. .:- p■:;--,;:v^f||•' ?$:; % Him A Gift That Serves On Active Service soldiërs enjoy most gifts that add to their comfort Make sure that your son, father or brother receives & practical Christmas gift. Palmer's Trench Boot gives months of pleasure and comfort. In water, mud, snow, and slush a popular boot with officers and men at the front. This boot is knee high, hand welted, with heavy soles, military heel plates, etc. Give us address address and size. We do the rest. Prepaid direct $15.00 FRED. R. FOLEY, Phone 12-r2 Bowmanvillé. Our Own Country CANADA You can know your Canada better and well by. reading each month MacLean's M igazine. Y OU will find no other magazine more entertaining and none other so satisfying--so much worth while to you as a Canadian Canadian in love with your own country. Among its regular and frequent contributors are these distinguished authors: L. B. Yates Alan Sullivan ' Peter McArthur H. F. Gadsby Sir Gilbert Parker Robert W. Service Stephen Leacock Agnès C. Laut Phillips Oppenheim Nellie McClung Arthur Stringer Lord Northcliffe Mrs. L. M. Montgomery Arthur E. McFarlane These contributors are a pledge to you of the quality of -MACLEAN'S MAGAZINE and of the Canadian savor which is distinctive of MACLEAN'S. Some of the Department features of every issue of MACLEAN'S V are: Review of Reviews--a condensation of the best biographical, scientific, literary and descriptive articles appearing in current current periodical literature. The Business Outlook--an informative article dealing with commerce, commerce, finance, investments and insurance--for the man in the street. Women and Their Work--a department of special interest to Canadian women. . So you see how complete is MACLEAN'S MAGAZINE ^S a good Canadian, desirous of knowing your Canada J>etter and well, subscribe to MACLEAN'S MAGAZINE for yourself, home and friends whom you wish to favor with some exhibit of your good-will. Subscription price is $2.00 per year after Dec. 15th. Order from your bookseller, or direct from the publishers-- The MacLean Publishing Co., Ltd., 153 University Ave., Toronto. HOWMAITVn,LE. NOV. 22 1917 Local and Otherwise. the Churches For loc you can rent a camera from us and take pictures for the boys overseas. The old home, the family group, a pet dog, the favorite horse and dozens of photos that will gladden the hearts of the lads at the front. Come in and we will tell you all about taking first class pictures. pictures. Jury & Lovell. . f- Good News for Farmers J. ROSENVALD, 7 Argyle-st., Bowmanvillé, phone 289, has opened a poultry market and is paying prices according according to tb§ market for Geese, according according to quality Will buy any number. Also paying the best prices for junk and metal. We pay-what we promise. Watch for our advt every week with new prices. Musical critics readily acknowledge the superior quality of the Pathephone. It is truly a wonderful instrument--plays any make of record--needle never has to be changed and the price will not be advanced advanced until Dec. 1st altho most manufacturers manufacturers have already increased their prices. Jury & Lovell are showing a big line of these beautiful instruments at $21.00, $40 00, $65.00, $Q0.00, $125.00, 1 $175.00, $200.00, $250.00, $325.00, all sold on easy terms and no interest. Call and get particulars. The Old Reliable Laundry The Oldest Laundry in Town 'First class work done at prices in the quickest possible time. Goods called for and delivered delivered to any part of town. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. S00 BROS Phone 148 Props. Increase Your Earning Power Your services will be in demand if you are trained here. U-IOTT Yonge and Charles Streets, Toronto was recently asked to fill positions at from $50 to $100 per month and others at from $1500 to $2000 per annum. It pays to get a Business Education if you get the right kind such as may be had at all times in this school. Right now is an excellent time to commence a course. Our Catalogue is free. Get one. W. J.-Elliott, Principal. Hassler Shock Absorbers. Why envy the big cars for their easy riding when you can equip your Ford with a set of 1 Hassler Shock Absorbers and enjoy the same comfort. They guarantee to make the Ford as easy riding as any car costing $2,000 or less. The cost is very moderate and if once used you will never be without them. They are a great " saver on tires. Sold and installed at $20.00 a set by Ford Dealers only. Lewis Irwin, Soie Agent for this district. Ford Garage. Bowmanvillé. Miss Harrison, Oshawa, spent Sunday with Miss Acheson. , Miss Mulligan has been visiting friends in Newcastle and Orono. Miss Nellie Gtiuld, Toronto, spent Sunday Sunday with her parents here. Miss Kate McGregor spent the weekend weekend at her home in Colborne. Mr. and Mrs. R. R. McNichol, Toronto, spent Sunday at Mr, W . H. Dustan's. Mrs. W. H. Tucker has been visiting" her son, Mr Harold Tucker, Oshawa. Mrs S. Bray, Enfield, is visiting Mrs. J. Van Nest and other relatives here. Mrs. Richard. Osborne, town, has knit over 200 pairs of socks for the boys overseas. overseas. Miss Stella M. Mason and Mr. E. W. Scott, Toronto, spent Sunday at Mr. J. J. Mason's. Mr. Fred. Df Cherry, Schenectady,N.Y., has been visiting his mother, Mrs. R. Cherry. Miss Elsie M. Bragg, Toronto, spent Sunday at her father's, Mr. W. J. Bragg, Providence. Mr. Wm. Adams has sold his'brick cottage and land, Manvers Road, to Mr. Russel Hobbs. Mr. A. J. Trebilcock, Toronto, spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Trebilcock. Dr. and Mrs. Demorest, Hughton, Sask., were Sunday guests of his uncle, Mr. John A. Holgate. Mrs. John Wright, Liberty-st., has gone to Chicago, III., where she will spend the winter with her sister. Mr. Fred. J. Van Nest, manager of Bingham's Pharmacy, 100 Yonge-st., Toronto, spent Sunday at home. Mrs. J. H. Cavanagh and son Billie, Toronto, spent the week-end with her aunt, Mrs. W. H. Williams, Liberty-st. Master Almond Fletcher, son of Mr. H. G. Fletcher broke his leg Friday afternoon afternoon while wrestling with another boy. Mr. F. W. Steward, Toronto, and Gn'r James Milligan 72nd. Battery, Kingston, were week-end guests at Mr. R. Dumas. Misses Gertrude and Esther Stevens, Toronto, visited at Mr. Chas. Manning's. Mrs. Manning accompanied them to the city. Mr. John Lord, east of town, received a serious cut in the mouth by one of his ! horses kicking him, requiring a dozen fstitches. Rev. W. C. Washington, M. A., was called to Oxford Centre Monday owing to the death of his brother-in-law, Mr. Mark Jackson. Mr. Howard Galbraith Jackson, B. Sc., Buffalo, N. Y., has been visiting his mother, Mrs. Andrew Jackson, "Meadow- bank Farm". Friends of Mr. Wm. Channon, of Oakwood, who recently suffered a partial stroke of paralysis, will be interested in hearing his cjndition is unchanged. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Pearce and Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Cole motored to Toronto and : spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Hezzlewood, 12 Burlington Crescent. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brimacombe and son Garfield and Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Thorne, Toronto, we- e guests of the ! former's sisters, the Misses Brimacombe. ! Pte. Douglas Brittain, Moosejaw, Sask., 16th Batt, who has been at the Front ; and has been wounded, was in town i Saturday visiting his uncle, Mr. Fred. H. Joness. Miss Ethel Morris, Horsev-st., announces announces her Annual Sale of painted china, water color pictures, calendars and booklets booklets on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, Dec. 5th, 6th, and 7th, Sale from 10 a. m., to 10 p. m. Rev. A. H. Going, IÜndsay, Rev. Dr. Shorey, Port Jiope and His Honor Judge Swayze have returned from Maple Lake, Haliburton, where they went in quest of deer and to enjoy a holiday in the woods. Surely no appeal could be stronger than Belgium's without resources, without money, without food "except that given her--the home of seven million starving, mortals. Will you help ? See appeal on an inner page. TURNIPS WANTED --5000 bushels of well trimmed, sound turnips at 20c per bus. or $8 per ton, delivered. This price is not guaranteed after above amount has been secured. John A. Holgate & Son, Evaporator, Bowmanvillé. Captain and Mrs. H. Redfern, Port Hope, announce the engagement of their eldest daughter, Maud JMarie, to Clinton R. Coyle, only son of the late Mr. J Coyle, Colborne, the marriage to take place quietly first week of December. The'Ontario W. C. T. U. is about to cover the Province with an appeal for scraps of silver and gold, unused trinkets etc. in aid of a fund to defiy the expenses. „f the Pay Book Leaflets and Free Drinkables (cocoa, tea, lemonade) for soldiers in the forward trenches. Mr. A.JL. Smith brought to town a load of alsike and took home $1,147.65. The alsike was grown in one summer, on one field, threshed in one day, marketed in one day, on one load, with one team, at one trip and left at one elevator-- Oshawa Vindicator. Dr. R. W. Kimball, Mrs. Kimball and daughter Grace, Rochester, N. Y., motored motored here Thursday last and are visiting Editor and Mrs. M. A. James, Mrs. J. Van Nest and other Canadian friends. Dr. Kimball was present at two important surgical operations in Bowmanvillé Hospital Hospital On Friday. We are sorry to record the death of a young man m the person of Mr. James P. Lovekin, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Lovekin, Newcastle. He received a severe blow on the abdomen, about two years ago which caused intestinal trouble and he was taken to Bowmanvillé Hospital Hospital about two weeks ago for an operation operation but altho he received the most skillful skillful treatment and careful nursing he passed away on Wednesday evening, Nov. 14th. . He was in his 2ist year. Interment took place in Bowmanvillé cemetery on Saturday afternoon. Besides his parents, he leaves two brothers Fred and Reginald and one sister, Mrs. Robinson, Robinson, to mourn his early demise. Butter Wrappers. --After some delay delay we have received a large shipment of fine parchment butter wrappers which we are prepared to supply to our customers. Butter-makers have your own name neatly neatly printed on some. Phone your order at once to No. 53» Mr. TV F. Hmmson,_rCojxmrg, e occupied Belleville' pul Dits Sunday, it being Laymen's Laymen's Missionary Sunday. Report of Bowmanvillé District Ep- worth League Convention is crowded out this week but will appear next issue. Rev. Robt. Simpson,' Camlachie, has been invited to become pastor of Brooklin and Cohlmbus Presbyterian Churches. Rev. T. A. Nind, Bobcaygeon, gave a very interesting lecture on Japan at Duns- f rd Angliban church Wednesday evening. Methodist Church Thank-offering services services on Sunday Dec. 2. Rev. H. 13. Kenny, Cobourg, a former _ pastor, will preach. Special music is being prepared. St. Paul's Boys' Club- had a splendid audience Friday night when they presented presented by lantern slides Bairnfatheris "Fragments "Fragments from France". The pictures were good. 'All Saints Church, Whitby, has been renovated and decorated and was reopened reopened Friday Nov. 16. Bishop of the Diocese preached and other clergymen were present. Miss Gladys Westaway, Port Hope, has )een engaged as soloist by the Official Board of Cambridge-st. Methodist Church, Lindsay. Miss Westaway is a great favorite as a singer in this town. Rev. E. Tonkin has returned to town to reside and will preach in thé Methodist church on Sunday morning. Rey. S. Sellerv will preach in the evening on "The Gospel of the Second Mile." Sunday Nov. 25th the congregation _ of St. John's Church, Bowmanvillé, will give an offering toward the reduction _ of the debt on the Rectory. The choir will sing the anthem "The Lord gave the Word". At the evening service the Rector will ak on the "Awakening of the East", will deal with Jhe wonderful movement movement now passing" over Eastern lands, which area sign of the times, and of which all should be well infovned. You are heartily invited to attend. Church of Christ--Next regular Anniversary and service of the Church- of Joseph McKenzie, M. A., st., Church of Christ, Toronto, will take charge of the services at II a.m., and*7 p.m. Mr. McKenzie is a strong gospel speaker. You are invited to worship therel Christian Endeavour Society will hold their anniversary service on Monday evening Nov. 26th. Rev. Mr. McKenzie will address the people on young peoples work. fell v ^Satdblpay,Nby.24. E X à Chicken- V S ScSUdped potatoes ( an _ Cabbage, salad C 3 Bread an4 butter J Fruit salad and whipped cream IOC. Lemon pie 5c. v z • Cake<5c. Tea or coffee 5c. Don't forget the Patriotic Bazaar on Dec. 12th. Kindly leave all donations for Bran Pie with Miss Young at Haddy & Co's. TEA ROOMlMENU Notices of Births BO coats; Marrie*es SO coats; Deaths, BO coats, each insertion. Whoa faaeral cards are priatod at this office, laaertloa free. BIRTHS. Lander--At Oshawa, Nov. 16, to Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Lander, a son. x, Taylor--In Bowmanvillé, Nov. 16th, to Mr. and Mrs. Norman Taylor, a son. McLeod--At Portland, Oregon, Nov. 6th, to Mr. and Mrs. Roderick William McLeod, a son,- (John Norman). MARRIAGES Till--Hofeman--At Christ Church, Norwood, Nov. 6th. by Bev. N. H. Noble, Margaret Lillian Hoffman"»nd Arthur William Till, both of Norwood, Norwood, "Ont. Peacock--Wright--At the parsonage, Cavan- ville, by Bev. W. H. Clarke, Nov, 7th, Miss Violet Leona, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Wright, Manvers and Mr. Wm. E. Peacock,-Cavan. DEATHS Henry--In Oshawa, Nov. 16, James O. Henry, in his 86th year. Short--In East Whitby, Nov. 11, Bichard Short, in his 80th year, BONNETTA-r-In West Whitby, Nov. 14, John Henry Bonnetta, in his 69th year* Snell--rAt Port Hope Hospital, Nov. 14th, to spl Mr. and Mrs. Elmer W. Snell, twin daughters. Lovekin--In Bowmanvillé Nov. 16th, James, P. son of F. B, Lovekin, Newcastle, aged 20 years. Stoves at F. O. Mason's., "1900 Gravity Washers" at F. Ô. Mason's. Xmas Stationery at special - prices. Buy now before another advance. Jury & Lovell. > "-"y ... You are asked to save coal.' Get a Fireco Range at - Mason & Dale's Hardware. Hardware. Phone 145. Reeve--At Port Hope, Nov. 16th, Emmaline ... - ,f a - - ■ Sunday is the Thankoffering Christ. Rev. of the Keele- Mrs. Nellie L. McClung, author and lecturer, who has done so much for temperance temperance and the rights of womanhood, was the subject for discussion at the League League service in the Methodist church Monday Monday evening. The subject was nicely presented presented in a paper by Mrs. B. M. Warnica and selections from Mrs. McClung's "Second "Second Chance" were read by Mrs. Claude Ives, Misses Lola Souch and Lepha Doncaster. Doncaster. The musical program was furnished furnished in vocal solo by Mr. W. Adams, baritone solo by Mr. Leslie Laugher with piano accompaniment, and piano solo by Miss Ina Pethick with cello accompaniment accompaniment by Prof. Laugher, violin, piano and cello by the Misses Deyman. The Scripture Scripture Ifesson was read by Miss Reta R. Cole and Pastor Sellery closed with the benediction. benediction. "War and the Drink Traffic" is the topic for next Monday night and will be dealt with by Mr. John Holgate. A very interesting time is expected. Thomas, widow of the late William Reeve. Port Britain, aged 67 years. Nicholls-- At Niagara Falls, on Wednesday, Nov. 14th, Aileen, infant daughter of Lieut, and Mrs. W. Hardy Nicholls. Baby--In Clark, on Tuesday, Nov. 13, Albert Thomas Harold, beloved son of Thomas and Lucinda Lucinda Baby, in his 27th year. Boddick--In Hamilton township, November 16th, Hannah Sophia Hagerman, beloved wife of George Boddick, aged 79 years. Bailes--At Colorado Springs, Nov. 14th, Eliza J. Balles, in her 77th year, relict of the late John Bailes. Interment at Union Cemetery, Oshawa. Wilson--On Nov. 19th, at the residence of her brother-in-law, Bev. B. Douglas Fraser, 69 Rox- borongh Street west, Toronto, Jane Wilson, aged 81 years, second "daughter of the"" late Charles Wilson, of Tecumseh, County Siincoe. House for sale or exchange. Remember the Patriotic Fair, ber 12. Particulars later. Mesdames T. C. Jewell, J. T. Lewis Jollow and Miss E E. District President, are attending vincial Convention of Women's in Toronto this week. See advt. Decem- 46-2W. Hooper, Haycraft, the Pro- Institute LAWN BOWLING This has been the record season for lawn bowling on the Bowmanvillé Lawn Bowling Club's green. Members enjoyed several games during the fine sunshiny days of October and early November. The last game was played Thursday Nov. 14th with a good green by these members:. R. Mitchell R. M. Mitchell J. I. Mason . Thos. Tasker James Deyman C. B. Kent M. A. James,skip 19 J. A. Webster, skip 22 Saturday Nov. 10 a lively game was enjoyed enjoyed by Principal R. D. Davidson, Jas. Devman- and J. J. Mason against J. A. Webster, Jas. McDougall and John Lyle. Saturday Nov. 17 another exciting game was played between these rinks: James Deyman A. Mitchell Ogden Smith -Jas. McDougall J. J. Mason Thos. Tasker M. A. James, skip 22 J. A. Webster, skip 13 Up to the 7th end Mr. Webster's rink led but fell into the 13 hole and remained there. DURHAM OLD BOYS. A very large gathering of - the Durham Old Boys' Association, was held at the residence of Mr. S. R. Wickett, 124 Isabella street,- Toronto, on Tuesday evening last the 13th inst. In the absence of the president, Mr. W. Craig, presided. As Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Orr, two of our active members were celebrating the 60th. anniversary of their marriage, the following following resolution was submitted to the gathering and heartily and unanimously approved: That the members of the Durham Old Boys' and Girls' Association on this the 60th. anniversary of their marriage, congratulate Mr. and Mrs. William H. Orr most heartily. on the happiness they have enjoyed themselves, and especially on the happiness they have brought to so many others during, their long and fruitful years. The sincere hope of their many friends from Durham county is that as they climb nearer to the crest of life's hillside they may see more clearly the glory of the setting sun. A very excellent program was given by Miss Elsie Halpin, Miss Murray, Mrs. T. A. 1 Ktiowlton, Mrs. (Dr.) F. W. Marlow. Professor Wrong, an Old Durham Boy, delighted the gathering with an informal talk on the "Men who brought about Confederation." Prof. Wrong is Professor of History, in Toronto University. Mr. and Miss Wickett were duly thanked for the delightful evening and all who took part in the program r were included. After dainty refreshments were served, Auld Lang Syne and God Save the King, brought the happy gathering to a close.- The next meeting will be held at the residence of Mr. R. W. King, 10 Walmer Road, Toronto. IN MEM0RIAM Crossey--In loving memory of our dear Carrie, who was called Home on Nov. 19th, 1912. Hopes are crashed and hearts are bleeding, Drear the fireside now, and lone: She. the best loved and the dearest. Far away to heaven hath flown. Long, long will we miss yon, Carrie, Long, long days for thee we'll weep, And through many nights of sorrow Memory will her vigils keep. Family. Kdqbrton--In loving memory of Pte. Harry Edgerton who was killed in action Nov. 18th, 1916. His King and Country called him gi The call was not in vain, For on Britain's Boll of Honor, Yon will find this hero's name. His cheery ways, his "smiling face Are a pleasure to recall, There is nothing left to answer, But his photo on the wall. Sleep on, dear Harry, in a foreign land, In a grave we may never see; But as long as life and memory last "We will remember thee. Father, Mother. Sisters and Brother "Lest We Forget' E. R. B0UNSALL, Designer and Dealer in Monuments, Tablets, Markers, etc,, I» Granite and Marble, Bowmànville, Ontario, NOTICE During DR.G. C. BONNYCASTLË'S. absence with the Canadian Expeditionary Expeditionary Force his Dental Office will be conducted by Je Je CRAIG, lie De Se, De De Se, Honor Graduate in Dentistry of Toronto University. Bowmanvillé - Ontario Office Phone 40. House Phone 16 G IRL WANTED--At once, for general house work. Apply to Mrs. A. W. Pickard, King-st in ville Bowmanvi 47-tf w SlNTED--2 dining room' gins tor Bowman House. Good wages and steady employment. employment. S. D. Boss. Manager. 44t tOR SALE--A Ford Touring Car, 1917 model, 1 has been used very little and is as good as new. Ford Garage, Bowmanvillé. 39tf B UGGIES FOR SALE--Two new_bnggies left to clean out at greatly reduced pricès. Apply Apply to A. W. Pickard, Overland Sales Agent, Bowmanvillé. 41tf F OR SALE--A Ford Tonring Car. 1916 model, equipped with electric start and lights, in first class condition. Apply Ford Garage, Bowmanvillé. 89tf B UILDING WANTED--At once, for storing waste paper for Girls' Patriotic Club. State terms and particulars. -Address Secretary, box 401. Bowmanvillé, 46-tf F OR SALE OB BENT--7-roomed house on El- gin-st, Bowmanvillé, hard and soft water, hen house and woodshed, } acre land with stable. Will rent with land and stable or without. Apply Apply to Silas Foster, Scugog-st, Bowmanvillé. 47-tf OB SALE--Frame house, 7 rooms, hard and soft water, stable, $ acre land on King-st, Bowmànville. Will exchange for a larger house. For particulars apply to H. B. Foster, box 869, Bowmanvillé. Phone 46. 47-3wt H OUSES TO LET--4-roomed apartments with modern conveniences, newly decorated, rent very reasonable. -Will rent only to parties with small family. Possession at once. Apply Norman James at Statesman Office. F ARMS TO RENT--Three farms of 100,160 and 200 acres, respectivèly, to rent. All south of and close to Oshawa. First-class soil and buildings, in good state of cultivation. Possession Possession to plow after present crop. F nil possession April 1,1918. Apply to G. D. Conant, Oshawa, Ont. Dated August 8th, 1917. 82 tf 0 ISTRICT REPRESENTATIVES WANTED-- At once for Bowmanvillé and the County of U< Durham. Good opportunity for a live salesman. salesman. experience not necessary. - Big prospects for the season's business now starting. Write for further particulars. Stone & WELLINGTON*. "The Old Reliable Fonthill Nurseries", Toronto, Ontario. 44 4 Lots For Sale Tenders will be received by the undersigned undersigned up to December 10th next for the purchase of the Town Lots on the Lake front in the Town of Bowmanville. ! The highest or any tender not necessarily acceptai. I JOHN LYLE, Clerk. ; 47-iw* I New Commercial House Mr. and Mrs. James Lunney have rented the Goodyear Club and intend running it as a First-Class Commercial Commercial House. Weekly borders will also be taken at very reasonable prices. James Lunney, Proprietor. John A. Holgate & Son sells Lehigh Valley Anthracite the Coal that satisfies When you pay good money for coal you expect to get good coal. That is what you want to get. That is what you should get. That is exactly what you do get always--when you dear with us. If the coal we sell you isn't right we don't want your money •--that's the way we sell Coal. We have lots of good steam coal for threshing purposes. Canada Cement, Sewer Pipe, Lime, Hair, etc. John A. Holgate & Son Office and Yards, cor. Queen and Division Streets. Telephone No. 153 office. House Phone 202. Bowmanvillé, Ont Ladies ! Misses ! Children ! We are now ready with the greatest, grandest stock of the most(fashionable things to wear ever shown in Bowmanvillé* Coats - Suits - Dressés - Blouses Coats--In Silk Plushes, soft Velours, and other cloth. Many with large collars and wide 2 belts. All colors and all prices. Suits--With the long straight lines that look so smart in all the leading shades. Dresses -- That are superb in color, style and finish. Blouses--That are so dainty and pretty you are 7 sure to want one. * Notice that our prices aré within reach of all. Come and see for yourself. Telephone 106 S. W. Mason & Son Next door to Standard Bank BowmanviUe m 9 fVVM IVTTTV v t