Insurance Agency ' ' ( : Results secured daring the past year re-affirm the _ position of the Sim. Life of Canada as the largest iife assurance organisation of the Dominion. x " Fair-dealing"and progressive business methods have given it leadership in annual New Business, Total Business in Force, Assets, Surplus Earnings^Net .Surplus, .Surplus, Total Income, Premium Income, andPaymenfo to Policyholdefs.. Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada MRS. EDITH V. SCOBELL, Agent, Phone 189, Bowmanville Only The Best A successful dinner depends on the quality of the meat. Only the best is selected and we give our customers the benefit of our experience. Give us a trial order and see if we cannot furnish you with something very choice for Breakfast, Dinner, or Supper. . - W. H c Challis Successor to J. H. Mutton Phone 225 - - Bowmanville Seeing the Opportunity and Seizing it are Two Very Different Matters Why do we claim our groceries are the best? Because of Freshness and Quality, Sure to Satisfy, Satisfy, theBesfc the Market Produces, the Kind that Tempts the Appetite these days. . FRUIT OF ALL KINDS. New Layer Raisins New Shelled Almonds New Valencia Raisins New Shelled Walnuts New Smyrna Figs New Cleaned Currants New Hallowi Dates New Candied Peels Extra quality of Tea at a price, you will be pleased with. - Cofîeè, the very best. 7 Everything in the Grocery line good and fresh. Special attention to .phone orders Phone 65 Archie Tait, Bowmanville The Reliable Grocery House One Car St. Lawrence Sugar J us t fîrri ved Mi* Rilda Slemon, /Bowmanville, and MissMaudCurtivToronto,yisitedat Mr. 'hoe. SeSnotfa......Mr. and Mrs.A. Potter, Bowmanville, aud Miss Kate Moore,Toronto*it Mrs, R. Moofe's.... Miss E. Hugh at her home In Port .Hope .... Epworth League- annual "AfjHome" held on Monday evening was v cry successful. successful. Pastor J. B. Beckel presided. À chorus by Leaguers, solos by Miss Alice Werry and MissGladys Collacutt,Bethes- da, were heartily encored. A reading by Mrs. Theron" Mount joy; recitations by Misses Hilda Temper lay, Vera Slemon and Eetella Slemon wereheartily applauded. applauded. Proceeds $21. Refreshments were served and evening closed with "God Save the King." > TYRONE North 4fch year, wa* held In the. Park of Lake Elliott at BEampton on Monday Sept. 4,=1817, under .direction of^Mr. ; G. A. Williams, B.- ■ 8. Agricultural Representative, M. R. K. Stratford; Assistant, Dir:/ W. E< TUley, ~M., A*. Public School Inspector and the following following officers of North Darlington Rural School Fair Association: 77 School Report--V--Reta Hooey, Irene Werry, Harry Terry, Vivian Amsbary. Sr IV--*Brenton McCullough, Lola Richards, Richards, ■ * Willie ^Little, 'Hazel Hodgson, Gladys Collacut, '.May Thompson and * Marie-Werry equal, Geraldine Clemens. Jr IV--* Margaret Moore, Grace Virtue, Earl Coulter. Sr. Ill--Hazel Werry, Irving Clemens, Myrtle Amsbary. Jr II •Hilda Prout, *Levi Annis, * Wesley Little, .*Harold' Burgess. *Sr II--Dean Hodgson, *Harry Hatherly, Verna McCoy, •Johnnie Hatherly. Jr-II--Richarc Gibbs, Eleanor Amsburÿ, 'Kathleen Gibbs, Fred Goodman,'Bessie Prout. T-- •Florence Biette, 'Frank Hatherly, Sr. Pr--Helen Argue, Arthur Richards. Jr Pr --Flora McRoberts, Kathleen McCullough, 'Leon Moore, 'Laverne Burgess, Vera Coulter,' Kathleen Amsbary, Irene Ferguson, Ferguson, Frank Amsbary, Average attendance-37. attendance-37. " * - Present every day; M, R. Squair, I. L.„ Jones, teachers. Preeidènt-=Francpè Farrell,' Tyrone, „(S. S. 18). . ^ v7>77: r/ : 7>- Vice-President--Eugene- Beech, ;R. R. 2, Burketon, (S. S.17)i •* . Secrétary-T-V erna JDatæÿ, R. R. 1; Tyrone, "(S. S. 18). e . Treasurer--Kate Moore, R. R.. 6, Bowmanville, (S. S. 21). -, » Directors--Ho ward Brent, R. R. 5, Bowmanville, (S. - S. 10) j- Ernie Spry, Hampton , (S. S. 11) ; Frances Orÿdèr- man, R. R. 1, Enniskillen, (S, S. 14) ; Wallace Pascoe, R. R. 2, Burketon, S. S. 15) ; Clarke Dorland, Burketon, 1 EBENEZER Kelow are only a few of the many specials we are offering for this week: f' 100 lbs. Granulated Sugar $9.ftO Molasses, 1 can.........f..... 13c # 3 lbs Rice.......... 7...25c Dutch CJeanspr, 1 can.; 10c Lipton's Tea, old price...40c lb 3 Jelly Powders. ï....25c -£Tb_tm Fry's Gocoa.. 25c Simooe Pork -and Beans...... 20c j^,;*****!» Sance........,10ç Matties 5c Toilet Soap, special, 3 for...25c Don't forget we have fresn Fish every week. N Highest Cash Prices paid for new laid Eggs, Butter and all Farm Produce, Phone 186 Bowmanville Miss Louise Osborne returned to Albert College, Belleville, Tuesday to resume resume studies.... Mr. and Mrs. Horsburgh Cleveland, Ohio, are visiting Her sister, Mrs. A. E. Rundle.... Mrs. Thompson spent the week-end with Orono relatives -- . Mrs. J. F. Brooks spent Thanksgiving Thanksgiving with her daughters at Zion;.... .Silo filling is the busy task... ; Sunday is the start of missionary campaign. Rev. G. R. Clare, Orono, the morning; and Rev. J. A. Connell,..Newcastle, in the evening... .Mr. and Mrs, A. F.Bundle spent the holiday, in Toronto Some young Ebenezerites attended the concert at Hampton. .. .Miss Annie Holt was - in Toronto for the week-end.. . .Rev. R. A. Delve preached at Cadmus Sunday at ThankOffering services .... Miss Vera Werry assisted on the patriotic program at Hampton on Monday Mrs. A. J, Oke" returned from x Orillia after a sad visit to her home....Rev. J.. R. Bick, Blackstock, conducted "our services on Sunday, and gave us two fine sermons.. Leopold Courtice is "wearing ' the smile that won't come off" --it is fine bouncing heir 1 Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Çlqmens, Tyrone, holidayed with her brother, Mr. B. Courtice... .Epworth League opened for season Thursday evening with some 8o present, the popular president, Miss Gerda Pickell, presiding. Numbers given were: Piano duet, Misses M. Penfound and L". Osborne; readings, Miss Lyla Osborne; solos, Mrs. W. R. Courtice and Miss A. Courtice; address, Rev. R. A. Delve. Pie was served and all pronounce it a good opening. Mrs. Lewis Barber passed away suddenly suddenly on Sunday morning, being v found dead in bed. Her husband dietflast December, and she has since lived with her daughter, Mrs. J. Reid. The fune^al Tuesdav from the home. Pastqr Delve conducted 'the service, and the body was laid to rest in Ebenezer cemetery. ' ENNISKILLEN Visitors--Mrs Chalmers Sanderson, Toronto, with Mr. Wilfrid Sanderson; Mr. J* E. Virtue, Toronto, at Mr. J. W. Vir tue's> Misses Gertrude and Esther Stevens and Ethel Gilbert, Toronto, at home; Mr. Wallace Stainton and friend, Toronto, at Mr. Jas. Stain ton's; Sergt-Major Roy Werry, Montreal, and Miss Irene Werry, Tyrone, at Mr. J. A. Werry's; Mr. and Mrs. C.„J. Pascoe, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. H. Douglas and Beatrice, Burketon,, at F. W. Lee's; Misses Greta Slemon and Alita Hilton,Toronto, at Mr. John Slemon's; Mr. and Mrs. Roy Babcock and family, Toronto, Toronto, at H. J^Werry's 'and F. W. Lee's; Rev. and Mrs. Jas. Beckel and children, Tyrone, at the Parsonage; Mr. and Mrs. John and Miss Grace Slemon at Mr. Thos. Slemon's... .Mr. Venatto, Pontypool, has rented Mr. N. D. Redpath's farm and is now plowing Mr. Norman Red path •has purchased a flour mill of 6o bbls. of flour per day, capacity, at Bloomfield, and will remove ther e shortly. His stock sate is Wednesday, Oct. 17... .Mr. Misener, Welland, has rented Chas. Cooper's farm for three years, and his.-family are living in this Flashlights--entirely new at F., O. Mason's. Buggy Rugs at old prices at F. O. Mason's. Mason 8k Dale Hardware have a fine assortment of Paroid* Ru-ber-oid and Asphalt Roofing. Roofing Paint at F. O. Mason's. Horse Blankets at old prices ut F, O. ■Mason's. . , ' _ . -Ladies' sad Gemtlemen's-Sqits repaired cleaned and premed at Conch, Johnston & Cryderman's Limited^ ~ ' v . - for the time in Byers' brick house village... .The quilting and sewing bee on Friday came off very successfully, despite despite threshing, silo filling,'illness, etc. 3 quilts were quilted and some other sewing sewing done and got under headwayi The evening was wet, but the Tyrone young ladies were on hand and delightea the audience with "Tfie Challenge of the Cross 0 . Beautiful lessons were taught in this cantata and all-considered it well worth hearing. Misses Evelyn Brent of Tyrone and .Vera Slemon, Haydon .also rendered excellent musical and literary numbers, while Messrs. BeckeL-ahd Wilkinson Wilkinson gave-brief and interesting talks on' thé W. M. S. work. Collection $9 00.... The pastor gave a fine Thanksgiving sermon sermon on Sabbath événing while the choir also gave excellent service... .Mr.George Preston is ill with pneumonia with Nurse Hendersuf Bowmanville Hospital attending attending him. At time of writing he is im- proving-nicely. Public School report for September. . Sr IV--May Werry, Clarke Dorland, Grifce Grieve. Jr IV--Reva McGill, Winnie Ashton, Myrtle Brunt. Loverne Griffin, Olive Sharp. Sr III--Reta Ashton, Milton Stainton. ; Jr IH--Gladys Stainton. Sr II--Jean Thompson, Ernest Werry, Claude Smith, Maude Ashton. Jr II--Marjorie Smith, Luella Stevens, Mona Preston, Harold Brunt, Winnie Oke, Siva ; Griffin. I--Almi Oke, Orville Ashton, Eric Stainton.- Sr Primer --Irene Preston, Leonard Stainton, Ellis Griffin. Audrey Dorland. B. E. Rundlb, teadicr. - Stoves at F. O. Mason's. i 7 S. Sr 16) ; Jack Clornish, R. R, 1, Enniskillen, Enniskillen, (S.S. R. R. i, Hampton,^ (S; S. 20) ; Jack 19) ; Annie Williams, Flintoff, Taunton, (Sv-S.' No^l2). Attendance was lEtrge and the spectators were enthusiastic over the great success of the Children's Exhibition. Exhibition. Hie Prize List will be found on page,8. - ~" SÀtÙrday, Oct. 13--Executor of the will of late Samuel H. CoImll will offer for salcby public auction at the Bowman House; 50 aqres, being s. qr. tot 14. pon. 6, : Darlington--splendid' pasture Uuàd # with " never-failing: _ stream flowing' through it. Terms and conditions .of sale are in bills and advertisements in this . paper; Salé at 2 p,m._ L.ÂJW. Tolb, ' auctioneer. 7, V • Wednesday, October 17--Mr. W. Tennant, lot 1, con 10, Darlington, will •éll all of his farm^stock, implements, furniture, etc. Sale at 1 o'clock.; See " bills. L. A. W. Tole, auctioneer. Wednesday, Oct. 17--Mr. Norman B. Redpath, Enniskillen, will sellbyauction gall of his farm stock, Including horses, registered Holsteins, hogs, implements, feed, graia, roots, etc. Sale at 12 o'clock sharp. Lunch served. See bills for particùlars. J. H. WILSON, auction- ■. eer. Tuesday, .. Oct. 23--Mr. Sherwood v Rundle, lot 13* Gon. 7, Darlington, (Haydon) wilLselI all of his farm stock, implements, etc., on Tuesday, Oetober 23rd. Sale at 1 p.m. See bills. Geo. Jackson, auctioneer. Wednesday, Oct. 24--Mr. John -Colla- cott will sell 100 acres at lot 4, con. 6, Darlington, frame-house, barns, stables, etc. - Four miles'C. N. R. station. See bills- for terms, etc. James Bishop, auctioneer. > - She .our display of Meat and Poultry for the last of the week. * - 7' s ' 7 • ■ * : Tongue and Cooked Ham 50c; fresh Sausage and Weiners at ; 2 for 45c;, Tenderloin at 43c per lb; Spare Ribs at 20c per,. }b; Bacon at 45c; Boneless Back at 50c; Smoked Rolls at 35c, chicken and fowl at reasonable "prices. . We have spme.of the finest apples grown. Leaye your ordéS^T for-a barrell before our stock is gone. 7 Highest Cash Price paid for Butter, Eggs and Poultry. R. Snowden. The Elite Grocery Phone 243 f m ■1 " Let Me Carry the ft If Canada fails us in October, we must curtail many of our activities. Sir ARTHUR STANLEY, Chairman, Executive Committee, British Red Cross, v ■ > It now costs $300,000.00 a weèk to carry on the work of the British Red Cross, or $ 1 6,000,000.00 a year, • z Every minute of the day and night it costs $30 to minister to the sick and wounded and dying. ' Last year Ontario's magnificent contribution paid for the entire work of the British Red Cross for nearly six weeks. This year, in view of the greater need, it is earnestly and confidently hoped that Ontario's > contributions will be as great proportionately as the magnificent offaing of last year; Our trust is, that the Citizens of Ontario will give generously to this noble cause on-- u A Few Facts a,bout British Red ~> Cross Work; IN GREAT BRITAIN $220,000 spent on equipment of King George Hospital (1,850 beds) ana $130,000 a year contributed to cost 61 its maintelîânîe. - $225,(XX) spent on building and equipping equipping Netley Red Cross Hospital (1,000 beds) ; and $625,000 spent on maintenance. $175,000 for Orthopaedic- . Curative Workshops and Training Fund. $185,000 for Facial Injury Hospitals. The British Red Cross Society is the only institution which carries voluntary aid to the Sick and Wounded of the British forces on land and sea in every region of the War. r Its work is therefore the concern of.all 57,000 Hospital Beds found in the United Kingdom. 30,000 of these provided with Nursing Staff. classes of British subjects, whether living 2,000 Trained N urses working at home and abroad.. in-the British Isles, in the Dominions an V Colonies beyond the seas, .or in foreign V -countries. 7,500 V. A. D.'s helping in. Army Hospitals.. . - Crsranization-of .Resources Committee, Parliament Building», Toronto. "W • S: • - -y T ^*&**&%• pfcv'r-V : v; s 7 tea.