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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Nov 1917, p. 7

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T 1 elk Ccuvuk Status* àX a-nd The Bowman- fJâ^asasSê&êTs^SBafeïïî Office, ' Janres--tM6ct, 98 and "57 -Xtu^-Tt. West, Bon man-rill tt. Ontario, Canada. M/A. James & Bons, BnbUshers and Proprietors, at $1.50 per annum,'payable in ad y an ce; $2.00 alter first three' months. Hard-to C B. J. HA^LEWOOD, M.D., C.M- BOVJtAfl ym.Br - 0*1. ^ OLD MEDALIST OF TRINITY UNI- veralty. Toronto. Four years Attending Physician and Surjrecm at Mt Carmel Hospital. Pittsbur*. K*. Offkce • and' Residence, Wellington SL Telephone No. 108. RAILWAY TIME TABLES FOR BOWMAN VILLE. Grand Trunk Railway x Gome East Going West ■Kpress 8 52 a.m. Impress 10 31 a.m. Passenger 3.34 p.m Local 7.09 p.m Mail 9.58 p.riT Express 4 22 a.m Local 9.45 a. m Passenger 1.56 p.m Passenger 7.01 pun Canadian Pacific Railway Going West Going East Express 6.02 a.m. Express 10.40 a.m. Local 8 54 a in. Local 9.45 p m. Express 4.47 p.m. Express 1.08 am. C. B. Kent, Town Agent Canadian Northern Railway Going East Going West Express II.37 a m Express 9.36 a.m Express 6.40 p.m Express 7.31 p.m Daily except Saturday. 1UI^ a a,~9 tiwse ootintrie« â»h have - more left mcai i ;qyér than'was grown iji 1917 in all emaÉdtJ - W~I:--- Jri: .. -- . f "Ot-course, Impossible, às a as a Substitute. It IS a good practicable manner* to put every j. . . „ arable acre of land in any country in time to Study food value. Wheat, butr If we say'for the sake of You may be eating' the ' 11IU8tration '. aat one-third of the arable land in. these provinces is sum- wrong foods, the foods that mertfallowed, one-third-sown to coarse, graine or pasture,'^ and -one-third to cost most and give the least nutrirqent. Shredded Wheat Biscuit contains more real, body-building nutriment, pound for pound, than meat, eggs or potatoes and costs much less. Two of these Biscuits with milk and a little fruit make a nourishing meal at a cost of a few cents. Make.Shredded -V^heat nito?' Wsatis- ;x lying breakfast oh which to start tiie dây's wotk. " It is C ■ t'Ff x' X ready ^cooked and" ready-to- eat. Madé^in Canada. * jCANADA AND THE WORLD'S SUPPLY OF WHEAT wfyeat, the proportion that isaown to wheat' will- produce a greedier crop than that already mentioned 'as being grown by all ttfe countriesK before referred referred to. X • ' These figures may be interesting generally for _ the great comparison which they afford, but they must also carry the conclusion that the world is y I: a very long way from having exhaust-1 ■ , ed its food producing/ possibilities. i from T he Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Once a mother dies used Baby's Own Tablets for her lithe ones'she will use nothing else. jThe> satisfaction she derives derives from their:., use is* wonderful. They are easÿ^tojjjivè the baby ; their action is prompt and. thorough - and above all they are absolutely harmless. harmless. Concerning: them Mrs. Jean Dechaine, Lacordaire, Bask., writes : --"I an$. we# -satisfied- with /Baby's Own :Tabletl,_ I hjad no troublé iri%iv- ing them" "to my baby and . they have promptly, cured her of constipation." The Tablets are hold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 'cents a box 71 Grenville St., Toronto, Ont.. Toronto's Select Family Hotel. Centrally located just off Yonge Street. Convenient to Shopping and Theatre district. Kates: American Plan-- 52.50 up per day. r ,.™. an p,- n ! Single, $1.25up per day. r-uropean Doub j e> $1-50 uppe rdaj\ B'r-i'e for Descriptive Booklet. .Àt Don't let it run too long, it will lead to chronic indigestion. In the meanwhile you suffer from miserable, sick headaches, nervousness, nervousness, depression depression and sallow complexion. Justtry CHAMBERLAIN'S STOMACH & LIVER TABLETS. They relieve relieve fermentation, indigestion -- gently bat surely cleanse the system and keep the stomach andliverinperfect running order. At illdrnetuU, 25c., er bywdlfro* II TAKE THESE Chamberlain Medicine Co., Toronto GRAND TRUNK Iyst^ Highlands of Ontario Canada j: The Home of the Red Deer and the Môose Open Seasons. DEER--November 1st to November 15th, inclusive. MOOSE--November 1st to November November 15th, inclusive. In some of the Northern Districts of Ontario, including including Timagami, the open season is from November 1st to November 30, inclusive. In that part of the Province Province of Ontario lying North of the Canadian Government Railway from the Quebec to the Manitoba boundary, boundary, the open season for Moose is from October 10th to November 30th. Write for copy of "Playgrounds-- The Haunts of Fish and Game", giv-' ing Game Laws, ^Hunting Regulations, etc 0 to C. E. HORNING, Union Station, Toronto, Ont. J. H. H. Jury, Town Agent. Phone 78 It was with considerable satisfaction satisfaction that readers in all Allied countries countries received the statement made a 'short time ago by the Institute of Agriculture Agriculture at Rome,, that 1917 hadxseen an increase in the wheat crop of the principal countries of the world, outi side of the Central Powers, of 3.3 per cent, over 1916. These figures -tfere based on returns from Spain, France, Scotland, Ireland, Switzerland, Canada, Canada, the United States,, India, Japan and Algeria, which countries are this year estimated to show a total wheat production of 1,665,448,060^ bushels. At the same time these same countries countries show an increase in their barley crop of 2.4 per cent; an increase in their rye crop of 10.7 per cent; an increase in their oat crop of 19.9 per cent, and an increase in their corn crop of 25.3 per cent. That such increases increases should be possible among nations, nations, most of whom are engaged in war, is in itself a tribute to the productive productive energy of manhood. The enormous total of 1,665, 448,000 bushels of wheat is so great that it refuses to be grasped by the human., mind without some units of comparison. comparison. If this crop of wheat were loaded loaded into freight cars, 1,000 bushels to the car, and each car occupied forty feet of the railway track, it would represent represent one solid loaded' train 12,617 miles in length--more than enough to reach half way round the "world at the equator. These loaded, cars, without engines, would occupy seven-eighths of the entire trackage of the Canadian Pacific Railway, known as the world's greatest transportation company. There is, however, another point of view, and a .very appropriate one at this particular period, when the agricultural agricultural countries are called upon to produce the utmost pound of food. While the countries mentioned have done well their accomplishment shrinks info insignificance when compared compared with their possibilities. For instance, the three Canadian provinces of Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta Alberta could produce three times the total wheat crop above referred to ! This statement may seem extravagant until until submitted to the test of cold figures. Then we get data like this : According to- the Government of Canada there are in the provinces mentioned the following areas suitable suitable for agricultural purposes : Manitoba 74,216,000 acres Saskatchewan .. 93,459,000 " Alberta 105,217,000 " Any scarcity of food production which may now exist is traceable almost entirely, to art improper distribution of population. In the older., countries population is compelled to exist on such limited. aCeae that production- bn aurehutively- large--sdalei is^ inipoesible, whereas in-.the newer countries such as Western Canada thé population }s. as>yet totally insufficient to,bring the country under cultivation, conditions -which -will doubtless right themselves; correction is going on. very; rapidly, and' whatever difficulties may . be experienced experienced in feeding the world during the next few 'years, there can be no question that they will be solved as Brockville, ÔnL A REMARKABLE RECOVERY. Canadian Surgeon Says Men Shot 7 Thtbàyfi the Braitf Often Reéoyer; - "It is surprising and pleasing to knowHhat a largé^ertentage -men Thesdtare shot through the recover," is "a statement made bgr 1 Colonel F. McKel- in-- ;fact, the- process • _orij vey 'Bell in his rréwbook, ""The First Canadians in Ffa'rice." The subtitle of Colqnel Bell's book is "The Chronicle Chronicle of à Military Hospital in the War Zone." v soon as sufficient population is found j The author was attached to the first, for the great open plains which are contingent of the Canadian Overseas We wJfl thi» beautiful prize free of all chargé to anyvgftl of young lady wbd will sell 40 packages of byr : lovely embossed Xmas postcard® at -10 Cents a package. The Extension " Bracelet is of rolled gold plate and - fits any arm. ; : : Send us your name and wé will send yo.u the cards. Whén,-sold send -us the -money and we will send you the Bracelet. Bracelet. Address : -- HOMEB-WAB.BE* CO. 3>EF3<. 86 TOBOETOV CA*. still awaiting the husbandman. NERVOUS AILMENTS 272,892,000 " The average Wheat crop in these provinces for the last ten years has been : Manitoba, 18.20 bushels per acre; Saskatchewan, 18.44 bushels per acre; Alberta, 20.19 bushels per acre. The average for the three provinces provinces is therefore practically 19 bushels per acre. If you multiply the available acreage, as given .above, by 19, you will find that these provinces, if entirely cultivated, are capable of producing in ah average year 6,184,- 948,-000 bushels of wheat--consider- ably more than three times the total which is being producecLjthis year, 191.7, by Spain, France, Scotland, Ireland, Ireland, Switzerland, "Canada, United States, India, Japan and Algeria combined. combined. The single province of Alberta can produce as mucty wheat as all of Solly Solowitch 10 Brown St. Phone 285. Bowmanville Is opening a market in Bowmanville Bowmanville on Tuesday and. Wednesday of each week when he will buy all kinds of Poultry. Eggs and Sweet Butter paying lc per dozen more on eggs and 2c £er lb more on.poultry than on other days. Market days he will pay 25c per lb for Poultry. He will pay the following prices for junk:-- . f Wrought Iron and Stove Plate per 100 lbs 60c Cast Iron " " 75c Rags per lb 2c Rubbers " "6c Copper, Brass and Lead, highest prices. Ca- all countrla* Ask- foreur 1 IKVEN- TOB'S jLDV7SER>hich win be sent free. MARION & MARION/ 864 University 8L, Montréal. To loosen a wooden stopper tap it with wood; if the stopper is glass tap it with glass. In the Use Of Wheat By eatmg-- All the food value of the grain is used in making this delicious food ; and its blend of malted barley not only adds to its ^nourishing ^nourishing qualities but produces a flavor of unusual richness. x \ All Food- No Waste! Canadian Poatum Cereal Co., Ltd., Windadr, -Ont. y Few people realize that nervous ailments often arise from digestive troubles. The stomach fails, for some reason, to digest food properly. Then the system languishes and the nerves become exhausted in striving to continue continue their work. Impure~"blood also causes nerve troubles, but frequently it is in thg stomach where the mischief mischief starts. 'As the nourishment is carried to the nerves by the blood, it will be seen ivhat an important connection connection exists between the stomach, the nerves and the blood, and how such troubles as nervous headaches, nervous dyspepsia and insomnia may begin. * •' In such cases relief is easily obtain- .able by means of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. These pillp. replenish the blood with the food elements on which the nerves thrive; at the same time they exercise a tonic influence on the digestive digestive organs, enabling the system to derive nourishment from the food taken. taken. By this perfectly natural process nervous ills are steadily dispelled by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. If you are suffering from nerves, or require a blood-making tonic, give these pills a fair trial, and see how speedily the best of health will he yours. You can get these pills through any dealer in medicine, or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes jor $2.50 from The Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Brockville, Ont. as medical director and gives in simple, simple, colloquial style the first, or at ^ least ,one of the very first accounts of "from this side to the trenches." Colonel Colonel Bell Writes: . "That morning 1 found a poor chap who had been shot through the brain With a rifle bullet. The missile had entered the temple and emerged at the back of the skull, fracturing the bone both at the point of entry and exit. His heavy breathing and stupor told us the case called for immediate relief. relief. In the operating room pieces of the skull were removed, the depressed bone lifted, and in about an hour the patient was taken back to his ward. We had little hope of his recovery. "The following day, when I entered the hospital, his bed was empty. I thought: 'Poor fellow! He has died in the night-and no one has sent me word.' I turned to the man in the next bed and asked: " " 'What has become of your neigh- bor ? ' - _ " 'Oh,' he replied^" 'he's just gone out to the washroom. He'll be back in a few minutes. He stole out of the ward while the nursing sister was in the other room.' "While we were talking, he walked in, got quietly into bed aifd reached for a cigarette." A * AdVice. To try and fall -, Is better far Then not to move From where you are. My boy, remember What I teach. Keep wanting things Beyond your reach; Work hard to win Along life's trail, But do not be Afraid to fail. x LEMON JUICE IS FRECKLE REMOVER Girls ! Make this cheap beâuty lotion to clearand whiten your skin. HUNS PILLAGED ST. QUENTIN. Vandalism Assigned to Officers and Soldiers of Two German Regiments. The Germans, according to the French claims, not only deliberately caused the fires that have partially ruined the beautiful and famous cathedral cathedral of St. Quentin, but pillaged the city before they set Tire to a part of it. The vandalism is laid to the door of officers and soldiers of the 116th and 117th Regiments of the Twenty-fifth* German Division, arid x more or, less directly to the commanders of these units respectively. Colonel Gjing, Colonel Kletz and General von Schaer- fenstein, who are charged with having ordered a systematic pillage of St. Quentin as soon as they entered the city. Officers, with- soldiers to do the heavy work, went, about the city, it was asserted, and carried off furniture, furniture, silverware, pianos and valuable pictures and shipped them to Germany. Germany. They even took safes, filled with valuables and. did it openly, piling piling their loot on to vans z in midday. One officer and a number'of soldiers were observed, it is said, as they attempted attempted to steal strong boxes from the bank. The pilaging troops worked under" orders to establish a depot for loot on the route to Cambrai, where "finds" irom various towns were concentrated. concentrated. The soldiers-received instructions to take anything they pleased or that looked valuable, and in consequence have "cleared out" the city of . St. Quentin as' well as countless smaller places. Numberless men on furlough are said to have gone back to their homes laden Avith loot. Nor has money been overlooked in the vandal hunt. One soldier of the 116th Regiment is supposed, to have uncovered 30,000 francs and to have appropriated it, while smaller sums are missing from a number of homes. To-day there remains in St. Quentin homes only old, broker! and worthless furniture. Everything of value has been carried away. --* z . A New Use For Wood. The very Latest wrinkle at ' soda Mlnard's Liniment Cures Distemper. In the drama -of life there are more thinking parts than there are actors to fill them. - Love blinds some men, and is makes lots' of others too near-sighted for military service. Minard's Liniment Co., Limited. G e ntlemenI--have used MINARD'S MINARD'S LINIMENT on my vessel and in my family for years, and for the every day ills and accidents of life I 'consider it has no equal. I would npt start on a voyage without without it if it cost a dollar a bottle. CAPT. F. R. DËSJARDIN, Scbr. "Storke," St Andre, Kamou- raska. Potatoes make good food for poultry. poultry. The small potatoes, parings and frosted or bruised potatoes can be used for this purpose. Potatoes boiled boiled and fed warm are relished by the fowls in cold weather. EquaL parts of potatoes and bran are sometimes used. Large amounts of potatoes will fatten chickens, ducks, geese and turkeys, FREE TO GIRLS l Lovely Big Canadian Dçll and Splendid Big Doll Carriage fountains is the use of* wooden dishes for serving ice cream, and sundaes, replacing replacing the cheap looking and fliméy paper cups that camé into use a few yelars ago in response to the demand for a sanitary individual service. These wooden dishes are pressed out of very thin sheets of clear maple, shaped to. slip readily into silver holders. holders. Tliey are tasteless, odorlçps and hygienic. The clean appearance of the cups seems to add an .apipetizing flavor to the frozen delicacy contained therein, and ' they ard^making» a • hit with the patrons of high grade soda dispensaries. - This Doll is made in Canada, Canada, Js 15 inches inches high and is fully^joint- ,ed. The Doll Carriage has steel frame and wheels and leatherette leatherette seat, back and hood, it is 24 Inches high, just the right size for the Big Doll. If you. will sell 30 packages of our lovely embossed Xmas and other Post Cards at 10c. la package we will send you, with all charges charges prepaid, our lovely 15- inch doll and we will also send^/you the splendid 24 in. doll carriage if you will show your doll to your friends and get just 3 of them to sell our Xmas. Cards and earn prizes also. Send us your name and address and we will send you the cards to sell. When sold' you send us the money and we send you your prize. Squeeze juice of two lemons into a bottle containing three ounces of orchard white, " shake weH, and you have a quarter pint of the best freckle and tan lotion, and complexion beau- tifier, at-very, very small cost. Yourigrocer has the lemons and any drug store or toilet counter will supply supply three ounces of orchard white for a few cents. Massage this sweetly fragrant lotion into the face, neck, arms and hands each day and see how freckles and blemishes disappear and how clear, soft and white the skin becomes. becomes. Yes ! It is harmless. The New Type of- Destroyer. The up-to-date type of destroyer is a very different craft from the destroyer destroyer of a dozen years ago. . It is bigger, more heavily gunned, much speedier arid altogether more formidable formidable as a fighting machine. It is about 315 feet long and has a displacement ef 1100 tons. Provided with engines of 16,000 horsepower, it can travel at a rate of thirty-eight land miles an hour--the speed of a fast express train. Its armament comprises four fpur-inch quick-fire rifles, supplemented supplemented by four twin (or triple) torpedo tubes. The/cost of such a boat is $1,- 500,000. It carries ninety men and five officers. A destroyer is a"* thin shell of steel largely filled with machinery. machinery. It burns oil fuel, of course, and its engities are 'of necessity huge, in order to furnish such great horsepower. horsepower. Everything in_ its construction construction is subordinated to speed. Slim, like the swift mackerel, its breadth is less than one-tenth-of its .length. The U.S. Government is mow building 300 of. these vessels to aid in- the war against the submarine. Granulated Eyelids^ Sore Eyes, Eyes Inflamed by San, Da«t and Wind quickly Relieved- by Murine* Try it in your Eyes and in Baby's Eyes. NoSmirting, Jest Eye Comfort Marine Eye Remedy At Y(,ur ■ min, EOc per bottle. Marine Eye Salve, in Tubes 25c. For Book of the Eye -- Free. Ask Marine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago « Paint your garbage can the same color as the house. You not only prolong its usefulness, but if it must stand outside of the door it will be less conspicuous. From indications, the Stock Show to be held at the Union Stock Yards of Toronto, December 70^ and 8th next, will >e bigger thqn ever. The 1916 show had 376 entries, comprising in all 2,309 show animals, which sold for the Christmas trade, some of which brought 1 record prices: Premium list has been enlarged and each class carries carries a handsome prize. For further particulars write C. F. Topping, care of Union Stock Y T ards of Toronto. It was in 1827 that Great Britain and France freed Greece from Turkish rule and gave her constitutional government. government. Ninety /years later the same two Powers have had once more to rescue Greece, this time from one of Turkey's allies. Minard's liniment Cures Colds, See. Small Edgar---'.'Girls are awfully stuck up, aren't they, mamma?" Mamma--"Oh, I" don't know. What makes you think they are?' Small XEdgar--"Why, they .think they are just as important as boys:" MONEY ORDERS It is to send a Dominion Express Money Order. Five dollars costs three cents. "Dinna marry for siller, lad," said an old collier, in\a warning voice, to .""Why" Doÿ^-^srWéS Àrè^Çold. N tor nose into ÿour hand even your affection affection cannot prevent a little shiver, be 2- cafcise thef-pose is so cold. Why is it? Whenrthe body of a dog is sb warm, why should this one spot be different from all the r^st of' him ? The^coM- 1 ness of a dog's .nose is due to the fact that it must be kept moist all the time in order to sharpen his sense of siriell.. And, of course, as, the moisture is evaporating'all the .time, it keèps'his : nose cold. A- dog depends a great deal on his power^ of smell, especially in the wild state,-and it is because, of. his keenness of scent that he is valuable, to mari for huntirig: purposes. ' In addition addition to the olfactory or smelling nerves inside a . dog's nostrils ! the whole black membrânè around' the nose is very sensitive, but this ' sensitiveness can only be retairied by 1 moisture. Thus it is that when a j dog's nose is dry and warm he is ill and needs doctoring. Ÿ A Toothbrush That is Clean. " What is claimed to be a sanitary toothbrush is -made with a folding handle. The handle does more than fold over the bristles o< the brush. It forms a receptacle for a disinfectant which-wifi keep the brush perfectly, sterilized and antiseptically clean un- j til it is ready r for use again. The Proven Asthma Remedy. Since asthma existed there has been no lack of much,heralded remedies, but they have proved short lived and worthless. The ever-growing reputation of Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Asthma Remedy has'given it a place in the field of medicine which no other can approach. It has never been I pushed by sensational methods, but has simply gone on effecting relief and making new converts. Medical statistics have shown that eight men die suddenly from disease to one woman. mscEuixroui B eagle hound pups, three months old, of the world's best breeding, fifteen and twenty dollars each Thos. Gilbert, Box 664, Walkerville, Ont. ( Cancer, tumors, lumps, etc.. y Internal and externa], cured without without pain by our home treatment. Writ* us before tiO late. Dr. Bellman Medical Co.. Limited. Colllngwood, Ont Small Johnny was wriggling and twisting in a vain endeavor to put his j arms through the sleeves of an undergarment undergarment and'then get it over his head. After several futile attempts he called called out to his mother---"Say> mamma, when I get to be an angel and have wings, I don't see how I'll get my shirt on!" Minard's Liniment Cures Garget in Cows Bruises and Sprains The famous petroleum springs of I Greece, described by a historian four i centuries" before Christ, are to be ex- j plotted by local capitalists after being ! regarded merely as curiosities for ! more than 2,300 years. Have Sloan's Liniment handy for bruises and sprains and all pains and aches-- Quick relief follows its prompt application. No need to rub. It quickly penetrates to the trouble and drives out the pain. Cleaner than mussy plasters or ointments. ointments. Sloan's Liniment does not stain the skin nor clog the pores. For rheumatic aches, neuralgia, stiff muscles, lame back, lumbago, gout, strains, and sprains, it gives quick relief. ' Generous sized bottles at all druggists. 25c.. 50c.. $1.00. WOMEN! IT IS MAGIC! LIFT OUT ANY CORN Appj£_ a few drops then lift Z corns or calluses off with fingers-^-no pain. Just think! You can lift off any com or callus callus without pain or soreness soreness . A Cincinnati man dis-, covered this ether compound compound and named it freezone., Any druggist druggist will sell a tiny bottle bottle of freezone, like here shown, for very little co§t. You apply a few drops directly upon à tender corn or callus. Instantly the soreness - disappears, then shortly shortly you will find the corn or callus so loose that you can lift it right off. Freezone is wonderful. wonderful. It dries instantly. It doesn't eat away thé corn or callus, but shrivels it up without even irritating the surrounding skin. Hard, soft or corns between the toes, as- well as painful calluses,'lift right off. There is no pain before or afterwards. afterwards. If your druggist hàsr.'; freezone, tell him to order a small bot tle for you from his wholesale drug house. On retiring gently smear the face with Cuticura Ointment. Wash off in five minutes with Cuticura Soap and hot water, using/plenty of Soap and continue continue bathing a few minutes with Soap. Rinse with tepid water. The cleansing, soothing influence of this treatment on the pores extends through the night. It may-be repeated on rising. d . « 1,1. • -- - . . . -- -- -- _ Sample Each Free by Mail. Address post- gard: Cuticura, Dept. N, Boston, U. S. A." Sold t-hrmin-Iionf NOTICE TO SICK WOMEN Positive Proof That Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Relieves Suffering. Bridgeton,N.J.--"I cannot speak too highly of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Vegetable Compound for A Dyspepsia Cure HOMER-WARREN DtptZ 84, - Toronto. CO ISSUir No. 45--'17. a young man. "When me an' Jean were wed, sixty years ' sin', we sat doori an' turned oor po'ocMs oot, an' there,was half a croon in-mine and four shillings in hers, . Weel, every time we've fa'in oot sin' syne, blow me'if Jean hasna aye feenished up by. throwin' that extra eichteen pence -in mÿ teeth." ■ M.D. advises : "Persons who suffer frorfi severe Indiges- -E tion and constipation can H ctlre themselves by taking If fifteen to thirty drops of Ex- E tract of Roots after each É meal and at bedtime. This f) remedy is known as. Mother É Scigel's Curative Syrup in the drug trade." Get the genuine. 50c. .and $1.00 Bottles. A 4 4 4 4 4 A A ■A -A . "4 ■■4 : "4 ■ A ■A 4 4 A " -4 4 * I z % 1 i 1 4 A ■A A 4 - A inflammation and other weaknesses. Z was very irregular "and would have terrible terrible pairis so that I could hardly take a. step. Sometimes I would be so miserable miserable that I could not sweep a room. I tïbetored part of the time but felt no ; Minium'! Uniment Cures Diphtheria, ïSX The Soul of a Piano the . Action. Insist on the * "OTTO HIGELV PIANO ACTION change. I later took Lydia E. Pinkham's Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and soon, felt a change for the better. I took it until I was in good, healthy condition. I recoinmend the Pinkham remedies to àll women as I have used them with such good results."--Mrs. Milford T. Cummings, Cummings, 322 Harmony SL, Penn's Grove, N. J. v X Such testimony should be accepted by ~~ convincing evidence of all- women as convincing^ the excellence .of Lydia E. Pinkham's ..Vegetable Compound as a remedy for the -distressing ills of women such a: displacements,Inflammation,ulceration as backache, Gainful periods, nervousness ' rea ailments. and kindrt

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