I t 1 18 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, May 6, 1981 I & The Winning Combination ! e:;> bsw Diet or Regular Pepsi Cola 24 x 280 ml.tins 6 x 30 ml Ret. Bottles Plus Deposit 0.00 7: J 'vV"4' v-* /'•/• >.• ■, ; f - ' - ' / '••A y -WF :7V .^.■V^v-A.V' m 1 1 ^ 1 (#Ç,'î75<57r e iM>> > . SfSl m| jSSS| l$Sm afsSS. 7y ! ' ' V : 7 : - ■' ■ F'V- ■ f .'iif'■ : 'W ! 'W ! 7 : <* .A CZzV »l' 7h* ? IXâl'- - Limit: 3 cases per family SPECIAL! Partly Skinned Whole or Shank Portion Smoked Cooked Hams x < : sXz'Â*-V.ç i 2iW5ti-' 1 *'• t'-U/>v ,<âw^ssiàss^ ... ifi IFir , piiS: ià .'V. •■• - I ! If -.W4Ï '«.'..jM*-.'; v.'--j!!V .'7§\7V' ; ,.V r-?i,v ■v 'MS st?iws "■:•■■■•.■■fj'-v,/' 1 -. - -' '. ! -X ', , ■ l'i ; .■"i x.'ktii»'.--': V ' '. .-■ our reg. price 1.19 lb. / save .20 ». Cream Style Corn, Fancy Peas, French Green Beans or Seasoned Golden Wax Beans Del Monte Vegetables 14 fl. ox. tin ÊfiV? ;iv: ; iv.r;'F , -- \ J r ' ■ '•'«••'•■j' '1x77 i , 7 1 i V>7 j V x7 SPECIAL! White or Pink Frozen Concentrated Unsweetened Dominion Lemonade 6V2 fl. ox. coni our reg. price .30 ea. save.51 on 5 contt. Instant Nescafe Coffee 10 ox. jar Ideal (or Barbecue, Meaty Pork Side Spare Ribs lb. iiS5S our reg. price 6.39 save .40 iM LCtilJStiiÜf our reg. price 1.78 save.50 Cut From Canada Grade "A" Beef Government Inspected, Naturally Aged, Dominion Trim The King of Roasts, Chef Style, Prime Rib Anniversary Roasts lb. our reg. price 3.98 lb. save 1.00 lb. Cut From Canada Grade "A" Beef Government Inspected, Naturally Aged, Dominion Trim, Boneless Rib Eye Steaks lb. mm SWE:;|§i mm E1 r*<v 5 v-x! -3^ k$m rei KiyHl tSTs'd our reg. price 5.48 lb. save .50 lb. Orange Pekoe, Tetley Tea Bags 8ox.pkg.of72 our reg. price 2.19 save .30 Dry Roasted Planters Peanuts 325 g pkg. f '■ VT;X' ; ...■( j i. ■ j : / ! vM 1^.0j V ! V: i Zx X'V'-X: /.Mxi»Viy r>T T .i i- vv, 4 'wiPtHra A<$W py pv-i Wm / W /- 'V i nr^ • ■ v ' - ,'Vj our reg. price 2.75 save.36 Austral Choice Bartlett Pears 28 fl. ox. tin Product of U.S.A. Canada No. 1 Grade Head Lettuce each Maple Leaf Smoked Picnic Pork Shoulders lb. Chicken, Mac A Cheese, Barbecue, Pimento or Luncheon, Bums' Cooked Sliced Meats 175 g pkg. our reg. price 1.49 save .30 !':■ ; : ! 7 ./v|; -VF.* i.;: ' j ( j ■-< j t : - . j . ' fc h SPECIAL! our reg. price 1.68 lb. save.50 lb. our reg. price.99 VanMa, Chocolate or Strawbarry Spedall Special! AI1 Purpow Special! Schneiders Flavoured, Instant Vim Qulkki Plaatic Johnson a " Rindless, Sliced Skim Milk QÛ Utility CA Complete r\ AA Breakfast H Powder pkg® aOv Bags ofüs iOv Polish ï 1 ^lOv Bacon 5 pkg B 1 S ^ CM Sliced I OO Schneiders H LOO Bologna 3 P 7 kg g I S P eclal! Mint or Regular SpeCia " I.68 Soasle '"ÏÏ 1.19 Aeroeot Shout S P eda " Rkhmetlo ***"" SpeClaM Blttnw'a Soil & Stain 1 CH Peach 1 CÛ » 6 ■ m>. CQ Breakfast H Remover ^ leOi# Pie Ii9%# Margarine tube e O%# Sausage m. I Special! Bmner . g Sllced I OQ Krakowska ■5/0 Sausage '$££ Sp«l«! gSSS?*" .99 t£ % .69 Qnsrtall Crwwtell Frozen, Concentrated Cnerlelt Red Hots or Wonder »peaaii Rlchm#)l0 special! Unlweelened Kenl special! Dutch Treel I English QC Shortcake OO Orange 07 Schneiders H Muffins ola m Ov Layer '°£. rOv Juice mOf Wieners X: I Special! I OO Bitter's H LOO Deli Chubs =" g b | S Pe clal! Johnson's SpeC ' al! 1.69 Shampoo IS 2.39 Definite Difference on Produce Sugar Plum Halves Cooked Hams Special! 2.28 Bittner's Sliced Jagdwurst Sausage 125 g pkg. Product of U.S.A. Strawberries Quart Æt v ; k*W' ÂV'ï«f-vi'>% '■'> m a-nn a ki vm ,vZ;, . ■ .! tiiiV-i yryj ' . SPECIAL! Ontario Grown Canada Fancy McIntosh Apples Soedall Product OIU.S.A. Canada No. 1, New Crop Fresh Carrots blÜ 1.28 Fr " h Special! Product ol U.S.A. Canada No. 1 Fresh Cucumbers Special! 2Z99 Product ol U.S.A. Fresh Broccoli Special) bunch Product ol U.S.A. Canada No, 1 Fresh Tomatoes lb. Special! ^ c1 " ,u 1 s é A ' , r Ontario No. 1, Sweet Green Peppers Green Special! lb. Frozen Cello Cod Fillets Special! 1.79 Frozen Cello Boston Blue Fish Special! 1.29 Individually Quick Frozen Perch Fillets Special! 1.79 Special! VALUES EFFECTIVE UNTIL CLOSING TUES., MAY 12,1981. A Definite Difference at Dominion LOOK FOR THIS SYMBOL FOR EXTRA SAVING SPECIALS! ■tftr. I'-i-L-* ' 1 V.WufjLijMkVVV#'-» /Msi Nhw" ' '.h' • -xl A wp' ■ v f 7 V- 11) / ! m WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES