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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Nov 1917, p. 8

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y ^;• - :.«■■ : ^r .Ti wE $êÿ$&âÉi&&ê& l§Plil| M*r S§s$55B8beS5iS^S** ^^PSPS5^£?5 MS?* C^fÿ^' '* -^tr^.-.r- ^'c^fTt fj*i£??5&jj5 ^v-^.';<_ /s^.' ; - ■„ ' •</-■:. :*£} ■l.^£t»r*-:[ *?:} :•; «BKaSsJliiijp >3+=*:T-y--.-v. r**Î^T3 s^s .e-r ^:^ : v ; vv; *n*saetifc®yM|8 ^rrrr'îT. ;- \~ : -' ^2r< ^ t i r ^ T ^-V~- ': '&>J i- i< Gen ërâ I Insuran ce Agency ' . -'" T ' ' _ • • ^7 FIRE^-Mercantile; Buildings; Household Furniture Farm Insurance---reduction made for lightning rod protection LIFE--Sun Life policies offer very best policies for both-insurance protection and investment ACCIDENT ) DEATH > Most liberal and up-to-date policies HEALTH ) AUTOMOBILE--Fire and Liability MRS. EDITH V. SCO BELL, Agent, Phone 189, Bowman ville North side of King street 2nd door west of Bank of Montreal. Open evenings. You'll never be disappointed or have to worry about your meals if you order your meats at our store We keep the best in Beef, Pork, Sausage, or other meats and will Jbe pleased to have a trial or- _der from you, if you are not already dealing with us. Grood supply of Lard and canned vegetables always on hand. Phone orders promptly attended to. W. H. Challis Successor to J. H. Mutton Phone 225 - - Bowmanville Seeing the Opportunity and Seizing it are Two Very Different Matters Why do we claim our groceries are the best ? Because of Freshness and Quality, Sure to Satisfy, Satisfy, the Best the Market Produces, the Kind that Tempts the Appetite these days. FRUIT OF ALL KINDS New Layer Raisins New Shelled Almonds New Valencia Raisins New Shelled Walnuts New Smyrna Figs New Cleaned Currants' New Hallowi Dates New Candied Peels- Extra quality of Tea at a price you will be pleased with. Cofiee, the very best. Everything in the Grocery line good and fresh. Special attention to phone orders Phone 65 AxClllC Tâît , Bowm ànville The Reliable Grocery House HgLV -- W~i ~i*z~ Gil Economize! Below are only a few of the many specials we are offering for this week: 3 pkgs Ammonia Powder 25c Molasses, 1 can 13c 3 lbs Rice 25c Dutch Cleanser, 1 can.......10c 3 Jelly Powders 25c | lb tin Fry's Cocoa 25c Simcoe Pork and Beans......20c Worcestershire Sauce.........10c Matches 5c Toilet Soap, special, 3 for...25c Don't forget we have fresn Fish every-week. Highest Cash Prices paid for new laid Eggs, Butter and all Farm Produce, HARRY ALLIN Phone 186 - - Bowmanville m* fJrTd mu 'Flashlight!--entirel y new at F. O- Ma son's. Buggy Rugs at old prices at F. O. Masotrs, Spick and Span -- 3 for 25c at F. O. Mason's. ;*■?; ; Y•' %y: U ' v'Nv.-. ' -c v ^ - ^vÿ5 i l v"> -■ ' ; -À . Never Disappoints You Have it now and take of our $20.00 cash and $2.50 weekly brings this $90.00- PATHE and 20 selections to your home. ■ %-é Pathe Instruments play any make of record. Pathe Records are Supreme $30.00 cash and $2.50 weekly weekly brings this $125 PATHE and 24 selections to your home. $35.00 cash and $2.50 weekly brings this $175.00 PATHE and 30 selections to your home. It costs you no more by having it sent to your home on our plan. The easy way to obtain a beautiful instrument. Come in and hear them and select your own records. We have a large stock on hand. $15.00 cash and $1.50 weekly- brings this $65.00 PATHE and 16 selections to your home. & Lovell The Rexall Store. If you cânnofc come to our store, just telephone and Mr. LeVoi will arrange a°* demonstration at your own home with absolutely no obligation on your part EM FIELD Miss Grace Hurn, Toronto, has been visiting at Mr. Jas. Gilbert's .... Miss Myrtle Hobbs has diphtheria Miss Ida McCulloch is having a prolonged visit in Western Ontario The annual beef ring meeting was held Saturday night after another satisfactory year. Mr. Fred- Miss Lyla Osborne has resumed her T. Ashton was re-elected Secretary and Mr. George Ormiston President for another another year.... Miss Ethel L. Van Nest, Bowmanville, favored our congregation with a solo last Sunday with Miss Irene H. Bray at the organ. TYRONE Visitors: Mrs. Hewson, Myrtle, at Mr. F. G. Byam's; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Goodman Goodman Sundayed at Mr. Luther Goodman's; Miss Myrtle Moore, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Virtue and Mr. Russel Virtue Sundayed atJVfr. Talbert Finlay's, Unionville; Miss- ' es Maude Virtue and Pearle Skinner and : Rev. J. Ei Beckel attended the Sunday I School Convention at Peterboro.... Don't j fail to hear Capt. J. W. Magwood, Tor- ! onto, lecture in Tyrone on Wednesday, Nov. 28th. Admission 25c and 715c. Particulars next week. Roofing Paint at F. O. Mason's. Horse Blankets at old prices at F. G. Mason's.- Ladies' and Gentlemen's Suits repaired cleaned and pressed at Conch, Johnston & Cryderman's Limited. DARLINGTON COUNCIL Town Hall, Hampton, Oct. 27,1917. Regular meeting held this day, members members all present, Reeve Stanley presiding. Minutes^of Iasi meeting were read and approved. * Some communications were read-and filed. * Albert H. Abbott asked for grant to British Red Cross. $100.00 was granted. These orders were passed on Tréasurer:. 25 90 00 00 57 W. J. Tape, gravel •-- $ Geo. Carr, road work and cement D. Clarke, work Balson Bridge J. Brock do J. Aldworth, gravel Pedlar People, culvert tubes McClellan & Co., lumber, cement S. McCoy, wire fence bonus J. Barton, sheep damages H. J. Hancock " " Geo. F. Annis *• " Selectors of Jurors, 1918 - Hon. T. W. McGany Red Cross Grant' Geo. White, advance school No II 275 00 Adjourned ~td - Saturday,' November 24th, at id ajn. W. R. Allin, Tp. Clerk. 2 5 15 25 31 68 40 99 48 17 00 36 00 54.00 144 00 10-00 100 00 EBENEZER • Our W. M; S. hold their annual "At Home" on^ Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Tole of Bowmanville gives an address; Good Program will be furnished and Refreshments served Mr. and Mrs. W. Pahe, Oshawa, spent Sunday at I. Trull's duties as P. S. Teacher in Toronto^. Sacrament of the Lord's Supper was observed in our church on Sunday morning. morning. Pastor Delve conducted the service, which was well attended. At night we had a helpful sermon on -"Wild Grapes".' Our choir-rendered fine service.. . .Mrs.B. Gardiner is visiting her son at New Liskeard... .Mr. and Mrs. A.Hezzlewood, Toronto, spent the week-end with her parents hère. .. ."Temperance Sunday" waS celebrated in our Sabbath School with special Programs and signing of cards,etc... .Mr. K, E. Courtice and Miss G. M.Pickell were married on Wednesday and all extend them hearty wishes for a long and- happy life Mrs. A. Crago spent "Thursday in Toronto Epworth League had good meeting. Miss Pickell opened service, and after prayer by Mr. H. Balson, the lesson was read by Mr. W. Tonkin and Topic, was given by Miss Aura Osborne. Miss A. Pickell sang, and Consecration service was "held "Miss Emma Lane, Toronto, spent.a few days at her home... .Mr. Sidney Nichols underwent a minor operation on his foot on Sunday at Bowmanville... Next Sunday Sunday morning, Re„v. _W. C. Parsons will conduct the service; " and at night Misses S. Penfound and H. Osborne will give Report of recent Provincial S. S. Convention^ Convention^ at Peterboro Mr. Wm. Courtice, sr., Bowmanville, is visiting his daughter, Mrs. A. E. Rundle... .The young people visited Mr. S. G. Pickell's home on Monday evening and - gave a miscellaneous Shower to Miss Gerda and enjoyed a good outing Miss Aura Rundle attended Peterboro Convention ... .Gravel drawing at B. Courtice's Pit has ceased for the present, having gone on to Maple Grove. Auto Tires at Cost at F. O. Mason's. , Axes, Tspades and lanterns at F. O. Mason's. TBe Fireco Range is one of the best stoves oir the market. See it at Mason & Dale's Hardware. Ladies' coats and suits just received at Couch, Johnston & Cryderman's. No finer collection shown anywhere outside the big cities. Come In for early inspev- tioiw ' SOLINA The Harvest Home service at Eldad Sunday afternoon was very gratifying indeed. The people came from miles in every direction to hear Capt. the Rev.- John Gar butt preach a thanksgiving sermon on why we should be so thankful that we were in a- land of plenty and where the iron hand of war had not devastated and laid waste our churches and property.- The choir under the direction direction of Mr. James Jèbson gave good music and a male quartette from Oshawa gave several fine selections. The church was packed to capacity again Monday evening to hear Capt. Garbutt relate his experiences at the front in France as Chaplain. He gave an account from the timfe he left home till he returned again. It was exceedingly interesting from first to last as every one to-day wants to know all they can about the war. TBe choir rendered a selection. Mr.R.J.McKessock acted as chairman. Proceeds of lecture and collections $68. Mr. John Baker- attended the annual sale of the O. A. C. at Guelph and bought a young shorthorn bull.. .Mr. Arthur Westlake's many friends here were sorry to hear of his serious illness having undergone undergone an operation for appendicitis in Oshawa Hospital on Monday... .Quarterly .Quarterly meeting at Eldad Sunday next at 10.30 a.m... .Sunday at 2.30 p.m. Misses Edna Tavlor-and Nora Weary, delegates to Sunday School Convention at Peterboro Peterboro will report......Mrs. Wm. Werry returned Monday from a fortnight's visit with her sons and daughters at Oshawa and Kedron.... Mr. James McDougall, Bowmanville, has been assisting in gathering gathering in the products of the farm at Mr. L. T. Pascoe's.... Mr. John Baker was at Toronto on Tuesday at the Conference on the bacon industry Rally of members at Division on Tuesday night next. A full attendance "urgently requested The masquerade in Sons' Hall was extremely extremely funny Hallowe'en. Attendance was good, a progaam was rendered after which pumpkin pie was_ served. Mr. Ivan M. Law and Miss Frances Cryder- man received^ the first prize as the best couple in attire. The prize being a pumpkin pie which was to be eaten on the platform by them without either spoon knife or fork--a prodigiously ludicrous undertaking. • , ; Chicken Supplies at F. O. Mason's. If you are thinking of purchasing g new stove see the Fireco Range at Mason & Dale's Hardware-before deciding. Phone MS. . •: _ . AUCTION SALES Wednesday, Nov. 14--Mr. George A. Stephens, lot 6, Con. 4, Darlington, will sell by auction about 45 head Of milch cows, heifers, etc., 20 Shropshire breeding breeding ewes and lambs, four horses and •colts, implements, etc. As Mr. Steph- __ ens is going out of the diary business this is a good chance to buy some splendid splendid stock. Sale at 1 o'clock. See bills. Geo. Jackson, auctioneer. Tuesday, Nov. 20.--Mr. Hugh Greenlees, - -lot 6, con. I, Darlington, Kingston, Rd., will sell all of his farm stock, consisting of high grade cattle and Clydesdale horse. Sale at ip.m. See bills. L. A. W. Tole, auctioneer. NESTLETON Mr. Joseph Forder has purchased the Taylor residence at the station and will move there in the spring from his old homestead that T. H. Williams purchased some time ago... .The last load of campers campers left Caesarea's shore last week.... Ducks are plentiful and the boys are getting a good share... .Glad to see Gerald Hill home from France after doing doing his bit. "He certainly looks well.... Mr. Jas. Dickey- having rented a farm near Burton is busy plowing and will move in the spring from his home in this place. MAPLE GROVE Mr. and Mrs. Morley Wilkins and family, and Mrs. John Gaud, Sundayed at R. L. Worden's... .Miss Emma Lane, Toronto, is visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lane....Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Snowden and daughter, Betty/ spent Sunday with relatives at Solina... .Sunday .Sunday School at 2 p.m..SundayJnstead of 1.30p.m. After school Miss Aura Rundle will report the convention held at Peterboro. Peterboro. Meeting will be held in the hall ... .A good crowd attended the League "Social on Wednesday" evening last. Good program was given, Rev. Geo. Brown gave a splendid Lecture on "Trifles", after the program, pumpkin pie, honey and cake was served. Proceeds $20.00rr. .Great surprise is felt oyer the conduct of some boys from Ebenezer way who acted so rudely before the lecture.. ...A number from here were at Solina on Monday evening and. heard Rev. John Garbutt's lecture. Have you seen the new Fireco Range at Mason & Dale's Hardware ? Phone 145. THE HONOR ROLL . Gassed: Oscar Cook, Bowmanville. Wounded: W. H. Rowe, Bowmanville, Lieut. R. M. Foster, Port Hope. Died of wounds: Driver N. S. Mc- Crimmon, Oshawa, F. W. Gibson, Bowmanville. Bowmanville. Ill: W. P. Dovle, Cobourg. Good News for Farmers J. ROSENVALD, 7 ]ArgyIe-st., Bowmanville, phone • 289, has opened a poultry market and is paying prices according according to the market for Geese, according according to quality , Will" buy any number. Also paying the best prices for junk and metal. We pay what we promise. Watch for our advt every week with new prices. Notice ! G. J. Noblett The^odern Boôt Maker and Shoe Rèpaïrer at the rear of Harry Allin's Grocery Grocery Store, has just finished installing installing a very complete machine for doing all kinds of repairing. Dont throw away your old boots as they are worth money these days, but bring them in and X will make them like new at very reasonable prices. All work done- promptly and satisfactorily. $8^1- Sr. ■ v ^*k-> if-• ' • *~ 5 V' *'

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