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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Oct 1917, p. 5

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\ w % The Food Problem j meet Home? A Place To Live In, If your are building a new HOME, or remodelling remodelling your old one Remember That We have all the materials required in the shape of Dressed and Undressed Lumber in Pine, Hemlock, Spruce and British Columbia Eir Flooring, Siding, Ceiling and Wainscot. Birch, Maple and Oak Flooring, tongued and grooved, and end matched. Doors, Sash, Mouldings, outside and inside trim. Also Lath," Shingles, Galvanized Ridge Cap and Valley, Beaver Board. Specialties Asbestoslate Shingles and Siding, and Linabestos Wallboard, a sanitary and absolutely fireproof Jj substitute for Lath and Plaster. We are also Headquarters for Portland Cement, Salt in barrel and bag. Baled Hay and Straw, Oats and ocher Grains. Scrapton Coal. Cannel and Steanr Coal, Charcoal, Hard andlSoft Wood always in stock. Prices Reasonable and Good Service Guaranteed. Mcclellan & © King Streét East Phone 15. Limited Bowmanville House 228 or 274 25-13W BOWMANVILLE. OCT. 18. 1917 Mr. Çhas. Keith, Toronto, was in town I Monday. Mrs. C. J. Musson, Toronto, is visiting i Miss Annetta Coles. Mrs. W. A. Quibell, Toronto, is visiting I at Mr. W. B. Couch's. spent X ' J It is easily solved, when you leave your order at The Model dbcery. You are asked to substitute other things for Beef, Bacon and White Flour. Try our Oatmeal, Cornmeal or_ Rye Flour and see what delicious and nufcritous bread you can make from them. . For meat substitution try our Fish, Beans, Peas, Potatoes, Nuts, Bananas, and other fruits. We have all these and many other food substitutes, besides a fine assortment of Fresh Vegetables--Corn, Squash, Tomatoes, Cabbage, Onions, Beets, Carrots, etc., which every family should be using. oooooooo You get the best brands of Tea, Cofiee and Cocoa at our store. oooooooe All the necessaries for the Preserving and Pickling season will be found at our store. Leave an order and test what we say. A W. Blake McMurtry Ltd Highest Cash Price paid for all Farm Produce. Phones Nos. 72 and 182. Bowmanville. Miss Nellie Pattin&on, Toronto, the week-end at home. Mrs. H. J. Gossett. Oshaws, has been visiting Mrs. Wesley Kerr. Miss Helen G. Morris spent the weekend weekend with friends in Toronto. Miss Kate Percv, Toronto, is visiting at her father's, Mr. John Percy. Mr. Henry Metcalf, Hamilton, is visiting visiting his niece, Mrs. J. D. Carruthers. Miss Lena Haddy recently visited her brother, Mr. Byron Haddy, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. McCullough and son, Jack, Toronto, at her father's Mr. N. Horne. _ Miss Clara Moffat of Orono was guest at Mr. David Grigg's during the Teachers Convention. Miss Neta Smith, Pleasant Valley, has returned home after a pleasant visit with friends here. Mr. J. L. Westaway one of Port Hope's well-known merchants was in town Monday Monday on business. Come and get a cup of tea and Ught- lnnch at the Council Room on the. afternoon afternoon of Halloween. Miss Acheson, head trimmer in Miss Harden's millinery, attended the winter openings in Toronto. 'Mr. Hobart Knight and bride, Almonte, are guests of his grandmother, Mrs. James Knight, Lake Shore Farm. Mr. John Kerr of the Poison ship building building draughting staff, Toronto was recent guest of Mr. David Morrison. Mr. T. G. Colwill, Whitby, was in town Saturday looking after the sale of the farm advertised in Darlington. Lakefield cheese factory was totally destroyed by fire Saturday night. Loss about $5000. Insurance $2000. Mrs. J. H. Reid, Port Hope, was in town Monday. She is offering her fine brick residence for sale or to rent. See advt. „ ... Mr. Chas. Manning, Bowmanville, was the guest of his sister-in-law, Mrs. !p. H. Scripture over the week-end.--Colborne Enterprise. Mr. Wm. Cayley, Chicago, 111., was a recent visitor to town. He was a former employee of the Old Upper Canada Furniture Co. Mr. Gordon Hall, Brampton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Hall, Brooklin, has been appointed Manager of the Dominion Bank at Whitby. Miss Olive Bickell, Oshawa, has been a guest during Thanksgiving week of Mrs. (Rev.) S. C. Moore at the Tabernacle Parsonage, Belleville. Company Sergeant Major Chas. Romans Romans who went overseas with the first contingent contingent and has been in France some time is visiting Mr. Thos. Heighton. Ladies' coats and suits just received at Couch, Johnston & Cryderman's. No finer collection shown anywhere outside the big cities. Come in for early inspection. inspection. „ ,j Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Conklin, and daughter Mildred, Miss Ewa Conklin, Kingsville, spent the week-end with her father Mr. Robt. Collacott, "The Evergreens". Evergreens". Dr. and Mrs. R. W. Clark spent the week-end in Toronto.. The Dr. is recovering recovering from an operation forappendicit is which he underwent recently in Bowmanville Bowmanville Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Tod, Mrs. A. L. Nicholls, Mrs. D. Keith and Mrs. P. Red- don motored to Port Perry, Tuesday, Oct. 9, and attended the meeting of the W^.M.S. of Whitby Presbyterial. Miss Bounsall, who has been with Jury & Lovell for the past five vears, is away for a month taking a special course m Optical work as the firm find it necessary to increase their staff in this department Sergt. Thos.Annison of 235th Battalion has been invalided home from England and is spendidg a few days with friends in town before returning to Convalescent Hospital at Kingston. "Sergt Tom blames Father Time for keeping him from going to the front. Major Alex. Hamilton, Mrs. Hamilton and Mr. and-Mrs. James Crang and two sons, Toronto, were guests of the Misses Brimacombe Sunday. Major Hamilton was in the same battalion - in France with the late Capt. W. G. Butson who went from here with the 136th Batt. Bowmanville Women's Institute is holding a bazaar and Win-the-war sale on Halloween in the Council Room from 3 p.m. for a sale of Home-made candy and cooking, fancy and useful articles. Also, country store and .merchandise booths. A tea-room will be in charge of the ladies who will be glad to Gef some home-made cooking and candy at the Win-the-War Sale on Halloween. ' Mrs. Harry Hosback, Akron, Ohio, (nee Leila-Gale) has been visiting friends and relatives for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. H; N. Morrison and daughter, Glory, attended the funerahof her mother, Mrs. Irvine, in Toronto last week. ' Mrs. Harry F. Wilson will receive on Monday afternoon Oct, 22 at"Mafnwbod" corner Elgin and Horsey sts., and not again. Miss Jennie Robinson, Port Granby, recently visited Mrs. J. Hockin and Mrs, W.J,Williams and attended Teachers' Convetion. You can't afford to miss the bazaar in the Council Room on Halloween. .Great variety -of everything especially in the Country Store. Mr. and Mrs. John H. Morris, Beach Ave., have gone to Edmonton, Alta., to spend the winter with their son, Mr. Frank H. Morris. Miss Lillie Hathway and Mrs. Bertha Bailey have returned from a pleasant two months' visit with their sister, Mrs. J. W. Cooper, Wellwood, Man. Mr. J. W. Walsh a well known Mill- brook merchant, has had a leg amputated the result of his automobile accident a few weeks ago. Gangrene was feared. A note from Mr. Fred R. Foley who is in the hospital at Port Huron, Mich., says he is recovering nicely from his recent operation and that the hospital staff and friends in that city are very kind to him. Pte Lloyd E. Voss of Battery C., 307th Field Artillery, Camp Dix. N.J., cousin of the editor, writes that he likes camp life there in the red sand district where some 75,000 men are in training on the 8 mile square. Miss Down of Haddy & Co has been at tending the Millinery Openings Toronto. On Wednesday Oct. 24th, you are invited to come and see their display of the latest designs of Winter Millinery. Children's hats a specialty. Couch, Johnston & Cryderman have just opened out a choice stock of ladies' furs-- black and natural Wolf, Lynx, Fitch, Op- Ipossum, Musk Rat, Sable, Dog and Bear. ^These are all made in latest styles and are specially good value. Ontario Sunday School Association will iold the annual convention at Chatham, Oct. 23, 24, 25. On Oct. 30, 31 and Nov. I, in George-st., Methodist Church, Peter- boro. Sunday Schools should send in names of delegates at once to Rev. E. W. Halpenny, Secretary, 299 Queen-st., W. Toronto. Capt, Evan H. McLean of Bowmanville has been appointed Junior County Court Judge for the County of Renfrew, Ontario. Ontario. His friends all over Ontario and members of the former 235Jh Battalion of which he was paymaster will be glad to hear of his good fortune. Wait for the Bag-Apron-and-Holder Fair to be held in connection with the Women's Patriotic League Bazaar the second week in December. There will be articles from the different Provinces of the Dominion, and special bags from the Mayors of the cities and larger towns. Mrs. Edith V. Scobell is Convenor of this Fair. 4i-3w notice» of Birth» BO ceatsj Marriages BO eeats; Death», BO cent», eachlaserttoa. When fmaeral card» are prlated at this office. Insertion free. : BIRTHS. 7 PENNY--In Toronto, Sept. 22,'tb Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Penny, a daughter, (Audrey Gert)- HYNDS--In Bowmanville Hospital, Oct. 12th, to Mr.rahd Mrs. J. W. Hynds, a daughter.. Glanville--In Bowmanville Hospital, . Oct. 14, to Mr. and Mrs. Sam. Glanville, a daughter, (stillborn). ;> ; " Spades and Shovels at F. O. Mason's. Brantford Asphalt Roofing at F. O. Mason's. -- Aprons, Night-shirts and other useful articles for sale on Halloween. Winter is coming .and your buildings need to be sécured against storms. Mason & Dale Hardware have a-fine stock of Pariod, Ru-ber-oid and Asphalt Roofing. Stoves at F. O. Mason's. "1900 Gravity Mason's. Washers" .. Don't miss visiting the Country Store at the Council Room on Halloween. Keep out the cold by buying Paroid, Ru-ber-oid and Asphalt Roofing. Mason & Dale Hardware have a fine assortment and just the kind you need. ENNISKILLEN MARRIAGES Long--McWilliams--At Vermillion, Alberta, Oct. 4th, Mary McWilliams, Vermillion, andG. Edgar Long, second son of Mr. G. M. Long,Orono. Newcombe--Hallandale-- In Bowmanville, Oct. 12, by Bev. S. Sellery. William Arthur New- combe, and Miss Gertrude Hallandale, both of Bowmanville. • Adcock--Burns--At Hampton Methodist Parsonage, Parsonage, by Bev. Geo. Brown, Oct. 1st, Lily May, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Burns, Hampton, and Gilbert Adcock of Glencoe, Ont. Knight--Young-- At the residence of the bride's parents, Oct. 10th, by Bev. S. G. Brown, Mr. Edwin Hobart Knight, and Miss Etta Alice, daughter of Mr. Andrew Young, both of-Almonte, Ontario. , DEATHS Griffin--In Toronto, Oct. 13,-Bev, William S. Griffin, D.D., in his 92nd year. Egan--In Belleville, Oct. 11th, Bev. Jeremiah Egan, aged 80 years. Interred at Baltimore. Gibson--In Clarke, ,Oct. 6, Eliza Carscadden, beloved wife of James Gibson, aged 76 years. Sparling--In'Bowmanville, Oct. 12th, Anna, widow Of the late John W. Sparling, aged 61 years. Lowe--At the Bevere House. Thornbury, Oct. J.2, Mary Ann Elliott, widow of the late Thomas Lowe, in her 73rd year. EDMUiœs-- At' Port Hope, Oct. ISth, Sarah Louise Chinn, dearly beloved wife of Mr. B. J. Edmunds, in her 66th year. F UBNISHED HOUSE WANTED -- Medium size, modern improvements preferred. Apply to Drawer B, Bowmanville. 42 It B UGGIES FOB SALE--Two new buggies left to clean out at greatly reduced prices. Apply Apply to A. W. Pickard, Overland Sales Agent, Bowmanville. *ltf F OB SALE--Thick set filly rising 3 years; also good mare around 12 years. Apply to A. Wright, B. B. 6, Bowmanville, J mile north Haydon Village 40-3w* F OB SALE--a Ford Tonring Car, 1916 model, equipped with electric start and lights, in first.class condition. Apply Ford Garage, Bowmanville. ■ 39 tf F OB SALE OB TO BENT--The house at the corner of Ontario and Wellington Sts., Bow manville, at nresent occupied by Mr. A. B. Stannah. Possession Nov. 1st. Apply to - Mrs. J. H. Beid, Port Hope. 42 It Notice to Creditors, In the estate of SUSAN DAVIS, late of the Township of Darlington in- the County of Durham, Durham, Widow, deceased. NOTICE is hereby given that all persons having having claims upon the estate of the said Susan Davis, who died on or about the of September, 1917, are required to fyle with the undersigned, the solicitor for the Execntor herein, herein, by the 20th day of October, 1917, a full state, ment duly verified, of their claims and any securities held by them, and that after that d&te the Execntor will distribute the assets of the deceased among the parties_ entitled, thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notice has been fyled or brought to his attention. Dated 19bh September 1917. E. S. SENKLEB, 39 4 Solicitor for the Execntor herein. Chiropractic, Ostêopathy and Modërn Eléctrical Treatment Visitors Mr. Edgerton, Orillia, at Mr. N.D. RedpatL's; Mr. and Mrs. Meredith Henry at Mr. A. Sharpe's; Mr. Wm. Hoskin and daughter, Toronto, at Mrs. S. Hoskins'; Mrs.C. J. Pascoe, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Lee, visited relatives in Cannington and Glenarm Rev. H. Wilkinson as- sisted at Haydon League Thursday evening evening Mr. George Preston and Mrs. George Argue are convalescing nicely Miss Elsie Rundle attended Teachers' Convention in Bowmanville Mr. Russell Gilbert attended a District League Executive meeting in Bowmanville Friday evening... .Pleased to receive a letter from Pte, Hercules Wynne from Otter- pool Camp, England. Watch for a letter in The Statesman shortly--Rev. W. C. Wolfraim of Toronto University will take the Missionary Work on Enniskillen circuit next Sunday. Don't miss hearing Capt. Garbutt in Oshawa Monday, Oct. 22. SOLINA Will completely remove your lame back, Sciatica, Constipation, Headache. In fact 90% of most all so-called diseases diseases can be greatly benefitted if not entirely cured. If you think yours is a hopeless case, do not give up in dispair until you have investigated my drugless drugless methods. Examination is Free at Office. If you are beyond cure or cannot be benefitted I will plainly tell you so. A few treatments will convince you there is still hope for you. Dr. S. M. JONES, 86 Simcoe St.. North, Oshawa. Phone 224. with a cup of tea and light refreshments for 15c. Tury & Lovell have been appointed exclusive agents for the world famous Pathe Phonographs. The chief features are--needle never needs «changing, tone is softer and more melodious, they will Many from here will go to Oshawa Monday evening to hear Capt. the Rev. John Garbutt, who has just returned from the Front. ... Rev. J. W. Saunby, a returned missionary missionary from Japan will preach next Sunday in the interest of missions... .Rev. J. S. I. Wilson, Oshawa, preached a good stirring missionary sermon last Sunday.... Harvest Harvest Home service on Sunday Oct. 28 at 2.30 p.m. Specjal music is being prepared prepared and a male quartet from Oshawa will cname ui. assist. Collections in aid of choir fund servp vou Women's Institute nysetmg Thurs serve you 1 ■ • ■ • • Mic day afternoon was well attended. Miss Hay craft, District President, Mrs. A. L. Nicholls, District Secretary, and Mrs. E. R. Bounsall, Bowmanville, contributed to the literary part of the program, the musical numbers being furnished by Miss Margaret Pascoe, Mrs. John Baker and is softer and more melodious, they will Lyda Taylor. Refreshments were play any make of records, style of case is served at c i OS e and a pleasant much finer for the price. As a special | , 7--w Mnnrpv. Pre< H OUSE FOR SALE--Brick cottage on Kin:-at, Bowmanville, 6 rooms, electric lighted, t nr Vr ace, go,id garden, several fruit trees, good hard and soft water. Also good building lot. Apply to W. W. Short, on the premised 40 4 "Lest We Forget" E. R. BOUNSALL, * Designer and Dealer In Monuments, Tablets, Markers, etc., I» Granite and Marble, Bowmanville, Ontario. has been used very little and is as good as new. FORD Garage, BowmanviIle^^89t£ NOTICE During DR.G.C.BONNYCASTLE'S absence with the Canadian Expeditionary Expeditionary Force his Dental Office will be conducted by J. J. CRAIG, L. D. S.JD. D. S., Honor Graduate in Dentistry of Toronto University. Bowmanville - Ontario Office Phone 40. House Phone lb muvii xj.i-x.1 As a s P ecial introduction offer they are selling double : ace records at 59 e * U P to Saturday night of this week. These are special records made in England and France. Friday evening was very pleasantly spent at "Craignaim," the home of Miss Helen R. Martin, when her vocaj pupils gave a recital. Those taking part Miss Jennie Merchant,MissReta Roenigk, Miss Evelyn Brent, Miss Reta Cole,_ Miss Reta Caldwell, Miss Elizabeth Painton, Miss Evelyn Dickinson.Mrs. AlexColvilIe, Tuesday, and Mrs. A. E. McGregor. Each pupil I Rundle. did remarkably well and reflected great credit on their teâcher. In addition to the vocal numbers pretty piano solos were well rendered by Mi* 8 . Jennie Merchant and Miss Helen Yellowlees. Miss Martin and Miss Came Roenigk acted as accompanists. . At- the close ot the program refreshments were served in the library and dining-room by Mrs. Martin assisted by Mrs. (Dr.) J. Spencer. ..... - <- social hour enjoyed. Mrs.W. Moorey,President, occupied the chair, and Mrs. H. G. Pascoe, Secretary, presented a number of business matters that were satisfactorily dealt with. This Branch is forming a sewing class to be in charge of Miss Collins, an experienced teacher sent out by the Dept. AUCTION SALES TEA ROOM MENU Saturday, October 20th, 1917 Hot roast beef and brown gravy ' Potatoes and Creamed Carrots Beet Salad Bread and Butter Carrpt Pudding and Sauoe 10c Lemon Pie 6c Cake 6c Tea or Coffee 6c 25c Oct. 23--Mr. Sherwood Rundle, lot 13, Con. 7. Darlington, (Haydon) will sell all of his farm stock, implements, etc., on Tuesday, October 23rd. Sale at 1 p.m. See bills. Geo. Jackson, auctioneer. \ Wednesday, Oct. 24--Mr. John Çoîla- cott will sell 100 acres at lot 4, con. 6, Darlington, framehouse, barns, stables, etc._ Four miles C. N. R. station. See bills for terms, etc. JAMES BISHOP, auctioneer. Thursday, Oct., 25--Col. J. R. Stuart, "Strathern Farm" will sell by_ auction horses, 'registered cattle, sheep, swine and new farming machinery. Beautiful Beautiful 120 acre farm also offered subject to reserve-bid/ six cylinder Mitchell Car, RusSel Auto Trucks. This is the greatest sale of select stock and implements implements ever offered in this County. Lot 30, Con. 6, Clarke, (North of Orono.) Sale starts at 12 o'clock, noon, sharp. See posters for particulars. Geo. Jackson, Auctioneer. WHAT IS SERVICE ANYWAY Service is simply doing things for people You will hear a lot of talk about service, and a lot of promises made in the name of that much abused word; but it all simmers down to simply doing things for you in the way you want them done and at the time you-want them done. That is my definition of service which accounts for the large ,in-_ crease of work in the repair department which ' has more than doubled within the past year. I am at your service with workmanship a little better than the ordinary. ALEX ELLIOT Successor to C. H. Haddy Watchmaker Jeweler Phone 88 Engraving Free Beautiful Styles Reasonably Priced Fashion's last word in Stylish Footwear economically economically produced and priced in strict accord with their value. Our shoes are made by organizations organizations that have kept in mind the needs of the people and existing conditions. conditions. We carry a full line of patent patent leather, kid, and dark mahogany shoes in high and low heel designs, You are absolutely sure of receiving full measure of value for every dollar you spénd at our store. Give us a Prices range from $5 to $9 per pair. Foley Shoe Store Bowmanville Phone 12-2 John A. Holgate & Son |sells Lehigh Valley Anthracite the Coal that satisfies When, you pay good money for coal you expect to get good coal. That is what you want to get. - That is what you should get. That is exactly what you do get always--when you deal with us. If the,coal we sell you isn't right we don't want your money --that's the way we sell Coal. We have lots of good steam coal for threshing purposes. Canada Cement, Sewer Pipe, Lime, Hair, etc. John A. Holgate & Son Office and Yards, cor. Queen and Division Streets. Telephone No. 153 office. House Phone 202. Bowmanville, Ont. u V 'GARMENT! Ladies ! Misses) Children! We are now ready with the greatest, grandest stock of the most fashionable things to wear ever shown in Bowmanville. p'Coats - Suits - Dressés - Blouses Coats--In Silk Plushes, soft Velours, and other cloth. Many with large collars and wide belts. All colors and all prices. Suits--With the long straight lines that look so smart in all the leading shades. Dresses --That are superb in color, style and finish. Blouses--That are so dainty and pretty you are sure to want one. Notice that our prices are within reach of all. Come and see for yourself. ** ■ % 3 g Telephone 1061£ Z S. W Mason & Son Next"door to Standard Bank Bowmanville dSUSSSfiG®

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