«ÿ- v. mm w^dSm ÿm dm mÊ -. .-■> • : K5-"\ -- to keep the sfbmach well, the li ver and bowels regular, by the timely and helpful aid of PIUS largest Sale of Any I Sold Mfatli* Worid, 6» boxes, 25c. IS Wftat Hér 'Needs. 'Papa," said Tommy, "little brother to-morrow, isn't he?" w old a month "Yes." "Let's you and me give him a birthday birthday present." "Very well. What shall it be?" "Let's buy him a wig. He needs that more'n anything." Bran is one, of the most important ingredients of poultry diet, and shoiild be fed daily. It is rich in nitrogen, carbon and mineral matter. The Thunderers. Loil'g» long ago a brave Indian chiéf was- hunting upon the mountain " side when suddenly he'Tost hfe footing^and plunged heels over head doWp, down the precipice, until he fell, bruised and bleeding, upon the rocks below. A queer-looking, bent-over - man with a grizzly, beard came crawling out from his cave and stooped over the wounded wounded warrior. "Who are you?" he growled in a voice' like an animal. "Who are you ? Did you drop from the sky?" "I fell from the rocks above," grohned the wafribr. "I am'a l migtity' chief and was out hunting." And clenching his fists and shutting his iii 4 'J li« • '• • - • teeth hard.-be tried to endure the racking racking pain wfthout a moan. ."Ha!,ha!" riaocked the strange lit- ,tfe mari, "I 'can make you well, blit, first you must promise tx> serve me." "I will serve you gladly," answered the wounded warrior. "I will bring" you wood and make your fire. I will hunt for you in the forest and bring you game to eat if you make me well." "Fire and food! Fire and fish! Fish and gamè!" the little man chuckled chuckled greedily. T. will make you well, warrior." And as, he spoke... the hairs of his : berird stood o.tit like' the quills of a porcupine and his eyes looked, like two bright beads. Then he hobbled h, A At \ XV, r -Zz / -z V ' it'»» % If/ f(ty l y Farmers Like a real up- elps the A They like it, because it is to-the-mmute newspaper. And they like it even more, because it h them to make money, by giving 1 them market quotations while prices are still !, hot. u \ ou get the live stock, grain, ' and produce market reports, from Toronto, Montreal, Buffalo, Chicago, and Winnipeg Winnipeg from twelve hours to one full day ahead of your receiving receiving the same quotations in the next mornings papers. And you know hew often you have said to yourself, "If I had known earlier just how the market was going, . I could have made money/' In additiQn to its splendid market service, the Toronto Daily Star gives you the most comprehensive war and ■general news service-obtainable through any daily paper in Canada. > Then, too, there are pages to interest the women and the children, and a good comic cartoon series. In fact the Toronto "Daily Star" is just such a newspaper as a farmer who is interested Jn the world news likes to read and he eventually çpmes to regard it as the insep- arable companion of his leisure hours. Ifc -S guarantee that you will thoroughly eùjoy ^t. SeKd your subscription direct to this office,, or through thé publisher publisher of your local newspaper. , James/Papers, * $8 ;?° » **** '** or together with either awiï^Arsûndi a «test tdiffy whiUhhfe <aime leaping Vback. l morelikw a ? hqld in hisihand sbriàtling'herbs. Bfe steeped the - herbs and stirred' them with ând •W . | S Teady. it. out/;nto a çjay.bowj and, holding; it to the-lips of the warrior, he snapped out:. "Drin^^ Drink, .I. ; sayl! , ) Ahd xi^en .the warrior; drank: the strange mixture health and stréngth came back to him. "Now go out ahd hunt for nié, for I am hungry!' 'growled the old iriân, hits beird bristling' r dnd' his eyes snapping;. snapping;. • . The warrior said' joyously : "Gladly will-1 hunt for you, wise old m'edidine man." And he went away at once into thé forèst, and when ' he came bade he brought game'enough for two. ."Nov/ cook it for me!" growled the little old man. * For many, many moons the- warrior dwelt in the <= ea-ve of this" old man. He -hùrited for hih|, caught fish for him, 1 brought the wood and built the fires 1 dnd cooked' the "fcod and served him in "eykry way. Thé little old man proved proved to be a hard master' He grumbled and. growled, at the ' warrior from morning- untiltnight. The watrior grew very Weary-of his task and longed to go home, but he promised to'serve the old man, and a warrior always, is bound by honor never tô break a promise. He longed; longed; for his own warm wigwam and his wife, their little children and the papoose which his wife still carried on her back. "Better to have been killed when I fell from* the mountain," said the warrior, warrior, "than to spend all ray days serving serving this master, half beast that he is." The 'bright spring days melted the snow and ice and the rains washed all the land. One day the warrior went out in the storm, for he would rather be drenched to the skin than to stay by the fire with his ugly companion. As he wandered over the mountains Vci : via. .v;. II (uKi ml ft nc. OjBitLiA, Ont., Nov, 28th. 1914. " i *'For4)ver pÿo: years,"T was troubled with Constipation, Drowsiness, Lack! of * > m . f *.• *■ -» , ' ? s.> - - 9 j. ,/ S appetite and JLeadaches. One day I saw your sign:- which read " Fruit-n-tives make you feel ' like walking on ait. " This àppêâlèd'Tô me, so I decided'to try a box. In a very short time, I ^begah to feel better, and now I feel five. I have a good appetite, relish every thing- X eat, and the Hêadaches are gone entirely. I recommend this pleasant fruit -medicine to .all my friends ? 5 . - DAN McLEAN. 50q. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, 25c. At all dealers or sent postpaid by Fruit- a-tives T.imited, Ottawa. On and on the thunders rolled after him ; flash after flash of lightning zigzagged its way across the sky, following him as he, scrambled ■ and tumbled down the mountain side. Then came, one great. " flash of scorching lightning and the ugly porcupine lay dead at the opening;of his- den. - Then the Thunderers rose high in the air and floated away across the mountain tops. Bùt as they went the sun came out and smiled through the raindrops and a wonderful bridge of light reached from the Thunderers "down to the earth where the : warrior stood with clasped- hands looking upward. upward. Hè saw this bow of light of many colors, red end otàhgé and ÿèl- low and greeii arid blue arid violet, blending tpge.thef as though all the flowers of the prairie had been picked ! and placed there as a promise to him All ^ough the. , summer:, days he heard the voice of the Thunderers as they r rpHed acfdss- r the sky he said: "There ja# tHe mighty Manitqs who set me free." . All through the wintry wintry days' he stayed with tiis "people, but when the,; spring came he hade them farewell. "Each summer I shall go to visit the Thunderers in the sky,"-hesaid. And so it is. each season. fhien the spring days come the great; chief goes to the foi-est and, taking his golden robe friJm its hiding plaqe, he floats up to where the Thunderers dwell, and. all summer long he rolls and rumbles With them as they journey journey across the sky. DANCING OSTRICHES. A Strangé Sight on thê àandy Plains of Southern Africa. One of -the oddest sights on tlie sandy stretches of plain in southern Africa is a party of waltzing ostriches. A writer. on the ; subject thus describes describes their queer antics: "When there are^a number of them they will start off; and, running a few hundred yards, will stop and, with raised Wings will whirl rapidly round till they are stupefied, or perhaps break a leg. "The males pose also before fighting. fighting. They kneel on their ankles, A Barrie Man Tells of persistent persistent Headaches and/ndi- gestion--Finally Fotind His Way to Good Health. ; Bafrie, Ont. Nov. 29--For two long years the writer of this letter Was subject to severe headaches. The nervous system got run down, digestion failed, and there was continued loss of weight. The use of Dr. Chase's- Nerve Food changed all this, and now with scores of. other Barrie.people Mr. Nadeizis recommending recommending the use >of. this food cure as the best-means of building. up the exhausted nervous- system and-curing headaches, indigestion and all the annoying'- symptons of a run-down condition. Mr. John Nader, 38 Penetang street, Barrie, Ont., writes: "During the last _ two years I had an attack of - indigestioq,-^accompanied bv severe headaches. I suffered from loss of appetite, and my system became run down. I also lost-ccnsiderably in -weight. I bègari using-Dr. Chase's Nerve Food,and as they helped me I continued this treatment treatment for some . time. , My condition is now greatly improved my headaches are gone and my health in general is much better. I can cheerfully recommend the ,-i - - ., , . . ... use of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food to those opening their wings, and balancing buffering from nervousness of any kind." themselves alternately forward and As a sprln g tonic and restorative to backward, or to one side, or the other overcome .tired, languid feéiings and while the neck is stretched on a level i build Up vitality at this tim; of yëàr there with the back and the head strikes j is nothing to be compared to Dr. Chase's the sides, now on the right, now on the i Nerve Fbod. left, while the feathers are bristling. I Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, 50c a box' a The bird appears at this time so ab- i treatment of 6 boxis. for $> 50 at all sorbed in its occupation as tti forget I or Edmanson, Bates & Co., Lira all that is going on around him, and can be approached and caught. "The male utters a cry, sounds -much like an effort to with the mouth sjiut tight." which speak 1 ited, Toronto. Do not accepting a substitute, disappoint. suddenly there appeared before him in • t * iat the storm had passed. Then a"clorid of mist three tall figures there floated down to him a soft cloud ,The warrior felt that they were ' robe * which fel1 u P° n his sdtilders like To Make a Merry Christmas. No $2.25 t'hat you can spend in Christmas-present giving will go further further than a subscription for The mighty Manitos ànd he went down on ! a bit of ■ sparkling sunshine, and he f Youth's Companion. Look over your his knees before them | heard the Thunderers murmur : "Hide ! l° n £ hst and see how few things on "Who are you?" he asked in a 1 this cloud robe in the forest arid then i it are certain to be_as eagerly treas- trembling voice. ' you may join us when you will arid ! ured during every one of the fifty-two ! float with us across the blue sky." . | weeks of 1918. Asquaintance with it' The warrior did as they commanded j soon ripens into lasting friendship, for it has that rare and priceless quality quality among periodicals,--character,-- and the character of The Youth's Companion has made fast friends for be talked into Imitations only ESKIMO KEEPS AGE IN A BAG. the "We are the mighty Mar.itos, Thunderers," they Answered in a , .. . , , . , deep, thundering voice that rolled : aK< ^ thanked the Thunderers for sav- back and echoed arid re-echoed from I ing him atid . sénding him safel Y on his the distant mouritain peaks. The ' homeward journey, warrio- fell on his face I . When he reached his own wigwam "Fear not!" the Thunderers called - th ® re was much rejoicing. His chil- again. "We shall dj you no harm, i dren had grown tal1 and the small It is our mission to do gogd. We 1 P a P oose c0ldd walk upon his own lit- bring showers when the fields are dry f ^ egs - the young When the summer sun has parched tl/! th § tribë ë ave him a feast. braves in He told it all around the world. Sample copies of the paper containing a Forecast of next year's features will be sent free to any address. Our offer includes, for $2.25: 1, The Youth's Companion Curious Method of Numbering Years in Frozen North. ^ Far up in the .northern part of Greenland - live the little Eskimos. The people have no books. But by looking into a bag they can tell you their age. When a baby comes to an Eskimo's house, or igloo, a fur bag is given to the little one to keep for life. Every year when the sun returns after the long, cold Greenland night a bone is put into the little bag. So j when you look into the bag and see j seven bones, for instance, you know j that the little owner is 7 years old. land, we roll across the blue" sky and i tbem the whole story and they called i t™ 52 , issues of/1918; 2, all the remain- /• ^ • _ ** I 1* ? P t* 1 - ' T> 1 1 « m ^ nnn 1 fi 1 >7 a O 4- U n I* -- mm --. -- m i /-v m send down the welcome raindrops to give life to the wilted corn. We fill the lakes and rivers so that the water water "v.il iot dry up and ycù may^Jiave fish -or food. When we are angry we strike down with lightning flashes all tha; bring evil to the earth. "Now we Lave come 1 destroy the old man of the c ze, to punish l.im for his wickedness and to get you free. This old mrin is really a porcupine. He casts an evil spell over everything, but now we will end his power ovei- you. | "However, we must have your help, j for he is afraidyof us. When our ; thunder rolls he lies flat upon the j ground in the corner of his cave anc>; groans - ci moans In .error, : d wè ! never have been able to reach him. i "To-day we will help you kill a j great bear. Then you must go to the ! cave and tell him he will have to come ; and help you drag hoqie your heavy ! game. Then when we Have him here i we will punish him and set you free." So the warrior killed a great bear on the mountain side and he hurried to the cave and said: "Old man, I have killed a great bear. Come, help. me drag hvme our game, that we may have food." The storm had passed and the sun him Chief of the Golden Robe. Be Glean ternally Over 5C0,000 People Are Now Doing So. For many years physicians have agreed that 95 per cent, of human ills was caused by accumulated waste in the Lower Intestine; Intestine; that in cur present way of Jiving Nature.cdüîd not remove .all this waste without assistance, no matter how regular we might be: and that the poisons .from this waste circuited through the blood pulled us away down below par and were j responsible for many diseases of a serious | nature. I During this time the "J. B. L. Cascade" j for Internal Bathing has,, because of their ; recommendation and those of its users, ! been steadily growing in favor. i Recently, however, the startling news | which has been covering the country that j great surgeons and specialists IiavcTbeen I operating on the Lower Intestines in such j serious diseases as Tuberculosis, and | attribute such conditions as chronic ill- ! health as Nervous Debility and Rhetima- I tism to this cause,: also saying that these j poisbns are favorable to the development of Cancer and Tuberculosis (as stated in a ing issues of 1917 ; 3, the Companion Home Calendar for 1918. The Youth's Companion, Commonwealth Ave., Boston, Boston, Mass. ^ For emergencies a wooden automobile automobile tire, made in sections to be bolted to a wheel, has been invented. An automatic valve has been invented invented that sounds a whistle when an automobile tire contains either 1 too much or too little air. Cook's CotSoa Rod! CompoimL A safe, reliable regulating medicine. Sold in three degrees degrees of strength--No. 1, $1; No. 2. $3; No, 3, S5 per box. Sold by ail druggists, or sent prepaid on receipt of price. Free pamphlet. ... Address : THE COOK fVIEDsCf&E CO„ T030HT0. 0K7. (Fcrmariy r#;er.) was shining brightly, but the little old j recent article in The New York Times), ' h», f' nn n /-I *-» n r\ »> T 4 n L -- -- -- il _ 1 1 man peered out from his cave anxious ly. "Maybe another storm will come. You are sure that there are no clouds in the sky 7" _ "Not one cloud," answered the warrior warrior as he ^looked up at the blue heavens and the bright sun. ' Then the little old man crawled out from his cave. He put his head down to the ground and listened closely. closely. Then he hurried on up the-moun- tain after the warrior, and every little little while he would stop and listen aj^ain. "You are sure you do not hear the thunder!" he - whispered in fear. "I do not like the thunder." At last the warrior brought the cld man to the place^where lay the slain bear. With greedy^hands the old man cut it into pieces and, snarling like an animal himself, he skinned the bear and started home with, the skin over his shoulder. But just then the thunder rumbled in the distance. The old man stopped stopped and stared.at the skies. Louder and" louder and nearer and nearer the roaring and rumbling was heard. He dropped the bear's skin and started to run: "Come! Come! Run! Run for your life!" he shouted to the waçrior. Just then a gr^at peal of thunder crashed across the mountains and echoed and ré-eçhoed among the rocks. Dark storm clouds swept across- the blue sky.. With a shriek the old man ran and jumped down over the rocks, and as he 1 ran- he fell forward upbn his hands, and his hands became his forefeet, a great' snout pushed forward and ugly quills . bristled out all over-his body. He ran .faster, a man, no longer, but the fiercest and ugliest porcupine that the great red chief had ever seen. has caused people to become thoroughly awake to the importance of ;keeping this Lower Intestine free from all poisonous waste matter, and over 500,000 are now using Internal Baths. This enthusiastic- and grateful letter is by\no means an exceptional one amongst the hundreds on our file:-- 703 7th Ave.'South,Lethbridge, Alberta. Dr. Tyrrell, Toronto: •Dear Doctor Tyrrell.--After using your "J. B. L. Cascade" for four, months, I feel it my duty as a thankful patient to express express my enthusiasm for the great blessing it has been to me. You cannot feel my emotions as I' write this letter in praise of you in your great work. Words simply simply fail to express my thankfulness for first learning of your Cascade. Previous to using it I could riot go a day without a drug of some sort, and since using it I have riot, on my word of honor,swallowed five cents worth of drugs! I spent over- $300.00 ih two years previous tri hearing of the "J. B. L." Would that all the young men and women I see in this town with their faces covered wifh horrid unsightly unsightly pimples would use ifT They would soon gèt rid of them, as I did. I must stop, or I will be keeping you from your work, but I could fi I ten more pages of my past condition of health, also in praise of the "J. B. L." May you enjoy this life to the full. -- 1 Sincerely ydurs, William Devoy. If you try the "J. B. LI Cascade" you- will find yourself always bright* confident and capable--the poisonous waste makes us bilidus, blue, 1 dull arid neryous. Internal Internal Baths are Nature's own cure for Constipation--just / warm water properly applied. Drtigs force Nature--the "J. B. L. Cascade" gently "assists her. -- Call and see it at Jijry and Lovell's. Ask for "Why Man of To^dàÿ Is Only 50 Per Cent. Efficient," a booklet of great interest which is givèri on request. If you prefer, write at otice to Chas. A. Tyrrell, M. D., 163 College Street, Toronto, for this Book. , ) fi Little Stick erf Makes the Whole World Kin ! This famous chewing gum aids apipéîitë atid digestion, digestion, quenches thirst, keep^ the teeth clean and breath sweet. clean, wholesome and delicious always. No wonder VifRBGLEY*S is used around the world, whenever whenever and wherever people want lasting refreshment. ON SALE EVERYWHERE E5ZËH M I f III I CT-GUM The Flavour Lasts Sealed, Tlsht^ Kept, Rleht