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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 May 1981, p. 4

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4 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, May 13, 1981 StfE Newcastle 3nbepenbent Editors: Hazel and Jack Crago Telephone 987-4201 ^ Exhibit of Art from BHS Students Opens at Visual Arts Centre Sympathy is extended to friends ana family of Norm Eddy who passed away Friday at his Oshawa home. On the weekend, Mr. and Mrs. Tony Vaicious, St. Catharines, visited her aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Ron Hope, Michelle and Tommy, her maternal grandmother Mrs. Betty Brown at South Haven Rest Home and her paternal f randmother, Mrs. Elizabeth kelding. Mrs. Bessie Dean entertained entertained the ladies of the euchre club last Monday. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Rickard and Mr. and Mrs. Pat Blaker attended the Bewdley and District Lions 10th anniversary anniversary and charter on Friday evening and Brighton Lions 35th anniversary on Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wade were in Toronto on Saturday, dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Dennis. Mr. and Mrs. Nico de Jonge, Whitby, were Sunday visitors with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Murray Paterson. President Margery Freethy of the Newcastle Horticultural Society has been busy gardening gardening with her work crews. She informs us that Rick Gould will be guest speaker at the S Snow and Plant Sale in ly, May 19, at the Newcastle Newcastle Community Hall. Mrs. May Burley and Mr. Arthur Clark visited on Sunday with their sister, Mrs. Raye Del vin, Belleville and her daughter Mary Delvin, Almonte. On Saturday, May 2nd, Mr. and Mrs. Ron Hope, Michelle and Tommy, attended the wedding of his brother John Hope to Miss Heather McClarty in Port Perry. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Sunley, Toronto, were weekend visitors with Rev. and Mrs. David Spivey, Simon and Neil. Mrs. Elizabeth Skelding visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Skelding and girls, Port Perry. Mrs. Pauline Storks, Mrs. Dae Storks and her sister Kelly Feris visited Canada's Wonderland on Sunday. On Tuesday night, Mrs. Wilda Johnson, Mrs. Raye Friedlander and Mrs. Pauline Storks enjoyed a Fashion Show at Parkwood, Oshawa. On Sunday at St. George's Anglican Church, Melissa and Benjamin Hendry, children of Frank and .Linda Hendry, Cambridge, were baptized by Rev. Allan Haldenby. Following Following the service, luncheon was enjoyed at the home of their grandparents, Alex and Charlotte Hendry. Present on this happy occasion were members of the Phipps, Gray and Hendry families and the children's God-parents, about fifty guests in all. On Mother's Day, Mrs. Marjorie Hagerman was entertained to dinner by her son and family, Robert, Judy and Pam of Oshawa. Son Allan Freethy, C.F.B. Petawa, his friend Pte. Peter Moreland, Montreal, Quebec, were weekend visitors with the K. Freethy family. Mrs. Pauline Storks attended attended a Ganaraska Executive Meeting in Port Hope last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Rickard enjoyed Mother's Day dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Elaschuk, Oshawa. The regular meeting of the Newcastle Senior Citizens will be held this Thursday evening, May 14. Mrs. Bessie Dean enjoyed Sunday with her daughter and son-in-law, Mr, and Mrs. Gamey Lycett, Andrea and Dean, Port Hope. Mother's Day visitors with Mrs. Gladys Wood included Mr. and Mrs. Reid Wood, Newtonville, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Felgate and Colleen, Unionville and Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Wood, Orono. Sixteen members of the Afternoon Unit of the U.C.W. enjoyed their meeting last Thursday at the home of Mrs. Gladys Wood. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Thomas, who spend the winter in Eustis, Florida, were house- guests last week with his sister, Mrs. Nellie Spencer, Mrs. Pat Bernard, Flésherton, was a weekend visitor with her mother, Mrs. Spencer, and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bennett, Ennismore were Sunday visitors. Mrs. Bonnie Alldred and Robyn, Stephenson Road, were Sunday lunch guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robin Alldred. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Rowe and Barry were supper guests other parents. Mr. and Mrs' Wayne Gordon, Lisa and Julie, Oshawa, were weekend visitors visitors with Mrs. Gladys Pacey and family. Birthday greetings to Marjorie Gray, ' Isobel Gamier, Lisa Marie Wright and Christena Selby. Mr. and Mrs. John Pacey, Peterborough, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Storey, who havé just returned from Florida,, Mr. Calvin Todd; Mr. and Mrs. Roy Pacey, Bowmanville, and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Brown and Janice, Peterborough, were weekend callers with Mrs. Gladys Pacey and her daughter Gladys Hooey and her grandchildren Vernon, Edna and Audrey Sunday. Mr. Harold Harris is a patient in Oshawa General Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Couch spent last Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Art Bourgeois and family) Belleville. Jimmy Bourgeois, Belleville, spent Friday, Saturday and Sunday with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Couch. Arthritis News Arthritis Society volunteers from throughout the area met at the Knights of Columbus Hall in Whitby on May 8, to hear about past achievements and" plans for the future. Attending the meeting from Newcastle were Terry St. Pierre, Marilyn Kent, Kathleen Kathleen Powell, Bessie Dean, Audrey Gogerty, Donna Morrow, Morrow, Narda Hoogkamp, Albert and Myrtle Pearce, Hazel and Walter Murphy, Clara Schmid and Jack and Hazel Crago. The meeting was chaired T>y Jim Dutton, a member of the Advisory Board of the Peterborough Peterborough Branch of the Arthritis Society. There were over 110 volunteers present representing the counties of Durham, Haliburton, Northumberland, Peterborough Peterborough and Victoria. Ross Morrison, Executive Director, Ontario Division of the Arthritis Society reported that volunteers throughout Ontario and Canada continue to surpass the financial goals they set in 1980. He announced that $4,781,000 has been allocated allocated in support of Research and Manpower for 1981. The remainder of the. program was educational in nature and was moderated by Dr. Jerry Tenenbaum, Assistant Professor of Medicine, Medicine, University of Toronto. His presentation covered research in Osteo-arthritis, with Rheumatoid Arthritis reviewed by Dr. Carter Thorne, Chief Fellow, the Wellesley Wellesley Hospital, and Lupus Clinical Studies by Dr. Simon Carette, Fellow the Wellesley Hospital. In closing, all three rheumatoligists thanked the volunteers for their support and encouragement. Anglican News Rev. A. E. Haldenby attended attended a meeting of the Clergy-of Durham ana Northumberland Deanery at the Rectory of Rev. Dr. Norman Martin in Gore's Landing on Monday, May 4. The annual meeting of the Anglican Church Women of Toronto Diocese was held in Toronto at the Diocesan Centre on Tuesday, May 5, Mrs. Grace Haldenby attended attended on behalf of the women of St. George's and St. Saviour's, Orono. j At the meeting 'of St. George's Anglican Church Women on Wednesday, May 6, plans were made for the Salad Supper on Wednesday, June 3rd. Mrs. Haldenby showed the illustrated lecture called The Tale of a Bale. This was about the great contribution of people in the south in times past ( helping people in Northern Canada with clothing. clothing. Now this contribution is no longer needed and new ways are being looked for, to help churches in the north. On Sunday there was a Service of Baptism at 11 a.m. in St. George's. Melissa Mary Rtiwe Hendry and Benjamin Alexander Gray Hendry, children of Francis Alfred and Linda Marlene Hendry of Cambridge and Allan Joseph Black, son of Gordon Douglas and Janet Black of Newtonville Newtonville were baptized. Many relatives and friends of both MayjwrhsBiTANNiA Vinyl Wallœvering Sale! Get a smart 25% OFF* makers book price. (Limited Time Offer-May6 lh -16 ül ) Decorating with Mayfair-the original best-selling British-made vinyl wallcovering-just became an extra smart buy. -i-i Now until May 16th, ** you'll get 25% OIT all our nicest Mayfair vinyl designs. All easy to hang because they're pre-pasted! Visit your local Mayfair dealer right now. Ixx>k over the Mayfair vinyl f\ wallcovering books. They're filled " ' -, with exciting designs-from fabulous flocks and foils to florals, slri|X'S, textures and modems, lick out the Mayfair patterns dial work best with your decor. And get 25% OFF the suggested book price. It's that easy. And it's a good deal. So hurry! No wonder smart walls wear Mayfair! Abernethy's Paint and Wallpaper Ltd. 55 King St. W. Bowmanville Telephone 623-5431 'Sale not applicable to "Complements" by Mayfair wallpapers. families were present for this happy occasion. In accordance with the theme of Easter and Mother's Day, the Rector spoke on 'The Joy of Christian Faith.' Next Sunday, Mrs. T. Gracie of Bowmanville will tell about her work in the Anglican Fellowship of Prayer in St. George's at 11 a.m. United Church News On Wednesday evening at the Official Board Meeting, departing minister Rev. David Spivey introduced the incoming minister Rev. Donald Donald Stiles and his wife Sheila to the board members. At 2:30 p.m. on Sunday, May 24, at Newcastle United Church, friends are invited to a reception, reception, held in honor of Rev. and Mrs. David Spivey, Simon and Neil. All friends are welcome. Sunday School Anniversary was celebrated at Newcastle United Church on Sunday, May 10. Mrs. Gail Rickard read the opening prayer and Mrs. Hazel May Munro read the closing prayer. The first scripture Mark 2, verses 1-12 was ready by Johnna Lynn Chard. The second scripture Galations 6, verses 2-5, was read by Murray Jose. The theme for the service was What Do We Mean by Disabled? Disabled? The date of the church auction is May 22nd at the Grist Mill Auction Barn, Newtonville. Newtonville. Several ladies from Newtonville Newtonville attended the display of over 100 quilts at Mrs. Layng's home on Saturday afternoon sponsored by Shiloh U.C.W. ..Also in the evening. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Donnelly, Donnelly, Darryl .and Lori-Ann of Port Hopie with Mr. and Mrs. Don Stapleton had dinner Sunday at the Swiss Chalet in Whitby. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Boughen were dinner guests on Sunday with Mrs. E. Gordon of Orono. Mrs. Carolyn Gilmer and Kim of Newcastle with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Tompkins and Shelly were dinner guests on Sunday with Mrs. Lena Clysdale. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Stapleton, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Stapleton and Mr. and Mrs. Maurice O'Neill attended a Jack and Jill party at Brownsdale Community Centre on Friday evening for Miss Edith Hale and Mr. David Gilbank. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lane of Owen Sound spent a few days with Mrs. Leone Lane last week. On Saturday evening they attended a family dinner party fori their daughter fand son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Rae Stewart, Toronto, their 25th wedding anniversary at the Oddfellow's Hall in Orono. Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Farrow Farrow visited her dad Mr. Stan Bowen, a patient in Oshawa Hospital on Sunday afternoon. A meeting of the Hall Board was held Wednesday evening with six in attendance. Prices were to be obtained to have a hot water heater installed. A beef barb-a-que was also planned for Saturday, August 15th if it didn't interfere with other community activities. The . last Progressive Euchre Card Party was held in the Hall Friday evening with only seven tables in play. The prizes were won by - high ladies - Mabel Elliott and Dora De Smit tied. Gents - Alick Moffat and Scott Yeo. Lucky prizes - Lena Clysdale and Reg Elliott. 50-50 prize - Pearl Clarke. The teen-town dance held in the Hall on Saturday evening with over 100 in attendance. Chaperons included Inez Boughen, Lena Clysdale, Ross Robinson, Sandra Mclnnes and Michael Tizzard. Mrs. Roy Farrow and Mr. Reg Falls were dinner guests on Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Farrow of Bomanville. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Imlach, Dale and Robert with Mr. and Mrs. David Imlach, Paul and Drew were dinner guests on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Elliott. Tuesday visitors with Mrs. Cecil Burley were Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Gilmer of Cameron. On Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. Ron Burley of Newcastle and on Sunday, Mr. x and Mrs. Earle McEwen, Peterborough, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Burley, Tina and Trade, Belleville, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Burley, Bridge- north and Mr. and Mrs. Sid Burley of Toronto. The Newtonville-Starkville bowling learn held their award night at the "Flying Dutchman" restaurant on Thursday evening, After the meal, the following prizes were presented. The first team - Evergreens - Dian Sciuk's team; 2nd - Maples - Jean Arnold's; 3rd - Willows - Joyce Stacey; 4th - Pines - Peggy Millson's. The Pines also won the play-offs. High single - Marlene Stacey, high triple - Peggy Millson, high average • Gail Millson; 300 games were - Marlene Stacey, Jean Arnold, Blanche Jones and Gail Millson. The executive for next season is President Janice Dilworth, Sccty Karen Rent- land, Trcas. Evelyn Farrow with captains Dorilda McCar- ron, Blanche Jones, Irene Marlin and Ann Bickle. Each member rec'd. a silk flower arrangement and also a bell. The evening was spent playing Court Whist, with high prizes going to Joyce Stacey and Gail Millson. Low to Jean Harness and Vi Patterson. Door prize - Pat Millson. Mr. and Mrs. W. Kiers, Mr. and Mrs. Maurice O'Neill and Mr. and Mrs. Trueman Henderson were among those who attended Masonic Ladies Night of Orono in the arena on Saturday evening. Callers on Sunday with Mrs. Roy Farrow and Mr. Reg Falls were Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Farrow, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Farrow, Toronto, Mr. Paul Byers, Miss Susan Byers, both of Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. Ken Brignall, Melissa and Angela of Bowmanville. Bowmanville. For Family Sunday, the greeters at the door were Jack and Wanda Kimball. Assisting with the Baptism was Jessie Best. The children who were baptised were Brianna Lea Black, Mark Russell McNair and Amanda Jayne Van Bodegom with godparents Mr. and Mrs.. Duane Chrysler. Miss Gefitriidg McFarlane spoke of her early life and also her work as a missionary for 15 years with the Inland African Mission at Kenya. The choir sang "God be with Our Mothers." A small gift was also presented to Wallace Boughen on behalf of the choir - Mary Vinkle and Marlene Stacey for his work in the choir loft and choir room. After the church services at Kendal, Mr. and Mrs. A. VanBodegom and children and Miss Gertrude McForlane were dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. Duane Chrysler and boys. Mr. and Mrs. Reid Wood with Mr. and Mrs. Glen Wood, Newcastle, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Andrews, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Russell Powell, Colleen and Kelly of Newcastle, Mr. and Mrs. Norm Andrews of Orono all were dinner guests on Sunday afternoon at Northumberland Heights at Cobourg. Mr. and Mrs. Syd Arnold with other couples of the hockey tournament returned home from Florida for 10 days on Sunday. They entered a hockey tournament and also visited other places of interest including the Busch Gardens. Next Tuesday, May 19th, the Women's Institute will meet at the home of Olive Henderson. Mrs. Diane Hamre will be the guest speaker. House plants and other perennials will be sold at the close of the meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Bennett of Belleville, Mr. John Goheen and Sheila Hempstead of Port Hope were dinner guests on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Maurice O'Neill. Mr. Wallace Boughen was among those who attended the hockey dinner award night and dance at Newcastle Community Hall on Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs, Doug Henderson Henderson of Newcastle, Mr. Bob Henderson, Mrs. Brenda St. John and Mr. and Mrs. David Henderson and Chris of Oshawa Oshawa were Mother's Day dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. Trueman Henderson. Monday visitors for dinner with Mrs. Leone Lane were ■Mr. and Mrs. Reg Woodhams, Toronto, Mrs. Marion Egerton of Bowmanville and Mrs. Irene Byers of Newcastle. The work of approximately 200 Bowmanville High School art students is on display at the Visual Arts Centre in Bowmanville. This is the first time that students from the high school have had their exhibit at the Centre and all grades are- own NEWTONVILLE represented by work which ranges from paper mache to print-making, sculpture and painting. The exhibit is open to the public until Thursday. Cheryl Anyan, a co-op student at B.H.S., prepared the exhibition. The above photo shows some of the persons in attendance at an opening of the exhibition held Saturday, May 9. The front row, from left to right, includes : Cheryl Anyan; Councillor Ann Cowman; Councillor Marie Hubbard; B.H.S. art teacher Jane Eccles; and. Kathy Coverley, drama teacher at Courtice Secondary School. The back row includes: Earl Wolff, principal at B.H.S. ; Harry Knapper, area superintendent for the school board; and Elfride Haunsberger of the Visual Arts Centre. Orono and District News By Mrs. Orville Challice Quote - "A happy life must sure be his - The Lord, not slave of things, who values life by what it is, and not by what it brings." Mrs. Ernest Gilbank and Mrs. Leslie Werry arrived home last week from several weeks vacation spent in England. England. While there they had the opportunity of attending the Royal Shakespearean theatre, and saw "As you like it." Mrs. Dorothy Bailey and Mrs. Eileen Billings were Mother's Day dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Bailey and boys, also visiting here, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Little of Kendal. Mr. and Mrs. Lome Bowins were Mother's Day guests of their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bailey and girls, Osha- ' wa. Members of Orono Horticulture Horticulture went on two garden tours this past week. On Wednesday evening, members of the Sr. and Jr. clubs visited Mostert's greenhouses, Bowmanville and viewed the many beautiful beautiful roses. Each guest was presented with two roses to bring home. On Thursday evening, the group enjoyed the large greenhouse operation of the "Country Florists" (Lloyds family) off Taunton Road. This operation is famous for their large geranium geranium collection. Mr. and Mrs. O. Challice were Mother's Day guests of their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Murray Brown and girls, Peterborough. The Kinsmen clubs held a very successful geranium plant sale in the community over the weekend and are to be congratulated on the excellent excellent work accomplished throughout the entire areas. St. Saviours Church News Congratulations to the ladies of St. Saviours and their helpers who served the delicious delicious salad supper to the large crowd last Wednesday evening, in the I.O.O.F. halls. It was a very successful event and well supported by the community. Next Sunday, May 17, Mrs. Betty Gracie, Diocesan Representative on the Anglican Anglican Fellowship of Prayer, will be the guest speaker at the Sunday a.m. services. Lay Readers Workshops - We are invited to take part in this workshop to be held in St. Paul's, Lindsay on Saturday, June 13. Bishop Hunt will be the leader. For further information information call Rev. Haldenby. Orono News Mrs. H. Luxton, Bowmanville Bowmanville visited her mother, Mrs. H.M. Mercer on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Lome Bowins visited his brother, Mr. Albert Bowins who is a patient in Peterborough Hospital on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Pears, Newcastle, visited his parents Mr. and Mrs. Len Pears over the weekend. A very large crowd attended the "Ladies Night" dinner held on Saturday evening in the Orono Masonic Lodge halls, The dinner was catered ' by the Kinettcs. On Saturday, May ti, the Orono Boy Scouts planted 400 trees at the Durham Sr. Citizens Complex and the Orono Beavers and Cubs planted 800 trees on the sixth line. The parents and leaders assisted with this worthwhile event, A special thank you to all who generously sponsored our tree planting programs, Orono United Church News On Sunday, May 10, (Mother's Day), the 'sacrament 'sacrament of baptism was celebrated celebrated at Orono United, with Rev. Wayne Wright officiating. officiating. The following babies were presented for baptism: Adam Christopher Johnson, son of Paul and Ginny Johnson; Wayne Percy Werry, son of Pamela and Gordon Werry; Dyson Austin Drury and Dana Marie Drury, children of Debbie and Dave Drury; David Jordan Scott Allin, son of John and Anna Marie Allin; Brooke Alicia Paus, daughter daughter of Kathy and Wolfgang Paus; Amanda Christine Morris, daughter of Heather and Edward Morris; Alecia Corinne Staples, daughter of David and Sharon Staples; Andrea Nicolé Rutherford, daughter of Janet and Richard Rutherford; Cameron Robert Victor Kent, son of Denise and Jamie Kent; Robert Mathew Howes, son of Bob and Heather Howes. Remember our auction sale to be held at the church on Tuesday evening, 6:30 p.m. Mr. Sterling Mathew will be the auctioneer. Proceeds for church renovations. Three carloads of Orono residents travelled to Oak- wood United Church on Sunday Sunday evening, May 10, to hear the guest speaker of the Renewal Fellowship group. Rev. Basil Long, formerly of Orono, was the speaker and enjoyed by all present. An excellent crowd were in attendance at the Leskard U.C.W. -Mother's Day tea and bazaar held in Leskard Church hall on Saturday, May 9. Mrs. Gladys Brown entertained entertained with the usual talent in the music department. Several ladies from the Orono area attended the quilt show held Saturday, May 9 at the home of Mrs. Layng, Shiloh. Many beautiful and artistic quilts were on display, including several from the early 1900's and in excellent condition, and also the old favorite, the autograph quilt. Mrs. Madeline Hadley reports reports that the library hours are to be extended through the coming weeks, and this will be appreciated by the area residents. residents. Mr. and Mrs. David Staples held a large family gathering following the baptism of their daughter, little Alecia Corinne. Miss Laurie Benedict and Miss Denise Challice were weekend visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Murray Brown and girls, Peterborough. Peterborough. Durham Sr. Citizen's News Mrs. Margaret Green is home from the hospital and Mrs. Calder and Mrs. Dody Thompson are still in hospital. Their friends wish them all a speedy recovery. We appreciate the kindness of the local Boy Scout groups planting the trees around our fair community. Our garden plots will soon be in readiness for spring planting, and the flower beds are looking very pretty with the spring flowers in bloom. We welcome Mr. and Mrs. Martin Buck to our community community as they have taken up residence in the apartment formerly owned by Mrs. Rosella Lunn. KATHLEEN BRENNAN says WHY NOT SHAPE UP FOR -I DID I didn't look like this 45 pounds ago All of me last year I0UR CHANCE OF I LIFETIME PRE-SUMMER i a SPECIAL /2 PRICE JOIN WEIGHT WATCHERS FOR $6.00 INSTEAD OF REGULAR $12.00 FIRST MEETING FEE May 10 to 23rd, 1981 (Senior Citizens and Students join for $3.00 during .these two weeks) At the beach, on the tennis courts, at the cottage, the New Weight Watchers Food Plans can show you how to combine tasty summer fare with your summer plans and lose weight too. Would you believe Peanut Butter, Popcorn, Beer, Wine, Crackers, Coconut, Raisins, Jello and many more goodies too numerous to mention./ WEIGHT WATCHERS For Further Information Call: 826-9204 JOIN TODAY All new members receive Volume I Fun with Food Cookbook. FREE t t. »

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