i Section Two the Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, September 29,1962 1 i>4 «Sis J# Bifca ■>■} 'H f ■'» !BaHi IWI rv- 7 .^ -• o) fTt.i%sr^ tôhrsLl i'l E ffi$T rw W Any Popular Brand CANADIAN CIGARETTES Regular or King Size pkg. of 2's VIVA PAPER TOWELS pkg. of 4's COTTONELLE BATHROOM TISSUE carton Limit 2 cartons per customer jÊmm Wmr WIESK ÆMM *1j#F at Mi ^ pkg. feSj$9 lias IüéJ pkg. Warning: Health and Welfare Canada advises that- danger to health increases with amount smoked --avoid inhaling pkg. of 16 s SHOPPERS DRUG MART EXCLUSIVE HOSTESS LUNCH PAK CHIPS 100's SCOTTIES HANDY PAK FACIAL TISSUES is 10's GILLETTE TRACE BLADES Æ ir% uINvy' Lf ^ mm pkg " ,bs * mm * sb ' 3 ' m^nn uSSm chTps egbi3s r.iuHniiiijiiw mtm CHIPS *' b ' 3 ' IÏIBiMWIMIW mm CHIPS 200 mL VASELINE INTENSIVE CARE LOTION Regular or Herbal each 84's POLIDENT DENTURE CLEANSER 150 mL CREST TOOTHPASTE Assorted Types L:J each EFfERVtSCENT DENTURE CLEANSER • *' • V yv. 1 N tmi PP. • . -< v.W V' 1 t• .'Ire. .1.%^1 VOUO^ 1 /J m" Foil Wrapped 3 Tablets 1.5 litre PALMOLIVE LIQUID DETERGENT ,,ç, £y "si m .pkg. of 3's IVORY BATH BARS JORDAN TOOTHBRUSH Assorted Types IVORY IVORY 3' Si,,s S.ivons b.im Wm /X V I X. :;c. 90: "3=3" 2 7 7cm x 23.6 ci y\\> f ROUMUX M FUME* KTOtWOul U»«n 4 0» 4 4 M owm Hunt *t.Z ro x H.4 ra J FIWIES A m? 112 = c U.Uhroom TissucpPapicr /ytf/emV;m EOfAl lEffGtH (r«cat« PAR ROXtAU HR FJtCXAGC cm x I lx cm 200 mL RIGHT GUARD or SOFT & DRI ANTI-PERSPIRANT Jt >] , X'X '6MI / , / ; : yi* " " ' P Ü each 300 mL GILLETTE FOAMY SHAVECREAM m each 80 mL ANTIPHLOGISTINE RUB A-535 il each |W 200ml ® w danger 100's SUPER PARAMETTES VITAMINS pkg. Antipliloeisiinc "mum tu nu,, fiuivii»" Amiphlouistimv Anliphlonistine Anliphloiiistinn Ayorst BIC LIGHTER BIP /# wfE m êm v If each i 80's ROLAIDS ANTACID TABLETS pkg. 350 mL HEAD & SHOULDERS SHAMPOO adjustable flame flamme églabfe adjustable ■ lia mue cglable C8)S:)C?) ÊÉeZI each 3 litre FAB DETERGENT 80 TABLETS Head& Shoulders Shairtpoa'sfampcnnj 0 DIOVOL SUSPENSION (350 mL) or TABLETS (50 s) ROWNTREE YORKIE THICK CHOCOLATE BAR Assorted Types and Sizes Ï3WJ jé'pP* 'SüJ B each LIFE BRAND THERAPEUTIC BATH OIL (450 mL) or LOTION (500 mL) Everyday Low Price 4.99 Sm each SHOPPERS DRUG MART PEG-TOP CANDY Assorted Types and Sizes | Everyday Low Price 99$ for fast acting SUSftNSiON 350 ml =t=j= Dkwol fut fl»iw< vi V«J Indveilni dihntnl vathua THF.RAI'IUItlC Lotion innnAi'Fimour Sale Prices shown available to all customers on Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Sept. 3Qth, Oct. 1st, and 2nd, 1982 ~~ "4 hrm/i ! I ' j k .."i "V. VVe reserve therlghttlilliil ¥ p.v W Æ :