and the wastage of her men has practically wiped out Germany's Germany's reserves. The statement made recently crediting her with 4,000,0Q0 reserves is a malicious falsehood. The youths that Germany in normal course would draft for her reserve depots next year are to-day in the trenches--but a good many of them are in English and French prison camps, many being wounded, and more of them dead. The youths thsLwoujd be.subject to draft in 1919 are now in the training depots. France has yet to call the class of 1918 to the firing line, although although it is in training. All efforts to make a separate peace with Russia have failed. It was a separate peace, and not the necessity to force another Russian retreat that Germany wanted. The present Russian Russian retreat--serious though it be, is not so extensive by many miles and many thousands of troops, as that which lost the whole of Galicia and Poland and the Baltic provinces under under the drive of Hindenburg and Mac- ltensen against an ammunitionless, clothesless, and munitionless horde of ill-trained recruits. By her paid agents Germany made ar rotten spot in the Russian front, ulcers have almost eaten their way through the stomach walls. Regrets are then unavailing; It is in the early stages when Indigestion, dyspepsia, heartburn, flatulence, etc., indicate excessive acidity acidity of the stomach and fermentation of food contents that precaution should be taken. Drugs and medicines are unsuit- Pble and often dangerous--they have little or no Influence qpon the harmful acid, and that is why, doctors are discarding discarding them and advising "sufferers from indigestion and stomach trouble to get rid of the dangerous ; acid and keep the food contents bland and sweet by taking a little pure bisurated magnesia Instead. Bisurated Magnesia is an absolutely absolutely pure anti-acid which, can be readily obtained from any drug store. It is absolutely harmless, is practically tasteless and a teaspoonful taken in a little warm or cold water after meals, will usually be found quite sufficient to instantly neutralize excessive acidity of the stomach and prevent all possibility of the food fermenting. Minard's Liniment Cures Colds, Etc. To Check Tomato Worms. Arsenate of lead spray kills tomato tomato worms and is a more economical economical control ' measure in large patches than hand picking of the insects. Three pounds of arsenate of lead paste (or a pound and a half of the powdered form) in 60 gallons of water is sufficient strength. WITH THE FINGERS ! SAYS CORNS LIFT OUT WITHOUT ANY PAIN Sore corns, hard corns, soft corns or any kind of a corn can shortly be lifted lifted right out with the fingers if you will apbly on the corn a few drops of freezone/;says a Cincinnati authority. At littlW cost one can get a small bottle of freezone at any drug store, which will positively rid one's feet of every corn or callus without pain or soreness or the danger of infection. This new drug is an ether compound, compound, and dries the moment it is applied applied and does not inflame or even irritate irritate the surrounding tissue^,Just think! You can lift off your corns and calluses now without a bit of pain or soreness. If your druggist hasnT freezone he, can easily get a small bottle bottle for you from his wholesale drug house; Granulated Eyelids* Eyes inflamed by exposure exposure to Sun, Dust and Wind quickly relieved by MpriM fyc Remedy.. No Smarting, just Eye Comfort. At Your Druggist's 50c pec Bottle. Marine Eye SalYCin Tubes 2!ic. Forfiook ot the: Eye Free ask Druggists or Marine Eye-Remedy Co., Chicago VC Take a piece df coarse sacking in the motor when making a trip over bad roads. Spread oh the ground it will often help to get the car out of a slippery place. Minard's Uniment Cures Diphtheria. Great Britain's per capita coal consumption consumption is about ten times as great as that of France. IfiSCfBl^AHROPa S EWING MACHINES REPAIRED, Gramophone Springs made. Baby Carriage and Lawn Mower Parts. Jack- son Co.. London. TUMORS, LUMPS. ETC., internal and external, cuçed without without pain by our home treatment. Write us before too late. Dr. Bellman Medical Co., Limited. Collingwood, Ont. " " The Soul of a Piano is the Action. Insist on the "OTTO HIGELV PIANO ACTION 2 EN! OTHERS! You who tire, easily; are pale, hag-, card and worn; nervous or Irritable; who are subject subject to fits of melancholy or the '•blues," get your blood examined for iron . deficiency. deficiency. HURATED XRQXC taken three times à y after ils will increase N Dr. on an funded Exact Reckoning. The valor and candid simplicity of the Indian baboo is .proverbial. The Nairobi Leader tells a story of one who played a part in the German East j jtu to be African campaign, a laconic,competent and deadly earnest station master who j evidently regarded himself as an in- j fallible -marksman as well. A regi-; ment of men like him would end the ; war, for this is the wire he sent: j "One hundred Germans attacking : station. Send immediately one rifle ; and one hundred rounds ammunition." your ance 100 per cent in twç n many cases.--Ferdi UXATEO IRON be obtained . guarantee usually three tim aboie Ç| dnifidM 'or money ret -, five-grain taVg : after, meal*. V medicine dealer or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from T^e__and punched her way easily through Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockvill^ Ont. " \ THE TROUBLE MAKERS. By Chas M. Bice, Denver, Colo. There are two classes of people who are dangerous nuisances. One class is that of the ostrich optimists who lull the public into a. false sense of security, security, and the other is that of the frog- pond Jeremiahs who croak, gloom and discouragement at the slightest imaginable imaginable provocation. A cheerful idiocy explains the former; a deliberate and really disloyal intent characterizes it., ÇtiM;he gap will be plugged and the (Russian people, aroused as never before to a realization .of their peril, .will bqpome the bitterest enemy with which Germany will have to deal. And this is why the Hun in Berlin talks of peace, while the Hun in New York, in Washington, in St. Louis and in Chicago, through the lips of fool American newspapers and traitorous politicians, talks of the hopelessness of the allied cause, the impregnability of the German western front, the millions millions of German reserves and the wickedness sending Canadian and American troops to France. We do not dèceive ourselves by sup- Mlnard's Dlnlment Cures Distemper. COST OF FORMER WARS. How Minard's Liniment Co., Limited. Gentlemen--I have used MINARD'S LINIMENT on my vessel and fir my family for years, and for the every-day ills and accidents of life I consider it has no equal. T would not start on a voyage without it, if it cost a dollar a bottle. CAPT. F. R. DESJARDIN, Schr. Storke, St. Andre, Kamouraska. C. B. KENT, Agent, Bowman ville. Cook's Cotton Root Comp J n i A safe, reliable regulating medicine. Sold in three:degrees three:degrees of strength--No. L $1S No. 2, $3; No. 3. $5 per box. Bold by all dmydat», or efent prepaid on receipt of price. Free pamphlet. Address : THE COOK MEDICINE CO M TMOMTO. 0*T. (hnwifllidw.) instead of tea on the table for better health and more comfort Preferred most of the latter At the present moment the latter |posing:the work ahead is easy, but we class are the chief troublers. Their ; refuse to be scared into quitting by a insincere lamentations _ are brawled . braggart bully who is really much forth in volume which suggests the more frightened than anybody else chorus has been trained, and is under has" any " reason to Le. the competent ' direction of a leader with a Leipzig or Munich degree. Germany is terribly frightened -- much more than any of the allies, and because she is frightened (and surely she has good reason to be) she is try- They Compare With Present Gigantic Expenditure. Compared with other wars of the last century and a half the world war towers financially like a mighty cathedral'over a humble log cabin. The war of the * Americair Revolution Revolution cost $845,000,000. The war of 1812 cost $107,000,000. The American ! cure for meat. No brine needed if Y. - zT, r» n A AAA AAA J J- „ 4L 4-U v a YVMVTivrvr» One gallon of clean salt, one pint of brown sugar, and not more than one- ' half cupful of pepper, make a sensible : sugar cure for the side meat, hams and shoulders. Keep out of the saltpeter. saltpeter. That is what discourages so many farmers about using the sugar Head and Face Covered. Came Off In Scales. Would Cry Most All Night.. Cuticura Healed. "When my baby was two weeks Id her head and face became covered with little water pimples. They Lter broke and dried, and came off in scales. They itched and burned'terribly and she could not sleep but would cry most all night. She was so cross and fretful I could not leave her to do my work. 'Then I got Cuticura Soap and Ointment. Ointment. In three weeks there was not a trace of the trouble left. She was healed." (Signed) Mrs. Alex. Foster, R. R. 2, Proton Sta. y Ont. , June 9, 1916. Prevent further trouble by using Cuticura Cuticura Soap for the toilet. For Free Sample Ehch by Mail address address post-card: "Cuticura, Dept. A, Boston, U. S. A" Sold everywhere. A Wise Boy. Edward, aged four, prided himself on his bravery. But when he suddenly suddenly met a strange-dog near his ; home, 7 , . he unceremoniously fled to the. house, ing to frighten us, and she knows tha ; "Qp 0n being questioned as to whether this is the only chance of her success, hg wag airaid> he said; «No; I just frighten an ally to quit. The solidarity of the German people is a thing of the past,, it .no longer exists. exists. The country is torn by factionalism, factionalism, not merely ovePthe methods of Civil War cost $3,700,000,000. The Boer War was supposed to have been a costly affair for Great Britain. John Bull paid out a cool billion dollars dollars to quell the South African insurrection. insurrection. The British exchequer is now drawn on Boer War every month, excluding Sundays. Japan and Russia had to pay $2,- 000,000,000 for their set-to-- 2 per cent, of the cost of the world war to date. Germany's war bill every month equals the whole cost to both belligerents belligerents of the Franco-Prussian War. treated with this mixture. Minard's Liniment Cares Garffet in Cows A good table that, provides proper nourishment is the principal constitu- | ent of good health. Every house-1 for the amount of the j k eeper should "have a practical and positive knowledge of scientific methods methods that will enable her to produce _ attractive and appetizing and also nutritious food. Here is a. way to make ham gravy or bacon fat blend into soups or gravies instead of floating l. a greasy layer on top: Stir into each two thought it was a good time to see how fast I could run." V » • An Englishman has patented a sys making* wary but over the question of 1 tern of lighting theatre aislgs through ' the job. continuing the war, and the aims to be floor recesses covered wjtli .transluc- j t is estimated that the Entente Ai- - ent glass without interfering with ' jj es spent' $50,000,000,000 and the Cen- ' The Central Powers have" lost more : tablespoons of melted grease, one than $10,000,000J)00 in foreign com- h a ]f tablespoon of flour. The mix-! merce since the war began. The En- j ture blend easily into milk soups, tente Allies' loss in commerce with : Etock SO ups, sauces or gravies and the Central Powers foots up more g j ve an appetizing flavor than $7,000,000,000. The British daily war expense is $38,760,000. Germany spends $25,000,000 every twenty-four hours to keep Mars on tries. 3P ouP ÏSER, which will betrsant fret. -MARION- * ^MARION, 1*4. Uttiwstiy . Montr4§L Hi i ■ - --* ti sought in peace. The unrestricted U-boat warfare is not achieving its purpose with the gpeed.^anticipated--:and the speed is essential to snye, Germany from facing many thousands, if not millions of ^neycari bayonets. vThe food situation, and the resources for vital war: haye been made more than desperate by America's restriction restriction ;- : qf7 extiqrtè i vnputr$4 (countries. The hitherto ceaseless streams of supplies, supplies, from Denmark, Holland, Scandinavie' Scandinavie' and Switzerland ate now fast drying up. darkened stages or motion pictures. . In high; explosives the British production production is now sixty-six times what it was in January, 1915. TIRES REMADE Roran tires can be made Into euaran- eend--fqr circular; we. pay 6 cents a x ^ x , •lâSe fp nèw^â e BUo2à&u^tir^ d a e £ metoT^ttaeSd to. their Aprons, which tutiee. Auto -Tire Exchange, 274 East from its blue color is supposed to be. King St., Hamilton, and 601 Yorige 1 j Street Toronto. tral Powers $30",000,000,000 up to January, 1 1917. If the same proportion proportion was maintained for the. first half of 1917 then the- Entente Allies have A expended more than $58,000,000,000 " ayd the Central Powers $36,000,000,- 000. x ' --: ❖ - In the sepulchers-.at Thebes, Egypt, butchers are;represented as sharpening sharpening their kiijves' on ,a rqund bar- of iron. ISSUE No. 33--'17. Restored to Health by Lydia ELPinkham's Vegetable Compound. Enhaut, Pa. --"I was all run down and weak inwardly. I had female troubles .and nervous feelings and my head bothered bothered me. I would often have crying spells and feel as if I was not safe. If I heard anyone coming coming I would run and lock the door so they would not see me.' I tried several doctors doctors and they did not help me so I said to my mother T guess Ï will have to die as mere is no help for me.' She gqt me one of your little" books and thy husband said I should try pne bofctle.. I stopped the doctorjs medicine and- took Lvdia;E. Pinkham's /Vegedable .Compound, It soon made a change in ine.and now I am strong and •do all my work."--Mrs. Augustus Baughman, Box 86, Enhaut, Pa. Why will women continue to suffer day inland day out and drag out a sickly, half-hearted existence, missing three- fourths of the joy of living, when they can find health in Lydia! E. Pmkham » Vegetable Compound ? • . « If-yeu-wotild-hke-free confidential ad- vicqaddressJbydia, E. Pipkham Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass. X -- c> &jsSg|E : ,f:.LVS &B3BBSSSS3Bb