» l YOU'LL DO BETTER AT A*P ■■■■■■■■■ YOU'LL DO BETTER At A*P YOU'LL DO BETTER AT A«kP YOU'LL DO BETTER AT AfcP YOU'LL DO BETTER AT A4P | YOU'LL DO BETTER AT A&P You'll do better at AP Prices effective thru Saturday, April 25th, 1981 WINNERS OF DISNEYWORLD CONTEST MRS. C. MILLIER coaouxo, ontabio MR. DARRELL MacGREGOR TIMMINS, ONTABIO MRS. ANNE CAREY . oooemcH, Ontario MRS. LINDA GRICE IANSDOWNI, ONTARIO r -fTT" SAVE 1.36 I II I SAVE UP TO 96/ 1 || I SAVE 80/ I Powdered | 1 j All Popular Canadian Brands ( | 1 | Fine, Granulated | SUNLIGHT DETERGENT 6 litre box (Our Regular Price 4.35) Chicken Needle (Our Reg. Price 44c ee. -- Buy 3, SAVE 33c) CAMPBELL'S O QA soup ,o ,r u lo, uu^ REGULAR AND WINTERFRESH ACTION PRICEI SO ml TUBE Colgate Toothpaste 2^99/ MARTINS, RECONSTITUTED ACTION PRICEI Apple JlllCe carton of 6 - 6-fl-oz tins 1.49 INSTANT DECAFFEINATED" COFFEE ACTION PRICEI Maxwell House ^ ^ 5.99 Buy 2--SAVE 59/ Jane Parker, Cracked Wheat Bread or 60% WHOLE WHEAT 24-oz loaf 2^99^ (Our Regular Price 79c loaf) (Our Reg. Price 73c each -- Buy 3 -- SAVE 47c) Asserted Varieties MONARCH % CAKE MIXES' peck 2 <w 99 ) ASSORTED VARIETIES ACTION PRICEI Colonial Cookies 45o gP k g 1.59 MONARCH Soft Margarine nth* 99/ JANE PARKER -- HAMBURG BUNS OR Wiener Rolls p'= * 59/ SUPER BUY! Added Touch CAKE MIXES Assorted Flavours 524 g 79 0 Gey Lea FIESTA YOGOURT " ,b Actlen Prlcel FROZEN, "DEEP CRUST", PEPPERONI OR DELUXE Totinos Pizza 3so g P k g 1.99 "IN SYRUP", SLICED, CRUSHED, TIDBITS Palanda Pineapple i9.floz.m69/ ASSORTED FLAVOURS ACTION PRICEI Hl-C Fruit Drinks «-hoz <m 89/ Regular er Diet Olngsr Ale, C-Plus, Wink (Mus kettle depeek) -- 7S0 ml kettle CANADA DRY BEVERAGES 2 89 (Our Relier Price 4Sc each) REGULAR & KING SIZE CIGARETTES carton 20's and 25 s (Our Regular Price up to 9.35) SUGAR 2 kg bag (Limit 10 per family purchase) (Our Regular Price 2.29) Combination Peck PORK CHOPS Contains: 2 RIB END 2 LOIN END, 4 CENTRE CUTS (Was 1.89 lb) Cut from Canada's Finest Grade 'A' Beef Outside Cut, Eye Removed ROUND ROAST (Was 3.19(b) Loin -- ( Boneless lb 2.69) PORK ROASTS Centre Cut SAVE 40/ lb Cut hum Canada's Finest Grade "A "Beef BONELESS rS&s Rump, Sirloin Tip or IL Inside Cut Round SAVE UP TO (Our Regular Price up to 3.39 lb) 70/lb FULL SLICE (Was 2.39 lb) PORK LOIN Rib Portion or JflAQ n , A Tenderloin Portion |133 RoUfld St69 k lb 2.79 3 to S'/l-lb cut - I INSIDE CUT ROUND OR TENDERIZED, CUT FROM THE HIP . Cube Steaks »>2.99 CENTRE CUT (BONELESS LB 2.B») EEESH Pork' Loin Chops ib 1.79 Lean Ground Beef «■ 1.99 COMBINATION, APPROX. 50% MEDIUM GROUND BEEP Pork Loin Rib Portion Was 1.99 Ib, SAVE 40c amd so% ground pork COUNTRY STYLE IRQ Ground Meat «1.49 SPARE RIBS Ib I 38 " Beef Liver *99/ ASP OR MARY MILES, SUCED Side Bacon SWIFT OLD MILL, BREAKFAST Sausages SWIFT PREMIUM 500 g vet pit 1.59 Wieners ub vae p a ° 1.39 BLUE WATER -- FROZEN ib 1.39 Fish & Chips v«r 1.99 <AEFAR4r V*!t AIP^V FOR FRESHNESS « FLAVOUR! CANADA NO. I OEADE, PRODUCT OF FLORIDA, SWEET, TENDER, OOLDEN C0SN 0H- A QQ, the-cob 209' PRODUCT OP CHIU, CRISP, SWEET Product of California HAVEL ORANGES each Sweet Seedless Size 138's Preduct ef CaUFarnla, Greet with Sea feed 4 Salada ib 98/ Lemons 5'-99/ PROD. OP CALIFORNIA, RIPE, SWEET, LUSCIOUS, FRESH Predect a# CaUFarnla, Sweat, Seedlew, Sin ll'i, Urge Red Grapes PROD. OP CALIFORNIA, RIPE, SWB Strawberries »*" 99/ Oranges n»>i 12-1.99 Fred, ef U.S.A., Ml. a Match -- Bunch Oreen Onlenc er Canada Na. 1 Orada, Fred, ef Onterle, Lang, Indien Radishes «r*. 31.- 99/ Cucumbers mmi ... 99/ Canada Fancy, Fred, ef Onlerle, Bed, Sweat 5-lh bag PRODUCT OP FLORIDA, TENDER, OMEN Delicious Apples 1.79 Zucchini Squash n>69/ SAVE 5 Of' 1-Ply Bathroom Tissue COTTONELLE TISSUE pkg of 4 rolls (Our Regular Price 1.69) £ > Primo SAVE 40- SPAGHETTI SAUCE , 28 oz. Î p Plain 99 s PRIMO -- WITH MEAT OR MUSHROOMS ACTION PRICEI Spaghetti Sauce i4.fi-oz.m79/ a LEAVER -- SLICED OR PIECES t STEMS ACTION PRICEI ® Mushrooms 10.fi.oztm 99/ J; BREAD AND BUTTER ACTION PRICEI ^ Coronation Pickles 7 j.°, ml 1.49 S SAVE 50/ Assorted Varieties PRIMO PASTAS 900 g pkg (Our Regular Price 1.49) -- SAVE 44c) 139 Aliened Varieties (Our Rag. Price l.SS -- SAVE 44c) CLARK 24-fi-oz STEWS^ LIQUID . Javex Bleach î.» ntr® plastic jug 79/ READY-TO-SERVE, ASSORTED VARIETIES ACTION PRICEI Heinz Soups s « °ztm 4v89/ DECORATED, WHITE OR TEUOW Viva Towels P k g of2r 0 iis 1.19 Buy 3-SAVE 54/ 1 8 Macaroni and Cheese KRAFT DINNER 225 g pkg (Our Regular Price 51c each) FROZEN FISH Whatever the season, fish can make a fantastic dinner. The frozen product offers the convenience of seafood that Is already cleaned, cut, boned and 100% edible. It is the pick of the catch, available year round In the supermarket freezer. Frozen fillets cook quickly and can be prepared In a variety of ways. Fillets can he fried, baked, broiled .or poached. They are delicious too in chowders, Hews and casseroles. Allow l/3 pound per serving' and round off the menu with vegetables, potatoes or rice and dessert, Fish makes a nutritious main course any time of the year end Is a popular alternate to meat as a main course protein food. It Is also an excellent source of vitamins and minerals, as well os being low In calorie». For recipes, nutrition and consumer information write to: Ruth Reynold*, ASP Comumer Consultant, P.O. Box 68, Station A, Toronto, Ontario, M5W 1A6 YOU'LL DO BETTER AT AtP YOU'LL DO BETTER AT A4P The Canadian Statesman, Bowman ville, April 22, 1961 7 KENDAL On April 8th the Newtonville ladies sponsored a bus trip to the O'Keefe Centre, Toronto, to see theplay Anne of Green Gables. Those from Kendal area who went were Mrs. Pearl Clark, Mrs. Mary Carscadden, Mrs. J. Stapleton, Miss Catherine Stewart and Mrs. R. Elliott. It was much enjoyed by all who saw it. On Monday evening, April 13, Mrs. E. Foster, Mrs. J. Jackson, Miss Catherine Stewart and Mrs. R. Elliott attended the Newcastle U.C.W. Easter Thankoffering Service. The guest speaker was Rev. Schamerhom from Bowmanville who brought a fine address on the Year of the Handicapped. The ladies also provided an inspiring devotional. Lunch was served to all following the service. Mr. Arthur Thompson and Mrs. G. Cathcart attended the Good Friday Service at Newtonville. The guest speaker was Mrs. Buna Killens the incoming president of Oshawa Presbyterial. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Boudreau and their daughter from near Annopolis Royal, Nova Scotia,-are visiting their son and family, Mr. and Mrs. --Harry Boudreau and Brian. There were ten tables in play at the card party on Friday evening in Kendal Orange Hall. The winners were - high lady - Pearl Clark, low lady - Arvilla Barrett, high man - Richard Lowery, low man - Charlie Finney. The 50-50 draw went to Audre Russel. The last card party for this season will be in two weeks, May 1st. i On Wednesday, Miss Catherine Stewart, Mrs. Julia Jackson and Mrs. Mabel Elliott were in Toronto and called to see Mrs. Alva Swarbrick in a nursing home in Downsview. We are glad to report Mrs. Swarbrick is well, looking forward to a family gathering at her daughters on Easter. Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Couroux and Marie were at their cottage on Lake Kushog over the Easter weekend where they had a family gathering. Those visiting with them were Eddie's mother, three of his sisters and their husbands, his brother and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Homer Couroux, their son and wife Mr. and Mrs. Ray Couroux and Scott of Hampton. The Cub and Scout Awards night was held Wednesday evening, April 15. Glen Foster, son of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Foster received his Chief Scout's Award. Good work Glen! Mrs. Marie Stukel and son Mark of St. Catharines spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs..Martin Foster and Glen and on Sunday afternoon, they attended the christening of Steven Foster, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Foster at Shiloh Church. Dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. R. Elliott on Friday evening were Mr. and Mrs. Harland Seens of Bailieboro and Mr. and Mrs. Harland Elliott. The occasion was to help celebrate Mrs. Seens' birthday. Easter dinner guests of Miss Stewart on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Dan Keane and family of Scarborough and Mr. George Lofthouse of Whitby. Mr. and Mrs. R. Elliott spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. H. Boudreau and Brian, also Mr. and Mrs. L. Boudreau and their daughter Gertrude. - With ■ Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Greenwood for Easter were Mr. and Mrs. Grant Greenwood and family from Burlington. Some from this area attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Lyall Lowery on Saturday morning. The service was from the Northcutt Elliott Funeral Home, Bowmanville. Sympathy is extended to her family also Mrs. Hartwell Lowery, her sister. With Mr. and Mrs. Roy Little and Lynn for Easter were Mr. and Mrs. Jim Little and family from Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Ron Dinner and daughters from Wesleyville and Mr. and Mrs. Rick Neal and family from Pontypool. Mrs. Emma Davies from Toronto spent a couple of weeks visiting her daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Cathcart and - on Monday Mrs. Kapoc and her daiighter Mariam and friend Linda visited the Cathcarts. Visiting Helen Boyd on Saturday were Ronnie Clancy and Bev. Laws from Mississauga and on Sunday were her sister Berniece Martin, Mr. and Mrs, Danny Clancy and Kerry Ann from Scarborough also Mr. and Mrs. George Palmer and Mr. Pat Palmer from Elizabethville. Mr. and Mrs. Brad Hillis and son from Bowmanville visited his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Don Hillis for Easter. There was a good attendance out to church for Easter Sunday. Rev, A. Tizzard's sermon was entitled 'Easter Paths'. A group of young girls sang 'The Stranger of Galilee' accompanied by Mrs. Fern Foster at the piano.