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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Sep 1917, p. 7

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Oitts,rtf,C»Bî l daL.v Son*, PubLlehenr- and Pro-prieto rs, tà ,|LM fc»r " ' 'K*,fl-tX)fc/t€Tflrst three inn BWl ' pAT*fal» 1b *d month*.' -'-' - -P- oux - WOp9tB*fv9PI cupationsj ity>; MiNWfc nei fc ^opened to her, ..Causes Ah^Jlliiess. War ' Vrèâd-in^de' from Government m flot I üte^^Bng^TthZPtÈStiiita âid unfitted to AIL ' A +-»-.♦*» ♦*. 4»ti ° bo much K J. HAZLEWOOD, MJL, CML ' BOWIUSTtBU, . C '» OLD HEOjULÏST 'OF. > TenltyJ ■ Tordütoci Wi - ^bakers are working together under the has risen td th«f- opportunity, ; »nd now i dIrectldn b t ,CT^n officers in "im~ ef^ 1 .TRINITY TJNI- v- verslty,'"" Tordit tie. i : ' JfyfUr yearr Attending PHykician and Surrebn at ML Carmel Hospital. Plttnbura. Ka Office and Realdehcs. Weill nr ton St. Telephone No. 108. J.T. ALLEN,. TAILOR At Rear op StanbardBank Bowman ville.' : / ,--■' J. T. Allen announces that he'now nisjces tuits to order at lowest prît* -|uits cleaned and ^pressed. Jjéntlemen's fruits altered, repaired, cleaned and pressed. pressed. All work guaranteed and prices right. Give the old reliable tailor a trial shares many business responsibilities; In foiÿâër.'ïlnnes ,<^nfined to men. But, as women' " are ' subject to more frequent frequent fluctuations of health than .men, many will . be' handicapped . early, -if they "regard their health Requirements too lightly. ' Y- . The rieryous strain, long hours and prolongetfmental or physical fatigue thin the'hlood and weaken the nerves. fort to eliminate the "rope dfseise" which affects the bakings." Many adults who eat the ^bread L develop severe. ,bases . of indigestion, while children bréak o.ut fin sores in many parts of the body. . Ip addition to the 111 health, among the consumers of the war bread the monetary loss from ruined bakings has reached a large sum and is growing growing larger; Affairs became so serious dured by. a full-blooded constitution, j RAILWAY TIME TABLES FOR BOWMANVILLE. =Such^conditions as women are now Ladies' called upon to undergo can only be^eu- i *"" t & dele&atloa oI , toe London Master Master Bakers Association called qn the _ l Prime Minister and, urged" a return to only weaker, women suffer soonest. the ?5 per cent ; flour The woman porker, in apy .line, requires requires her blood replenished frequent- Geand Trunk Railway x Going East y Express 8 52 a.m. Express Passenger Local Pa senger. Mail 10 31 a.m. 3-29 P.m 6.49 p.m 7.18 p.m 9.58 p.m Going West Express 4,22 a.m Local 6.57 a.m Local 9.45 a.m Passenger 1.36 p.m Passenger 7.01 p.m This is as true for. men as-for women, ! One case was cited in which a baker had to destroy 3,600 loaves of bread, ly. She needs new, rich blood to Jeep ; largely , becausft mould had ruined it her health under the trying conditions ; In another instance a baker sold 1,200 of business life, and to fortify her ; loav€g Qf gpoHed'- bread to manufac- system against the effects of overwork., turerg of plg fo0 d and was compelled to This applies also to the woman in the , suffer a a 0U bi e loss, for when the au- home, who, perhaps, has more worries f thQr1f1pR hpard of the ma tter the b£ and anxieties than usual. So let all : wag thorities heard of the matter the baker arrested and fined $250 for girls and women take heed and renew j ,« wagteful extravagance in war time. Canadian Pacific Railway Going West Going East 6.02 a.m 10.46 a.m 4 47 p.m ~ 1 08 a.m. C. B. Kent, Town Agent Canadian Northern Railway Going East Going West Express 11.42 a.m Express 9.36 a.m * Express 6.40 p.m Express 7.31 p.m tExpress 3x8 p.m. " 'Daily excepVSaturday. tSaturday only. their blood promptly at the ^rst ap- j ^ F May, secretary of the metro- proach of pallor, lack of appetite, head-1 litan comm ittee for war savings and i-- -3 -u,. a non nh nP.FlT 1 ^ M ,, / attributes most or the ache and backache. This can be best. food economy> and most effectively accomplis&ed y ■ trQuble tQ tQO large a proportion of taking Dr. Williams Pink Pills which : non . glutin6us mate rials in the flour, make new, rich blood and thus help, ^ gome cageg it was found that bakers womankind so perfectly. No woman need fear failure of health if they take were using peanuts, called by the Eng lish monkey nuts, to mix with the these pills occasionally to keep them ; g Qur well, or give them a fair trial if they | . g Q ' f ■ . <rope disease" has baffled find themselves rundown. ! the investigators in the British Isles. Pluck Won the V.C. The; London Gazette publishes a number of axyards, decorations and medals Jn respect of the action in the Straits, of Otranto ,on Mriy 15, whén three - Austrian,. cruisers attacked a numbef of British drifters. The list includes: Victoria. Cross -- Skipper John Watt, Royal ,NavaI Reserve, "for most conspicuous gallantry." When hailed by Austria'n./cruisers at about a hundred yards range and ordered to stop and abandon his drifter, Watt ordered ordered full speed ahead, and called upon the crew for three cheers and a fight to a finish. - * HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS MAY 8th TO OCTOBER 30th Every TUESDAY " ALL RAIL" - also by THURSDAY'S STEAMER " Great Lakes Routes" (Swoon Navigation) < Your Future Is In the West The fertile prairies have put Western Canada on the map. There are still thousands of acre* waiting for the man who wants a home and prosperity. Take advantage of Law Ratas and travel via Canadian Pacific Information from Ticket Offices : 141-145 SL James SL, Phone M 8125, Windsor Hotel, Windaor and Place Vigor Stations. You can get Dr. Williams' Pink Pills through any medicine dealer or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr, Williams' Medicine Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. - CANADA'S WHEAT. Could,. Finance Her War Debt With Surplus Worth $459,000,000. . Even if only half of the 1917 Canadian Canadian crop is shipped out before the close of lake navigation, the Govern-, ment -statement of March 31, 19 Jr 8 '! 0 writes heavy increase over the Que., writes One London baker in testifying before an, investigating committee gave it as his opinion that "rope" is a second fermentation which arises in the baking baking and Is furher developed through keeping the bread for the stipulated twelve hours. ------ » A MARVELLOUS MEDICINE FOR LITTLE OSES should show a Mrs. Delvina Pelletier, Ste. Perpetue, "I have much pleasure ... « "'*Z in stating that Baby's Own Tablets $244,000,000 exports last year. If, at This is to certify that T have used MINARD'S LINIMENT in my family for years, and consider it the best liniment liniment on, the market. I have found it excellent for horse flesh. (Signed) .... W. S. PJNEO. _ . "Woodlands," Middleton, N.S. ... CeUL The meet Yemarkable effect ;«f; the Coldwhic^v*.il^^paherat efté df thejAntarctic thejAntarctic expeditions noticed ' tras^ -the lose of; sisnefi I*nd; touch in the 'finders. It Whs almost'complete., 4 '^uppos#;you wanted to look for ^ knife ^in jyour kit-bagF," he said, "you would get tit in yotir liand'and not know. It was the Üame with éÿerÿttiing' We handled. We ,§aw that we -picked it' up, and ; saw that we held the article r we could -not feel that we had it." . He added - that it was not possible-to shave because the skin • became' irritated and sore, while if the 1 beard grew too long it attracted .moisture- and then froze into a block. The only thing to do was to keep beard and moustache clipped close. Vinard'iL^laimjat for sale everywhere. ' "He that taketh up the burden of the fainting lighteneth his own load."-- Warfaring Psalms. -The Kaiser, recent!^ inspected;the German navy, which musT'he admitted admitted everywhere . to be the greatest navy in captiyity. "Isn't there? a good deal of waste in the bone,- of > sirloin steak?" "Not for me," replied, the merchant, "I am very careful to sell the bone for as much as the meat." surprising how brave "the average average "man is when there isn't any real danger in sight. PUBS ,MONEY. ORDERS When ordering goods by mail, send a Dominion Express Money Order. f pVELY . PERSIAN LAMB. MINK -1_4- and. other furs bv mail. Wholesale prices. Send for illustrated catalog of bargains. McComber's Limited. Manufacturers, Manufacturers, 420 D St. Paul West, Montreal In the- construction of their nests.- MSCZLZ.AVZOU1 - -Yrhich might possibly lead t.) the discovery discovery of their place of abode by an enemy. a big Khce like this,' but your horse :: .aUna.rd'B Liniment Cures Dandruff, may have..a. bunch,'or bruise on his. ankle, hocjc»'stifle, kneC ; .or-thrbat: out pain by our home treatment. Write us before too latp. Dr. Bellman Medical Co., Limited, Coliingwood, Ont RADE MAW K RK..U.-S.PAT OFF. will clean it off without laying uj> the horse. No' blister, no hair gone.'. Concentrated---only a'few drops required at an application. $2 per bottle delivered--' Describevjronrxaje.fot «pedal iniiruction* and Book 8 M free. ABSORBING. JR., the *md- scptlc liniment -for mankind, reduce* Painful Swellings, Enlarged Gland», Wen*. Bnilse*. Varicose "Vein*; allay* Pain and Inflammation. Price SI and S2 a bottle at drutrista or delivered ' . ' W. F. YOUNG, P. 0. F., 516 Lymans Bldg,, Montreal,.Can. *bsortdnc..apd Absorblne. Jr., are aide la Canadiu debt have been a marvellous medicine in the case of my baby. I have been us- that time, the national war should stand at $1,200,000,000, as . . }ng the Tablets for fopr. years and been forecast, it would still be we don , t think there is anything to equal within" the financing capacity of a - - Woodlots on the farms can be made | an important factor in the relief of the threatened fuel shortage. To improve plants of perennial phlox, late this autumn give them a surface dressing of hydrated lime and incorporate the lime with the soil, using using a garden rake . where there ate many plants or an excelsior weeder where there are only a few plants. Spread the lime about the plants over a circle of about two feet from their base. them." In using the Tablets the moth- country _able at the end of three years ; ^ hag the guaran tee of a government of war to produce in one commodity | analygt they do not contain one alone the equivalent of one-third of its : p art j c i e opiates or other harmful whole liability. _ on non ' drugs--they cannot possibly do harm On an estimated yield of 275,000,001) j t ^ ey a i ways do good. The Tablets WOMEN ! IT IS LIFT OUT MAGIC ! ANY CORN bushels, gross value of western Can- j are gold by me dicine dealers or by ada's wheat crop should-be $605,000,- j ma ^ at 25 cents a box from The Dr. 000, the highest amount realized in ^. lliamg , Medicine Co.,- Brockville, Apply a few drops then lift corns or calluses off with fingers--no pain. the history of that country from a j Qnt single product. Canada's fiscal year does not coincide with the full calendar calendar crop year, which would be about ! June 30, when the export movement ; is practically at an end, and the grain Make Your Money Work. Better buy one of the Government's war savings certificates. They yield over 5 per cent, interest and have the C. B. KENT, Agent, Bowmanville. Gonstipation- tb« bine ef oW age is notto be cured by harsh purgatives; purgatives; they rather aggravate the For a rentle, laxative. trouble. but sure laxative, use Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They stir up the liver, tone the nerve* and freshen the stomach and bovrela just like an-internal bath. trade is best in position to take stock j w ^ 0 j e Dominion of Canada as security, and- balance accounts. . Moreover sea- j y QU can get your money back any sonal changes affect initial interior ^. me you -ÿyish or leave it out for-three grain movements as well as lake ship- , rg _ A new certificate that is just ments, and comparisons of corre- • the thing to teach youV boy or girl spending periods of time are for these : investment habits has just and other reasons not always wholly | been j ssue ^. It costs $8.60 and pays satisfactory. - i back $10.00 at the end of three years. For the 12 months ended March,^ $21.50 you can get a certificate 1917, s wheat $244,000J)00 exports amounted to j redeéîna ble at $25 in three years, or This trade covered an - for ?g6 you can get one worth $100 in ! abnormally large carry-over from the 1915 crop, which had appreciable three years. That is better than letting letting your money lie unproductive. The CHAMBERLAINS . TABLETS .* ! . • • .-I I i 11 i UI15 j v lxx j.. i-.j weight in receipts even in the late fall j cer tifi ca tes can be had from any bank, ; of 1916. The average Canadian price j money _ or d er P ost office, or direct from : for wheat in the fall of 1916 up to the j Department of Finance, Ottawa. 1 close of navigation was not far from j J $1.70, Fort William delivery,- or $1.50 I to $1.55 on the farm. Notwithstand- ! j ing that production fell to 230,000,000 j bushels in 1916, the dollar value of ex- „ _ ports was $72,000,000 greater for the \Ajjp ! i^^+ mar than for the vear end- : 1 VUIx Granulated Eyelids, Just think! You can lift off any corn or callus callus without pain or soreness. soreness. Spr ay p otato e s as. lpng, as.The . vines ! green.' Cultivate potatoes un- , til they are dug, to conserve the moisture moisture in the soil and keep the weeds down; --■£ (r *11 When buying your Piano insist on haying an 5TTd hi Gel " PiANO action =gj= k 5=== ^ Like A Boy at 5XX Bti4>bliiig^ O ver With Vitality--Taking Iron Did it Doctor says, luxated Iron, is greatest of all strength guilders-- Often increases the strength and endurance of delicate, nervous folks, 100 per- centi in two weeks' time. I^EW YORK, N. Y.--Not long ago a pYn 1 ?, Ç arn e- to me who was nearly, half a *y old and asked me to give him 'a t ary examination for life insur- 1 J vas astonished to find him with Pressure of a boy of 20 and as mil of vigor, vim and vitality as a young , fact . a young man he really was notwithstanding his age. The secret he sala was taking iron--nuxated iron had again and see for yourself how much yoq have gained- I have seen dozens of neyvous run-down people who were ail- ln ^ all the while, double their strength and. endurance and entirely get rid of all symptoms of dyspepsia, liver and other troubles in from ten to fourteen hays.' time simply hy taking iron in the proper form. And this after they had ln sorue cases been doctoring for months Relief Instantaneous, Healed , With 3 Cakes of Soap and 2 Boxes of Ointment. "I was very much annoyed by an irritation on my back. 1 found out I my A Cincinnati man dis covered this ether com pound and named it j freezone. # Any drug-1 gist will sell a tiny bottle bottle of freezone, like here shown, for very little cost. You apply a few drops directly upon a tender corn or callus. Instantly the soreness disappears, tL\en shortly shortly you will find the corn or callus so loose that you can lift it right off.,. Freezone is wonderful wonderful . It dries instantly. It doesn't eat away the corn or callus, but shrivels it up without even irritating the surrounding skin. Hard, soft or corns between the toes, had a bad case of eçzema. My back was in a very bad shape, and my clotting irritated so that the siMn became very sore. I"*œnt for Cuticura Soap and Oinv^ ment. Relief was instantaneous instantaneous and with the use of three\ cakes of Cuticura Soap and two boxes of Ointment I was healed." (Signed) B. F. Grosch, Y. M. C. A., St. Catherines, Ont., July 4, ljLLT^ For hair and skin health Cuticura Soap and Ointment are supreme. For Free Sample Each by Mail address address post-card: "Cuticura, Dept. A, Boston, U. S. A." Sold everywhere. fn le b" , HthV e a n , e " 6 ed he e wti .... , -- But don't and nearly all in."Now 'at 50Tf teFtaïcing Icetate or tinctu^ofimn slmnlvTn ^v^irot^s 1 the'greatest i ated d l7on I whIn P th^ 0 feti 0 wL t k a or ÏÏI {»[£ e e te a™ down instead of dosing themselves with , simply because fi he ^tne^ ' th day habit-forming drugs, stimulants and al- great strength anri the secret of endurance and filled coholic beverages I am convinced that in ; this way they could ward off disease,.I the affr A. - into nreventin°- it becominE" braaiiic in thou- a . a ^* ni le many another has gono P5®„i 1 "„„„ °i down to inglorious defeat simply for the sands of cases and thereby the lives of thousands might be saved who now die every yeaç from pneumonia, grippe, kidney, kidney, liver, heart trouble and other dangerous dangerous maladies. The real and true cause whicj* started their diseases was nothing more nor less than a weakened condition brought lack of .iron ip the blood. Iron Is absolutely necessary to enable your blood to change food into living tissue. Without it. no matter herw much or what you eat,-your food merely passes through you without doing you any good. You don't get the strength out of it and as a consequence you become become weak, pale and sickly looking just like a plant trying to. grow in a soil deficient in iron. If you are not strong or well you owe it to yourself to make the following test: See how long you can work or how far you can. walk without becoming tired. Next take two five-grain tablets of ordinary nuxated iron three times per day. after meals for two weeks. Then test your 5 strength lack of iron.--E.. Sàuer. M.D. XOIE: Nuxated iron, .recommended above by Dr. E, Sauer, is not a patent medicine nor- secret remedy, but one which . Is well known to druggists, and whose iron constituents are widely prescribed by eminent eminent physicians everywhere. - Unlike the older Inorganic iron products, it is easily assimilated, does not injure the teeth, make them black, nor upset the stomach; on the contrary, it is a most potent remedy remedy in nearly all forms of indigestion as well as for nervous, run-down conditions. The manufacturers have such great confidence confidence in Nuxated Iron that they offer to forfeit $100.00 to any charitable institution if they cannot take any man or woman, under 60, who lacks Iron,- and increase their strength .100% or over In four weeks' time,, provided they have no serious organic organic trouble. They also offer to refund your money if it does not at least double ÿour strength and endurance in ten days' Jt is dienfi-cod hv nil good Dr. Beck, The Well Known Eye and Doctor Judkins, The Publish Astonishing Report on Wonderful Remedy To Strengthen Eyesii Say it Strengthens Eyesight 50% in One Week's Time in Many instances Woman's best friend. FVom girlhood to old age. these little red health restorer» restorer» are an unfailing guide to an active liver and a clean, healthy, normal stomach. Take a Chamberlain's Stomach Tablet at night and the sour stomach and fermentation, fermentation, and the headache, have all gene by morning. All druggists, 25c., or by from Chamksrfaln Medici* Cispicy, Tenets 12 Wood's Fhosphodine, The Great. English Remed Tones and Invigorates the whole/ "'00a I nervous system, makes new B1 in old \ 3in8. Cure* Nervous Debility, Mental and Brain Worry, Despondency, Despondency, Loss of Energy, Palpitation of rA« Heart, Failing Memory. Price $1 per box, six for $5. One will please, six will cure. Bold by all druggists or mailed in plain pkg. on receipt of S rice. ,Vnc ■pamphlet mailed free. THE WOOD IED1CIN ECO-,TM 0*T0, 0IT. (FemertyWlsdw.) Murine Eye Remedy I last fiscal year than for the year end ed March, 1916. . , Eye Salve, fn Tabes 25c. Fof 'Book of th» Eye - Free. August 1, 1917, lake terminals held Marine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago d nearly 12,000,000 of first grade wheat.. Estimating the export value of all western stocks at $30,000,000, a modest modest appraisal, Canada begins the current current grain year with a salable surplus worth $459,000,000 at $2.20 per bushel. Sore Eyes, Eyes Inflamed by San, Dast and Wind quickly Relieved by Murine. ' Try it in >out Eyes.and in Baby's Eyes. , . No Smarting, Just Eye Comfort as well as painful 1 calluses, lift right " •••-■' ' off. There is no pain before or afterwards. afterwards. If your druggist hasn'i freezone, tell him to order a small bottle bottle for you from his wholesale drug heuse./ The doll is the oldest form of plaything plaything known. - tivi *£, 1 _ P0STUM ! PROMPTLY SËCÜHi In all countries. Ask for our INVEN TOR'S ADVISER,which, will be sent free. MARION & MARION, 364 University St., Montréal. Attached. Little M-.ry had.', been seijt to the store to get some fly paper. She was a long time in returning, and her mother began to feel a bit anxious. Going to the door, she spied the little little girl coming up the street, and said,- "Mary, have you got the fly-paper ?" "No, mother," cried Mary, "it's got -me; but we're both coming together." A wholesome table beverage with winning flavor. - A North Essex, England, farm, eight miles from any railway, was gold by auction for nearly £30 an acre. Used everywhere everywhere by folks "who find that tea or coffee disagrees. Minard's Liniment Relieves Neuralgia. TELL THE TRUTH. The excellent advice these verses contain loses nothing- by the ingenuity that their author, Mr. William H. Davenport, displays in their composition composition : * Traveller through" time's treacherous thicket, Tell the truth. This thy transport, this' thy ticket ; Tell the truth. . Though thou'rt tired through toilsome tilling - Till thy tones, they're trémbling, trilling, trilling, Tell the truth triumphant, thrilling; Tell the truth'. A FRIEND'S ADVICE z Woman Saved From a Serious Serious Surgical Operation* the eyesight more' than 50 per cent in one week's time. I have also used it with surprising surprising effect in cases of work strained eyes, pink eye, inflammed lids, catarrhal con- junctivites, smarting, painful, aching, Itching Itching eyes, eyes weakened from colds, smoke, dust and wind, watery eyes, blurred sun, vision, and in fact many other conditions too numerous to describe in this report. A new and-startling case has just come under my observation, which yielded to Bon Opto, is that of a young girl, 12 years old. Two prominent eye specialists, after a thorough 'examination -of the young girl.-^dedided. -in order to save the sight of her right eye,-the left eye must be removed. Before permit ting her to be operated on, the ÿoun^ girl's DR. BECK Free Prescription Yon Can Filled and Use at Home. Have Louisville, Ky.--"For four years I Buffered from female troubles, head- aches, arid nervousness. I could not ! elee ' ' ^ "There's a Reason » Canadian Postum Cereal Co.; Ltd. Windaor,. Ont. Thought . that's twisted twists the thinker; ' Tell, the truth. ' .. Truth that's tinkered taints the tinker Tell the truth. _ Toil's true task, - truth's thorough tending'; Timers-; true trail, the truth's true trending;, y / Thought's true throne, 'tls truth transcending;/ transcending;/ Tell the truth. tp, had no appetite and it-hurt me to walk. If U tried to do any work, 1 fo would have' to lie down before it waa . finished. -The doc- To thyself thou'rt truth's translator; ■ . Tell the-trutlL - " Though' the thousands /term thee traitor, . \ TeTgL : thetruth., , 7 \ 'Tls trlumj^iariit' truth 'they're,trying; *Tis the temp teris tcdlB. thou'rt. tying ; 'Tls through time thou'rt testifying ; Tell the truth. . " : --* :--■ ' IClaard's xdaiment Cures Burns. Bte. would opera tors said I 'have to be ted on and I broke down, friend advised iffe to try Lydia E. Pinkham's V - table Compounds and the result is I feel like à néw wom- strorig, do all my own house work and have an eight pound baby girl, ; I know right pound baby girl, ; I Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- 1 . ion pound saved me from an troerati- whicb every woman dreads.'^-- Mrs. Nellie Fishback, 1521 Christy Ave., Louisville, Ky. - Everyonri natmally dreads the surgeon's surgeon's Knife. Sifcnetimes nothingvelse will do, but.many times Lydia E. Pinkham's Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has saved the patient and made an operation unnecessary. unnecessary. If you have any symptom about which would like to knogFi vWritè tp the New York.--Dr. Beck, a New York state eye specialist, and Dr. Judkfns, a Massa- chu setts physician, were asked to make a thorough test of the popular eye remedy, Ron Opto. Their reports were most interesting. interesting. Here they are: - Dr. Beck reports, "When my attention was first called to the wonderful eye rented rented v, Bon Opto, I was inclined to be skeptical skeptical I make it a rule to- test every,new treatment which is brought to my attention. Havifig specialized in eye work for the past twenty years, I believe I am qualified to express' an intelligent opinion on remedies applicable to the eyes. Since Bon Opto has created such a sensation throughout' the United States and Canada, I welcomed - the opportunity to test it. T began to use .it in • my practice a little over a year ago and I am frank to say/that the results obtained are such that I hësitatë'-to , tell of my ex- erlence for fear it will sound incredible. au. , I am .well arid § ome of the - results t have ; accomplished father decided to use Bon Opto. .In less than three days a marked improvement was noticed. At the end of a week the inflammation inflammation had almost disappeared, and at the end of six weeks the eye was saved. Just think what the savlng. of ^that eye means to tltis. little girl. Another case is that of a lady ninety-three years old. She came to me with dull vision and extreme inflammation inflammation of the lids'and the conjunctiva was almost almost raw.. After two weeks' use of Bon Opto the lids were absolutely normal and her eyes are as bright as many a girl of sixteen." Dr. Judkins, Massachusetts physician, formerly Chief of Clinics in the Union General General Hospital, Boston, Mass., and formerly House Surgeon at the New England Eye and Ear -Infirmary of Portland, Maine, and medical author for many years, reports : "I have found^iculists too prone to operate operate and opticians too willing to prescribe glasses while neglecting the simple formulas formulas which form the basis of that wonderful home treatment for eye troubles, Bon Qpto. .This, In my opinion, is a remarkable remedy remedy for the cure and prevention of many eye disorders. Its success in developing and strengthening the eyesight will soon make eye glasses old fashioned and the form of eye baths which the Bon Opto method provides, provides, will make its use as common as that of the tooth brush. 1 am thoroughly convinced convinced from my experience with Bon Opto that it will strengthen the eyesight at least 60 per cent in one week's time in many Instances. Instances. Dr. W. H. Devine, director of medical inspection in the Boston schools, in his report published February 20, 1917, states that only 14,016 out of 89,175 ex- DR. JUDKINS you Lydia E. Pirilhüà Metmane %joi. km Mass, rfor helpful advice gives âree. ISSUE No. '17, With Bon Opto, not only astonished • myself but also other physicians with whom I have talked aboiit it. I'.have had' many individuals individuals who had- worn glasses for years, for far-sightedness, - near-sightedness, astigmatism astigmatism and other eye weaknesses, tell me they bavé dispensed with them through the adoption adoption Of the Bon Opto principal» Many eye troubles can be traced directly to muscular contraction ,and relaxation -and. since , Bon Opto method -tells r how to * exercise and -.develop- -.develop- the ëyé 'muscles, it reaches conditions, not posBlble through other means. .1 advise every- thoughtful -physician to- study Bon Opto principal; give it' the"'same careful trial 1 : tiave and there' 1 is no - doubt in my mind;-:tiiey will come to ^the conclusion I bare, namely,. tb«t the Bqn, Ooto. method sris .the door .the retire ,of many eye ublea, which' bave heretofore been impost lé- td : 'dope viith; ' The treatment is - so ■impie in its application -that It can be used jli home by anyone of average intelligence. i my own practice I bave strengthen Opto bespectacled Boston. Victims of eye strain ànd other eye weaknesses weaknesses and those who wear, glasses witi-be glad to know t^iac according to Dr. Beck and Dr. Jùdkins, there is real hope and help for them. Many whoso èyes were failing failing say they-have had their eyes restored by-this remarkable prescriptioh and many who once wore glasses say they have thrown them Uw.ày ."'Drie. man says, after using it: "I was almost blind. Could not see to read at alE - Now T'can-read every- •thing -without my, glasses . and my eyes do hotlhurt any more. .At- night they would pain dreadfully. Now they feel fine all the time. It was like a miracle to me." A lady who,used it says: "The atmosphère seemed- hazy ; with-or without glasses but after using this ('prescription ; lor 15 ; days everything aeems/cleàr.' r I can read, even fine ' print j withdut glasses." Another who u et d says; "I- was bothered with eye stra.n caused by overworked, tired eyes which induced induced fierce headaches. I have worn glasses for several years, both for distance and close work and without them. I could not read my own name on an envelope or the typewriting on the machine before me. I can do both now and have discarded my long distance glasses altogether. I can count the fluttering leaves on the trees across the street now, which for several years have looked like a dim green blur to me. I cannot express my joy at what it has done for me." "It is believed that thousands who wear glasses can now discard them in a reasonable reasonable time and multitudes more will be able to strengthen their eyes so as to be spared the trouble and expense of ever getting glasses. Eye troubles of many descriptions may be wonderfully benefited by the use or this prescription ut home. Here is the prescription prescription : Go to any active drug store and get a bottle of Bon Opto tablets. Drop one Bon Opto tablet in a fourth of a glass of water and let it dissolve. "With this liquid bathe the eyes two to four times daily. You should notice your eyes clear up perceptibly right from the. start anti inflammation and redness will quickly disappear. If your eyes bother you even a little, it is your duty to take steps to save them uow before it is -too late. Many hopelessly blind might have saved their sight if they had cared for their eyes in, time. ' . NOTE--Another prominent physician to whom the above article was submitted, said: "Yes, th* Bon Opto prescription Is truly a wonderful ey* remedy. Its constituent ingredients are well known to eminent eye specialists and widely prescribed prescribed by- them. I have used it v-ry successfully successfully in my own practice on patienta whose eye» were strained through overwork or 'misfit glasses. It Is one of the very few preparations I feel should be kept on hand for. regular use in almost every family." Bon Opto zeferred/to above. Is not a patent medicine" dr a secret remedy. It- is an ethical preparation, the formula formula being printed on the packa'g*: 1 The manufacturers manufacturers guarantee it to strendtoa** eyesight f-0 per cent in one week's time in. xnany "instances "instances ■ or - refund the money. It is dlspenaed -Piby all good druggists, iricluding general ' 'stores; also by G. Tamblyn and T. Eaton & Co.. Toronto. / r / • ■■'■■■ n I h M

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