i t Section Two The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, April 29, '^A-'vKy. : !, ' : * > ■ ; •. _ . -Aîi&r/tte A: V: ;•'! ; V) ' .'rj : S 'i •• F ■'■•'CV'IS-'î:®. i h'-jC. iX if'""' ifP^i fe rr THURSDAY, APRIL 30th, '81 • excluding prescriptions, tobacco and hearing aid battery coupon offer. • SURPRISES • FREE REFRESHMENTS • SPOT PRIZES AND A CHANCE TO WIN A12" BUCK 4 WHITE PORTABLE TV AT EACH STORE pkg. Of 2'S VIVA TOWELS LIMIT 2 PKGS. PER CUSTOMER V SCOTT. The hard working Tc with the soft, soft toucl il L'essuie-tout dur à l'ouvrage :h el tout doux au toucher C*mMomu-« w *. Cl'WI.V. •V»?.y^A t»«L1 Mflll i CNA0L1 MVlli L I. Li) '■ 27.7cm X 23.6cm X LIGHTERS 3 litre ' SUNLIGHT DETERGENT each 1 litre SUNLIGHT fcl wn* LIQUID DETERGENT each HEAVYDUTY CLEANING POWER SUPERNETTOWNT 100's ENTROPHEN-10 TABLETS 650 mg • each 340 g METAMUCIL NATURAL SOURCE LAXATIVE m urn Metamucil psyllium hydrophilic mucilloid 1 J'l*'» OP- *9y*1».J 'filpOO»Fy NATURAL SOURCE laxative GENTLE REUEF x 0f CONSTIPATION NOTE 8rc Auie oi i$ mode ol icl-o« mi, ill# ? OF 3 di,i 10 Of Come « u if, r'*«i if . Di* n c4 '"'ê"upi DOSAGE QF-e My-'dro ifjipoo<' , v i ' lO J I FT.,1 , ,|J, i 0 e0 i fl (U , tf m Ik .v »,«F,.. ,1.1 J,.n, ,mFw#o,,|fi, ^StAAI Seed* aftetmacewlKBii Net content by wwÿu --------DIN - ~ v . a rraL--a c~~ --t tr-xacr ji v ;--crsiricta t.* ----j .1 i -,v:vr3 tuxanea vtznvsM Bsrjaao nr* Butant 1 tnwsaa nrscattw raRwww umsmst auoroim sea-way* ecwrsa ta=E=;o c rzraxsa kansssu wanai bjkupk-a «xrcsa tauootn et.asa.VQ tmerrm tr.TK.vj imnwen trarovni eutrereKi tse&scn max : ' x If NAME, ADDRESS S',... ?x 1 Fv¥V : ygtofteiÿteK hVr'^rV.V-'v' 1 s Wi(à te® N klF" wnv Iff # (Ifi ■ *8 ,'a/ wi-,rr': k x2F ii-dl ifi® Xi:f 19 pBlWpi M âsi El ^ Xte : ï;?:ïcr El fc'j'i TELEPHONE. FOR SENIORS ONLY-NO PURCHASE NECESSARY Winners must answer an arithmetical skill-testing question. ^ on Eveready Hearing Aid Batteries Seniors only on Thursday, April 30, |j with this coupon. Limit one package 1981. Shoppers Drug Mart stores carry a per customer. Coupon valid to large selection of hearing aid batteries. MllCUAï 14ttll Vwiy«IRFu4i4, HEARING AID BATTERIES PILES D'APPAMIS ACOUSTIQUES vtitua* .♦•tit v f»i»iifru4 14. HEARING AID BATTERIES IIES O'AFfAWlS ACOUSTIJOeS Ifr I UiuiJtvflCEU KissaNsj# ^wsl ftV'Aiai..1 tzvz&m cr^aacsi wscawi crÆ'J vi fy.vijaiai uirKs.;a rkus^ibi teaeraea cxi |f » ti 1 f! : : J J WKK r,.r -:-,a ,« n......r_. uum t*£/XJ3 i c., ...yu (x.... t-3CK.cJ) fc...... : i r. . .. > i t-s-.au lumj &w,vi mhwtji r.'.....>u iv.u'X.1 w.,-.*n 100's SCOTTIES HANDY PAK FACIAL TISSUES Limit 2 pkgs. per Customer -R^ y, [| «1 'iieeg M X i,- ! ' r 1 each 60's SCOTT FAMILY NAPKINS Limit 2 pkgs. per Customer ( / : tbj |p each Ü VéP'> «'I Tuscan: milv napkins pfcpee retins serenes , , -, go . 1. r ' A ' v..; i3»xi2.33.. «30 5 . 100's LIFE BRAND LOW CALORIE SWEETENER O Low Calorie Low Calorie Sweetener Sodium z Cyclamate Powder 'Hr DC? : llv,3 n ., ; v, l-i \ ■ i 11 «*y w « ^ u ! j 11 We reserve the right to limit quantities while quantities Inst, <ï K \ NS3 80 mL ANTIPHLOGISTINE RUBA-535 o, ; vijf Lti?) Lii..- ■ : I, 7. y t. . j each 100's SUPER PARAMETTES fw ft; L„/ ï?ku xh •■■■ X Wif each pirimettes VtlAWiNS AM'-, *,tiM HA| s t'l US IRON Ayerst f 350 mL or 50's DIOVOL SUSPENSION or TABLETS DIN lints <f4K ... Dtovol SUSPENSION 350 ml Relief of Acid Indigestion | Ottufi and Gas 1 I i HOMIER .