WP' J. â~ r - x The Food Problem and How to meet It. y • It is easily solved when yon, leave your order at The Model 'Grocery. You are asked to substitute other things for Beef, Bacon and White Flour. • " '■ Try our Oatmeal, Cornmeal Or Rye Flour and see what delicious and nutritous bread you can make from them. ©©#*>#>#>#>#> For meat substitution try our Fish, Beans, Peas, Potatoes, Nuts, Bananas, and other fruits. We have all these and many other food substitutes, besides a fine assortment of Fresh Vegetables--Corn, Squash, Tomatoes, Cabbage, Onions, Beets, Carrots, etc., which every family should be using. ©ooooooo You get the best brands of Tea, Cofiee and Cocoa at our store. #>0000000 All the necessaries for the Preserving and Pickling season "will be found at our store. Leave an order and test what we say. W. Blake McMurtry Ltd Highest Cash Price paid for all Farm Produce. Phones Nos. 72 and 182. - - Bowmanville. Home? A Place To Live In. If your are building a new HOME, or remodelling remodelling your old one Remember That We have all the materials required in the shape of Dressed and Undressed Lumber in Pine, Hemlock, Spruce and British Columbia Fir Flooring, Siding, Ceiling and Wainscot. Birch, Maple and Oak Flooring, tongued and grooved, and end matched. Doors, Sash, Mouldings, outside and inside trim. Also Lath, Shingles, Galvanized Ridge Cap and Valley, Beaver Board. Specialties Asbestoslate Shingles and Siding, and Linabestos Wallboard, a sanitary and absolutely fireproof,, substitute for Lath and Plaster. We are also Headquarters for Portland Cement; Salt in barrel and bag, Baled Hay and Straw, Oats and other Grains. Scrapton Coal. Cannel and Steam Coal, Charcoal, Hard and Soft Wood always in stock. Prices Reasonable and Good Service Guaranteed. McClellan & <s King Streét East Phone 15. Limited Bowmanville House 228 or 274 ' 25-13W her at Pte Stanley H OUSE FOR SALE--Bnck cottage on Kin -st, Bowmanville, 6 rooms, electric lighted, furnace furnace goed garden, several fruit trees, good hard and soft water. Also good building lot. Apply to W. W. Short, on the premise! 40 4» V EIL LOS i --On Exhibition Grounds. Bowman- ville or G ->nd Stand on Wednesday Sept. xq a la'iie - nine crepe de chene motor veil. Be ward-"offered. Finder please write Bor 209, Claremont, On:. ^^ F OB SALE--A desirable farm of 141 acres oh lots 13 hi d 14, con 7, Township of Darlin.to^ good sufficient buildings,, 6 acres hardwood bush, trout stream lined with cedar and pasture, 10 acres young beariug orchard, convenient to schools, churches, stores, shops, mills, railroads, markets, nhones, etc. Terms reasonable. Apply to Peter Wkrrt, Tyrone. S8 S W ATCH LOST--Between Taunton and Hampton, Hampton, or at the School Fair, on Sept. 24th, a lady's gold watch. Beward for return to Mrs, w. n. Hoskin, Taunton, or The Statesman Statesman office, Bowmanville. -* 40tf BOWMANVILLE, Thanksgiving Visitors Miss Thompson with friends in Cobourg. Miss Martha Connors, Toronto, at home, Miss Clara Robbins, Toronto, at home. Mr. Clark Taylor, Toronto, at his father's. 1 Mr. Geo. Denike with his family in Sterling. Mr. and Mrs. Taylor with relatives in Trenton. Miss Vivian White at her home in Cobocqnk. Miss Ethelle McQueen, Oshawa, with Miss Kerslake. Mr. and Mrs, T. F. Goyne, Oshawa, with relatives here. Mrs. J. S. Moyse and children, Toronto» with friends here. Miss Edna Bound, Morganston, with Miss Ena Corden. Miss Ethel Mollon, Toronto, with Miss Frankie M. Jewell. Mrs. Wm. Robson with her sister-in- law, in Peterboro. , Miss Neads, Toronto, with her brother, Mr. Wilson Neads. Mrs. Lewis Cornish with friends in Lindsay and Omemee. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Willis, Toronto, at Mr. W. McReynolds' Miss Gladys Weese at her- home in Prince Edward county. Miss Elsie M. Bragg, Toronto, at her father's, Mr. WJ.- Bragg. Miss Marion Felt, Oshawa, with her aunt, Mrs. (Dr.) Spencer. Miss Julia Sinclair, Toronto, with sister, Mrs. Alex Christie. Miss Frances E. Conley, Toronto, Rev 7 W. C. Washington's. Pte Harold Cann and Dunn, Kingston, at home, Miss Effie Dunham, Toronto, at her father's, Mr.'F. R. Dunham. Mr. John Grigg with his daughter, Mrs. W. J.- Ward, Owen Sound. Miss Minnie Colwill with her brother, Mr. W. J. Colwill, Toronto. Miss Mercy Somers, Toronto, with her cousin, Miss Glory Morrison. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Symons and family with friends in Oshawa. Miss Mary Galbraith, Penetanguishene. at her father's, Mr. D. Galbraith. Miss May and Mr. Bvron S. Vanstone Toronto, at Mr. F. C. Vanstone's^ Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Bragg with her sister, Mrs. T. Byam, Stouffville. Mrs.'Borland and Miss Irene Borland, Toronto, at Mrs. A*E. McCreadv's. Miss Barbara Holgate, Evanstone, 111., at her uncle's, Mr. John A. Holgate. Mrs. L. Paterson with her nephew, Mr. Wilbert J. Hancock, Peterboro. Miss Young was in Cobourg over the holiday guest of Mrs. W. Henderson. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Weekes, Toronto, with their brother, Mr. Geo. Weekes. Miss Pearl Thornton and Mr. J. Parkinson, Toronto, at Mrs. W. Coombe's Miss Nellie Gould, Toronto, and Mr. P. G. Pozier, Brantford, at Mr. N. E. Gould's. Misses Fleda-and Gladys Slute and Miss Graham, Toronto, with Mrs. E. I. Osborne. Misses Ruby Bragg and Kate Foster of Peterboro Normal School at their homes here. Miss Ethel Garbutt of the Public School teaching staff, with her parents at Peterboro. Peterboro. Mr. Harold B. Mollon and cousin Walter Mollon, Hamilton, at the former's home. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. P. Freeland and daughter, Toronto, at her father's, Chief Jarvis. Mr. and Mrs. Byron Haddy and Mr. Chas. H. Haddy, Toronto, at Mr. F. A. Haddy's. Misses Elizabeth and Carrie Painton with their sister," Mrs. F. A. Fitchett, London. Miss Mercedes Harrington, Cobourg Collegiate Institute, at Mrs. Geo. M. Carruthers. Misses Pricilla Richardson, and Sydney G. Hanlan and Mr. Duncan d'Esterre, Toronto, at Mr. R. Dumas'. Mr." Fred Williams and daughter, Margaret, Toronto, at his brother's Mr. W. J. Williams, "Sunny Hill," Mr. and Mrs. Stewart, Toronto, with her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Morrison, Liberty-st. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. E. Staples, Miss Stella M. Mason, Mr. and Mrs. E. McClellan, McClellan, Toronto, at Mr. J. J. Mason's. Miss Jessie Edgar, Miss Martha Coyle C nd Master Willie Carley, Toronto, pent Thanksgiving at Mr. J. H. Darch's. Mrs. C. E Taylor and daughter, Jean, Kingston, witff their parents, Rev. and Mrs.S.Sellery at the MethodistParsonage. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. D. Carruthers and Miss Marion MçDougall, with their brother, Mr. Arthur McDougall, Hamilton. Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. Patte, Oshawa, Mrs. Ira Trull and Mrs. Dean Pickell and daughter Gerda, Ebenezer, at their uncle's, Mr. Wm. Richards. Miss Vera M. Lawrie, Toronto, and her brother, Gunner Percy Lawrie, 64th Battery, C. F. A., Guelph, with their uncle, Mr. John N. Lawrie. M sses Dorothy and Marian Tilley and Miss Betty Mitchell, Toronto, with their grandparents, Dr. and Mrs. W. E. Tilley, and other relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Somerville, Misses Vera and Mildred Somerville, Port P' rry.and Mr. Orville Henderson, Fenelon Falls, at Mr. W. W. Henderson's. Mr.^tnd Mrs. C. J. Hutchinson, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Greenaway and daughter, Greta May, Port Hope, were Thanksgiving guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Ô. LaBelle, Beach avenue. Dr. C. Dav Clarke, Assistant Medical Examiner of the I. O. F., Toronto, and Mrs. Clarke at his aunt's, Mrs.(Rev.) W.C Washington en route to Cherry Valley to visit hi< mother. Mrs. B. M. Warnica accompanied them from here and spent Sunday there. Local and Otherwise. Brantford Asphalt Roofing at F. Q. Mason's. Hampton School Fair prize list appears on the third page. Come and hear Frank Yeigh's Travelogue Travelogue in Opera. House on Thursday, even-: ing. Woman's Patriotic League will hold a bazaar in Council Room the second week in December. . , __ Mr. E. R. Blow, Whitby, has been elected President of the Canadian Ticket Agents'Association. ~ Mr. Alfred Ayre exhibited his flock of Fine Wool Shéep at Woodbridge fair Thanksgiving Day. , - Mr. Samuel H. Heritv, Moira, has taken a position on the editorial staff of the Belleville Daily Ontario. Miss Jéàh Dumas and Miss Vesta Manning motored to Port Hope Tuesday and visited friends there. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Dudley have returned returned home from visiting their daughter, Mrs. W. J. Bradd, Calgary, Alta. Owing to bad weather Port Hope Fair was almost a failure. Guide , thinks they should hold iLearlier in the season. Miss Emmerson has returned from a very pleasant visit with friends in Jack- son City, Detroit and Port Huron, Mich. Brooklin will shortly be lighted bv electricity. Work has already begun. -Farmer and others will use power and light. ' Miss Gladys Westaway officiated as organist of Port Hope Methodist Church Sunday. Prof. E. E. Pridham having accepted apposition in Toronto. Dont fail to hear Frank Yeigh on "Canada's "Canada's Share in the War." on Thursday evening, Oct. II, under auspices of Teachers' Convéntion. It is very good. Mr. G* H. Campbell, accountant of the Bank of Montreal, has been transferred to Toronto. Miss Mildred .Garner has accepted a position in the local Branch. Port Hope Daughters' of the Empire realized between four and five hundred dollars from their street fair attractions, Wednesday. Pretty good for such a wet dayl Dr. J. B. Dandeno, Inspector Elementary Elementary Agriculture, and formerly Science Master of Bowmanville High School, will give an address at Prince Edward County Teachers' Institute, Picton. Prof. C. C. Laugher on Saturday Oct. 1$, is forming an~Elementaryand Primary Class in Theory for mid-winter exams. Separate classes for juniors and seniors. Apply at once for particulars re books, time, etc. See card. Miss Annie Allin has returned from a year's visit with her brother, Dr. Norman Allin at Edmonton, Alta. Dr. Edgar W. Allin of the same place accompanied her home and is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Allin, and other relatives here. Durham Old Boys' Association Executive Executive will open the series of monthly social and business assemblies.at the home of its energetic President--Dr. James L. Hughes, and Mrs. Hughes on Friday evening, Oct.i2„ this week, at 8 o'clock. Visitors from the Homeland of Durham are always welcome. Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Brooks, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Werry, Mr. and Mrs. C. T." Oke, Mr. James Rundle, Mr. A. Ayre, Ebenezer, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. White, Mr. and Mrs. Silas Williams, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Jennings, Hampton, Mr. Norman Allin, Newcastle, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Mutton, Mr. and Mrs. H.JB. Foster, Messrs. M. A. and Norman James, W. T. Allen, Misses Ethel Van Nest and E-E.Haycraft attended attended Markham Fair Friday. There -was a large attendance despite the rain. The fancy work, flowers and vegetables were exceedingly good but live stock, especially horses and cattle, were absent. Races were called off. The Society has a fine new brick exhibition hall to replace the frame building burned a few years ago.' Notices of Births BO cents) Marriages 50 cents; Deaths, BO cents, each insertion. When fnneral cards are printed at this office, insertion free. BIRTHS. Morris--In Bowmanville Hospital, Oct. 4, to Mr. and Mrs. F. F. Morris, a daughter. P ARCEL LOST--On Scugog Road on Saturday Sept. 15, a parcel containing a muslin dress, black and white blouse, boy's rompers and bank book. Finder please return to Thos. H. Cochrane, Bowmanville. 39t _ F ARMS TO KENT--Three farms of 100,160 and 200 acres, respectively, to rent. All south of and close to Oshawa. First-class soil and buildings, in good state of cultivation. Possession Possession to plow after present crop. Full possession April 1.1918. Apply to G. D. CONANT, Oshawa, Ont. Dated August 8th, 1917, family of two gentlemen. Apply to Frank invule. Burden, Brown-st., BowmanvU 41t lOR SALE--A Ford Touring Car, 1917" model, * has been used very "little and is as good as new. Ford Garage, Bowmanville. 89tf" W ANTED--2 hand-made"^anto tire, makers, must be experienced. Tfte Van DfcR Linde Rubber Co., Limited, 142 Weston Road, Toronto. " ' 39 3 F OR SALE--Thi ck set filly rising 3 years; alscT good mare around 12 years. Apply to A. Wright. R. R. 6, Bowmanville^ {mile north Haydon Village " 40-3w* H ORSES FOR SALE--One general purpose colt and one driving mare quiet and good - in every way. Apply to B. Burk, Bowmanville Bowmanville or Phone 188-31. - 39tf F OR SALE--A Ford Touring Car. 1916 model, equipped with electric start and lights, in first class condition. Apply Ford Garage, Bowma'n ville. 39t£ H OUSE TO LET--On Queen-St, opposite Bowling Bowling Green, 7 roomed., Electric light and waterworks. Possession Oct. 16."Apply to William Tordiff, Enniskillen, Ont. 40tf IMPORTANT MEETING The next regular meeting of Powman- ville Purple Guards L. O. L, No 2364 will be held in the Sons of England Hall, Oct. 12th when business of GREAT IMPORTANCE will be discussed. All members respectfully requested to attend. John Palmer, W. M. E. A. Jones, Rec. Sec. Notice to Creditors. In the estate of SUSAN DAVIS, late of the Township of Darlington in the County of Durham, Durham, Widow, deceased. NOTICE is hereby given that all persons having having claims upon the estate of the said Snsan Davis, who died on or about the 16th day of September, 1917, are required to fyle with the undersigned, the solicitor for the Executor herein, herein, by the 20th day of October, 1917, a full statement statement duly verified, of their- claims and any seenrities held by them, and that after that date the Executor will distribute the assets of the deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims-of which notice has been fyled or brought to his" attention. Dated 19th September 1917. E. S. SENKLER,; 39 4 . Solicitor for the Executor herein. Auction Sale of Lands By an Exécuter. I have received instructions' fron/the executor of the Will of S. H. Colwill, deceased, to offer for sale by/public auction, at the BOWMANs HOUSE, IN BOWMANVILLE, ON SATURDAY OCTOBER 13,1917. AT 2 P. M., the following lands : The south quarter of lot 14, concession 6, Dar" lington township. This is said to be 60 acres* more or less, of as good pasture land as is any" .where. It is well watered with a never failing stream of spring water. It is-now all in grass. It has a barn on same abont 30x46 ft. Possession to plow will be given after First November, 1917, and full possession April 1, 1918. The property will be offered for sale subject to a reserved bid. TERMS : 10% of purchase money to be paid at time of sale, and balance in 30 days thereafter. Further particulars and conditions of sale will be made known at time of sale, and can be obtained obtained from either of the undersigned. Dated September 17,1917. D. B. SIMPSON, K.C., L. A. W. TOLE, Solicitor for executor Auctioneer. 38td DEATHS Oshawa, Oct. 3rd, John James Theory Class Elementary and Primary Theory in Class form, Separate Class for Juniors and Seniors for Midwinter Exams. Class commences Oct 13. Particulars of books, time, etc, apply to C. C. LAUGHER, Phone 279 Bowmanville. Woods--In Woods, in his 61st year, COCHRANE--In Darlington, Sept. 27th, Norman C., infant son of Mr. and Mrs. JFred Cochrane, aged 4 months. Webster--In Oshawa, Oct. 7th, Ann Pearce, relict of the late George Webster, Bowmanville, in her 93rd year. Gamsby--At Toronto, Oct. 4, Eldon D. Gamsby, only son of Mr. D. A. Gamsby, aged 62 years. Interred àt Orono. Coleman--At Newcastle, October 9th. Snsan Margaret Swackhanier, beloved wife Of James Coleman, aged 76 years. Barber--At the residence of Mr. James Reid, Conrtice, Oct. 7th, Annie Derby, widow of the late Lewis Barber, aged 73years. Dinner--At Wesleyyille, Oct. 6, Ariamenthia Tufford, wife of George Dinner, aged 61 years. Sister-in-law of Mr. Geo. Power, Bowmanville.- Bonnycastle--At Campbellford, October 7th, Richard Henry Bonnycastle, M. B. Brother of Capt. G. C. Bonnycastle, D. D. S., Bowmanville, now in England. Selby--At Newcastle, Oct. 2nd, 1917, Isabelle Heatherington, relict of the late Isaac Selby, aged 91 years. Interment In Bowmanville cemetery. cemetery. Mother of Mrs. Thos. Norton, Bowmanville. Bowmanville. IN MEMORIAM Inloying memory of Major Clare Williams who was killed in action Somewhere in France, September 26,1916. Forget him, no we never will, For we loved him then and always will ; His memory is as fresh to-day As in the"Had, and sudden hour he was called away. ' Father, Mother, ^sters 'Lest We Forget' E. R. BOUNSALL, Designer and Dealer in . Monuments, Tablets, Markers, etc., in Granite and Marble, Bowmanville, Ontario. Spades and Shovels at F. O. Mason s. Rev. Dr. Lee, Millbrook, preached a niversary sermons in St. Andrews - church, Colbome, Sunday j Couch, Johnston & Crydermamhave just, opened out a choice stock of ladiesj furs-- ; black and'natural Wolf, Lynx, Fitch, Op- : possum, Musk Rat, Sable, Dog and Bear. I These are all made in latest styles and are j specially good value. NOTICE During DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE'S absence with the Canadian Expeditionary Expeditionary Force his Dental Office will be conducted by J. J. CRAIG, L. D. S., D. D. S., Honor Graduate in Dentistry of Toronto University. Bowmanville - Ontario Office Phone 40. House Phone 16 Chiropractic, Osteopathy and Modéra Eléctrical Treatment Will completely remove your lame back, Sciatica, Constipation, Headache. In fact 90% of most all so-called diseases diseases can be greatly benefitted if not entirely cured. If-you think yours is a hopeless case, do not give up in dispair until you have investigated my. drug- less methods. Examination is Free at Office. If you are beyond cure or cannot be benefitted I will plainly tell you so. A few treatments will convince you there is still hope for you. Dr. S. M. JONES, 86 Simcoe St.. North, Oshawa. Phone 224. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY SYSTEM UGG1ES FOB SALE--Two new buggies left ... . - great! JJ -- 1 -- * _ ckard. B Bowmanville. tWclean ont at greatly reduced prices. Apply Apply to A. W. Pickard, Overland Sales Agfent, * ' -- - fitf Highlands of Ontario - Canada The Home of the. Red Deer and Moose DEER--November 1st to November loth inclusive. MOOSE--November 1st to November November 15th inclusive. In some of the Northern Districts of Ontario, including including Timagami, the open sëason is from November 1st to November 30th inclusive. inclusive. Write for copy of "Playgrounds--- The Haunts of Fish and Game", giv- ihg'Game Laws, Hunting Regulations, ■ efcç., to O. E. HORNING, Union Station, Toronto. J. H. H. Jury, Town Agent. _ - Pnone 78 -Y'w., 1 Are yon sure you have plenty of Silverware for your table ? Nothing - adds more to the dinner than a well appointed table. I am the Bowmanville representative for Rogers 1847 Flatware Community Sliver Plate. Come in and look over our beautiful assortment where you will find patterns of exquisite designs at very reasonable prices. i Alex. Elliot, | Jeweler Phone 88 Engraver John A. Holgate & Son •sells Lehigh Valley Anthracite the Coal that satisfies When you pay good money for coal you expect to get good coal. That is what you want to get. That is what you should get. - That is exactly what you do get always--when you deal with us. If the coal wé sell you isn't right we don't want your money --that's the way we sell Coal. We have lots of good steam coal for threshing purposes. Canada Cement, Sewer Pipe, Lime, Hair, etc. John A. Holgate & Son Office and Yards, cor. Queen and Division Streets. Telephone No. 153 office. House Phone 202. Bowmanville, Ont. GARMEKH Ladies ! Misses ! Children ! We are now ready with the greatest, grandest stock of the most fashionable things to wear ever shown in Bowmanville* Coats - Suits - Dresses - Blouses Coats--In Silk Plushes, soft Velours, and other cloth. Many with large collars and wide belts. All colors and all prices. Suits--With the long straight lines that look so - smart in'all the leading shades. Dresses--That are superb in color, style and finish. Blouses--That are so dainty and pretty you are sure to want one- - Notice that our prices are within reach oÇall. Come and see for yourself, Telephone 106 S. W. Mason & Son Next" door to Standard Bank Bowmanville