FIRE INSURANCE The three strongest Mutual Companies doing business in Ontario to-day are (1) Waterloo Mutual, (2) Gore, and (3) Economical, Economical, all of which are represented by this agency. The old and reliable Waterloo Mutual offers special rates to farmers; allows reduction for lightning rod protection; covers live stock against lightning in pasture and rented rented pasture and going to and from market. Audited Statement of Waterloo Mutual, est'd 1863 for the year ending December 31,1916, shows: INSURANCE IN FORCE $40,000,000.00 CASH BALANCE over all liabilities.... 537,374.44 TOTAL ASSETS 912,681.45 DEPOSIT WITH GOVERNMENT 50,000.00 The Waterloo" Mutual is a Tariff Company as well as a Mutual Company, which is an advantage to the policyholders. ALSO agent for-very best in BRITISH, CANADIAN, and AMERICAN Tariff Companies. AUTOMOBILES insured against Fire and Liability. MRS. EDITH V. SCO BELL, Agent, Phone 189, Bowmanvllle Seeing the Opportunity and Seizing it are Two Very Different Matters Why do we claim our groceries are the best ? Because of Freshness and Quality, Sure to Satisfy, Satisfy, the Best the Market Produces, the Kind that Tempts the Appetite these days. FRUIT OF ALL KINDS New Layer Raisins New Shelled Almonds New Valencia Raisins' New Shelled Walnuts New Smyrna.Figs New Cleaned Currants New Hallowi Dates New Candied Peels Extra quality of Tea at a price you will be pleased with. Coffee, the very best. Everything in the Grocery line good and fresh. Special attention to phone orders Archie Tait, B ° wmanviue The Reliable Grocery House Phone 65 MEAT IN WAR TIME No meal is entirely complete without without meat. If you want the choicest the market produces in Beef, Pork, Lamb, or Veal, leave your order at our store and it will be promptly attended to. If you cannot come to the store have our waggon call and make your own selection. J. H. MUTTON Phone 225 King Street One Car St. Lawrence Sugar Just flrrived Relow are only a few of the many specials we are offering for this week: 100 lbs. Granulated Sugar $9.00 Molasses, 1 can ..13c 20 lbs. " " $1.85 Dutch Cleanser, 1 can 10c 3 lbs Bice 25c Upton's Tea, old price..,40c lb „ T „ -r, , - OK i lb tin Fry's Cocoa ...,25c 3 Jelly Powders 25c , , . , J Worcestershire Sauce 10c Simcoe Pork and Beans 20c Canned Peas, 1 tins 15c Matches 5c Toilet Soap, special, 3 for...25c Don't forget we have fresh Fish every week. Highest Cash Prices paid for new laid Eggs, Butter . and all Farm Produce, HARRY ALLIN Phone 186 - Bowman ville NEW IMPLEMENT AGENT A. W. Pickard has been appointed agent for this district for the International Harvester Co., Don't fail to see him before purchasing new farm machinery or implements of any kind if you desire the best. James Bennett still keeps repairs. The great O. Mason's. cleanser--Wyandotte at F. CARS WASHED. A. W. Pickard has his new wash room ready for use at the Overland Garage ust south of the Post Office. Cart-washed at reasonable prices. White Rose Gasoline Gasoline sold at lowest pricè. Give him a call for repairs day or night. BOWMANyiLLE, AUG 16, 1917 DARLINGTON Mrs. Geo. Fitzgerald, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Simpson and Mr. Jas. Towns, son and daughter, Toronto, were recent visitors at Mr. E. J. Burk's .... Mr. W. T. Trenouth was in Toronto last week... .Mr. Wm. Morrison, Toronto, spent the_week-end at Mr. D. W. Downey's....Miss_Emma Cox will accompany her brother William to Edmonton, Alta., and other points in the West Miss Nellie Guy was à recent visitor with Oshawa friends Mrs. Jas. Kay and son, who have been summering at Mr. W. H. Woods' return, this week to their home at Foxboro, U. S Mrs. R. R. Bongard and family spent the weekend weekend at Raby Head. Stick Fast--dry paste for paper-hanging at F. O. Mason's. MAPLE GROVE Mr. and Mrs. R. Nellis, Mr. and Mrs. .A. Smith, Toronto, motored down Sunday and visited the latter's brother, Mr.Chas. Ax ford. Mr. and Mrs. Smith remained for a few days Messrs. Lome, Fred and Ross Stevens, Mr. Elmer Wood,-Miss Gertie Lymer, motored to Simcoe and spent the week-end with friends and relatives. relatives. Miss Olive Cromsbury returned home with them after a pleasant visit with friends here Mr. Harold Gay, Oshawa, is visiting his aunt, Mrs. W. J. Snowden- Miss Ethel Brooks, Courtice, spent Sunday Sunday with Miss Viola Stevens Mr. and Mrs. Miiford Wilkins, Mr. and Mrs. Orville Orville Heard, Oshawa, motored down and visited with Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Foley recently Misses Laila and Laura Wil kins, Salem, Master Theodore Wilkins, Oshawa, have been holidaying with their cousins, Hilda and Eddie Foley Rey. J. A. Connell, Newcastle, will preach next Sunday... .Miss Gladys Munday and Miss Marjorie Stevens are visiting the former's brother at Courtwright. Brantford Roofing at F. O. Mason's. OSHAWA FAIR. Oshawa Fair will bé held on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday September io, II, and I2th. The prize list is out and a copy can be secured from Mr. Chas. P. Davis, Secretary^ Oshawa. GARDEN PARTY Dont forget the" Garden Party at Enniskillen Enniskillen on Friday August 24th. Besides an exciting basket ball match between picked teams of ladiesj-the following will appear: Bowman ville Orchestra, Miss Reta R. Oqle, Soprano soloist, Miss Sicily Laugher, elocutionist, Howard Russell, Scottish vocalist, Harvey Lloyd, comedian. Lots of room for motors and drivers. Admission 35c. Basket ball at 7 p. m. Concert at 8.. Proceeds in aid of Enniskillen Enniskillen Circuit. ENNISKILLEN Visitors: Misses Ruperta and Kathleen Barnes, Atherly,. Marion Brown, Kirby, and Irene Werry, Tyrone, at Mr. H. J. Werry's; Miss Luke, Kedron, at Mr. J. A. Werry's; Mr. and Mrs. Neil Thompson in the city; Mr. T. E. Virtue, Toronto, at Mr. J. W. Virtue's; Mr. Will Hoskin and son, Mrs. Jack Trimmer and Mary, and Mrs. C. J. Pascoe have returned to the city; VIr. and Mrs. F. W. Lee with his mother, Vlrs. Fred Rogers, who is ill at Whitby; Miss Aura and Mr. Cyril Rundle, Miss Vera Werry and Mr. Alan Penfound, ïbenezer, at J. J. Smith's Mr. James Crossman recently had a successful barn- raising... .Mr. James Moorey is. making some repairs to his mill-dam... .Residents .Residents were quite excited over the appearance appearance of three aeroplanes on Sunday morning morning between six and seven o'clock. One alighted in Mr. B. T. McLaughlin's pasture field to enable the aviator to get his bearings. bearings. He had come from Camp Borden that morning. People hurried from all directions in rigs, autos and on foot to get near view of the airship... .League conducted conducted services on the three appointments appointments Sunday Word has been receiv ed by Mrs. Gerrard that her son, Leslie, is seriously wounded, and by Mrs. Frank McMann that her husban&hasbeen killed in France. Both were former residents here and we extendsympathy to the relatives. relatives. . 3|f: .Word reciffVed from Pte. Hercules Hercules Wynne, one of our boys, states that he has been transferred to the Post Office Department at Otterpool, Eng., and is well and getting along well, and sends kind regards to his friends. Mr' Murray Emerson, Nestleton, will take the services on Enniskillen Circuit next Sunday. C. W. Souch sells the best lightning rods. Washing Machines 5 styles at F. O. Mason's. EBENEZER Spic-&-Span 3 for 25c at F. O Mason's. Beats anything for scouring. Rev. |r. A. Connell, Newcastle, will preach next Sunday Mr. Frank Wal ters motored to Peterboro Tuesday..... Mrs. L. Hare has returned to Toronto after visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Rundle.... Mrs. Jesse Araoi has returned returned to Taunton after holidaying at Mrs. Eli Osborne's Mrs. Lewis Trull and son Gordon, and Mr. Jesse Trull, Nan- ton, Aka., recently visited the former's sister, Mrs. Chas. Grass, Brookfin Mr. Wilfrid Rundle spent Sunday at Toronto Mr. and Mrs. Brown and son Rae, Peterboro, were recent guests of Mr. John Walter, P.M... .Mrs. G. Harris, Mrs. A. Bale and Miss E. Everson, Oshawa, Sun- dayed with Misses A. and C. Courtice.... Alfred Ayre has gone to the Quebec Provincial Fairs to exhibit his famous Southdown sheep.... Annual W. M. S. Picnic met in the church, 45 ladies being present. Program was patriotic; readings by Mrs. Blake Courtice, Misses Aura Osborne, Osborne, Dorothy Brooks and Frances Worden. Worden. Piano duets were given by Misses L. Osborne and M. Penfound, and vocal solo by Mrs. W. R. Courtice. Tea was served....Pte. Geo. Moss who was in the battle of Vimy Ridge h?s returned home with the loss of his right eye... .Mr. and Mrs. Otis Worden and babe, Toronto, are holidayjhg here Rev. and Mrs. T. Brown, Lindsay, visited Mr. and Mrs. W. R. CouAice....Mr. F. W. Rundle and daughter Hazel, visited Mitchell relatives . . .Miss Mabel Walters is visiting Peterboro Peterboro friends... .Rye, Fall Wheat and barley harvest is on... .Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Gay Sundaved at Tyrone....Mrs. J. Found, Mary and Arthur, visited at Peterboro. Peterboro. .. .Nichols family picnicked at Worden's Worden's Beach on Thursday and Annis family family at Oshawa Harbor on Friday... .Eb- enezerites took in the Allies' Street Fair at Bowmanville... .Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Osborne and Mr. and Mrs. F. Willoughby motored toNToronto Thursday... .Mr. and Mrs. Sanderson, Toronto, spent Sabbath Sabbath at W. R. Courtice's... .Sunday a class of 30 ÿoung^ people were received Into full church membership and partook of the Lord's Supper. At night Pastor Delve preached on "Foolish Investment" ....Mr. Allin Penfound.and Miss Vera Werry Sundayed at Shaw's..,.B. F. Gardiner Gardiner is shingling his barn, andG. F. Annis Annis his driving shed... .Miss Powell, Pickering, Pickering, is holidaying at Ira Trull's. <.. Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Davis, Toronto, spent Sunday Sunday at H. F. Osborne's... .Mr. and Mrs. Will Baker, Solina, were out for Sunday. Sling Ropes at F. O. Mason's. Ladies' and Gentlemen's Suits repaired cleaned and pressed at Couch, Johnston & Cryderman's Limited, ORONO {From the News) Charles Miller was home recently Miss M. E. G. Waddell home Miss Gladys Cooper is visiting in Newtonville George Pollard is home from the west Miss Rena Doncaster was home from the city Percy Rickaby, Toronto, was home Civic Holiday George Cooper is home from Parry Sound...Harry Lane Newtonville is visiting his uncle Wm. Cornish. Misses Alma and Vida Tourjee, Toronto, were home recently. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Souch, Oshawa, visited visited relatiyes here... .Mr. and Mrs. Lantz, Toronto, visited her grandfather T. Hill Mr. and Mrs. John Sheriff, Toronto, visited visited her sister, Miss Bella Watson .. .T.F. Southworth, Toronto, was a visitor at J. Cochrane's.... Miss E Mitchell, Standard Bank, is on holiday Mrs. Boles, Tor onto, visited her sister, Mrs. W. J. Rolph. Miss Nonie Hooper is with her sister, Mrs. Barstead, 330 Clinton'st. Toronto.. Joe Rickaby, Hamilton, visited his father, Mr. John Rickaby .. Mrs. John Thornton, and family, Peterboro, visited his father, C. J. Thornton, M. P Stanley Thorne, Berea, Ohio, is visiting D. T. Allin Mr and Mrs. Hort Pope, Toronto, visited his uncle, E. Pinder Miss Cunningham, Pet erboro, is guest of Mrs. Roily Fairbairn. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Goodman and son Keith, Oshawa, visited W. E. Davey... .Frank Jones, Toronto, was guest at Srathearn, residence of Col. Stuart C. E. Cuttell, and daughter Edyth viseted his brother, Editor S. Cuttell... .Mr. and Mrs. Walter Winter and Mrs Fursey, Kingston, visited Isaac Winter Rev. Wm. Limbert visited his daughter, Mrs.R. H. Brown Miss Ora Myles, Deseronto, was guest of Miss Olive Richards... .Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Keats and son Duncan, Chatham, vis- ted J. E. Richards. ...Charles Hill, Dun- das, was at his father's, Mr. R. Hill Mr; and Mrs. D. M. Gibson and Mr. and Mrs. Ern. Gibson, Oshawa, visited John Gibson .. .Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Morrow Lindsay, and Harold Kelly, Toronto*, visited visited James Morrow ..Misses Lillian Cuttell, Toronto, and Gertie Wigle, King- ville, were guests at F. W. Williamson's James Hallett and Mr. and Mrs. Brown and family, Toronto, visited Miss Cassie Hallett....Miss Lanra Allin, her cousins, Miss McGinnis, Kirkfield, and Miss Nellie Chisholm, Toronto, visited at her father's, D. T. Allin....O. A. Gamsby was at Buckhorn Lake with a Lindsay bunch. --Messrs Hodgson, Lowery and Powers-- had good sport Junge fishing.... Mr F. P. Winter and family'Toronto, visited the old home town. He now tips the scale near the 2501b mark, and stands 6ft. l%in. high... .Thos. Cowan had a $200 horse killed by lightning. Insure farm stock. Methodist Misson Circle made $70 by a social and bazaar Miss Haycraft, Dis- arict Président, will visit jhe Women's Institute on Friday August 17th and deliver deliver an address... .The Canning factory have had a splendid run on peas Dr G. C. Lawrence and lady friend of Lindsay, Lindsay, spent Civic Holiday at Dr. McElroy 's; Mr. Alfred DeGroot and brother John, j Rochester, N. Y., visited at Mr. C. A. ' Chapman's... .Pte J. R. (Shiner) Thornton is reported seriously wounded with a bullet bullet through his neck. He is eldest son of Mr. Albert Thornton, Kirby Mrs. Young and daughter, Toronto, visited at Mr. John Thompson's Mr. J. E. Richards was I. O. O. F. representative to Grand Lodge, Toronto Mr. Benjamin Barstead and bride returned from their honey-moon trip to the Coast and visited her father, Mr. R. Hooper Mr. and Mrs. Henry Birch and Mr. and / Mrs. Harlow, Toronto, motored here making a short visit- at Mr. Alf. Chapman's Mr. Wm. Waddell is having his big pond stocked with Black Bass . Col. R. J. Stuart has received official notice that his son Lieut. H. O. Stuart who has been missing since Oct. 4th, 1916, has been presumed presumed dead. He had charge of the Machine Machine Gun crew at the Battle of the Somme. George Wannan, Geo. Couller, Harold Barwell and Loftus Bellamy have been to Mohawk Aviation camp. A Clarke boy son of Mr. Albert Wright, Enterprise, is with the Aviation Corps. " Hay Fork Car, Totton and track, new, at F. O. Mason's. Is your family bill-of-fare a help to win the war basis? How's your coal bin? Better get it filled while there's coal. Citizens, how -much are you doing to help the farmers save crops. \ . HARVESTERS! LOOK! V 36,000 Farm Laborers are wanted in the Province of Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and Alberta, for the harvesting of the crop. The C. N. R. will operate the first excursion excursion trains for the west, leaving Toronto Toronto Union Depot at 9 A. M. and 10 P. M., August 2ist and 10 P. M. August 30th and hroning through solid to Winnipeg. The equipment will consist of electric lighted colonist cars, lunch cars, and in addition, the Railway will continue their innovation of keeping a special car for accommodation of single women and famalies, and of placing it in the train where the occupants will be separated from the other Passengers. The territory served by the Canadian Northern Lines offers the widest choice of employment with high wages, but regardless regardless of where you may locate, remember remember we give you the best service to Winnipeg, where you will re-purchase to final destination, no matter on what Line it may be. For leaflet showing special train service, service, with rates, number of men required at various points and other information, apply to W. G. Gifflbr, Station Agent, or R. M. Mitchell,Town Agent, or General General Passenger Department, Canadian Northern Railway, Toronto. London Mutual Fire Insurance Co. of Canada ESTABLISHED 1859--Before Confederation x One of Canada's Oldest and Strongest Fire Insurance Companies A Strictly Canadian Company whose Business is Confined Entirely to Canada h Statement of Affairs as at June 30th, 1917 Net Premiums Rec'd $205,388.89 Interest and Rents 8,970.17 Profit Losses and Expenses $176,005.28 38,353.78 $214,359.06 $214,359.06 TOTAL ASSETS $718.608.76 > Head Office--33 Scott Street, Toronto A. H. C Carson, President. John J. Mason, F. D. Williams, , Managing Director. Local Agent, Bowmanille New and elegant voile, crepe de chene, and Georgette Crepe Blouses just opened out at Couch, Johnston & Cryderman, Ltd. TIRE REPAIRING Ideal Tire Repair Company, Corner King and Silver Streets, Bowmanville, is now open for business. business. Steam vulcanizing services and guaranteed work at minimum prices. Auto Tire and Tube repairing repairing a specialty. Free Air Service. Service. Dealers in all popular Canadian Canadian made Tires. R.. M. Jamieson, Mgr. CHEAPER GASOLINE Let us burn out your engine with our new carbon burners, which will give your engine more power, hence more milage on your gas. A.'W. Pickard, The Garage Bowmanville. Couch, Johnston & Cryderman are giving one-tbird off the price of all Ladies' Spring Coats and making great reduction in all Ladies' suits. Which Would You Choose-- ? Hardwood Floors or Carpets Carpets hard to breed germs, dust, are clean and in every respect respect are unsanitary and out of date, x ___ Hardwood floors are sanit and cannot harbour or germs. They look better and are easier to keep clean. You will be astonished astonished to realize how little hardwood floor* cost as compared with carpets.- Ask us for quotations. To Bowmanville Bell Telephone Subscribers: Central Ontario Directory Through an oversignt A. E. Bundle's name and telephone number 124-4 was omitted from May issue issue of the Central Ontario Bell Telephone directory; and Wm. Griffin, General Store, Enniskillen, is listed 197-3 in place of 197-31. Please make these corrections corrections in your directory for reference. THE BELL TELEPHONE C0. initary broad I v r McClellan & Co, Bowmaaville Limited GRAND TRUNK™ Harvest Help Excursions $12.00 TO WINNIPEG August 21st and 30th, from Stations Stations Lyn, Ont., and West to Toronto Toronto inclusive. August 23rd and 30th from Stations Stations Toronto and west in Ontario. For particulars as to tickets west of Winnipeg, etc., apply to any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent. 32-3w yr. H. H. Jury, Agent. Roofing Paint at F. O. Mason's. Deering & McCormick repairs F. O. Mason's. The Old Reliable Laundry The Oldest Laundry in Town First class work done at lowest prices in the quickest possible time. Goods called for and delivered delivered to any part of town. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. S00 BROS Phone 148 Props. Fall Term from August 27th LjJOTT Yonge and Charles Streets, Toronto Is unquestionably one of Canada's best commercial schools. The demand for .^our graduates is far beyond our supply. Prompt assistance to get positions positions is assured all of our students who become competent. Write today for our handsome catalogue. It contains full information. W. J. Elliott, Princi Outfit For Sale Good big driving horse, io years old, very quiet and reliable, also good buggy, waggon and harness. Will sell separately or the lot together at a great bargain. Apply to D. P. COWAN Phone 270 - Bowmanville