L .z ÏSiSisïSS HIGHEST PRICES PAID; For POULTRY, GAM ME, FEA EGGS A FÉÀTHER8- ~ Please write for particular». V. rotjiax k OOn 3S Boasecours Market, Montreal Hi HIGHEST PRICES 'jtor RAW FURS and GIN$ENG C S/L^ÇE/L 220 st. y».ui st. w. M_op.tr taL P-04 Reference, Union Bk.' ÔT Canada The Jordan. Valley la $c3ti*=tca Ones» 1* a'keartliiri, fartsf districtftat jw Mgit b Im&s4g3ggi îlrtrtj fe*e$,ÉM bsylniLtoertiiBlpj teîa*tj6rtsy* tells Tjpd r v R» tig retsa free tie Bctrrs! laxop h the rabe .sf tte^p, L ! 32i v fc."Myp6ttia$ ef tin big ere; thîjf^çai'rrëiîct.^ Meet lew; tirai togj . M>a .fcrjriwfic bforeitiu, jW ktriyW •- L JU SMITH. Coloalaü*» A LÛatrisIijÉ.'j . üaion Fieific Syilen . lirca 1346. C, f. Bldf., Oath*. K*iT. FIELD CASHIERS AND PAYMASTERS IN FRANCE CASH Wheat"--for while you doubt mèan / Shredded Wheat, you may get one ,.pf those mushy porridges ■that are a poor substitute for the crisp^d^çious s^reds of baked whtie^wheat--^that supply all fhroe^ skull -and z brain. It was a perfect shot. th* the delighted way, as he slapped, marksman on thé back. ^ Wallace'sway was different: with a silence more eloquent than. a torrent he grasped ARetherby's l»Mid Aqd^y ru ng it fervency. • • r '" ' : » -- ■ -/ .. Ôteam-DrivenDite^ Be-Iatroèueed. CACTUS CANDY. Cfwo ja. half day!p work. ^Biscuits with'tpç^;or : 43^8m make a nouqïhiqg meal at a cost .pi ; a fçw cents. Made in Canada. In Uopsiana eyolxfid a plan for candy- from the spineless pactus. the process, the peel of the plant is removed, dipped into hot molasses and coated with granulated or powdered A ly^n to Manufacture Syr^ets From Spineless Cactuji, _ ^ sugar cane punters, hay,e*t^ets soÿ medicine' deafens Baby's Own, Tablets are- * a- .grand medicine for little ones. They are a ipild but\thp^tt|^ynxatiTeH; are absolutely absolutely give %and never fail to çiysNW^ 1 : 1 1116 niipor' ills of Hfctle opèir Cfi|i#ernlng them Mrs. S. ÎÈ&^ey, lOJeasonR©a<L N.B., used Bijby's .Own Tablets have.ifound them pentect- sfaetory tor^iny little one." The ï •: U ST-hy m^il-,at 26i.qtsaj|* a box-from-The Dr. Williams M^dieine Co., Brockville, Ont. - S . A, : The trençhee on the battle jfronts in Europe have <been dug*lmoi|; ■ wholly by -hand -labor. -The work, ofircourse, has -b^en of an extremely laborious description. In the aggregate, it has doubtless far exceeded the-la^pr that would have been required to <jfg the! Panama Canal with 'pick and ; shovel. It is. now proposed to use steam- driven ditching machines, and conserve conserve energy for the business of fighting. fighting. - ■' of sugar. The result is a çopfecÿion rich, and delicious flavor. . So successful have been the experiments experiments with the new swqet;,that planters are now gTojyipg cactgja whtjch formerly was ujbijfjbçed, THE CRUISER'S BEAR. Government Surveyors Encounter Full-Grown Bruin. The Prince on Leave. When the Prince of Wales gains a j#w days' leave from the Front he leads a strenuous life in London. " ^Barly in the morning, with one of dns; brothers or another friend, he ^yi^ks from Buckingham Palace to a used at all, for cattle"fodj^ar.' Plaptisrs J$S£(8£t End club, where a game of can in this way furnish plenty of_<raw • sqy^h racquets is indulged in. Then material for the new product. comes a rub-down and a swim in a Another important result in the plunge-bath. A walk back t-the making of vftiat some enterprising ad- , Palace finds our soldier-prince ready vertiser may call "kaktus-kandy" is 1 for a hearty ; .eal,.to be followed by a that sugar mills which have been idle series of social engagements, for nine months in the "year can now In--a Bond Streèt tobacco-shop is a use part of their equipment in candy manufacturing industry. * the DOMINION EXPRESS FOREIGN CHEQUES THE BEST WAY TO SEND MONEY TO THE BOYS IN THE TRENCHES B- 8 Toror.lo J Fcenous Hctel Many People Make a B-Line for the Walker House (The House of Plenty) as soon as they arrive in Toronto. The meals, the service and the home-like appointments " constitute the magnet that draws them there. Boon Dinner 60c. Evening Dinner 75c. The WALKER HOUSE Toronto"* Fosnottt Houl TORONTO, CANADA Rate» Reasonable Geo. Wright Sç Co., Props. In The Log of a Timber Cruiser Mr. W. P. Lawson gives a striking illustration illustration of the dangers that the hardy government surveyors not, infrequently infrequently face. The crew was running running the line down a narrow ravine at one side of the forest boundary. It was late afternoon, says Mr. Lawson --nearly time to knock off work."Con- way walked fifty yards or more in advance advance of the others. Wetherby, at the moment,"was helping Wallace-with the plane table. At a sudden, unusual sound in the :bru§h to the left, Wallace turned aside to investigate. The next .instant .instant he came back at full speed, with u- bis eyes popping and his legs working j ^matic wilcjly. Ten yards behind him, snarling snarling and fighting the brush, lumbered a full-grown 'cinnamon béar. beast was in a towering rage, caused RHEUMATISM CURED In the days of our father^ and grandfathers grandfathers rheumatism was thought to be the unavoidable penalty of middle life ajid old age. Almost .every elderly person had rheumatism, as well -as many young people. Medical science did not understand the trouble--did not know that it was rooted in the line of cigar-boxes marked "Reserved for H.R.H. the Princejîf Wales." The smokes are used as gifts to intimate friends. for; ŸÔUrE Granulated Eyelids, Sore Eyes, Eyesînflàmed by Sun, Dual and IVZmf quickly relieved by Mutine.- Try it in your Eyes and in Baby's Eyes. No Smarting, JasfcEye Comfort MONEY ORDERS Pay your out of town accounts by Dominion Express Money Orders. Pive dollars costs three cents.. r-r; f "nr 353 n ' Cv- 1 rTTTi nr n I Feed and eggs will probably he higher this winter than théy have ever been known. More, than ever then it will be necessary to make every pound of feed tell in eggs or flesh. To do this, it will, require vigorous culling of the flock, good housing and care, and business methods in buying -the feed and selling the product: Minard's Liniment Co., Limited. Gentlemen,--Last winter I received great benefit from the use of MINARD'S MINARD'S LINIMENT In a severe attack of LaGrippe, and I have frequently proved it to be very effective in cases of Inflammation. Yours, ^ W. A. HUTCHINSON. - Chryiknthemtims potfifed ; up from beds-in the garden should be placed in a shady place for ,a few days after potting. , Minerd'e liniment Cures Garg-et in Cows FBCDX7CE EW LAID EGGS, POULTRY. PEAS, beans, honey, onions wanted. Highest Highest prices given. J. D. Arsenault, 1195 St. Catharine Bast, Montreal. Calves i infested with lice do not thrive. Lice .are difficult to get rid of when| once ihe barn is infested. Washing the-oalf^thoroughly with a two to five phr cent.- coat tar disinfectant disinfectant such as zenoléùm or creolin is effective. effective. Minard's Uniment Curés Diphtheria. MIClMinpUl >« H eaven borg's AND HELL"--Sweden- . gre,at work on a real world beyond and the life after death ; 400 pages ; only 25 cents postpaid. W. 'H. Law, 486D Euclid Avenue, Toronto. c- ANGER. TUMORS. LUMPS. ETC~ _ internal and external, cured wlth- .euLpàlïr -IBy :Bur. -homa tréatment. -Write us before tc<> late. Dr. Bellman Medical Co.. Limited. Collingwnod. QnL Philadelphia, Pa.--"One year ago I was very sick and I suffered>with pains in my side and back blood. It waSvthpjught that rheumatism was the mere effect of exposure -to cold and damp, and it., was treated with liniments and hot applications, which sometimes gave temporary relief, relief, bu^ did not cure the trouble. '- In those days there were .thousands of cripples. Now, medical science understands that rheumatism ; * s a disease of theTilood, and that with good, rich, red blood any man or y* mm • -- Your uruggioL b or d; Mnrlttê EyC KBIIlBiiy mail, BOc per .bottle. Murln< Eye Selve, in Tubes 25c. For Bock of the Eye -- Free» Ask Murine Eye Remedy Co., .Chicago « In many instances the clearing of trees from a slope has encouraged a washing of soil that not only ruins the slope, but also buries^thë produc- tive'"field at its foot, and greatly in- creases y the damage done by brooks at flood conditions. i ; woman of any age can defy >rheu- by a steel trap and eight feet of heavy , n atism It can be cured by k i U i ng t he chain that trailed from is P rlb , i n the blood which causes it. hind foot. Had it not been for this ; ^ here are drag he would doubtless have caught ; baye Wallace before he had run twenty 1 Minard's Liniment Cures Colds, See. < Butterfly Sounds. There are species of" butterflies that produce sound during certain movements. movements. The "whip" butterfly, when it I is surprised, opens and shuts its wings Make Your Own Save your Money Enjoy good Health Domestic economy is going to win the war against the Hun. Sanitative home methods of food preparation preparation will win the war against disease. disease. Victory In both instances^is assured by_ using the "Canuck" Bread Mixer Four loaf size $2.75 Eight loaf size $3.25 The "Canuck" is quick, clean, efficient and economical. Buy from your local deader, nr order from us direct, all charges paid. E. T. WRIGHT CO., LIMITED HAMILTON, CANADA. * FUNS1EN feet. As it was, Wallace reached an oak tree a few strides ahead of the bear and "shinned" up the trunk. When Wetherby saw Wallace with the bear in his wake he at once followed followed a natural and compelling impulse to climb a tree. Conway, warned _ by Wetherby, also sought a convenient oak. But the infuriated bear began to ! climb after Wallace. Wetherby, the only one of the trio who carried a re- ! volver, immediately left the limb on which he sat and" called out to his beleaguered beleaguered chief, "Sit tight, Wally! I'll be over in a minute!" To go gunning for an angry bear with a thirty-eight caliber pistol is a risky business. Wallace as well as Conway, endeavored to turn Wetherby from the attempt. "Go back, Wetherby!" yelled his superior, superior, as the axeman approached. "Shoot him from the tree. He'll get you sure now if you wound him!" j "I haven't enough cartridges to ] waste -p.ny," was all that Wetherby ! replied as he ran under the tree and took careful aim at the beast above. A shot sounded, and the bear's head snapped to one side as if it had been struck sharply with a club; his great muscles relaxed and he slid scramb- lingly down with his heavy claws ripping ripping long, deep grooves in the bark of the tree. Wetherby circled about, excited but alert, waiting to put five more soft- nqsed bullets- into the wounded animal. A moment later he saw that they were not needed. The first ball, entering behind the ear, had penetrated the thin coating of muscle --there, broken causes many elderly people who never felt a twinge of rheuma- j quick succession and makes a noise tism, and many who have conquered : like the snap of a lash. Some hiber- it by simply keeping their blood rich I nating butterflies, when disturbed, and pure. The blood making, blood ,. ma ke a faint hissing sound by slowly enriching qualities, of Dr. "Williams 1 Pink Pills is becoming every year more widely known, and It is the more general use of these pills that has robbed rheumatism of its. terrors. .At the first sign of poor blood, which is shown by loss of appetite, palpitations, j depressing and - raising their^ wings. The largest walnut grove in England England is. at Kempston, near Bedford. It contained at first three hundred and sixty-five trees, one for each day of the year, which were planted about a century ago by the then owner of the farm, who remarked that wars would never cease and the timber would always be wanted for gun-stock. The noise thus produced resembles that made when " you blow slowly through closed teeth. Othei* sounds resemble the friction of sandpaper. A large number of caterpillars make sound by striking their heads against dull skin and dim eyes, protect your- ; £ be j ea; £ on -which they are resting or i self against the further ravages of . b y sw i n gi n g their heads from side to j disease by taking Dr. Williams side and catching the mandibles in the j Pills. They have cured thousands, of | TOljghness of the i ea f or on the sflken i It is said thàt and Disfigure Healed by CUTICURA SOAR and OINTMENT Such as eczemas, rashes, pimples, dandruff, sore hands and most baby skin troubles. Sample Each Free by Mail With 32-p. Skin Book. Address post- until I nearly went crazy. I went to different doctors and they all said I had female trouble and would not get any relief until I would be operated on. I had sufferedf orfour * years before this time, but I kept getting getting worse the more Every month since I (I! -p. card: "Uuticura, Dept. N, Boston, U. S. A." Sold throughout the world. medicine I took was a young girl I had suffered with cramps in my. sides at periods and was never-regular. I saw yoqjçadvertise- ment in the newspaper and the picture of a woman who had been saved from an operation and this picture was impressed impressed on my mind. The doctor had given me only two more days to make lip my mind so I sent my husband to the drug store at once for a bottle of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, and believe me, I soon noticed a change and when I had finished the third bottle I was cured and never felt better. I grant you the privilege to publish my letter and am only too glad to let other women know of my cure. ' '--Mrs. Thos. McGon- IGAL, 3432 Hartville Street. Phila., Pa. When you think of and people--if you give them a fair trial they will not disappoint you. You can get these pills through any dealer In medicine or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Out. ;<* WAR AND GARDENS. To Da Gef Highest Prices From the World's Biggest Fur House lUT UtlO! The lor imws i» new st Its heights ICsnnfaetcrtrs are in the market, we want skunk, ooon, mink, muskrat. muskrat. fox, wotf--ere rythl at--and pay ■ beet prices. Don't wait! Ship toéey while tbe market is eood. Yoarcheck earns» by return mail. WRITE FOR FREE BOOK "Supply Ca Trapper's Guide, Trapper* » Supply Catalog, rxTper.i Gum Lews. PR Eft 1 3 Seeks la see. _TrJu lrsrp-r • Gum Lews. PRES l _ __ bow, when, wfcers to trip, bew to prepare an4 Lbip j skin. A 1*9 latest Par Mark*: Reports sad 413 Al*9 late si Ko chair». ru H STE* BROS, * CO. Funstan Blés- St. Louis, Mo. Pack glass and china, in hay that is slightly damp. This will prevent the . articles from slipping about. Apples, cored and filled " with chopped dates or figs, then baked, make an excellent breakfast dish. Wood's FfcosphodiaeL, The Great English Remedy. ' ' ' " '.le Tone» and Invigorates the whol nervoue system, makes new Blood Veil in old Veins, Cures Nervousr' Dihiliiy^M entai and Brain Worry, Dcsjpon-^ dency. Loss of Energy, Palpitation Heart, Failing Memory. Price SI per bo'r, six for $5. One will please, sir will cure. Sold by all druggists or mailed in plain pkg. on receipt of S rice. New pamphlet mailed free- THE WOOD IEDFC1NE COy TOtOMTO, Olu. (Fenseriy WMw) Pn AT E N T Two Great World Grains are combined in the perfected ready-cooked cereal -- threads spun upon it. a certain kind of chrysalis, when disturbed, disturbed, emits a slight, shârp chirp or clicking noise. Min&rd's Liniment Cures Distemper. The Soul of a Plano Is the - Action. Insist on the . "OTTO HIGELV PIANO ACTION Horticultural Products Not Always Indicative of Peace and Quiet. The Bible tells us that all the trouble of the world was hatched in a garden, and certainly more than one war has sprung frdm'the sam^ peaceful peaceful retreat. In English history the most famous garden in this connection connection is the Temple Garden, between Fleet Street and the Thames. There the first act of the famous Wars of the Roses took place. This \tfar, which lasted thirty years, and included twelve pitched battles, was between the rival houses of York and Lancaster. One day in the Temple Gardens the Duke of York plucked a white rose and called on his supporters to do the same. The Duke of Somerset, who stood for the reigning reigning king, Henry VI., of Lancaster, plucked a red rose and commanded his supporters to do likewise. Thus did these badges . become the symbols of contending forces, and when they were combined in the Tudor Rose it became the symbol of unity. The Man, of Serajevo, whose ..death is costing ^millions of lives in the present present world war, was a poseur of the Kaiser type and reckoned to be very aesthetic. He was "supposed to dote on roses, and it was actually in a gorgeous gorgeous rose garden that, shortly before his tragical death, he met the Kaiser, and amid the perfume of. the roses these two g.rch-scoundrels'plotted this war. And we have it on Mr, Gerard's authority authority that the seed ydiich grew into the entrance, of America into the world war w$s sown in the shape of a telegranTwritten by the Kaiser "in a little garden, seated under a . big umbrella at a small table." So from Eden to Potsdam gardens havç, not always been fruitful of rest and quietude. Soils plowed in fall become' finer by the action of freezing and thawing thawing during the winter. lie Scientists have counted 276 spoken languages an$ dialects in Africa. LEMONS MAKE SKIN WHITE, SOFT, CLEAR Make this beauty lotion for a cents and see for yourself. few How to Cure I / | What girl or woman hasn't heard of | lemon juice to remove complexion I blemishes ; to whiten the skin and to j bring out the roses, the freshness and the hidden beauty ? But lemon juice alone is acid, therefore irritating, and should be mixed with orchard white this x way. Strain through a fine cloth the juice of two "fresh lemons into a bottle containing about three ounces of orchard white, then shake well and you have a whole quarter pint of skin and complexion lotion at about the cost one usually pays for a small jar of ordinary cold cream. Be sure to strain the lemon juiee so no pulp gets into the bottle, then this lotion will remain pure and fresh for months. When applied daily to the face, neck, arms and hands it should help to bleach, clear, smoothen and beautify the skin. Any druggist will supply three ounces of orchard white at very little cost and-the grocer has the lemons. Biliousness Doctors warn against remedies containing powerful drugs and alcohol. "The Extract of Roots, long known as Mother Seigefs Curative Syrup, Bas no dope or strong ingredients; it cures indigestion, biliousness and constipation. Can be had at any drug store." Get the genuine, Get the genuine. 50c. and $1.00 Bottles. 3 Think of PARKER'S Let us restore to seeming newness your Lace Curtains, Carpets, Blankets and other household and personal effects. The Parker process is thorough : t>^e charge is very moderate, and we pay carriage one way. Send for our Catalogue on Cleaning and Dyeing. PA P If DYE WORKS LIMITED * ** IvlV JulV m 791 Yonge Surcct ; Toronto i This Concerns Maple Syrup makers Better be on the safe side and, place * your order now instead of risking I disappointment during the March \ rush. Write for free booklet giv- 1 ing particulars and prices of our ! "Champion" Evaporator and all uj>- | to-date supplies for which we are E headquarters. . 1 THE GRIMM MNFG. CO., LIMITED I 58 Wellington St., Montreal, Que. This appetizing blend d\ In all countries^ Àslc for our INVENT-! IPOR'S ADVISER,which, will be sent tree. MARION & MARION. 664 University SL, Montréal» __ of Wheat and Barley is over 98% food. ECONOMICAL HEALTHFUL DELIGHTFUL- WITH THE FINGERS I SAYS CORNS LIFT OUT WITHOUT ANY PAIN Clock Has 52 Dials. On Beauvais Cathedral there i<= a clock which is composed of 92,000 separate pieces, having-^ dial plates. This clock gives the time dn the big capitals of the world, as well as the lecal hour, the day of the week and month, the rising and setting of the sun, the phases of the moon and tides, as well as considerable other information. information. Orange juice is. a preventive oî scurvy among children who use pasteurized milk- A Sore corns, hard corns, soft corns or any-kind of a corn can shortly be lifted lifted right out with the fingers if you will apply on the corn a few drops of freezone, says a Cincinnati authority, h At little cost one can get a- small bottle of freezone at any drug store, which will positively rid one's feet of every corn or callus without pain or soreness or the danger qf infection. This new drug is an ether com- pouhd, and dries the moment it is applied applied and does^ not inflame or even irritate irritate the surrounding tissue. ^Tust think ! You can lift off your corns and callus e£ now without a bit of pain or soreness. If your druggist hasn't freezone he can easily get a small bottle bottle for you from his- wholesale drug house. ■ %/ Rheumatic Aches Drive them out with Sloan's Liniment, the quick-acting,' soothing liniment that penetrates "without rubbing and relieves the pain. So much cleaner than mussy piasters or ointments; it doc» not stain the skin or clog the pores. Always have a bottle in me house for the' aches and pains of rheumatism, gout, lumbago, lumbago, strains, sprains, stiff joints . and all muscle soreness. Generous size bottleo at all druggists, 25fc. 50c. $1.00. 1 o cxn Is Hotel Del Coronado Coronado Beach, GalMemla Near San Diego POLO, MOTORING, TENNIS, BAY AND SURF BATHING, FISHING AND BOATING. \ 18-Hole Golf Couree Hotel is equipped throughout with Automatic Sprinkler System. AMERICAN PLAN JOHN J. HERNAN, .Manager LiïYiiïieni V V .KILLS RAIN . ISSUE No. 47--'17. MANUFACTURER'S OVERSTOCK To be cleared out ert WHOLESALE PRICES Reg. $50 to go at An exceptional opportunity to get a flrsi- class machine at à bargain. Equipped with A.1 Motor, Universal Tone Arm' that play* all makes of records and Tone Control for full or modulated volume. , Has, in fact, all * the feature's found oh the higher priced machines. The case la in mahogany finish, 41 in. high. v Ope year guarantee 'with each machine. If not as represented return within 10 days and get your money back. Price while they last $85 cash with rde order or C.O.D. G. ROBERTSON- - Manufacturers' Agent, 77 BAY ST., » TORONTO / -'fAl